#include "puLocal.h" #ifdef PU_NOT_USING_GLUT #include <assert.h> #include <iostream.h> #endif #define PU_STRING_X_FUDGE 6 #define PU_STRING_Y_FUDGE 6 int puRefresh = TRUE ; #ifdef PU_NOT_USING_GLUT static int puWindowWidth = 400 ; static int puWindowHeight = 400 ; int puGetWindowHeight () { return puWindowHeight ; } int puGetWindowWidth () { return puWindowWidth ; } void puSetWindowSize ( int width, int height ) { puWindowWidth = width ; puWindowHeight = height ; } static int fontBase = 0; static int fontSize[257]; #else int puGetWindowHeight () { return glutGet ( (GLenum) GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT ) ; } int puGetWindowWidth () { return glutGet ( (GLenum) GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH ) ; } void puSetWindowSize ( int width, int height ) { fprintf ( stderr, "PUI: puSetWindowSize shouldn't be used with GLUT.\n" ) ; } #endif puColour _puDefaultColourTable[] = { { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f }, /* PUCOL_FOREGROUND */ { 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f }, /* PUCOL_BACKGROUND */ { 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f }, /* PUCOL_HIGHLIGHT */ { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }, /* PUCOL_LABEL */ { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, /* PUCOL_TEXT */ { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } /* ILLEGAL */ } ; puValue::~puValue () {} static int _puCursor_enable = FALSE ; static int _puCursor_x = 0 ; static int _puCursor_y = 0 ; static float _puCursor_bgcolour [4] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } ; static float _puCursor_fgcolour [4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } ; void puHideCursor ( void ) { _puCursor_enable = FALSE ; } void puShowCursor ( void ) { _puCursor_enable = TRUE ; } int puCursorIsHidden ( void ) { return ! _puCursor_enable ; } void puCursor ( int x, int y ) { _puCursor_x = x ; _puCursor_y = y ; } int puGetStringDescender ( void *fnt ) { if ( fnt == NULL ) fnt = PUFONT_9_BY_15 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_8_BY_13 ) return 2 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_9_BY_15 ) return 3 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_10 ) return 2 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_24 ) return 5 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_HELVETICA_10 ) return 2 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_HELVETICA_12 ) return 3 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_HELVETICA_18 ) return 4 ; return 0 ; } int puGetStringHeight ( void *fnt ) { /* Height *excluding* descender */ if ( fnt == NULL ) fnt = PUFONT_9_BY_15 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_8_BY_13 ) return 9 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_9_BY_15 ) return 10 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_10 ) return 7 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_24 ) return 17 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_HELVETICA_10 ) return 8 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_HELVETICA_12 ) return 9 ; if ( fnt == PUFONT_HELVETICA_18 ) return 14 ; return 0 ; } int puGetStringWidth ( void *fnt, char *str ) { if ( str == NULL ) return 0 ; int res = 0 ; #ifdef PU_NOT_USING_GLUT while ( *str != '\0' ) { res += fontSize [ *str ] ; str++ ; } #else if ( fnt == NULL ) fnt = PUFONT_9_BY_15 ; while ( *str != '\0' ) { res += glutBitmapWidth ( fnt, *str ) ; str++ ; } #endif return res ; } void puDrawString ( void *fnt, char *str, int x, int y ) { if ( str == NULL ) return ; glRasterPos2f((float)x, (float)y); #ifdef PU_NOT_USING_GLUT /* Display a string: indicate start of glyph display lists */ glListBase (fontBase); /* Now draw the characters in a string */ int len = strlen(str); glCallLists(len, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, str); glListBase(0); #else if ( fnt == NULL ) fnt = PUFONT_9_BY_15 ; while ( *str != '\0' ) { glutBitmapCharacter ( fnt, *str ) ; str++ ; } #endif } static void puDrawCursor ( int x, int y ) { glColor4fv ( _puCursor_bgcolour ) ; glBegin ( GL_TRIANGLES ) ; glVertex2i ( x, y ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 13, y - 4 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 4, y - 13 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 8, y - 3 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 17, y - 12 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 12, y - 17 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 12, y - 17 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 3, y - 8 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 8, y - 3 ) ; glEnd () ; glColor4fv ( _puCursor_fgcolour ) ; glBegin ( GL_TRIANGLES ) ; glVertex2i ( x+1, y-1 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 11, y - 4 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 4, y - 11 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 8, y - 5 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 15, y - 12 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 12, y - 15 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 12, y - 15 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 5, y - 8 ) ; glVertex2i ( x + 8, y - 5 ) ; glEnd () ; } void puInit ( void ) { static int firsttime = TRUE ; if ( firsttime ) { puInterface *base_interface = new puInterface ( 0, 0 ) ; puPushInterface ( base_interface ) ; puPushLiveInterface ( base_interface ) ; firsttime = FALSE ; #ifdef PU_NOT_USING_GLUT /* Create bitmaps for the device context font's first 256 glyphs */ fontBase = glGenLists(256); assert(fontBase); HDC hdc = wglGetCurrentDC(); /* Make the system font the device context's selected font */ SelectObject (hdc, GetStockObject (SYSTEM_FONT)); int *tempSize = &fontSize[1]; if ( ! GetCharWidth32 ( hdc, 1, 255, tempSize ) && ! GetCharWidth ( hdc, 1, 255, tempSize ) ) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf ; FormatMessage ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ) ; fprintf ( stderr, "PUI: Error: %s\n", (char *)lpMsgBuf ) ; LocalFree ( lpMsgBuf ) ; } wglUseFontBitmaps ( hdc, 0, 256, fontBase ) ; #endif } } static void puSetOpenGLState ( void ) { int w = puGetWindowWidth () ; int h = puGetWindowHeight () ; glPushAttrib ( GL_ENABLE_BIT | GL_VIEWPORT_BIT | GL_TRANSFORM_BIT ) ; glDisable ( GL_LIGHTING ) ; glDisable ( GL_FOG ) ; glDisable ( GL_TEXTURE_2D ) ; glDisable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ; glDisable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ; glViewport ( 0, 0, w, h ) ; glMatrixMode ( GL_PROJECTION ) ; glPushMatrix () ; glLoadIdentity () ; gluOrtho2D ( 0, w, 0, h ) ; glMatrixMode ( GL_MODELVIEW ) ; glPushMatrix () ; glLoadIdentity () ; } static void puRestoreOpenGLState ( void ) { glMatrixMode ( GL_PROJECTION ) ; glPopMatrix () ; glMatrixMode ( GL_MODELVIEW ) ; glPopMatrix () ; glPopAttrib () ; } void puDisplay ( void ) { puSetOpenGLState () ; puGetUltimateLiveInterface () -> draw ( 0, 0 ) ; int h = puGetWindowHeight () ; if ( _puCursor_enable ) puDrawCursor ( _puCursor_x, h - _puCursor_y ) ; puRestoreOpenGLState () ; } int puKeyboard ( int key, int updown ) { return puGetBaseLiveInterface () -> checkKey ( key, updown ) ; } static int last_buttons = 0 ; int puMouse ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) { puCursor ( x, y ) ; int h = puGetWindowHeight () ; if ( updown == PU_DOWN ) last_buttons |= ( 1 << button ) ; else last_buttons &= ~( 1 << button ) ; return puGetBaseLiveInterface () -> checkHit ( button, updown, x, h - y ) ; } int puMouse ( int x, int y ) { puCursor ( x, y ) ; if ( last_buttons == 0 ) return FALSE ; int button = (last_buttons & (1<<PU_LEFT_BUTTON )) ? PU_LEFT_BUTTON : (last_buttons & (1<<PU_MIDDLE_BUTTON)) ? PU_MIDDLE_BUTTON : (last_buttons & (1<<PU_RIGHT_BUTTON )) ? PU_RIGHT_BUTTON : 0 ; int h = puGetWindowHeight () ; return puGetBaseLiveInterface () -> checkHit ( button, PU_DRAG, x, h - y ) ; }