// AirportDiagram.cxx - part of GUI launcher using Qt5 // // Written by James Turner, started December 2014. // // Copyright (C) 2014 James Turner <zakalawe@mac.com> // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #include "AirportDiagram.hxx" #include <limits> #include <simgear/sg_inlines.h> #include <QPainter> #include <QDebug> #include <QVector2D> #include <QMouseEvent> #include <Airports/airport.hxx> #include <Airports/runways.hxx> #include <Airports/parking.hxx> #include <Airports/pavement.hxx> #include <Airports/groundnetwork.hxx> #include <Navaids/navrecord.hxx> #include <Navaids/NavDataCache.hxx> #include "QmlPositioned.hxx" static double distanceToLineSegment(const QVector2D& p, const QVector2D& a, const QVector2D& b, double* outT = NULL) { QVector2D ab(b - a); QVector2D ac(p - a); // Squared length, to avoid a sqrt const qreal len2 = ab.lengthSquared(); // Line null, the projection can't exist, we return the first point if (qIsNull(len2)) { if (outT) { *outT = 0.0; } return (p - a).length(); } // Parametric value of the projection on the line const qreal t = (ac.x() * ab.x() + ac.y() * ab.y()) / len2; if (t < 0.0) { // Point is before the first point if (outT) { *outT = 0.0; } return (p - a).length(); } else if (t > 1.0) { // Point is after the second point if (outT) { *outT = 1.0; } return (p - b).length(); } else { if (outT) { *outT = t; } const QVector2D proj = a + t * ab; return (proj - p).length(); } return 0.0; } static double unitLengthAfterMapping(const QTransform& t) { const QPointF tVec = t.map(QPointF(1.0, 0.0)) - t.map(QPointF(0.0, 0.0)); return QVector2D(tVec).length(); } AirportDiagram::AirportDiagram(QQuickItem* pr) : BaseDiagram(pr), m_approachDistanceNm(-1.0) { m_parkingIconPath.moveTo(0,0); m_parkingIconPath.lineTo(-16, -16); m_parkingIconPath.lineTo(-64, -16); m_parkingIconPath.lineTo(-64, 16); m_parkingIconPath.lineTo(-16, 16); m_parkingIconPath.lineTo(0, 0); m_parkingIconLeftPath.moveTo(0,0); m_parkingIconLeftPath.lineTo(16, -16); m_parkingIconLeftPath.lineTo(64, -16); m_parkingIconLeftPath.lineTo(64, 16); m_parkingIconLeftPath.lineTo(16, 16); m_parkingIconLeftPath.lineTo(0, 0); m_helipadIconPath.moveTo(0,0); m_helipadIconPath.addEllipse(QPointF(0, 0), 16.0, 16.0); m_helipadIconPath.addEllipse(QPointF(0, 0), 13.0, 13.0); QFont f; f.setPixelSize(24.0); f.setBold(true); QFontMetricsF metrics(f); qreal xOffset = metrics.width("H") * 0.5; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050800 qreal yOffset = metrics.capHeight() * 0.5; #else // capHeight is not avaialble in 5.7 and lower, compute // it using tightBoundingRect qreal yOffset = -0.5 * metrics.tightBoundingRect("H").y(); #endif m_helipadIconPath.addText(-xOffset, yOffset, f, "H"); } AirportDiagram::~AirportDiagram() { } void AirportDiagram::setAirport(FGAirportRef apt) { m_airport = apt; m_projectionCenter = apt ? apt->geod() : SGGeod(); m_runways.clear(); m_parking.clear(); m_helipads.clear(); if (apt) { if (apt->type() == FGPositioned::HELIPORT) { for (unsigned int r=0; r<apt->numHelipads(); ++r) { FGHelipadRef pad = apt->getHelipadByIndex(r); // add pad with index as data role addHelipad(pad); } } else { for (unsigned int r=0; r<apt->numRunways(); ++r) { addRunway(apt->getRunwayByIndex(r)); } } FGGroundNetwork* ground = apt->groundNetwork(); if (ground && ground->exists()) { for (auto park : ground->allParkings()) { addParking(park); } } // of was able to get ground-network buildTaxiways(); buildPavements(); } clearIgnoredNavaids(); addIgnoredNavaid(apt); recomputeBounds(true); update(); } void AirportDiagram::setSelection(QmlPositioned* pos) { if (pos && (m_selection == pos->inner())) { return; } if (!pos) { m_selection.clear(); } else { m_selection = pos->inner(); } emit selectionChanged(); recomputeBounds(true); update(); } void AirportDiagram::setApproachExtensionNm(double distanceNm) { if (m_approachDistanceNm == distanceNm) { return; } m_approachDistanceNm = distanceNm; recomputeBounds(true); update(); emit approachExtensionChanged(); } double AirportDiagram::approachExtensionNm() const { return m_approachDistanceNm; } QmlPositioned* AirportDiagram::selection() const { if (!m_selection) return nullptr; return new QmlPositioned{m_selection}; } qlonglong AirportDiagram::airportGuid() const { if (!m_airport) return 0; return m_airport->guid(); } void AirportDiagram::setAirportGuid(qlonglong guid) { if (guid == -1) { m_airport.clear(); } else { m_airport = fgpositioned_cast<FGAirport>(flightgear::NavDataCache::instance()->loadById(guid)); } setAirport(m_airport); emit airportChanged(); } void AirportDiagram::addRunway(FGRunwayRef rwy) { Q_FOREACH(RunwayData rd, m_runways) { if (rd.runway == rwy->reciprocalRunway()) { return; // only add one end of reciprocal runways } } RunwayData r; r.p1 = project(rwy->geod()); r.p2 = project(rwy->end()); r.widthM = qRound(rwy->widthM()); r.runway = rwy; m_runways.append(r); extendBounds(r.p1); extendBounds(r.p2); update(); } void AirportDiagram::doComputeBounds() { Q_FOREACH(const RunwayData& r, m_runways) { extendBounds(r.p1); extendBounds(r.p2); } Q_FOREACH(const TaxiwayData& t, m_taxiways) { extendBounds(t.p1); extendBounds(t.p2); } Q_FOREACH(const ParkingData& p, m_parking) { extendBounds(p.pt, 10.0); } Q_FOREACH(const HelipadData& p, m_helipads) { extendBounds(p.pt, 20.0); } FGRunway* runwaySelection = fgpositioned_cast<FGRunway>(m_selection); if (runwaySelection && (m_approachDistanceNm > 0.0)) { double d = SG_NM_TO_METER * m_approachDistanceNm; QPointF pt = project(runwaySelection->pointOnCenterline(-d)); extendBounds(pt); } } void AirportDiagram::addParking(FGParkingRef park) { ParkingData pd = { project(park->geod()), park }; m_parking.push_back(pd); extendBounds(pd.pt); update(); } void AirportDiagram::addHelipad(FGHelipadRef pad) { HelipadData pd = { project(pad->geod()), pad }; m_helipads.push_back(pd); extendBounds(pd.pt); update(); } void AirportDiagram::paintContents(QPainter* p) { QTransform t = p->transform(); // pavements QBrush brush(QColor(0x9f, 0x9f, 0x9f)); Q_FOREACH(const QPainterPath& path, m_pavements) { p->drawPath(path); } // taxiways Q_FOREACH(const TaxiwayData& t, m_taxiways) { QPen pen(QColor(0x9f, 0x9f, 0x9f)); pen.setWidth(t.widthM); p->setPen(pen); p->drawLine(t.p1, t.p2); } drawHelipads(p); drawParkings(p); // runways QFont f; f.setPixelSize(14); p->setFont(f); // draw ILS first so underneath all runways QPen pen(QColor(0x5f, 0x5f, 0x5f)); pen.setWidth(1); pen.setCosmetic(true); p->setPen(pen); Q_FOREACH(const RunwayData& r, m_runways) { drawILS(p, r.runway); drawILS(p, r.runway->reciprocalRunway()); } bool drawAircraft = false; SGGeod aircraftPos; int headingDeg; FGRunway* runwaySelection = fgpositioned_cast<FGRunway>(m_selection); // now draw the runways for real Q_FOREACH(const RunwayData& r, m_runways) { QColor color(Qt::magenta); if ((r.runway == runwaySelection) || (r.runway->reciprocalRunway() == runwaySelection)) { color = Qt::yellow; } p->setTransform(t); QPen pen(color); pen.setWidth(r.widthM); p->setPen(pen); p->drawLine(r.p1, r.p2); // draw idents QString ident = QString::fromStdString(r.runway->ident()); p->translate(r.p1); p->rotate(r.runway->headingDeg()); // invert scaling factor so we can use screen pixel sizes here p->scale(1.0 / m_scale, 1.0/ m_scale); p->setPen((r.runway == runwaySelection) ? Qt::yellow : Qt::magenta); p->drawText(QRect(-100, 5, 200, 200), ident, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop); FGRunway* recip = r.runway->reciprocalRunway(); QString recipIdent = QString::fromStdString(recip->ident()); p->setTransform(t); p->translate(r.p2); p->rotate(recip->headingDeg()); p->scale(1.0 / m_scale, 1.0/ m_scale); p->setPen((r.runway->reciprocalRunway() == runwaySelection) ? Qt::yellow : Qt::magenta); p->drawText(QRect(-100, 5, 200, 200), recipIdent, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop); } if (runwaySelection) { drawAircraft = true; aircraftPos = runwaySelection->geod(); headingDeg = runwaySelection->headingDeg(); } if (runwaySelection && (m_approachDistanceNm > 0.0)) { p->setTransform(t); // draw approach extension point double d = SG_NM_TO_METER * m_approachDistanceNm; QPointF pt = project(runwaySelection->pointOnCenterline(-d)); QPointF pt2 = project(runwaySelection->geod()); QPen pen(Qt::yellow); pen.setWidth(2.0 / m_scale); p->setPen(pen); p->drawLine(pt, pt2); aircraftPos = runwaySelection->pointOnCenterline(-d); } if (drawAircraft) { p->setTransform(t); paintAirplaneIcon(p, aircraftPos, headingDeg); } #if 0 p->resetTransform(); QPen testPen(Qt::cyan); testPen.setWidth(1); testPen.setCosmetic(true); p->setPen(testPen); p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); double minWidth = 8.0 * unitLengthAfterMapping(t.inverted()); Q_FOREACH(const RunwayData& r, m_runways) { QPainterPath pp = pathForRunway(r, t, minWidth); p->drawPath(pp); } // of runways iteration #endif } void AirportDiagram::drawHelipads(QPainter* painter) { FGHelipad* selectedHelipad = fgpositioned_cast<FGHelipad>(m_selection); Q_FOREACH(const HelipadData& p, m_helipads) { painter->save(); painter->translate(p.pt); if (p.helipad == selectedHelipad) { painter->setBrush(Qt::yellow); } else { painter->setBrush(Qt::magenta); } painter->drawPath(m_helipadIconPath); painter->restore(); } } void AirportDiagram::drawParking(QPainter* painter, const ParkingData& p) const { painter->save(); painter->translate(p.pt); double hdg = p.parking->getHeading(); bool useLeftIcon = false; QRect labelRect(-62, -14, 40, 28); if (hdg > 180.0) { hdg += 90; useLeftIcon = true; labelRect = QRect(22, -14, 40, 28); } else { hdg -= 90; } painter->rotate(hdg); painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); FGParking* selectedParking = fgpositioned_cast<FGParking>(m_selection); if (p.parking == selectedParking) { painter->setBrush(Qt::yellow); } else { painter->setBrush(QColor(255, 196, 196)); // kind of pink } painter->drawPath(useLeftIcon ? m_parkingIconLeftPath : m_parkingIconPath); // ensure the selection colour is quite visible, by not filling // with white when selected if (p.parking != selectedParking) { painter->fillRect(labelRect, Qt::white); } QFont f = painter->font(); f.setPixelSize(20); painter->setFont(f); QString parkingName = QString::fromStdString(p.parking->name()); int textFlags = Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::TextWordWrap; QRectF bounds = painter->boundingRect(labelRect, textFlags, parkingName); if (bounds.height() > labelRect.height()) { f.setPixelSize(10); painter->setFont(f); } // draw text painter->setPen(Qt::black); painter->drawText(labelRect, textFlags, parkingName); painter->restore(); } AirportDiagram::ParkingData AirportDiagram::findParkingData(const FGParkingRef &pk) const { FGParking* selectedParking = fgpositioned_cast<FGParking>(m_selection); if (!selectedParking) return {}; Q_FOREACH(const ParkingData& p, m_parking) { if (p.parking == selectedParking) { return p; } } return {}; } void AirportDiagram::drawParkings(QPainter* painter) const { FGParking* selectedParking = fgpositioned_cast<FGParking>(m_selection); Q_FOREACH(const ParkingData& p, m_parking) { if (p.parking == selectedParking) { continue; // skip and draw last } drawParking(painter, p); } if (selectedParking) { drawParking(painter, findParkingData(selectedParking)); } } void AirportDiagram::drawILS(QPainter* painter, FGRunwayRef runway) const { if (!runway) return; FGNavRecord* loc = runway->ILS(); if (!loc) return; double halfBeamWidth = loc->localizerWidth() * 0.5; QPointF threshold = project(runway->threshold()); double rangeM = loc->get_range() * SG_NM_TO_METER; double radial = loc->get_multiuse(); SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(radial, 0.0, 360.0); // compute the three end points at the wide end of the arrow QPointF endCentre = project(SGGeodesy::direct(loc->geod(), radial, -rangeM)); QPointF endR = project(SGGeodesy::direct(loc->geod(), radial + halfBeamWidth, -rangeM * 1.1)); QPointF endL = project(SGGeodesy::direct(loc->geod(), radial - halfBeamWidth, -rangeM * 1.1)); painter->drawLine(threshold, endCentre); painter->drawLine(threshold, endL); painter->drawLine(threshold, endR); painter->drawLine(endL, endCentre); painter->drawLine(endR, endCentre); } void AirportDiagram::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* me) { me->accept(); QTransform t(transform()); double minWidth = 8.0 * unitLengthAfterMapping(t.inverted()); #if 0 QImage img(width(), height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); QPainter imgPaint(&img); imgPaint.setPen(QPen(Qt::cyan, 1)); #endif Q_FOREACH(const RunwayData& r, m_runways) { QPainterPath pp = pathForRunway(r, t, minWidth); if (pp.contains(me->pos())) { // check which end was clicked QPointF p1(t.map(r.p1)), p2(t.map(r.p2)); double param; distanceToLineSegment(QVector2D(me->pos()), QVector2D(p1), QVector2D(p2), ¶m); const FGRunwayRef clickedRunway = (param > 0.5) ? FGRunwayRef{r.runway->reciprocalRunway()} : r.runway; emit clicked(new QmlPositioned{clickedRunway}); return; } } // of runways iteration Q_FOREACH(const ParkingData& parking, m_parking) { QPainterPath pp = pathForParking(parking, t); if (pp.contains(me->pos())) { emit clicked(new QmlPositioned{parking.parking}); return; } } Q_FOREACH(const HelipadData& pad, m_helipads) { QPainterPath pp = pathForHelipad(pad, t); //imgPaint.drawPath(pp); if (pp.contains(me->pos())) { emit clicked(new QmlPositioned{pad.helipad}); return; } } #if 0 img.save("/Users/jmt/Desktop/img.png"); #endif } QPainterPath AirportDiagram::pathForRunway(const RunwayData& r, const QTransform& t, const double minWidth) const { QPainterPath pp; double width = qMax(static_cast<double>(r.widthM), minWidth); double halfWidth = width * 0.5; QVector2D v = QVector2D(r.p2 - r.p1); v.normalize(); QVector2D halfVec = QVector2D(v.y(), -v.x()) * halfWidth; pp.moveTo(r.p1 - halfVec.toPointF()); pp.lineTo(r.p1 + halfVec.toPointF()); pp.lineTo(r.p2 + halfVec.toPointF()); pp.lineTo(r.p2 - halfVec.toPointF()); pp.closeSubpath(); return t.map(pp); } QPainterPath AirportDiagram::pathForParking(const ParkingData& p, const QTransform& t) const { bool useLeftIcon = false; double hdg = p.parking->getHeading(); if (hdg > 180.0) { hdg += 90; useLeftIcon = true; } else { hdg -= 90; } QTransform x = t; x.translate(p.pt.x(), p.pt.y()); x.rotate(hdg); return x.map(useLeftIcon ? m_parkingIconLeftPath : m_parkingIconPath); } QPainterPath AirportDiagram::pathForHelipad(const HelipadData& h, const QTransform& t) const { QTransform x = t; x.translate(h.pt.x(), h.pt.y()); return x.map(m_helipadIconPath); } void AirportDiagram::buildTaxiways() { m_taxiways.clear(); for (unsigned int tIndex=0; tIndex < m_airport->numTaxiways(); ++tIndex) { FGTaxiwayRef tx = m_airport->getTaxiwayByIndex(tIndex); TaxiwayData td; td.p1 = project(tx->geod()); td.p2 = project(tx->pointOnCenterline(tx->lengthM())); td.widthM = tx->widthM(); m_taxiways.append(td); } } void AirportDiagram::buildPavements() { m_pavements.clear(); for (unsigned int pIndex=0; pIndex < m_airport->numPavements(); ++pIndex) { FGPavementRef pave = m_airport->getPavementByIndex(pIndex); if (pave->getNodeList().empty()) { continue; } QPainterPath pp; QPointF startPoint; bool closed = true; QPointF p0 = project(pave->getNodeList().front()->mPos); FGPavement::NodeList::const_iterator it; for (it = pave->getNodeList().begin(); it != pave->getNodeList().end(); ) { const FGPavement::BezierNode *bn = dynamic_cast<const FGPavement::BezierNode *>(it->get()); bool close = (*it)->mClose; // increment iterator so we can look at the next point ++it; QPointF nextPoint = (it == pave->getNodeList().end()) ? startPoint : project((*it)->mPos); if (bn) { QPointF control = project(bn->mControl); QPointF endPoint = close ? startPoint : nextPoint; pp.quadTo(control, endPoint); } else { // straight line segment if (closed) { pp.moveTo(p0); closed = false; startPoint = p0; } else pp.lineTo(p0); } if (close) { closed = true; pp.closeSubpath(); startPoint = QPointF(); } p0 = nextPoint; } // of nodes iteration if (!closed) { pp.closeSubpath(); } m_pavements.append(pp); } // of pavements iteration }