# Find Sqlite3 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Copyright (c) 2007, Martin Dobias <wonder.sk at gmail.com> # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # # CMake module to search for Sqlite3 library # # If it's found it sets SQLITE3_FOUND to TRUE # and following variables are set: # SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR # SQLITE3_LIBRARY # FIND_PATH and FIND_LIBRARY normally search standard locations # before the specified paths. To search non-standard paths first, # FIND_* is invoked first with specified paths and NO_DEFAULT_PATH # and then again with no specified paths to search the default # locations. When an earlier FIND_* succeeds, subsequent FIND_*s # searching for the same item do nothing. FIND_PATH(SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR sqlite3.h PATH_SUFFIXES include HINTS $ENV{SQLITE3DIR} PATHS /usr/local /usr /opt/local ) FIND_LIBRARY(SQLITE3_LIBRARY NAMES sqlite3 sqlite3 HINTS $ENV{SQLITE3DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib libs64 libs libs/Win32 libs/Win64 PATHS /usr/local /usr /opt/local ) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(SQLITE3 DEFAULT_MSG SQLITE3_LIBRARY SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR)