// new_gui.cxx: implementation of XML-configurable GUI support. #include "new_gui.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include
#include "menubar.hxx" #include "dialog.hxx" extern puFont FONT_HELVETICA_14; extern puFont FONT_SANS_12B; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation of NewGUI. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NewGUI::NewGUI () : _font(FONT_HELVETICA_14), _menubar(new FGMenuBar), _active_dialog(0) { } NewGUI::~NewGUI () { clear(); } void NewGUI::init () { setStyle(); char path1[1024]; char path2[1024]; ulMakePath(path1, globals->get_fg_root().c_str(), "gui"); ulMakePath(path2, path1, "dialogs"); readDir(path2); _menubar->init(); } void NewGUI::reinit () { map::iterator iter; vector dlg; // close all open dialogs and remember them ... for (iter = _active_dialogs.begin(); iter != _active_dialogs.end(); iter++) { dlg.push_back(iter->first); closeDialog(iter->first); } unbind(); clear(); setStyle(); _menubar = new FGMenuBar; init(); bind(); // open remembered dialogs again (no nasal generated ones, unfortunately) // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dlg.size(); i++) // showDialog(dlg[i]); } void NewGUI::bind () { fgTie("/sim/menubar/visibility", this, &NewGUI::getMenuBarVisible, &NewGUI::setMenuBarVisible); } void NewGUI::unbind () { fgUntie("/sim/menubar/visibility"); } void NewGUI::update (double delta_time_sec) { map::iterator iter = _active_dialogs.begin(); for(/**/; iter != _active_dialogs.end(); iter++) iter->second->update(); } bool NewGUI::showDialog (const string &name) { if (_dialog_props.find(name) == _dialog_props.end()) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Dialog " << name << " not defined"); return false; } else { if(!_active_dialogs[name]) _active_dialogs[name] = new FGDialog(_dialog_props[name]); return true; } } bool NewGUI::closeActiveDialog () { if (_active_dialog == 0) return false; // Kill any entries in _active_dialogs... Is there an STL // algorithm to do (delete map entries by value, not key)? I hate // the STL :) -Andy map::iterator iter = _active_dialogs.begin(); for(/**/; iter != _active_dialogs.end(); iter++) { if(iter->second == _active_dialog) { _active_dialogs.erase(iter); // iter is no longer valid break; } } delete _active_dialog; _active_dialog = 0; return true; } bool NewGUI::closeDialog (const string& name) { if(_active_dialogs.find(name) != _active_dialogs.end()) { if(_active_dialog == _active_dialogs[name]) _active_dialog = 0; delete _active_dialogs[name]; _active_dialogs.erase(name); return true; } return false; // dialog wasn't open... } void NewGUI::setActiveDialog (FGDialog * dialog) { _active_dialog = dialog; } FGDialog * NewGUI::getActiveDialog () { return _active_dialog; } FGMenuBar * NewGUI::getMenuBar () { return _menubar; } bool NewGUI::getMenuBarVisible () const { return _menubar->isVisible(); } void NewGUI::setMenuBarVisible (bool visible) { if (visible) _menubar->show(); else _menubar->hide(); } void NewGUI::clear () { delete _menubar; _menubar = 0; _dialog_props.clear(); _colors.clear(); } static bool test_extension (const char * path, const char * ext) { int pathlen = strlen(path); int extlen = strlen(ext); for (int i = 1; i <= pathlen && i <= extlen; i++) { if (path[pathlen-i] != ext[extlen-i]) return false; } return true; } void NewGUI::newDialog (SGPropertyNode* props) { const char* cname = props->getStringValue("name"); if(!cname) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "New dialog has no property"); return; } string name = cname; if(!_active_dialogs[name]) _dialog_props[name] = props; } void NewGUI::readDir (const char * path) { ulDir * dir = ulOpenDir(path); if (dir == 0) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Failed to read GUI files from " << path); return; } for (ulDirEnt * dirEnt = ulReadDir(dir); dirEnt != 0; dirEnt = ulReadDir(dir)) { char subpath[1024]; ulMakePath(subpath, path, dirEnt->d_name); if (!dirEnt->d_isdir && test_extension(subpath, ".xml")) { SGPropertyNode * props = new SGPropertyNode; try { readProperties(subpath, props); } catch (const sg_exception &) { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, "Error parsing dialog " << subpath); delete props; continue; } SGPropertyNode *nameprop = props->getNode("name"); if (!nameprop) { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_WARN, "dialog " << subpath << " has no name; skipping."); delete props; continue; } string name = nameprop->getStringValue(); if (_dialog_props[name]) delete (SGPropertyNode *)_dialog_props[name]; _dialog_props[name] = props; } } ulCloseDir(dir); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Style handling. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void NewGUI::setStyle (void) { _colors.clear(); // set up the traditional colors as default _colors["background"] = new FGColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 0.85f); _colors["foreground"] = new FGColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); _colors["highlight"] = new FGColor(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f); _colors["label"] = new FGColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); _colors["legend"] = new FGColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); _colors["misc"] = new FGColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); //puSetDefaultStyle(); int which = fgGetInt("/sim/current-gui", 0); SGPropertyNode *sim = globals->get_props()->getNode("sim"); SGPropertyNode *n = sim->getChild("gui", which); if (!n) n = sim->getChild("gui", 0, true); setupFont(n->getNode("font", true)); n = n->getNode("colors", true); for (int i = 0; i < n->nChildren(); i++) { SGPropertyNode *child = n->getChild(i); _colors[child->getName()] = new FGColor(child); } FGColor *c = _colors["background"]; puSetDefaultColourScheme(c->red(), c->green(), c->blue(), c->alpha()); } static const struct { char *name; puFont *font; } guifonts[] = { { "default", &FONT_HELVETICA_14 }, { "FIXED_8x13", &PUFONT_8_BY_13 }, { "FIXED_9x15", &PUFONT_9_BY_15 }, { "TIMES_10", &PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_10 }, { "TIMES_24", &PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_24 }, { "HELVETICA_10", &PUFONT_HELVETICA_10 }, { "HELVETICA_12", &PUFONT_HELVETICA_12 }, { "HELVETICA_14", &FONT_HELVETICA_14 }, { "HELVETICA_18", &PUFONT_HELVETICA_18 }, { "SANS_12B", &FONT_SANS_12B }, { 0, 0 } }; void NewGUI::setupFont (SGPropertyNode *node) { string fontname = node->getStringValue("name", "Helvetica.txf"); float size = node->getFloatValue("size", 15.0); float slant = node->getFloatValue("slant", 0.0); int i; for (i = 0; guifonts[i].name; i++) if (fontname == guifonts[i].name) break; if (guifonts[i].name) _font = *guifonts[i].font; else { SGPath fontpath; char* envp = ::getenv("FG_FONTS"); if (envp != NULL) { fontpath.set(envp); } else { fontpath.set(globals->get_fg_root()); fontpath.append("Fonts"); } SGPath path(fontpath); path.append(fontname); if (_tex_font.load((char *)path.c_str())) { _font.initialize((fntFont *)&_tex_font, size, slant); } else { _font = *guifonts[0].font; fontname = "default"; } } puSetDefaultFonts(_font, _font); node->setStringValue("name", fontname.c_str()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FGColor class. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool FGColor::merge(const SGPropertyNode *node) { if (!node) return false; bool dirty = false; const SGPropertyNode * n; if ((n = node->getNode("red"))) _red = n->getFloatValue(), dirty = true; if ((n = node->getNode("green"))) _green = n->getFloatValue(), dirty = true; if ((n = node->getNode("blue"))) _blue = n->getFloatValue(), dirty = true; if ((n = node->getNode("alpha"))) _alpha = n->getFloatValue(), dirty = true; return dirty; } bool FGColor::merge(const FGColor& color) { bool dirty = false; if (color._red >= 0.0) _red = color._red, dirty = true; if (color._green >= 0.0) _green = color._green, dirty = true; if (color._blue >= 0.0) _blue = color._blue, dirty = true; if (color._alpha >= 0.0) _alpha = color._alpha, dirty = true; return dirty; } // FGFontCache::FGFontCache() { char *envp = ::getenv("FG_FONTS"); if (envp != NULL) { _path.set(envp); } else { _path.set(globals->get_fg_root()); _path.append("Fonts"); } for (int i=0; guifonts[i].name; i++) _fonts[guifonts[i].name] = guifonts[i].font; } FGFontCache::~FGFontCache() { _fonts.clear(); } puFont * FGFontCache::get(const char *name, float size, float slant) { puFont *font; _itt_t it; if ((it = _fonts.find(name)) == _fonts.end()) { SGPath path(_path); path.append(name); fntTexFont tex_font; if (tex_font.load((char *)path.c_str())) { font = new puFont; font->initialize((fntFont *)&tex_font, size, slant); _fonts[name] = font; } else { font = _fonts["default"]; // puSetDefaultFonts(font, font); } } else { font = it->second; } return font; } puFont * FGFontCache::get(SGPropertyNode *node) { const char *name = node->getStringValue("name", "Helvetica.txf"); float size = node->getFloatValue("size", 15.0); float slant = node->getFloatValue("slant", 0.0); return get(name, size, slant); } // end of new_gui.cxx