// Owner Drawn Gauge helper class // // Written by Harald JOHNSEN, started May 2005. // // Copyright (C) 2005 Harald JOHNSEN // // Ported to OSG by Tim Moore - Jun 2007 // // Heavily modified to be usable for the 2d Canvas by Thomas Geymayer - April 2012 // Supports now multisampling/mipmapping, usage of the stencil buffer and placing // the texture in the scene by certain filter criteria // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <osg/Texture2D> #include <osg/AlphaFunc> #include <osg/BlendFunc> #include <osg/Camera> #include <osg/Geode> #include <osg/NodeVisitor> #include <osg/Matrix> #include <osg/PolygonMode> #include <osg/ShadeModel> #include <osg/StateSet> #include <osg/FrameBufferObject> // for GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT on Windows #include <osgDB/FileNameUtils> #include <simgear/canvas/CanvasObjectPlacement.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/material/EffectGeode.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/util/RenderConstants.hxx> #include <Main/globals.hxx> #include <Scenery/scenery.hxx> #include "od_gauge.hxx" #include <cassert> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FGODGauge::FGODGauge() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FGODGauge::~FGODGauge() { } /* * Used to remember the located groups that require modification */ typedef struct { osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> parent; osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> node; unsigned int unit; } GroupListItem; /** * Replace a texture in the airplane model with the gauge texture. */ class ReplaceStaticTextureVisitor: public osg::NodeVisitor { public: typedef osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> GroupPtr; typedef osg::ref_ptr<osg::Material> MaterialPtr; ReplaceStaticTextureVisitor( const char* name, osg::Texture2D* new_texture ): osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN), _tex_name( osgDB::getSimpleFileName(name) ), _new_texture(new_texture), _cull_callback(0) {} ReplaceStaticTextureVisitor( SGPropertyNode* placement, osg::Texture2D* new_texture, osg::NodeCallback* cull_callback = 0, const simgear::canvas::CanvasWeakPtr& canvas = simgear::canvas::CanvasWeakPtr() ): osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN), _tex_name( osgDB::getSimpleFileName( placement->getStringValue("texture")) ), _node_name( placement->getStringValue("node") ), _parent_name( placement->getStringValue("parent") ), _node(placement), _new_texture(new_texture), _cull_callback(cull_callback), _canvas(canvas) { if( _tex_name.empty() && _node_name.empty() && _parent_name.empty() ) SG_LOG ( SG_GL, SG_WARN, "No filter criterion for replacing texture. " " Every texture will be replaced!" ); } /** * Get a list of groups which have been inserted into the scene graph to * replace the given texture */ simgear::canvas::Placements& getPlacements() { return _placements; } virtual void apply(osg::Geode& node) { simgear::EffectGeode* effectGeode = dynamic_cast<simgear::EffectGeode*>(&node); if( !effectGeode ) return; simgear::Effect* eff = effectGeode->getEffect(); if (!eff) return; osg::StateSet* ss = eff->getDefaultStateSet(); if( !ss ) return; osg::Group *parent = node.getParent(0); if( !_node_name.empty() && getNodeName(*parent) != _node_name ) return; if( !_parent_name.empty() ) { // Traverse nodes upwards starting at the parent node (skip current // node) const osg::NodePath& np = getNodePath(); bool found = false; for( int i = static_cast<int>(np.size()) - 2; i >= 0; --i ) { const osg::Node* path_segment = np[i]; const osg::Node* path_parent = path_segment->getParent(0); // A node without a name is always the parent of the root node of // the model just containing the file name if( path_parent && path_parent->getName().empty() ) return; if( path_segment->getName() == _parent_name ) { found = true; break; } } if( !found ) return; } for( unsigned int unit = 0; unit < ss->getNumTextureAttributeLists(); ++unit ) { osg::Texture2D* tex = dynamic_cast<osg::Texture2D*> ( ss->getTextureAttribute(unit, osg::StateAttribute::TEXTURE) ); if( !tex || !tex->getImage() || tex == _new_texture ) continue; if( !_tex_name.empty() ) { std::string tex_name = tex->getImage()->getFileName(); std::string tex_name_simple = osgDB::getSimpleFileName(tex_name); if( !osgDB::equalCaseInsensitive(_tex_name, tex_name_simple) ) continue; } /* * remember this group for modification once the scenegraph has been traversed */ groups_to_modify.push_back({ parent, &node, unit }); return; } } /* * this section of code used to be in the apply method above, however to work this requires modification of the scenegraph nodes * that are currently iterating, so instead the apply method will locate the groups to be modified and when finished then the * nodes can actually be modified safely. Initially found thanks to the debug RTL in MSVC2015 throwing an exception. * should be called immediately after the visitor to ensure that the groups are still valid and that nothing else has modified these groups. */ void modify_groups() { for (auto g : groups_to_modify) { // insert a new group between the geode an it's parent which overrides // the texture GroupPtr group = new osg::Group; group->setName("canvas texture group"); group->addChild(g.node); g.parent->removeChild(g.node); g.parent->addChild(group); if (_cull_callback) group->setCullCallback(_cull_callback); osg::StateSet* stateSet = group->getOrCreateStateSet(); stateSet->setTextureAttribute(g.unit, _new_texture, osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); stateSet->setTextureMode(g.unit, GL_TEXTURE_2D, osg::StateAttribute::ON); _placements.push_back(simgear::canvas::PlacementPtr( new simgear::canvas::ObjectPlacement(_node, group, _canvas) )); SG_LOG ( SG_GL, SG_INFO, "Replaced texture '" << _tex_name << "'" << " for object '" << g.parent->getName() << "'" << (!_parent_name.empty() ? " with parent '" + _parent_name + "'" : "") ); } groups_to_modify.clear(); } protected: std::string _tex_name, ///<! Name of texture to be replaced _node_name, ///<! Only replace if node name matches _parent_name; ///<! Only replace if any parent node matches /// given name (all the tree upwards) SGPropertyNode_ptr _node; osg::Texture2D *_new_texture; osg::NodeCallback *_cull_callback; typedef std::vector<GroupListItem> GroupList; GroupList groups_to_modify; simgear::canvas::CanvasWeakPtr _canvas; simgear::canvas::Placements _placements; const std::string& getNodeName(const osg::Node& node) const { if( !node.getName().empty() ) return node.getName(); // Special handling for pick animation which clears the name of the object // and instead sets the name of a parent group with one or two groups // attached (one for normal rendering and one for the picking highlight). osg::Group const* parent = node.getParent(0); if( parent->getName() == "pick render group" ) return parent->getParent(0)->getName(); return node.getName(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ simgear::canvas::Placements FGODGauge::set_texture( osg::Node* branch, const char * name, osg::Texture2D* new_texture ) { ReplaceStaticTextureVisitor visitor(name, new_texture); branch->accept(visitor); visitor.modify_groups(); return visitor.getPlacements(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ simgear::canvas::Placements FGODGauge::set_aircraft_texture( const char* name, osg::Texture2D* new_texture ) { return set_texture ( globals->get_scenery()->get_aircraft_branch(), name, new_texture ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ simgear::canvas::Placements FGODGauge::set_texture( osg::Node* branch, SGPropertyNode* placement, osg::Texture2D* new_texture, osg::NodeCallback* cull_callback, const simgear::canvas::CanvasWeakPtr& canvas ) { ReplaceStaticTextureVisitor visitor( placement, new_texture, cull_callback, canvas ); branch->accept(visitor); visitor.modify_groups(); return visitor.getPlacements(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ simgear::canvas::Placements FGODGauge::set_aircraft_texture( SGPropertyNode* placement, osg::Texture2D* new_texture, osg::NodeCallback* cull_callback, const simgear::canvas::CanvasWeakPtr& canvas ) { return set_texture ( globals->get_scenery()->get_aircraft_branch(), placement, new_texture, cull_callback, canvas ); }