#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Test script for record/replay. Only tested on Unix. E.g.: ./flightgear/scripts/python/recordreplay.py -f run_fgfs.sh Args: --all Run all tests (this is default). --continuous BOOLS --extra-properties BOOLS --it-max <it> Set min iteration (inclusive) to run; useful when fixing tests and retrying. --it-min <it> Set max iteration (exclusive) to run; useful when fixing tests and retrying. --main-view BOOLS --multiplayer -f <fgfs> The fgfs executable to use. Default assumes the Walk build system. --f-old <fgfs-old> A second fgfs executable. If specified we run all tests twice, first using <fgfs-old> to create the recording and <fgfs> to replay it, second the other way round. --test-motion Checks that speed of aircraft on replay is not affected by frame rate. We deliberately change frame rate while recording UFO moving at constant speed. BOOLS is comma-sparated list of 0 or 1, with 1 activating the particular feature. So for example '--continuous 0' tests normal recording/replay', '--continuous 1' tests continuous recording/replay, and continuous 0,1' tests both. We test all combinations of continuous, extra-properties, main-view and multiplayer recordings. For each test we check that we can create a recording, and replay it in a new fgfs instance. When replaying we check a small number of basic things such as the recording length, and whether extra-properties are replayed. ''' import os import resource import signal import subprocess import sys import time import FlightGear def log(text): print(text, file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() g_cleanup = [] class Fg: ''' Runs flightgear. self.fg is a FlightGear.FlightGear instance, which uses telnet to communicate with Flightgear. ''' def __init__(self, aircraft, args, env=None, telnet_port=None): ''' aircraft: Specified as: --aircraft={aircraft}. This is separate from <args> because we need to know the name of recording files. args: Miscellenous args either space-separated name=value strings or a dict. env: Environment to set. If DISPLAY is not in <env> we add 'DISPLAY=:0'. ''' self.child = None self.aircraft = aircraft args += f' --aircraft={aircraft}' if telnet_port is None: telnet_port = 5500 args += f' --telnet={telnet_port}' args2 = args.split() environ = os.environ.copy() if isinstance(env, str): for nv in env.split(): n, v = nv.split('=', 1) environ[n] = v if 'DISPLAY' not in environ: environ['DISPLAY'] = ':0' # Run flightgear in new process, telling it to open telnet server. # # We run not in a shell, otherwise self.child.terminate() doesn't # work - it would kill the shell but leave fgfs running (there are # workarounds for this, such as prefixing the command with 'exec'). # log(f'Command is: {args}') log(f'Running: {args2}') def preexec(): try: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (resource.RLIM_INFINITY, resource.RLIM_INFINITY)) except Exception as e: log(f'*** preexec failed with e={e}') raise self.child = subprocess.Popen(args2, env=environ, preexec_fn=preexec, ) # Connect to flightgear's telnet server. timeout = 15 t0 = time.time() while 1: time.sleep(1) dt = time.time() - t0 if dt > timeout: text = f'Timeout trying to connect. timeout={timeout}' log(text) raise Exception(text) try: log('Connecting... ') self.fg = FlightGear.FlightGear('localhost', telnet_port) log(f'Connected. timeout={timeout} dt={dt:.1f}') return except Exception as e: log(f'Failed to connect timeout={timeout} dt={dt:.1f}: {e}') def waitfor(self, name, value, timeout=30): ''' Waits for specified property to be <value>. Returns time taken. ''' t0 = time.time() while 1: time.sleep(1) dt = time.time() - t0 try: v = self.fg[name] log(f'Waiting for {name}={value} current value: {v}. timeout={timeout} dt={dt:.1f}') except Exception as e: log(f'Failed to get value of property {name}: {e}. timeout={timeout} dt={dt:.1f}') v = None if v == value: return dt if dt > timeout: raise Exception(f'Timeout waiting for {name}={value}; current value: {v}. timeout={timeout}') def run_command(self, command): self.fg.telnet._putcmd(command) ret = self.fg.telnet._getresp() log(f'command={command!r} ret: {ret}') return ret def close(self): assert self.child self.child.terminate() self.child.wait() self.child = None def __del__(self): if self.child: log('*** Fg.__del__() calling self.close()') self.close() def make_recording( fg, continuous=0, extra_properties=0, main_view=0, length=5, ): ''' Makes a recording, and returns its path. We check that the recording file is newly created. ''' t = time.time() fg.fg['/sim/replay/record-signals'] = True # Just in case they are disabled by user. if continuous: assert not fg.fg['/sim/replay/record-continuous'] fg.fg['/sim/replay/record-continuous'] = 1 t0 = time.time() while 1: if time.time() > t0 + length: break fg.run_command('run view-step step=1') time.sleep(1) fg.fg['/sim/replay/record-continuous'] = 0 path = f'{fg.aircraft}-continuous.fgtape' time.sleep(1) else: # Normal recording will have effectively already started, so we sleep # for the remaining time. This is a little inaccurate though because it # looks like normal recording starts a little after t=0, e.g. at t=0.5. # # Also, it looks like /sim/time/elapsed-sec doesn't quite track real # time, so we sometimes need to sleep a little longer. # while 1: t = fg.fg['/sim/time/elapsed-sec'] log(f'/sim/time/elapsed-sec={t}') if t > length: break time.sleep(length - t + 0.5) log(f'/sim/time/elapsed-sec={t}') fg.fg.telnet._putcmd('run save-tape tape-data/starttime= tape-data/stoptime=') response = fg.fg.telnet._getresp() log(f'response: {response!r}') path = f'{fg.aircraft}.fgtape' # Check recording is new. os.system(f'ls -lL {path}') s = os.stat(path, follow_symlinks=True) assert s.st_mtime > t path2 = os.readlink(path) log(f'path={path} path2={path2}') return path def test_record_replay( fgfs_save, fgfs_load, multiplayer, continuous, extra_properties, main_view, length, ): if not fgfs_load: fgfs_load = fgfs_save log(f'=== save: {fgfs_save}') log(f'=== load: {fgfs_load}') log(f'=== --multiplayer {multiplayer} --continuous {continuous} --extra-properties {extra_properties} --main-view {main_view}') log(f'===') aircraft = 'harrier-gr3' args = f'--state=vto --airport=egtk' args += f' --prop:bool:/sim/replay/record-extra-properties={extra_properties}' args += f' --prop:bool:/sim/replay/record-main-view={main_view}' args += f' --prop:bool:/sim/replay/record-main-window=0' # Start Flightgear. fg = Fg(aircraft, f'{fgfs_save} {args}', #env='SG_LOG_DELTAS=flightgear/src/Network/props.cxx=4', ) fg.waitfor('/sim/fdm-initialized', 1, timeout=45) assert fg.fg['sim/replay/record-extra-properties'] == extra_properties assert fg.fg['sim/replay/record-main-view'] == main_view log(f'sim/replay/record-extra-properties={fg.fg["sim/replay/record-extra-properties"]}') # Save recording: path = make_recording(fg, continuous=continuous, extra_properties=extra_properties, main_view=main_view, length=length, ) g_cleanup.append(lambda: os.remove(path)) fg.close() # Load recording into new Flightgear. path = f'{aircraft}-continuous.fgtape' if continuous else f'{aircraft}.fgtape' fg = Fg(aircraft, f'{fgfs_load} {args} --load-tape={path}') fg.waitfor('/sim/fdm-initialized', 1, timeout=45) fg.waitfor('/sim/replay/replay-state', 1) # Check replay time is ok. rtime_begin = fg.fg['/sim/replay/start-time'] rtime_end = fg.fg['/sim/replay/end-time'] rtime = rtime_end - rtime_begin log(f'rtime={rtime_begin}..{rtime_end}, recording length: {rtime}, length={length}') assert rtime > length-1 and rtime < length+2, \ f'length={length} rtime_begin={rtime_begin} rtime_end={rtime_end} rtime={rtime}' num_frames_extra_properties = fg.fg['/sim/replay/continuous-stats-num-frames-extra-properties'] log(f'num_frames_extra_properties={num_frames_extra_properties}') if continuous: if main_view: assert num_frames_extra_properties > 1 else: assert num_frames_extra_properties == 0 else: assert num_frames_extra_properties in (0, None), \ f'num_frames_extra_properties={num_frames_extra_properties}' time.sleep(length) fg.close() os.remove(path) log('Test passed') def test_motion(fgfs, multiplayer=False): aircraft = 'ufo' fg = Fg( aircraft, f'{fgfs}') path = f'{fg.aircraft}-continuous.fgtape' fg.waitfor('/sim/fdm-initialized', 1, timeout=45) fg.fg['/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle'] = 0 if multiplayer: fg.fg['/sim/replay/record-multiplayer'] = True fg2 = Fg( aircraft, f'{fgfs} --callsign=cgdae-t --multiplay=in,4,,5033 --read-only', telnet_port=5501) fg2.waitfor('/sim/fdm-initialized', 1, timeout=45) fg.fg['/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle'] = 0.1 fg2.fg['/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle'] = 0.1 time.sleep(1) fgt = fg.fg['/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle'] fg2t = fg2.fg['/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle'] log(f'fgt={fgt} fg2t={fg2t}') else: fg.fg['/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle'] = 0.1 # Run UFO with constant speed, varying the framerate so we check whether # recorded speeds are affected. # fg.fg['/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz'] = 5 if multiplayer: fg2.fg['/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz'] = 5 # Delay to let frame rate settle. time.sleep(10) # Start recording. fg.fg['/sim/replay/record-continuous'] = 1 time.sleep(5) # Change frame rate. fg.fg['/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz'] = 2 time.sleep(5) # Restore original frame rate. fg.fg['/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz'] = 5 if multiplayer: fg2.fg['/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz'] = 2 time.sleep(5) # Stop recording. fg.fg['/sim/replay/record-continuous'] = 0 fg.close() if multiplayer: fg2.close() time.sleep(2) path2 = os.readlink( path) g_cleanup.append(lambda: os.remove(path2)) if multiplayer: fg = Fg( aircraft, f'{fgfs} --load-tape={path} --prop:/sim/replay/log-raw-speed-multiplayer=cgdae-t') else: fg = Fg( aircraft, f'{fgfs} --load-tape={path} --prop:/sim/replay/log-raw-speed=true') fg.waitfor('/sim/fdm-initialized', 1, timeout=45) fg.fg['/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz'] = 10 fg.waitfor('/sim/replay/replay-state', 1) time.sleep(3) fg.fg['/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz'] = 2 time.sleep(5) fg.fg['/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz'] = 5 time.sleep(3) fg.fg['/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz'] = 7 fg.waitfor('/sim/replay/replay-state-eof', 1) def examine_values(infix=''): log(f'== Looking at /sim/replay/log-raw-speed{infix}-values/value[]') items0 = fg.fg.ls( f'/sim/replay/log-raw-speed{infix}-values') log(f'len(items0)={len(items0)}') if not items0: while 1: log(f'*** hanging because failed to read contents of: /sim/replay/log-raw-speed{infix}-values') time.sleep(5) items = [] for item in items0: if item.name == 'value': #log(f'have read item: {item}') items.append(item) num_errors = 0 for item in items[:-1]: # Ignore last item because replay at end interpolates. speed = float(item.value) prefix = ' ' if abs(speed - 200) > 0.5: num_errors += 1 prefix = '*' log( f' {prefix} speed={speed} details: {item}') assert num_errors == 0, 'Replay showed uneven speed.' if multiplayer: examine_values('-multiplayer') examine_values('-multiplayer-post') else: examine_values() fg.close() if __name__ == '__main__': fgfs = f'./build-walk/fgfs.exe-run.sh' fgfs_old = None do_test = 'all' continuous_s = [0, 1] extra_properties_s = [0, 1] main_view_s = [0, 1] multiplayer_s = [0, 1] fgfs_reverse_s = [0] it_min = None it_max = None if len(sys.argv) == 1: do_all = True args = iter(sys.argv[1:]) while 1: try: arg = next(args) except StopIteration: break if arg == '--all': do_all = True elif arg == '--continuous': continuous_s = map(int, next(args).split(',')) elif arg == '--extra-properties': extra_properties_s = map(int, next(args).split(',')) elif arg == '--it-max': it_max = int(next(args)) elif arg == '--it-min': it_min = int(next(args)) elif arg == '--main-view': main_view_s = map(int, next(args).split(',')) elif arg == '--multiplayer': multiplayer_s = map(int, next(args).split(',')) elif arg == '-f': fgfs = next(args) elif arg == '--f-old': fgfs_old = next(args) fgfs_reverse = [0, 1] elif arg == '--test-motion': do_test = 'motion' elif arg == '--test-motion-mp': do_test = 'motion-mp' else: raise Exception(f'Unrecognised arg: {arg!r}') if do_test == 'motion': test_motion( fgfs) elif do_test == 'motion-mp': test_motion( fgfs, True) elif do_test == 'all': try: if fgfs_old: for fgfs1, fgfs2 in [(fgfs, fgfs_old), (fgfs_old, fgfs)]: for multiplayer in 0, 1: test_record_replay( fgfs1, fgfs2, multiplayer, continuous=0, extra_properties=0, main_view=0, length=10, ) else: its_max = len(multiplayer_s) * len(continuous_s) * len(extra_properties_s) * len(main_view_s) * len(fgfs_reverse_s) it = 0 for multiplayer in multiplayer_s: for continuous in continuous_s: for extra_properties in extra_properties_s: for main_view in main_view_s: for fgfs_reverse in fgfs_reverse_s: if fgfs_reverse: fgfs_save = fgfs_old fgfs_load = fgfs else: fgfs_save = fgfs fgfs_load = fgfs_old ok = True if it_min is not None: if it < it_min: ok = False if it_max is not None: if it >= it_max: ok = False log('') log(f'===') log(f'=== {it}/{its_max}') if ok: test_record_replay( fgfs_save, fgfs_load, multiplayer=multiplayer, continuous=continuous, extra_properties=extra_properties, main_view=main_view, length=10 ) it += 1 finally: pass else: assert 0, f'do_test={do_test}' # If everything passed, cleanup. Otherwise leave recordings in place, as # they can be useful for debugging. # for f in g_cleanup: try: f() except: pass if 0: # This path can be used to check we cleanup properly after an error. fg = Fg('./build-walk/fgfs.exe-run.sh --aircraft=harrier-gr3 --airport=egtk') time.sleep(5) assert 0