// rnav_waypt_controller.cxx - Waypoint-specific behaviours for RNAV systems // Written by James Turner, started 2009. // // Copyright (C) 2009 Curtis L. Olson // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #include "rnav_waypt_controller.hxx" #include <cassert> #include <simgear/sg_inlines.h> #include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx> #include <Airports/runways.hxx> namespace flightgear { const double KNOTS_TO_METRES_PER_SECOND = SG_NM_TO_METER / 3600.0; double pmod(double x, double y) { if (x < 0.0) { return -fmod(x, y); } else { return fmod(x,y); } } // implementation of // http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#Intersection bool geocRadialIntersection(const SGGeoc& a, double r1, const SGGeoc& b, double r2, SGGeoc& result) { double crs13 = r1 * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double crs23 = r2 * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double dst12 = SGGeodesy::distanceRad(a, b); //IF sin(lon2-lon1)<0 // crs12=acos((sin(lat2)-sin(lat1)*cos(dst12))/(sin(dst12)*cos(lat1))) // crs21=2.*pi-acos((sin(lat1)-sin(lat2)*cos(dst12))/(sin(dst12)*cos(lat2))) // ELSE // crs12=2.*pi-acos((sin(lat2)-sin(lat1)*cos(dst12))/(sin(dst12)*cos(lat1))) // crs21=acos((sin(lat1)-sin(lat2)*cos(dst12))/(sin(dst12)*cos(lat2))) // ENDIF // double diffLon = b.getLongitudeRad() - a.getLongitudeRad(); double sinLat1 = sin(a.getLatitudeRad()); double cosLat1 = cos(a.getLatitudeRad()); // double sinLat2 = sin(b.getLatitudeRad()); //double cosLat2 = cos(b.getLatitudeRad()); double sinDst12 = sin(dst12); double cosDst12 = cos(dst12); double crs12 = SGGeodesy::courseRad(a, b), crs21 = SGGeodesy::courseRad(b, a); //double degCrs12 = crs12 * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; //double degCrs21 = crs21 * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; /* if (sin(diffLon) < 0.0) { crs12 = acos((sinLat2 - sinLat1 * cosDst12) / (sinDst12 * cosLat1)); crs21 = SGMiscd::twopi() - acos((sinLat1 - sinLat2*cosDst12)/(sinDst12*cosLat2)); } else { crs12 = SGMiscd::twopi() - acos((sinLat2 - sinLat1 * cosDst12)/(sinDst12 * cosLat1)); crs21 = acos((sinLat1 - sinLat2 * cosDst12)/(sinDst12 * cosLat2)); } */ double ang1 = SGMiscd::normalizeAngle2(crs13-crs12); double ang2 = SGMiscd::normalizeAngle2(crs21-crs23); if ((sin(ang1) == 0.0) && (sin(ang2) == 0.0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "geocRadialIntersection: infinity of intersections"); return false; } if ((sin(ang1)*sin(ang2))<0.0) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "geocRadialIntersection: intersection ambiguous"); return false; } ang1 = fabs(ang1); ang2 = fabs(ang2); //ang3=acos(-cos(ang1)*cos(ang2)+sin(ang1)*sin(ang2)*cos(dst12)) //dst13=atan2(sin(dst12)*sin(ang1)*sin(ang2),cos(ang2)+cos(ang1)*cos(ang3)) //lat3=asin(sin(lat1)*cos(dst13)+cos(lat1)*sin(dst13)*cos(crs13)) //lon3=mod(lon1-dlon+pi,2*pi)-pi double ang3 = acos(-cos(ang1) * cos(ang2) + sin(ang1) * sin(ang2) * cosDst12); double dst13 = atan2(sinDst12 * sin(ang1) * sin(ang2), cos(ang2) + cos(ang1)*cos(ang3)); SGGeoc pt3; SGGeodesy::advanceRadM(a, crs13, dst13 * SG_RAD_TO_NM * SG_NM_TO_METER, pt3); double lat3 = asin(sinLat1 * cos(dst13) + cosLat1 * sin(dst13) * cos(crs13)); //dlon=atan2(sin(crs13)*sin(dst13)*cos(lat1),cos(dst13)-sin(lat1)*sin(lat3)) double dlon = atan2(sin(crs13)*sin(dst13)*cosLat1, cos(dst13)- (sinLat1 * sin(lat3))); double lon3 = SGMiscd::normalizeAngle(-a.getLongitudeRad()-dlon); result = SGGeoc::fromRadM(-lon3, lat3, a.getRadiusM()); //result = pt3; return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WayptController::~WayptController() { } void WayptController::init() { } void WayptController::setDone() { if (_isDone) { SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_WARN, "already done @ WayptController::setDone"); } _isDone = true; } double WayptController::timeToWaypt() const { double gs = _rnav->groundSpeedKts(); if (gs < 1.0) { return -1.0; // stationary } gs*= KNOTS_TO_METRES_PER_SECOND; return (distanceToWayptM() / gs); } ////////////// class BasicWayptCtl : public WayptController { public: BasicWayptCtl(RNAV* aRNAV, const WayptRef& aWpt) : WayptController(aRNAV, aWpt), _distanceM(0.0), _courseDev(0.0) { if (aWpt->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) { throw sg_exception("BasicWayptCtrl doesn't work with dynamic waypoints"); } } virtual void init() { _targetTrack = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(_rnav->position(), _waypt->position()); } virtual void update() { double brg, az2; SGGeodesy::inverse(_rnav->position(), _waypt->position(), brg, az2, _distanceM); _courseDev = brg - _targetTrack; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(_courseDev, -180.0, 180.0); if ((fabs(_courseDev) > 90.0) && (_distanceM < _rnav->overflightArmDistanceM())) { setDone(); } } virtual double distanceToWayptM() const { return _distanceM; } virtual double xtrackErrorNm() const { double x = sin(courseDeviationDeg() * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * _distanceM; return x * SG_METER_TO_NM; } virtual bool toFlag() const { return (fabs(_courseDev) < 90.0); } virtual double courseDeviationDeg() const { return _courseDev; } virtual double trueBearingDeg() const { return SGGeodesy::courseDeg(_rnav->position(), _waypt->position()); } virtual SGGeod position() const { return _waypt->position(); } private: double _distanceM; double _courseDev; }; /** * Special controller for runways. For runways, we want very narrow deviation * contraints, and to understand that any point along the paved area is * equivalent to being 'at' the runway. */ class RunwayCtl : public WayptController { public: RunwayCtl(RNAV* aRNAV, const WayptRef& aWpt) : WayptController(aRNAV, aWpt), _runway(NULL), _distanceM(0.0), _courseDev(0.0) { } virtual void init() { _runway = static_cast<RunwayWaypt*>(_waypt.get())->runway(); _targetTrack = _runway->headingDeg(); } virtual void update() { double brg, az2; // use the far end of the runway for course deviation calculations. // this should do the correct thing both for takeoffs (including entering // the runway at a taxiway after the threshold) and also landings. // seperately compute the distance to the threshold for timeToWaypt calc SGGeodesy::inverse(_rnav->position(), _runway->end(), brg, az2, _distanceM); double _courseDev = brg - _targetTrack; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(_courseDev, -180.0, 180.0); if (fabs(_courseDev) > 90.0) { setDone(); } } virtual double distanceToWayptM() const { return SGGeodesy::distanceM(_rnav->position(), _runway->threshold()); } virtual double xtrackErrorNm() const { double x = sin(_courseDev * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES) * _distanceM; return x * SG_METER_TO_NM; } virtual double courseDeviationDeg() const { return _courseDev; } virtual double trueBearingDeg() const { // as in update(), use runway->end here, so the value remains // sensible whether taking off or landing. return SGGeodesy::courseDeg(_rnav->position(), _runway->end()); } virtual SGGeod position() const { return _runway->threshold(); } private: FGRunway* _runway; double _distanceM; double _courseDev; }; class ConstHdgToAltCtl : public WayptController { public: ConstHdgToAltCtl(RNAV* aRNAV, const WayptRef& aWpt) : WayptController(aRNAV, aWpt) { if (_waypt->type() != "hdgToAlt") { throw sg_exception("invalid waypoint type", "ConstHdgToAltCtl ctor"); } if (_waypt->altitudeRestriction() == RESTRICT_NONE) { throw sg_exception("invalid waypoint alt restriction", "ConstHdgToAltCtl ctor"); } } virtual void init() { HeadingToAltitude* w = (HeadingToAltitude*) _waypt.get(); _targetTrack = w->headingDegMagnetic() + _rnav->magvarDeg(); } virtual void update() { double curAlt = _rnav->position().getElevationFt(); switch (_waypt->altitudeRestriction()) { case RESTRICT_AT: { double d = curAlt - _waypt->altitudeFt(); if (fabs(d) < 50.0) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "ConstHdgToAltCtl, reached target altitude " << _waypt->altitudeFt()); setDone(); } } break; case RESTRICT_ABOVE: if (curAlt >= _waypt->altitudeFt()) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "ConstHdgToAltCtl, above target altitude " << _waypt->altitudeFt()); setDone(); } break; case RESTRICT_BELOW: if (curAlt <= _waypt->altitudeFt()) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "ConstHdgToAltCtl, below target altitude " << _waypt->altitudeFt()); setDone(); } break; case RESTRICT_NONE: assert(false); break; } } virtual double timeToWaypt() const { double d = fabs(_rnav->position().getElevationFt() - _waypt->altitudeFt()); return (d / _rnav->vspeedFPM()) * 60.0; // low pass filter here, probably } virtual double distanceToWayptM() const { double gsMsec = _rnav->groundSpeedKts() * KNOTS_TO_METRES_PER_SECOND; return timeToWaypt() * gsMsec; } virtual SGGeod position() const { SGGeod p; double az2; SGGeodesy::direct(_rnav->position(), _targetTrack, distanceToWayptM(), p, az2); return p; } }; class InterceptCtl : public WayptController { public: InterceptCtl(RNAV* aRNAV, const WayptRef& aWpt) : WayptController(aRNAV, aWpt), _trueRadial(0.0) { if (_waypt->type() != "radialIntercept") { throw sg_exception("invalid waypoint type", "InterceptCtl ctor"); } } virtual void init() { RadialIntercept* w = (RadialIntercept*) _waypt.get(); _trueRadial = w->radialDegMagnetic() + _rnav->magvarDeg(); _targetTrack = w->courseDegMagnetic() + _rnav->magvarDeg(); } virtual void update() { // note we want the outbound radial from the waypt, hence the ordering // of arguments to courseDeg double r = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(_waypt->position(), _rnav->position()); SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "current radial=" << r); if (fabs(r - _trueRadial) < 0.5) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "InterceptCtl, intercepted radial " << _trueRadial); setDone(); } } virtual double distanceToWayptM() const { return SGGeodesy::distanceM(_rnav->position(), position()); } virtual SGGeod position() const { SGGeoc c; geocRadialIntersection(SGGeoc::fromGeod(_rnav->position()), _rnav->trackDeg(), SGGeoc::fromGeod(_waypt->position()), _trueRadial, c); return SGGeod::fromGeoc(c); } private: double _trueRadial; }; class DMEInterceptCtl : public WayptController { public: DMEInterceptCtl(RNAV* aRNAV, const WayptRef& aWpt) : WayptController(aRNAV, aWpt), _dme(NULL), _distanceNm(0.0) { if (_waypt->type() != "dmeIntercept") { throw sg_exception("invalid waypoint type", "DMEInterceptCtl ctor"); } } virtual void init() { _dme = (DMEIntercept*) _waypt.get(); _targetTrack = _dme->courseDegMagnetic() + _rnav->magvarDeg(); } virtual void update() { _distanceNm = SGGeodesy::distanceNm(_rnav->position(), _dme->position()); double d = fabs(_distanceNm - _dme->dmeDistanceNm()); if (d < 0.1) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "DMEInterceptCtl, intercepted DME " << _dme->dmeDistanceNm()); setDone(); } } virtual double distanceToWayptM() const { return fabs(_distanceNm - _dme->dmeDistanceNm()) * SG_NM_TO_METER; } virtual SGGeod position() const { SGGeod p; double az2; SGGeodesy::direct(_rnav->position(), _targetTrack, distanceToWayptM(), p, az2); return p; } private: DMEIntercept* _dme; double _distanceNm; }; class HoldCtl : public WayptController { public: HoldCtl(RNAV* aRNAV, const WayptRef& aWpt) : WayptController(aRNAV, aWpt) { } virtual void init() { } virtual void update() { // fly inbound / outbound sides, or execute the turn #if 0 if (inTurn) { targetTrack += dt * turnRateSec * turnDirection; if (inbound) { if .. targetTrack has passed inbound radial, doen with this turn } else { if target track has passed reciprocal radial done with turn } } else { check time / distance elapsed if (sideDone) { inTurn = true; inbound = !inbound; nextHeading = inbound; if (!inbound) { nextHeading += 180.0; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(nextHeading, 0.0, 360.0); } } } #endif setDone(); } virtual double distanceToWayptM() const { return -1.0; } virtual SGGeod position() const { return _waypt->position(); } }; class VectorsCtl : public WayptController { public: VectorsCtl(RNAV* aRNAV, const WayptRef& aWpt) : WayptController(aRNAV, aWpt) { } virtual void init() { } virtual void update() { setDone(); } virtual double distanceToWayptM() const { return -1.0; } virtual SGGeod position() const { return _waypt->position(); } private: }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DirectToController::DirectToController(RNAV* aRNAV, const WayptRef& aWpt, const SGGeod& aOrigin) : WayptController(aRNAV, aWpt), _origin(aOrigin), _distanceM(0.0), _courseDev(0.0) { } void DirectToController::init() { if (_waypt->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) { throw sg_exception("can't direct-to a dynamic waypoint"); } _targetTrack = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(_origin, _waypt->position()); } void DirectToController::update() { double brg, az2; SGGeodesy::inverse(_rnav->position(), _waypt->position(), brg, az2, _distanceM); _courseDev = brg - _targetTrack; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(_courseDev, -180.0, 180.0); if ((fabs(_courseDev) > 90.0) && (_distanceM < _rnav->overflightArmDistanceM())) { setDone(); } } double DirectToController::distanceToWayptM() const { return _distanceM; } double DirectToController::xtrackErrorNm() const { double x = sin(courseDeviationDeg() * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * _distanceM; return x * SG_METER_TO_NM; } double DirectToController::courseDeviationDeg() const { return _courseDev; } double DirectToController::trueBearingDeg() const { return SGGeodesy::courseDeg(_rnav->position(), _waypt->position()); } SGGeod DirectToController::position() const { return _waypt->position(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OBSController::OBSController(RNAV* aRNAV, const WayptRef& aWpt) : WayptController(aRNAV, aWpt), _distanceM(0.0), _courseDev(0.0) { } void OBSController::init() { if (_waypt->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) { throw sg_exception("can't use a dynamic waypoint for OBS mode"); } _targetTrack = _rnav->selectedMagCourse() + _rnav->magvarDeg(); } void OBSController::update() { _targetTrack = _rnav->selectedMagCourse() + _rnav->magvarDeg(); double brg, az2; SGGeodesy::inverse(_rnav->position(), _waypt->position(), brg, az2, _distanceM); _courseDev = brg - _targetTrack; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(_courseDev, -180.0, 180.0); } bool OBSController::toFlag() const { return (fabs(_courseDev) < 90.0); } double OBSController::distanceToWayptM() const { return _distanceM; } double OBSController::xtrackErrorNm() const { double x = sin(_courseDev * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * _distanceM; return x * SG_METER_TO_NM; } double OBSController::courseDeviationDeg() const { // if (fabs(_courseDev) > 90.0) { // double d = -_courseDev; // SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(d, -90.0, 90.0); // return d; //} return _courseDev; } double OBSController::trueBearingDeg() const { return SGGeodesy::courseDeg(_rnav->position(), _waypt->position()); } SGGeod OBSController::position() const { return _waypt->position(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WayptController* WayptController::createForWaypt(RNAV* aRNAV, const WayptRef& aWpt) { if (!aWpt) { throw sg_exception("Passed null waypt", "WayptController::createForWaypt"); } const std::string& wty(aWpt->type()); if (wty == "runway") { return new RunwayCtl(aRNAV, aWpt); } if (wty == "radialIntercept") { return new InterceptCtl(aRNAV, aWpt); } if (wty == "dmeIntercept") { return new DMEInterceptCtl(aRNAV, aWpt); } if (wty == "hdgToAlt") { return new ConstHdgToAltCtl(aRNAV, aWpt); } if (wty == "vectors") { return new VectorsCtl(aRNAV, aWpt); } if (wty == "hold") { return new HoldCtl(aRNAV, aWpt); } return new BasicWayptCtl(aRNAV, aWpt); } } // of namespace flightgear