// auto_gui.cxx -- autopilot gui interface // // Written by Norman Vine // Arranged by Curt Olson // // Copyright (C) 1998 - 2000 // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include STL_STRING #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
#include #include "auto_gui.hxx" #include "route_mgr.hxx" #include "xmlauto.hxx" SG_USING_STD(string); #define mySlider puSlider // Climb speed constants // const double min_climb = 70.0; // kts // const double best_climb = 75.0; // kts // const double ideal_climb_rate = 500.0; // fpm /// These statics will eventually go into the class /// they are just here while I am experimenting -- NHV :-) // AutoPilot Gain Adjuster members // static double MaxRollAdjust; // MaxRollAdjust = 2 * APData->MaxRoll; // static double RollOutAdjust; // RollOutAdjust = 2 * APData->RollOut; // static double MaxAileronAdjust; // MaxAileronAdjust = 2 * APData->MaxAileron; // static double RollOutSmoothAdjust; // RollOutSmoothAdjust = 2 * APData->RollOutSmooth; // static float MaxRollValue; // 0.1 -> 1.0 // static float RollOutValue; // static float MaxAileronValue; // static float RollOutSmoothValue; // static float TmpMaxRollValue; // for cancel operation // static float TmpRollOutValue; // static float TmpMaxAileronValue; // static float TmpRollOutSmoothValue; // static puDialogBox *APAdjustDialog; // static puFrame *APAdjustFrame; // static puText *APAdjustDialogMessage; // static puFont APAdjustLegendFont; // static puFont APAdjustLabelFont; // static puOneShot *APAdjustOkButton; // static puOneShot *APAdjustResetButton; // static puOneShot *APAdjustCancelButton; // static puButton *APAdjustDragButton; // static puText *APAdjustMaxRollTitle; // static puText *APAdjustRollOutTitle; // static puText *APAdjustMaxAileronTitle; // static puText *APAdjustRollOutSmoothTitle; // static puText *APAdjustMaxAileronText; // static puText *APAdjustMaxRollText; // static puText *APAdjustRollOutText; // static puText *APAdjustRollOutSmoothText; // static mySlider *APAdjustHS0; // static mySlider *APAdjustHS1; // static mySlider *APAdjustHS2; // static mySlider *APAdjustHS3; // static char SliderText[ 4 ][ 8 ]; ///////// AutoPilot New Heading Dialog static puDialogBox *ApHeadingDialog; static puFrame *ApHeadingDialogFrame; static puText *ApHeadingDialogMessage; static puInput *ApHeadingDialogInput; static puOneShot *ApHeadingDialogOkButton; static puOneShot *ApHeadingDialogCancelButton; ///////// AutoPilot New Altitude Dialog static puDialogBox *ApAltitudeDialog = 0; static puFrame *ApAltitudeDialogFrame = 0; static puText *ApAltitudeDialogMessage = 0; static puInput *ApAltitudeDialogInput = 0; static puOneShot *ApAltitudeDialogOkButton = 0; static puOneShot *ApAltitudeDialogCancelButton = 0; /// The beginnings of Lock AutoPilot to target location :-) // Needs cleaning up but works // These statics should disapear when this is a class static puDialogBox *TgtAptDialog = 0; static puFrame *TgtAptDialogFrame = 0; // static puText *TgtAptDialogMessage = 0; static puInput *TgtAptDialogInput = 0; static puListBox *TgtAptDialogWPList = 0; static puSlider *TgtAptDialogSlider = 0; static puArrowButton *TgtAptDialogUPArrow = 0; static puArrowButton *TgtAptDialogDNArrow = 0; static char** WPList; static int WPListsize; static char NewTgtAirportId[16]; static char NewTgtAirportLabel[] = "New Apt/Fix ID"; static puOneShot *TgtAptDialogOkButton = 0; static puOneShot *TgtAptDialogCancelButton = 0; static puOneShot *TgtAptDialogResetButton = 0; // extern char *coord_format_lat(float); // extern char *coord_format_lon(float); // THIS NEEDS IMPROVEMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!! static int scan_number(char *s, double *new_value) { int ret = 0; char WordBuf[64]; char *cptr = s; char *WordBufPtr = WordBuf; if (*cptr == '+') cptr++; if (*cptr == '-') { *WordBufPtr++ = *cptr++; } while (isdigit(*cptr) ) { *WordBufPtr++ = *cptr++; ret = 1; } if (*cptr == '.') *WordBufPtr++ = *cptr++; // put the '.' into the string while (isdigit(*cptr)) { *WordBufPtr++ = *cptr++; ret = 1; } if( ret == 1 ) { *WordBufPtr = '\0'; sscanf(WordBuf, "%lf", new_value); } return(ret); } // scan_number void ApHeadingDialog_Cancel(puObject *) { ApHeadingDialogInput->rejectInput(); FG_POP_PUI_DIALOG( ApHeadingDialog ); } void ApHeadingDialog_OK (puObject *me) { int error = 0; char *c; string s; ApHeadingDialogInput -> getValue( &c ); if( strlen(c) ) { double NewHeading; if( scan_number( c, &NewHeading ) ) { fgSetString( "/autopilot/locks/heading", "dg-heading-hold" ); fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", NewHeading ); } else { error = 1; s = c; s += " is not a valid number."; } } ApHeadingDialog_Cancel(me); if ( error ) mkDialog(s.c_str()); } void NewHeading(puObject *cb) { // string ApHeadingLabel( "Enter New Heading" ); // ApHeadingDialogMessage -> setLabel(ApHeadingLabel.c_str()); float heading = fgGetDouble( "/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg" ); while ( heading < 0.0 ) { heading += 360.0; } ApHeadingDialogInput -> setValue ( heading ); ApHeadingDialogInput -> acceptInput(); FG_PUSH_PUI_DIALOG( ApHeadingDialog ); } void NewHeadingInit() { // printf("NewHeadingInit\n"); char NewHeadingLabel[] = "Enter New Heading"; char *s; float heading = fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg"); int len = 260/2 - (puGetDefaultLabelFont().getStringWidth( NewHeadingLabel ) / 2 ); ApHeadingDialog = new puDialogBox (150, 50); { ApHeadingDialogFrame = new puFrame (0, 0, 260, 150); ApHeadingDialogMessage = new puText (len, 110); ApHeadingDialogMessage -> setDefaultValue (NewHeadingLabel); ApHeadingDialogMessage -> getDefaultValue (&s); ApHeadingDialogMessage -> setLabel (s); ApHeadingDialogInput = new puInput ( 50, 70, 210, 100 ); ApHeadingDialogInput -> setValue ( heading ); ApHeadingDialogOkButton = new puOneShot (50, 10, 110, 50); ApHeadingDialogOkButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_OK); ApHeadingDialogOkButton -> makeReturnDefault (TRUE); ApHeadingDialogOkButton -> setCallback (ApHeadingDialog_OK); ApHeadingDialogCancelButton = new puOneShot (140, 10, 210, 50); ApHeadingDialogCancelButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_CANCEL); ApHeadingDialogCancelButton -> setCallback (ApHeadingDialog_Cancel); } FG_FINALIZE_PUI_DIALOG( ApHeadingDialog ); } void ApAltitudeDialog_Cancel(puObject *) { ApAltitudeDialogInput -> rejectInput(); FG_POP_PUI_DIALOG( ApAltitudeDialog ); } void ApAltitudeDialog_OK (puObject *me) { int error = 0; string s; char *c; ApAltitudeDialogInput->getValue( &c ); if ( strlen( c ) ) { double NewAltitude; if ( scan_number( c, &NewAltitude) ) { fgSetString( "/autopilot/locks/altitude", "altitude-hold" ); fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/settings/altitude-ft", NewAltitude ); } else { error = 1; s = c; s += " is not a valid number."; } } ApAltitudeDialog_Cancel(me); if( error ) mkDialog(s.c_str()); } void NewAltitude(puObject *cb) { float altitude = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/settings/altitude-ft") * SG_METER_TO_FEET; ApAltitudeDialogInput -> setValue( altitude ); ApAltitudeDialogInput -> acceptInput(); FG_PUSH_PUI_DIALOG( ApAltitudeDialog ); } void NewAltitudeInit() { // printf("NewAltitudeInit\n"); char NewAltitudeLabel[] = "Enter New Altitude"; char *s; float alt = cur_fdm_state->get_Altitude(); if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "meters")) { alt *= SG_FEET_TO_METER; } int len = 260/2 - (puGetDefaultLabelFont().getStringWidth( NewAltitudeLabel ) / 2); // ApAltitudeDialog = new puDialogBox (150, 50); ApAltitudeDialog = new puDialogBox (150, 200); { ApAltitudeDialogFrame = new puFrame (0, 0, 260, 150); ApAltitudeDialogMessage = new puText (len, 110); ApAltitudeDialogMessage -> setDefaultValue (NewAltitudeLabel); ApAltitudeDialogMessage -> getDefaultValue (&s); ApAltitudeDialogMessage -> setLabel (s); ApAltitudeDialogInput = new puInput ( 50, 70, 210, 100 ); ApAltitudeDialogInput -> setValue ( alt ); // Uncomment the next line to have input active on startup // ApAltitudeDialogInput -> acceptInput ( ); // cursor at begining or end of line ? //len = strlen(s); // len = 0; // ApAltitudeDialogInput -> setCursor ( len ); // ApAltitudeDialogInput -> setSelectRegion ( 5, 9 ); ApAltitudeDialogOkButton = new puOneShot (50, 10, 110, 50); ApAltitudeDialogOkButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_OK); ApAltitudeDialogOkButton -> makeReturnDefault (TRUE); ApAltitudeDialogOkButton -> setCallback (ApAltitudeDialog_OK); ApAltitudeDialogCancelButton = new puOneShot (140, 10, 210, 50); ApAltitudeDialogCancelButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_CANCEL); ApAltitudeDialogCancelButton -> setCallback (ApAltitudeDialog_Cancel); } FG_FINALIZE_PUI_DIALOG( ApAltitudeDialog ); } #if 0 static void maxroll_adj( puObject *hs ) { float val ; hs-> getValue ( &val ) ; SG_CLAMP_RANGE ( val, 0.1f, 1.0f ) ; // printf ( "maxroll_adj( %p ) %f %f\n", hs, val, MaxRollAdjust * val ) ; fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg", MaxRollAdjust * val ); sprintf( SliderText[ 0 ], "%05.2f", fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg") ); APAdjustMaxRollText -> setLabel ( SliderText[ 0 ] ) ; } static void rollout_adj( puObject *hs ) { float val ; hs-> getValue ( &val ) ; SG_CLAMP_RANGE ( val, 0.1f, 1.0f ) ; // printf ( "rollout_adj( %p ) %f %f\n", hs, val, RollOutAdjust * val ) ; fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg", RollOutAdjust * val ); sprintf( SliderText[ 1 ], "%05.2f", fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg") ); APAdjustRollOutText -> setLabel ( SliderText[ 1 ] ); } static void maxaileron_adj( puObject *hs ) { float val ; hs-> getValue ( &val ) ; SG_CLAMP_RANGE ( val, 0.1f, 1.0f ) ; // printf ( "maxaileron_adj( %p ) %f %f\n", hs, val, MaxAileronAdjust * val ) ; fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/max-aileron", MaxAileronAdjust * val ); sprintf( SliderText[ 3 ], "%05.2f", fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-aileron") ); APAdjustMaxAileronText -> setLabel ( SliderText[ 3 ] ); } static void rolloutsmooth_adj( puObject *hs ) { float val ; hs -> getValue ( &val ) ; SG_CLAMP_RANGE ( val, 0.1f, 1.0f ) ; // printf ( "rolloutsmooth_adj( %p ) %f %f\n", hs, val, RollOutSmoothAdjust * val ) ; fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg", RollOutSmoothAdjust * val ); sprintf( SliderText[ 2 ], "%5.2f", fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg") ); APAdjustRollOutSmoothText-> setLabel ( SliderText[ 2 ] ); } static void goAwayAPAdjust (puObject *) { FG_POP_PUI_DIALOG( APAdjustDialog ); } void cancelAPAdjust( puObject *self ) { fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg", TmpMaxRollValue ); fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg", TmpRollOutValue ); fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/max-aileron", TmpMaxAileronValue ); fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg", TmpRollOutSmoothValue ); goAwayAPAdjust(self); } void resetAPAdjust( puObject *self ) { fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg", MaxRollAdjust / 2 ); fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg", RollOutAdjust / 2 ); fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/max-aileron", MaxAileronAdjust / 2 ); fgSetDouble( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg", RollOutSmoothAdjust / 2 ); FG_POP_PUI_DIALOG( APAdjustDialog ); fgAPAdjust( self ); } void fgAPAdjust( puObject *self ) { TmpMaxRollValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg"); TmpRollOutValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg"); TmpMaxAileronValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-aileron"); TmpRollOutSmoothValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg"); MaxRollValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg") / MaxRollAdjust; RollOutValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg") / RollOutAdjust; MaxAileronValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-aileron") / MaxAileronAdjust; RollOutSmoothValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg") / RollOutSmoothAdjust; APAdjustHS0-> setValue ( MaxRollValue ) ; APAdjustHS1-> setValue ( RollOutValue ) ; APAdjustHS2-> setValue ( RollOutSmoothValue ) ; APAdjustHS3-> setValue ( MaxAileronValue ) ; FG_PUSH_PUI_DIALOG( APAdjustDialog ); } // Done once at system initialization void fgAPAdjustInit() { // printf("fgAPAdjustInit\n"); #define HORIZONTAL FALSE int DialogX = 40; int DialogY = 100; int DialogWidth = 230; char Label[] = "AutoPilot Adjust"; char *s; int labelX = (DialogWidth / 2) - (puGetDefaultLabelFont().getStringWidth( Label ) / 2); labelX -= 30; // KLUDGEY int nSliders = 4; int slider_x = 10; int slider_y = 55; int slider_width = 210; int slider_title_x = 15; int slider_value_x = 160; float slider_delta = 0.1f; TmpMaxRollValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg"); TmpRollOutValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg"); TmpMaxAileronValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-aileron"); TmpRollOutSmoothValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg"); MaxRollAdjust = 2 * fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg"); RollOutAdjust = 2 * fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg"); MaxAileronAdjust = 2 * fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-aileron"); RollOutSmoothAdjust = 2 * fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg"); MaxRollValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg") / MaxRollAdjust; RollOutValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg") / RollOutAdjust; MaxAileronValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-aileron") / MaxAileronAdjust; RollOutSmoothValue = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg") / RollOutSmoothAdjust; puGetDefaultFonts ( &APAdjustLegendFont, &APAdjustLabelFont ); APAdjustDialog = new puDialogBox ( DialogX, DialogY ); { int horiz_slider_height = APAdjustLabelFont.getStringHeight() + APAdjustLabelFont.getStringDescender() + PUSTR_TGAP + PUSTR_BGAP + 5; APAdjustFrame = new puFrame ( 0, 0, DialogWidth, 85 + nSliders * horiz_slider_height ); APAdjustDialogMessage = new puText ( labelX, 52 + nSliders * horiz_slider_height ); APAdjustDialogMessage -> setDefaultValue ( Label ); APAdjustDialogMessage -> getDefaultValue ( &s ); APAdjustDialogMessage -> setLabel ( s ); APAdjustHS0 = new mySlider ( slider_x, slider_y, slider_width, HORIZONTAL ) ; APAdjustHS0-> setDelta ( slider_delta ) ; APAdjustHS0-> setValue ( MaxRollValue ) ; APAdjustHS0-> setCBMode ( PUSLIDER_DELTA ) ; APAdjustHS0-> setCallback ( maxroll_adj ) ; sprintf( SliderText[ 0 ], "%05.2f", fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg") ); APAdjustMaxRollTitle = new puText ( slider_title_x, slider_y ) ; APAdjustMaxRollTitle-> setDefaultValue ( "MaxRoll" ) ; APAdjustMaxRollTitle-> getDefaultValue ( &s ) ; APAdjustMaxRollTitle-> setLabel ( s ) ; APAdjustMaxRollText = new puText ( slider_value_x, slider_y ) ; APAdjustMaxRollText-> setLabel ( SliderText[ 0 ] ) ; slider_y += horiz_slider_height; APAdjustHS1 = new mySlider ( slider_x, slider_y, slider_width, HORIZONTAL ) ; APAdjustHS1-> setDelta ( slider_delta ) ; APAdjustHS1-> setValue ( RollOutValue ) ; APAdjustHS1-> setCBMode ( PUSLIDER_DELTA ) ; APAdjustHS1-> setCallback ( rollout_adj ) ; sprintf( SliderText[ 1 ], "%05.2f", fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg") ); APAdjustRollOutTitle = new puText ( slider_title_x, slider_y ) ; APAdjustRollOutTitle-> setDefaultValue ( "AdjustRollOut" ) ; APAdjustRollOutTitle-> getDefaultValue ( &s ) ; APAdjustRollOutTitle-> setLabel ( s ) ; APAdjustRollOutText = new puText ( slider_value_x, slider_y ) ; APAdjustRollOutText-> setLabel ( SliderText[ 1 ] ); slider_y += horiz_slider_height; APAdjustHS2 = new mySlider ( slider_x, slider_y, slider_width, HORIZONTAL ) ; APAdjustHS2-> setDelta ( slider_delta ) ; APAdjustHS2-> setValue ( RollOutSmoothValue ) ; APAdjustHS2-> setCBMode ( PUSLIDER_DELTA ) ; APAdjustHS2-> setCallback ( rolloutsmooth_adj ) ; sprintf( SliderText[ 2 ], "%5.2f", fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg") ); APAdjustRollOutSmoothTitle = new puText ( slider_title_x, slider_y ) ; APAdjustRollOutSmoothTitle-> setDefaultValue ( "RollOutSmooth" ) ; APAdjustRollOutSmoothTitle-> getDefaultValue ( &s ) ; APAdjustRollOutSmoothTitle-> setLabel ( s ) ; APAdjustRollOutSmoothText = new puText ( slider_value_x, slider_y ) ; APAdjustRollOutSmoothText-> setLabel ( SliderText[ 2 ] ); slider_y += horiz_slider_height; APAdjustHS3 = new mySlider ( slider_x, slider_y, slider_width, HORIZONTAL ) ; APAdjustHS3-> setDelta ( slider_delta ) ; APAdjustHS3-> setValue ( MaxAileronValue ) ; APAdjustHS3-> setCBMode ( PUSLIDER_DELTA ) ; APAdjustHS3-> setCallback ( maxaileron_adj ) ; sprintf( SliderText[ 3 ], "%05.2f", fgGetDouble("/autopilot/config/max-aileron") ); APAdjustMaxAileronTitle = new puText ( slider_title_x, slider_y ) ; APAdjustMaxAileronTitle-> setDefaultValue ( "MaxAileron" ) ; APAdjustMaxAileronTitle-> getDefaultValue ( &s ) ; APAdjustMaxAileronTitle-> setLabel ( s ) ; APAdjustMaxAileronText = new puText ( slider_value_x, slider_y ) ; APAdjustMaxAileronText-> setLabel ( SliderText[ 3 ] ); APAdjustOkButton = new puOneShot ( 10, 10, 60, 50 ); APAdjustOkButton-> setLegend ( gui_msg_OK ); APAdjustOkButton-> makeReturnDefault ( TRUE ); APAdjustOkButton-> setCallback ( goAwayAPAdjust ); APAdjustCancelButton = new puOneShot ( 70, 10, 150, 50 ); APAdjustCancelButton-> setLegend ( gui_msg_CANCEL ); APAdjustCancelButton-> setCallback ( cancelAPAdjust ); APAdjustResetButton = new puOneShot ( 160, 10, 220, 50 ); APAdjustResetButton-> setLegend ( gui_msg_RESET ); APAdjustResetButton-> setCallback ( resetAPAdjust ); } FG_FINALIZE_PUI_DIALOG( APAdjustDialog ); #undef HORIZONTAL } #endif // Simple Dialog to input Target Airport void TgtAptDialog_Cancel(puObject *) { FG_POP_PUI_DIALOG( TgtAptDialog ); } void TgtAptDialog_OK (puObject *) { string TgtAptId; // FGTime *t = FGTime::cur_time_params; // int PauseMode = t->getPause(); // if(!PauseMode) // t->togglePauseMode(); char *s; TgtAptDialogInput->getValue(&s); string tmp = s; unsigned int pos = tmp.find( "@" ); if ( pos != string::npos ) { TgtAptId = tmp.substr( 0, pos ); } else { TgtAptId = tmp; } TgtAptDialog_Cancel( NULL ); /* s = input string, either 'FIX' or FIX@4000' */ /* TgtAptId is name of fix only; may get appended to below */ if ( NewWaypoint( TgtAptId ) == 0) { TgtAptId += " not in database."; mkDialog(TgtAptId.c_str()); } } /* add new waypoint (either from above popup window 'ok button or telnet session) */ int NewWaypoint( string Tgt_Alt ) { string TgtAptId; FGAirport a; FGFix f; double alt = 0.0; unsigned int pos = Tgt_Alt.find( "@" ); if ( pos != string::npos ) { TgtAptId = Tgt_Alt.substr( 0, pos ); string alt_str = Tgt_Alt.substr( pos + 1 ); alt = atof( alt_str.c_str() ); if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") ) { alt *= SG_FEET_TO_METER; } } else { TgtAptId = Tgt_Alt; } FGRouteMgr *rm = (FGRouteMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"); if ( fgFindAirportID( TgtAptId, &a ) ) { SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Adding waypoint (airport) = " << TgtAptId ); sprintf( NewTgtAirportId, "%s", TgtAptId.c_str() ); SGWayPoint wp( a.longitude, a.latitude, alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, TgtAptId ); rm->add_waypoint( wp ); /* and turn on the autopilot */ fgSetString( "/autopilot/locks/heading", "true-heading-hold" ); return 1; } else if ( current_fixlist->query( TgtAptId, &f ) ) { SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Adding waypoint (fix) = " << TgtAptId ); sprintf( NewTgtAirportId, "%s", TgtAptId.c_str() ); SGWayPoint wp( f.get_lon(), f.get_lat(), alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, TgtAptId ); rm->add_waypoint( wp ); /* and turn on the autopilot */ fgSetString( "/autopilot/locks/heading", "true-heading-hold" ); return 2; } else { return 0; } } void TgtAptDialog_Reset(puObject *) { sprintf( NewTgtAirportId, "%s", fgGetString("/sim/presets/airport-id") ); TgtAptDialogInput->setValue ( NewTgtAirportId ); TgtAptDialogInput->setCursor( 0 ) ; } void TgtAptDialog_HandleSlider ( puObject * slider ) { float val ; slider -> getValue ( &val ) ; val = 1.0f - val ; int index = int ( TgtAptDialogWPList -> getNumItems () * val ) ; TgtAptDialogWPList -> setTopItem ( index ) ; } void TgtAptDialog_HandleArrow( puObject *arrow ) { int type = ((puArrowButton *)arrow)->getArrowType() ; int inc = ( type == PUARROW_DOWN ) ? 1 : ( type == PUARROW_UP ) ? -1 : ( type == PUARROW_FASTDOWN ) ? 10 : ( type == PUARROW_FASTUP ) ? -10 : 0 ; float val ; TgtAptDialogSlider -> getValue ( &val ) ; val = 1.0f - val ; int num_items = TgtAptDialogWPList->getNumItems () - 1 ; if ( num_items > 0 ) { int index = int ( num_items * val + 0.5 ) + inc ; if ( index > num_items ) index = num_items ; if ( index < 0 ) index = 0 ; TgtAptDialogSlider -> setValue ( 1.0f - (float)index / num_items ) ; TgtAptDialogWPList -> setTopItem ( index ) ; } } void AddWayPoint(puObject *cb) { sprintf( NewTgtAirportId, "%s", fgGetString("/sim/presets/airport-id") ); TgtAptDialogInput->setValue( NewTgtAirportId ); /* refresh waypoint list */ char WPString[100]; int i; if ( WPList != NULL ) { for (i = 0; i < WPListsize; i++ ) { delete WPList[i]; } delete [] WPList[i]; } FGRouteMgr *rm = (FGRouteMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"); WPListsize = rm->size(); if ( WPListsize > 0 ) { WPList = new char* [ WPListsize + 1 ]; for (i = 0; i < WPListsize; i++ ) { SGWayPoint wp = rm->get_waypoint(i); sprintf( WPString, "%5s %3.2flon %3.2flat", wp.get_id().c_str(), wp.get_target_lon(), wp.get_target_lat() ); WPList [i] = new char[ strlen(WPString)+1 ]; strcpy ( WPList [i], WPString ); } } else { WPListsize = 1; WPList = new char* [ 2 ]; WPList [0] = new char[18]; strcpy ( WPList [0], "** List Empty **"); } WPList [ WPListsize ] = NULL; TgtAptDialogWPList->newList( WPList ); // if non-empty list, adjust the size of the slider... TgtAptDialogSlider->setSliderFraction (0.9999f) ; TgtAptDialogSlider->hide(); TgtAptDialogUPArrow->hide(); TgtAptDialogDNArrow->hide(); if (WPListsize > 10) { TgtAptDialogSlider->setSliderFraction (10.0f/(WPListsize-1)) ; TgtAptDialogSlider->reveal(); TgtAptDialogUPArrow->reveal(); TgtAptDialogDNArrow->reveal(); } FG_PUSH_PUI_DIALOG( TgtAptDialog ); } void PopWayPoint(puObject *cb) { FGRouteMgr *rm = (FGRouteMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"); rm->pop_waypoint(); } void ClearRoute(puObject *cb) { FGRouteMgr *rm = (FGRouteMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"); rm->init(); } void NewTgtAirportInit() { SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, " enter NewTgtAirportInit()" ); sprintf( NewTgtAirportId, "%s", fgGetString("/sim/presets/airport-id") ); SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, " NewTgtAirportId " << NewTgtAirportId ); TgtAptDialog = new puDialogBox (150, 350); { TgtAptDialogFrame = new puFrame (0,0,350, 350); TgtAptDialogWPList = new puListBox ( 50, 130, 300, 320 ) ; TgtAptDialogWPList -> setLabel ( "Flight Plan" ); TgtAptDialogWPList -> setLabelPlace ( PUPLACE_ABOVE ) ; TgtAptDialogWPList -> setStyle ( -PUSTYLE_SMALL_SHADED ) ; TgtAptDialogWPList -> setValue ( 0 ) ; TgtAptDialogSlider = new puSlider (300, 150, 150 ,TRUE,20); TgtAptDialogSlider->setValue(1.0f); TgtAptDialogSlider->setSliderFraction (0.2f) ; TgtAptDialogSlider->setDelta(0.1f); TgtAptDialogSlider->setCBMode( PUSLIDER_DELTA ); TgtAptDialogSlider->setCallback( TgtAptDialog_HandleSlider ); TgtAptDialogUPArrow = new puArrowButton ( 300, 300, 320, 320, PUARROW_UP ) ; TgtAptDialogUPArrow->setCallback ( TgtAptDialog_HandleArrow ) ; TgtAptDialogDNArrow = new puArrowButton ( 300, 130, 320, 150, PUARROW_DOWN ) ; TgtAptDialogDNArrow->setCallback ( TgtAptDialog_HandleArrow ) ; TgtAptDialogInput = new puInput (50, 70, 300, 100); TgtAptDialogInput -> setLabel ( NewTgtAirportLabel ); TgtAptDialogInput -> setLabelPlace ( PUPLACE_ABOVE ) ; TgtAptDialogInput -> setValue (NewTgtAirportId); TgtAptDialogInput -> acceptInput(); TgtAptDialogOkButton = new puOneShot (50, 10, 110, 50); TgtAptDialogOkButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_OK); TgtAptDialogOkButton -> setCallback (TgtAptDialog_OK); TgtAptDialogOkButton -> makeReturnDefault(TRUE); TgtAptDialogCancelButton = new puOneShot (140, 10, 210, 50); TgtAptDialogCancelButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_CANCEL); TgtAptDialogCancelButton -> setCallback (TgtAptDialog_Cancel); TgtAptDialogResetButton = new puOneShot (240, 10, 300, 50); TgtAptDialogResetButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_RESET); TgtAptDialogResetButton -> setCallback (TgtAptDialog_Reset); } FG_FINALIZE_PUI_DIALOG( TgtAptDialog ); SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "leave NewTgtAirportInit()"); }