// AircraftModel.cxx - part of GUI launcher using Qt5 // // Written by James Turner, started March 2015. // // Copyright (C) 2015 James Turner // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #include "AircraftModel.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Simgear #include #include #include #include #include #include // FlightGear #include
const int STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = 128; const int STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = 172; using namespace simgear::pkg; AircraftItem::AircraftItem() : excluded(false), usesHeliports(false), usesSeaports(false) { // oh for C++11 initialisers for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) ratings[i] = 0; } AircraftItem::AircraftItem(QDir dir, QString filePath) : excluded(false), usesHeliports(false), usesSeaports(false) { for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) ratings[i] = 0; SGPropertyNode root; readProperties(filePath.toStdString(), &root); if (!root.hasChild("sim")) { throw sg_io_exception(std::string("Malformed -set.xml file"), filePath.toStdString()); } SGPropertyNode_ptr sim = root.getNode("sim"); path = filePath; pathModTime = QFileInfo(path).lastModified(); if (sim->getBoolValue("exclude-from-gui", false)) { excluded = true; return; } description = sim->getStringValue("description"); authors = sim->getStringValue("author"); if (sim->hasChild("rating")) { SGPropertyNode_ptr ratingsNode = sim->getNode("rating"); ratings[0] = ratingsNode->getIntValue("FDM"); ratings[1] = ratingsNode->getIntValue("systems"); ratings[2] = ratingsNode->getIntValue("cockpit"); ratings[3] = ratingsNode->getIntValue("model"); } if (sim->hasChild("long-description")) { // clean up any XML whitspace in the text. longDescription = QString(sim->getStringValue("long-description")).simplified(); } if (sim->hasChild("variant-of")) { variantOf = sim->getStringValue("variant-of"); } if (sim->hasChild("tags")) { SGPropertyNode_ptr tagsNode = sim->getChild("tags"); int nChildren = tagsNode->nChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++) { const SGPropertyNode* c = tagsNode->getChild(i); if (strcmp(c->getName(), "tag") == 0) { const char* tagName = c->getStringValue(); usesHeliports |= (strcmp(tagName, "helicopter") == 0); // could also consider vtol tag? usesSeaports |= (strcmp(tagName, "seaplane") == 0); usesSeaports |= (strcmp(tagName, "floats") == 0); } } // of tags iteration } // of set-xml has tags } QString AircraftItem::baseName() const { QString fn = QFileInfo(path).fileName(); fn.truncate(fn.count() - 8); return fn; } void AircraftItem::fromDataStream(QDataStream& ds) { ds >> path >> pathModTime >> excluded; if (excluded) { return; } ds >> description >> longDescription >> authors >> variantOf; for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) ds >> ratings[i]; } void AircraftItem::toDataStream(QDataStream& ds) const { ds << path << pathModTime << excluded; if (excluded) { return; } ds << description << longDescription << authors << variantOf; for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) ds << ratings[i]; } QPixmap AircraftItem::thumbnail() const { if (m_thumbnail.isNull()) { QFileInfo info(path); QDir dir = info.dir(); if (dir.exists("thumbnail.jpg")) { m_thumbnail.load(dir.filePath("thumbnail.jpg")); // resize to the standard size if (m_thumbnail.height() > STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT) { m_thumbnail = m_thumbnail.scaledToHeight(STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); } } } return m_thumbnail; } static quint32 CACHE_VERSION = 5; class AircraftScanThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: AircraftScanThread(QStringList dirsToScan) : m_dirs(dirsToScan), m_done(false) { } ~AircraftScanThread() { } /** thread-safe access to items already scanned */ QVector items() { QVector result; QMutexLocker g(&m_lock); result.swap(m_items); g.unlock(); return result; } void setDone() { m_done = true; } Q_SIGNALS: void addedItems(); protected: virtual void run() { readCache(); Q_FOREACH(QString d, m_dirs) { scanAircraftDir(QDir(d)); if (m_done) { return; } } writeCache(); } private: void readCache() { QSettings settings; QByteArray cacheData = settings.value("aircraft-cache").toByteArray(); if (!cacheData.isEmpty()) { QDataStream ds(cacheData); quint32 count, cacheVersion; ds >> cacheVersion >> count; if (cacheVersion != CACHE_VERSION) { return; // mis-matched cache, version, drop } for (quint32 i=0; ifromDataStream(ds); QFileInfo finfo(item->path); if (finfo.exists() && (finfo.lastModified() == item->pathModTime)) { // corresponding -set.xml file still exists and is // unmodified m_cachedItems[item->path] = item; } } // of cached item iteration } } void writeCache() { QSettings settings; QByteArray cacheData; { QDataStream ds(&cacheData, QIODevice::WriteOnly); quint32 count = m_nextCache.count(); ds << CACHE_VERSION << count; Q_FOREACH(AircraftItemPtr item, m_nextCache.values()) { item->toDataStream(ds); } } settings.setValue("aircraft-cache", cacheData); } void scanAircraftDir(QDir path) { QTime t; t.start(); QStringList filters; filters << "*-set.xml"; Q_FOREACH(QFileInfo child, path.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { QDir childDir(child.absoluteFilePath()); QMap baseAircraft; QList variants; Q_FOREACH(QFileInfo xmlChild, childDir.entryInfoList(filters, QDir::Files)) { try { QString absolutePath = xmlChild.absoluteFilePath(); AircraftItemPtr item; if (m_cachedItems.contains(absolutePath)) { item = m_cachedItems.value(absolutePath); } else { item = AircraftItemPtr(new AircraftItem(childDir, absolutePath)); } m_nextCache[absolutePath] = item; if (item->excluded) { continue; } if (item->variantOf.isNull()) { baseAircraft.insert(item->baseName(), item); } else { variants.append(item); } } catch (sg_exception& e) { continue; } if (m_done) { return; } } // of set.xml iteration // bind variants to their principals Q_FOREACH(AircraftItemPtr item, variants) { if (!baseAircraft.contains(item->variantOf)) { qWarning() << "can't find principal aircraft " << item->variantOf << " for variant:" << item->path; continue; } baseAircraft.value(item->variantOf)->variants.append(item); } // lock mutex while we modify the items array { QMutexLocker g(&m_lock); m_items+=(baseAircraft.values().toVector()); } emit addedItems(); } // of subdir iteration } QMutex m_lock; QStringList m_dirs; QVector m_items; QMap m_cachedItems; QMap m_nextCache; bool m_done; }; class PackageDelegate : public simgear::pkg::Delegate { public: PackageDelegate(AircraftItemModel* model) : m_model(model) { m_model->m_packageRoot->addDelegate(this); } ~PackageDelegate() { m_model->m_packageRoot->removeDelegate(this); } protected: virtual void catalogRefreshed(CatalogRef aCatalog, StatusCode aReason) { if (aReason == STATUS_IN_PROGRESS) { qDebug() << "doing refresh of" << QString::fromStdString(aCatalog->url()); } else if ((aReason == STATUS_REFRESHED) || (aReason == STATUS_SUCCESS)) { m_model->refreshPackages(); } else { qWarning() << "failed refresh of " << QString::fromStdString(aCatalog->url()) << ":" << aReason << endl; } } virtual void startInstall(InstallRef aInstall) { QModelIndex mi(indexForPackage(aInstall->package())); m_model->dataChanged(mi, mi); } virtual void installProgress(InstallRef aInstall, unsigned int bytes, unsigned int total) { Q_UNUSED(bytes); Q_UNUSED(total); QModelIndex mi(indexForPackage(aInstall->package())); m_model->dataChanged(mi, mi); } virtual void finishInstall(InstallRef aInstall, StatusCode aReason) { QModelIndex mi(indexForPackage(aInstall->package())); m_model->dataChanged(mi, mi); if ((aReason != USER_CANCELLED) && (aReason != STATUS_SUCCESS)) { m_model->installFailed(mi, aReason); } if (aReason == STATUS_SUCCESS) { m_model->installSucceeded(mi); } } virtual void availablePackagesChanged() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { m_model->refreshPackages(); } virtual void dataForThumbnail(const std::string& aThumbnailUrl, size_t length, const uint8_t* bytes) { QImage img = QImage::fromData(QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast(bytes), length)); if (img.isNull()) { qWarning() << "failed to load image data for URL:" << QString::fromStdString(aThumbnailUrl); return; } QPixmap pix = QPixmap::fromImage(img); if (pix.height() > STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT) { pix = pix.scaledToHeight(STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); } m_model->m_thumbnailPixmapCache.insert(QString::fromStdString(aThumbnailUrl), pix); // notify any affected items. Linear scan here avoids another map/dict // structure. PackageList::const_iterator it; int i = 0; for (it=m_model->m_packages.begin(); it != m_model->m_packages.end(); ++it, ++i) { const string_list& urls((*it)->thumbnailUrls()); string_list::const_iterator cit = std::find(urls.begin(), urls.end(), aThumbnailUrl); if (cit != urls.end()) { QModelIndex mi(m_model->index(i + m_model->m_items.size())); m_model->dataChanged(mi, mi); } } // of packages iteration } private: QModelIndex indexForPackage(const PackageRef& ref) const { PackageList::const_iterator it = std::find(m_model->m_packages.begin(), m_model->m_packages.end(), ref); if (it == m_model->m_packages.end()) { return QModelIndex(); } size_t offset = it - m_model->m_packages.begin(); return m_model->index(offset + m_model->m_items.size()); } AircraftItemModel* m_model; }; AircraftItemModel::AircraftItemModel(QObject* pr ) : QAbstractListModel(pr), m_scanThread(NULL), m_showOfficialHangarMessage(false) { } AircraftItemModel::~AircraftItemModel() { abandonCurrentScan(); delete m_delegate; } void AircraftItemModel::setPackageRoot(const simgear::pkg::RootRef& root) { if (m_packageRoot) { delete m_delegate; m_delegate = NULL; } m_packageRoot = root; if (m_packageRoot) { m_delegate = new PackageDelegate(this); // packages may already be refreshed, so pull now refreshPackages(); } } void AircraftItemModel::setPaths(QStringList paths) { m_paths = paths; } void AircraftItemModel::setOfficialHangarMessageVisible(bool vis) { if (m_showOfficialHangarMessage == vis) { return; } m_showOfficialHangarMessage = vis; if (vis) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0); m_items.prepend(AircraftItemPtr(new AircraftItem)); m_activeVariant.prepend(0); endInsertRows(); } else { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0); m_items.removeAt(0); m_activeVariant.removeAt(0); endRemoveRows(); } } QModelIndex AircraftItemModel::officialHangarMessageIndex() const { if (!m_showOfficialHangarMessage) { return QModelIndex(); } return index(0); } void AircraftItemModel::scanDirs() { abandonCurrentScan(); int firstRow = (m_showOfficialHangarMessage ? 1 : 0); int numToRemove = m_items.size() - firstRow; int lastRow = firstRow + numToRemove - 1; beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), firstRow, lastRow); m_items.remove(firstRow, numToRemove); m_activeVariant.remove(firstRow, numToRemove); endRemoveRows(); QStringList dirs = m_paths; Q_FOREACH(std::string ap, globals->get_aircraft_paths()) { dirs << QString::fromStdString(ap); } SGPath rootAircraft(globals->get_fg_root()); rootAircraft.append("Aircraft"); dirs << QString::fromStdString(rootAircraft.utf8Str()); m_scanThread = new AircraftScanThread(dirs); connect(m_scanThread, &AircraftScanThread::finished, this, &AircraftItemModel::onScanFinished); connect(m_scanThread, &AircraftScanThread::addedItems, this, &AircraftItemModel::onScanResults); m_scanThread->start(); } void AircraftItemModel::abandonCurrentScan() { if (m_scanThread) { m_scanThread->setDone(); m_scanThread->wait(1000); delete m_scanThread; m_scanThread = NULL; } } void AircraftItemModel::refreshPackages() { simgear::pkg::PackageList newPkgs = m_packageRoot->allPackages(); int firstRow = m_items.size(); int newSize = newPkgs.size(); if (m_packages.size() != newPkgs.size()) { int oldSize = m_packages.size(); if (newSize > oldSize) { // growing int firstNewRow = firstRow + oldSize; int lastNewRow = firstRow + newSize - 1; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), firstNewRow, lastNewRow); m_packages = newPkgs; m_packageVariant.resize(newSize); endInsertRows(); } else { // shrinking int firstOldRow = firstRow + newSize; int lastOldRow = firstRow + oldSize - 1; beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), firstOldRow, lastOldRow); m_packages = newPkgs; m_packageVariant.resize(newSize); endRemoveRows(); } } else { m_packages = newPkgs; } emit dataChanged(index(firstRow), index(firstRow + newSize - 1)); } int AircraftItemModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const { return m_items.size() + m_packages.size(); } QVariant AircraftItemModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { int row = index.row(); if (m_showOfficialHangarMessage) { if (row == 0) { if (role == AircraftPackageStatusRole) { return NoOfficialCatalogMessage; } return QVariant(); } } if (row >= m_items.size()) { quint32 packageIndex = row - m_items.size(); if (role == AircraftVariantRole) { return m_packageVariant.at(packageIndex); } const PackageRef& pkg(m_packages[packageIndex]); InstallRef ex = pkg->existingInstall(); if (role == AircraftInstallPercentRole) { return ex.valid() ? ex->downloadedPercent() : 0; } else if (role == AircraftInstallDownloadedSizeRole) { return static_cast(ex.valid() ? ex->downloadedBytes() : 0); } quint32 variantIndex = m_packageVariant.at(packageIndex); return dataFromPackage(pkg, variantIndex, role); } else { if (role == AircraftVariantRole) { return m_activeVariant.at(row); } quint32 variantIndex = m_activeVariant.at(row); const AircraftItemPtr item(m_items.at(row)); return dataFromItem(item, variantIndex, role); } } QVariant AircraftItemModel::dataFromItem(AircraftItemPtr item, quint32 variantIndex, int role) const { if (role == AircraftVariantCountRole) { return item->variants.count(); } if (role == AircraftThumbnailCountRole) { QPixmap p = item->thumbnail(); return p.isNull() ? 0 : 1; } if (role == AircraftThumbnailSizeRole) { return item->thumbnail().size(); } if ((role >= AircraftVariantDescriptionRole) && (role < AircraftThumbnailRole)) { int variantIndex = role - AircraftVariantDescriptionRole; return item->variants.at(variantIndex)->description; } if (variantIndex) { if (variantIndex <= static_cast(item->variants.count())) { // show the selected variant item = item->variants.at(variantIndex - 1); } } if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { if (item->description.isEmpty()) { return tr("Missing description for: %1").arg(item->baseName()); } return item->description; } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { return item->thumbnail(); } else if (role == AircraftPathRole) { return item->path; } else if (role == AircraftAuthorsRole) { return item->authors; } else if ((role >= AircraftRatingRole) && (role < AircraftVariantDescriptionRole)) { return item->ratings[role - AircraftRatingRole]; } else if (role >= AircraftThumbnailRole) { return item->thumbnail(); } else if (role == AircraftPackageIdRole) { // can we fake an ID? otherwise fall through to a null variant } else if (role == AircraftPackageStatusRole) { return PackageInstalled; // always the case } else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) { return item->path; } else if (role == AircraftURIRole) { return QUrl::fromLocalFile(item->path); } else if (role == AircraftHasRatingsRole) { bool have = false; for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { have |= (item->ratings[i] > 0); } return have; } else if (role == AircraftLongDescriptionRole) { return item->longDescription; } else if (role == AircraftIsHelicopterRole) { return item->usesHeliports; } else if (role == AircraftIsSeaplaneRole) { return item->usesSeaports; } return QVariant(); } QVariant AircraftItemModel::dataFromPackage(const PackageRef& item, quint32 variantIndex, int role) const { if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { role = AircraftThumbnailRole; // use first thumbnail } if ((role >= AircraftVariantDescriptionRole) && (role < AircraftThumbnailRole)) { int variantIndex = role - AircraftVariantDescriptionRole; QString desc = QString::fromStdString(item->nameForVariant(variantIndex)); if (desc.isEmpty()) { desc = tr("Missing description for: %1").arg(QString::fromStdString(item->id())); } return desc; } if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { QString desc = QString::fromStdString(item->nameForVariant(variantIndex)); if (desc.isEmpty()) { desc = tr("Missing description for: %1").arg(QString::fromStdString(item->id())); } return desc; } else if (role == AircraftPathRole) { InstallRef i = item->existingInstall(); if (i.valid()) { return QString::fromStdString(i->primarySetPath().utf8Str()); } } else if (role == AircraftPackageIdRole) { return QString::fromStdString(item->variants()[variantIndex]); } else if (role == AircraftPackageStatusRole) { InstallRef i = item->existingInstall(); if (i.valid()) { if (i->isDownloading()) { return PackageDownloading; } if (i->isQueued()) { return PackageQueued; } if (i->hasUpdate()) { return PackageUpdateAvailable; } return PackageInstalled; } else { return PackageNotInstalled; } } else if (role == AircraftVariantCountRole) { // this value wants the number of aditional variants, i.e not // including the primary. Hence the -1 term. return static_cast(item->variants().size() - 1); } else if (role == AircraftThumbnailSizeRole) { QPixmap pm = packageThumbnail(item, 0, false).value(); if (pm.isNull()) return QSize(STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); return pm.size(); } else if (role >= AircraftThumbnailRole) { return packageThumbnail(item , role - AircraftThumbnailRole); } else if (role == AircraftAuthorsRole) { SGPropertyNode* authors = item->properties()->getChild("author"); if (authors) { return QString::fromStdString(authors->getStringValue()); } } else if (role == AircraftLongDescriptionRole) { return QString::fromStdString(item->description()).simplified(); } else if (role == AircraftPackageSizeRole) { return static_cast(item->fileSizeBytes()); } else if (role == AircraftURIRole) { return QUrl("package:" + QString::fromStdString(item->qualifiedVariantId(variantIndex))); } else if (role == AircraftHasRatingsRole) { return item->properties()->hasChild("rating"); } else if ((role >= AircraftRatingRole) && (role < AircraftVariantDescriptionRole)) { int ratingIndex = role - AircraftRatingRole; SGPropertyNode* ratings = item->properties()->getChild("rating"); if (!ratings) { return QVariant(); } return ratings->getChild(ratingIndex)->getIntValue(); } return QVariant(); } QVariant AircraftItemModel::packageThumbnail(PackageRef p, int index, bool download) const { const string_list& thumbnails(p->thumbnailUrls()); if (index >= static_cast(thumbnails.size())) { return QVariant(); } std::string thumbnailUrl = thumbnails.at(index); QString urlQString(QString::fromStdString(thumbnailUrl)); if (m_thumbnailPixmapCache.contains(urlQString)) { // cache hit, easy return m_thumbnailPixmapCache.value(urlQString); } // check the on-disk store. This relies on the order of thumbnails in the // results of thumbnailUrls and thumbnails corresponding InstallRef ex = p->existingInstall(); if (ex.valid()) { const string_list& thumbNames(p->thumbnails()); if (!thumbNames.empty()) { SGPath path(ex->path()); path.append(p->thumbnails()[index]); if (path.exists()) { QPixmap pix; pix.load(QString::fromStdString(path.utf8Str())); // resize to the standard size if (pix.height() > STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT) { pix = pix.scaledToHeight(STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); } m_thumbnailPixmapCache[urlQString] = pix; return pix; } } // of have thumbnail file names } // of have existing install if (download) { m_packageRoot->requestThumbnailData(thumbnailUrl); } return QVariant(); } bool AircraftItemModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { int row = index.row(); if (role == AircraftVariantRole) { if (row >= m_activeVariant.size()) { row -= m_activeVariant.size(); m_packageVariant[row] = value.toInt(); } else { m_activeVariant[row] = value.toInt(); } emit dataChanged(index, index); return true; } return false; } QModelIndex AircraftItemModel::indexOfAircraftURI(QUrl uri) const { if (uri.isEmpty()) { return QModelIndex(); } if (uri.isLocalFile()) { QString path = uri.toLocalFile(); for (int row=0; row path == path) { return index(row); } // check variants too for (int vr=0; vr < item->variants.size(); ++vr) { if (item->variants.at(vr)->path == path) { return index(row); } } } } else if (uri.scheme() == "package") { QString ident = uri.path(); int rowOffset = m_items.size(); PackageRef pkg = m_packageRoot->getPackageById(ident.toStdString()); if (pkg) { for (size_t i=0; i < m_packages.size(); ++i) { if (m_packages[i] == pkg) { return index(rowOffset + i); } } // of linear package scan } } else if (uri.scheme() == "") { // Empty URI scheme (no selection), nothing to do } else { qWarning() << "Unknown aircraft URI scheme" << uri << uri.scheme(); } return QModelIndex(); } void AircraftItemModel::onScanResults() { QVector newItems = m_scanThread->items(); if (newItems.isEmpty()) return; int firstRow = m_items.count(); int lastRow = firstRow + newItems.count() - 1; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), firstRow, lastRow); m_items+=newItems; // default variants in all cases for (int i=0; i< newItems.count(); ++i) { m_activeVariant.append(0); } endInsertRows(); } void AircraftItemModel::onScanFinished() { delete m_scanThread; m_scanThread = NULL; emit scanCompleted(); } void AircraftItemModel::installFailed(QModelIndex index, simgear::pkg::Delegate::StatusCode reason) { QString msg; switch (reason) { case Delegate::FAIL_CHECKSUM: msg = tr("Invalid package checksum"); break; case Delegate::FAIL_DOWNLOAD: msg = tr("Download failed"); break; case Delegate::FAIL_EXTRACT: msg = tr("Package could not be extracted"); break; case Delegate::FAIL_FILESYSTEM: msg = tr("A local file-system error occurred"); break; case Delegate::FAIL_NOT_FOUND: msg = tr("Package file missing from download server"); break; case Delegate::FAIL_UNKNOWN: default: msg = tr("Unknown reason"); } emit aircraftInstallFailed(index, msg); } void AircraftItemModel::installSucceeded(QModelIndex index) { emit aircraftInstallCompleted(index); } bool AircraftItemModel::isIndexRunnable(const QModelIndex& index) const { if (index.row() < m_items.size()) { return true; // local file, always runnable } quint32 packageIndex = index.row() - m_items.size(); const PackageRef& pkg(m_packages[packageIndex]); InstallRef ex = pkg->existingInstall(); if (!ex.valid()) { return false; // not installed } return !ex->isDownloading(); } bool AircraftItemModel::isCandidateAircraftPath(QString path) { QStringList filters; filters << "*-set.xml"; int dirCount = 0, setXmlCount = 0; QDir d(path); Q_FOREACH(QFileInfo child, d.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { QDir childDir(child.absoluteFilePath()); ++dirCount; Q_FOREACH(QFileInfo xmlChild, childDir.entryInfoList(filters, QDir::Files)) { ++setXmlCount; } if ((setXmlCount > 0) || (dirCount > 10)) { break; } } return (setXmlCount > 0); } #include "AircraftModel.moc"