// RenderArea2D.cxx - a class to manage 2D polygon-based drawing // for a complex instrument (eg. GPS). // // Written by David Luff, started 2005. // // Copyright (C) 2005 - David C Luff - daveluff AT ntlworld.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #include "render_area_2d.hxx" RA2DPrimitive::RA2DPrimitive() { invert = false; debug = false; } RenderArea2D::RenderArea2D(int logx, int logy, int sizex, int sizey, int posx, int posy) { _logx = logx; _logy = logy; _sizex = sizex; _sizey = sizey; _posx = posx; _posy = posy; _clipx1 = 0; _clipx2 = _logx - 1; _clipy1 = 0; _clipy2 = _logy - 1; // Default to black background / white text. _backgroundColor[0] = 0.0; _backgroundColor[1] = 0.0; _backgroundColor[2] = 0.0; _backgroundColor[3] = 1.0; _pixelColor[0] = 1.0; _pixelColor[1] = 1.0; _pixelColor[2] = 1.0; _pixelColor[3] = 1.0; _ra2d_debug = false; } void RenderArea2D::Draw(osg::State& state) { static osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> renderArea2DStateSet; if(!renderArea2DStateSet.valid()) { renderArea2DStateSet = new osg::StateSet; renderArea2DStateSet->setTextureMode(0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); renderArea2DStateSet->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); } state.pushStateSet(renderArea2DStateSet.get()); state.apply(); state.setActiveTextureUnit(0); state.setClientActiveTextureUnit(0); // DCL - the 2 lines below are copied verbatim from the hotspot drawing code. // I am not sure if they are needed here or not. glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT); glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); // FIXME - disabling all clip planes causes bleed-through through the splash screen. glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0); glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE1); glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE2); glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE3); DoDrawBackground(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < drawing_list.size(); ++i) { RA2DPrimitive prim = drawing_list[i]; switch(prim.type) { case RA2D_LINE: DoDrawLine(prim.x1, prim.y1, prim.x2, prim.y2); break; case RA2D_QUAD: if(prim.debug) { //cout << "Clipping = " << _clipx1 << ", " << _clipy1 << " to " << _clipx2 << ", " << _clipy2 << '\n'; //cout << "Drawing quad " << prim.x1 << ", " << prim.y1 << " to " << prim.x2 << ", " << prim.y2 << '\n'; } DoDrawQuad(prim.x1, prim.y1, prim.x2, prim.y2, prim.invert); break; case RA2D_PIXEL: DoDrawPixel(prim.x1, prim.y1, prim.invert); break; } } drawing_list.clear(); glPopAttrib(); state.popStateSet(); state.apply(); state.setActiveTextureUnit(0); state.setClientActiveTextureUnit(0); } void RenderArea2D::Flush() { drawing_list.clear(); } void RenderArea2D::SetPixelColor(const float* rgba) { _pixelColor[0] = rgba[0]; _pixelColor[1] = rgba[1]; _pixelColor[2] = rgba[2]; _pixelColor[3] = rgba[3]; } // Set clipping region in logical units void RenderArea2D::SetClipRegion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { _clipx1 = x1; _clipx2 = x2; _clipy1 = y1; _clipy2 = y2; //cout << "Set clip region, clip region = " << _clipx1 << ", " << _clipy1 << " to " << _clipx2 << ", " << _clipy2 << '\n'; } // Set clip region to be the same as the rendered area (default) void RenderArea2D::ResetClipRegion() { _clipx1 = 0; _clipx2 = _logx - 1; _clipy1 = 0; _clipy2 = _logy - 1; //cout << "Reset clip region, clip region = " << _clipx1 << ", " << _clipy1 << " to " << _clipx2 << ", " << _clipy2 << '\n'; } void RenderArea2D::SetPosition(int posx, int posy) { _posx = posx; _posy = posy; } void RenderArea2D::SetLogicalSize(int logx, int logy) { _logx = logx; _logy = logy; } void RenderArea2D::SetActualSize(int sizex, int sizey) { _sizex = sizex; _sizey = sizey; } void RenderArea2D::DrawPixel(int x, int y, bool invert) { // Clip if(x < _clipx1 || x > _clipx2 || y < _clipy1 || y > _clipy2) return; RA2DPrimitive prim; prim.x1 = x; prim.y1 = y; prim.x2 = 0; prim.y2 = 0; prim.type = RA2D_PIXEL; prim.invert = invert; drawing_list.push_back(prim); } void RenderArea2D::DoDrawPixel(int x, int y, bool invert) { // Clip. In theory this shouldn't be necessary, since all input is clipped before adding // to the drawing list, but it ensures that any errors in clipping lines etc will only // spill over the clip area within the instrument, and still be clipped from straying // outside the instrument. if(x < _clipx1 || x > _clipx2 || y < _clipy1 || y > _clipy2) return; // Scale to position within background float fx1 = (float)x, fy1 = (float)y; float rx = (float)_sizex / (float)_logx; float ry = (float)_sizey / (float)_logy; fx1 *= rx; fy1 *= ry; float fx2 = fx1 + rx; float fy2 = fy1 + ry; // Translate to final position fx1 += (float)_posx; fx2 += (float)_posx; fy1 += (float)_posy; fy2 += (float)_posy; //cout << "DP: " << fx1 << ", " << fy1 << " ... " << fx2 << ", " << fy2 << '\n'; SetRenderColor(invert ? _backgroundColor : _pixelColor); SGVec2f corners[4] = { SGVec2f(fx1, fy1), SGVec2f(fx2, fy1), SGVec2f(fx2, fy2), SGVec2f(fx1, fy2) }; RenderQuad(corners); } void RenderArea2D::DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { // We need to clip the line to the current region before storing it in the drawing // list, since when we come to actually draw it the clip region may have changed. // Liang-Barsky clipping algorithm int p[4], q[4]; float u1 = 0.0f, u2 = 1.0f; p[0] = -(x2 - x1); q[0] = (x1 - _clipx1); p[1] = (x2 - x1); q[1] = (_clipx2 - x1); p[2] = -(y2 - y1); q[2] = (y1 - _clipy1); p[3] = (y2 - y1); q[3] = (_clipy2 - y1); for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) { if(p[i] == 0) { if(q[i] < 0) { // Then we have a trivial rejection of a line parallel to a clip plane // completely outside the clip region. return; } } else if(p[i] < 0) { float r = (float)q[i]/(float)p[i]; u1 = (u1 > r ? u1 : r); } else { // p[i] > 0 float r = (float)q[i]/(float)p[i]; u2 = (u2 < r ? u2 : r); } if(u1 > u2) { // Then the line is completely outside the clip area. return; } } float fx1 = x1 + u1 * (float)(x2 - x1); float fy1 = y1 + u1 * (float)(y2 - y1); float fx2 = x1 + u2 * (float)(x2 - x1); float fy2 = y1 + u2 * (float)(y2 - y1); x1 = (int)(fx1 + 0.5); y1 = (int)(fy1 + 0.5); x2 = (int)(fx2 + 0.5); y2 = (int)(fy2 + 0.5); RA2DPrimitive prim; prim.x1 = x1; prim.y1 = y1; prim.x2 = x2; prim.y2 = y2; prim.type = RA2D_LINE; prim.invert = false; drawing_list.push_back(prim); } void RenderArea2D::DoDrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { // Crude implementation of Bresenham line drawing algorithm. // Our lines are non directional, so first order the points x-direction-wise to leave only 4 octants to consider. if(x2 < x1) { int tmp_x = x1; int tmp_y = y1; x1 = x2; y1 = y2; x2 = tmp_x; y2 = tmp_y; } bool flip_y = (y1 > y2 ? true : false); int dx = x2 - x1; int dy = (flip_y ? y1 - y2 : y2 - y1); if(dx > dy) { // push the x dir int y = y1; int yn = dx/2; for(int x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) { DoDrawPixel(x, y); yn += dy; if(yn >= dx) { yn -= dx; y = (flip_y ? y - 1 : y + 1); } } } else { // push the y dir int x = x1; int xn = dy/2; // Must be a more elegant way to roll the next two cases into one! if(flip_y) { for(int y=y1; y>=y2; --y) { DoDrawPixel(x, y); xn += dx; if(xn >= dy) { xn -= dy; x++; } } } else { for(int y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) { DoDrawPixel(x, y); xn += dx; if(xn >= dy) { xn -= dy; x++; } } } } } void RenderArea2D::DrawQuad(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool invert) { // Force the input to be ordered with x1 < x2 and y1 < y2. if(x1 > x2) { int x = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = x; } if(y1 > y2) { int y = y2; y2 = y1; y1 = y; } // Clip the input to the current drawing region. x1 = x1 < _clipx1 ? _clipx1 : x1; if(x1 > _clipx2) { return; } x2 = x2 > _clipx2 ? _clipx2 : x2; if(x2 < _clipx1) { return; } y1 = y1 < _clipy1 ? _clipy1 : y1; if(y1 > _clipy2) { return; } y2 = y2 > _clipy2 ? _clipy2 : y2; if(y2 < _clipy1) { return; } RA2DPrimitive prim; prim.x1 = x1; prim.y1 = y1; prim.x2 = x2; prim.y2 = y2; prim.type = RA2D_QUAD; prim.invert = invert; if(_ra2d_debug) prim.debug = true; drawing_list.push_back(prim); } void RenderArea2D::DoDrawQuad(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool invert) { // Scale to position within background float fx1 = (float)x1, fy1 = (float)y1; float fx2 = (float)x2, fy2 = (float)y2; float rx = (float)_sizex / (float)_logx; float ry = (float)_sizey / (float)_logy; fx1 *= rx; fy1 *= ry; fx2 *= rx; fy2 *= ry; fx2 += rx; fy2 += ry; // Translate to final position fx1 += (float)_posx; fx2 += (float)_posx; fy1 += (float)_posy; fy2 += (float)_posy; //cout << "DP: " << fx1 << ", " << fy1 << " ... " << fx2 << ", " << fy2 << '\n'; SetRenderColor(invert ? _backgroundColor : _pixelColor); SGVec2f corners[4] = { SGVec2f(fx1, fy1), SGVec2f(fx2, fy1), SGVec2f(fx2, fy2), SGVec2f(fx1, fy2) }; RenderQuad(corners); } void RenderArea2D::DrawBackground() { // Currently a NO-OP } void RenderArea2D::DoDrawBackground() { SetRenderColor(_backgroundColor); SGVec2f corners[4] = { SGVec2f(_posx, _posy), SGVec2f(_posx + _sizex, _posy), SGVec2f(_posx + _sizex, _posy + _sizey), SGVec2f(_posx, _posy + _sizey) }; RenderQuad(corners); } // ----------------------------------------- // // Actual drawing routines copied from Atlas // // ----------------------------------------- void RenderArea2D::SetRenderColor( const float *rgba ) { glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, rgba); glColor4fv( rgba ); } void RenderArea2D::RenderQuad( const SGVec2f *p) { glBegin(GL_QUADS); glNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex2fv( p[0].data() ); glVertex2fv( p[1].data() ); glVertex2fv( p[2].data() ); glVertex2fv( p[3].data() ); glEnd(); } void RenderArea2D::RenderQuad( const SGVec2f *p, const SGVec4f *color ) { glBegin(GL_QUADS); glNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glColor4fv( color[0].data() ); glVertex2fv( p[0].data() ); glColor4fv( color[1].data() ); glVertex2fv( p[1].data() ); glColor4fv( color[2].data() ); glVertex2fv( p[2].data() ); glColor4fv( color[3].data() ); glVertex2fv( p[3].data() ); glEnd(); }