Enabling this hack by default, to assess the impact for everyone. Should fix the issue for Ati Catalyst 11.5 users, and hopefully no impact for everyone else. All feedback appreciated. Set /sim/ati-viewport-hack to false if you think this option might be causing issues for you (and then tell James, ASAP)
added measured-total-pressure property to account for a normal
shockwave in front of pitot tube at supersonic speeds. momentarily not
small unit conversion correction of inHg to hPa in altimeter
Base airspeed calculations on impact pressure in instrumentation
AndersG noticed an issue when a ground-net file is edited. The DROP commands prior to the reload were wrong, fixed now to delete all ground-net entries before the file is read.
KATL -> KLAX looks correct now. Great-circles that span the 180-meridian are still rendered wrong, but that's a map projection issues, which I will fix in the next few days.
This allows delegates to take action when the flightlan is cleared, and especially, for the default delegate in the route-manager to deactivate itself, and hence the GPS LEG mode - which fixes bug 940 I hope.
When leg spans more than a threshold (currently 0.5 degrees) of longitude, interpolate the actual path flown by the GPS/RM, which is a true great-circle. Previous we rendered a Rhumb line which does not agree at all. (Especially noticeable in the MapWidget and NavDisplay code, both of which use RoutePath to tesselate the route before rendering)
At large search ranges (320 or 640NM range on the 777), the search time can blow up, especially if distant airports are being loaded. Add a time-bounded spatial query, and use it, so performance stays tolerable.
When the from and to points are not on the enroute structure, check the initial and final legs for large turns (more than 90-degrees) from the overall route course. If found, kill the leg, to generate more natural route and avoid very sharp turns in the terminal area.
Note these are still generic and do NOT take local terrain into account. Don't come crying to me if you fly into nearby terrain because you weren't using a real procedure!
One of the two route termination conditions was improperly handled, leading to bad leg/wpt indices and exceptions from the GPS code. Detect passing the final waypoint in a more robust way now.
Also fix the GPS code to avoid turn computation on the final leg.
Clean-up how axes and button bindings are destroyed are re-built on reinit of the FGJoystickInput subsystem, so we get new, cleanly initialised items each time.
Allow the location of the ND centre to be set from properties instead of always using the acct position.
(I thought I'd supported this option long ago, evidently not)
Use a RAII object to manage cache transactions, and reset queries immediately after they are done, to avoid auto-commit transactions lasting long periods of time. Re-write the commit and step logic to handle SQLITE_BUSY, with progressively increasing waits when there is DB contention (multiple processes accessing the DB).
As an opt-in API, allow clients to request partial results, with a time-bounded cutoff. Use this to keep the MapWidget responsive even when many airports are being added to the cache (e.g., zooming out or panning rapidly when zoomed out)
Make position finalisation happen in the same phase as scenery load, i.e as a task during the main loop, instead of during the init loop. This is compatible with the existing reset logic. Unfortunately more work is needed; the environment code doesn't update the local station quickly enough on reset. (Fixing that is next!)