Categorise arguments to ensure user-specified ones take precedence
over values set by the launcher.
When any positional arg is set, exclude all positional ones from being
set at all, to prevent strange interactions.
This simplifies the launcher's rendering since the widget-based
code is gone, various things get hooked up as a result. Styling
fixes everywhere as well.
Menubar on Linux/Windows needs to be re-added.
* Removed the IAS dependency to the Pitot tube angle (real Pitot tube are less sensitive to AoA than was simulated)
* Removed the class FGUDPOutputSocket which was redundant with FGOutputSocket
* Added a new type of functions "template" which are intended to prevent duplication of functions. For now, they are available to compute output values and script notifications.
* Aerodynamics forces can now be specified in stability axes.
* Density altitude and pressure altitude are computed according to ISA standard atmosphere 1976.
New properties:
* Flight path angle (gamma) in degrees
- fdm/jsbsim/flight-path/gamma-deg
* Aerodynamics forces in stability axes
- fdm/jsbsim/forces/fsx-aero-lbs
- fdm/jsbsim/forces/fsy-aero-lbs
- fdm/jsbsim/forces/fsz-aero-lbs
* Aerodynamics moments in stability axes
- moments/roll-stab-aero-lbsft
- moments/pitch-stab-aero-lbsft
- moments/yaw-stab-aero-lbsft
* Pause JSBSim
- fdm/jsbsim/simulation/pause
* Fixed multiple bugs.
Display a warning when the user tries to set arguments in additional
settings which the launcher will also set / conflict with. Blacklist
is still evolving, and we don’t actually prevent the user from running,
since maybe they are doing something special
At a basic level, the implementation supports two levels of LoD:
FAR from /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-bare to /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-detailed.
NEAR from /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-detailed to 0.
(First of many digressions: If /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-mode-pixel=true then instead of measuring LOD distance in meters, the size of the object in pixels is used, so the ranges are different)
The models that are loaded for FAR and NEAR depend on a combination of the availability of a model in /AI/AIrcraft/ and FG_AIRCRAFT directories.
If /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-detailed=false then an AI aircraft will be used in preference for both NEAR and FAR.
If /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-detailed=true then an AI aircraft will be used for FAR, and an FG_AIRCRAFT for NEAR.
Obviously if only an AI or a FG_AIRCRAFT model are available, that will be used for the entire NEAR+FAR range.