A bug lurked into our uiuc code.
There are two changes:
[1] Comment out the chunk of code as shown (compare w/ the old)
[2] Put back in the function call, and in that code change AlphaTail to Alpha.
ability to run a nonlinear model with flaps. The files ls_model.c and
uiuc_aero.c were changed since we had some functions with the same
name. The name changes doesn't affect the code, it just makes it a
little easier to read. There are changes in LaRCsim.cxx so UIUC
models have engine sound. Could you send me an email when you receive
this and/or when the changes make it to the CVS? Thanks.
Also I noticed you have some outdated files that are no longer used in
the UIUCModel directory. They are uiuc_initializemaps1.cpp,
uiuc_initializemaps2.cpp, uiuc_initializemaps3.cpp, and