- Airports Directory
Thomas Foerster: Pulls out the FGTaxiNode implementation into gnnode.cxx.
Melchior / Durk: Copy Constructor and assignment operator for FGTaxiRoute
- AIModels Directory
Durk / Melchior / Czaba Halasz: Ensure that all derived classes use AIBase
member 'callsign'. Adapted, moved and deleted getter/setter functions where
Czaba Halasz: Fix AIBase model path vs. submodel path consistency.
- Traffic Directory and AIModels CreateFlightPlanCruise
DT: Temporary revert parts of the position estimation code.
src/AIModel/AITanker.cxx src/Traffic/Schedule.cxx:
Move member variables that should better be in function local
scope into the functions. Make more use of SGMath functions.
maintain a resonable distance from each other while taxiing on the same
route. The current code does not yet take crossing routes or aircraft
taxiing into opposite directions into account.
work for ground based distance separation of AIAircraft.
Traffic manager initialization related changes:
- Schedules initialize "on the fly", instead of during initialization
- Invalid routes are no longer deleted, but marked as BOGUS and ignored
- Changed loading order from a distance based prioritization to a point-
score based prioritization, resulting in a much faster establisment of
AIAircraft near the user's plane.
Preparatory work for ground-based separation of Aircraft.
- The groundnetwork findShrortestRoute function not only returns a list
of waypoints, but also a list of taxi "segments" (a.k.a. taxiways).
- The taxiway list is stored in the Flightplan, and updated everytime
a new taxi leg is created.
using Curt's new speed adjustment code. 2) Separated the function
FlightPlanCreateCruise() into a new source file in preparation of a more
elaborate airway following scheme.