The goal of removeDirectoryTree() is to provide a safety net around
recursive directory removal with shutil.rmtree(), in order to prevent
user or bug-caused catastrophic events such as /, /home /home/joeuser or
C:\ being recursively erased.
- Add method assembleUrl() to HTTPGetter.
- Raise a NetworkError exception with the particular URL and number of
retries when it has been exhausted.
- Number of retries is now trivial to expose as a parameter, and set to
5 in HTTPGetter.
- Sleep for one second between self.httpConnection.close() and
self.httpConnection.connect() when retrying a failed HTTP request.
- Apply DRY principle.
- New generic exception class TerraSyncPyException.
- Add subclass NetworkError of TerraSyncPyException.
- Raise a NetworkError exception when the HTTP return code is not 200.
- hash_of_file() does not silently ignore errors anymore; exceptions
should be dealt with wherever appropriate by the callers.
Whenever hash_of_file() returns, its return value is now the SHA-1
hash of the specified file. This is less error-prone IMHO than
returning None. Otherwise, calling code could erroneously conclude
that there is a matching hash when the file to check is actually
missing. For a concrete example, see the 'dirIndexHash' parameter of
TerraSync.updateDirectory(), which so far is used precisely with the
value None to express that "we are just starting the recursion and
have no hash from the server to compare to".
When called, the callback passed to HTTPGetter.get() is now explicitly
passed the URL and the http.client.HTTPResponse instance.
Remove the HTTPGetCallback.result attribute (not needed anymore, leaves
more freedom when implementating HTTPGetCallback subclasses...).
If the response to the HTTP request isn't 200 (success), then don't save
the response, and don't call the callback.
Additionally, only retry in the case of HTTPException. This allows using
Ctrl-C to work correctly (and easily).
- add option --quick
check sha1sum of .dirindex files and skip directory if hash matches
- add option --remove-orphan
remove orphan files (files exist locally but not on server)
- be less verbose
- write .dirindex files locally