--prop:/sim/traffic-manager/dumpdata=true: dumps the currently loaded datafile to the console for inspection.
--prop:/sim/traffic-manager/datafile=/path/to/somefile.xml: Skips autoscanning and reads traffic only from the specified xml file.
--prop:/sim/traffic-manager/datafile=/path/to/somefile.conf: Slips autoscanning and reads traffic from a plain text file, as described on the forum/wiki
* Removed the use of pointers for heuristics calculations, as urged by Frederic Bouvier
* Fixed domain error in proportion calculation during loading, resulting in random skipping of aircraft, as reported by Jorg van der Venne.
* New features
- More realistic descent paths
- Separation during descent and approach
- ATC approach controller (still silent)
- inbound traffic flow will start immediately
* Bug fixes
- Properly handle vertical speed when on ground
- Departing aircraft now wait for taxiclerance before moving
- Traffic manager waits for proper weather initialization
- Fixed instabilities in the preferential runway usage code
- Fine tuning of waypoint following code.
- use max. computation time instead of max computations per frame
- restart computation of an area only after significant movememt
- let the area move with a heading and a speed
The autopilot has grown beyond being just an autopilot. It's
components, filters and controllers could be used to set property
values based on complex rules and driven from other property values.
That's why I chose to give it the name "property-rule".
This patch allows to define an arbitrary number of property rules under
using the same syntax as autopilot configurations.
This is the first part of the local-weather implementation
of Thorsten Renk, currently written entirly in Nasal. Here
comes the terrain-sampling subsystem as a first step. It is
not (yet) included in the build process which will be
performed when the system has a little matured.
Only block callouts which were actually issued to the pilot. When
multiple callouts trigger at the same time, allow lower prio warnings
to be issued once the higher prio ones are resolved.
=> Gear/flap warnings are now working reliably (no longer blocked
permanently when altitude callouts are enabled).
- Point the homedir variable to %APPDATA%/flightgear.org. This
enables .fgfsrc in this path for windows users.
- Evaluate the returncode of gethostname() to not strdup() bogus
characters on failure. Also mainly on windows.