Change delay to 15 seconds; and alert that there is a delay.
The 15 second delay should be sufficient to allow the compressor to finish processing; and in anycase this is running in a thread and therefore shouldn't freeze the whole sim for the delay period.
Prevent FDM-derived properties being sent at full speed (120Hz) which
overloads telnet connections. Instead track dirty properties and
send them at the protocol’s update rate (which is presumably what
the user expects)
The Garmin protocol implementation really is an NMEA protocol with a few
extra messages. Instead of duplicating the code, introduce the NMEA protocol
as a base class, which is reused for the Garmin class. The input/output
has not changed at all (and it maintains the FG-specific quirks, like our
NMEA class using LF-only linefeeds, while the Garmin protocol uses
CR-LF linefeeds.
Change fgcommand to take an optional property tree root element.
This fixes the animation bindings to use the defined property tree root - to support multiplayer (or other) model that can bind to the correct part of the property tree.
Requires a corresponding fix in sg to allow the command methods to take an optional root parameter.
What this means is that when inside someone else's multiplayer model (e.g. backseat, or co-pilot), the multipalyer (AI) model will correctly modify properties inside the correct part of the property tree inside (/ai), rather than modifying the properties inside the same part of the tree as the non-ai model.
This means that a properly setup model will operate within it's own space in the property tree; and permit more generic multiplayer code to be written.
This is probably responsible for some of the pollution of the root property tree with MP aircraft properties.
Read all values as floating point before applying a factor, then
convert to the target type (int, byte or short). Suggested and
implemented by Oliver Kroth.
The mirror protocol now sends the position for internal as well as
leaf nodes, and the group uses this data to sort when no explicit
Z-indices exist. This gets the extra-500 much closer to working!
Special case handling when recently removed properties are re-added;
when this happens simply send a value change since it's much cheaper
over the wire and for the receiver. Poorly designed Canvas code does
this frequently (eg, every update)
Use a recursive listener to expose a property tree via a WebSocket.
Currently using a JSON-based encoding, will likely change to binary so
please don’t write code using this interface until the encoding
is stable and documented!
Of fast systems with 60fps sending many properties to web clients
may overrun the rendering capabilities of the browser. At some point
the web socket client halts the simulation by throtteling the network
Update rate is settable at startup setting to a double value
(default: 0.05 aka 20Hz)
Remove uses of .str(), .c_str() and some other methods of SGPath.
Pass SGPath directly where possible, or explicitly convert to the
appropriate 8-bit encoding.
Tolerate the case where a URL matching the exact FG version is
not found; lookup a generic URL, in the hope it supports our
version (additional changes will make this more likely)