I have attached some revisions for the UIUCModel and some LaRCsim.
The only thing you should need to check is LaRCsim.cxx. The file
I attached is a revised version of 1.5 and the latest is 1.7. Also,
uiuc_getwind.c and uiuc_getwind.h are no longer in the LaRCsim
directory. They have been moved over to UIUCModel.
ability to run a nonlinear model with flaps. The files ls_model.c and
uiuc_aero.c were changed since we had some functions with the same
name. The name changes doesn't affect the code, it just makes it a
little easier to read. There are changes in LaRCsim.cxx so UIUC
models have engine sound. Could you send me an email when you receive
this and/or when the changes make it to the CVS? Thanks.
Also I noticed you have some outdated files that are no longer used in
the UIUCModel directory. They are uiuc_initializemaps1.cpp,
uiuc_initializemaps2.cpp, uiuc_initializemaps3.cpp, and
it's now possible to choose the LaRCsim model at runtime, as in
fgfs --aircraft=c172
fgfs --aircraft=uiuc --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Boeing747
I did this so that I could play with the UIUC stuff without losing
Tony's C172 with its flaps, etc. I did my best to respect the design
of the LaRCsim code by staying in C, making only minimal changes, and
not introducing any dependencies on the rest of FlightGear. The
modified files are attached.