Handle the standard windows-3rd-party setup (used by fgmeta) with no
extra options, and also handle the slightly odd setup we use on Jenkins.
Try to tolerate all permutations of setting MSVC_3RDPARTY_ROOT to
different places in the hierarchy.
We no longer try to guess Boost_INCLUDEDIR by looking at parent dirs of
MSVC_3RDPARTY_ROOT, since this seemed kind of bad to me. Let’s try
it and see.
Refactor to break circular references.
New custom target generates the resource files.
FGFS and Test_Suite targets declare a dependency to the generated files.
The test suite CMake target variables have been shifted back into
test_suite/CMakeLists.txt. These are now correctly constructed and placed into
the parent scope where the test_suite target now resides.
The add_custom_target() CMake function for the test_suite target has been
shifted from test_suite/CMakeLists.txt to the top level CMakeLists.txt file.
The variable setting CMake code required for this has also been shifted. This
allows for the same build command 'cmake --build . --target test_suite' to work
on all operating systems.
As this code has significant bit-rot and requires a lot of work to compile and
run again, it is currently deactivated.
The test also writes to the files "/Users/jmt/Desktop/airways.kml" and
"/Users/jmt/Desktop/procedures.kml" and would need to be modified to write to a
temporary directory and the file contents reread and checked by the test.
The extractBits(), signExtend(), and writeBits() functions of the anonymous
namespace in Input/FGHIDEventInput.cxx have been shifted out of the namespace
and are now exposed via the header. This is needed as
<Input/FGHIDEventInput.cxx> cannot be imported within the CppUnit
infrastructure, as it is already built into the run_test_suite binary.
The test_suite/helpers directory has been renamed to test_suite/FGTestApi/ and
all the fgtest namespaces renamed to FGTestApi. The helper functions are now
also placed into either a setUp or tearDown namespace depending on their
function. And a new FGTestApi::PrivateAccessor::FDM namespace has been created
for holding friend classes used to access private or protected variables or
functions from solely within the test suite.
This allows the sources and headers in src/Main/ to be used by other targets.
They are grouped into the new "Main" flightgear component via the macro in the
FlightGearComponent CMake module. The bootstrap.cxx file with its main function
has been separated out into a separate variable MAIN_SOURCE for use by the fgfs
All these files have therefore been removed from the test_suite CMakeLists.txt
file, as they are added via FG_SOURCES and FG_HEADERS. The MSVC grouping code
also does not need to deal with the now deleted separate SOURCE and HEADER
variables for these files.
This is for simplifying the main src/Main/CMakeLists.txt file and allowing the
code to be shared with the test suite.
The generated source and header files have also been removed from the main
source list and placed in the CMake module as the global variables
This allows for finer control of the test suite execution. The default of ON
will cause the test-suite to be executed after compiling the test_suite target.
The CppUnit source is built as a static library and linked to the run_test_suite
executable. The FlightGear CppUnit library is now build using CMake rather than
using the Autotools build system.
Each of the global logstream priorities are captured into its own
std::ostringstream stream, all held together in the test suite global _iostreams
class instance. This object can be obtained by calling getIOstreams(). The
streams are captured using the StreamLogCallback class, which is a simple
modification of the simgear FileLogCallback class, registered with the global
logstream's addCallback() function.
When tests fail, all of contents the different simgear logstreams are now
reported. The failure report consists of the following sections:
- Failure information.
- SG_BULK simgear logstream (all messages).
- SG_BULK only simgear logstream.
- SG_DEBUG only simgear logstream.
- SG_INFO only simgear logstream.
- SG_WARN only simgear logstream.
- SG_ALERT only simgear logstream.
- Combined STDOUT and STDERR streams.
Any empty sections, except for SG_BULK, will not be shown.
A large number of improvements have been made by subclassing the CppUnit classes
and overriding the base functions, including CompilerOutputter, TestListener,
and TextTestRunner. All IO has also been captured by the test runner.
The result is that during the test suite run, only the characters '.', 'F', and
'E' are output for a pass, failure and error state. At the end of each test
suite category, all failures and errors are reported in full detail, including
the different captured IO streams. A final synopsis is printed out, improving
the overview in the case of too many tests failing.
For the fgCompilerOutputter class, the printSuccess(), printFailureReport(),
printFailureDetail(), and printSuiteStats() functions have been replaced to
implement the above printout design. The class also stores the std::vector of
TestIOCapt structures for the final printouts.
The fgTestListener class handles the events from the running of the test suite.
The startTest() and endTest() functions are used for IO capture. The IO is
placed into a TestIOCapt data structure, with one std::string for holding the
combined STDOUT and STDERR IO, and another for the SG_LOG IO. If failures
occur, the TestIOCapt structure is appended to the fgCompilerOutputter vector.
The startTest() and endTest() functions are also used for starting and stopping
a timer to allow the full test suite to be timed. And the addFailure() function
simply registers test failures or errors.
The fgTestRunner class overrides the CppUnit::TextTestRunner::run() function,
simply to prevent the base method from spawning a second test listener, causing
the test output to be duplicated.
Some auxiliary formatting functions have been added to print out titles,
sections, and synopsis summary lines.
This includes the basic CMake infrastructure for building and executing the test
suite. Four test categories have been added - unit, system/functional, GUI, and
simgear unit tests. The test suite is run by typing 'make test_suite'.
All of the fgfs sources are included in the new run_test_suite executable,
excluding the bootstrap routine and its main() function. The test suite
currently consists of a single dummy unit test for the NasalSys subsystem, and a
single demonstration simgear/props unit test.