- Electric engines RPM is now exported in UDP sockets.
- The sign of the XZ inertia has been fixed in the property inertia/ixz-slug_ft2 (was just an output error, the correct XZ inertia was used internally). Thanks to Nikolai Verner Christensen for reporting the bug.
- The parameter <ignitionn2> was wrongly affected to N1. Bug reported by Nikolai Verner Christensen and fixed by Jonathan Redpath. Thanks to them.
FlowRegime to wing definitions). (Daniel)
//amended according to James hints: change initializer to float constants, fix indention issues, add Math::polynomial and use it in Surface. (Henning)
The existence of the property that is used for <table> independent vars is now checked during execution rather than when the XML definition is parsed. This relaxes the order in which filters, table and more generally flight controls need to be declared in the XML definition files.
- [Backward compatibility breakage] Gyros are now measuring rotation rates instead of rotational accelerations. Gyros that measure rotational accelerations do not exist in the real world.
- Output properties of flight control elements are no longer tied. This saves a lot of spurious warning messages and allows direct references of the same properties among several flight controls.
- Water vapor in the atmosphere is now managed through its mass fraction rather than its partial pressure. The former being the physical quantity that is conserved when pressure and temperature vary.
- Check that there are at least 3 contacts before trying to trim on ground.
- ECEF to ECI frame conversion has been moved from FGLocation to FGPropagate and FGInitialConditions since not all FGLocation need to manage that.
- Gravity computations have been moved to FGInertial because it is where all the constants to compute gravity are stored. This reduces the amount of data transmitted between FGInertial and FGAccelerations.
- Added optional transmission of the simulation time for FG UDP interface
- Code cleanup and use more C++11 idioms (override, constexpr, range-based for loop, etc.)
Currently this works for all the default views except for Tower Look From (for
which it doesn't really make sense) and Fly-by View.
We now search for and load a -set.xml that matches the model .xml,
when new multiplayer aircraft is set up. This allows us to find view
offsets etc, e.g. allowing cockpit and helicopter views to work with
multiplayer aircraft. Properties from the -set.xml are placed into
/ai/models/multiplayer[]/set, so for example viewing offsets are in
/ai/models/multiplayer[]/set/sim/view[]/config/target-{x,y,z}-offset-m. We also
copy the aircraft's chase-distance into the view config params, similar to how
fgdata:defaults.xml does for the user's aircraft. And we also fill in views'
missing offsets from the Helicopter View config; e.g. this enables the new
Tower View AGL to show aircraft correctly centred, despite aircraft currently
not having this view defined in their -set.xml. [We don't currently attempt to
cache or reuse -set.xml data.]
Have ensured that view position responds to mouse movement in the same way for
viewing the user's aircraft as for multiplayer aircraft (previously, Model View
reversed the affect of vertical mouse movements).
Added new Tower AGL view. Behaves similarly to Tower view, but automatically
scales and pans vertically in order to always show the vertical range
extending from just above the aircraft down to the ground immediately below
the aircraft. We use aircrafts chase-distance as an indication of size. We
damp the ground level value to reduce the viewing jumping around too much
e.g. if the aircraft flies over buildings. The amount of damping is set by
fgdata:defaults.xml's lookat-agl-damping value.
Fixed problem where Tower View eye position moves slightly as target
aircraft heading changes. This was caused by us unnecessarily applying the
aircraft-centre correction to the eye position.
src/FDM/flight.cxx: also make /orientation/true-heading-deg. This allows
local orientation to be used like multiplayer orientation, which only
has /ai/models/multiplayer[]/orientation/true-heading-deg. [A better fix
might be to replace all occurrencies of /orientation/true-heading-deg with
/orientation/heading-deg, but this would be a rather large commit.]
src/Viewer/view.*: removed View::updateData() as is no longer required.
src/MultiPlayer/multiplaymgr.cxx: use helicopter view target offsets as
defaults. E.g. in tower view agl, aircraft won't currently be defining these
offsets. More generally, this allows aircraft to define target offsets only in
helicoter view.
FGMultiplayMgr::FillMsgHdr(): Added tie of /orientation/true-heading-deg to
get_Psi_deg, so it duplictes the existing /orientation/heading-deg.
FGMultiplayMgr::addMultiplayer(): look for and load -set.xml that matches
the model. Patch various view-related things up in similar way to what we
do for the user's aircraft, so that multiplayer views work.
Made FGMultiplayMgr::getMultiplayer() public, so it can be used by
View::View(): Added lookat_agl, lookat_agl_damping params for new Tower
View AGL. Preserve user's field-of-view in separate variable so that Tower
View AGL can modify the actual field of view independently.
Added view_index param so that we can find multiplayer view[]/config/
getViewOffsets(): new fn that finds view offsets for user aircraft or
multiplayer aircraft.
View::recalcLookFrom() View::recalcLookAt: Lots of changes to allow things
to work with multiplayer aircraft. View::recalcLookAt() can now do Tower
View AGL.
View::Damping: support for damping, used by Tower View AGL. Might be good
to use this for other damping.
View::updateData(): removed, as calculations are now all done inside
put properties {x,y,z}-offset-m into new View::_adjust_offset_m member
instead of _offset_m. This avoids confusion between a view's offsets and
the offsets added in by the user via the 'Adjust View Position' dialogue.
FGViewMgr::init(): pass view number to
This is a clean up commit prior to the subsystem API standardisation to simplify
the diffs. It includes all SGSubsystem and SGSubsystemGroup derived classes.
Based on the dew point temperature supplied by FG, JSBSim updates the atmosphere density and computes all the usual parameters (RH, vapor pressure, saturated vapor pressure, etc.)
The mass fraction of water per unit of air mass is capped according to the record high from ISA 1976 standard atmosphere. As a consequence, at very high altitudes, air is always extremely dry (approx. 30 ppm i.e. 30 parts per million) whatever the conditions at sea level.
JSBSim was not checking the tag names inside <test> and <condition> statements and this has led to abusive use of tags unsupported by JSBSim such as <and> and <or>. The problem is that JSBSim was not interpreting the <or> statement as the user meant it: JSBSim interpreted it as <test logic="AND"> while the user obviously meant <test logic="OR">. As a result JSBSim silently swallowed the tag and gave results which were not was the user expected without any obvious indication about what was going wrong.
As a result, this commit implements stricter syntax checking and rejects illegal tags within <test> and <condition> statements.
This commit also introduces stricter checking on XML elements which allow either a real value or a property name to be used. JSBSim now rejects the statements where the property name is specified inside a <property> statement. For example, the follwoing statement is rejected:
<min> <property> /fdm/jsbsim/some/property </property> </min>
The correct syntax being
<min> /fdm/jsbsim/some/property </min>
- Fixed the scripts end time computation
- Fixed nested tests in switches
- Simplifications to the computation of the aerodynamics angles alpha & beta
- Account for the contact transition in the gear compression speed
- Fixed docs in FGTank
- New system component linear_actuator from Adriano Bassignana.
- Bug fix of Euler angles computations in FGMatrix33 (a pure westward heading of 270 deg was erroneously converted to a pure eastward heading of 90 deg). This could make the aircraft trimming fail when spawning with a heading of 270 deg.
Properties /consumable/fuel/tank[*]/unusable-* supplied in the -set.xml file are propagated to the aircraft model and accounted for in the tanks management.
* <function> and <fcs_function> that are only applied on constant parameters are now recognized and replaced by their result during initialization.
* Fixed a regression which prevented the wheels rotation speed to slow down while the gears were retracted.
* Added the ability to control the turbine engines spin down factor (thanks to Jonathan Redpath for the pull request).
* Internals : JSBSim has been refactored to use FGPropertyValue in many FCS components. This will allow consistent behavior accross the FCS components including the ability to prepend property names with minus signs '-' to indicate that the opposite sign of the property should be used.
The feature fail_hardover of the <actuator> component was not giving the correct output in some occurences when clipmax was smaller in absolute value than clipmin.
Tables CORNERING_COEFF could not be used for BOGEY contact points.
No longer throw an exception when the `internal` keyword of a table is ignored.
The location where errors have been found are now reported.
The following new features have been added to JSBSim:
* Added the ability to set up the starter and acceleration times of a turbine (parameters <n1spinup>, <n2spinup>, <n1startrate>, <n2startrate>).
* The <integrator> filter can now be reset to 0.0 by setting its <trigger> property to a negative value.
* The integration scheme of the <integrator> filter can now be chosen among "rect" (Euler), "trap" (Trapezoidal), "ab2" 2nd order Adams-BashForth and "ab3" 3rd order Adams-Bashforth
* The following functions can now be used in <function>: floor, ceil and fmod. Their functionalities are the same than the corresponding C/C++ functions.
The following bugs are fixed by this commit:
* PID integration with the 3rd order Adams-Bashforth was inccorect.
* The fail_stuck property of sensors (accelerometers, magnetometers, gyro, etc.) without a <lag> element was setting the output to zero instead of sticking to the last output value. Thanks to Jonathan Redpath (aka legoboyvdlp) for the bug report.
* When a sensor was stuck, the drift, gain, bias and quantization of the last output before being stuck were ignored. Thanks to Dennis J. Linse for the bug report.
* Disables dew point transmission as the humidity model is not handling the case where the vapor saturation pressure gets higher than the ambient pressure.
* Removed computations for temperatures at very high altitudes as they don't match with the rest of JSBSim atmosphere model.
- Fixed the Calibrated Air Speed (CAS) computations for supersonic velocities
- Fixed the Nlf (Normal load factor) sign
- Nlf can now be specified as an initial condition via the property ic/targetNlf
- Added blocking sockets to the input features
- Added a property to piston engines to get the AFR (Air to Fuel Ratio)
- Added conversion from m/s to ft/s
- Restored the initial conditions for engines running (-1 means all engines)
- Trim reports, FGOutputFG and sockets messages now respond to the debug level
- Channels : fix for incorrect time steps caused by execrate
- Improved configuration error detection in FGSwitch with respect to late bound
- Fixed the ordre in which the components of the p-factor moment are reported in CSV output files.
- Now all the sea level properties from the standard atmosphere are updated along with the other atmosphere properties.
- The properties propulsion/start_cmd and propulsion/cutoff_cmd are now read/write (they were read only before).
Mickael Danilov reported that one cannot send brake commands to /fdm/jsbsim/fcs/{right,left}-brake-cmd-norm since FG overwrites them with /autopilot/autobrake/* properties.
A new property /fdm/jsbsim/systems/override-fg-brake-properties has been added which is set ot false by default to keep the legacy behavior. When set to true, the properties /fdm/jsbsim/fcs/{right,left}-brake-cmd-norm can be modified by the user and will ignore the setting from FlightGear.
- Air density now takes humidity into account.
- The protocol of input sockets is no longer case sensitive
- Late bounded properties are now cached for better performance.