- add new VRP type
- add the concept of temporary waypoints / POIs which are not stored
in the persisten cache
- add Nasal APIs to create/delete/move waypoints, in addition to the
existing create-waypoint and delete-waypoint commands
- allow POIs/waypoints to have names as well as idents
- Ensure ident/name and spatial queries work correctly for temporary
and dynamic waypoints
- add test coverage for all this
The test_suite/helpers directory has been renamed to test_suite/FGTestApi/ and
all the fgtest namespaces renamed to FGTestApi. The helper functions are now
also placed into either a setUp or tearDown namespace depending on their
function. And a new FGTestApi::PrivateAccessor::FDM namespace has been created
for holding friend classes used to access private or protected variables or
functions from solely within the test suite.