Aircraft can now set a /sim/model/fallback-model-index property that is transmitted over the MP network.
Receiving clients use this as an index into AI/Aircraft/fallback_models.xml to determine a model to use if the model path (/sim/model/path) cannot be found under Aircraft or AI/Aircraft. This allows aircraft developers to identify a suitable fallback model to be used for those who do not have their aircraft installed.
At a basic level, the implementation supports two levels of LoD:
FAR from /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-bare to /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-detailed.
NEAR from /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-detailed to 0.
(First of many digressions: If /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-mode-pixel=true then instead of measuring LOD distance in meters, the size of the object in pixels is used, so the ranges are different)
The models that are loaded for FAR and NEAR depend on a combination of the availability of a model in /AI/AIrcraft/ and FG_AIRCRAFT directories.
If /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-detailed=false then an AI aircraft will be used in preference for both NEAR and FAR.
If /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-detailed=true then an AI aircraft will be used for FAR, and an FG_AIRCRAFT for NEAR.
Obviously if only an AI or a FG_AIRCRAFT model are available, that will be used for the entire NEAR+FAR range.
/sim/multiplay/use-detailed-models can be used to set whether
we will prefer models from Aircraft/ (true) or from AI/ (false).
Default (set in defaults.xml in fgdata) is true.
Make the policy of using models in FGData/AI more flexible, with the
option to prefer normal data sources. Keep the existing behaviour for
everything except multiplayer aircraft, where we now prefer the data
model (presumably, an installed aircraft) over the AI one.
the current timestamp used in mp protocol and in AImultiplayer is not a good one:
it can pause, or even change speed if we change warp value.
we want it to be used for network protocol lag and jitter estimation, and
a time flowing linearly on both side is needed, here's a first introduction
of this timestamp relates to real elapsed time.
here it's initialised to the system clock, then follow the monotonic clock.
in future improvement, it will allow time synchronisation betwen mp players,
to have a very good close formation flight experience.
Jean Pellotier, 2018-01-02 : we don't want interpolation for integer values, they are mostly used
for non linearly changing values (e.g. transponder etc ...)
Rewrite the position-init code for carrier starts, to precisely wait
on the carrier model being loaded, before proceeding with FDM init.
This allows the FDM to see the correct carrier model in the ground
cache, and hence avoids starting in the water.
To implement this, the CheckSceneryVisitor is used to force the carrier
model to be loaded while the splash-screen is visible.
This reduces the log noise in release builds, relating to AI ground-nets
with incomplete data, especially the commonly occurring ‘gate XYZ
doesn’t seem to have any routes associated with it’ message.
Change fgcommand to take an optional property tree root element.
This fixes the animation bindings to use the defined property tree root - to support multiplayer (or other) model that can bind to the correct part of the property tree.
Requires a corresponding fix in sg to allow the command methods to take an optional root parameter.
What this means is that when inside someone else's multiplayer model (e.g. backseat, or co-pilot), the multipalyer (AI) model will correctly modify properties inside the correct part of the property tree inside (/ai), rather than modifying the properties inside the same part of the tree as the non-ai model.
This means that a properly setup model will operate within it's own space in the property tree; and permit more generic multiplayer code to be written.
This is probably responsible for some of the pollution of the root property tree with MP aircraft properties.
AI wake code is still dead code except that it is now compiled with FG.
Input data for wake computations are extracted from the performance database. The data must be specified as follows (values are for illustration only) :
<span-ft> 100. </span-ft>
<chord-ft> 12. <chord-ft>
<weight-lbs> 90000. </weight-lbs>
In order to compute the AI aircrafts wake, the FDM will need access to the list of AI aircrafts as well as being able to compute their range to discard aircrafts which are too far.
Some buggy *.groundnet.xml files (as KSEA currently on TS) define the
pushback hold point for some parking positions as a node on a runway.
In this case, this the pushback hold point for parking
'North_Cargo_Ramp', defined as node 5344 in
Airports/K/S/E/KSEA.groundnet.xml, which is defined twice (second error),
first as:
<node index="5344" lat="N47 27.774559" lon="W122 18.465257" isOnRunway="1" holdPointType="PushBack" />
and then as:
<node index="5344" lat="N47 27.725747" lon="W122 18.159649" isOnRunway="1" holdPointType="PushBack" />
(due to code in flightgear/src/Airports/dynamicloader.cxx, it should be
the second one that wins, which is not on a runway but on apron in the
north cargo area)
As a consequence, when this gate is selected for an AI aircraft, the
pushback route has only one node (since the pushback hold point is then
the closest point to itself supposedly on runway!), and the
corresponding FGTaxiRoute instance has an empty 'routes' member
variable, which FGTaxiRoute::next() doesn't handle gracefully
It may be that an additional check/change could be desirable in
FGTaxiRoute::next() in such a case (one node and obviously no route in
the FGTaxiRoute instance), however I'm not sure how Durk wants this case
to be handled, since FGTaxiRoute::next() seems to iterate on nodes.
This fixes the bug reported at: and
Thanks to yanfiz and wkitty42 for the report, and to gooneybird for
inspecting the groundnet file.
Make a single Cmake value to expose the build type to code, and use
this to default a run-time ‘developer-mode’ property, which can be
over-ridden from the command line.
Use this to drive the different warning levels. Policies subject to
review, especially whether nightly builds should default to
developer mode or not.
Whilst debugging I had a cannot increment nextIt - because it was at end(). No idea if this could ever happen in flight but it still seems sensible to protect against it.
Remove uses of .str(), .c_str() and some other methods of SGPath.
Pass SGPath directly where possible, or explicitly convert to the
appropriate 8-bit encoding.