* <function> and <fcs_function> that are only applied on constant parameters are now recognized and replaced by their result during initialization.
* Fixed a regression which prevented the wheels rotation speed to slow down while the gears were retracted.
* Added the ability to control the turbine engines spin down factor (thanks to Jonathan Redpath for the pull request).
* Internals : JSBSim has been refactored to use FGPropertyValue in many FCS components. This will allow consistent behavior accross the FCS components including the ability to prepend property names with minus signs '-' to indicate that the opposite sign of the property should be used.
The feature fail_hardover of the <actuator> component was not giving the correct output in some occurences when clipmax was smaller in absolute value than clipmin.
Tables CORNERING_COEFF could not be used for BOGEY contact points.
No longer throw an exception when the `internal` keyword of a table is ignored.
The location where errors have been found are now reported.
The following new features have been added to JSBSim:
* Added the ability to set up the starter and acceleration times of a turbine (parameters <n1spinup>, <n2spinup>, <n1startrate>, <n2startrate>).
* The <integrator> filter can now be reset to 0.0 by setting its <trigger> property to a negative value.
* The integration scheme of the <integrator> filter can now be chosen among "rect" (Euler), "trap" (Trapezoidal), "ab2" 2nd order Adams-BashForth and "ab3" 3rd order Adams-Bashforth
* The following functions can now be used in <function>: floor, ceil and fmod. Their functionalities are the same than the corresponding C/C++ functions.
The following bugs are fixed by this commit:
* PID integration with the 3rd order Adams-Bashforth was inccorect.
* The fail_stuck property of sensors (accelerometers, magnetometers, gyro, etc.) without a <lag> element was setting the output to zero instead of sticking to the last output value. Thanks to Jonathan Redpath (aka legoboyvdlp) for the bug report.
* When a sensor was stuck, the drift, gain, bias and quantization of the last output before being stuck were ignored. Thanks to Dennis J. Linse for the bug report.
* Disables dew point transmission as the humidity model is not handling the case where the vapor saturation pressure gets higher than the ambient pressure.
* Removed computations for temperatures at very high altitudes as they don't match with the rest of JSBSim atmosphere model.
- Fixed the Calibrated Air Speed (CAS) computations for supersonic velocities
- Fixed the Nlf (Normal load factor) sign
- Nlf can now be specified as an initial condition via the property ic/targetNlf
- Added blocking sockets to the input features
- Added a property to piston engines to get the AFR (Air to Fuel Ratio)
- Added conversion from m/s to ft/s
- Restored the initial conditions for engines running (-1 means all engines)
- Trim reports, FGOutputFG and sockets messages now respond to the debug level
- Channels : fix for incorrect time steps caused by execrate
- Improved configuration error detection in FGSwitch with respect to late bound
- Fixed the ordre in which the components of the p-factor moment are reported in CSV output files.
- Now all the sea level properties from the standard atmosphere are updated along with the other atmosphere properties.
- The properties propulsion/start_cmd and propulsion/cutoff_cmd are now read/write (they were read only before).
Mickael Danilov reported that one cannot send brake commands to /fdm/jsbsim/fcs/{right,left}-brake-cmd-norm since FG overwrites them with /autopilot/autobrake/* properties.
A new property /fdm/jsbsim/systems/override-fg-brake-properties has been added which is set ot false by default to keep the legacy behavior. When set to true, the properties /fdm/jsbsim/fcs/{right,left}-brake-cmd-norm can be modified by the user and will ignore the setting from FlightGear.
- Air density now takes humidity into account.
- The protocol of input sockets is no longer case sensitive
- Late bounded properties are now cached for better performance.
* Removed the IAS dependency to the Pitot tube angle (real Pitot tube are less sensitive to AoA than was simulated)
* Removed the class FGUDPOutputSocket which was redundant with FGOutputSocket
* Added a new type of functions "template" which are intended to prevent duplication of functions. For now, they are available to compute output values and script notifications.
* Aerodynamics forces can now be specified in stability axes.
* Density altitude and pressure altitude are computed according to ISA standard atmosphere 1976.
New properties:
* Flight path angle (gamma) in degrees
- fdm/jsbsim/flight-path/gamma-deg
* Aerodynamics forces in stability axes
- fdm/jsbsim/forces/fsx-aero-lbs
- fdm/jsbsim/forces/fsy-aero-lbs
- fdm/jsbsim/forces/fsz-aero-lbs
* Aerodynamics moments in stability axes
- moments/roll-stab-aero-lbsft
- moments/pitch-stab-aero-lbsft
- moments/yaw-stab-aero-lbsft
* Pause JSBSim
- fdm/jsbsim/simulation/pause
* Fixed multiple bugs.
It is the call to exit that causes FG to lock up and become a zombie.
Alternative is to throw an exception, i.e.:
throw sg_error(std::string("YASim SOLUTION FAILURE:") + a->getFailureMsg(););
These files were originally included for special trim routines. But these routines are no longer maintained in JSBSim and have already been partially removed from FlightGear.