- a refactoring of the route manager to reduce indentation and duplication
- created a helper method to generate the ETA strings
- created a helper to update target_altitude and altitude_set when the active wp0 changes
- used early returns to make update() easier to follow
- removed spurious includes in both header and source file
Attached patch updates the route-manager to use FGPositioned to search
for waypoints, instead of a manual airport / fix / navaid search. This
is good because it's now using the 'strictly closest' match, rather
than arbitrarily picking a distant fix over a nearby navaid. In my
case, the TLA VOR is significant to several EGPH procedures, but also
happens to be the ident of a fix a long, long way away.
Also updates the FGPositioned class to stop using Point3D, partly
because it's deprecated and partly because I had misunderstood the
interface and was using it wrong. For now, all FGPositioned distance
checks use SGGeodesy::inverse, which is accurate but inefficient. Once
FGPositioned queries are used for something on a hot path, I'll
probably store the cartesian position as well as the geodetic, to make
these checks fast.
Here's part 2 - converting FGFix (the simplest one) to be both heap-based and inherit FGPositioned. One minor benefit from this is replacing some dangerous code in FGFixList which used to return the address of an iterator member ('&it->second'). To keep the diff a sensible size, I'm not updating the callers to use the richer FGPositioned types - i.e replacing separate lat/lon handling with SGGeod. I will make those cleanups, but in future patches.
Attached patch adds support for multiple FIXes with the same name.
Applies to both branches.
New functionality is in query_and_offset, which now returns the FIX
closest to the passed in location.
Updated route manager to take advantage of this.
Otherwise, query functions return an unspecified member from the set
of identically named FIXes. (This was previously the one occurring
last in the database file, but I don't think anybody counted on that.)
The ufo sets this to a very low value, "serious" aircraft (which don't want this
unrealistic automatism at all) set it to a very high value, and those that don't
care ... don't need to care.