Moved src/Model/*Animation* classes over to simgear.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 10 additions and 547 deletions
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ SG_USING_STD(endl);
#include <simgear/math/polar3d.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/model/animation.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/model/location.hxx>
# include <simgear/sky/clouds3d/SkySceneLoader.hpp>
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
noinst_LIBRARIES = libModel.a
libModel_a_SOURCES = loader.cxx loader.hxx \
model.cxx model.hxx \
modelmgr.cxx modelmgr.hxx \
acmodel.cxx acmodel.hxx \
panelnode.cxx panelnode.hxx
libModel_a_SOURCES = \
loader.cxx loader.hxx \
model.cxx model.hxx \
modelmgr.cxx modelmgr.hxx \
acmodel.cxx acmodel.hxx \
panelnode.cxx panelnode.hxx
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/src
@ -22,11 +22,13 @@
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/condition.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/model/animation.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/model/location.hxx>
#include "model.hxx"
#include "panelnode.hxx"
#include "model.hxx"
@ -79,63 +81,6 @@ splice_branch (ssgBranch * branch, ssgEntity * child)
* Set up the transform matrix for a spin or rotation.
static void
set_rotation (sgMat4 &matrix, double position_deg,
sgVec3 ¢er, sgVec3 &axis)
float temp_angle = -position_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ;
float s = (float) sin ( temp_angle ) ;
float c = (float) cos ( temp_angle ) ;
float t = SG_ONE - c ;
// axis was normalized at load time
// hint to the compiler to put these into FP registers
float x = axis[0];
float y = axis[1];
float z = axis[2];
matrix[0][0] = t * x * x + c ;
matrix[0][1] = t * y * x - s * z ;
matrix[0][2] = t * z * x + s * y ;
matrix[0][3] = SG_ZERO;
matrix[1][0] = t * x * y + s * z ;
matrix[1][1] = t * y * y + c ;
matrix[1][2] = t * z * y - s * x ;
matrix[1][3] = SG_ZERO;
matrix[2][0] = t * x * z - s * y ;
matrix[2][1] = t * y * z + s * x ;
matrix[2][2] = t * z * z + c ;
matrix[2][3] = SG_ZERO;
// hint to the compiler to put these into FP registers
x = center[0];
y = center[1];
z = center[2];
matrix[3][0] = x - x*matrix[0][0] - y*matrix[1][0] - z*matrix[2][0];
matrix[3][1] = y - x*matrix[0][1] - y*matrix[1][1] - z*matrix[2][1];
matrix[3][2] = z - x*matrix[0][2] - y*matrix[1][2] - z*matrix[2][2];
matrix[3][3] = SG_ONE;
* Set up the transform matrix for a translation.
static void
set_translation (sgMat4 &matrix, double position_m, sgVec3 &axis)
sgVec3 xyz;
sgScaleVec3(xyz, axis, position_m);
sgMakeTransMat4(matrix, xyz);
* Make an offset matrix from rotations and position offset.
@ -151,26 +96,6 @@ make_offsets_matrix (sgMat4 * result, double h_rot, double p_rot, double r_rot,
* Read an interpolation table from properties.
static SGInterpTable *
read_interpolation_table (SGPropertyNode_ptr props)
SGPropertyNode_ptr table_node = props->getNode("interpolation");
if (table_node != 0) {
SGInterpTable * table = new SGInterpTable();
vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> entries = table_node->getChildren("entry");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++)
table->addEntry(entries[i]->getDoubleValue("ind", 0.0),
entries[i]->getDoubleValue("dep", 0.0));
return table;
} else {
return 0;
static void
make_animation (ssgBranch * model,
const char * name,
@ -344,283 +269,6 @@ fgLoad3DModel( const string &fg_root, const string &path,
// Implementation of Animation
// Initialize the static data member
double Animation::sim_time_sec = 0.0;
Animation::Animation (SGPropertyNode_ptr props, ssgBranch * branch)
: _branch(branch)
_branch->setName(props->getStringValue("name", 0));
Animation::~Animation ()
Animation::init ()
// Implementation of NullAnimation
NullAnimation::NullAnimation (SGPropertyNode_ptr props)
: Animation(props, new ssgBranch)
NullAnimation::~NullAnimation ()
// Implementation of RangeAnimation
RangeAnimation::RangeAnimation (SGPropertyNode_ptr props)
: Animation(props, new ssgRangeSelector)
float ranges[] = { props->getFloatValue("min-m", 0),
props->getFloatValue("max-m", 5000) };
((ssgRangeSelector *)_branch)->setRanges(ranges, 2);
RangeAnimation::~RangeAnimation ()
// Implementation of BillboardAnimation
BillboardAnimation::BillboardAnimation (SGPropertyNode_ptr props)
: Animation(props, new ssgCutout(props->getBoolValue("spherical", true)))
BillboardAnimation::~BillboardAnimation ()
// Implementation of SelectAnimation
SelectAnimation::SelectAnimation( SGPropertyNode *prop_root,
SGPropertyNode_ptr props )
: Animation(props, new ssgSelector),
SGPropertyNode_ptr node = props->getChild("condition");
if (node != 0)
_condition = fgReadCondition(prop_root, node);
SelectAnimation::~SelectAnimation ()
delete _condition;
if (_condition != 0 && _condition->test())
((ssgSelector *)_branch)->select(0xffff);
((ssgSelector *)_branch)->select(0x0000);
// Implementation of SpinAnimation
SpinAnimation::SpinAnimation( SGPropertyNode *prop_root,
SGPropertyNode_ptr props,
double sim_time_sec )
: Animation(props, new ssgTransform),
_prop((SGPropertyNode *)prop_root->getNode(props->getStringValue("property", "/null"), true)),
_factor(props->getDoubleValue("factor", 1.0)),
_position_deg(props->getDoubleValue("starting-position-deg", 0)),
_last_time_sec( sim_time_sec )
_center[0] = props->getFloatValue("center/x-m", 0);
_center[1] = props->getFloatValue("center/y-m", 0);
_center[2] = props->getFloatValue("center/z-m", 0);
_axis[0] = props->getFloatValue("axis/x", 0);
_axis[1] = props->getFloatValue("axis/y", 0);
_axis[2] = props->getFloatValue("axis/z", 0);
SpinAnimation::~SpinAnimation ()
double dt = sim_time_sec - _last_time_sec;
_last_time_sec = sim_time_sec;
float velocity_rpms = (_prop->getDoubleValue() * _factor / 60.0);
_position_deg += (dt * velocity_rpms * 360);
while (_position_deg < 0)
_position_deg += 360.0;
while (_position_deg >= 360.0)
_position_deg -= 360.0;
set_rotation(_matrix, _position_deg, _center, _axis);
((ssgTransform *)_branch)->setTransform(_matrix);
// Implementation of TimedAnimation
TimedAnimation::TimedAnimation (SGPropertyNode_ptr props)
: Animation(props, new ssgSelector),
_duration_sec(props->getDoubleValue("duration-sec", 1.0)),
TimedAnimation::~TimedAnimation ()
if ((sim_time_sec - _last_time_sec) >= _duration_sec) {
_last_time_sec = sim_time_sec;
if (_step >= getBranch()->getNumKids())
_step = 0;
((ssgSelector *)getBranch())->selectStep(_step);
// Implementation of RotateAnimation
RotateAnimation::RotateAnimation( SGPropertyNode *prop_root,
SGPropertyNode_ptr props )
: Animation(props, new ssgTransform),
_prop((SGPropertyNode *)prop_root->getNode(props->getStringValue("property", "/null"), true)),
_offset_deg(props->getDoubleValue("offset-deg", 0.0)),
_factor(props->getDoubleValue("factor", 1.0)),
_position_deg(props->getDoubleValue("starting-position-deg", 0))
_center[0] = props->getFloatValue("center/x-m", 0);
_center[1] = props->getFloatValue("center/y-m", 0);
_center[2] = props->getFloatValue("center/z-m", 0);
_axis[0] = props->getFloatValue("axis/x", 0);
_axis[1] = props->getFloatValue("axis/y", 0);
_axis[2] = props->getFloatValue("axis/z", 0);
RotateAnimation::~RotateAnimation ()
delete _table;
if (_table == 0) {
_position_deg = _prop->getDoubleValue() * _factor + _offset_deg;
if (_has_min && _position_deg < _min_deg)
_position_deg = _min_deg;
if (_has_max && _position_deg > _max_deg)
_position_deg = _max_deg;
} else {
_position_deg = _table->interpolate(_prop->getDoubleValue());
set_rotation(_matrix, _position_deg, _center, _axis);
((ssgTransform *)_branch)->setTransform(_matrix);
// Implementation of TranslateAnimation
TranslateAnimation::TranslateAnimation( SGPropertyNode *prop_root,
SGPropertyNode_ptr props )
: Animation(props, new ssgTransform),
_prop((SGPropertyNode *)prop_root->getNode(props->getStringValue("property", "/null"), true)),
_offset_m(props->getDoubleValue("offset-m", 0.0)),
_factor(props->getDoubleValue("factor", 1.0)),
_position_m(props->getDoubleValue("starting-position-m", 0))
_axis[0] = props->getFloatValue("axis/x", 0);
_axis[1] = props->getFloatValue("axis/y", 0);
_axis[2] = props->getFloatValue("axis/z", 0);
TranslateAnimation::~TranslateAnimation ()
delete _table;
if (_table == 0) {
_position_m = (_prop->getDoubleValue() + _offset_m) * _factor;
if (_has_min && _position_m < _min_m)
_position_m = _min_m;
if (_has_max && _position_m > _max_m)
_position_m = _max_m;
} else {
_position_m = _table->interpolate(_prop->getDoubleValue());
set_translation(_matrix, _position_m, _axis);
((ssgTransform *)_branch)->setTransform(_matrix);
// Implementation of FGModelPlacement.
@ -56,193 +56,6 @@ ssgBranch * fgLoad3DModel( const string& fg_root, const string &path,
SGPropertyNode *prop_root, double sim_time_sec );
// Animation classes
* Abstract base class for all animations.
class Animation : public ssgBase
Animation (SGPropertyNode_ptr props, ssgBranch * branch);
virtual ~Animation ();
* Get the SSG branch holding the animation.
virtual ssgBranch * getBranch () { return _branch; }
* Initialize the animation, after children have been added.
virtual void init ();
* Update the animation.
virtual void update();
* Set the value of sim_time_sec. This needs to be called every
* frame in order for the time based animations to work correctly.
static void set_sim_time_sec( double val ) { sim_time_sec = val; }
static double sim_time_sec;
ssgBranch * _branch;
* A no-op animation.
class NullAnimation : public Animation
NullAnimation (SGPropertyNode_ptr props);
virtual ~NullAnimation ();
* A range, or level-of-detail (LOD) animation.
class RangeAnimation : public Animation
RangeAnimation (SGPropertyNode_ptr props);
virtual ~RangeAnimation ();
* Animation to turn and face the screen.
class BillboardAnimation : public Animation
BillboardAnimation (SGPropertyNode_ptr props);
virtual ~BillboardAnimation ();
* Animation to select alternative versions of the same object.
class SelectAnimation : public Animation
SelectAnimation( SGPropertyNode *prop_root,
SGPropertyNode_ptr props );
virtual ~SelectAnimation ();
virtual void update();
FGCondition * _condition;
* Animation to spin an object around a center point.
* This animation rotates at a specific velocity.
class SpinAnimation : public Animation
SpinAnimation( SGPropertyNode *prop_root,
SGPropertyNode_ptr props,
double sim_time_sec );
virtual ~SpinAnimation ();
virtual void update();
SGPropertyNode_ptr _prop;
double _factor;
double _position_deg;
double _last_time_sec;
sgMat4 _matrix;
sgVec3 _center;
sgVec3 _axis;
* Animation to draw objects for a specific amount of time each.
class TimedAnimation : public Animation
TimedAnimation (SGPropertyNode_ptr props);
virtual ~TimedAnimation ();
virtual void update();
double _duration_sec;
double _last_time_sec;
int _step;
* Animation to rotate an object around a center point.
* This animation rotates to a specific position.
class RotateAnimation : public Animation
RotateAnimation( SGPropertyNode *prop_root, SGPropertyNode_ptr props );
virtual ~RotateAnimation ();
virtual void update();
SGPropertyNode_ptr _prop;
double _offset_deg;
double _factor;
SGInterpTable * _table;
bool _has_min;
double _min_deg;
bool _has_max;
double _max_deg;
double _position_deg;
sgMat4 _matrix;
sgVec3 _center;
sgVec3 _axis;
* Animation to slide along an axis.
class TranslateAnimation : public Animation
TranslateAnimation( SGPropertyNode *prop_root,
SGPropertyNode_ptr props );
virtual ~TranslateAnimation ();
virtual void update();
SGPropertyNode_ptr _prop;
double _offset_m;
double _factor;
SGInterpTable * _table;
bool _has_min;
double _min_m;
bool _has_max;
double _max_m;
double _position_m;
sgMat4 _matrix;
sgVec3 _axis;
// Model placement.
Add table
Reference in a new issue