Fork 0

Bernie Bright <bbright@c031.aone.net.au> writes:

I've made some changes to the Scenery handling.  Basically just tidy ups.
The main difference is in tile.[ch]xx where I've changed list<fgFRAGMENT> to
vector<fgFRAGMENT>.  Studying our usage patterns this seems reasonable.
Lists are good if you need to insert/delete elements randomly but we
don't do that.  All access seems to be sequential.  Two additional
benefits are smaller memory usage - each list element requires pointers
to the next and previous elements, and faster access - vector iterators
are smaller and faster than list iterators.  This should also help
Charlie Hotchkiss' problem when compiling with Borland and STLport.

  Convenience functions for fgBUCKET.

  Changed fragment list to a vector.
  Added some convenience member functions.

  use const fgBUCKET& instead of fgBUCKET* where appropriate.

  uses all the new convenience functions.
This commit is contained in:
curt 1998-11-09 23:40:46 +00:00
parent 4fee7f9df2
commit f8e4de2d13
5 changed files with 281 additions and 559 deletions

View file

@ -22,432 +22,73 @@
// (Log is kept at end of this file) // (Log is kept at end of this file)
#include <Include/fg_constants.h> // #include <Include/fg_constants.h>
#include <Math/mat3.h> // #include <Math/mat3.h>
#include <Debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <Scenery/tile.hxx>
#include "Bucket/bucketutils.hxx"
#include "tile.hxx" #include "tile.hxx"
#if 0
// return the sign of a value
#define FG_SIGN( x ) ((x) < 0 ? -1 : 1)
// return min or max of two values
#define FG_MIN(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define FG_MAX(A,B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
fgFACE :: fgFACE () :
n1(0), n2(0), n3(0)
fgFACE :: ~fgFACE()
fgFACE :: fgFACE( const fgFACE & image ) :
n1( image.n1), n2( image.n2), n3( image.n3)
bool fgFACE :: operator < (const fgFACE & rhs )
return ( n1 < rhs.n1 ? true : false);
bool fgFACE :: operator == (const fgFACE & rhs )
return ((n1 == rhs.n1) && (n2 == rhs.n2) && ( n3 == rhs.n3));
// Constructor // Constructor
fgFRAGMENT::fgFRAGMENT ( void ) { fgTILE::fgTILE ( void )
} : nodes(new double[MAX_NODES][3]),
// Copy constructor
fgFRAGMENT :: fgFRAGMENT ( const fgFRAGMENT & rhs ) :
center ( rhs.center ),
bounding_radius( rhs.bounding_radius ),
material_ptr ( rhs.material_ptr ),
tile_ptr ( rhs.tile_ptr ),
display_list ( rhs.display_list ),
faces ( rhs.faces ),
num_faces ( rhs.num_faces )
{ {
} }
fgFRAGMENT & fgFRAGMENT :: operator = ( const fgFRAGMENT & rhs )
if(!(this == &rhs )) {
center = rhs.center;
bounding_radius = rhs.bounding_radius;
material_ptr = rhs.material_ptr;
tile_ptr = rhs.tile_ptr;
// display_list = rhs.display_list;
faces = rhs.faces;
return *this;
// Add a face to the face list
void fgFRAGMENT::add_face(int n1, int n2, int n3) {
fgFACE face;
face.n1 = n1;
face.n2 = n2;
face.n3 = n3;
// return the sign of a value
static int fg_sign( double x ) {
if ( x >= 0 ) {
} else {
// return the minimum of the three values
static double fg_min( double a, double b, double c ) {
double result;
result = a;
if (result > b) result = b;
if (result > c) result = c;
// return the maximum of the three values
static double fg_max( double a, double b, double c ) {
double result;
result = a;
if (result < b) result = b;
if (result < c) result = c;
// return the minimum of the three values
static double fg_min3 (double a, double b, double c)
return (a > b ? FG_MIN (b, c) : FG_MIN (a, c));
// return the maximum of the three values
static double fg_max3 (double a, double b, double c)
return (a < b ? FG_MAX (b, c) : FG_MAX (a, c));
// test if line intesects with this fragment. p0 and p1 are the two
// line end points of the line. If side_flag is true, check to see
// that end points are on opposite sides of face. Returns 1 if it
// intersection found, 0 otherwise. If it intesects, result is the
// point of intersection
int fgFRAGMENT::intersect( const Point3D& end0, Point3D& end1, int side_flag,
Point3D& result)
fgTILE *t;
fgFACE face;
MAT3vec v1, v2, n, center;
double p1[3], p2[3], p3[3];
double x, y, z; // temporary holding spot for result
double a, b, c, d;
double x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, a1, b1, c1;
double t1, t2, t3;
double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
double dx, dy, dz, min_dim, x2, y2, x3, y3, rx, ry;
int side1, side2;
list < fgFACE > :: iterator current;
list < fgFACE > :: iterator last;
// find the associated tile
t = tile_ptr;
// printf("Intersecting\n");
// traverse the face list for this fragment
current = faces.begin();
last = faces.end();
while ( current != last ) {
face = *current;
// printf(".");
// get face vertex coordinates
center[0] = t->center.x;
center[1] = t->center.y;
center[2] = t->center.z;
MAT3_ADD_VEC(p1, t->nodes[face.n1], center);
MAT3_ADD_VEC(p2, t->nodes[face.n2], center);
MAT3_ADD_VEC(p3, t->nodes[face.n3], center);
// printf("point 1 = %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]);
// printf("point 2 = %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", p2[0], p2[1], p2[2]);
// printf("point 3 = %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", p3[0], p3[1], p3[2]);
// calculate two edge vectors, and the face normal
MAT3_SUB_VEC(v1, p2, p1);
MAT3_SUB_VEC(v2, p3, p1);
MAT3cross_product(n, v1, v2);
// calculate the plane coefficients for the plane defined by
// this face. If n is the normal vector, n = (a, b, c) and p1
// is a point on the plane, p1 = (x0, y0, z0), then the
// equation of the line is a(x-x0) + b(y-y0) + c(z-z0) = 0
a = n[0];
b = n[1];
c = n[2];
d = a * p1[0] + b * p1[1] + c * p1[2];
// printf("a, b, c, d = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", a, b, c, d);
// printf("p1(d) = %.2f\n", a * p1[0] + b * p1[1] + c * p1[2]);
// printf("p2(d) = %.2f\n", a * p2[0] + b * p2[1] + c * p2[2]);
// printf("p3(d) = %.2f\n", a * p3[0] + b * p3[1] + c * p3[2]);
// calculate the line coefficients for the specified line
x0 = end0.x(); x1 = end1.x();
y0 = end0.y(); y1 = end1.y();
z0 = end0.z(); z1 = end1.z();
if ( fabs(x1 - x0) > FG_EPSILON ) {
a1 = 1.0 / (x1 - x0);
} else {
// we got a big divide by zero problem here
a1 = 0.0;
b1 = y1 - y0;
c1 = z1 - z0;
// intersect the specified line with this plane
t1 = b * b1 * a1;
t2 = c * c1 * a1;
// printf("a = %.2f t1 = %.2f t2 = %.2f\n", a, t1, t2);
if ( fabs(a + t1 + t2) > FG_EPSILON ) {
x = (t1*x0 - b*y0 + t2*x0 - c*z0 + d) / (a + t1 + t2);
t3 = a1 * (x - x0);
y = b1 * t3 + y0;
z = c1 * t3 + z0;
// printf("result(d) = %.2f\n", a * x + b * y + c * z);
} else {
// no intersection point
if ( side_flag ) {
// check to see if end0 and end1 are on opposite sides of
// plane
if ( (x - x0) > FG_EPSILON ) {
t1 = x;
t2 = x0;
t3 = x1;
} else if ( (y - y0) > FG_EPSILON ) {
t1 = y;
t2 = y0;
t3 = y1;
} else if ( (z - z0) > FG_EPSILON ) {
t1 = z;
t2 = z0;
t3 = z1;
} else {
// everything is too close together to tell the difference
// so the current intersection point should work as good
// as any
result->x = x;
result->y = y;
result->z = z;
side1 = FG_SIGN (t1 - t2);
side2 = FG_SIGN (t1 - t3);
if ( side1 == side2 ) {
// same side, punt
// check to see if intersection point is in the bounding
// cube of the face
xmin = fg_min3 (p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]);
xmax = fg_max3 (p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]);
ymin = fg_min3 (p1[1], p2[1], p3[1]);
ymax = fg_max3 (p1[1], p2[1], p3[1]);
zmin = fg_min3 (p1[2], p2[2], p3[2]);
zmax = fg_max3 (p1[2], p2[2], p3[2]);
printf("bounding cube = %.2f,%.2f,%.2f %.2f,%.2f,%.2f\n",
xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax);
// punt if outside bouding cube
if ( x < (xmin = fg_min3 (p1[0], p2[0], p3[0])) ) {
} else if ( x > (xmax = fg_max3 (p1[0], p2[0], p3[0])) ) {
} else if ( y < (ymin = fg_min3 (p1[1], p2[1], p3[1])) ) {
} else if ( y > (ymax = fg_max3 (p1[1], p2[1], p3[1])) ) {
} else if ( z < (zmin = fg_min3 (p1[2], p2[2], p3[2])) ) {
} else if ( z > (zmax = fg_max3 (p1[2], p2[2], p3[2])) ) {
// (finally) check to see if the intersection point is
// actually inside this face
//first, drop the smallest dimension so we only have to work
//in 2d.
dx = xmax - xmin;
dy = ymax - ymin;
dz = zmax - zmin;
min_dim = fg_min3 (dx, dy, dz);
if ( fabs(min_dim - dx) <= FG_EPSILON ) {
// x is the smallest dimension
x1 = p1[1];
y1 = p1[2];
x2 = p2[1];
y2 = p2[2];
x3 = p3[1];
y3 = p3[2];
rx = y;
ry = z;
} else if ( fabs(min_dim - dy) <= FG_EPSILON ) {
// y is the smallest dimension
x1 = p1[0];
y1 = p1[2];
x2 = p2[0];
y2 = p2[2];
x3 = p3[0];
y3 = p3[2];
rx = x;
ry = z;
} else if ( fabs(min_dim - dz) <= FG_EPSILON ) {
// z is the smallest dimension
x1 = p1[0];
y1 = p1[1];
x2 = p2[0];
y2 = p2[1];
x3 = p3[0];
y3 = p3[1];
rx = x;
ry = y;
} else {
// all dimensions are really small so lets call it close
// enough and return a successful match
result->x = x;
result->y = y;
result->z = z;
// check if intersection point is on the same side of p1 <-> p2 as p3
t1 = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2);
side1 = FG_SIGN (t1 * ((x3) - x2) + y2 - (y3));
side2 = FG_SIGN (t1 * ((rx) - x2) + y2 - (ry));
if ( side1 != side2 ) {
// printf("failed side 1 check\n");
// check if intersection point is on correct side of p2 <-> p3 as p1
t1 = (y2 - y3) / (x2 - x3);
side1 = FG_SIGN (t1 * ((x1) - x3) + y3 - (y1));
side2 = FG_SIGN (t1 * ((rx) - x3) + y3 - (ry));
if ( side1 != side2 ) {
// printf("failed side 2 check\n");
// check if intersection point is on correct side of p1 <-> p3 as p2
t1 = (y1 - y3) / (x1 - x3);
side1 = FG_SIGN (t1 * ((x2) - x3) + y3 - (y2));
side2 = FG_SIGN (t1 * ((rx) - x3) + y3 - (ry));
if ( side1 != side2 ) {
// printf("failed side 3 check\n");
// printf( "intersection point = %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", x, y, z);
result->x = x;
result->y = y;
result->z = z;
// printf("\n");
// Destructor
fgFRAGMENT::~fgFRAGMENT ( void ) {
// Step through the face list deleting the items until the list is
// empty
// printf("destructing a fragment with %d faces\n", faces.size());
faces.erase( faces.begin(), faces.end() );
// equality operator
bool fgFRAGMENT :: operator == ( const fgFRAGMENT & rhs)
if(( center.x - rhs.center.x ) < FG_EPSILON) {
if(( center.y - rhs.center.y) < FG_EPSILON) {
if(( center.z - rhs.center.z) < FG_EPSILON) {
return true;
return false;
// comparison operator
bool fgFRAGMENT :: operator < ( const fgFRAGMENT &rhs)
// This is completely arbitrary. It satisfies RW's STL implementation
return bounding_radius < rhs.bounding_radius;
// Constructor
fgTILE::fgTILE ( void ) {
nodes = new double[MAX_NODES][3];
// Destructor // Destructor
fgTILE::~fgTILE ( void ) { fgTILE::~fgTILE ( void ) {
free(nodes); // free(nodes);
delete[] nodes;
// Step through the fragment list, deleting the display list, then
// the fragment, until the list is empty.
"FREEING TILE = (" << tile_bucket << ")" );
for_each( begin(), end(),
mem_fun_ref( &fgFRAGMENT::deleteDisplayList ));
fragment_list.erase( begin(), end() );
used = false;
} }
// $Log$ // $Log$
// Revision 1.13 1998/11/09 23:40:46 curt
// Bernie Bright <bbright@c031.aone.net.au> writes:
// I've made some changes to the Scenery handling. Basically just tidy ups.
// The main difference is in tile.[ch]xx where I've changed list<fgFRAGMENT> to
// vector<fgFRAGMENT>. Studying our usage patterns this seems reasonable.
// Lists are good if you need to insert/delete elements randomly but we
// don't do that. All access seems to be sequential. Two additional
// benefits are smaller memory usage - each list element requires pointers
// to the next and previous elements, and faster access - vector iterators
// are smaller and faster than list iterators. This should also help
// Charlie Hotchkiss' problem when compiling with Borland and STLport.
// ./Lib/Bucket/bucketutils.hxx
// Convenience functions for fgBUCKET.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tile.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tile.hxx
// Changed fragment list to a vector.
// Added some convenience member functions.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilecache.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilecache.hxx
// use const fgBUCKET& instead of fgBUCKET* where appropriate.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilemgr.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilemgr.hxx
// uses all the new convenience functions.
// Revision 1.12 1998/10/16 00:55:45 curt // Revision 1.12 1998/10/16 00:55:45 curt
// Converted to Point3D class. // Converted to Point3D class.
// //

View file

@ -41,29 +41,32 @@
#include <GL/glut.h> #include <GL/glut.h>
#include <XGL/xgl.h> #include <XGL/xgl.h>
#if defined ( __sun__ ) #include <vector>
extern "C" void *memmove(void *, const void *, size_t); #include <string>
extern "C" void *memset(void *, int, size_t);
#include <list> // STL list #include "Include/compiler.h"
// FG_USING_STD(string);
// FG_USING_STD(vector);
#include <Bucket/bucketutils.h> #include <Bucket/bucketutils.h>
// #include <Include/fg_types.h>
#include <Math/mat3.h> #include <Math/mat3.h>
#include <Math/point3d.hxx> #include <Math/point3d.hxx>
#include <Objects/fragment.hxx> #include <Objects/fragment.hxx>
using namespace std;
// Scenery tile class // Scenery tile class
class fgTILE { class fgTILE {
public: public:
typedef vector < fgFRAGMENT > container;
typedef container::iterator FragmentIterator;
typedef container::const_iterator FragmentConstIterator;
// node list (the per fragment face lists reference this node list) // node list (the per fragment face lists reference this node list)
double (*nodes)[3]; double (*nodes)[3];
int ncount; int ncount;
@ -78,9 +81,33 @@ public:
fgBUCKET tile_bucket; fgBUCKET tile_bucket;
// the tile cache will mark here if the tile is being used // the tile cache will mark here if the tile is being used
int used; bool used;
list < fgFRAGMENT > fragment_list; container fragment_list;
FragmentIterator begin() { return fragment_list.begin(); }
FragmentConstIterator begin() const { return fragment_list.begin(); }
FragmentIterator end() { return fragment_list.end(); }
FragmentConstIterator end() const { return fragment_list.end(); }
void add_fragment( fgFRAGMENT& frag ) {
frag.tile_ptr = this;
fragment_list.push_back( frag );
size_t num_fragments() const {
return fragment_list.size();
// Step through the fragment list, deleting the display list, then
// the fragment, until the list is empty.
void release_fragments();
// int ObjLoad( const string& path, const fgBUCKET& p );
// Constructor // Constructor
fgTILE ( void ); fgTILE ( void );
@ -89,8 +116,7 @@ public:
~fgTILE ( void ); ~fgTILE ( void );
// Calculate this tile's offset // Calculate this tile's offset
void void SetOffset( const Point3D& off)
fgTILE::SetOffset( const Point3D& off)
{ {
offset = center - off; offset = center - off;
} }
@ -98,7 +124,7 @@ public:
// Calculate the model_view transformation matrix for this tile // Calculate the model_view transformation matrix for this tile
inline void inline void
fgTILE::UpdateViewMatrix(GLdouble *MODEL_VIEW) UpdateViewMatrix(GLdouble *MODEL_VIEW)
{ {
#ifdef WIN32 #ifdef WIN32
@ -108,17 +134,25 @@ public:
#endif #endif
// This is equivalent to doing a glTranslatef(x, y, z); // This is equivalent to doing a glTranslatef(x, y, z);
model_view[12] += (model_view[0]*offset.x() + model_view[4]*offset.y() + model_view[12] += (model_view[0]*offset.x() +
model_view[4]*offset.y() +
model_view[8]*offset.z()); model_view[8]*offset.z());
model_view[13] += (model_view[1]*offset.x() + model_view[5]*offset.y() + model_view[13] += (model_view[1]*offset.x() +
model_view[5]*offset.y() +
model_view[9]*offset.z()); model_view[9]*offset.z());
model_view[14] += (model_view[2]*offset.x() + model_view[6]*offset.y() + model_view[14] += (model_view[2]*offset.x() +
model_view[6]*offset.y() +
model_view[10]*offset.z() ); model_view[10]*offset.z() );
// m[15] += (m[3]*x + m[7]*y + m[11]*z); // m[15] += (m[3]*x + m[7]*y + m[11]*z);
// m[3] m7[] m[11] are 0.0 see LookAt() in views.cxx // m[3] m7[] m[11] are 0.0 see LookAt() in views.cxx
// so m[15] is unchanged // so m[15] is unchanged
} }
// not defined
fgTILE( const fgTILE& );
fgTILE& operator = ( const fgTILE& );
}; };
@ -126,6 +160,34 @@ public:
// $Log$ // $Log$
// Revision 1.21 1998/11/09 23:40:47 curt
// Bernie Bright <bbright@c031.aone.net.au> writes:
// I've made some changes to the Scenery handling. Basically just tidy ups.
// The main difference is in tile.[ch]xx where I've changed list<fgFRAGMENT> to
// vector<fgFRAGMENT>. Studying our usage patterns this seems reasonable.
// Lists are good if you need to insert/delete elements randomly but we
// don't do that. All access seems to be sequential. Two additional
// benefits are smaller memory usage - each list element requires pointers
// to the next and previous elements, and faster access - vector iterators
// are smaller and faster than list iterators. This should also help
// Charlie Hotchkiss' problem when compiling with Borland and STLport.
// ./Lib/Bucket/bucketutils.hxx
// Convenience functions for fgBUCKET.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tile.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tile.hxx
// Changed fragment list to a vector.
// Added some convenience member functions.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilecache.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilecache.hxx
// use const fgBUCKET& instead of fgBUCKET* where appropriate.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilemgr.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilemgr.hxx
// uses all the new convenience functions.
// Revision 1.20 1998/10/16 00:55:46 curt // Revision 1.20 1998/10/16 00:55:46 curt
// Converted to Point3D class. // Converted to Point3D class.
// //

View file

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
#include <XGL/xgl.h> #include <XGL/xgl.h>
#include <Airports/genapt.hxx> #include <Airports/genapt.hxx>
#include <Bucket/bucketutils.h> #include <Bucket/bucketutils.hxx>
#include <Debug/logstream.hxx> #include <Debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <Main/options.hxx> #include <Main/options.hxx>
#include <Main/views.hxx> #include <Main/views.hxx>
@ -69,21 +69,15 @@ fgTILECACHE::init( void )
// Search for the specified "bucket" in the cache // Search for the specified "bucket" in the cache
int int
fgTILECACHE::exists( fgBUCKET *p ) fgTILECACHE::exists( const fgBUCKET& p )
{ {
int i; int i;
for ( i = 0; i < FG_TILE_CACHE_SIZE; i++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < FG_TILE_CACHE_SIZE; i++ ) {
if ( tile_cache[i].tile_bucket.lon == p->lon ) { if ( tile_cache[i].tile_bucket == p ) {
if ( tile_cache[i].tile_bucket.lat == p->lat ) { FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_DEBUG,
if ( tile_cache[i].tile_bucket.x == p->x ) { "TILE EXISTS in cache ... index = " << i );
if ( tile_cache[i].tile_bucket.y == p->y ) { return( i );
"TILE EXISTS in cache ... index = " << i );
return( i );
} }
} }
@ -93,34 +87,22 @@ fgTILECACHE::exists( fgBUCKET *p )
// Fill in a tile cache entry with real data for the specified bucket // Fill in a tile cache entry with real data for the specified bucket
void void
fgTILECACHE::fill_in( int index, fgBUCKET *p ) fgTILECACHE::fill_in( int index, const fgBUCKET& p )
{ {
string root, tile_path, apt_path; // Load the appropriate data file and build tile fragment list
char index_str[256]; string tile_path = current_options.get_fg_root() +
char base_path[256]; "/Scenery/" + fgBucketGenBasePath(p) + "/" + fgBucketGenIndex(p);
// Mark this cache entry as used tile_cache[index].used = true;
tile_cache[index].used = 1; tile_cache[index].tile_bucket = p;
fgObjLoad( tile_path, &tile_cache[index] );
// Update the bucket // tile_cache[ index ].ObjLoad( tile_path, p );
tile_cache[index].tile_bucket.lon = p->lon;
tile_cache[index].tile_bucket.lat = p->lat;
tile_cache[index].tile_bucket.x = p->x;
tile_cache[index].tile_bucket.y = p->y;
// Load the appropriate data file and built tile fragment list
fgBucketGenBasePath(p, base_path);
root = current_options.get_fg_root();
sprintf( index_str, "%ld", fgBucketGenIndex(p) );
tile_path = root + "/Scenery/" + base_path + "/" + index_str;
fgObjLoad( tile_path.c_str(), &tile_cache[index] );
// cout << " ncount before = " << tile_cache[index].ncount << "\n"; // cout << " ncount before = " << tile_cache[index].ncount << "\n";
// cout << " fragments before = " << tile_cache[index].fragment_list.size() // cout << " fragments before = " << tile_cache[index].fragment_list.size()
// << "\n"; // << "\n";
apt_path = tile_path + ".apt"; string apt_path = tile_path + ".apt";
fgAptGenerate( apt_path, &tile_cache[index] ); fgAptGenerate( apt_path, &tile_cache[index] );
// cout << " ncount after = " << tile_cache[index].ncount << "\n"; // cout << " ncount after = " << tile_cache[index].ncount << "\n";
@ -133,37 +115,7 @@ fgTILECACHE::fill_in( int index, fgBUCKET *p )
void void
fgTILECACHE::entry_free( int index ) fgTILECACHE::entry_free( int index )
{ {
fgFRAGMENT *fragment; tile_cache[index].release_fragments();
// Mark this cache entry as un-used
tile_cache[index].used = 0;
// Update the bucket
<< tile_cache[index].tile_bucket.lon << " "
<< tile_cache[index].tile_bucket.lat << " "
<< tile_cache[index].tile_bucket.x << " "
<< tile_cache[index].tile_bucket.y << ")" );
// Step through the fragment list, deleting the display list, then
// the fragment, until the list is empty.
while ( tile_cache[index].fragment_list.size() ) {
list < fgFRAGMENT > :: iterator current =
fragment = &(*current);
xglDeleteLists( fragment->display_list, 1 );
// Return the specified tile cache entry
fgTILE *
fgTILECACHE::get_tile( int index )
return ( &tile_cache[index] );
} }
@ -184,20 +136,14 @@ fgTILECACHE::next_avail( void )
max_index = 0; max_index = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < FG_TILE_CACHE_SIZE; i++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < FG_TILE_CACHE_SIZE; i++ ) {
if ( tile_cache[i].used == 0 ) { if ( ! tile_cache[i].used ) {
return(i); return(i);
} else { } else {
// calculate approximate distance from view point // calculate approximate distance from view point
"DIST Abs view pos = " "DIST Abs view pos = " << v->abs_view_pos );
<< v->abs_view_pos.x() << ", "
<< v->abs_view_pos.y() << ", "
<< v->abs_view_pos.z() );
" ref point = " " ref point = " << tile_cache[i].center );
<< tile_cache[i].center.x() << ", "
<< tile_cache[i].center.y() << ", "
<< tile_cache[i].center.z() );
delta.setx( fabs(tile_cache[i].center.x() - v->abs_view_pos.x() ) ); delta.setx( fabs(tile_cache[i].center.x() - v->abs_view_pos.x() ) );
delta.sety( fabs(tile_cache[i].center.y() - v->abs_view_pos.y() ) ); delta.sety( fabs(tile_cache[i].center.y() - v->abs_view_pos.y() ) );
@ -236,6 +182,34 @@ fgTILECACHE::~fgTILECACHE( void ) {
// $Log$ // $Log$
// Revision 1.20 1998/11/09 23:40:49 curt
// Bernie Bright <bbright@c031.aone.net.au> writes:
// I've made some changes to the Scenery handling. Basically just tidy ups.
// The main difference is in tile.[ch]xx where I've changed list<fgFRAGMENT> to
// vector<fgFRAGMENT>. Studying our usage patterns this seems reasonable.
// Lists are good if you need to insert/delete elements randomly but we
// don't do that. All access seems to be sequential. Two additional
// benefits are smaller memory usage - each list element requires pointers
// to the next and previous elements, and faster access - vector iterators
// are smaller and faster than list iterators. This should also help
// Charlie Hotchkiss' problem when compiling with Borland and STLport.
// ./Lib/Bucket/bucketutils.hxx
// Convenience functions for fgBUCKET.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tile.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tile.hxx
// Changed fragment list to a vector.
// Added some convenience member functions.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilecache.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilecache.hxx
// use const fgBUCKET& instead of fgBUCKET* where appropriate.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilemgr.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilemgr.hxx
// uses all the new convenience functions.
// Revision 1.19 1998/11/06 21:18:21 curt // Revision 1.19 1998/11/06 21:18:21 curt
// Converted to new logstream debugging facility. This allows release // Converted to new logstream debugging facility. This allows release
// builds with no messages at all (and no performance impact) by using // builds with no messages at all (and no performance impact) by using

View file

@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
#include <XGL/xgl.h> #include <XGL/xgl.h>
#include <Bucket/bucketutils.h> #include <Bucket/bucketutils.h>
// #include <Include/fg_types.h>
#include <Math/point3d.hxx> #include <Math/point3d.hxx>
#include "tile.hxx" #include "tile.hxx"
@ -54,24 +53,18 @@
// FG_TILE_CACHE_SIZE >= (o->tile_diameter + 1) ** 2 // FG_TILE_CACHE_SIZE >= (o->tile_diameter + 1) ** 2
#define FG_TILE_CACHE_SIZE 121 #define FG_TILE_CACHE_SIZE 121
// Tile cache record
typedef struct {
fgBUCKET tile_bucket;
GLint display_list;
fgCartesianPoint3d local_ref;
double bounding_radius;
int used;
int priority;
} fgTILE;
// A class to store and manage a pile of tiles // A class to store and manage a pile of tiles
class fgTILECACHE { class fgTILECACHE {
// enum
// {
// // For best results... i.e. to avoid tile load problems and blank areas
// // FG_TILE_CACHE_SIZE >= (o->tile_diameter + 1) ** 2
// };
// cache storage space // cache storage space
fgTILE tile_cache[FG_TILE_CACHE_SIZE]; fgTILE tile_cache[ FG_TILE_CACHE_SIZE ];
public: public:
@ -82,7 +75,7 @@ public:
void init( void ); void init( void );
// Search for the specified "bucket" in the cache // Search for the specified "bucket" in the cache
int exists( fgBUCKET *p ); int exists( const fgBUCKET& p );
// Return index of next available slot in tile cache // Return index of next available slot in tile cache
int next_avail( void ); int next_avail( void );
@ -91,10 +84,12 @@ public:
void entry_free( int index ); void entry_free( int index );
// Fill in a tile cache entry with real data for the specified bucket // Fill in a tile cache entry with real data for the specified bucket
void fill_in( int index, fgBUCKET *p ); void fill_in( int index, const fgBUCKET& p );
// Return a pointer to the specified tile cache entry // Return a pointer to the specified tile cache entry
fgTILE *get_tile( int index ); fgTILE *get_tile( int index ) {
return &tile_cache[index];
// Destructor // Destructor
~fgTILECACHE( void ); ~fgTILECACHE( void );
@ -109,6 +104,34 @@ extern fgTILECACHE global_tile_cache;
// $Log$ // $Log$
// Revision 1.13 1998/11/09 23:40:51 curt
// Bernie Bright <bbright@c031.aone.net.au> writes:
// I've made some changes to the Scenery handling. Basically just tidy ups.
// The main difference is in tile.[ch]xx where I've changed list<fgFRAGMENT> to
// vector<fgFRAGMENT>. Studying our usage patterns this seems reasonable.
// Lists are good if you need to insert/delete elements randomly but we
// don't do that. All access seems to be sequential. Two additional
// benefits are smaller memory usage - each list element requires pointers
// to the next and previous elements, and faster access - vector iterators
// are smaller and faster than list iterators. This should also help
// Charlie Hotchkiss' problem when compiling with Borland and STLport.
// ./Lib/Bucket/bucketutils.hxx
// Convenience functions for fgBUCKET.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tile.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tile.hxx
// Changed fragment list to a vector.
// Added some convenience member functions.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilecache.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilecache.hxx
// use const fgBUCKET& instead of fgBUCKET* where appropriate.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilemgr.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilemgr.hxx
// uses all the new convenience functions.
// Revision 1.12 1998/10/16 00:55:49 curt // Revision 1.12 1998/10/16 00:55:49 curt
// Converted to Point3D class. // Converted to Point3D class.
// //

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx> #include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
#include <Bucket/bucketutils.h> #include <Bucket/bucketutils.hxx>
#include <Debug/logstream.hxx> #include <Debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <Include/fg_constants.h> #include <Include/fg_constants.h>
#include <Main/options.hxx> #include <Main/options.hxx>
@ -88,22 +88,21 @@ int fgTileMgrInit( void ) {
// load a tile // load a tile
void fgTileMgrLoadTile( fgBUCKET *p, int *index) { void fgTileMgrLoadTile( const fgBUCKET& p, int *index) {
c = &global_tile_cache; c = &global_tile_cache;
FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_DEBUG, FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_DEBUG, "Updating for bucket " << p );
"Updating for bucket "
<< p->lon << " " << p->lat << " " << p->x << " " << p->y );
// if not in cache, load tile into the next available slot // if not in cache, load tile into the next available slot
if ( (*index = c->exists(p)) < 0 ) { *index = c->exists(p);
if ( *index < 0 ) {
*index = c->next_avail(); *index = c->next_avail();
c->fill_in(*index, p); c->fill_in(*index, p);
} }
FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_DEBUG, "Selected cache index of " << *index); FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_DEBUG, "Selected cache index: " << *index );
} }
@ -126,8 +125,7 @@ int fgTileMgrUpdate( void ) {
dw = tile_diameter / 2; dw = tile_diameter / 2;
dh = tile_diameter / 2; dh = tile_diameter / 2;
if ( (p1.lon == p_last.lon) && (p1.lat == p_last.lat) && if ( p1 == p_last ) {
(p1.x == p_last.x) && (p1.y == p_last.y) ) {
// same bucket as last time // same bucket as last time
FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_DEBUG, "Same bucket as last time" ); FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_DEBUG, "Same bucket as last time" );
} else if ( p_last.lon == -1000 ) { } else if ( p_last.lon == -1000 ) {
@ -135,12 +133,9 @@ int fgTileMgrUpdate( void ) {
// relavant tiles // relavant tiles
FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_INFO, " First time through ... " ); FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_INFO, " First time through ... " );
FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_INFO, FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_INFO, " Updating Tile list for " << p1 );
" Updating Tile list for "
<< p1.lon << "," << p1.lat << " " << p1.x << "," << p1.y );
<< tile_diameter * tile_diameter << tile_diameter * tile_diameter << " tiles" );
<< " tiles" );
// wipe/initialize tile cache // wipe/initialize tile cache
c->init(); c->init();
@ -149,7 +144,7 @@ int fgTileMgrUpdate( void ) {
for ( j = 0; j < tile_diameter; j++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < tile_diameter; j++ ) {
for ( i = 0; i < tile_diameter; i++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < tile_diameter; i++ ) {
fgBucketOffset(&p1, &p2, i - dw, j - dh); fgBucketOffset(&p1, &p2, i - dw, j - dh);
fgTileMgrLoadTile(&p2, &tiles[(j*tile_diameter) + i]); fgTileMgrLoadTile( p2, &tiles[(j*tile_diameter) + i]);
} }
} }
} else { } else {
@ -160,9 +155,7 @@ int fgTileMgrUpdate( void ) {
FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_INFO, FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_INFO, "Updating Tile list for " << p1 );
"Updating Tile list for "
<< p1.lon << "," << p1.lat << " " << p1.x << "," << p1.y );
if ( (p1.lon > p_last.lon) || if ( (p1.lon > p_last.lon) ||
( (p1.lon == p_last.lon) && (p1.x > p_last.x) ) ) { ( (p1.lon == p_last.lon) && (p1.x > p_last.x) ) ) {
@ -176,7 +169,7 @@ int fgTileMgrUpdate( void ) {
} }
// load in new column // load in new column
fgBucketOffset(&p_last, &p2, dw + 1, j - dh); fgBucketOffset(&p_last, &p2, dw + 1, j - dh);
fgTileMgrLoadTile(&p2, &tiles[(j*tile_diameter) + fgTileMgrLoadTile( p2, &tiles[(j*tile_diameter) +
tile_diameter - 1]); tile_diameter - 1]);
} }
} else if ( (p1.lon < p_last.lon) || } else if ( (p1.lon < p_last.lon) ||
@ -191,7 +184,7 @@ int fgTileMgrUpdate( void ) {
} }
// load in new column // load in new column
fgBucketOffset(&p_last, &p2, -dw - 1, j - dh); fgBucketOffset(&p_last, &p2, -dw - 1, j - dh);
fgTileMgrLoadTile(&p2, &tiles[(j*tile_diameter) + 0]); fgTileMgrLoadTile( p2, &tiles[(j*tile_diameter) + 0]);
} }
} }
@ -207,7 +200,7 @@ int fgTileMgrUpdate( void ) {
} }
// load in new column // load in new column
fgBucketOffset(&p_last, &p2, i - dw, dh + 1); fgBucketOffset(&p_last, &p2, i - dw, dh + 1);
fgTileMgrLoadTile(&p2, &tiles[((tile_diameter-1) * fgTileMgrLoadTile( p2, &tiles[((tile_diameter-1) *
tile_diameter) + i]); tile_diameter) + i]);
} }
} else if ( (p1.lat < p_last.lat) || } else if ( (p1.lat < p_last.lat) ||
@ -222,7 +215,7 @@ int fgTileMgrUpdate( void ) {
} }
// load in new column // load in new column
fgBucketOffset(&p_last, &p2, i - dw, -dh - 1); fgBucketOffset(&p_last, &p2, i - dw, -dh - 1);
fgTileMgrLoadTile(&p2, &tiles[0 + i]); fgTileMgrLoadTile( p2, &tiles[0 + i]);
} }
} }
} }
@ -409,17 +402,16 @@ inrange( const double radius, const Point3D& center, const Point3D& vp,
// render the scene, but we'd also like to be able to do this // render the scene, but we'd also like to be able to do this
// explicitely. lat & lon are in radians. abs_view_pos in meters. // explicitely. lat & lon are in radians. abs_view_pos in meters.
// Returns result in meters. // Returns result in meters.
double fgTileMgrCurElev( double lon, double lat, const Point3D& abs_view_pos ) { double
fgTileMgrCurElev( double lon, double lat, const Point3D& abs_view_pos ) {
fgTILE *t; fgTILE *t;
// fgVIEW *v; // fgVIEW *v;
fgFRAGMENT *frag_ptr; fgFRAGMENT *frag_ptr;
Point3D earth_center, result; Point3D earth_center(0.0);
Point3D pp; Point3D result;
MAT3vec local_up; MAT3vec local_up;
list < fgFRAGMENT > :: iterator current;
list < fgFRAGMENT > :: iterator last;
double dist, lat_geod, alt, sea_level_r; double dist, lat_geod, alt, sea_level_r;
// double x, y, z; // double x, y, z;
int index; int index;
@ -433,17 +425,21 @@ double fgTileMgrCurElev( double lon, double lat, const Point3D& abs_view_pos ) {
// Find current translation offset // Find current translation offset
fgBucketFind(lon * RAD_TO_DEG, lat * RAD_TO_DEG, &p); fgBucketFind(lon * RAD_TO_DEG, lat * RAD_TO_DEG, &p);
index = c->exists(&p); index = c->exists(p);
if ( index < 0 ) {
FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_WARN, "Tile not found" );
return 0.0;
t = c->get_tile(index); t = c->get_tile(index);
scenery.next_center = t->center; scenery.next_center = t->center;
earth_center = Point3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // earth_center = Point3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
"Pos = (" << lon * RAD_TO_DEG << ", " << lat * RAD_TO_DEG "Pos = (" << lon * RAD_TO_DEG << ", " << lat * RAD_TO_DEG
<< " Current bucket = " << ") Current bucket = " << p
<< p.lon << " " << p.lat << " " << p.x << " " << p.y
<< " Index = " << fgBucketGenIndex(&p) ); << " Index = " << fgBucketGenIndex(&p) );
// calculate tile offset // calculate tile offset
@ -463,8 +459,8 @@ double fgTileMgrCurElev( double lon, double lat, const Point3D& abs_view_pos ) {
if ( dist < FG_SQUARE(t->bounding_radius) ) { if ( dist < FG_SQUARE(t->bounding_radius) ) {
// traverse fragment list for tile // traverse fragment list for tile
current = t->fragment_list.begin(); fgTILE::FragmentIterator current = t->begin();
last = t->fragment_list.end(); fgTILE::FragmentIterator last = t->end();
for ( ; current != last; ++current ) { for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
frag_ptr = &(*current); frag_ptr = &(*current);
@ -480,7 +476,7 @@ double fgTileMgrCurElev( double lon, double lat, const Point3D& abs_view_pos ) {
if ( frag_ptr->intersect( abs_view_pos, if ( frag_ptr->intersect( abs_view_pos,
earth_center, 0, result ) ) { earth_center, 0, result ) ) {
// compute geocentric coordinates of tile center // compute geocentric coordinates of tile center
pp = fgCartToPolar3d(result); Point3D pp = fgCartToPolar3d(result);
// convert to geodetic coordinates // convert to geodetic coordinates
fgGeocToGeod(pp.lat(), pp.radius(), &lat_geod, fgGeocToGeod(pp.lat(), pp.radius(), &lat_geod,
&alt, &sea_level_r); &alt, &sea_level_r);
@ -538,8 +534,6 @@ void fgTileMgrRender( void ) {
Point3D frag_offset; Point3D frag_offset;
fgFRAGMENT *frag_ptr; fgFRAGMENT *frag_ptr;
fgMATERIAL *mtl_ptr; fgMATERIAL *mtl_ptr;
list < fgFRAGMENT > :: iterator current;
list < fgFRAGMENT > :: iterator last;
int i; int i;
int tile_diameter; int tile_diameter;
int index; int index;
@ -580,8 +574,8 @@ void fgTileMgrRender( void ) {
// xglTranslatef(t->offset.x, t->offset.y, t->offset.z); // xglTranslatef(t->offset.x, t->offset.y, t->offset.z);
// traverse fragment list for tile // traverse fragment list for tile
current = t->fragment_list.begin(); fgTILE::FragmentIterator current = t->begin();
last = t->fragment_list.end(); fgTILE::FragmentIterator last = t->end();
for ( ; current != last; ++current ) { for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
frag_ptr = &(*current); frag_ptr = &(*current);
@ -638,6 +632,34 @@ void fgTileMgrRender( void ) {
// $Log$ // $Log$
// Revision 1.43 1998/11/09 23:40:52 curt
// Bernie Bright <bbright@c031.aone.net.au> writes:
// I've made some changes to the Scenery handling. Basically just tidy ups.
// The main difference is in tile.[ch]xx where I've changed list<fgFRAGMENT> to
// vector<fgFRAGMENT>. Studying our usage patterns this seems reasonable.
// Lists are good if you need to insert/delete elements randomly but we
// don't do that. All access seems to be sequential. Two additional
// benefits are smaller memory usage - each list element requires pointers
// to the next and previous elements, and faster access - vector iterators
// are smaller and faster than list iterators. This should also help
// Charlie Hotchkiss' problem when compiling with Borland and STLport.
// ./Lib/Bucket/bucketutils.hxx
// Convenience functions for fgBUCKET.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tile.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tile.hxx
// Changed fragment list to a vector.
// Added some convenience member functions.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilecache.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilecache.hxx
// use const fgBUCKET& instead of fgBUCKET* where appropriate.
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilemgr.cxx
// ./Simulator/Scenery/tilemgr.hxx
// uses all the new convenience functions.
// Revision 1.42 1998/11/06 21:18:23 curt // Revision 1.42 1998/11/06 21:18:23 curt
// Converted to new logstream debugging facility. This allows release // Converted to new logstream debugging facility. This allows release
// builds with no messages at all (and no performance impact) by using // builds with no messages at all (and no performance impact) by using