RoutePath mag-var and point-on-path fixes
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 84 additions and 55 deletions
@ -100,12 +100,7 @@ public:
const std::string& ty(wpt->type());
if (wpt->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) {
if ((ty == "hdgToAlt") || (ty == "radialIntercept") || (ty == "dmeIntercept")) {
legCourse = wpt->headingRadialDeg();
legCourseValid = true;
// presumtpion is that we always overfly such a waypoint
// presumption is that we always overfly such a waypoint
if (ty == "hdgToAlt") {
flyOver = true;
@ -114,7 +109,7 @@ public:
posValid = true;
if ((ty == "runway") || (ty == "hold")) {
legCourse = wpt->headingRadialDeg();
legCourseTrue = wpt->headingRadialDeg() + magVarFor(pos);
legCourseValid = true;
@ -152,17 +147,32 @@ public:
// we can compute leg course now
legCourse = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(previous.pos, pos);
legCourseTrue = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(previous.pos, pos);
legCourseValid = true;
void computeLegCourse(const WayptData& previous)
if (!legCourseValid) {
if (posValid) {
legCourseTrue = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(previous.pos, pos);
legCourseValid = true;
} else if (isCourseConstrained()) {
double magVar = magVarFor(previous.pos);
legCourseTrue = wpt->headingRadialDeg() + magVar;
legCourseValid = true;
void computeTurn(double radiusM, const WayptData& previous, WayptData& next)
assert(legCourseValid && next.legCourseValid);
turnAngle = next.legCourse - legCourse;
turnAngle = next.legCourseTrue - legCourseTrue;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(turnAngle, -180.0, 180.0);
turnRadius = radiusM;
@ -170,9 +180,9 @@ public:
if (flyOver) {
turnEntryPos = pos;
turnCenter = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourse + p, turnRadius);
turnCenter = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourseTrue + p, turnRadius);
// use the leg course
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, next.legCourse - p, turnRadius);
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, next.legCourseTrue - p, turnRadius);
if (!next.wpt->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) {
// distance perpendicular to next leg course, after turning
@ -190,7 +200,7 @@ public:
// move by the distance to compensate
double d = turnRadius * 2.0 * sin(theta * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(turnExitPos, next.legCourse, d);
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(turnExitPos, next.legCourseTrue, d);
overflightCompensationAngle = -theta;
turnPathDistanceM = turnRadius * (fabs(turnAngle) +
@ -206,13 +216,17 @@ public:
increaseAngle = copysign(increaseAngle, turnAngle);
turnAngle += increaseAngle;
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, legCourse + turnAngle - p, turnRadius);
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, legCourseTrue + turnAngle - p, turnRadius);
// modify next leg course
next.legCourse = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(turnExitPos, next.pos);
next.legCourseTrue = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(turnExitPos, next.pos);
turnPathDistanceM = turnRadius * (fabs(turnAngle) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
} else {
// next point is dynamic
// no compentsation needed
turnPathDistanceM = turnRadius * (fabs(turnAngle) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
} else {
hasEntry = true;
@ -220,12 +234,12 @@ public:
double halfAngle = turnAngle * 0.5;
double turnCenterOffset = turnRadius / cos(halfAngle * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
turnCenter = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourse + halfAngle + p, turnCenterOffset);
turnCenter = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourseTrue + halfAngle + p, turnCenterOffset);
double distAlongPath = turnRadius * tan(fabs(halfAngle) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
turnEntryPos = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourse, -distAlongPath);
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, next.legCourse, distAlongPath);
turnEntryPos = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourseTrue, -distAlongPath);
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, next.legCourseTrue, distAlongPath);
turnPathDistanceM = turnRadius * (fabs(halfAngle) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
@ -247,7 +261,7 @@ public:
double halfAngle = turnAngle * 0.5;
int steps = std::max(SGMiscd::roundToInt(fabs(halfAngle) / 3.0), 1);
double stepIncrement = halfAngle / steps;
double h = legCourse;
double h = legCourseTrue;
SGGeod p = turnEntryPos;
double stepDist = (fabs(stepIncrement) / 360.0) * SGMiscd::twopi() * turnRadius;
@ -272,7 +286,7 @@ public:
double stepIncrement = t / steps;
// initial exit heading
double h = legCourse + (flyOver ? 0.0 : (turnAngle * 0.5));
double h = legCourseTrue + (flyOver ? 0.0 : (turnAngle * 0.5));
double turnDirOffset = copysign(90.0, turnAngle);
// compute the first point on the exit path. Depends on fly-over vs fly-by
@ -319,17 +333,18 @@ public:
// compute the compensation turn center - twice the turn radius
// from turnCenter
SGGeod tc2 = SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter,
legCourse - overflightCompensationAngle - p,
legCourseTrue - overflightCompensationAngle - p,
turnRadius * 2.0);
theta = copysign(theta - turnAngle, overflightCompensationAngle);
return SGGeodesy::direct(tc2,
legCourse - overflightCompensationAngle + theta + p, turnRadius);
legCourseTrue - overflightCompensationAngle + theta + p, turnRadius);
theta = copysign(theta, turnAngle);
double halfAngle = turnAngle * 0.5;
return SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, legCourse - halfAngle + theta - p, turnRadius);
double inboundCourse = legCourseTrue + (flyOver ? 0.0 : halfAngle);
return SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, inboundCourse + theta - p, turnRadius);
SGGeod pointAlongEntryPath(double distanceM) const
@ -338,13 +353,14 @@ public:
double theta = (distanceM / turnRadius) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
theta = copysign(theta, turnAngle);
double p = copysign(90, turnAngle);
return SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, legCourse + theta - p, turnRadius);
double course = legCourseTrue - turnAngle + theta;
return SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, course - p, turnRadius);
WayptRef wpt;
bool hasEntry, posValid, legCourseValid, skipped;
SGGeod pos, turnEntryPos, turnExitPos, turnCenter;
double turnAngle, turnRadius, legCourse;
double turnAngle, turnRadius, legCourseTrue;
double pathDistanceM;
double turnPathDistanceM; // for flyBy, this is half the distance; for flyOver it's the completel distance
double overflightCompensationAngle;
@ -406,8 +422,8 @@ public:
const WayptData& previous(previousValidWaypoint(index));
WayptRef wpt = waypoints[index].wpt;
const std::string& ty(wpt->type());
if (ty == "hdgToAlt") {
HeadingToAltitude* h = (HeadingToAltitude*) wpt.get();
@ -484,7 +500,7 @@ public:
waypoints[index].posValid = true;
} else if (ty == "vectors") {
waypoints[index].legCourse = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(previous.turnExitPos, waypoints[index].pos);
waypoints[index].legCourseTrue = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(previous.turnExitPos, waypoints[index].pos);
waypoints[index].legCourseValid = true;
// no turn data
@ -700,9 +716,9 @@ void RoutePath::commonInit()
const WayptData& prev(d->previousValidWaypoint(i));
const WayptData& prev(d->previousValidWaypoint(i));
double alt = 0.0; // FIXME
double gs = d->groundSpeedForAltitude(alt);
@ -714,12 +730,7 @@ void RoutePath::commonInit()
WayptData& next(d->waypoints[nextIndex]);
if (!next.legCourseValid && next.posValid) {
// compute leg course now our own position is valid
next.legCourse = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(d->waypoints[i].pos, next.pos);
next.legCourseValid = true;
if (next.legCourseValid) {
d->waypoints[i].computeTurn(radiusM, prev, next);
@ -901,7 +912,7 @@ double RoutePath::trackForIndex(int index) const
if (d->waypoints[index].skipped)
return trackForIndex(index - 1);
return d->waypoints[index].legCourse;
return d->waypoints[index].legCourseTrue;
double RoutePath::distanceForIndex(int index) const
@ -917,40 +928,58 @@ double RoutePath::distanceBetweenIndices(int from, int to) const
SGGeod RoutePath::positionForDistanceFrom(int index, double distanceM) const
int sz = (int) d->waypoints.size();
if (index < 0) {
index = sz - 1; // map negative values to end of the route
if ((index < 0) || (index >= sz)) {
throw sg_range_exception("waypt index out of range",
// find the actual leg we're within
while ((index < sz) && (d->waypoints[index].pathDistanceM < distanceM)) {
distanceM -= d->waypoints[index].pathDistanceM;
if (distanceM < 0.0) {
// scan backwards
while ((index > 0) && (distanceM < 0.0)) {
distanceM += d->waypoints[index].pathDistanceM;
if (distanceM < 0.0) {
// still negative, return route start
return d->waypoints[0].pos;
} else {
// scan forwards
int nextIndex = index + 1;
while ((nextIndex < sz) && (d->waypoints[nextIndex].pathDistanceM < distanceM)) {
distanceM -= d->waypoints[nextIndex].pathDistanceM;
index = nextIndex++;
if (index >= sz) {
if ((index + 1) >= sz) {
// past route end, just return final position
return d->waypoints[sz - 1].pos;
} else if (index == 0) {
return d->waypoints[0].pos;
const WayptData& wpt(d->waypoints[index]);
const WayptData& prev(d->previousValidWaypoint(index));
// check turn exit of previous
if (prev.turnPathDistanceM > distanceM) {
// on the exit path of previous wpt
return prev.pointAlongExitPath(distanceM);
const WayptData& next(d->waypoints[index+1]);
if (wpt.turnPathDistanceM > distanceM) {
// on the exit path of current wpt
return wpt.pointAlongExitPath(distanceM);
} else {
distanceM -= wpt.turnPathDistanceM;
double corePathDistance = wpt.pathDistanceM - wpt.turnPathDistanceM;
if (wpt.hasEntry && (distanceM > corePathDistance)) {
// on the entry path
return wpt.pointAlongEntryPath(distanceM - corePathDistance);
double corePathDistance = next.pathDistanceM - next.turnPathDistanceM;
if (next.hasEntry && (distanceM > corePathDistance)) {
// on the entry path of next waypoint
return next.pointAlongEntryPath(distanceM - corePathDistance);
// linear between turn exit and turn entry points
SGGeod previousTurnExit = prev.turnExitPos;
distanceM -= prev.turnPathDistanceM;
return SGGeodesy::direct(previousTurnExit, wpt.legCourse, distanceM);
return SGGeodesy::direct(wpt.turnExitPos, next.legCourseTrue, distanceM);
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