From f4e3e8bc92728ffba060d8bb446d871d6e86a92e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: curt <curt>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 21:05:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] New changes to address various feedback from initial release.

 JSBsim/FGAircraft.cpp    | 213 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 JSBsim/FGAircraft.h      |  44 +++++---
 JSBsim/FGAtmosphere.cpp  |  19 ++--
 JSBsim/FGAtmosphere.h    |  16 ++-
 JSBsim/FGAuxiliary.cpp   |  16 ++-
 JSBsim/FGAuxiliary.h     |  13 +--
 JSBsim/FGCoefficient.cpp |  78 +++++++++++---
 JSBsim/FGCoefficient.h   |  33 ++++--
 JSBsim/FGEngine.cpp      |  48 ++++++---
 JSBsim/FGEngine.h        |  31 +++++-
 JSBsim/FGFCS.cpp         |  15 ++-
 JSBsim/FGFCS.h           |  21 ++--
 JSBsim/FGFDMExec.cpp     |  68 +++++++++----
 JSBsim/FGFDMExec.h       |  68 ++++++++-----
 JSBsim/FGMain.cpp        |  17 +++-
 JSBsim/FGModel.cpp       |  59 +++++++++--
 JSBsim/FGModel.h         |  33 ++++--
 JSBsim/FGOutput.cpp      |  95 +++++++++--------
 JSBsim/FGOutput.h        |  14 +--
 JSBsim/FGPosition.cpp    |  72 +++++++------
 JSBsim/FGPosition.h      |  35 ++++---
 JSBsim/FGRotation.cpp    |  67 +++++-------
 JSBsim/FGRotation.h      |  51 ++++++++--
 JSBsim/FGState.cpp       | 204 +++++++++++++++----------------------
 JSBsim/FGState.h         | 132 ++----------------------
 JSBsim/FGTank.cpp        |  23 ++---
 JSBsim/FGTank.h          |   6 +-
 JSBsim/FGTranslation.cpp |  73 +++++---------
 JSBsim/FGTranslation.h   |  43 +++++---
 JSBsim/FGUtility.cpp     |  54 ++++------
 JSBsim/FGUtility.h       |  10 +-
 31 files changed, 877 insertions(+), 794 deletions(-)

diff --git a/JSBsim/FGAircraft.cpp b/JSBsim/FGAircraft.cpp
index d45a37985..813543b44 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGAircraft.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGAircraft.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+/** *****************************************************************************
  Module:       FGAircraft.cpp
  Author:       Jon S. Berndt
- Date started: 12/12/98
+ Date started: 12/12/98                                   
  Purpose:      Encapsulates an aircraft
  Called by:    FGFDMExec
@@ -27,11 +27,9 @@
-Models the aircraft reactions and forces.
+Models the aircraft reactions and forces. This class is instantiated by the
+FGFDMExec class and scheduled as an FDM entry. LoadAircraft() is supplied with a
+name of a valid, registered aircraft, and the data file is parsed.
@@ -133,20 +131,28 @@ stability derivatives for the aircraft.
-#include "FGAircraft.h"
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <math.h>
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
-FGAircraft::FGAircraft(void) : FGModel()
+FGAircraft::FGAircraft(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
   int i;
@@ -171,35 +177,33 @@ FGAircraft::~FGAircraft(void)
 bool FGAircraft::LoadAircraft(char* fname)
-  char path[250];
-  char fullpath[275];
-  char filename[275];
-  char aircraftDef[2100];
-  char tag[220];
+  char path[256];
+  char fullpath[256];
+  char filename[256];
+  char aircraftDef[256];
+  char tag[256];
   DIR* dir;
   DIR* coeffdir;
-  struct dirent* dirEntry = 0L;
-  struct dirent* coeffdirEntry = 0L;
+  struct dirent* dirEntry;
+  struct dirent* coeffdirEntry;
   struct stat st;
   struct stat st2;
   ifstream coeffInFile;
-  char scratch[250];
   sprintf(aircraftDef, "/h/curt/projects/FlightGear/Simulator/FDM/JSBsim/aircraft/%s/%s.dat", fname, fname);
   ifstream aircraftfile(aircraftDef);
   if (aircraftfile) {
-    aircraftfile >> AircraftName;
-    aircraftfile >> WingArea;
-    aircraftfile >> WingSpan;
-    aircraftfile >> cbar;
-    aircraftfile >> Ixx;
-    aircraftfile >> Iyy;
-    aircraftfile >> Izz;
-    aircraftfile >> Ixz;
-    aircraftfile >> Weight;
-    m = Weight / 32.174;
+    aircraftfile >> AircraftName;   // String with no embedded spaces
+    aircraftfile >> WingArea;       // square feet
+    aircraftfile >> WingSpan;       // feet
+    aircraftfile >> cbar;           // feet
+    aircraftfile >> Ixx;            // slug ft^2
+    aircraftfile >> Iyy;            // "
+    aircraftfile >> Izz;            // "
+    aircraftfile >> Ixz;            // "
+    aircraftfile >> EmptyWeight;    // pounds
+    EmptyMass = EmptyWeight / GRAVITY;
     aircraftfile >> tag;
     numTanks = numEngines = 0;
@@ -207,13 +211,13 @@ bool FGAircraft::LoadAircraft(char* fname)
     while (strstr(tag,"EOF") == 0) {
       if (strstr(tag,"CGLOC")) {
-        aircraftfile >> Xcg;
-        aircraftfile >> Ycg;
-        aircraftfile >> Zcg;
+        aircraftfile >> Xcg;        // inches
+        aircraftfile >> Ycg;        // inches
+        aircraftfile >> Zcg;        // inches
       } else if (strstr(tag,"EYEPOINTLOC")) {
-        aircraftfile >> Xep;
-        aircraftfile >> Yep;
-        aircraftfile >> Zep;
+        aircraftfile >> Xep;        // inches
+        aircraftfile >> Yep;        // inches
+        aircraftfile >> Zep;        // inches
       } else if (strstr(tag,"TANK")) {
         Tank[numTanks] = new FGTank(aircraftfile);
         switch(Tank[numTanks]->GetType()) {
@@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ bool FGAircraft::LoadAircraft(char* fname)
       } else if (strstr(tag,"ENGINE")) {
         aircraftfile >> tag;
-        Engine[numEngines] = new FGEngine(tag);
+        Engine[numEngines] = new FGEngine(FDMExec, tag, numEngines);
       aircraftfile >> tag;
@@ -254,7 +258,7 @@ bool FGAircraft::LoadAircraft(char* fname)
     //       previously mentioned axis.
-    if ( dir = opendir(path) ) {
+    if (dir = opendir(path)) {
       while (dirEntry = readdir(dir)) {
@@ -268,7 +272,7 @@ bool FGAircraft::LoadAircraft(char* fname)
                     if (st2.st_size > 6) {
-                      Coeff[axis_ctr][coeff_ctr[axis_ctr]] = new FGCoefficient(filename);
+                      Coeff[axis_ctr][coeff_ctr[axis_ctr]] = new FGCoefficient(FDMExec, filename);
@@ -298,6 +302,8 @@ bool FGAircraft::Run(void)
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)  Forces[i] = Moments[i] = 0.0;
+    MassChange();
     FProp(); FAero(); FGear(); FMass();
     MProp(); MAero(); MGear(); MMass();
@@ -308,6 +314,59 @@ bool FGAircraft::Run(void)
+void FGAircraft::MassChange()
+  //
+  // For each engine, cycle through the tanks and draw an equal amount of
+  // fuel (or oxidizer) from each active tank. The needed amount of fuel is
+  // determined by the engine in the FGEngine class. If more fuel is needed
+  // than is available in the tank, then that amount is considered a shortage,
+  // and will be drawn from the next tank. If the engine cannot be fed what it
+  // needs, it will be considered to be starved, and will shut down.
+  float Oshortage, Fshortage;
+  for (int e=0; e<numEngines; e++) {
+    Fshortage = Oshortage = 0.0;
+    for (int t=0; t<numTanks; t++) {
+      switch(Engine[e]->GetType()) {
+      case 0: // Rocket
+        switch(Tank[t]->GetType()) {
+        case 0: // Fuel
+          if (Tank[t]->GetSelected()) {
+            Fshortage = Tank[t]->Reduce((Engine[e]->CalcFuelNeed()/
+                                   numSelectedFuelTanks)*(dt*rate) + Fshortage);
+          }
+          break;
+        case 1: // Oxidizer
+          if (Tank[t]->GetSelected()) {
+            Oshortage = Tank[t]->Reduce((Engine[e]->CalcOxidizerNeed()/
+                                    numSelectedOxiTanks)*(dt*rate) + Oshortage);
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+        break;
+      default: // piston, turbojet, turbofan, etc.
+        if (Tank[t]->GetSelected()) {
+          Fshortage = Tank[t]->Reduce((Engine[e]->CalcFuelNeed()/
+                                   numSelectedFuelTanks)*(dt*rate) + Fshortage);
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if ((Fshortage <= 0.0) || (Oshortage <= 0.0)) Engine[e]->SetStarved();
+    else Engine[e]->SetStarved(false);
+  }
+  Weight = EmptyWeight;
+  for (int t=0; t<numTanks; t++)
+    Weight += Tank[t]->GetContents();
+  Mass = Weight / GRAVITY;
 void FGAircraft::FAero(void)
   float F[3];
@@ -334,59 +393,17 @@ void FGAircraft::FGear(void)
 void FGAircraft::FMass(void)
-  Forces[0] += -g*sin(tht) * m;
-  Forces[1] +=  g*sin(phi)*cos(tht) * m;
-  Forces[2] +=  g*cos(phi)*cos(tht) * m;
+  Forces[0] += -GRAVITY*sin(tht) * Mass;
+  Forces[1] +=  GRAVITY*sin(phi)*cos(tht) * Mass;
+  Forces[2] +=  GRAVITY*cos(phi)*cos(tht) * Mass;
 void FGAircraft::FProp(void)
-  float Oshortage, Fshortage;
   for (int i=0;i<numEngines;i++) {
     Forces[0] += Engine[i]->CalcThrust();
-  //
-  //
-  // For each engine, cycle through the tanks and draw an equal amount of
-  // fuel (or oxidizer) from each active tank. The needed amount of fuel is
-  // determined by the engine in the FGEngine class. If more fuel is needed
-  // than is available in the tank, then that amount is considered a shortage,
-  // and will be drawn from the next tank. If the engine cannot be fed what it
-  // needs, it will be considered to be starved, and will shut down.
-  for (int e=0; e<numEngines; e++) {
-    Fshortage = Oshortage = 0.0;
-    for (int t=0; t<numTanks; t++) {
-      switch(Engine[e]->GetType()) {
-      case 0: // Rocket
-        switch(Tank[t]->GetType()) {
-        case 0: // Fuel
-          if (Tank[t]->GetSelected()) {
-            Fshortage = Tank[t]->Reduce((Engine[e]->CalcFuelNeed()/numSelectedFuelTanks)*(dt*rate) + Fshortage);
-          }
-          break;
-        case 1: // Oxidizer
-          if (Tank[t]->GetSelected()) {
-            Oshortage = Tank[t]->Reduce((Engine[e]->CalcOxidizerNeed()/numSelectedOxiTanks)*(dt*rate) + Oshortage);
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-        break;
-      default: // piston, turbojet, turbofan, etc.
-        if (Tank[t]->GetSelected()) {
-          Fshortage = Tank[t]->Reduce((Engine[e]->CalcFuelNeed()/numSelectedFuelTanks)*(dt*rate) + Fshortage);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if ((Fshortage < 0.0) || (Oshortage < 0.0)) Engine[e]->SetStarved();
-    else Engine[e]->SetStarved(false);
-  }
@@ -418,33 +435,17 @@ void FGAircraft::MProp(void)
 void FGAircraft::GetState(void)
-  Ixx = State->GetIxx();
-  Iyy = State->GetIyy();
-  Izz = State->GetIzz();
-  Ixz = State->GetIxz();
-  alpha = State->Getalpha();
-  beta = State->Getbeta();
-  m   = State->Getm();
-  phi = State->Getphi();
-  tht = State->Gettht();
-  psi = State->Getpsi();
-  g = State->Getg();
   dt = State->Getdt();
+  alpha = Translation->Getalpha();
+  beta = Translation->Getbeta();
+  phi = Rotation->Getphi();
+  tht = Rotation->Gettht();
+  psi = Rotation->Getpsi();
 void FGAircraft::PutState(void)
-  State->SetIxx(Ixx);
-  State->SetIyy(Iyy);
-  State->SetIzz(Izz);
-  State->SetIxz(Ixz);
-  State->SetFx(Forces[0]);
-  State->SetFy(Forces[1]);
-  State->SetFz(Forces[2]);
-  State->SetL(Moments[0]);
-  State->SetM(Moments[1]);
-  State->SetN(Moments[2]);
-  State->Setm(m);
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGAircraft.h b/JSBsim/FGAircraft.h
index 0cdc81cd4..fc01f5023 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGAircraft.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGAircraft.h
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@
 12/12/98   JSB   Created
@@ -102,7 +101,6 @@ INCLUDES
 #include "FGCoefficient.h"
 #include "FGEngine.h"
 #include "FGTank.h"
-//#include "FGMatrix.h"
@@ -116,12 +114,15 @@ CLASS DECLARATION
 class FGAircraft : public FGModel
-  FGAircraft(void);
+  FGAircraft(FGFDMExec*);
   bool Run(void);
   bool LoadAircraft(char*);
-  char* GetAircraftName(void) {return AircraftName;}
+  inline char* GetAircraftName(void) {return AircraftName;}
   inline void SetGearUp(bool tt) {GearUp = tt;}
   inline bool GetGearUp(void) {return GearUp;}
   inline float GetWingArea(void) {return WingArea;}
@@ -129,6 +130,21 @@ public:
   inline float Getcbar(void) {return cbar;}
   inline FGEngine* GetEngine(int tt) {return Engine[tt];}
   inline FGTank* GetTank(int tt) {return Tank[tt];}
+  inline float GetWeight(void) {return Weight;}
+  inline float GetMass(void) {return Mass;}
+  inline float GetL(void) {return Moments[0];}
+  inline float GetM(void) {return Moments[1];}
+  inline float GetN(void) {return Moments[2];}
+  inline float GetFx(void) {return Forces[0];}
+  inline float GetFy(void) {return Forces[1];}
+  inline float GetFz(void) {return Forces[2];}
+  inline float GetIxx(void) {return Ixx;}
+  inline float GetIyy(void) {return Iyy;}
+  inline float GetIzz(void) {return Izz;}
+  inline float GetIxz(void) {return Ixz;}
   void GetState(void);
@@ -144,26 +160,28 @@ private:
   void MMass(void);
   void MProp(void);
+  void MassChange(void);
   float Moments[3];
   float Forces[3];
   char AircraftName[50];
-  float Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixz, m;
+  float Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixz, EmptyMass, Mass;
   float Xcg, Ycg, Zcg;
   float Xep, Yep, Zep;
   float rho, qbar, Vt;
   float alpha, beta;
   float WingArea, WingSpan, cbar;
-  float g, phi, tht, psi;
-  float Weight;
+  float phi, tht, psi;
+  float Weight, EmptyWeight;
   float dt;
   int numTanks;
   int numEngines;
   int numSelectedOxiTanks;
   int numSelectedFuelTanks;
-  FGTank* Tank[30];
-  FGEngine *Engine[10];
+  FGTank* Tank[MAX_TANKS];
+  FGEngine *Engine[MAX_ENGINES];
   FGCoefficient *Coeff[6][10];
   int coeff_ctr[6];
@@ -184,11 +202,5 @@ protected:
-#ifndef FDM_MAIN
-extern FGAircraft* Aircraft;
-FGAircraft* Aircraft;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGAtmosphere.cpp b/JSBsim/FGAtmosphere.cpp
index c6e8d4910..713282e30 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGAtmosphere.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGAtmosphere.cpp
 Models the atmosphere. The equation used below was determined by a third order
 curve fit using Excel. The data is from the ICAO atmosphere model.
 11/24/98   JSB   Created
@@ -43,12 +39,21 @@ INCLUDES
 #include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
-FGAtmosphere::FGAtmosphere() : FGModel()
+FGAtmosphere::FGAtmosphere(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
@@ -62,9 +67,9 @@ FGAtmosphere::~FGAtmosphere()
 bool FGAtmosphere::Run(void)
   if (!FGModel::Run()) {                 // if false then execute this Run()
-    State->Setrho(0.002377 - 7.0E-08*State->Geth()
+    rho = 0.002377 - 7.0E-08*State->Geth()
         + 7.0E-13*State->Geth()*State->Geth()
-        - 2.0E-18*State->Geth()*State->Geth()*State->Geth());
+        - 2.0E-18*State->Geth()*State->Geth()*State->Geth();
   } else {                               // skip Run() execution this time
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGAtmosphere.h b/JSBsim/FGAtmosphere.h
index 254f1ca9d..332a7689f 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGAtmosphere.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGAtmosphere.h
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@
 11/24/98   JSB   Created
@@ -48,21 +47,18 @@ CLASS DECLARATION
 class FGAtmosphere : public FGModel
-  FGAtmosphere(void);
+  FGAtmosphere(FGFDMExec*);
   bool Run(void);
+  inline float Getrho(void) {return rho;}
+  float rho;
-#ifndef FDM_MAIN
-extern FGAtmosphere* Atmosphere;
-FGAtmosphere* Atmosphere;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGAuxiliary.cpp b/JSBsim/FGAuxiliary.cpp
index 991edb39c..d1b272458 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGAuxiliary.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGAuxiliary.cpp
 This class calculates various auxiliary parameters, mostly used by the visual
 01/26/99   JSB   Created
@@ -43,12 +39,21 @@ INCLUDES
 #include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
-FGAuxiliary::FGAuxiliary() : FGModel()
+FGAuxiliary::FGAuxiliary(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
   strcpy(Name, "FGAuxiliary");
@@ -64,6 +69,7 @@ bool FGAuxiliary::Run()
   if (!FGModel::Run()) {
   } else {
+  return false;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGAuxiliary.h b/JSBsim/FGAuxiliary.h
index 334f8d147..9a369cb74 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGAuxiliary.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGAuxiliary.h
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@
 11/22/98   JSB   Created
@@ -51,22 +50,16 @@ CLASS DECLARATION
 class FGAuxiliary : public FGModel
-  FGAuxiliary(void);
+  FGAuxiliary(FGFDMExec*);
   bool Run(void);
-#ifndef FDM_MAIN
-extern FGAuxiliary* Auxiliary;
-FGAuxiliary* Auxiliary;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGCoefficient.cpp b/JSBsim/FGCoefficient.cpp
index da5bfbe33..f0115909d 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGCoefficient.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGCoefficient.cpp
@@ -99,10 +99,6 @@ seen to be equal, and there are the same number of values for each altitude.
 See the header file FGCoefficient.h for the values of the identifiers.
 12/28/98   JSB   Created
@@ -111,28 +107,58 @@ HISTORY
-class FGCoefficient;
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include "FGCoefficient.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
 #include "FGFCS.h"
 #include "FGAircraft.h"
-#include "FGCoefficient.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
+FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec* fdex)
+  FDMExec     = fdex;
+  State       = FDMExec->GetState();
+  Atmosphere  = FDMExec->GetAtmosphere();
+  FCS         = FDMExec->GetFCS();
+  Aircraft    = FDMExec->GetAircraft();
+  Translation = FDMExec->GetTranslation();
+  Rotation    = FDMExec->GetRotation();
+  Position    = FDMExec->GetPosition();
+  Auxiliary   = FDMExec->GetAuxiliary();
+  Output      = FDMExec->GetOutput();
   rows = columns = 0;
-FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(char* fname)
+FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec* fdex, char* fname)
   int r, c;
   float ftrashcan;
+  FDMExec     = fdex;
+  State       = FDMExec->GetState();
+  Atmosphere  = FDMExec->GetAtmosphere();
+  FCS         = FDMExec->GetFCS();
+  Aircraft    = FDMExec->GetAircraft();
+  Translation = FDMExec->GetTranslation();
+  Rotation    = FDMExec->GetRotation();
+  Position    = FDMExec->GetPosition();
+  Auxiliary   = FDMExec->GetAuxiliary();
+  Output      = FDMExec->GetOutput();
   ifstream coeffDefFile(fname);
   if (coeffDefFile) {
@@ -260,16 +286,38 @@ FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(char* fname)
-FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(int r, int c)
+FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec* fdex, int r, int c)
+  FDMExec     = fdex;
+  State       = FDMExec->GetState();
+  Atmosphere  = FDMExec->GetAtmosphere();
+  FCS         = FDMExec->GetFCS();
+  Aircraft    = FDMExec->GetAircraft();
+  Translation = FDMExec->GetTranslation();
+  Rotation    = FDMExec->GetRotation();
+  Position    = FDMExec->GetPosition();
+  Auxiliary   = FDMExec->GetAuxiliary();
+  Output      = FDMExec->GetOutput();
   rows = r;
   columns = c;
-FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(int n)
+FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec* fdex, int n)
+  FDMExec     = fdex;
+  State       = FDMExec->GetState();
+  Atmosphere  = FDMExec->GetAtmosphere();
+  FCS         = FDMExec->GetFCS();
+  Aircraft    = FDMExec->GetAircraft();
+  Translation = FDMExec->GetTranslation();
+  Rotation    = FDMExec->GetRotation();
+  Position    = FDMExec->GetPosition();
+  Auxiliary   = FDMExec->GetAuxiliary();
+  Output      = FDMExec->GetOutput();
   rows = n;
   columns = 0;
@@ -384,19 +432,19 @@ float FGCoefficient::GetCoeffVal(int val_idx)
   case FG_CBAR:
     return Aircraft->Getcbar();
   case FG_ALPHA:
-    return State->Getalpha();
+    return Translation->Getalpha();
   case FG_ALPHADOT:
     return State->Getadot();
   case FG_BETA:
-    return State->Getbeta();
+    return Translation->Getbeta();
   case FG_BETADOT:
     return State->Getbdot();
-    return State->GetQ();
+    return Rotation->GetQ();
   case FG_ROLLRATE:
-    return State->GetP();
+    return Rotation->GetP();
   case FG_YAWRATE:
-    return State->GetR();
+    return Rotation->GetR();
   case FG_ELEVATOR:
     return FCS->GetDe();
   case FG_AILERON:
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGCoefficient.h b/JSBsim/FGCoefficient.h
index 9a4d09ec6..97fcdc180 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGCoefficient.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGCoefficient.h
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@
 12/28/98   JSB   Created
@@ -64,13 +63,24 @@ DEFINES
+class FGFDMExec;
+class FGState;
+class FGAtmosphere;
+class FGFCS;
+class FGAircraft;
+class FGTranslation;
+class FGRotation;
+class FGPosition;
+class FGAuxiliary;
+class FGOutput;
 class FGCoefficient
-  FGCoefficient(void);
-  FGCoefficient(int, int);
-  FGCoefficient(int);
-  FGCoefficient(char*);
+  FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec*);
+  FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec*, int, int);
+  FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec*, int);
+  FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec*, char*);
   bool Allocate(int);
@@ -98,6 +108,17 @@ private:
   float LookupR, LookupC;
   float GetCoeffVal(int);
+  FGFDMExec*      FDMExec;
+  FGState*        State;
+  FGAtmosphere*   Atmosphere;
+  FGFCS*          FCS;
+  FGAircraft*     Aircraft;
+  FGTranslation*  Translation;
+  FGRotation*     Rotation;
+  FGPosition*     Position;
+  FGAuxiliary*    Auxiliary;
+  FGOutput*       Output;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGEngine.cpp b/JSBsim/FGEngine.cpp
index 8ceca33be..dcc2f89f3 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGEngine.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGEngine.cpp
 See header file.
@@ -41,23 +37,44 @@ HISTORY
-#include "FGEngine.h"
-#include "FGState.h"
-#include "FGFCS.h"
 #include <fstream.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include "FGEngine.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
-FGEngine::FGEngine(char *engineName)
+FGEngine::FGEngine(FGFDMExec* fdex, char *engineName, int num)
-  char fullpath[250];
-  char tag[220];
+  char fullpath[256];
+  char tag[256];
+  FDMExec = fdex;
+  State       = FDMExec->GetState();
+  Atmosphere  = FDMExec->GetAtmosphere();
+  FCS         = FDMExec->GetFCS();
+  Aircraft    = FDMExec->GetAircraft();
+  Translation = FDMExec->GetTranslation();
+  Rotation    = FDMExec->GetRotation();
+  Position    = FDMExec->GetPosition();
+  Auxiliary   = FDMExec->GetAuxiliary();
+  Output      = FDMExec->GetOutput();
   strcpy(Name, engineName);
   sprintf(fullpath,"/h/curt/projects/FlightGear/Simulator/FDM/JSBsim/engine/%s.dat", engineName);
@@ -85,6 +102,7 @@ FGEngine::FGEngine(char *engineName)
     cerr << "Unable to open engine definition file " << engineName << endl;
+  EngineNumber = num;
   Thrust = 0.0;
   Starved = Flameout = false;
@@ -99,7 +117,7 @@ float FGEngine::CalcRocketThrust(void)
   float lastThrust;
-  Throttle = FCS->GetThrottle();
+  Throttle = FCS->GetThrottle(EngineNumber);
   lastThrust = Thrust;                 // last actual thrust
   if (Throttle < MinThrottle || Starved) {
@@ -107,7 +125,7 @@ float FGEngine::CalcRocketThrust(void)
     Flameout = true;
   } else {
     PctPower = Throttle / MaxThrottle;
-    Thrust = PctPower*((1.0 - State->Getrho() / 0.002378)*(VacThrustMax - SLThrustMax) +
+    Thrust = PctPower*((1.0 - Atmosphere->Getrho() / 0.002378)*(VacThrustMax - SLThrustMax) +
 	                       SLThrustMax); // desired thrust
     Flameout = false;
@@ -129,13 +147,13 @@ float FGEngine::CalcThrust(void)
   switch(Type) {
   case 0: // Rocket
     return CalcRocketThrust();
-    break;
+    // break;
   case 1: // Piston
     return CalcPistonThrust();
-    break;
+    // break;
     return 9999.0;
-    break;
+    // break;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGEngine.h b/JSBsim/FGEngine.h
index 6baaf304e..bafc38ebc 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGEngine.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGEngine.h
@@ -32,9 +32,8 @@ a generic engine.
 01/21/99   JSB   Created
@@ -53,11 +52,21 @@ DEFINES
+class FGFDMExec;
+class FGState;
+class FGAtmosphere;
+class FGFCS;
+class FGAircraft;
+class FGTranslation;
+class FGRotation;
+class FGPosition;
+class FGAuxiliary;
+class FGOutput;
 class FGEngine
-  FGEngine(void);
-  FGEngine(char*);
+  FGEngine(FGFDMExec*, char*, int);
   float GetThrust(void) {return Thrust;}
@@ -92,7 +101,19 @@ private:
   bool  Starved;
   bool  Flameout;
   float PctPower;
+  int   EngineNumber;
+  FGFDMExec*      FDMExec;
+  FGState*        State;
+  FGAtmosphere*   Atmosphere;
+  FGFCS*          FCS;
+  FGAircraft*     Aircraft;
+  FGTranslation*  Translation;
+  FGRotation*     Rotation;
+  FGPosition*     Position;
+  FGAuxiliary*    Auxiliary;
+  FGOutput*       Output;
   float CalcRocketThrust(void);
   float CalcPistonThrust(void);
@@ -100,4 +121,4 @@ protected:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGFCS.cpp b/JSBsim/FGFCS.cpp
index be2f4efd3..124af1082 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGFCS.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGFCS.cpp
 This class models the flight controls for a specific airplane
 12/12/98   JSB   Created
@@ -42,13 +38,22 @@ INCLUDES
 #include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
-FGFCS::FGFCS(void) : FGModel()
+FGFCS::FGFCS(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
   strcpy(Name, "FGFCS");
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGFCS.h b/JSBsim/FGFCS.h
index 8ba306fed..809980042 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGFCS.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGFCS.h
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@
 12/12/98   JSB   Created
@@ -49,37 +48,31 @@ CLASS DECLARATION
 class FGFCS : public FGModel
-	FGFCS(void);
 	bool Run(void);
 	inline float GetDa(void) {return Da;}
 	inline float GetDe(void) {return De;}
 	inline float GetDr(void) {return Dr;}
 	inline float GetDf(void) {return Df;}
 	inline float GetDs(void) {return Ds;}
-	inline float GetThrottle(void) {return Throttle;}
+	inline float GetThrottle(int ii) {return Throttle[ii];}
 	inline void SetDa(float tt) {Da = tt;}
 	inline void SetDe(float tt) {De = tt;}
 	inline void SetDr(float tt) {Dr = tt;}
 	inline void SetDf(float tt) {Df = tt;}
 	inline void SetDs(float tt) {Ds = tt;}
-	inline void SetThrottle(float tt) {Throttle = tt;}
+	inline void SetThrottle(int ii, float tt) {Throttle[ii] = tt;}
   float Da, De, Dr, Df, Ds;
-  float Throttle;
+  float Throttle[MAX_ENGINES];
-#ifndef FDM_MAIN
-extern FGFCS* FCS;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGFDMExec.cpp b/JSBsim/FGFDMExec.cpp
index 877656ec7..6f2cc1b9d 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGFDMExec.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGFDMExec.cpp
 This class wraps up the simulation scheduling routines.
 11/17/98   JSB   Created
@@ -43,12 +38,23 @@ HISTORY
-#include "FGFDMExec.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <iostream.h>
 #include <time.h>
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
@@ -58,17 +64,41 @@ INCLUDES
-  FirstModel = 0L;
+  FirstModel  = 0;
+  Error       = 0;
+  State       = 0;
+  Atmosphere  = 0;
+  FCS         = 0;
+  Aircraft    = 0;
+  Translation = 0;
+  Rotation    = 0;
+  Position    = 0;
+  Auxiliary   = 0;
+  Output      = 0;
-  State       = new FGState();
-  Atmosphere  = new FGAtmosphere();
-  FCS         = new FGFCS();
-  Aircraft    = new FGAircraft();
-  Translation = new FGTranslation();
-  Rotation    = new FGRotation();
-  Position    = new FGPosition();
-  Auxiliary   = new FGAuxiliary();
-  Output      = new FGOutput();
+  // Instantiate this FDM Executive's Models
+  Atmosphere  = new FGAtmosphere(this);
+  FCS         = new FGFCS(this);
+  Aircraft    = new FGAircraft(this);
+  Translation = new FGTranslation(this);
+  Rotation    = new FGRotation(this);
+  Position    = new FGPosition(this);
+  Auxiliary   = new FGAuxiliary(this);
+  Output      = new FGOutput(this);
+  State       = new FGState(this);
+  // Initialize models so they can communicate with each other
+  if (!Atmosphere->InitModel()) {cerr << "Atmosphere model init failed"; Error+=1;}
+  if (!FCS->InitModel())        {cerr << "FCS model init failed"; Error+=2;}
+  if (!Aircraft->InitModel())   {cerr << "Aircraft model init failed"; Error+=4;}
+  if (!Translation->InitModel()){cerr << "Translation model init failed"; Error+=8;}
+  if (!Rotation->InitModel())   {cerr << "Rotation model init failed"; Error+=16;}
+  if (!Position->InitModel())   {cerr << "Position model init failed"; Error+=32;}
+  if (!Auxiliary->InitModel())  {cerr << "Auxiliary model init failed"; Error+=64;}
+  if (!Output->InitModel())     {cerr << "Output model init failed"; Error+=128;}
   Schedule(Atmosphere,  5);
   Schedule(FCS,         1);
@@ -80,7 +110,7 @@ FGFDMExec::FGFDMExec(void)
   Schedule(Output,      5);
   terminate = false;
-  freeze = false;
+  frozen = false;
@@ -118,6 +148,8 @@ bool FGFDMExec::Run(void)
   FGModel* model_iterator;
+  if (frozen) return true;
   model_iterator = FirstModel;
   if (model_iterator == 0L) return false;
@@ -127,6 +159,8 @@ bool FGFDMExec::Run(void)
     if (model_iterator == 0L) break;
+  State->IncrTime();
   return true;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGFDMExec.h b/JSBsim/FGFDMExec.h
index 6a8f3a155..7997a1cfe 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGFDMExec.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGFDMExec.h
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@
 11/17/98   JSB   Created
@@ -40,45 +39,62 @@ INCLUDES
 #include "FGModel.h"
-#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
-#include "FGFCS.h"
-#include "FGAircraft.h"
-#include "FGTranslation.h"
-#include "FGRotation.h"
-#include "FGPosition.h"
-#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
-#include "FGOutput.h"
+class FGState;
+class FGAtmosphere;
+class FGFCS;
+class FGAircraft;
+class FGTranslation;
+class FGRotation;
+class FGPosition;
+class FGAuxiliary;
+class FGOutput;
 class FGFDMExec
-   FGFDMExec::FGFDMExec(void);
-   FGFDMExec::~FGFDMExec(void);
+  FGFDMExec::FGFDMExec(void);
+  FGFDMExec::~FGFDMExec(void);
-   FGModel* FirstModel;
+  FGModel* FirstModel;
-   bool Initialize(void);
-   int  Schedule(FGModel* model, int rate);
-   bool Run(void);
-   bool Freeze(void);
-   bool Resume(void);
+  bool Initialize(void);
+  int  Schedule(FGModel* model, int rate);
+  bool Run(void);
+  void Freeze(void) {frozen = true;}
+  void Resume(void) {frozen = false;}
+  inline FGState* GetState(void)             {return State;}
+  inline FGAtmosphere* GetAtmosphere(void)   {return Atmosphere;}
+  inline FGFCS* GetFCS(void)                 {return FCS;}
+  inline FGAircraft* GetAircraft(void)       {return Aircraft;}
+  inline FGTranslation* GetTranslation(void) {return Translation;}
+  inline FGRotation* GetRotation(void)       {return Rotation;}
+  inline FGPosition* GetPosition(void)       {return Position;}
+  inline FGAuxiliary* GetAuxiliary(void)     {return Auxiliary;}
+  inline FGOutput* GetOutput(void)           {return Output;}
-   bool freeze;
-   bool terminate;
+  bool frozen;
+  bool terminate;
+  int Error;
+  FGState*       State;
+  FGAtmosphere*  Atmosphere;
+  FGFCS*         FCS;
+  FGAircraft*    Aircraft;
+  FGTranslation* Translation;
+  FGRotation*    Rotation;
+  FGPosition*    Position;
+  FGAuxiliary*   Auxiliary;
+  FGOutput*      Output;
-#ifndef FDM_MAIN
-extern FGFDMExec* FDMExec;
-FGFDMExec* FDMExec;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGMain.cpp b/JSBsim/FGMain.cpp
index 6f1c6de93..02484a1a1 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGMain.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGMain.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
-#define FDM_MAIN
 #include "FGFDMExec.h"
-#undef FDM_MAIN
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 #include <iostream.h>
 #include <time.h>
@@ -19,10 +26,10 @@ void main(int argc, char** argv)
   FDMExec = new FGFDMExec();
-  Aircraft->LoadAircraft(argv[1]);
-  State->Reset(argv[2]);
+  FDMExec->GetAircraft()->LoadAircraft(argv[1]);
+  FDMExec->GetState()->Reset(argv[2]);
-  while (State->Setsim_time(State->Getsim_time() + 0.1) <= 25.0)
+  while (FDMExec->GetState()->Getsim_time() <= 25.0)
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGModel.cpp b/JSBsim/FGModel.cpp
index 2d9a6abed..95807830d 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGModel.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGModel.cpp
@@ -30,28 +30,46 @@ FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION
 This base class for the FGAero, FGRotational, etc. classes defines methods
 common to all models.
+11/11/98   JSB   Created
 #include "FGModel.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
+FGModel::FGModel(FGFDMExec* fdmex)
-  NextModel = 0L;
-  exe_ctr = 1;
+  FDMExec     = fdmex;
+  NextModel   = 0L;
+  State       = 0;
+  Atmosphere  = 0;
+  FCS         = 0;
+  Aircraft    = 0;
+  Translation = 0;
+  Rotation    = 0;
+  Position    = 0;
+  Auxiliary   = 0;
+  Output      = 0;
+  exe_ctr     = 1;
@@ -60,6 +78,31 @@ FGModel::~FGModel()
+bool FGModel::InitModel(void)
+  State       = FDMExec->GetState();
+  Atmosphere  = FDMExec->GetAtmosphere();
+  FCS         = FDMExec->GetFCS();
+  Aircraft    = FDMExec->GetAircraft();
+  Translation = FDMExec->GetTranslation();
+  Rotation    = FDMExec->GetRotation();
+  Position    = FDMExec->GetPosition();
+  Auxiliary   = FDMExec->GetAuxiliary();
+  Output      = FDMExec->GetOutput();
+  if (!State ||
+      !Atmosphere ||
+      !FCS ||
+      !Aircraft ||
+      !Translation ||
+      !Rotation ||
+      !Position ||
+      !Auxiliary ||
+      !Output) return(false);
+  else return(true);
 bool FGModel::Run()
   if (exe_ctr == 1) {
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGModel.h b/JSBsim/FGModel.h
index 7421199ab..7ea0f0d27 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGModel.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGModel.h
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@
 11/22/98   JSB   Created
@@ -39,10 +38,10 @@ SENTRY
+#include "FGDefs.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <iostream.h>
-#include "FGState.h"
@@ -52,23 +51,45 @@ DEFINES
+class FGFDMExec;
+class FGState;
+class FGAtmosphere;
+class FGFCS;
+class FGAircraft;
+class FGTranslation;
+class FGRotation;
+class FGPosition;
+class FGAuxiliary;
+class FGOutput;
 class FGModel
-  FGModel(void);
+  FGModel(FGFDMExec*);
   FGModel* NextModel;
   char Name[30];
   virtual bool Run(void);
+  virtual bool InitModel(void);
   void SetRate(int tt) {rate = tt;};
   int exe_ctr;
   int rate;
+  FGFDMExec*      FDMExec;
+  FGState*        State;
+  FGAtmosphere*   Atmosphere;
+  FGFCS*          FCS;
+  FGAircraft*     Aircraft;
+  FGTranslation*  Translation;
+  FGRotation*     Rotation;
+  FGPosition*     Position;
+  FGAuxiliary*    Auxiliary;
+  FGOutput*       Output;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGOutput.cpp b/JSBsim/FGOutput.cpp
index f673be23d..8bd4f11bc 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGOutput.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGOutput.cpp
@@ -31,10 +31,6 @@ This is the place where you create output routines to dump data for perusal
 later. Some machines may not support the ncurses console output. Borland is one
 of those environments which does not, so the ncurses stuff is commented out.
 12/02/98   JSB   Created
@@ -43,34 +39,33 @@ HISTORY
-#if !defined( __BORLANDC__ )
-#  define HAVE_NCURSES
-#include "FGOutput.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <iostream.h>
-  #include "FGPosition.h"
   #include <ncurses.h>
-  #include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
-FGOutput::FGOutput(void) : FGModel()
+FGOutput::FGOutput(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
   strcpy(Name, "FGOutput");
   FirstPass = true;
@@ -96,9 +91,9 @@ bool FGOutput::Run(void)
 void FGOutput::ConsoleOutput(void)
   char buffer[20];
   move(1,1);  insstr("Quaternions");
   move(2,5);  insstr("Q0");
@@ -106,10 +101,10 @@ void FGOutput::ConsoleOutput(void)
   move(2,27); insstr("Q2");
   move(2,38); insstr("Q3");
-  move(3,1);  sprintf(buffer,"%4.4f",State->GetQ0()); insstr(buffer);
-  move(3,12); sprintf(buffer,"%4.4f",State->GetQ1()); insstr(buffer);
-  move(3,23); sprintf(buffer,"%4.4f",State->GetQ2()); insstr(buffer);
-  move(3,34); sprintf(buffer,"%4.4f",State->GetQ3()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(3,1);  sprintf(buffer,"%4.4f",Rotation->GetQ0()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(3,12); sprintf(buffer,"%4.4f",Rotation->GetQ1()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(3,23); sprintf(buffer,"%4.4f",Rotation->GetQ2()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(3,34); sprintf(buffer,"%4.4f",Rotation->GetQ3()); insstr(buffer);
   move(0,0); insstr("Time: ");
   move(0,6); insstr(gcvt(State->Getsim_time(),6,buffer));
@@ -118,25 +113,25 @@ void FGOutput::ConsoleOutput(void)
   move(2,55); insstr("Tht");
   move(2,64); insstr("Psi");
-  move(3,45); sprintf(buffer,"%3.3f",State->Getphi()); insstr(buffer);
-  move(3,54); sprintf(buffer,"%3.3f",State->Gettht()); insstr(buffer);
-  move(3,63); sprintf(buffer,"%3.3f",State->Getpsi()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(3,45); sprintf(buffer,"%3.3f",Rotation->Getphi()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(3,54); sprintf(buffer,"%3.3f",Rotation->Gettht()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(3,63); sprintf(buffer,"%3.3f",Rotation->Getpsi()); insstr(buffer);
   move(5,47); insstr("U");
   move(5,56); insstr("V");
   move(5,65); insstr("W");
-  move(6,45); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",State->GetU()); insstr(buffer);
-  move(6,54); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",State->GetV()); insstr(buffer);
-  move(6,63); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",State->GetW()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(6,45); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",Translation->GetU()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(6,54); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",Translation->GetV()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(6,63); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",Translation->GetW()); insstr(buffer);
   move(8,47); insstr("Fx");
   move(8,56); insstr("Fy");
   move(8,65); insstr("Fz");
-  move(9,45); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",State->GetFx()); insstr(buffer);
-  move(9,54); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",State->GetFy()); insstr(buffer);
-  move(9,63); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",State->GetFz()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(9,45); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",Aircraft->GetFx()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(9,54); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",Aircraft->GetFy()); insstr(buffer);
+  move(9,63); sprintf(buffer,"%5.2f",Aircraft->GetFz()); insstr(buffer);
   move(11,47); insstr("Fn");
   move(11,56); insstr("Fe");
@@ -193,27 +188,27 @@ void FGOutput::DelimitedOutput(void)
   } else {
     cout << State->Getsim_time() << ",";
     cout << State->Geth() << ",";
-    cout << State->Getphi() << ",";
-    cout << State->Gettht() << ",";
-    cout << State->Getpsi() << ",";
-    cout << State->Getrho() << ",";
+    cout << Rotation->Getphi() << ",";
+    cout << Rotation->Gettht() << ",";
+    cout << Rotation->Getpsi() << ",";
+    cout << Atmosphere->Getrho() << ",";
     cout << State->GetVt() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetU() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetV() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetW() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetVn() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetVe() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetVd() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetUdot() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetVdot() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetWdot() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetFx() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetFy() << ",";
-    cout << State->GetFz() << ",";
+    cout << Translation->GetU() << ",";
+    cout << Translation->GetV() << ",";
+    cout << Translation->GetW() << ",";
+    cout << Position->GetVn() << ",";
+    cout << Position->GetVe() << ",";
+    cout << Position->GetVd() << ",";
+    cout << Translation->GetUdot() << ",";
+    cout << Translation->GetVdot() << ",";
+    cout << Translation->GetWdot() << ",";
+    cout << Aircraft->GetFx() << ",";
+    cout << Aircraft->GetFy() << ",";
+    cout << Aircraft->GetFz() << ",";
     cout << State->Getlatitude() << ",";
     cout << State->Getlongitude() << ",";
     cout << State->Getqbar() << ",";
-    cout << State->Getalpha() << "";
+    cout << Translation->Getalpha() << "";
     cout << endl;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGOutput.h b/JSBsim/FGOutput.h
index bed5b5a31..2ec4e7a95 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGOutput.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGOutput.h
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@
 12/02/98   JSB   Created
@@ -48,25 +47,20 @@ CLASS DECLARATION
 class FGOutput : public FGModel
-  FGOutput(void);
+  FGOutput(FGFDMExec*);
   bool Run(void);
   void ConsoleOutput(void);
   void DelimitedOutput(void);
   bool FirstPass;
-#ifndef FDM_MAIN
-extern FGOutput* Output;
-FGOutput* Output;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGPosition.cpp b/JSBsim/FGPosition.cpp
index d7e4de682..51b49c459 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGPosition.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGPosition.cpp
 This class encapsulates the integration of rates and accelerations to get the
 current position of the aircraft.
 01/05/99   JSB   Created
@@ -57,19 +53,26 @@ COMMENTS, REFERENCES,  and NOTES
-#include "FGPosition.h"
 #include <math.h>
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
-FGPosition::FGPosition(void) : FGModel()
+FGPosition::FGPosition(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
   strcpy(Name, "FGPosition");
-  EarthRad = 20898908.00;       // feet
-  OmegaEarth = 7.2685E-3;       // rad/sec
   AccelN = AccelE = AccelD = 0.0;
   LongitudeDot = LatitudeDot = RadiusDot = 0.0;
@@ -115,11 +118,11 @@ bool FGPosition:: Run(void)
     AccelE = invMass * Fe + invRadius * (Ve*Vd + Vn*Ve*tanLat); // From
     AccelD = invMass * Fd - invRadius * (Vn*Vn + Ve*Ve);        // Reference [3]
-    Vn += 0.5*dt*(3.0*AccelN - lastAccelN);                     // Eqn. 3.7
-    Ve += 0.5*dt*(3.0*AccelE - lastAccelE);                     // From
-    Vd += 0.5*dt*(3.0*AccelD - lastAccelD);                     // Reference [3]
+    Vn += 0.5*dt*rate*(3.0*AccelN - lastAccelN);                // Eqn. 3.7
+    Ve += 0.5*dt*rate*(3.0*AccelE - lastAccelE);                // From
+    Vd += 0.5*dt*rate*(3.0*AccelD - lastAccelD);                // Reference [3]
-    Vee = Ve - OmegaEarth * (Radius) * cosLat;                  // From Eq. 3.8
+    Vee = Ve - OMEGAEARTH * (Radius) * cosLat;                  // From Eq. 3.8
                                                                 // Reference [3]
     lastLatitudeDot = LatitudeDot;
     lastLongitudeDot = LongitudeDot;
@@ -129,9 +132,9 @@ bool FGPosition:: Run(void)
     LatitudeDot = Vn * invRadius;
     RadiusDot = -Vd;
-    Longitude += 0.5*dt*(LongitudeDot + lastLongitudeDot);
-    Latitude  += 0.5*dt*(LatitudeDot + lastLatitudeDot);
-    Radius    += 0.5*dt*(RadiusDot + lastRadiusDot);
+    Longitude += 0.5*dt*rate*(LongitudeDot + lastLongitudeDot);
+    Latitude  += 0.5*dt*rate*(LatitudeDot + lastLatitudeDot);
+    Radius    += 0.5*dt*rate*(RadiusDot + lastRadiusDot);
     return false;
@@ -143,41 +146,34 @@ bool FGPosition:: Run(void)
 void FGPosition::GetState(void)
-  Q0 = State->GetQ0();
-  Q1 = State->GetQ1();
-  Q2 = State->GetQ2();
-  Q3 = State->GetQ3();
+  dt = State->Getdt();
-  Fx = State->GetFx();
-  Fy = State->GetFy();
-  Fz = State->GetFz();
+  Q0 = Rotation->GetQ0();
+  Q1 = Rotation->GetQ1();
+  Q2 = Rotation->GetQ2();
+  Q3 = Rotation->GetQ3();
-  U = State->GetU();
-  V = State->GetV();
-  W = State->GetW();
+  Fx = Aircraft->GetFx();
+  Fy = Aircraft->GetFy();
+  Fz = Aircraft->GetFz();
+  U = Translation->GetU();
+  V = Translation->GetV();
+  W = Translation->GetW();
   Latitude = State->Getlatitude();
   Longitude = State->Getlongitude();
-  invMass = 1.0 / State->Getm();
-  invRadius = 1.0 / (State->Geth() + EarthRad);
-  Radius = State->Geth() + EarthRad;
-  dt = State->Getdt();
+  invMass = 1.0 / Aircraft->GetMass();
+  invRadius = 1.0 / (State->Geth() + EARTHRAD);
+  Radius = State->Geth() + EARTHRAD;
 void FGPosition::PutState(void)
-  for (int r=1;r<=3;r++)
-    for (int c=1;c<=3;c++)
-      State->SetT(r,c,T[r][c]);
-  State->Seth(Radius - EarthRad);
-  State->SetVn(Vn); // remove after testing
-  State->SetVe(Ve); // remove after testing
-  State->SetVd(Vd); // remove after testing
+  State->Seth(Radius - EARTHRAD);
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGPosition.h b/JSBsim/FGPosition.h
index 3034cfa96..ab04df424 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGPosition.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGPosition.h
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ HISTORY
@@ -50,12 +50,23 @@ CLASS DECLARATION
 class FGPosition : public FGModel
-  FGPosition(void);
+  FGPosition(FGFDMExec*);
-  float GetFn() {return Fn;}
-  float GetFe() {return Fe;}
-  float GetFd() {return Fd;}
+  inline float GetFn(void) {return Fn;}
+  inline float GetFe(void) {return Fe;}
+  inline float GetFd(void) {return Fd;}
+  inline float GetVn(void) {return Vn;}
+  inline float GetVe(void) {return Ve;}
+  inline float GetVd(void) {return Vd;}
+  inline float GetT(int r, int c) {return T[r][c];}
+  inline void SetT(float t1, float t2, float t3, float t4, float t5, float t6,
+                                                   float t7, float t8, float t9)
+                                         {T[1][1]=t1; T[1][2]=t2 ;T[1][3]=t3;
+                                          T[2][1]=t4; T[2][2]=t5 ;T[2][3]=t6;
+                                          T[3][1]=t7; T[3][2]=t8 ;T[3][3]=t9;}
   bool Run(void);
@@ -66,26 +77,20 @@ private:
   float Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3;
   float Fn, Fe, Fd;
   float Fx, Fy, Fz;
+  float U, V, W;
+  float Vn, Ve, Vd, Vee;
   float invMass, invRadius;
-  float EarthRad, OmegaEarth, Radius;
+  float Radius;
   float AccelN, AccelE, AccelD;
   float lastAccelN, lastAccelE, lastAccelD;
   float LatitudeDot, LongitudeDot, RadiusDot;
   float lastLatitudeDot, lastLongitudeDot, lastRadiusDot;
   float Longitude, Latitude;
-  float U, V, W;
-  float Vn, Ve, Vd, Vee;
   float dt;
   void GetState(void);
   void PutState(void);
-#ifndef FDM_MAIN
-extern FGPosition* Position;
-FGPosition* Position;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGRotation.cpp b/JSBsim/FGRotation.cpp
index 3b49f2e82..715c0a76f 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGRotation.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGRotation.cpp
 This class integrates the rotational EOM.
 12/02/98   JSB   Created
@@ -60,16 +56,26 @@ INCLUDES
 #include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
-FGRotation::FGRotation(void) : FGModel()
+FGRotation::FGRotation(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
   strcpy(Name, "FGRotation");
   Q0dot = Q1dot = Q2dot = Q3dot = 0.0;
+  Pdot = Qdot = Rdot = 0.0;
@@ -96,9 +102,9 @@ bool FGRotation::Run(void)
     Qdot = (M - (Ixx-Izz)*P*R - Ixz*(P*P - R*R))/Iyy;
     Rdot = (N1*Ixx + L2*Ixz) / (Ixx*Izz - Ixz*Ixz);
-    P += dt*(lastPdot + Pdot)/2.0;
-    Q += dt*(lastQdot + Qdot)/2.0;
-    R += dt*(lastRdot + Rdot)/2.0;
+    P += dt*rate*(lastPdot + Pdot)/2.0;
+    Q += dt*rate*(lastQdot + Qdot)/2.0;
+    R += dt*rate*(lastRdot + Rdot)/2.0;
     lastQ0dot = Q0dot;
     lastQ1dot = Q1dot;
@@ -110,10 +116,10 @@ bool FGRotation::Run(void)
     Q2dot =  0.5*(Q0*Q + Q3*P - Q1*R);
     Q3dot =  0.5*(Q0*R + Q1*Q - Q2*P);
-    Q0 += 0.5*dt*(lastQ0dot + Q0dot);
-    Q1 += 0.5*dt*(lastQ1dot + Q1dot);
-    Q2 += 0.5*dt*(lastQ2dot + Q2dot);
-    Q3 += 0.5*dt*(lastQ3dot + Q3dot);
+    Q0 += 0.5*dt*rate*(lastQ0dot + Q0dot);
+    Q1 += 0.5*dt*rate*(lastQ1dot + Q1dot);
+    Q2 += 0.5*dt*rate*(lastQ2dot + Q2dot);
+    Q3 += 0.5*dt*rate*(lastQ3dot + Q3dot);
     sum = Q0*Q0 + Q1*Q1 + Q2*Q2 + Q3*Q3;
@@ -148,44 +154,23 @@ bool FGRotation::Run(void)
 void FGRotation::GetState(void)
   dt = State->Getdt();
-  P = State->GetP();
-  Q = State->GetQ();
-  R = State->GetR();
-  Pdot = State->GetPdot();
-  Qdot = State->GetQdot();
-  Rdot = State->GetRdot();
+  L = Aircraft->GetL();
+  M = Aircraft->GetM();
+  N = Aircraft->GetN();
-  L = State->GetL();
-  M = State->GetM();
-  N = State->GetN();
-  Ixx = State->GetIxx();
-  Iyy = State->GetIyy();
-  Izz = State->GetIzz();
-  Ixz = State->GetIxz();
-  Q0 = State->GetQ0();
-  Q1 = State->GetQ1();
-  Q2 = State->GetQ2();
-  Q3 = State->GetQ3();
+  Ixx = Aircraft->GetIxx();
+  Iyy = Aircraft->GetIyy();
+  Izz = Aircraft->GetIzz();
+  Ixz = Aircraft->GetIxz();
   for (int r=1;r<=3;r++)
     for (int c=1;c<=3;c++)
-      T[r][c] = State->GetT(r,c);
+      T[r][c] = Position->GetT(r,c);
 void FGRotation::PutState(void)
-   State->SetP(P);
-   State->SetQ(Q);
-   State->SetR(R);
-   State->Setphi(phi);
-   State->Settht(tht);
-   State->Setpsi(psi);
-   State->SetQ0123(Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3);
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGRotation.h b/JSBsim/FGRotation.h
index ea6168577..66999e7af 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGRotation.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGRotation.h
@@ -44,9 +44,8 @@ COMMENTS, REFERENCES,  and NOTES
   The order of rotations used in this class corresponds to a 3-2-1 sequence,
   or Y-P-R, or Z-Y-X, if you prefer.
@@ -57,8 +56,8 @@ SENTRY
-#include "FGModel.h"
 #include <math.h>
+#include "FGModel.h"
@@ -67,11 +66,49 @@ CLASS DECLARATION
 class FGRotation : public FGModel
-  FGRotation(void);
+  FGRotation(FGFDMExec*);
   bool Run(void);
+  inline float GetP(void) {return P;}
+  inline float GetQ(void) {return Q;}
+  inline float GetR(void) {return R;}
+  inline float GetPdot(void) {return Pdot;}
+  inline float GetQdot(void) {return Qdot;}
+  inline float GetRdot(void) {return Rdot;}
+  inline float Getphi(void) {return phi;}
+  inline float Gettht(void) {return tht;}
+  inline float Getpsi(void) {return psi;}
+  inline float GetQ0(void) {return Q0;}
+  inline float GetQ1(void) {return Q1;}
+  inline float GetQ2(void) {return Q2;}
+  inline float GetQ3(void) {return Q3;}
+  inline void SetP(float tt) {P = tt;}
+  inline void SetQ(float tt) {Q = tt;}
+  inline void SetR(float tt) {R = tt;}
+  inline void SetPQR(float t1, float t2, float t3) {P=t1;
+                                                    Q=t2;
+                                                    R=t3;}
+  inline void Setphi(float tt) {phi = tt;}
+  inline void Settht(float tt) {tht = tt;}
+  inline void Setpsi(float tt) {psi = tt;}
+  inline void SetEuler(float t1, float t2, float t3) {phi=t1;
+                                                      tht=t2;
+                                                      psi=t3;}
+  inline void SetQ0123(float t1, float t2, float t3, float t4) {Q0=t1;
+                                                                Q1=t2;
+                                                                Q2=t3;
+                                                                Q3=t4;}
@@ -91,11 +128,5 @@ private:
   void PutState(void);
-#ifndef FDM_MAIN
-extern FGRotation* Rotation;
-FGRotation* Rotation;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGState.cpp b/JSBsim/FGState.cpp
index baf2103ca..c6a904702 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGState.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGState.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
  Module:       FGState.cpp
  Author:       Jon Berndt
  Date started: 11/17/98
@@ -28,50 +28,43 @@ FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION
 See header file.
 11/17/98   JSB   Created
-#include "FGState.h"
-#include "FGAircraft.h"
 #include <math.h>
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
+FGState::FGState(FGFDMExec* fdex)
-  U = V = W = Fx = Fy = Fz = 0.0;
-  P = Q = R = L = M = N = 0.0;
-  Q0 = Q1 = Q2 = Q3 = 0.0;
-  Ixx = Iyy = Izz = Ixz = 0.0;
+  FDMExec = fdex;
   Vt = 0.0;
   latitude = longitude = 0.0;
-  alpha = beta = gamma = 0.0;
   adot = bdot = 0.0;
-  phi = tht = psi = 0.0;
-  Udot = Vdot = Wdot = 0.0;
-  Pdot = Qdot = Rdot = 0.0;
   h = 0.0;
   a = 1000.0;
-  rho = qbar = 0.0;
+  qbar = 0.0;
   sim_time = dt = 0.1;
-  m = 0.0;
-  g = 32.174;
-  const float EarthRad     = 20925650.0;
@@ -82,9 +75,14 @@ FGState::~FGState(void)
 bool FGState::Reset(char* fname)
-  char resetDef[200];
+  char resetDef[256];
+  float U, V, W;
+  float phi, tht, psi;
+  float alpha, beta, gamma;
+  float Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3;
+  float T[4][4];
-  sprintf(resetDef, "/h/curt/projects/FlightGear/Simulator/FDM/JSBsim/aircraft/%s/%s", Aircraft->GetAircraftName(), fname);
+  sprintf(resetDef, "/h/curt/projects/FlightGear/Simulator/FDM/JSBsim/aircraft/%s/%s", FDMExec->GetAircraft()->GetAircraftName(), fname);
   ifstream resetfile(resetDef);
@@ -102,20 +100,26 @@ bool FGState::Reset(char* fname)
 // Change all angular measurements from degrees (as in config file) to radians
+    gamma = 0.0;
     if (W != 0.0)
       alpha = U*U > 0.0 ? atan2(W, U) : 0.0;
+    else
+      alpha = 0.0;
     if (V != 0.0)
       beta = U*U+W*W > 0.0 ? atan2(V, (fabs(U)/U)*sqrt(U*U + W*W)) : 0.0;
+    else
+      beta = 0.0;
     latitude  *= M_PI / 180.0;
     longitude *= M_PI / 180.0;
-    alpha     *= M_PI / 180.0;
-    beta      *= M_PI / 180.0;
-    gamma     *= M_PI / 180.0;
     phi       *= M_PI / 180.0;
     tht       *= M_PI / 180.0;
     psi       *= M_PI / 180.0;
+    FDMExec->GetTranslation()->SetUVW(U, V, W);
+    FDMExec->GetRotation()->SetEuler(phi, tht, psi);
+    FDMExec->GetTranslation()->SetABG(alpha, beta, gamma);
     Vt = sqrt(U*U + V*V + W*W);
     qbar = sqrt(U*U + V*V + W*W);
@@ -124,6 +128,8 @@ bool FGState::Reset(char* fname)
     Q2 =  sin(psi*0.5)*cos(tht*0.5)*sin(phi*0.5) + cos(psi*0.5)*sin(tht*0.5)*cos(phi*0.5);
     Q3 =  sin(psi*0.5)*cos(tht*0.5)*cos(phi*0.5) - cos(psi*0.5)*sin(tht*0.5)*sin(phi*0.5);
+    FDMExec->GetRotation()->SetQ0123(Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3);
     T[1][1] = Q0*Q0 + Q1*Q1 - Q2*Q2 - Q3*Q3;
     T[1][2] = 2*(Q1*Q2 + Q0*Q3);
     T[1][3] = 2*(Q1*Q3 - Q0*Q2);
@@ -134,6 +140,10 @@ bool FGState::Reset(char* fname)
     T[3][2] = 2*(Q2*Q3 - Q0*Q1);
     T[3][3] = Q0*Q0 - Q1*Q1 - Q2*Q2 + Q3*Q3;
+    FDMExec->GetPosition()->SetT(T[1][1], T[1][2], T[1][3],
+                                 T[2][1], T[2][2], T[2][3],
+                                 T[3][1], T[3][2], T[3][3]);
     return true;
   } else {
     cerr << "Unable to load reset file " << fname << endl;
@@ -147,39 +157,15 @@ bool FGState::StoreData(char* fname)
   ofstream datafile(fname);
   if (datafile) {
-    datafile << U;
-    datafile << V;
-    datafile << W;
-    datafile << Fx;
-    datafile << Fy;
-    datafile << Fz;
-    datafile << P;
-    datafile << Q;
-    datafile << R;
-    datafile << L;
-    datafile << M;
-    datafile << N;
+    datafile << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetU();
+    datafile << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetV();
+    datafile << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetW();
     datafile << latitude;
     datafile << longitude;
-    datafile << alpha;
-    datafile << beta;
-    datafile << gamma;
-    datafile << phi;
-    datafile << tht;
-    datafile << psi;
-    datafile << Udot;
-    datafile << Vdot;
-    datafile << Wdot;
-    datafile << Pdot;
-    datafile << Qdot;
-    datafile << Rdot;
+    datafile << FDMExec->GetRotation()->Getphi();
+    datafile << FDMExec->GetRotation()->Gettht();
+    datafile << FDMExec->GetRotation()->Getpsi();
     datafile << h;
-    datafile << a;
-    datafile << rho;
-    datafile << qbar;
-    datafile << sim_time;
-    datafile << dt;
-    datafile << g;
     return true;
   } else {
@@ -194,44 +180,33 @@ bool FGState::DumpData(char* fname)
   ofstream datafile(fname);
   if (datafile) {
-    datafile << "U: " << U << endl;
-    datafile << "V: " << V << endl;
-    datafile << "W: " << W << endl;
-    datafile << "Fx: " << Fx << endl;
-    datafile << "Fy: " << Fy << endl;
-    datafile << "Fz: " << Fz << endl;
-    datafile << "P: " << P << endl;
-    datafile << "Q: " << Q << endl;
-    datafile << "R: " << R << endl;
-    datafile << "L: " << L << endl;
-    datafile << "M: " << M << endl;
-    datafile << "N: " << N << endl;
+    datafile << "U: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetU() << endl;
+    datafile << "V: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetV() << endl;
+    datafile << "W: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetW() << endl;
+    datafile << "P: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetP() << endl;
+    datafile << "Q: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetQ() << endl;
+    datafile << "R: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetR() << endl;
+    datafile << "L: " << FDMExec->GetAircraft()->GetL() << endl;
+    datafile << "M: " << FDMExec->GetAircraft()->GetM() << endl;
+    datafile << "N: " << FDMExec->GetAircraft()->GetN() << endl;
     datafile << "latitude: " << latitude << endl;
     datafile << "longitude: " << longitude << endl;
-    datafile << "alpha: " << alpha << endl;
-    datafile << "beta: " << beta << endl;
-    datafile << "gamma: " << gamma << endl;
-    datafile << "phi: " << phi << endl;
-    datafile << "tht: " << tht << endl;
-    datafile << "psi: " << psi << endl;
-    datafile << "Udot: " << Udot << endl;
-    datafile << "Vdot: " << Vdot << endl;
-    datafile << "Wdot: " << Wdot << endl;
-    datafile << "Pdot: " << Pdot << endl;
-    datafile << "Qdot: " << Qdot << endl;
-    datafile << "Rdot: " << Rdot << endl;
+    datafile << "alpha: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->Getalpha() << endl;
+    datafile << "beta: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->Getbeta() << endl;
+    datafile << "gamma: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->Getgamma() << endl;
+    datafile << "phi: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->Getphi() << endl;
+    datafile << "tht: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->Gettht() << endl;
+    datafile << "psi: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->Getpsi() << endl;
+    datafile << "Pdot: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetPdot() << endl;
+    datafile << "Qdot: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetQdot() << endl;
+    datafile << "Rdot: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetRdot() << endl;
     datafile << "h: " << h << endl;
     datafile << "a: " << a << endl;
-    datafile << "rho: " << rho << endl;
+    datafile << "rho: " << FDMExec->GetAtmosphere()->Getrho() << endl;
     datafile << "qbar: " << qbar << endl;
     datafile << "sim_time: " << sim_time << endl;
     datafile << "dt: " << dt << endl;
-    datafile << "g: " << g << endl;
-    datafile << "m: " << m << endl;
-    datafile << "Ixx: " << Ixx << endl;
-    datafile << "Iyy: " << Iyy << endl;
-    datafile << "Izz: " << Izz << endl;
-    datafile << "Ixz: " << Ixz << endl;
+    datafile << "m: " << FDMExec->GetAircraft()->GetMass() << endl;
     return true;
   } else {
@@ -242,45 +217,34 @@ bool FGState::DumpData(char* fname)
 bool FGState::DisplayData(void)
-  cout << "U: " << U << endl;
-  cout << "V: " << V << endl;
-  cout << "W: " << W << endl;
-  cout << "Fx: " << Fx << endl;
-  cout << "Fy: " << Fy << endl;
-  cout << "Fz: " << Fz << endl;
-  cout << "P: " << P << endl;
-  cout << "Q: " << Q << endl;
-  cout << "R: " << R << endl;
-  cout << "L: " << L << endl;
-  cout << "M: " << M << endl;
-  cout << "N: " << N << endl;
+  cout << "U: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetU() << endl;
+  cout << "V: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetV() << endl;
+  cout << "W: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetW() << endl;
+  cout << "P: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetP() << endl;
+  cout << "Q: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetQ() << endl;
+  cout << "R: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetR() << endl;
+  cout << "L: " << FDMExec->GetAircraft()->GetL() << endl;
+  cout << "M: " << FDMExec->GetAircraft()->GetM() << endl;
+  cout << "N: " << FDMExec->GetAircraft()->GetN() << endl;
   cout << "Vt: " << Vt << endl;
   cout << "latitude: " << latitude << endl;
   cout << "longitude: " << longitude << endl;
-  cout << "alpha: " << alpha << endl;
-  cout << "beta: " << beta << endl;
-  cout << "gamma: " << gamma << endl;
-  cout << "phi: " << phi << endl;
-  cout << "tht: " << tht << endl;
-  cout << "psi: " << psi << endl;
-  cout << "Udot: " << Udot << endl;
-  cout << "Vdot: " << Vdot << endl;
-  cout << "Wdot: " << Wdot << endl;
-  cout << "Pdot: " << Pdot << endl;
-  cout << "Qdot: " << Qdot << endl;
-  cout << "Rdot: " << Rdot << endl;
+  cout << "alpha: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->Getalpha() << endl;
+  cout << "beta: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->Getbeta() << endl;
+  cout << "gamma: " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->Getgamma() << endl;
+  cout << "phi: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->Getphi() << endl;
+  cout << "tht: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->Gettht() << endl;
+  cout << "psi: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->Getpsi() << endl;
+  cout << "Pdot: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetPdot() << endl;
+  cout << "Qdot: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetQdot() << endl;
+  cout << "Rdot: " << FDMExec->GetRotation()->GetRdot() << endl;
   cout << "h: " << h << endl;
   cout << "a: " << a << endl;
-  cout << "rho: " << rho << endl;
+  cout << "rho: " << FDMExec->GetAtmosphere()->Getrho() << endl;
   cout << "qbar: " << qbar << endl;
   cout << "sim_time: " << sim_time << endl;
   cout << "dt: " << dt << endl;
-  cout << "g: " << g << endl;
-  cout << "m: " << m << endl;
-  cout << "Ixx: " << Ixx << endl;
-  cout << "Iyy: " << Iyy << endl;
-  cout << "Izz: " << Izz << endl;
-  cout << "Ixz: " << Ixz << endl;
+  cout << "m: " << FDMExec->GetAircraft()->GetMass() << endl;
   return true;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGState.h b/JSBsim/FGState.h
index 842b55059..06970edab 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGState.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGState.h
@@ -32,9 +32,8 @@ global state variables (such as velocity, position, orientation, etc.).
 11/17/98   JSB   Created
@@ -47,6 +46,7 @@ INCLUDES
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <fstream.h>
+#include "FGDefs.h"
@@ -56,186 +56,72 @@ DEFINES
+class FGFDMExec;
 class FGState
-   FGState(void);
+   FGState(FGFDMExec*);
   bool Reset(char*);
   bool StoreData(char*);
   bool DumpData(char*);
   bool DisplayData(void);
-  inline float GetU(void) {return U;}
-  inline float GetV(void) {return V;}
-  inline float GetW(void) {return W;}
-  inline float GetVn(void) {return Vn;}
-  inline float GetVe(void) {return Ve;}
-  inline float GetVd(void) {return Vd;}
   inline float GetVt(void) {return Vt;}
-  inline float GetFx(void) {return Fx;}
-  inline float GetFy(void) {return Fy;}
-  inline float GetFz(void) {return Fz;}
-  inline float GetP(void) {return P;}
-  inline float GetQ(void) {return Q;}
-  inline float GetR(void) {return R;}
-  inline float GetQ0(void) {return Q0;}
-  inline float GetQ1(void) {return Q1;}
-  inline float GetQ2(void) {return Q2;}
-  inline float GetQ3(void) {return Q3;}
-  inline float GetL(void) {return L;}
-  inline float GetM(void) {return M;}
-  inline float GetN(void) {return N;}
-  inline float GetIxx(void) const {return Ixx;}
-  inline float GetIyy(void) const {return Iyy;}
-  inline float GetIzz(void) const {return Izz;}
-  inline float GetIxz(void) const {return Ixz;}
   inline float Getlatitude(void) {return latitude;}
   inline float Getlongitude(void) {return longitude;}
   inline float GetGeodeticLat(void) {return GeodeticLat;}
-  inline float Getalpha(void) {return alpha;}
-  inline float Getbeta(void) {return beta;}
-  inline float Getgamma(void) {return gamma;}
   inline float Getadot(void) {return adot;}
   inline float Getbdot(void) {return bdot;}
-  inline float GetUdot(void) {return Udot;}
-  inline float GetVdot(void) {return Vdot;}
-  inline float GetWdot(void) {return Wdot;}
-  inline float GetPdot(void) {return Pdot;}
-  inline float GetQdot(void) {return Qdot;}
-  inline float GetRdot(void) {return Rdot;}
   inline float Geth(void) {return h;}
   inline float Geta(void) {return a;}
   inline float GetMach(void) {return Mach;}
-  inline float Getrho(void) {return rho;}
   inline float Getsim_time(void) {return sim_time;}
   inline float Getdt(void) {return dt;}
-  inline float Getphi(void) {return phi;}
-  inline float Gettht(void) {return tht;}
-  inline float Getpsi(void) {return psi;}
-  inline float Getg(void) {return g;}
-  inline float Getm(void) {return m;}
   inline float Getqbar(void) {return qbar;}
-  inline float GetT(int r, int c) {return T[r][c];}
-  inline void SetU(float tt) {U = tt;}
-  inline void SetV(float tt) {V = tt;}
-  inline void SetW(float tt) {W = tt;}
   inline void SetVt(float tt) {Vt = tt;}
-  inline void SetVn(float tt) {Vn = tt;}
-  inline void SetVe(float tt) {Ve = tt;}
-  inline void SetVd(float tt) {Vd = tt;}
-  inline void SetFx(float tt) {Fx = tt;}
-  inline void SetFy(float tt) {Fy = tt;}
-  inline void SetFz(float tt) {Fz = tt;}
-  inline void SetP(float tt) {P = tt;}
-  inline void SetQ(float tt) {Q = tt;}
-  inline void SetR(float tt) {R = tt;}
-  inline void SetL(float tt) {L = tt;}
-  inline void SetM(float tt) {M = tt;}
-  inline void SetN(float tt) {N = tt;}
-  inline void SetIxx(float tt) {Ixx = tt;}
-  inline void SetIyy(float tt) {Iyy = tt;}
-  inline void SetIzz(float tt) {Izz = tt;}
-  inline void SetIxz(float tt) {Ixz = tt;}
   inline void Setlatitude(float tt) {latitude = tt;}
   inline void Setlongitude(float tt) {longitude = tt;}
   inline void SetGeodeticLat(float tt) {GeodeticLat = tt;}
-  inline void Setalpha(float tt) {alpha = tt;}
-  inline void Setbeta(float tt) {beta = tt;}
-  inline void Setgamma(float tt) {gamma = tt;}
   inline void Setadot(float tt) {adot = tt;}
   inline void Setbdot(float tt) {bdot = tt;}
-  inline void SetUdot(float tt) {Udot = tt;}
-  inline void SetVdot(float tt) {Vdot = tt;}
-  inline void SetWdot(float tt) {Wdot = tt;}
-  inline void SetPdot(float tt) {Pdot = tt;}
-  inline void SetQdot(float tt) {Qdot = tt;}
-  inline void SetRdot(float tt) {Rdot = tt;}
-  inline void Setphi(float tt) {phi = tt;}
-  inline void Settht(float tt) {tht = tt;}
-  inline void Setpsi(float tt) {psi = tt;}
-  inline void Setg(float tt) {g = tt;}
-  inline void Setm(float tt) {m = tt;}
   inline void Setqbar(float tt) {qbar = tt;}
   inline void Seth(float tt) {h = tt;}
   inline void Seta(float tt) {a = tt;}
   inline void SetMach(float tt) {Mach = tt;}
-  inline void Setrho(float tt) {rho = tt;}
   inline float Setsim_time(float tt) {sim_time = tt; return sim_time;}
-  inline void Setdt(float tt) {dt = tt;}
-  inline void SetQ0123(float q0, float q1, float q2, float q3) {Q0=q0;Q1=q1;Q2=q2;Q3=q3;}
-  inline void SetT(int r, int c, float tt) {T[r][c] = tt;}
+  inline void  Setdt(float tt) {dt = tt;}
   inline float IncrTime(void) {sim_time+=dt;return sim_time;}
-  const float EarthRad;
-  float U, V, W, Fx, Fy, Fz;        // A/C body axis velocities and forces
-  float P, Q, R, L, M, N;           // A/C body axis rates and moments
-  float Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3;             // Quaternion elements
-  float Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixz;         // Moments of Inertia
   float Vt;                         // Total velocity
-  float Vn, Ve, Vd;                 // North, East, and Down local velocities
   float latitude, longitude;        // position
   float GeodeticLat;                // Geodetic Latitude
-  float alpha, beta, gamma;         // angle of attack, sideslip, and roll
   float adot, bdot;                 // alpha dot and beta dot
-  float phi, tht, psi;              // Euler angles
-  float Udot, Vdot, Wdot;           // A/C body axis accelerations
-  float Pdot, Qdot, Rdot;           // A/C body axis rotational accelerations
   float h, a;                       // altitude above sea level, speed of sound
-  float rho, qbar;                  // density of air in lb/ft^3, dynamic pressure
+  float qbar;                       // dynamic pressure
   float sim_time, dt;
-  float m, g;                       // mass and acceleration of gravity
-  float T[4][4];                    // Local to Body transformation matrix
   float Mach;                       // Mach number
+  FGFDMExec* FDMExec;
-#ifndef FDM_MAIN
-extern FGState* State;
-FGState* State;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGTank.cpp b/JSBsim/FGTank.cpp
index f92a3f620..991959b43 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGTank.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGTank.cpp
 See header file.
 01/21/99   JSB   Created
@@ -53,19 +48,19 @@ INCLUDES
 FGTank::FGTank(ifstream& acfile)
   char type[20];
-  acfile >> type;
+  acfile >> type;                              // Type = 0: rocket, 1: piston
   if (strstr(type,"FUEL")) Type = 0;
   else if (strstr(type,"OXIDIZER")) Type = 1;
   else Type = -1;
-  acfile >> X;
-  acfile >> Y;
-  acfile >> Z;
-  acfile >> Radius;
-  acfile >> Capacity;
-  acfile >> Contents;
+  acfile >> X;                                 // inches
+  acfile >> Y;                                 // "
+  acfile >> Z;                                 // "
+  acfile >> Radius;                            // "
+  acfile >> Capacity;                          // pounds (amount it can hold)
+  acfile >> Contents;                          // pounds  (amount it is holding)
   Selected = true;
-  PctFull = 100.0*Contents/Capacity;
+  PctFull = 100.0*Contents/Capacity;           // percent full; 0 to 100.0
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGTank.h b/JSBsim/FGTank.h
index 6923f6447..afb3020ea 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGTank.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGTank.h
@@ -32,9 +32,8 @@ a generic Tank.
 01/21/99   JSB   Created
@@ -65,6 +64,7 @@ public:
   int GetType(void) {return Type;}
   bool GetSelected(void) {return Selected;}
   float GetPctFull(void) {return PctFull;}
+  float GetContents(void) {return Contents;}
   float X, Y, Z;
@@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ protected:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGTranslation.cpp b/JSBsim/FGTranslation.cpp
index bf1bc33a9..05adbbf8d 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGTranslation.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGTranslation.cpp
 This class integrates the translational EOM.
 12/02/98   JSB   Created
@@ -60,15 +56,25 @@ INCLUDES
 #include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
-FGTranslation::FGTranslation(void) : FGModel()
+FGTranslation::FGTranslation(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
   strcpy(Name, "FGTranslation");
+  Udot = Vdot = Wdot = 0.0;
@@ -87,13 +93,13 @@ bool FGTranslation::Run(void)
     lastVdot = Vdot;
     lastWdot = Wdot;
-    Udot = V*R - W*Q + Fx/m;
-    Vdot = W*P - U*R + Fy/m;
-    Wdot = U*Q - V*P + Fz/m;
+    Udot = V*R - W*Q + Fx/Mass;
+    Vdot = W*P - U*R + Fy/Mass;
+    Wdot = U*Q - V*P + Fz/Mass;
-    U += 0.5*dt*(lastUdot + Udot);
-    V += 0.5*dt*(lastVdot + Vdot);
-    W += 0.5*dt*(lastWdot + Wdot);
+    U += 0.5*dt*rate*(lastUdot + Udot);
+    V += 0.5*dt*rate*(lastVdot + Vdot);
+    W += 0.5*dt*rate*(lastWdot + Wdot);
     Vt = U*U+V*V+W*W > 0.0 ? sqrt(U*U + V*V + W*W) : 0.0;
@@ -115,49 +121,26 @@ void FGTranslation::GetState(void)
   dt = State->Getdt();
-  P = State->GetP();
-  Q = State->GetQ();
-  R = State->GetR();
+  P = Rotation->GetP();
+  Q = Rotation->GetQ();
+  R = Rotation->GetR();
-  Fx = State->GetFx();
-  Fy = State->GetFy();
-  Fz = State->GetFz();
+  Fx = Aircraft->GetFx();
+  Fy = Aircraft->GetFy();
+  Fz = Aircraft->GetFz();
-  m = State->Getm();
-  g = State->Getg();
-  rho = State->Getrho();
+  Mass = Aircraft->GetMass();
+  rho = Atmosphere->Getrho();
-  phi = State->Getphi();
-  tht = State->Gettht();
-  psi = State->Getpsi();
-  U = State->GetU();
-  V = State->GetV();
-  W = State->GetW();
-  Udot = State->GetUdot();
-  Vdot = State->GetVdot();
-  Wdot = State->GetWdot();
-  alpha = State->Getalpha();
-  beta = State->Getbeta();
+  phi = Rotation->Getphi();
+  tht = Rotation->Gettht();
+  psi = Rotation->Getpsi();
 void FGTranslation::PutState(void)
-  State->SetU(U);
-  State->SetV(V);
-  State->SetW(W);
-  State->SetUdot(Udot);
-  State->SetVdot(Vdot);
-  State->SetWdot(Wdot);
-  State->Setalpha(alpha);
-  State->Setbeta(beta);
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGTranslation.h b/JSBsim/FGTranslation.h
index 9f9c4ef4f..423f7ab03 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGTranslation.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGTranslation.h
@@ -44,9 +44,8 @@ COMMENTS, REFERENCES,  and NOTES
   The order of rotations used in this class corresponds to a 3-2-1 sequence,
   or Y-P-R, or Z-Y-X, if you prefer.
@@ -57,8 +56,8 @@ SENTRY
-#include "FGModel.h"
 #include <math.h>
+#include "FGModel.h"
@@ -67,34 +66,52 @@ CLASS DECLARATION
 class FGTranslation : public FGModel
-   FGTranslation(void);
+   FGTranslation(FGFDMExec*);
+   inline float GetU(void) {return U;}
+   inline float GetV(void) {return V;}
+   inline float GetW(void) {return W;}
+   inline float GetUdot(void) {return Udot;}
+   inline float GetVdot(void) {return Vdot;}
+   inline float GetWdot(void) {return Wdot;}
+   inline float Getalpha(void) {return alpha;}
+   inline float Getbeta (void) {return beta; }
+   inline float Getgamma(void) {return gamma;}
+   inline void SetU(float tt) {U = tt;}
+   inline void SetV(float tt) {V = tt;}
+   inline void SetW(float tt) {W = tt;}
+   inline void SetUVW(float t1, float t2, float t3) {U=t1; V=t2; W=t3;}
+   inline void Setalpha(float tt) {alpha = tt;}
+   inline void Setbeta (float tt) {beta  = tt;}
+   inline void Setgamma(float tt) {gamma = tt;}
+   inline void SetABG(float t1, float t2, float t3) {alpha=t1; beta=t2; gamma=t3;}
    bool Run(void);
-  float U, V, W;
+  float U, V, W;                 // Body frame velocities owned by FGTranslation
   float P, Q, R;
   float Vt, qbar;
   float Udot, Vdot, Wdot;
   float lastUdot, lastVdot, lastWdot;
   float phi, tht, psi;
   float Fx, Fy, Fz;
-  float m, g, dt;
-  float alpha, beta;
+  float Mass, dt;
+  float alpha, beta, gamma;
   float rho;
   void GetState(void);
   void PutState(void);
-#ifndef FDM_MAIN
-extern FGTranslation* Translation;
-FGTranslation* Translation;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGUtility.cpp b/JSBsim/FGUtility.cpp
index 2a347d071..afc3d6573 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGUtility.cpp
+++ b/JSBsim/FGUtility.cpp
@@ -30,70 +30,58 @@ FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION
 This class is a container for all utility classes used by the flight dynamics
 01/09/99   JSB   Created
 #include "FGUtility.h"
 #include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
 #include <math.h>
-  #include <ncurses.h>
 ************************************ CODE **************************************
-const float EarthRadSqrd   = 437882827922500.0;
-const float OneSecond      = 4.848136811E-6;
-const float Eccentricity   = 0.996647186;
-const float EccentSqrd     = Eccentricity*Eccentricity;
-const float EPS            = 0.081819221;
+  // Move constant stuff to here (if any) so it won't take CPU time
+  // in the methods below.
+  SeaLevelR   = EARTHRAD * ECCENT;
 float FGUtility::ToGeodetic()
-  float GeodeticLat, Latitude, Radius, Altitude, SeaLevelR;
+  float GeodeticLat, Latitude, Radius, Altitude;
   float tanLat, xAlpha, muAlpha, sinmuAlpha, denom, rhoAlpha, dMu;
   float lPoint, lambdaSL, sinlambdaSL, dLambda, rAlpha;
   Latitude = State->Getlatitude();
-  Radius = State->Geth() + State->EarthRad;
+  Radius = State->Geth() + EARTHRAD;
-  if (( M_PI_2 - Latitude < OneSecond) ||
-      ( M_PI_2 + Latitude < OneSecond)) { // Near a pole
+  if (( M_PI_2 - Latitude < ONESECOND) ||
+      ( M_PI_2 + Latitude < ONESECOND)) { // Near a pole
     GeodeticLat = Latitude;
-    SeaLevelR   = State->EarthRad * Eccentricity;
     Altitude    = Radius - SeaLevelR;
   } else {
     tanLat = tan(Latitude);
-    xAlpha = Eccentricity*State->EarthRad /
-                                sqrt(tanLat*tanLat + EccentSqrd);
-    muAlpha = atan2(sqrt(EarthRadSqrd - xAlpha*xAlpha), Eccentricity*xAlpha);
+    xAlpha = ECCENT*EARTHRAD /
+                                sqrt(tanLat*tanLat + ECCENTSQRD);
+    muAlpha = atan2(sqrt(EARTHRADSQRD - xAlpha*xAlpha), ECCENT*xAlpha);
     if (Latitude < 0.0) muAlpha = -muAlpha;
@@ -103,12 +91,12 @@ float FGUtility::ToGeodetic()
     lPoint      = Radius - rAlpha;
     Altitude    = lPoint*cos(dLambda);
     denom       = sqrt(1-EPS*EPS*sinmuAlpha*sinmuAlpha);
-    rhoAlpha    = State->EarthRad*(1.0 - EPS) / (denom*denom*denom);
+    rhoAlpha    = EARTHRAD*(1.0 - EPS) / (denom*denom*denom);
     dMu         = atan2(lPoint*sin(dLambda),rhoAlpha + Altitude);
     State->SetGeodeticLat(muAlpha - dMu);
-    lambdaSL    = atan(EccentSqrd*tan(GeodeticLat));
+    lambdaSL    = atan(ECCENTSQRD*tan(GeodeticLat));
     sinlambdaSL = sin(lambdaSL);
-    SeaLevelR   = sqrt(EarthRadSqrd / (1 + (1/EccentSqrd - 1.0)* sinlambdaSL*sinlambdaSL));
+    SeaLevelR   = sqrt(EARTHRADSQRD / (1 + INVECCENTSQRDM1* sinlambdaSL*sinlambdaSL));
   return 0.0;
@@ -119,13 +107,13 @@ float FGUtility:: FromGeodetic()
   float lambdaSL, sinlambdaSL, coslambdaSL, sinMu, cosMu, py, px;
   float Altitude, SeaLevelR;
-  lambdaSL = atan(EccentSqrd*tan(State->GetGeodeticLat()));
+  lambdaSL = atan(ECCENTSQRD*tan(State->GetGeodeticLat()));
   sinlambdaSL = sin(lambdaSL);
   coslambdaSL = cos(lambdaSL);
   sinMu = sin(State->GetGeodeticLat());
   cosMu = cos(State->GetGeodeticLat());
-  SeaLevelR = sqrt(EarthRadSqrd /
-             (1 + ((1/EccentSqrd)-1)*sinlambdaSL*sinlambdaSL));
+  SeaLevelR = sqrt(EARTHRADSQRD /
+             (1 + INVECCENTSQRDM1*sinlambdaSL*sinlambdaSL));
   px = SeaLevelR*coslambdaSL + Altitude*cosMu;
   py = SeaLevelR*sinlambdaSL + Altitude*sinMu;
diff --git a/JSBsim/FGUtility.h b/JSBsim/FGUtility.h
index 60dfe2969..d5dc6499a 100644
--- a/JSBsim/FGUtility.h
+++ b/JSBsim/FGUtility.h
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@
 01/09/99   JSB   Created
@@ -47,6 +46,9 @@ DEFINES
+class FGFDMExec;
+class FGState;
 class FGUtility
@@ -59,7 +61,9 @@ public:
+  float SeaLevelR;
+  FGState* State;
+  FGFDMExec* FDMExec;