Stabilize the forces and moments, clean up the code some more
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 209 additions and 146 deletions
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include "AISim.hpp"
#include <fenv.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <cstdio>
@ -46,26 +48,25 @@
# include "simd4x4.hxx"
#define FEET_TO_INCHES 12.0f
#define INCHES_TO_FEET 0.08333333333f
#ifndef _MINMAX
# define _MINMAX(a,b,c) (((a)>(c)) ? (c) : (((a)<(b)) ? (b) : (a)))
#define FEET_TO_INCHES 12.0f
FGAISim::FGAISim(double dt)
for (int i=0; i<AISIM_MAX; ++i) {
for (size_t i=0; i<AISIM_MAX; ++i)
contact_pos[i] = 0.0f;
contact_spring[i] = contact_damp[i] = 0.0f;
FT[i] = FTM[i] = MT[i] = 0.0f;
gear_pos[i] = 0.0f;
Cg_spring[i] = Cg_damp[i] = 0.0f;
SGPath aircraft_path( fgGetString("/sim/aircraft-dir") );
SGPropertyNode_ptr aero = fgGetNode("sim/aero", true);
@ -106,22 +107,20 @@ FGAISim::FGAISim(double dt)
/* m is assigned in the load function */
inv_m = 1.0f/m;
// calculate the initial c.g. position above ground level to position
// the aircraft on it's wheels.
for (int i=0; i<no_gears; ++i) {
// convert from structural frame to body frame
gear_pos[i] = aiVec3(-cg[X] - gear_pos[i][X],
-cg[Y] + gear_pos[i][Y],
-cg[Z] + gear_pos[i][Z]);
if (gear_pos[i][Z] < agl) agl = gear_pos[i][Z];
// calculate aircraft position when resting on the landing gear.
if (no_contacts)
for (size_t i=0; i<no_contacts; ++i) {
cg_agl -= contact_pos[i][Z];
cg_agl *= FEET_TO_INCHES/static_cast<float>(no_contacts);
// Contact point at the Genter of Gravity
if (no_gears > (AISIM_MAX-1)) no_gears = AISIM_MAX-1;
gear_pos[no_gears] = cg*INCHES_TO_FEET;
Cg_spring[no_gears] = 20000.0f;
Cg_damp[no_gears] = 2000.0f;
// Contact point at the center of gravity
contact_pos[no_contacts] = 0.0f;
contact_spring[no_contacts] = 20000.0f;
contact_damp[no_contacts] = 2000.0f;
aiMtx4 mcg;
@ -143,22 +142,20 @@ FGAISim::~FGAISim()
// Initialize the AISim flight model, dt is the time increment for
// each subsequent iteration through the EOM
FGAISim::init() {
// feenableexcept(FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW);
// do init common to all the FDM's
// do init common to all the FDM's
// now do init specific to the AISim
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "Starting initializing AISim" );
// right now agl holds the lowest contact point of the aircraft
set_Altitude( get_Altitude()-agl );
// right now cg_agl holds the lowest contact point of the aircraft
set_Altitude( get_Altitude()-cg_agl );
set_location_geod( get_Latitude(), get_Longitude(), get_Altitude() );
set_altitude_agl_ft( get_Altitude_AGL() );
set_altitude_agl_ft( 0.0f );
set_euler_angles_rad( get_Phi(), get_Theta(), get_Psi() );
set_velocity_fps( fgGetFloat("sim/presets/uBody-fps"),
@ -174,8 +171,7 @@ FGAISim::update(double ddt)
// initialize all of AISim vars
float dt = float(ddt);
float inv_dt = 1.0f/dt;
aiVec3 dt(ddt);
@ -195,15 +191,15 @@ FGAISim::update(double ddt)
aiVec3 WindAxis = AOA;
float alpha = std::atan2(vUVWaero[W], vUVWaero[U]);
set_alpha_rad( _MINMAX(alpha, -0.0873f, 0.349f) ); // -5 to 20 degrees
set_alpha_rad( _MINMAX(alpha, -0.25f, 0.25f) ); // -14 to 14 degrees
float beta = (velocity == 0) ? 0 : std::asin(vUVWaero[V]/velocity);
set_beta_rad( _MINMAX(beta, -0.2618f, 0.2618f) ); // -15 to 15 degrees
AOAdot = (AOA - WindAxis)*inv_dt;
set_beta_rad( _MINMAX(beta, -0.30f, 0.30f) ); // -17 to 17 degrees
AOAdot = (AOA - WindAxis)/dt;
#if 0
printf("velocity: %f, vUVWaero: %3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f, mach: %3.2f\n", velocity, vUVWaero[0], vUVWaero[1], vUVWaero[2], mach);
printf("agl: %5.4f, alpha: %5.4f, beta: %5.4f, adot: %5.4f, bdot: %5.4f\n", agl, AOA[ALPHA], AOA[BETA], AOAdot[ALPHA], AOAdot[BETA]);
printf("cg_agl: %5.4f, alpha: %5.4f, beta: %5.4f, adot: %5.4f, bdot: %5.4f\n", cg_agl, AOA[ALPHA], AOA[BETA], AOAdot[ALPHA], AOAdot[BETA]);
/* Force and Moment Coefficients */
@ -226,7 +222,7 @@ FGAISim::update(double ddt)
aiVec4 CDYL(0.0f, Cb2U[SIDE], Ccbar2U[LIFT]);
aiVec4 Clmn(Cb2U[ROLL], Ccbar2U[PITCH], Cb2U[YAW]);
int i = 3;
size_t i = 3;
do {
CDYL += static_cast<aiVec4>(xCDYLT.m4x4()[i]);
Clmn += static_cast<aiVec4>(xClmnT.m4x4()[i]);
@ -262,30 +258,41 @@ FGAISim::update(double ddt)
/* Thrust */
aiVec3 Cth = rho*th;
aiVec3 Cmach = rho*mach;
for (int i=0; i<no_engines; ++i) {
for (size_t i=0; i<no_engines; ++i)
FXYZ += FT[i]*Cth + FTM[i]*Cmach;
Mlmn += MT[i]*Cth;
#if 0
printf("FDYL: %7.2f, %7.2f, %7.2f\n", FDYL[DRAG], FDYL[SIDE], FDYL[LIFT]);
printf("FT: %10.2f, %7.2f, MT: %7.2f\n", FT[i][X]*rho*th, FTM[i][X]*rho*mach, MT[i][X]*rho*th);
aiVec3 FTCth = FT[i]*Cth + FTM[i]*Cmach;
aiVec3 MTCth = MT[i]*Cth;
printf("FT[%i]: %5.4f, %5.4f, %5.4f\n", i, FTCth[X], FTCth[Y], FTCth[Z]);
printf("MT[%i]: %5.4f, %7.2f, %5.4f\n", i, MTCth[ROLL], MTCth[PITCH], MTCth[YAW]);
#if 0
printf("FXYZ: %5.4f, %5.4f, %5.4f\n", FXYZ[X], FXYZ[Y], FXYZ[Z]);
printf("Mlmn: %5.4f, %7.2f, %5.4f\n", Mlmn[ROLL], Mlmn[PITCH], Mlmn[YAW]);
/* gear forces */
WoW = false;
if (agl < 100.0f) {
int WoW_main = 0;
aiVec3 cg_agl_neu(0.0f, 0.0f, agl);
for (int i=0; i<no_gears; ++i) {
aiVec3 gear_ned = mBody2Ned*gear_pos[i];
aiVec3 lg_ground_neu = gear_ned + cg_agl_neu;
if (lg_ground_neu[Z] < 0.0f) { // weight on wheel
aiVec3 lg_vrot = simd4::cross(vPQR, gear_pos[i]);
if (cg_agl < 10.0f)
size_t WoW_main = 0;
aiVec3 cg_cg_agl_neu(0.0f, 0.0f, cg_agl);
for (size_t i=0; i<no_contacts; ++i)
aiVec3 contact_ned = mBody2Ned*contact_pos[i];
aiVec3 lg_ground_neu = contact_ned + cg_cg_agl_neu;
if (lg_ground_neu[Z] < 0.0f)
{ // weight on wheel
aiVec3 lg_vrot = simd4::cross(vPQR, contact_pos[i]);
aiVec3 lg_cg_vned = mBody2Ned*lg_vrot;
aiVec3 lg_vned = NEDdot + lg_cg_vned;
aiVec3 lg_vned = vNEDdot + lg_cg_vned;
float Fn;
Fn = Cg_spring[i]*lg_ground_neu[Z] - Cg_damp[i]*lg_vned[Z];
Fn = contact_spring[i]*lg_ground_neu[Z] - contact_damp[i]*lg_vned[Z];
if (Fn > 0.0f) Fn = 0.0f;
aiVec3 Fn_lg(0.0f, 0.0f, Fn);
@ -294,7 +301,7 @@ FGAISim::update(double ddt)
aiVec3 FLGear = mNed2Body*Fn_lg + vUVWaero*mu_body;
FXYZ += FLGear;
// aiVec3 MLGear = simd4::cross(gear_pos[i], FLGear);
// aiVec3 MLGear = simd4::cross(contact_pos[i], FLGear);
// Mlmn += MLGear;
#if 0
printf("FLGear[%i]: %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n",i,FLGear[0], FLGear[1], FLGear[2]);
@ -318,7 +325,7 @@ FGAISim::update(double ddt)
/* body-axis translational accelerations: forward, sideward, upward */
vUVWdot = aXYZ - simd4::cross(vPQR, vUVW);
vUVW += vUVWdot*dt;
/* body-axis rotational accelerations: rolling, pitching, yawing */
vPQRdot = mIinv*(Mlmn - vPQR*(mI*vPQR));
vPQR += vPQRdot*dt;
@ -330,10 +337,10 @@ FGAISim::update(double ddt)
/* position of center of mass wrt earth: north, east, down */
NEDdot = mBody2Ned*vUVW;
aiVec3 NEDdist = NEDdot*dt;
vNEDdot = mBody2Ned*vUVW;
NEDdist = vNEDdot*dt;
#if 0
printf("NEDdot: %7.2f, %7.2f, %7.2f\n", NEDdot[0], NEDdot[1], NEDdot[2]);
printf("NEDdot: %7.2f, %7.2f, %7.2f\n", vNEDdot[0], vNEDdot[1], vNEDdot[2]);
printf("NEDdist: %7.2f, %7.2f, %7.2f\n", NEDdist[0], NEDdist[1], NEDdist[2]);
@ -353,7 +360,7 @@ FGAISim::update(double ddt)
location_geod[X] += NEDdist[X];
location_geod[Y] += NEDdist[Y];
location_geod[Z] -= NEDdist[Z];
#if 0
printf("GEOD: %7.2f, %7.2f, %7.2f\n", location_geod[0], location_geod[1], location_geod[2]);
@ -392,9 +399,11 @@ FGAISim::copy_to_AISim()
// set_location_geod(get_Latitude(), get_Longitude(), location_geod[ALTITUDE]);
// set_location_geod(get_Latitude(), get_Longitude(), altitde);
// set_velocity_fps(get_V_calibrated_kts());
return true;
@ -413,33 +422,50 @@ FGAISim::copy_from_AISim()
// Velocities
_set_V_equiv_kts( velocity*std::sqrt(sigma) * SG_FPS_TO_KT );
_set_V_calibrated_kts( std::sqrt( 2.0f*qbar*sigma/rho) * SG_FPS_TO_KT );
_set_V_ground_speed( simd4::magnitude(NEDdot) * SG_FPS_TO_KT );
_set_V_ground_speed( simd4::magnitude(vNEDdot) * SG_FPS_TO_KT );
_set_Mach_number( mach );
_set_Velocities_Local( NEDdot[NORTH], NEDdot[EAST], NEDdot[DOWN] );
_set_Velocities_Local( vNEDdot[NORTH], vNEDdot[EAST], vNEDdot[DOWN] );
_set_Velocities_Local_Airmass( vUVWaero[U], vUVWaero[V], vUVWaero[W] );
_set_Velocities_Body( vUVW[U], vUVW[V], vUVW[W] );
_set_Omega_Body( vPQR[P], vPQR[Q], vPQR[R] );
_set_Euler_Rates( euler_dot[PHI], euler_dot[THETA], euler_dot[PSI] );
// Positions
_set_Geodetic_Position( location_geod[LATITUDE], location_geod[LONGITUDE]);
double lon = location_geod[LONGITUDE];
double lat_geod = location_geod[LATITUDE];
double sl_radius, lat_geoc;
sgGeodToGeoc(location_geod[LATITUDE], location_geod[ALTITUDE], &sl_radius,&lat_geoc);
_set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, location_geod[LONGITUDE], sl_radius);
altitude = location_geod[ALTITUDE];
sgGeodToGeoc(lat_geod, altitude, &sl_radius, &lat_geoc);
_set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, lon, sl_radius+altitude );
_set_Geodetic_Position( lat_geod, lon, altitude);
_set_Sea_level_radius( sl_radius * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
_set_Altitude( location_geod[ALTITUDE] );
_set_Altitude_AGL( location_geod[ALTITUDE] - get_Runway_altitude());
// float heading = euler[PSI];
// if (heading < 0) heading += (2.0f*SG_PI);
_set_Euler_Angles( euler[PHI], euler[THETA], euler[PSI]); // heading );
_set_Altitude_AGL( altitude - get_Runway_altitude());
float heading = euler[PSI];
if (heading < 0) heading += (2.0f*SG_PI);
_set_Euler_Angles( euler[PHI], euler[THETA], heading );
_set_Alpha( AOA[ALPHA] );
_set_Beta( AOA[BETA] );
// _set_Gamma_vert_rad( Gamma_vert_rad );
// _set_Density( Density );
// _set_Static_pressure( Static_pressure );
// _set_Static_temperature( Static_temperature );
_set_Sea_level_radius( sl_radius * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
// _set_Earth_position_angle( Earth_position_angle );
_set_Runway_altitude( get_Runway_altitude() );
_set_Climb_Rate( -vNEDdot[DOWN] );
// _update_ground_elev_at_pos();
return true;
@ -450,8 +476,10 @@ FGAISim::copy_from_AISim()
# define _MINMAX(a,b,c) (((a)>(c)) ? (c) : (((a)<(b)) ? (b) : (a)))
#define MAX_ALT 101
// 1976 Standard Atmosphere - Density (slugs/ft2): 0 - 101,000 ft
float FGAISim::density[101] = {
float FGAISim::density[MAX_ALT] = {
0.0023771699, 0.0023083901, 0.0022411400, 0.0021753900, 0.0021111399,
0.0020483399, 0.0019869800, 0.0019270401, 0.0018685000, 0.0018113200,
0.0017554900, 0.0017009900, 0.0016477900, 0.0015958800, 0.0015452200,
@ -476,7 +504,7 @@ float FGAISim::density[101] = {
// 1976 Standard Atmosphere - Speed of sound (ft/s): 0 - 101,000 ft
float FGAISim::vsound[101] = {
float FGAISim::vsound[MAX_ALT] = {
1116.450, 1112.610, 1108.750, 1104.880, 1100.990, 1097.090, 1093.180,
1089.250, 1085.310, 1081.360, 1077.390, 1073.400, 1069.400, 1065.390,
1061.360, 1057.310, 1053.250, 1049.180, 1045.080, 1040.970, 1036.850,
@ -500,12 +528,13 @@ FGAISim::update_velocity(float v)
velocity = v;
/* altitude related */
float alt_idx = _MINMAX(location_geod[ALTITUDE]/1000.0f, 0, 100);
int idx = std::floor(alt_idx);
float fract = alt_idx - idx;
float alt_kft = _MINMAX(altitude/1000.0f, 0, MAX_ALT);
float alt_idx = std::floor(alt_kft);
size_t idx = static_cast<size_t>(alt_idx);
float fract = alt_kft - alt_idx;
float ifract = 1.0f - fract;
/* linear interpolation for density */
/* linear interpolation for density */
rho = ifract*density[idx] + fract*density[idx+1];
qbar = 0.5f*rho*v*v;
sigma = rho/density[0];
@ -514,11 +543,9 @@ FGAISim::update_velocity(float v)
float Sbqbar = Sqbar*b;
float Sqbarcbar = Sqbar*cbar;
/* Drag, Side, Lift, Thrust */
Coef2Force = aiVec3(Sqbar);
/* Roll, Pitch, Yaw, Thrust */
Coef2Moment = aiVec3(Sbqbar, Sqbarcbar, Sbqbar, Sbqbar);
Coef2Moment = aiVec3(Sbqbar);
Coef2Moment[PITCH] = Sqbarcbar;
/* linear interpolation for speed of sound */
float vs = ifract*vsound[idx] + fract*vsound[idx+1];
@ -530,6 +557,16 @@ FGAISim::update_velocity(float v)
cbar_2U = 0.5f*cbar/v;
// structural: x is pos. aft., y is pos. right, z is pos. up. in inches.
// body: x is pos. fwd., y is pos. right, z is pos. down in feet.
FGAISim::struct_to_body(aiVec3 &pos)
pos[0] = -pos[0];
pos[2] = -pos[2];
FGAISim::matrix_inverse(aiMtx4 mtx)
@ -651,7 +688,7 @@ FGAISim::jsonParse(const char *str)
FGAISim::load(std::string path)
path += ".fdm";
path += ".json";
std::ifstream file(path);
std::string jsonString;
@ -674,67 +711,90 @@ FGAISim::load(std::string path)
I[XX] = data["Ixx"];
I[YY] = data["Iyy"];
I[ZZ] = data["Izz"];
I[XZ] = data["Ixz"];
// Center of gravity, gears and engines are in the structural frame
// positions are in inches
// 0: X-axis is directed afterwards,
// 1: Y-axis is directed towards the right,
// 2: Z-axis is directed upwards
// positions are in inches
// c.g. is relative to the aero reference point
cg[X] = data["cg[0]"];
cg[Y] = data["cg[1]"];
cg[Z] = data["cg[2]"];
// gear ground contact points relative tot aero ref. pt. at (0,0,0)
no_gears = 3;
/* nose */
gear_pos[0][X] = data["gear[0]/pos[0]"];
gear_pos[0][Y] = data["gear[0]/pos[1]"];
gear_pos[0][Z] = data["gear[0]/pos[2]"];
Cg_spring[0] = data["gear[0]/spring"];
Cg_damp[0] = data["gear[0]/damp"];
/* left */
gear_pos[1][X] = data["gear[1]/pos[0]"];
gear_pos[1][Y] = data["gear[1]/pos[1]"];
gear_pos[1][Z] = data["gear[1]/pos[2]"];
Cg_spring[1] = data["gear[1]/spring"];
Cg_damp[1] = data["gear[1]/damp"];
/* right */
gear_pos[2][X] = data["gear[2]/pos[0]"];
gear_pos[2][Y] = data["gear[2]/pos[1]"];
gear_pos[2][Z] = data["gear[2]/pos[2]"];
Cg_spring[2] = data["gear[2]/spring"];
Cg_damp[2] = data["gear[2]/damp"];
// Gear ground contact points relative to c.g.
no_contacts = 0;
size_t i = no_contacts;
std::string gearstr = "gear[" + std::to_string(i) + "]";
float spring = data[gearstr + "/spring"];
if (!spring) break;
contact_pos[i][X] = data[gearstr + "/pos[0]"];
contact_pos[i][Y] = data[gearstr + "/pos[1]"];
contact_pos[i][Z] = data[gearstr + "/pos[2]"];
contact_spring[i] = data[gearstr + "/spring"];
contact_damp[i] = data[gearstr + "/damp"];
#if 0
for (int q=0; q<no_gears; ++q)
printf("%i: posZ %f, %f, %f, spring: %f, damp: %f\n", q, gear_pos[q][X], gear_pos[q][Y], gear_pos[q][Z], Cg_spring[q], Cg_damp[q]);
printf("%i: posZ %f, %f, %f, spring: %f, damp: %f\n", q, contact_pos[q][X], contact_pos[q][Y], contact_pos[q][Z], contact_spring[q], contact_damp[q]);
while (++no_contacts < (AISIM_MAX-1));
/* Thuster / propulsion locations relative to c.g. */
no_engines = 0;
size_t i = no_engines;
std::string engstr = "engine[" + std::to_string(i) + "]";
float CTu = data[engstr + "/CTu"];
float CTmax = data[engstr + "/CTmax"];
if (!CTmax) break;
engine_pos[i][0] = data[engstr + "/pos[0]"];
engine_pos[i][1] = data[engstr + "/pos[1]"];
engine_pos[i][2] = data[engstr + "/pos[2]"];
// Thruster orientation is in the following sequence: pitch, roll, yaw
aiVec3 orientation(data[engstr + "/dir[1]"], // roll (degrees)
data[engstr + "/dir[0]"], // pitch (degrees)
data[engstr + "/dir[2]"]); // yaw (degrees)
orientation *= SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
float angle = simd4::normalize(orientation);
aiMtx4 mWindBody = simd4x4::rotation_matrix(angle, orientation);
aiVec3 dir = mWindBody*aiVec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
#if 0
printf("dir: %f %f %f\n", dir[0], dir[1], dir[2]);
/* thuster / propulsion */
aiVec3 dir(data["engine[0]/dir[0]"],
float D = data[engstr + "/D"]*INCHES_TO_FEET;
if (D) // if propeller driven
float RPM = data[engstr + "/RPM"]/60.0f;
float Ixx = data[engstr + "/Ixx"];
no_engines = 1;
CTmax = data["engine[0]/CTmax"];
CTu = data["engine[0]/CTu"];
float D = data["engine[0]/D"]*INCHES_TO_FEET;
if (D) // if propeller driven
float RPM = data["engine[0]/RPM"]/60.0f;
float Ixx = data["engine[0]/Ixx"];
FT[0] = dir * (CTmax * RPM*RPM * D*D*D*D); // Thrust force
FTM[0] = dir * (CTu/(RPM*D))*vsound[0]; // Thrust force due to Mach
MT[0] = dir * (-Ixx*(2.0f*RPM*SG_PI)); // Thrus moment
FT[0] = dir * CTmax; // Thrust force
FTM[0] = dir * CTu*vsound[0]; // Thrust force due to Mach
FT[i] = dir * (CTmax * RPM*RPM * D*D*D*D); // Thrust force
FTM[i] = dir * (CTu/(RPM*D))*vsound[0]; // Thrust due to Mach
MT[i] = dir * (-Ixx*(2.0f*RPM*SG_PI)); // Thrus moment
MT[i] += engine_pos[i];
FT[i] = dir * CTmax; // Thrust force
FTM[i] = dir * CTu*vsound[0]; // Thrust due to Mach
while(++no_engines < AISIM_MAX);
float de_max = data["de_max"]*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
float dr_max = data["dr_max"]*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
@ -748,7 +808,6 @@ FGAISim::load(std::string path)
CLq = data["CLq"];
CLdf_n = data["CLdf"]*df_max;
CDmin = data["CDmin"];
CDa = data["CDa"];
CDb = data["CDb"];
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public:
location_geod = aiVec3d(lat, lon, alt);
inline void set_altitude_asl_ft(float f) { location_geod[ALTITUDE] = f; };
inline void set_altitude_agl_ft(float f) { agl = f; }
inline void set_altitude_agl_ft(float f) { cg_agl = f; }
inline void set_euler_angles_rad(const aiVec3& e) {
euler = e;
@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ private:
void update_velocity(float v);
aiMtx4 matrix_inverse(aiMtx4 mtx);
aiMtx4 invert_inertia(aiMtx4 mtx);
void struct_to_body(aiVec3 &pos);
/* aircraft normalized controls */
float th; /* throttle command */
@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ private:
/* aircraft state */
aiVec3d location_geod = 0.0; /* lat, lon, altitude */
aiVec3 aXYZ = 0.0f; /* local body accelrations */
aiVec3 NEDdot = 0.0f; /* North, East, Down velocity */
aiVec3 vNEDdot = 0.0f; /* North, East, Down velocity */
aiVec3 vUVW = 0.0f; /* fwd, side, down velocity */
aiVec3 vUVWdot = 0.0f; /* fwd, side, down accel. */
aiVec3 vPQR = 0.0f; /* roll, pitch, yaw rate */
@ -204,7 +205,8 @@ private:
/* change less often than the update function runs which might */
/* run 20 to 60 times (or more) per second */
/* cache */
/* cache_ */
aiVec3 NEDdist;
aiVec3 vUVWaero = 0.0f; /* airmass relative to the body */
aiVec3 FT[AISIM_MAX]; /* thrust force */
aiVec3 FTM[AISIM_MAX]; /* thrust due to mach force */
@ -212,9 +214,10 @@ private:
aiVec3 b_2U = 0.0f;
aiVec3 cbar_2U = 0.0f;
aiVec3 inv_m;
float altitude = 0.0f;
float velocity = 0.0f;
float mach = 0.0f;
float agl = 0.0f;
float cg_agl = 0.0f;
bool WoW = true;
/* dynamic coefficients (already multiplied with their value) */
@ -229,21 +232,21 @@ private:
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* aircraft static data */
int no_engines = 0;
int no_gears = 0;
aiMtx4 mI, mIinv; /* inertia matrix */
aiVec3 gear_pos[AISIM_MAX]; /* pos in structural frame */
aiVec3 cg = 0.0f; /* center of gravity */
aiVec4 I = 0.0f; /* inertia */
float Sw = 0.0f; /* wing area */
float cbar = 0.0f; /* mean average chord */
float b = 0.0f; /* wing span */
float m = 0.0f; /* mass */
size_t no_engines = 0;
size_t no_contacts = 0;
aiMtx4 mI, mIinv; /* inertia matrix */
aiVec3 engine_pos[AISIM_MAX]; /* pos in structural frame */
aiVec3 contact_pos[AISIM_MAX]; /* pos in structural frame */
aiVec3 cg = 0.0f; /* center of gravity */
aiVec4 I = 0.0f; /* inertia */
float Sw = 0.0f; /* wing area */
float cbar = 0.0f; /* mean average chord */
float b = 0.0f; /* wing span */
float m = 0.0f; /* mass */
/* static coefficients, *_n is for normalized surface deflection */
float Cg_spring[AISIM_MAX]; /* gear spring coeffients */
float Cg_damp[AISIM_MAX]; /* gear damping coefficients */
float CTmax, CTu; /* thrust max, due to speed */
float contact_spring[AISIM_MAX]; /* contact spring coeffients */
float contact_damp[AISIM_MAX]; /* contact damping coefficients */
float CLmin, CLa, CLadot, CLq, CLdf_n;
float CDmin, CDa, CDb, CDi, CDdf_n;
float CYb, CYp, CYr, CYdr_n;
@ -254,6 +257,7 @@ private:
/* environment data */
static float density[101], vsound[101];
aiVec3 gravity_ned = { 0.0f, 0.0f, AISIM_G };
size_t alt_idx = -1;
float rho = 0.0f;
float qbar = 0.0f;
float sigma = 0.0f;
Add table
Reference in a new issue