Fork 0

Rewrite from David Megginson to use property registry to allow the joystick

to be runtime configurable.
This commit is contained in:
curt 2000-07-06 16:26:56 +00:00
parent 92dd898110
commit e7d90b98d2
2 changed files with 247 additions and 325 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
// joystick.cxx -- joystick support
// Written by Curtis Olson, started October 1998.
// Amended by Alexander Perry, started May 2000, for lots of game controllers.
// Original module written by Curtis Olson, started October 1998.
// Completely rewritten by David Megginson, July 2000.
// Copyright (C) 1998 - 1999 Curtis L. Olson - curt@flightgear.org
// Copyright (C) 1998 - 2000 Curtis L. Olson - curt@flightgear.org
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
@ -30,356 +30,281 @@
# include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <simgear/misc/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
#include <Main/options.hxx>
#include <Main/views.hxx>
# include <plib/js.h> // plib include
#elif defined( ENABLE_GLUT_JOYSTICK )
# include <GL/glut.h>
# include <simgear/xgl.h>
#include <plib/js.h>
#include "joystick.hxx"
using std::string;
// Maximum number of joystick devices
#define jsN 8
// joystick classes
static jsJoystick *( js[jsN] );
// these will hold the values of the axes
// the first points to all the axes, the second by device
static int js_axes;
static float *js_ax_all, *( js_ax[jsN] );
static int js_buttons[jsN];
// these will point to elements of that float array
static float *to_elevator, *to_aileron, *to_rudder, *to_throttle;
static float *to_viewhat, *to_brakeL, *to_brakeR;
// these will point to elements of that digital button array
static int *to_gearmove, *to_flapup, *to_flapdn, *to_eltrimup, *to_eltrimdn;
static int msk_gearmove, msk_flapup, msk_flapdn, msk_eltrimup, msk_eltrimdn;
// this finds the first unused occasion of a specific channel number
// on a controller with a known number of channels. Remember, when
// you use USB devices, they appear in a semi-random order. Sigh.
void to_find_A ( int firstcall, float **ptr, int axes, int axis )
{ int a;
if (firstcall) {
(*ptr) = NULL;
for ( a = 0; a < jsN; a++ ) {
if ( NULL != js[a] ) {
if ( NULL == *ptr ) {
if ( axes == js[a]->getNumAxes() ) {
cout << "axis[" << a << "][" << axis << "] = "
<< (js_ax[a])[axis] << endl;
if ( (js_ax[a])[axis] > 0.5 ) {
( *ptr) = (js_ax[a]) + axis;
(**ptr) = 0;
// this finds a specific button on a given controller device
static int to_find_D_zero;
void to_find_D ( int butnum, float *ana, int **butptr, int *mask )
{ int a;
to_find_D_zero = 0;
(*butptr) = & to_find_D_zero;
(*mask) = ( (int) 1 ) << butnum;
if ( NULL != ana )
for ( a=0; a < jsN; a++ )
if ( ( NULL != js[a] )
&& ( ana >= js_ax[a] )
&& ( ana - js_ax[a] <= js[a]->getNumAxes() )
){ (*butptr) = & ( js_buttons[a] );
// printf ( "Button %i uses mask %i\n", butnum, *mask );
// this decides whether we believe the throttle is safe to use
static bool sync_throttle=false;
static float throttle_tmp=0;
#define SYNC_TOLERANCE 0.02
#elif defined( ENABLE_GLUT_JOYSTICK )
// Do we want these user settable ??
static float joy_scale = 1./1000;
// play with following to get your desired sensitivity
static int x_dead_zone = 50;
static int y_dead_zone = 2*x_dead_zone;
// Joystick support using glut -- William Riley -- riley@technologist.com
// Joystick fixed values for calibration and scaling
static float joy_x_max = joy_scale;
static float joy_y_max = joy_scale;
static int joy_z_min = 1000, /* joy_z_ctr=0, */ joy_z_max = -1000;
static int joy_z_dead_min = 100, joy_z_dead_max = -100;
#elif defined( MACOS )
# warning port me: no joystick support
# error port me: no joystick support
static const int MAX_JOYSTICKS = 10;
static const int MAX_AXES = 10;
* Property names for joysticks and axes.
static const char * jsNames[] = {
"js0", "js1", "js2", "js3", "js4",
"js5", "js6", "js7", "js8", "js9"
static const char * axisNames[] = {
"axis0", "axis1", "axis2", "axis3", "axis4",
"axis5", "axis6", "axis7", "axis8", "axis9"
// Function called by glutJoystickFunc(), adjusts read values and
// passes them to the necessary aircraft control functions
void joystick(unsigned int buttonMask, int js_x, int js_y, int js_z)
* Settings for a single axis.
struct axis {
axis () : value(0), offset(0.0), factor(1.0),
last_value(9999999), tolerance(0.002) {}
FGValue * value;
float offset;
float factor;
float last_value;
float tolerance;
* Settings for a single joystick.
struct joystick {
virtual ~joystick () { delete js; delete axes; }
jsJoystick * js;
axis * axes;
* Array of joystick settings.
static joystick joysticks[MAX_JOYSTICKS];
* Set up default values if properties are not specified.
static void
setupDefaults ()
float joy_x, joy_y, joy_z;
// adjust the values to fgfs's scale and allow a 'dead zone' to
// reduce jitter code adapted from joystick.c by Michele
// F. America - nomimarketing@mail.telepac.pt
FGPropertyList &props = current_properties;
if( js_x > -x_dead_zone && js_x < x_dead_zone) {
joy_x = 0.0;
} else {
joy_x = js_x * joy_scale;
// Default axis 0 to aileron
if (!props.getValue("/input/js0/axis0/control")) {
props.setStringValue("/input/js0/axis0/control", "/controls/aileron");
props.setFloatValue("/input/js0/axis0/dead-band", 0.1);
if( js_y > -y_dead_zone && js_y < y_dead_zone) {
joy_y = 0.0;
} else {
joy_y = js_y * joy_scale;
// Default axis 1 to elevator
if (!props.getValue("/input/js0/axis1/control")) {
props.setStringValue("/input/js0/axis1/control", "/controls/elevator");
props.setFloatValue("/input/js0/axis1/dead-band", 0.1);
props.setFloatValue("/input/js0/axis1/factor", -1.0);
if( js_z >= joy_z_dead_min && js_z <= joy_z_dead_max ) {
joy_z = 0.0;
joy_z = (float)js_z / (float)(joy_z_max - joy_z_min);
joy_z = (((joy_z*2.0)+1.0)/2);
// Default axis 2 to throttle
// We need to fiddle with the offset
// and factor to make it work
if (!props.getValue("/input/js0/axis2/control")) {
props.setStringValue("/input/js0/axis2/control", "/controls/throttle");
props.setFloatValue("/input/js0/axis2/dead-band", 0.0);
props.setFloatValue("/input/js0/axis2/offset", -1.0);
props.setFloatValue("/input/js0/axis2/factor", -0.5);
// Pass the values to the control routines
controls.set_elevator( -joy_y );
controls.set_aileron( joy_x );
controls.set_throttle( FGControls::ALL_ENGINES, joy_z );
// Default axis 3 to rudder
if (!props.getValue("/input/js0/axis3/control")) {
props.setStringValue("/input/js0/axis3/control", "/controls/rudder");
props.setFloatValue("/input/js0/axis3/dead-band", 0.3);
* Initialize any joysticks found.
bool seen_joystick = false;
// Initialize the joystick(s)
int fgJoystickInit( void ) {
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, "Initializing joysticks");
int i, j;
FG_LOG( FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, "Initializing joystick" );
js_axes = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < jsN; i ++ )
{ js[i] = new jsJoystick ( i );
if ( js[i]->notWorking () )
delete js[i];
js[i] = NULL;
} else {
j = js[i]->getNumAxes();
" Joystick " << i << " detected with " << j << " axes" );
// Count axes and set all the deadbands
js_axes += j;
while ( j>0 )
js[i]->setDeadBand( --j, 0.1 );
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_JOYSTICKS; i++) {
jsJoystick * js = new jsJoystick(i);
joysticks[i].js = js;
if (js->notWorking()) {
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, "Joystick " << i << " not found");
// allocate storage for axes values
js_ax_all = new float [ js_axes + 1 ];
j = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < jsN; i ++ )
if ( js[i] != NULL )
{ // Point to the memory
js_ax [i] = js_ax_all + j;
j += js[i]->getNumAxes();
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, "Initializing joystick " << i);
seen_joystick = true;
// Set up range arrays
float minRange[js->getNumAxes()];
float maxRange[js->getNumAxes()];
float center[js->getNumAxes()];
// Initialize with default values
// Allocate axes
joysticks[i].axes = new axis[js->getNumAxes()];
for (int j = 0; j < min(js->getNumAxes(), MAX_AXES); j++) {
string base = "/input/";
base += jsNames[i];
base += '/';
base += axisNames[j];
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " Axis " << j << ':');
// Control property
string name = base;
name += "/control";
FGValue * value = current_properties.getValue(name);
if (value == 0) {
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " no control defined");
const string &control = value->getStringValue();
joysticks[i].axes[j].value = current_properties.getValue(control, true);
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " using control " << control);
// Warn user if we didn't find anything in the end
if ( js_axes == 0 ) {
FG_LOG ( FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " No joysticks detected" );
// Dead band
name = base;
name += "/dead-band";
value = current_properties.getValue(name);
if (value != 0)
js->setDeadBand(j, value->getFloatValue());
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " dead-band is " << js->getDeadBand(j));
// Offset
name = base;
name += "/offset";
value = current_properties.getValue(name);
if (value != 0)
joysticks[i].axes[j].offset = value->getFloatValue();
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " offset is "
<< joysticks[i].axes[j].offset);
// Factor
name = base;
name += "/factor";
value = current_properties.getValue(name);
if (value != 0)
joysticks[i].axes[j].factor = value->getFloatValue();
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " factor is "
<< joysticks[i].axes[j].factor);
// Tolerance
name = base;
name += "/tolerance";
value = current_properties.getValue(name);
if (value != 0)
joysticks[i].axes[j].tolerance = value->getFloatValue();
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " tolerance is "
<< joysticks[i].axes[j].tolerance);
// Saturation
name = base;
name += "/saturation";
value = current_properties.getValue(name);
if (value != 0)
js->setSaturation(j, value->getFloatValue());
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " saturation is " << js->getSaturation(j));
// Minimum range
name = base;
name += "/min-range";
value = current_properties.getValue(name);
if (value != 0)
minRange[j] = value->getFloatValue();
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " min-range is " << minRange[j]);
// Maximum range
name = base;
name += "/max-range";
value = current_properties.getValue(name);
if (value != 0)
maxRange[j] = value->getFloatValue();
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " max-range is " << maxRange[j]);
// Center
name = base;
name += "/center";
value = current_properties.getValue(name);
if (value != 0)
center[j] = value->getFloatValue();
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " center is " << center[j]);
// Guess channel assignments; do this once and save nightmares later
for ( i = 0; i < js_axes; i++ )
{ js_ax_all[i] = 1.0;
js_buttons[i] = 0;
to_find_A ( 1, &to_aileron , 6, 0 ); // Yoke
to_find_A ( 0, &to_aileron , 2, 0 ); // Analog JS
to_find_A ( 0, &to_aileron , 4, 0 ); // Gaming JS
if (seen_joystick)
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, "Done initializing joysticks");
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_ALERT, "No joysticks detected");
to_find_A ( 1, &to_elevator , 6, 1 ); // Yoke
to_find_A ( 0, &to_elevator , 2, 1 ); // Analog JS
to_find_A ( 0, &to_elevator , 4, 1 ); // Gaming JS
to_find_A ( 1, &to_throttle , 6, 3 ); // Yoke
to_find_A ( 0, &to_throttle , 2, 0 ); // Analog JS, presume second
to_find_A ( 0, &to_throttle , 4, 3 ); // Game JS
to_find_A ( 1, &to_rudder , 4, 2 ); // Pedals or gaming joystick
to_find_A ( 0, &to_rudder , 2, 1 ); // Analog JS, maybe second
to_find_A ( 1, &to_viewhat , 6, 4 ); // Yoke
to_find_A ( 1, &to_brakeL , 4, 0 ); // Pedals
to_find_A ( 1, &to_brakeR , 4, 1 ); // Pedals
// Derive some of the interesting buttons from the channels
// 0 is the push-to-talk, 1 is gear switch
to_find_D ( 1, to_viewhat , &to_gearmove, &msk_gearmove );
// 2,3 are rudder trim
// 4,5 are spare buttons
// 8,9 are flaps
to_find_D ( 9, to_viewhat , &to_flapup, &msk_flapup );
to_find_D ( 8, to_viewhat , &to_flapdn, &msk_flapdn );
to_find_D ( 6, to_viewhat , &to_eltrimup, &msk_eltrimup );
to_find_D ( 7, to_viewhat , &to_eltrimdn, &msk_eltrimdn );
// I hate doing this sort of thing, but it's overridable from the
// command line/config file. If the user hasn't specified an
// autocoordination preference, and if they only have two axes of
// joystick, then automatical enable auto_coordination.
if ( ( current_options.get_auto_coordination() ==
&& ( js_axes > 0 )
&& ( js_axes < 3 )
if(current_options.get_trim_mode() > 0) {
" Waiting for user to synchronize throttle lever...");
#elif defined( ENABLE_GLUT_JOYSTICK )
glutJoystickFunc(joystick, 100);
#elif defined( MACOS )
# warning port me: no joystick support
# error port me: no joystick support
return 1;
return seen_joystick;
* Update property values based on the joystick state(s).
int buttons;
// update the control parameters based on joystick intput
int fgJoystickRead( void ) {
int i;
// Go and fetch all the readings in one pass
for ( i = 0; i < jsN; i++ )
if ( NULL != js[i] )
js[i]->read( & ( js_buttons[i] ), js_ax[i] ) ;
// These are the easy ones for now
if ( NULL != to_aileron ) controls.set_aileron ( * to_aileron );
if ( NULL != to_elevator ) controls.set_elevator( - * to_elevator );
if ( NULL != to_brakeL ) controls.set_brake ( 0, * to_brakeL );
if ( NULL != to_brakeR ) controls.set_brake ( 1, * to_brakeR );
// Good! Brakes need half travel to act.
// No gear implemented yet!
// if ( msk_gearmove & *to_gearmove ) controls.set_gear
// ( 1 - controls.get_gear());
if ( msk_flapup & *to_flapup ) controls.move_flaps ( 0.02 );
if ( msk_flapdn & *to_flapdn ) controls.move_flaps ( - 0.02 );
if ( msk_eltrimup & *to_eltrimup )
controls.move_elevator_trim ( 0.005 );
if ( msk_eltrimdn & *to_eltrimdn )
controls.move_elevator_trim ( - 0.005 );
// Added by William Riley -- riley@technologist.com
// Modified by Alex Perry
if ( NULL != to_throttle ) {
throttle_tmp=(- * to_throttle + 1) / 2;
if(sync_throttle == true) {
if (fabs(controls.get_throttle(0)-throttle_tmp)
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, " Throttle lever synchronized.");
} else {
controls.set_throttle( FGControls::ALL_ENGINES,throttle_tmp );
if ( NULL != to_rudder )
if ( current_options.get_auto_coordination() !=
double dead_zone = 0.0; // 0.4;
double value = * to_rudder;
if (value < -dead_zone) {
value += dead_zone;
value *= 1.0 / (1.0 - dead_zone);
} else if (value > dead_zone) {
value -= dead_zone;
value *= 1.0 / (1.0 - dead_zone);
} else {
value = 0.0;
// End of William's code
// Use hat to set view direction
// Alex Perry 2000-05-31, based on concept by dpm
if ( NULL != to_viewhat )
{ double n = * ( to_viewhat + 1 );
double e = * ( to_viewhat );
double d;
if ( fabs(n) + fabs(e) > 0.1 )
{ d = atan2 ( -e, -n );
if ( d < 0 ) d += 2 * FG_PI;
current_view.set_goal_view_offset ( d );
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_JOYSTICKS; i++) {
jsJoystick * js = joysticks[i].js;
float axis_values[js->getNumAxes()];
if (js->notWorking()) {
return 1;
js->read(&buttons, axis_values);
for (int j = 0; j < min(MAX_AXES, js->getNumAxes()); j++) {
// If the axis hasn't changed, don't
// force the value.
if (fabs(axis_values[j] - joysticks[i].axes[j].last_value) <=
joysticks[i].axes[j].last_value = axis_values[j];
FGValue * value = joysticks[i].axes[j].value;
if (value) {
if (!value->setDoubleValue((axis_values[j] +
joysticks[i].axes[j].offset) *
FG_LOG(FG_INPUT, FG_ALERT, "Failed to set value for joystick "
<< i << ", axis " << j);
return true; // FIXME
// end of joystick.cxx

View file

@ -33,11 +33,8 @@
// Initialize the joystick(s)
int fgJoystickInit( void );
// update the control parameters based on joystick intput
int fgJoystickRead( void );
// update the control parameters based on joystick intput
int fgJoystickRead( void );
#endif // _JOYSTICK_HXX