Route path turn helpers.
Make the code more readable with some named helper functions.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 50 additions and 27 deletions
@ -78,6 +78,30 @@ static double magVarFor(const SGGeod& geod)
return sgGetMagVar(geod, jd) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
SGGeod turnCenterOverflight(const SGGeod& pt, double inHeadingDeg,
double turnAngleDeg, double turnRadiusM)
double p = copysign(90.0, turnAngleDeg);
return SGGeodesy::direct(pt, inHeadingDeg + p, turnRadiusM);
SGGeod turnCenterFlyBy(const SGGeod& pt, double inHeadingDeg,
double turnAngleDeg, double turnRadiusM)
double halfAngle = turnAngleDeg * 0.5;
double turnCenterOffset = turnRadiusM / cos(halfAngle * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
double p = copysign(90.0, turnAngleDeg);
return SGGeodesy::direct(pt, inHeadingDeg + halfAngle + p, turnCenterOffset);
SGGeod turnCenterFromExit(const SGGeod& pt, double outHeadingDeg,
double turnAngleDeg, double turnRadiusM)
double p = copysign(90.0, turnAngleDeg);
return SGGeodesy::direct(pt, outHeadingDeg + p, turnRadiusM);
class WayptData
@ -173,6 +197,17 @@ public:
SGGeod pointOnTurnFromHeading(double headingDeg) const
double p = copysign(90.0, turnAngle);
return SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, headingDeg - p, turnRadius);
double pathDistanceForTurnAngle(double angleDeg) const
return turnRadius * fabs(angleDeg) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
void computeTurn(double radiusM, bool constrainLegCourse, const WayptData& previous, WayptData& next)
@ -181,7 +216,6 @@ public:
turnAngle = next.legCourseTrue - legCourseTrue;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(turnAngle, -180.0, 180.0);
turnRadius = radiusM;
double p = copysign(90.0, turnAngle);
if (fabs(turnAngle) > 120.0) {
// flyBy logic blows up for sharp turns - due to the tan() term
@ -192,9 +226,8 @@ public:
if (flyOver) {
turnEntryPos = pos;
turnCenter = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourseTrue + p, turnRadius);
// use the leg course
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, next.legCourseTrue - p, turnRadius);
turnCenter = turnCenterOverflight(pos, legCourseTrue, turnAngle, turnRadius);
turnExitPos = pointOnTurnFromHeading(next.legCourseTrue);
if (!next.wpt->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) {
// distance perpendicular to next leg course, after turning
@ -215,8 +248,9 @@ public:
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(turnExitPos, next.legCourseTrue, d);
overflightCompensationAngle = -theta;
turnPathDistanceM = turnRadius * (fabs(turnAngle) +
fabs(overflightCompensationAngle)) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
// sign of angles will differ, so compute distances seperately
turnPathDistanceM = pathDistanceForTurnAngle(turnAngle) +
} else {
// next leg course can be adjusted. increase the turn angle
// and modify the next leg's course accordingly.
@ -228,32 +262,23 @@ public:
increaseAngle = copysign(increaseAngle, turnAngle);
turnAngle += increaseAngle;
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, legCourseTrue + turnAngle - p, turnRadius);
turnExitPos = pointOnTurnFromHeading(legCourseTrue + turnAngle);
// modify next leg course
next.legCourseTrue = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(turnExitPos, next.pos);
turnPathDistanceM = turnRadius * (fabs(turnAngle) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
turnPathDistanceM = pathDistanceForTurnAngle(turnAngle);
} // of next leg isn't course constrained
} else {
// next point is dynamic
// no compensation needed
turnPathDistanceM = turnRadius * (fabs(turnAngle) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
turnPathDistanceM = pathDistanceForTurnAngle(turnAngle);
} else {
hasEntry = true;
double halfAngle = turnAngle * 0.5;
double turnCenterOffset = turnRadius / cos(halfAngle * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
turnCenter = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourseTrue + halfAngle + p, turnCenterOffset);
double distAlongPath = turnRadius * tan(fabs(halfAngle) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
turnEntryPos = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourseTrue, -distAlongPath);
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, next.legCourseTrue, distAlongPath);
turnPathDistanceM = turnRadius * (fabs(halfAngle) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
turnCenter = turnCenterFlyBy(pos, legCourseTrue, turnAngle, turnRadius);
turnEntryPos = pointOnTurnFromHeading(legCourseTrue);
turnExitPos = pointOnTurnFromHeading(next.legCourseTrue);
turnPathDistanceM = pathDistanceForTurnAngle(halfAngle);
@ -356,17 +381,15 @@ public:
theta = copysign(theta, turnAngle);
double halfAngle = turnAngle * 0.5;
double inboundCourse = legCourseTrue + (flyOver ? 0.0 : halfAngle);
return SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, inboundCourse + theta - p, turnRadius);
return pointOnTurnFromHeading(inboundCourse + theta);
SGGeod pointAlongEntryPath(double distanceM) const
double theta = (distanceM / turnRadius) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
theta = copysign(theta, turnAngle);
double p = copysign(90, turnAngle);
double course = legCourseTrue + theta;
return SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, course - p, turnRadius);
theta = copysign(theta, turnAngle);
return pointOnTurnFromHeading(legCourseTrue + theta);
WayptRef wpt;
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