Initial revision.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 914 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
CC = gcc
RM = rm
PROGS = fgd fgd_scan fgd_com
BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
all: $(PROGS)
fgd: fgd.c
$(CC) -o $@ $^
fgd_scan: fgd_scan.c
$(CC) -o $@ $^
fgd_com: fgd_com.c
$(CC) -o $@ $^
-$(RM) -f *.o $(PROGS) *~ core
install: all devs
install -d $(BINDIR)
install $(PROGS) $(BINDIR)
install -d $(MANDIR)/man4
install -m 644 js.4 $(MANDIR)/man4
dist: clean
tar czf ../`basename \`pwd\``.tar.gz -C .. `basename \`pwd\``
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
Welcome to FlightGear Deamon fgd
Here the first Tools to play with FlightGear Deamon.
This is yet pre-alpha and the sources remain to be tidied up,
and to get documented.
Theory of operation:
The FlightGear Deamon called fgd is a standalone program which registers
FGFS players willing to have a multiplayer FGFS environment via TCP/IP.
Information like player's ip/lon/lat/alt etc. can be send to fgd.
The deamon fgd in turn sends back the gathered information upon request.
The purpose of the scan prog "fgd_scan" is to locate free ports on the
network, which can be used for exchanging data between FGFS and fgd.
The commando program fgd_com serves as an example of how the communication
to fgd can be done. For the moment consider fgd_com as FGFS.
Parts of fgd_com will be later incorporated into FGFS.
How to play with the tools:
Just fire up fgd on whatever machine reachable from the one on which
FGFS will be running. Even the same machine is ok.
Then use fgd_scan to locate the fgd-deamon.
Also use fgd_com to pass some commandos to fgd.
How to compile:
Use the Makefile with make or just gcc -o prog prog.c
- fgd [start port] [end port] <-v -vv>
- start port and end port is the range where it should listen and
talk to. (Later the range will be used to check for a free port
within this range, which can be used for communicating with FGFS.
for the moment make sure you use the _SAME_ port value for start
and stop. A good starting point should be above 10000.
- -v or -vv is the verbose level. This param can be ommitted.
- fgd_scan [host] [start port] [end port] <-v -vv>
comment: params are the same as for fgd except that the start-stop range
must be different to detect fgd.
Also host means the host running fgd, not where the scanner is
fired up.
Just for fun you can take also the dangerous (priviledged ports)
But the fgd-scanner will be stuck at some used ports.
It doesn't hurt to experiment in the used regions, a ctrl-c
will abort the scanning so that new params can be used.
- fgd_com [FGD-host] [start port] [end port] [-v -vv] [commando] <FGFS-host>
comment: see fgd_scan, but you must enter either a ip/fqdn or dummystring as
last param, some commandos use it to pass it as real information to
The commandos for fgd_com:
0 : fgd idenditfies itself, answeres back to scanner
1 : registering to fgd
2 : show who's registered
3 : send message to one specific user (not implemented yet)
4 : send message to all users (not implemented yet)
5 : scan for other fgd's (not implemented yet)
6 : update (fgd sends it's database to user) (not implemented yet)
8 : unregister from fgd
9 : shutdown fgd
Commands 1/2/8 use the last parameter (see above, dummy-string) for the
ip or hostname or fqdn of the fgfs-machine which will be added/listed/removed
from fgd.
Try registering and unregistering various hosts to see if the add/remove
mechanism works well. It should work correctly.
- fgd olk 10003 10003 -vv
fgd runs on host "olk" using port "10003" using max. verbose level
- fgd_com olk 10003 10003 -vv 1 johnny
send "register host"-command to fgd running on host "olk" using port"10003"
and register machine "johnny"
To do:
- clean-up code
- document the code
- convert code from c to c++
- find a place within FGFS where to reside
- make the code more autodetectable, to reduce commandline params
- implement missing commands
- find other useful commands
- find and resolve bugs ;-)
This 3 toys are pre-alpha and dirty and need also to be documented.
Send comments/flame/beer/whatever to
Oliver Delise 25/May/99
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
These includes must be available on any Un*x, Windoze and Mac Donald's
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
/* FGD.C by Oliver Delise */
/* Contact info: */
/* e-mail: */
/* www: */
/* ftp: */
/* */
/* Version 0.1pre-alpha */
/* The author of this program offers no waranty at all */
/* about the correct execution of this software material. */
/* Furthermore, the author can NOT be held responsible for */
/* any physical or moral damage caused by the use of this */
/* software. */
/* */
/* This is a standalone Tool to communicate with any */
/* FlightGear System and FGFS-Deamon. */
/* This is Open Source Software with many parts */
/* shamelessly stolen from others... */
/* */
/* -> This program will scan for TCP port listening on a */
/* remote or local host inside the range you give to it.*/
/* I offer no warranty over the accuracy though :) */
/* There are 3 verbose modes: No info, service info, and*/
/* full info. No info is good of you only want the list */
/* of the ports, no more info. The best mode is Full */
/* info, as you get error information,etc. The main */
/* output is STDOUT, and ALL the errors go to STDERR. */
/* */
/* History: v0.1pre-alpha: May 25 1999 -> First release */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
/* Net-stuff */
fd_set rset, allset;
int maxfd, nready, retval;
struct timeval tv;
struct utsname myname;
char *fgd_host, *src_host;
/* List-stuff (doubly-Linked-list) */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int i,j;
char *vb;
const int True = 0;
const int False= -1;
struct list_ele {
unsigned char ipadr[16], squak[16];
float *lon, *lat, *alt, *roll, *pitch, *yaw;
struct list_ele *next, *prev;
struct list_ele *head, *tail, *act, *test; /* fgd_msg; */
/*...Create head and tail of list */
void list_init( void) {
head = (struct list_ele*) malloc(sizeof(struct list_ele));
tail = (struct list_ele*) malloc(sizeof(struct list_ele));
if (head == NULL || tail == NULL) { printf("Out of memory\n"); exit(1); }
/* fixme :Where is the "with foobar do command "
head->ipadr = "";
head->squak = "None";
head->lon = 0;
head->lat = 0;
head->alt = 0;
head->pitch = 0;
head->roll = 0;
head->yaw = 0;
/* yaw!. Who the f$%& invented this ;-) */
head->ipadr[0] = 0;
tail->ipadr[0] = 255;
tail->ipadr[1] = 0;
head->prev = tail->prev = head;
head->next = tail->next = tail;
act = head; /* put listpointer to beginning of list */
void list_output( void) {
void list_insert( char newip[16]) {
struct list_ele *new_ele;
new_ele = (struct list_ele*) malloc(sizeof(struct list_ele));
if (new_ele == NULL) { printf("Out of memory\n"); exit(1); }
strcpy(new_ele->ipadr, newip);
list_search( newip);
new_ele->prev = act;
new_ele->next = act->next;
act->next->prev = act->next = new_ele;
void list_clear( char clrip[16]) {
struct list_ele *clr_ele;
list_search( clrip);
if ( strcmp( clrip, act->next->ipadr))
printf("....Name %s nicht vorhanden", clrip);
else {
clr_ele = act->next;
act->next = act->next->next;
act->next->prev = act;
free( clr_ele);
void list_search( char name[16]) {
if (strcmp(name, head->next->ipadr) <= 0) act = head;
else if (strcmp(name, tail->prev->ipadr) > 0) act = tail->prev;
else {
int vergleich = strcmp(name, act->ipadr);
if (vergleich > 0)
while (strcmp(name, act->next->ipadr) > 0) {
act = act->next;
else if (vergleich < 0)
while (strcmp(name, act->ipadr) < 0) {
act = act->prev;
while (strcmp(name, act->ipadr) == 0) {
act = act->prev;
int list_not_in( char name[16]) {
i = True;
test = head->next;
while ((test != tail) && (i==True)) {
i = (strcmp(test->ipadr, name) ? True : False);
test = test->next;
printf("list_not_in : %d\n",i);
int i;
int sock = -1;
int my_sock;
int fgd_com;
size_t anz;
char *buff;
struct { char *adr, *squak, *lon, *lat, *alt;} fgd_client;
int fgd_ele_len;
struct sockaddr_in address;
struct sockaddr_in my_address;
int result;
extern char *sys_errlist[];
extern int errno;
int current_port = 0;
u_short base_port = 0;
u_short end_port = 1024;
int verbose = 0;
struct hostent *host_info;
struct servent *service_info;
void fgd_init(void);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 3) {
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: fgd [start port] [end port] <-v or -vv>\n");
switch (argc) {
case 4: if (!strcmp(argv[3],"-v"))
verbose = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[3],"-vv"))
verbose = 2;
else { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: fgd [start port] [end port] <-v or -vv>\n");
exit(1); }
case 3: base_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[1]);
end_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[2]);
default: fprintf(stderr,"Usage: fgd [start port] [end port] <-v or -vv>\n");
bzero((char *)&address, sizeof(address));
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
if (uname(&myname) == 0) fgd_host = myname.nodename;
printf("I am running on HOST : %s\n", fgd_host);
if (verbose == 2) printf("Resolving: %s ->",fgd_host);
if (host_info = gethostbyname(fgd_host)) {
bcopy(host_info->h_addr, (char *)&address.sin_addr,host_info->h_length);
printf(" fgd : ip = %s\n", inet_ntoa( address.sin_addr));
if (verbose == 2) printf(" resolved\n");
} else if ((address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(fgd_host)) == INADDR_NONE) {
fprintf(stderr,"Could not get %s host entry !\n",argv[1]);
printf(" NOT resolved !!!\n");
} else if (verbose == 2) printf(" address valid\n");
if ((base_port > end_port) || ((short)base_port < 0)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Bad port range : start=%d end=%d !\n");
} else if (verbose == 2) {
printf("Port range: %d to %d\n",base_port,end_port);
vb = (char) &verbose;
printf("vb %s",&vb);
void fgd_init(void) {
struct { char *ip, *squak, *lon, *lat, *alt;} fg_id;
current_port = base_port;
while (current_port <= end_port) {
sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Error assigning master socket: %s\n",sys_errlist[errno]);
address.sin_port = htons(current_port);
printf("address.sin_port : %d\n",htons(address.sin_port));
if (1 == 1) {
bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address));
listen(sock, 5);
/* Hier neu */
maxfd = sock;
FD_ZERO( &allset);
FD_SET( sock, &allset);
for (;;){
rset = allset;
tv.tv_sec = 1;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
nready = select( sock + 1, &rset, NULL, NULL, &tv);
if (FD_ISSET( sock, &rset)) {
my_sock = accept( sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address));
anz = 2;
/* reading length of senders' ip */
fgd_ele_len = 0;
buff = "";
read( my_sock, &buff, 1);
fgd_ele_len = (int)(char) buff;
/* reading senders' ip */
read( my_sock, &buff, fgd_ele_len);
fgd_client.adr = inet_ntoa(buff);
src_host = fgd_client.adr;
/* reading commando */
read( my_sock, &buff, 1);
printf(" Commando received : %s from Host : %s\n", &buff, src_host);
fgd_com = (int) atoi(&buff);
switch (fgd_com) {
case 0: printf(" fgd : Identify\n");
write( my_sock, "FGD", 3);
case 1: printf(" fgd : Register\n");
/* reading length of FGFS_host ip */
fgd_ele_len = 0;
buff = "";
read( my_sock, &buff, 1);
fgd_ele_len = (int)(char) buff;
/* reading FGFS_host ip */
read( my_sock, &buff, fgd_ele_len);
fgd_client.adr = inet_ntoa(buff);
if (list_not_in(fgd_client.adr) == True) list_insert(fgd_client.adr);
printf(" IP : %s\n", fgd_client.adr);
printf(" PILOT : %s\n", "OLK");
printf(" LON : %s\n", "42.26");
printf(" LAT : %s\n", "21.89");
printf(" ALT : %s\n", "6000");
case 2: printf(" fgd : Show Registered\n");
test = head->next;
while (test != tail) {
printf(" ip : %s\n", test->ipadr);
test = test->next;
case 3: printf(" fgd : Send MSG\n");
case 4: printf(" fgd : Send MSG to all\n");
case 5: printf(" fgd : Scan for fgd's\n");
case 6: printf(" fgd : Update\n");
case 8: printf(" fgd : Unregister\n");
read( my_sock, &buff, 1);
fgd_ele_len = (int) &buff;
read( my_sock, &buff, fgd_ele_len);
fgd_client.adr = inet_ntoa(buff);
printf(" IP : %s\n", fgd_client.adr);
printf("not_in (CASE) : %d\n", list_not_in(fgd_client.adr));
if (list_not_in(fgd_client.adr) == -1) list_clear(fgd_client.adr);
case 9: printf(" fgd : Shutdown\n");
default: printf(" fgd : Illegal Command\n");
switch (verbose) {
case 0: printf("%d\n",base_port+current_port);
case 1: service_info = getservbyport(htons(base_port+current_port),"tcp");
if (!service_info) {
printf("%d -> service name unknown\n",base_port+current_port);
} else {
printf("%d -> %s\n",base_port+current_port,service_info->s_name);
case 2: service_info = getservbyport(htons(base_port+current_port),"tcp");
if (!service_info) {
printf("Port %d found. Service name unknown\n",base_port+current_port);
} else {
printf("Port %d found. Service name: %s\n",base_port+current_port,service_info->s_name);
} else if (errno == 113) {
fprintf(stderr,"No route to host !\n");
/* current_port++; */
if (verbose == 2) printf("Port scan finished !\n");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
/* FGD_COM.C by Oliver Delise */
/* Contact info: */
/* e-mail: */
/* www: */
/* ftp: */
/* */
/* Version 0.1pre-alpha */
/* The author of this program offers no waranty at all */
/* about the correct execution of this software material. */
/* Furthermore, the author can NOT be held responsible for */
/* any physical or moral damage caused by the use of this */
/* software. */
/* */
/* This is a standalone Tool to communicate with any */
/* FlightGear-Deamon. */
/* This is Open Source Software with many parts */
/* shamelessly stolen from others... */
/* */
/* -> This program will scan for TCP port listening on a */
/* remote or local host inside the range you give to it.*/
/* I offer no warranty over the accuracy though :) */
/* There are 3 verbose modes: No info, service info, and*/
/* full info. No info is good of you only want the list */
/* of the ports, no more info. The best mode is Full */
/* info, as you get error information,etc. The main */
/* output is STDOUT, and ALL the errors go to STDERR. */
/* */
/* History: v0.1pre-alpha: May 25 1999 -> First release */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
int i;
int sock = -1;
int my_sock;
struct sockaddr_in address;
struct sockaddr_in my_address;
int result;
extern char *sys_errlist[];
extern int errno;
int current_port = 0;
u_short base_port = 0;
u_short end_port = 1024;
int verbose = 0;
struct hostent *host_info, *f_host_info;
struct servent *service_info;
struct utsname myname;
size_t anz;
char *buff;
char *src_host;
void port_scan( char *FGD_com, char *FGFS_host);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 6) {
fprintf(stderr," Usage:\n fgd_com [FGD host] [start port] [end port] [-v or -vv] [Commando] [FGFS host]\n");
printf("argc %d argv[5] %s\n",argc,argv[5]);
switch (argc) {
case 7: printf("fgd commando : %s\n",argv[5]);
base_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[2]);
end_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[3]);
verbose = 2;
// src_host = argv[6];
case 5: if (!strcmp(argv[4],"-v"))
verbose = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[4],"-vv"))
verbose = 2;
else { fprintf(stderr," Usage:\n fgd_com [FGD host] [start port] [end port] <-v or -vv> [FGFS-host]\n");
exit(1); }
case 4: base_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[2]);
end_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[3]);
default: fprintf(stderr,"Usage:\n fgd_com [FGD host] [start port] [end port] <-v> [FGFS-host]\n");
bzero((char *)&address, sizeof(address));
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
/* determinating the source/sending host */
if (uname(&myname) == 0) src_host = myname.nodename;
printf("I'm running on HOST : %s\n", src_host);
/* resolving the destination host, here fgd's host */
if (verbose == 2) printf("Resolving: %s ->",argv[1]);
if (host_info = gethostbyname(argv[1])) {
bcopy(host_info->h_addr, (char *)&address.sin_addr,host_info->h_length);
if (verbose == 2) printf(" resolved\n");
} else if ((address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1])) == INADDR_NONE) {
fprintf(stderr,"Could not get %s host entry !\n",argv[1]);
printf(" NOT resolved !!!\n");
} else if (verbose == 2) printf(" address valid\n");
if ((base_port > end_port) || ((short)base_port < 0)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Bad port range : start=%d end=%d !\n");
} else if (verbose == 2) {
printf("Port range: %d to %d\n",base_port,end_port);
port_scan( argv[5], argv[6]);
int fgd_len_msg = 1;
void port_scan( char *FGD_com, char *FGFS_host) {
current_port = base_port;
printf("Sending : %s\n", FGD_com);
while (current_port <= end_port) {
/* fprintf(stderr,"Trying port: %d\n",current_port); */
sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Error assigning master socket: %s\n",sys_errlist[errno]);
address.sin_port = htons(current_port);
printf("address.sin_port : %d\n",htons(address.sin_port));
f_host_info = gethostbyname(src_host);
//printf ("src_host : %s", ntohs(f_host_info->h_addr));
if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address)) == 0) {
// write( sock, FGD_com, 1);
fgd_len_msg = (int) sizeof(f_host_info->h_addr);
/* send length of sender-ip */
write( sock, &fgd_len_msg,1);
/* send sender-ip */
write( sock, f_host_info->h_addr, fgd_len_msg);
/* send commando */
write( sock, FGD_com, 1);
/* send length of dummy-string, for the moment with _WHO_ to execute commando
here: his length of ip */
f_host_info = gethostbyname(FGFS_host);
fgd_len_msg = (int) sizeof(f_host_info->h_addr);
write( sock, &fgd_len_msg,1);
/* send dummy-string, for the moment with _WHO_ to execute commando
here: his ip */
write( sock, f_host_info->h_addr, fgd_len_msg);
printf(" Message : %s\n", FGD_com);
switch (verbose) {
case 0: printf("%d\n",current_port);
case 1: service_info = getservbyport(htons(current_port),"tcp");
if (!service_info) {
printf("%d -> service name unknown\n",current_port);
} else {
printf("%d -> %s\n",current_port,service_info->s_name);
case 2: service_info = getservbyport(htons(current_port),"tcp");
if (!service_info) {
printf("Port %d found. Service name unknown\n",current_port);
} else {
printf("Port %d found. Service name: %s\n",current_port,service_info->s_name);
} else if (errno == 113) {
fprintf(stderr,"No route to host !\n");
/* fprintf(stderr,"Error %d connecting socket %d to port %d: %s\n",
errno,sock,current_port,sys_errlist[errno]); */
if (verbose == 2) printf("fgd_com terminated.\n");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
/* FGD_SCAN.C by Oliver Delise */
/* Contact info: */
/* e-mail: */
/* www: */
/* ftp: */
/* */
/* Version 0.1pre-alpha */
/* The author of this program offers no waranty at all */
/* about the correct execution of this software material. */
/* Furthermore, the author can NOT be held responsible for */
/* any physical or moral damage caused by the use of this */
/* software. */
/* */
/* This is a standalone Tool to scan for any FlightGear */
/* Deamon. */
/* This is Open Source Software with many parts */
/* shamelessly stolen from others... */
/* */
/* -> This program will scan for TCP port listening on a */
/* remote or local host inside the range you give to it.*/
/* I offer no warranty over the accuracy though :) */
/* There are 3 verbose modes: No info, service info, and*/
/* full info. No info is good of you only want the list */
/* of the ports, no more info. The best mode is Full */
/* info, as you get error information,etc. The main */
/* output is STDOUT, and ALL the errors go to STDERR. */
/* */
/* History: v0.1pre-alpha: May 25 1999 -> First release */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
int i;
int sock = -1;
int my_sock;
struct sockaddr_in address;
struct sockaddr_in my_address;
int result;
extern char *sys_errlist[];
extern int errno;
int current_port = 20000;
u_short base_port = 20000;
u_short end_port = 20100;
int verbose = 0;
struct hostent *host_info, *f_host_info;
struct servent *service_info;
struct utsname myname;
size_t anz;
char *buff;
char *src_host;
void port_scan( char FGD_com);
void fgd_scan();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 4) {
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: fgd_scan [host] [start port] [end port] <-v or -vv>\n");
printf("argc %d argv[5] %s\n",argc,argv[5]);
verbose = 0;
switch (argc) {
/* case 5: base_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[2]);
end_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[3]);
verbose = 2;
src_host = argv[6];
break; */
case 5: if (!strcmp(argv[4],"-v"))
verbose = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[4],"-vv"))
verbose = 2;
else { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: fgd_scan [host] [start port] [end port] <-v or -vv>\n");
exit(1); }
case 4: base_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[2]);
end_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[3]);
default: fprintf(stderr,"Usage: fgd_scan [host] [start port] [end port] <-v or -vv>\n");
bzero((char *)&address, sizeof(address));
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
/* determinating the source/sending host */
if (uname(&myname) == 0) src_host = myname.nodename;
printf("I'm running on HOST : %s\n", src_host);
/* resolving the destination host, here: fgd's host */
if (verbose == 2) printf("Resolving: %s ->",argv[1]);
if (host_info = gethostbyname(argv[1])) {
bcopy(host_info->h_addr, (char *)&address.sin_addr,host_info->h_length);
if (verbose == 2) printf(" resolved\n");
} else if ((address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1])) == INADDR_NONE) {
fprintf(stderr,"Could not get %s host entry !\n",argv[1]);
printf(" NOT resolved !!!\n");
} else if (verbose == 2) printf(" address valid\n");
if ((base_port > end_port) || ((short)base_port < 0)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Bad port range : start=%d end=%d !\n");
} else if (verbose == 2) {
printf("Port range: %d to %d\n",base_port,end_port);
int fgd_len_msg = 1;
/******* HERE SCAN ROUTINE *******/
void fgd_scan() {
current_port = base_port;
printf("Scanning for fgd...\n");
while (current_port <= end_port) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trying port: %d\n",current_port);
sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error assigning master socket: %s\n",sys_errlist[errno]);
address.sin_port = htons(current_port);
printf("address.sin_port : %d\n",htons(address.sin_port));
f_host_info = gethostbyname(src_host);
/* printf ("src_host : %s", ntohs(f_host_info->h_addr)); */
if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address)) == 0) {
/* we determine length of our ip */
fgd_len_msg = (int) sizeof(f_host_info->h_addr);
/* first we send length of ip */
write( sock, &fgd_len_msg,1);
/* then we send our ip */
write( sock, f_host_info->h_addr, fgd_len_msg);
/* we send the command, here 0 : we ask fgd to identify itself */
write( sock, "0", 1);
printf("verbose: %d", verbose);
printf(" Inquiring FGD to identify itself\n");
switch (verbose) {
case 0: printf("%d\n",current_port);
case 1: service_info = getservbyport(htons(current_port),"tcp");
if (!service_info) {
printf("%d -> service name unknown\n",current_port);
} else {
printf("%d -> %s\n",current_port,service_info->s_name);
case 2: service_info = getservbyport(htons(current_port),"tcp");
if (!service_info) {
read( sock, &buff, 3);
printf(" Got reply : %s\n", &buff);
if (strncmp(&buff, "FGD", 3) == 0) {
printf(" FlightGear-Deamon detected\n");
printf("Port %d found. Service name unknown\n",current_port);
} else {
printf("Port %d found. Service name: %s\n",current_port,service_info->s_name);
} else if (errno == 113) {
fprintf(stderr,"No route to host !\n");
/* fprintf(stderr,"Error %d connecting socket %d to port %d: %s\n",
errno,sock,current_port,sys_errlist[errno]); */
if (verbose == 2) printf("FGD scan finished !\n");
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