Fork 0

Merge branch 'next' of git://gitorious.org/fg/flightgear into next

This commit is contained in:
Frederic Bouvier 2010-08-29 20:09:29 +02:00
commit e168260a4f
16 changed files with 2396 additions and 1487 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// // // FGAIAircraft - FGAIBase-derived class creates an AI airplane
// FGAIAircraft - FGAIBase-derived class creates an AI airplane
// Written by David Culp, started October 2003.
@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ FGAIAircraft::FGAIAircraft(FGAISchedule *ref) : FGAIBase(otAircraft) {
roll = 0;
headingChangeRate = 0.0;
headingError = 0;
minBearing = 360;
speedFraction =1.0;
holdPos = false;
needsTaxiClearance = false;
@ -257,6 +259,16 @@ void FGAIAircraft::ProcessFlightPlan( double dt, time_t now ) {
dt_count = 0;
double distanceToDescent;
if(reachedEndOfCruise(distanceToDescent)) {
if (!loadNextLeg(distanceToDescent)) {
prev = fp->getPreviousWaypoint();
curr = fp->getCurrentWaypoint();
next = fp->getNextWaypoint();
if (! leadPointReached(curr)) {
controlSpeed(curr, next);
@ -278,7 +290,7 @@ void FGAIAircraft::ProcessFlightPlan( double dt, time_t now ) {
//TODO let the fp handle this (loading of next leg)
fp->IncrementWaypoint( trafficRef != 0 );
if (!(fp->getNextWaypoint()) && trafficRef != 0)
if ( ((!(fp->getNextWaypoint()))) && (trafficRef != 0) )
if (!loadNextLeg()) {
@ -342,7 +354,7 @@ const char * FGAIAircraft::_getTransponderCode() const {
bool FGAIAircraft::loadNextLeg() {
bool FGAIAircraft::loadNextLeg(double distance) {
int leg;
if ((leg = fp->getLeg()) == 10) {
@ -374,7 +386,8 @@ bool FGAIAircraft::loadNextLeg() {
//cerr << "created leg " << leg << " for " << trafficRef->getCallSign() << endl;
return true;
@ -423,6 +436,7 @@ void FGAIAircraft::doGroundAltitude() {
altitude_ft = (tgt_altitude_ft + groundOffset);
altitude_ft += 0.1 * ((tgt_altitude_ft+groundOffset) - altitude_ft);
tgt_vs = 0;
@ -449,6 +463,11 @@ void FGAIAircraft::announcePositionToController() {
cerr << "Error: Could not find Dynamics at airport : " << trafficRef->getDepartureAirport()->getId() << endl;
case 7:
if (trafficRef->getDepartureAirport()->getDynamics()) {
controller = trafficRef->getArrivalAirport()->getDynamics()->getApproachController();
case 9: // Taxiing for parking
if (trafficRef->getArrivalAirport()->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork()->exists())
controller = trafficRef->getArrivalAirport()->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork();
@ -629,13 +648,34 @@ bool FGAIAircraft::leadPointReached(FGAIFlightPlan::waypoint* curr) {
// << dist_to_go << ": Lead distance "
// << lead_dist << " " << curr->name
// << " Ground target speed " << groundTargetSpeed << endl;
// if (trafficRef) {
// if (trafficRef->getCallSign() == "Transavia7584") {
// cerr << trafficRef->getCallSign() << " " << tgt_altitude_ft << " " << _getSpeed() << " "
// << _getAltitude() << " "<< _getLatitude() << " " << _getLongitude() << " " << dist_to_go << " " << lead_dist << curr->name << endl;
// }
// }
return dist_to_go < lead_dist;
double bearing;
if (speed > 50) { // don't do bearing calculations for ground traffic
bearing = getBearing(fp->getBearing(pos.getLatitudeDeg(), pos.getLongitudeDeg(), curr));
if (bearing < minBearing) {
minBearing = bearing;
if (minBearing < 10) {
minBearing = 10;
if ((minBearing < 360.0) && (minBearing > 10.0)) {
speedFraction = cos(minBearing *SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
} else {
speedFraction = 1.0;
if (trafficRef) {
//cerr << "Tracking callsign : \"" << fgGetString("/ai/track-callsign") << "\"" << endl;
/* if (trafficRef->getCallSign() == fgGetString("/ai/track-callsign")) {
cerr << trafficRef->getCallSign() << " " << tgt_altitude_ft << " " << _getSpeed() << " "
<< _getAltitude() << " "<< _getLatitude() << " " << _getLongitude() << " " << dist_to_go << " " << lead_dist << " " << curr->name << " " << vs << " " << tgt_vs << " " << bearing << " " << minBearing << " " << speedFraction << endl;
if ((dist_to_go < lead_dist) || (bearing > (minBearing * 1.1))) {
minBearing = 360;
return true;
} else {
return false;
@ -1024,7 +1064,7 @@ void FGAIAircraft::updateActualState() {
if (onGround())
speed = _performance->actualSpeed(this, groundTargetSpeed, dt);
speed = _performance->actualSpeed(this, tgt_speed, dt);
speed = _performance->actualSpeed(this, (tgt_speed *speedFraction), dt);
roll = _performance->actualBankAngle(this, tgt_roll, dt);
@ -1045,3 +1085,89 @@ void FGAIAircraft::updateSecondaryTargetValues() {
//TODO calculate wind correction angle (tgt_yaw)
bool FGAIAircraft::reachedEndOfCruise(double &distance) {
FGAIFlightPlan::waypoint* curr = fp->getCurrentWaypoint();
if (curr->name == "BOD") {
double dist = fp->getDistanceToGo(pos.getLatitudeDeg(), pos.getLongitudeDeg(), curr);
double descentSpeed = (getPerformance()->vDescent() * SG_NM_TO_METER) / 3600.0; // convert from kts to meter/s
double descentRate = (getPerformance()->descentRate() * SG_FEET_TO_METER) / 60.0; // convert from feet/min to meter/s
double verticalDistance = ((altitude_ft - 2000.0) - trafficRef->getArrivalAirport()->getElevation()) *SG_FEET_TO_METER;
double descentTimeNeeded = verticalDistance / descentRate;
double distanceCovered = descentSpeed * descentTimeNeeded;
//cerr << "Tracking : " << fgGetString("/ai/track-callsign");
if (trafficRef->getCallSign() == fgGetString("/ai/track-callsign")) {
cerr << "Checking for end of cruise stage for :" << trafficRef->getCallSign() << endl;
cerr << "Descent rate : " << descentRate << endl;
cerr << "Descent speed : " << descentSpeed << endl;
cerr << "VerticalDistance : " << verticalDistance << ". Altitude : " << altitude_ft << ". Elevation " << trafficRef->getArrivalAirport()->getElevation() << endl;
cerr << "DecentTimeNeeded : " << descentTimeNeeded << endl;
cerr << "DistanceCovered : " << distanceCovered << endl;
//cerr << "Distance = " << distance << endl;
distance = distanceCovered;
if (dist < distanceCovered) {
if (trafficRef->getCallSign() == fgGetString("/ai/track-callsign")) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
void FGAIAircraft::resetPositionFromFlightPlan()
// the one behind you
FGAIFlightPlan::waypoint* prev = 0;
// the one ahead
FGAIFlightPlan::waypoint* curr = 0;
// the next plus 1
FGAIFlightPlan::waypoint* next = 0;
prev = fp->getPreviousWaypoint();
curr = fp->getCurrentWaypoint();
next = fp->getNextWaypoint();
double tgt_heading = fp->getBearing(curr, next);
double FGAIAircraft::getBearing(double crse)
double hdgDiff = fabs(hdg-crse);
if (hdgDiff > 180)
hdgDiff = fabs(hdgDiff - 360);
return hdgDiff;
time_t FGAIAircraft::checkForArrivalTime(string wptName) {
FGAIFlightPlan::waypoint* curr = 0;
curr = fp->getCurrentWaypoint();
double tracklength = fp->checkTrackLength(wptName);
if (tracklength > 0.1) {
tracklength += fp->getDistanceToGo(pos.getLatitudeDeg(), pos.getLongitudeDeg(), curr);
} else {
return 0;
time_t now = time(NULL) + fgGetLong("/sim/time/warp");
time_t arrivalTime = fp->getArrivalTime();
time_t ete = tracklength / ((speed * SG_NM_TO_METER) / 3600.0);
time_t secondsToGo = arrivalTime - now;
if (trafficRef->getCallSign() == fgGetString("/ai/track-callsign")) {
cerr << "Checking arrival time: ete " << ete << ". Time to go : " << secondsToGo << ". Track length = " << tracklength << endl;
return (ete - secondsToGo); // Positive when we're too slow...

View file

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ public:
void initializeFlightPlan();
FGAIFlightPlan* GetFlightPlan() const { return fp; };
void ProcessFlightPlan( double dt, time_t now );
time_t checkForArrivalTime(string wptName);
void AccelTo(double speed);
void PitchTo(double angle);
@ -63,7 +64,9 @@ public:
void getGroundElev(double dt); //TODO these 3 really need to be public?
void doGroundAltitude();
bool loadNextLeg ();
bool loadNextLeg (double dist=0);
void resetPositionFromFlightPlan();
double getBearing(double crse);
void setAcType(const std::string& ac) { acType = ac; };
void setCompany(const std::string& comp) { company = comp;};
@ -90,6 +93,7 @@ public:
inline double altitudeAGL() const { return props->getFloatValue("position/altitude-agl-ft");};
inline double airspeed() const { return props->getFloatValue("velocities/airspeed-kt");};
std::string atGate();
void Run(double dt);
@ -104,6 +108,8 @@ private:
double dt_elev_count;
double headingChangeRate;
double headingError;
double minBearing;
double speedFraction;
double groundTargetSpeed;
double groundOffset;
double dt;
@ -118,6 +124,7 @@ private:
void handleFirstWaypoint(void);
bool leadPointReached(FGAIFlightPlan::waypoint* curr);
bool handleAirportEndPoints(FGAIFlightPlan::waypoint* prev, time_t now);
bool reachedEndOfCruise(double&);
bool aiTrafficVisible(void);
void controlHeading(FGAIFlightPlan::waypoint* curr);
void controlSpeed(FGAIFlightPlan::waypoint* curr,

View file

@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ FGAIFlightPlan::FGAIFlightPlan(FGAIAircraft *ac,
time_t now = time(NULL) + fgGetLong("/sim/time/warp");
time_t timeDiff = now-start;
leg = 1;
if ((timeDiff > 300) && (timeDiff < 1200))
if ((timeDiff > 60) && (timeDiff < 1200))
leg = 2;
else if ((timeDiff >= 1200) && (timeDiff < 1500))
leg = 3;
@ -196,14 +196,15 @@ FGAIFlightPlan::FGAIFlightPlan(FGAIAircraft *ac,
leg = 4;
else if (timeDiff >= 2000)
leg = 5;
if (timeDiff >= 2000)
leg = 5;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Route from " << dep->getId() << " to " << arr->getId() << ". Set leg to : " << leg << " " << ac->getTrafficRef()->getCallSign());
wpt_iterator = waypoints.begin();
bool dist = 0;
create(ac, dep,arr, leg, alt, speed, lat, lon,
firstLeg, radius, fltType, acType, airline);
firstLeg, radius, fltType, acType, airline, dist);
wpt_iterator = waypoints.begin();
//cerr << "after create: " << (*wpt_iterator)->name << endl;
@ -411,6 +412,7 @@ void FGAIFlightPlan::setLeadDistance(double speed, double bearing,
//lead_distance = turn_radius * sin(leadInAngle * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
lead_distance = turn_radius * tan((leadInAngle * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)/2);
if ((lead_distance > (3*turn_radius)) && (current->on_ground == false)) {
// cerr << "Warning: Lead-in distance is large. Inbound = " << inbound
// << ". Outbound = " << outbound << ". Lead in angle = " << leadInAngle << ". Turn radius = " << turn_radius << endl;
@ -420,7 +422,7 @@ void FGAIFlightPlan::setLeadDistance(double speed, double bearing,
if ((leadInAngle > 90) && (current->on_ground == true)) {
lead_distance = turn_radius * tan((90 * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)/2);
void FGAIFlightPlan::setLeadDistance(double distance_ft){
@ -493,3 +495,20 @@ int FGAIFlightPlan::getRouteIndex(int i) {
return 0;
double FGAIFlightPlan::checkTrackLength(string wptName) {
// skip the first two waypoints: first one is behind, second one is partially done;
double trackDistance = 0;
wpt_vector_iterator wptvec = waypoints.begin();
while ((wptvec != waypoints.end()) && ((*wptvec)->name != wptName)) {
trackDistance += (*wptvec)->trackLength;
if (wptvec == waypoints.end()) {
trackDistance = 0; // name not found
return trackDistance;

View file

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ public:
bool on_ground;
int routeIndex; // For AI/ATC purposes;
double time_sec;
double trackLength; // distance from previous waypoint (for AI purposes);
string time;
} waypoint;
@ -90,10 +91,12 @@ public:
double getLeadDistance( void ) const {return lead_distance;}
double getBearing(waypoint* previous, waypoint* next) const;
double getBearing(double lat, double lon, waypoint* next) const;
double checkTrackLength(string wptName);
time_t getStartTime() const { return start_time; }
time_t getArrivalTime() const { return arrivalTime; }
void create(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport *dep, FGAirport *arr, int leg, double alt, double speed, double lat, double lon,
bool firstLeg, double radius, const string& fltType, const string& aircraftType, const string& airline);
bool firstLeg, double radius, const string& fltType, const string& aircraftType, const string& airline, double distance);
void setLeg(int val) { leg = val;}
void setTime(time_t st) { start_time = st; }
@ -128,6 +131,7 @@ private:
typedef vector <waypoint*> wpt_vector_type;
typedef wpt_vector_type::const_iterator wpt_vector_iterator;
wpt_vector_type waypoints;
wpt_vector_iterator wpt_iterator;
@ -136,6 +140,7 @@ private:
double lead_distance;
double leadInAngle;
time_t start_time;
time_t arrivalTime; // For AI/ATC purposes.
int leg;
int gateId, lastNodeVisited;
string activeRunway;
@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ private:
void createTakeOff(FGAIAircraft *, bool, FGAirport *, double, const string&);
void createClimb(FGAIAircraft *, bool, FGAirport *, double, double, const string&);
void createCruise(FGAIAircraft *, bool, FGAirport*, FGAirport*, double, double, double, double, const string&);
void createDecent(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport *, const string&);
void createDescent(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport *, double latitude, double longitude, double speed, double alt,const string&, double distance);
void createLanding(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport *, const string&);
void createParking(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport *, double radius);
void deleteWaypoints();
@ -158,6 +163,8 @@ private:
void createDefaultLandingTaxi(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport* aAirport);
void createDefaultTakeoffTaxi(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport* aAirport, FGRunway* aRunway);
void createTakeoffTaxi(FGAIAircraft *, bool firstFlight, FGAirport *apt, double radius, const string& fltType, const string& acType, const string& airline);
double getTurnRadius(double, bool);
waypoint* createOnGround(FGAIAircraft *, const std::string& aName, const SGGeod& aPos, double aElev, double aSpeed);
waypoint* createInAir(FGAIAircraft *, const std::string& aName, const SGGeod& aPos, double aElev, double aSpeed);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -300,8 +300,11 @@ void FGAIFlightPlan::createCruise(FGAIAircraft *ac, bool firstFlight, FGAirport
arr->getDynamics()->getActiveRunway(rwyClass, 2, activeRunway, heading);
rwy = arr->getRunwayByIdent(activeRunway);
// begin descent 110km out
SGGeod beginDescentPoint = rwy->pointOnCenterline(-110000);
SGGeod beginDescentPoint = rwy->pointOnCenterline(0);
SGGeod secondaryDescentPoint = rwy->pointOnCenterline(-10000);
wpt = createInAir(ac, "BOD", beginDescentPoint, alt, vCruise);
wpt = createInAir(ac, "BOD", beginDescentPoint, alt, vCruise);
wpt = createInAir(ac, "BOD2", secondaryDescentPoint, alt, vCruise);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
// There is probably a better include than sg_geodesy to get the SG_NM_TO_METER...
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
@ -185,6 +187,9 @@ public:
typedef vector<FGTrafficRecord> TrafficVector;
typedef vector<FGTrafficRecord>::iterator TrafficVectorIterator;
typedef vector<time_t> TimeVector;
typedef vector<time_t>::iterator TimeVectorIterator;
* Active runway, a utility class to keep track of which aircraft has
@ -195,11 +200,18 @@ class ActiveRunway
string rwy;
int currentlyCleared;
double distanceToFinal;
TimeVector estimatedArrivalTimes;
ActiveRunway(string r, int cc) { rwy = r; currentlyCleared = cc; };
ActiveRunway(string r, int cc) { rwy = r; currentlyCleared = cc; distanceToFinal = 6.0 * SG_NM_TO_METER; };
string getRunwayName() { return rwy; };
int getCleared () { return currentlyCleared; };
double getApproachDistance() { return distanceToFinal; };
//time_t getEstApproachTime() { return estimatedArrival; };
//void setEstApproachTime(time_t time) { estimatedArrival = time; };
time_t requestTimeSlot(time_t eta);
typedef vector<ActiveRunway> ActiveRunwayVec;
@ -207,7 +219,7 @@ typedef vector<ActiveRunway>::iterator ActiveRunwayVecIterator;
* class FGATCController
* NOTE: this class serves as an abstraction layer for all sorts of ATC controller.
* NOTE: this class serves as an abstraction layer for all sorts of ATC controllers.
class FGATCController
@ -317,4 +329,33 @@ public:
* class FGTowerControl
class FGApproachController : public FGATCController
TrafficVector activeTraffic;
ActiveRunwayVec activeRunways;
virtual ~FGApproachController() {};
virtual void announcePosition(int id, FGAIFlightPlan *intendedRoute, int currentRoute,
double lat, double lon,
double hdg, double spd, double alt, double radius, int leg,
FGAIAircraft *aircraft);
virtual void signOff(int id);
virtual void update(int id, double lat, double lon,
double heading, double speed, double alt, double dt);
virtual bool hasInstruction(int id);
virtual FGATCInstruction getInstruction(int id);
ActiveRunway* getRunway(string name);
bool hasActiveTraffic() { return activeTraffic.size() != 0; };
TrafficVector &getActiveTraffic() { return activeTraffic; };

View file

@ -325,17 +325,21 @@ bool FGAirportDynamics::innerGetActiveRunway(const string & trafficType,
lastUpdate = dayStart;
prevTrafficType = trafficType;
stationweather =
((FGEnvironmentMgr *) globals->get_subsystem("environment"))
->getEnvironment(getLatitude(), getLongitude(),
windSpeed = stationweather.get_wind_speed_kt();
windHeading = stationweather.get_wind_from_heading_deg();
windSpeed = fgGetInt("/environment/metar/base-wind-speed-kt"); //stationweather.get_wind_speed_kt();
windHeading = fgGetInt("/environment/metar/base-wind-dir-deg");
string scheduleName;
//cerr << "finding active Runway for" << _ap->getId() << endl;
//cerr << "finding active Runway for : " << _ap->getId() << endl;
//cerr << "Wind Heading : " << windHeading << endl;
//cerr << "Wind Speed : " << windSpeed << endl;
//cerr << "Nr of seconds since day start << " << dayStart << endl;
ScheduleTime *currSched;
@ -347,7 +351,7 @@ bool FGAirportDynamics::innerGetActiveRunway(const string & trafficType,
scheduleName = currSched->getName(dayStart);
maxTail = currSched->getTailWind();
maxCross = currSched->getCrossWind();
//cerr << "SChedule anme = " << scheduleName << endl;
//cerr << "Current Schedule = : " << scheduleName << endl;
if (scheduleName.empty())
return false;
//cerr << "C"<< endl;
@ -371,6 +375,13 @@ bool FGAirportDynamics::innerGetActiveRunway(const string & trafficType,
currentlyActive = &ulActive;
//cerr << "Durrently active selection for " << trafficType << ": ";
for (stringVecIterator it = currentlyActive->begin();
it != currentlyActive->end(); it++) {
//cerr << (*it) << " ";
//cerr << endl;

View file

@ -46,12 +46,13 @@ class FGAirportDynamics {
FGAirport* _ap;
FGParkingVec parkings;
FGRunwayPreference rwyPrefs;
FGSidStar SIDs;
FGStartupController startupController;
FGGroundNetwork groundNetwork;
FGTowerController towerController;
FGParkingVec parkings;
FGRunwayPreference rwyPrefs;
FGSidStar SIDs;
FGStartupController startupController;
FGGroundNetwork groundNetwork;
FGTowerController towerController;
FGApproachController approachController;
time_t lastUpdate;
string prevTrafficType;
@ -112,9 +113,10 @@ public:
// ATC related functions.
FGStartupController *getStartupController() { return &startupController; };
FGGroundNetwork *getGroundNetwork() { return &groundNetwork; };
FGTowerController *getTowerController() { return &towerController; };
FGStartupController *getStartupController() { return &startupController; };
FGGroundNetwork *getGroundNetwork() { return &groundNetwork; };
FGTowerController *getTowerController() { return &towerController; };
FGApproachController *getApproachController() { return &approachController; };
const string& getAtisInformation() { return atisInformation; };
int getGroundFrequency(unsigned leg); //{ return freqGround.size() ? freqGround[0] : 0; };

View file

@ -553,35 +553,46 @@ void FGGroundNetwork::update(int id, double lat, double lon,
checkSpeedAdjustment(id, lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
checkHoldPosition(id, lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
if (checkForCircularWaits(id)) {
bool needsTaxiClearance = current->getAircraft()->getTaxiClearanceRequest();
int state = current->getState();
time_t now = time(NULL) + fgGetLong("/sim/time/warp");
if ((now - lastTransmission) > 15) {
available = true;
if (needsTaxiClearance && available) {
lastTransmission = now;
available = false;
if ((state == 3) && available) {
lastTransmission = now;
available = false;
if ((state == 4) && available) {
lastTransmission = now;
available = false;
if (!needsTaxiClearance) {
checkHoldPosition(id, lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
if (checkForCircularWaits(id)) {
} else {
int state = current->getState();
time_t now = time(NULL) + fgGetLong("/sim/time/warp");
if ((now - lastTransmission) > 15) {
available = true;
if ((state < 3) && available) {
lastTransmission = now;
available = false;
if ((state == 3) && available) {
lastTransmission = now;
available = false;
if ((state == 4) && available) {
lastTransmission = now;
available = false;
if ((state == 5) && available) {
available = false;

View file

@ -73,6 +73,27 @@ SGGeod FGRunwayBase::pointOnCenterline(double aOffset) const
return result;
SGGeod FGRunwayBase::pointOffCenterline(double aOffset, double lateralOffset) const
SGGeod result;
SGGeod temp;
double dummyAz2;
double halfLengthMetres = lengthM() * 0.5;
SGGeodesy::direct(mPosition, _heading,
aOffset - halfLengthMetres,
temp, dummyAz2);
SGGeodesy::direct(temp, (_heading+90.0),
result, dummyAz2);
return result;
bool FGRunwayBase::isHardSurface() const
return ((_surface_code == 1) || (_surface_code == 2));

View file

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ public:
* opposited direction. 0.0 corresponds to the (non-displaced) threshold
SGGeod pointOnCenterline(double aOffset) const;
SGGeod pointOffCenterline(double aOffset, double lateralOffset) const;
double lengthFt() const
{ return _length; }

View file

@ -41,375 +41,372 @@
* ScheduleTime
void ScheduleTime::clear()
ScheduleTime::ScheduleTime(const ScheduleTime &other)
//timeVec start;
timeVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.start.begin(); i != other.start.end(); i++)
for (i = other.end.begin(); i != other.end.end(); i++)
stringVecConstIterator k;
for (k = other.scheduleNames.begin(); k != other.scheduleNames.end(); k++)
//timeVec end;
//stringVec scheduleNames;
tailWind = other.tailWind;
crssWind = other.tailWind;
ScheduleTime & ScheduleTime::operator= (const ScheduleTime &other)
ScheduleTime::ScheduleTime(const ScheduleTime & other)
//timeVec start;
timeVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.start.begin(); i != other.start.end(); i++)
for (i = other.end.begin(); i != other.end.end(); i++)
stringVecConstIterator k;
for (k = other.scheduleNames.begin(); k != other.scheduleNames.end(); k++)
//timeVec end;
//stringVec scheduleNames;
tailWind = other.tailWind;
crssWind = other.tailWind;
return *this;
//timeVec start;
timeVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.start.begin(); i != other.start.end(); i++)
for (i = other.end.begin(); i != other.end.end(); i++)
stringVecConstIterator k;
for (k = other.scheduleNames.begin(); k != other.scheduleNames.end();
//timeVec end;
//stringVec scheduleNames;
tailWind = other.tailWind;
crssWind = other.tailWind;
ScheduleTime & ScheduleTime::operator=(const ScheduleTime & other)
//timeVec start;
timeVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.start.begin(); i != other.start.end(); i++)
for (i = other.end.begin(); i != other.end.end(); i++)
stringVecConstIterator k;
for (k = other.scheduleNames.begin(); k != other.scheduleNames.end();
//timeVec end;
//stringVec scheduleNames;
tailWind = other.tailWind;
crssWind = other.tailWind;
return *this;
string ScheduleTime::getName(time_t dayStart)
if ((start.size() != end.size()) || (start.size() != scheduleNames.size()))
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Unable to parse schedule times" );
int nrItems = start.size();
//cerr << "Nr of items to process: " << nrItems << endl;
if (nrItems > 0)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < start.size(); i++)
//cerr << i << endl;
if ((dayStart >= start[i]) && (dayStart <= end[i]))
return scheduleNames[i];
//couldn't find one so return 0;
//cerr << "Returning 0 " << endl;
if ((start.size() != end.size())
|| (start.size() != scheduleNames.size())) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Unable to parse schedule times");
} else {
int nrItems = start.size();
//cerr << "Nr of items to process: " << nrItems << endl;
if (nrItems > 0) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < start.size(); i++) {
//cerr << i << endl;
if ((dayStart >= start[i]) && (dayStart <= end[i]))
return scheduleNames[i];
//couldn't find one so return 0;
//cerr << "Returning 0 " << endl;
return string("");
* RunwayList
RunwayList::RunwayList(const RunwayList &other)
RunwayList::RunwayList(const RunwayList & other)
type = other.type;
stringVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.preferredRunways.begin(); i != other.preferredRunways.end(); i++)
RunwayList& RunwayList::operator= (const RunwayList &other)
type = other.type;
stringVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.preferredRunways.begin(); i != other.preferredRunways.end(); i++)
return *this;
void RunwayList::set(const string &tp, const string &lst)
//weekday = atoi(timeCopy.substr(0,1).c_str());
// timeOffsetInDays = weekday - currTimeDate->getGmt()->tm_wday;
// timeCopy = timeCopy.substr(2,timeCopy.length());
type = tp;
string rwys = lst;
string rwy;
while (rwys.find(",") != string::npos)
rwy = rwys.substr(0, rwys.find(",",0));
//cerr << "adding runway [" << rwy << "] to the list " << endl;
rwys.erase(0, rwys.find(",",0)+1); // erase until after the first whitspace
while (rwys[0] == ' ')
rwys.erase(0, 1); // Erase any leading whitespaces.
//cerr << "Remaining runway list " << rwys;
type = other.type;
stringVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.preferredRunways.begin();
i != other.preferredRunways.end(); i++)
void RunwayList::clear()
RunwayList & RunwayList::operator=(const RunwayList & other)
type = "";
type = other.type;
stringVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.preferredRunways.begin();
i != other.preferredRunways.end(); i++)
return *this;
void RunwayList::set(const string & tp, const string & lst)
//weekday = atoi(timeCopy.substr(0,1).c_str());
// timeOffsetInDays = weekday - currTimeDate->getGmt()->tm_wday;
// timeCopy = timeCopy.substr(2,timeCopy.length());
type = tp;
string rwys = lst;
string rwy;
while (rwys.find(",") != string::npos) {
rwy = rwys.substr(0, rwys.find(",", 0));
//cerr << "adding runway [" << rwy << "] to the list " << endl;
rwys.erase(0, rwys.find(",", 0) + 1); // erase until after the first whitspace
while (rwys[0] == ' ')
rwys.erase(0, 1); // Erase any leading whitespaces.
//cerr << "Remaining runway list " << rwys;
void RunwayList::clear()
type = "";
RunwayGroup::RunwayGroup(const RunwayGroup &other)
RunwayGroup::RunwayGroup(const RunwayGroup & other)
name = other.name;
RunwayListVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.rwyList.begin(); i != other.rwyList.end(); i++)
choice[0] = other.choice[0];
choice[1] = other.choice[1];
nrActive = other.nrActive;
RunwayGroup& RunwayGroup:: operator= (const RunwayGroup &other)
name = other.name;
RunwayListVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.rwyList.begin(); i != other.rwyList.end(); i++)
choice[0] = other.choice[0];
choice[1] = other.choice[1];
nrActive = other.nrActive;
return *this;
name = other.name;
RunwayListVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.rwyList.begin(); i != other.rwyList.end(); i++)
choice[0] = other.choice[0];
choice[1] = other.choice[1];
nrActive = other.nrActive;
void RunwayGroup::setActive(const FGAirport* airport,
double windSpeed,
double windHeading,
double maxTail,
double maxCross,
stringVec *currentlyActive)
RunwayGroup & RunwayGroup::operator=(const RunwayGroup & other)
name = other.name;
RunwayListVecConstIterator i;
for (i = other.rwyList.begin(); i != other.rwyList.end(); i++)
choice[0] = other.choice[0];
choice[1] = other.choice[1];
nrActive = other.nrActive;
return *this;
void RunwayGroup::setActive(const FGAirport * airport,
double windSpeed,
double windHeading,
double maxTail,
double maxCross, stringVec * currentlyActive)
FGRunway* rwy;
int activeRwys = rwyList.size(); // get the number of runways active
int nrOfPreferences;
// bool found = true;
// double heading;
double hdgDiff;
double crossWind;
double tailWind;
string name;
//stringVec names;
int bestMatch = 0, bestChoice = 0;
FGRunway *rwy;
int activeRwys = rwyList.size(); // get the number of runways active
int nrOfPreferences;
// bool found = true;
// double heading;
double hdgDiff;
double crossWind;
double tailWind;
string name;
//stringVec names;
int bestMatch = 0, bestChoice = 0;
if (activeRwys > 0)
// Now downward iterate across all the possible preferences
// starting by the least preferred choice working toward the most preferred choice
if (activeRwys > 0) {
// Now downward iterate across all the possible preferences
// starting by the least preferred choice working toward the most preferred choice
nrOfPreferences = rwyList[0].getRwyList()->size();
bool validSelection = true;
bool foundValidSelection = false;
for (int i = nrOfPreferences-1; i >= 0; i--)
int match = 0;
nrOfPreferences = rwyList[0].getRwyList()->size();
bool validSelection = true;
bool foundValidSelection = false;
for (int i = nrOfPreferences - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int match = 0;
// Test each runway listed in the preference to see if it's possible to use
// If one runway of the selection isn't allowed, we need to exclude this
// preference, however, we don't want to stop right there, because we also
// don't want to randomly swap runway preferences, unless there is a need to.
validSelection = true;
for (int j = 0; j < activeRwys; j++)
string ident(rwyList[j].getRwyList(i));
if (!airport->hasRunwayWithIdent(ident)) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "no such runway:" << ident << " at " << airport->ident());
rwy = airport->getRunwayByIdent(ident);
//cerr << "Succes" << endl;
hdgDiff = fabs(windHeading - rwy->headingDeg());
//cerr << "Wind Heading: " << windHeading << "Runway Heading: " <<rwy._heading << endl;
//cerr << "Wind Speed : " << windSpeed << endl;
if (hdgDiff > 180)
hdgDiff = 360 - hdgDiff;
//cerr << "Heading diff: " << hdgDiff << endl;
hdgDiff *= ((2*M_PI)/360.0); // convert to radians
crossWind = windSpeed * sin(hdgDiff);
tailWind = -windSpeed * cos(hdgDiff);
//cerr << ". Tailwind : " << tailWind;
//cerr << ". Crosswnd : " << crossWind;
if ((tailWind > maxTail) || (crossWind > maxCross))
//cerr << ". [Invalid] " << endl;
validSelection = false;
//cerr << ". [Valid] ";
//cerr << endl;
} // of active runways iteration
if (validSelection)
//cerr << "Valid selection : " << i << endl;;
foundValidSelection = true;
for (stringVecIterator it = currentlyActive->begin();
it != currentlyActive->end(); it++)
if ((*it) == name)
if (match >= bestMatch) {
bestMatch = match;
bestChoice = i;
//cerr << "Preference " << i << " bestMatch " << bestMatch << " choice " << bestChoice << endl;
if (foundValidSelection)
//cerr << "Valid runay selection : " << bestChoice << endl;
nrActive = activeRwys;
active = bestChoice;
// If this didn't work, due to heavy winds, try again
// but select only one landing and one takeoff runway.
choice[0] = 0;
choice[1] = 0;
for (int i = activeRwys-1; i; i--)
if (rwyList[i].getType() == string("landing"))
choice[0] = i;
if (rwyList[i].getType() == string("takeoff"))
choice[1] = i;
//cerr << "Choosing " << choice[0] << " for landing and " << choice[1] << "for takeoff" << endl;
nrOfPreferences = rwyList[0].getRwyList()->size();
for (int i = 0; i < nrOfPreferences; i++)
bool validSelection = true;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
name = rwyList[choice[j]].getRwyList(i);
rwy = airport->getRunwayByIdent(name);
//cerr << "Succes" << endl;
hdgDiff = fabs(windHeading - rwy->headingDeg());
if (hdgDiff > 180)
hdgDiff = 360 - hdgDiff;
hdgDiff *= ((2*M_PI)/360.0); // convert to radians
crossWind = windSpeed * sin(hdgDiff);
tailWind = -windSpeed * cos(hdgDiff);
if ((tailWind > maxTail) || (crossWind > maxCross))
validSelection = false;
if (validSelection)
//cerr << "Valid runay selection : " << i << endl;
active = i;
nrActive = 2;
// Test each runway listed in the preference to see if it's possible to use
// If one runway of the selection isn't allowed, we need to exclude this
// preference, however, we don't want to stop right there, because we also
// don't want to randomly swap runway preferences, unless there is a need to.
validSelection = true;
for (int j = 0; j < activeRwys; j++) {
string ident(rwyList[j].getRwyList(i));
if (!airport->hasRunwayWithIdent(ident)) {
"no such runway:" << ident << " at " <<
rwy = airport->getRunwayByIdent(ident);
//cerr << "Succes" << endl;
hdgDiff = fabs(windHeading - rwy->headingDeg());
name = rwy->name();
if (hdgDiff > 180)
hdgDiff = 360 - hdgDiff;
//cerr << "Heading diff: " << hdgDiff << endl;
hdgDiff *= ((2 * M_PI) / 360.0); // convert to radians
crossWind = windSpeed * sin(hdgDiff);
tailWind = -windSpeed * cos(hdgDiff);
//cerr << "Runway : " << rwy->name() << ": " << rwy->headingDeg() << endl;
//cerr << ". Tailwind : " << tailWind;
//cerr << ". Crosswnd : " << crossWind;
if ((tailWind > maxTail) || (crossWind > maxCross)) {
//cerr << ". [Invalid] " << endl;
validSelection = false;
} else {
//cerr << ". [Valid] ";
//cerr << endl;
for (stringVecIterator it = currentlyActive->begin();
it != currentlyActive->end(); it++) {
//cerr << "Checking : \"" << (*it) << "\". vs \"" << name << "\"" << endl;
if ((*it) == name) {
} // of active runways iteration
if (validSelection) {
//cerr << "Valid selection : " << i << endl;;
foundValidSelection = true;
if (match >= bestMatch) {
bestMatch = match;
bestChoice = i;
//cerr << "Preference " << i << "Match " << match << " bestMatch " << bestMatch << " choice " << bestChoice << " valid selection " << validSelection << endl;
if (foundValidSelection) {
//cerr << "Valid runay selection : " << bestChoice << endl;
nrActive = activeRwys;
active = bestChoice;
// If this didn't work, due to heavy winds, try again
// but select only one landing and one takeoff runway.
choice[0] = 0;
choice[1] = 0;
for (int i = activeRwys - 1; i; i--) {
if (rwyList[i].getType() == string("landing"))
choice[0] = i;
if (rwyList[i].getType() == string("takeoff"))
choice[1] = i;
//cerr << "Choosing " << choice[0] << " for landing and " << choice[1] << "for takeoff" << endl;
nrOfPreferences = rwyList[0].getRwyList()->size();
for (int i = 0; i < nrOfPreferences; i++) {
bool validSelection = true;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
name = rwyList[choice[j]].getRwyList(i);
rwy = airport->getRunwayByIdent(name);
//cerr << "Succes" << endl;
hdgDiff = fabs(windHeading - rwy->headingDeg());
if (hdgDiff > 180)
hdgDiff = 360 - hdgDiff;
hdgDiff *= ((2 * M_PI) / 360.0); // convert to radians
crossWind = windSpeed * sin(hdgDiff);
tailWind = -windSpeed * cos(hdgDiff);
if ((tailWind > maxTail) || (crossWind > maxCross))
validSelection = false;
if (validSelection) {
//cerr << "Valid runay selection : " << i << endl;
active = i;
nrActive = 2;
active = -1;
nrActive = 0;
active = -1;
nrActive = 0;
void RunwayGroup::getActive(int i, string &name, string &type)
void RunwayGroup::getActive(int i, string & name, string & type)
if (i == -1)
if (i == -1) {
if (nrActive == (int)rwyList.size())
name = rwyList[i].getRwyList(active);
type = rwyList[i].getType();
name = rwyList[choice[i]].getRwyList(active);
type = rwyList[choice[i]].getType();
if (nrActive == (int) rwyList.size()) {
name = rwyList[i].getRwyList(active);
type = rwyList[i].getType();
} else {
name = rwyList[choice[i]].getRwyList(active);
type = rwyList[choice[i]].getType();
* FGRunway preference
FGRunwayPreference::FGRunwayPreference(FGAirport* ap) :
FGRunwayPreference::FGRunwayPreference(FGAirport * ap):
//cerr << "Running default Constructor" << endl;
initialized = false;
//cerr << "Running default Constructor" << endl;
initialized = false;
FGRunwayPreference::FGRunwayPreference(const FGRunwayPreference &other)
FGRunwayPreference::FGRunwayPreference(const FGRunwayPreference & other)
initialized = other.initialized;
initialized = other.initialized;
comTimes = other.comTimes; // Commercial Traffic;
genTimes = other.genTimes; // General Aviation;
milTimes = other.milTimes; // Military Traffic;
comTimes = other.comTimes; // Commercial Traffic;
genTimes = other.genTimes; // General Aviation;
milTimes = other.milTimes; // Military Traffic;
PreferenceListConstIterator i;
for (i = other.preferences.begin(); i != other.preferences.end(); i++)
PreferenceListConstIterator i;
for (i = other.preferences.begin(); i != other.preferences.end(); i++)
FGRunwayPreference & FGRunwayPreference::operator= (const FGRunwayPreference &other)
FGRunwayPreference & FGRunwayPreference::operator=(const FGRunwayPreference
& other)
initialized = other.initialized;
comTimes = other.comTimes; // Commercial Traffic;
genTimes = other.genTimes; // General Aviation;
milTimes = other.milTimes; // Military Traffic;
PreferenceListConstIterator i;
for (i = other.preferences.begin(); i != other.preferences.end(); i++)
return *this;
initialized = other.initialized;
comTimes = other.comTimes; // Commercial Traffic;
genTimes = other.genTimes; // General Aviation;
milTimes = other.milTimes; // Military Traffic;
PreferenceListConstIterator i;
for (i = other.preferences.begin(); i != other.preferences.end(); i++)
return *this;
ScheduleTime *FGRunwayPreference::getSchedule(const char *trafficType)
if (!(strcmp(trafficType, "com"))) {
return &comTimes;
if (!(strcmp(trafficType, "gen"))) {
return &genTimes;
if (!(strcmp(trafficType, "mil"))) {
return &milTimes;
return 0;
if (!(strcmp(trafficType, "com"))) {
return &comTimes;
if (!(strcmp(trafficType, "gen"))) {
return &genTimes;
if (!(strcmp(trafficType, "mil"))) {
return &milTimes;
return 0;
RunwayGroup *FGRunwayPreference::getGroup(const string &groupName)
RunwayGroup *FGRunwayPreference::getGroup(const string & groupName)
PreferenceListIterator i = preferences.begin();
if (preferences.begin() == preferences.end())
return 0;
while (!(i == preferences.end() || i->getName() == groupName))
if (i != preferences.end())
return &(*i);
return 0;
PreferenceListIterator i = preferences.begin();
if (preferences.begin() == preferences.end())
return 0;
while (!(i == preferences.end() || i->getName() == groupName))
if (i != preferences.end())
return &(*i);
return 0;
string FGRunwayPreference::getId() {
return _ap->getId();
string FGRunwayPreference::getId()
return _ap->getId();

View file

@ -289,7 +289,6 @@ bool FGAISchedule::update(time_t now, const SGVec3d& userCart)
return true; // out of visual range, for the moment.
return createAIAircraft(flight, speed, deptime);

View file

@ -137,7 +137,9 @@ void FGTrafficManager::init()
void FGTrafficManager::update(double /*dt*/)
if (fgGetBool("/environment/metar/valid") == false) {
time_t now = time(NULL) + fgGetLong("/sim/time/warp");
if (scheduledAircraft.size() == 0) {