"interpolates METAR changes over time as follows: 1) Wind changes are interpolated as vectors, so the change is much more natural than before - no-longer will your aircraft be suddenly shoved to one side. 2) Visibility is interpolated as an X-value, which looks pretty neat. 3) Cloud heights and thicknesses are interpolated if they are close to the aircraft. Cloud textures are not."
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 270 additions and 17 deletions
@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
# include "config.h"
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/commands.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
@ -321,19 +321,30 @@ FGInterpolateEnvironmentCtrl::bucket::operator< (const bucket &b) const
FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl ()
: env( new FGInterpolateEnvironmentCtrl ),
_icao( "" ),
metar_loaded( false ),
search_interval_sec( 60.0 ), // 1 minute
same_station_interval_sec( 900.0 ), // 15 minutes
search_elapsed( 9999.0 ),
fetch_elapsed( 9999.0 ),
last_apt( 0 ),
proxy_host( fgGetNode("/sim/presets/proxy/host", true) ),
proxy_port( fgGetNode("/sim/presets/proxy/port", true) ),
proxy_auth( fgGetNode("/sim/presets/proxy/authentication", true) ),
metar_max_age( fgGetNode("/environment/params/metar-max-age-min", true) ),
// Interpolation constant definitions.
EnvironmentUpdatePeriodSec( 0.2 ),
MaxWindChangeKtsSec( 0.2 ),
MaxVisChangePercentSec( 0.05 ),
MaxPressureChangeInHgSec( 0.0033 ),
MaxCloudAltitudeChangeFtSec( 20.0 ),
MaxCloudThicknessChangeFtSec( 50.0 ),
MaxCloudInterpolationHeightFt( 5000.0 ),
_error_count( 0 ),
_stale_count( 0 ),
_dt( 0.0 ),
_error_dt( 0.0 ),
_error_dt( 0.0 )
#if defined(ENABLE_THREADS)
thread = new MetarThread(this);
@ -376,19 +387,240 @@ static void set_dewpoint_at_altitude( float dewpoint_degc, float altitude_ft ) {
FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::update_env_config ()
fgSetupWind( fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/base-wind-range-from"),
fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/gust-wind-speed-kt") );
double dir_from;
double dir_to;
double speed;
double gust;
double vis;
double pressure;
double temp;
double dewpoint;
fgDefaultWeatherValue( "visibility-m",
fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/min-visibility-m") );
set_temp_at_altitude( fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/temperature-degc"),
station_elevation_ft );
set_dewpoint_at_altitude( fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/dewpoint-degc"),
station_elevation_ft );
fgDefaultWeatherValue( "pressure-sea-level-inhg",
fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/pressure-inhg") );
if (metar_loaded) {
// Generate interpolated values between the METAR and the current
// configuration.
// Pick up the METAR wind values and convert them into a vector.
double metar[2];
double metar_speed = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/base-wind-speed-kt");
double metar_heading = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/base-wind-range-from");
metar[0] = metar_speed * sin((metar_heading / 180.0) * M_PI);
metar[1] = metar_speed * cos((metar_heading / 180.0) * M_PI);
// Convert the current wind values and convert them into a vector
double current[2];
double current_speed =
double current_heading = fgGetDouble(
current[0] = current_speed * sin((current_heading / 180.0) * M_PI);
current[1] = current_speed * cos((current_heading / 180.0) * M_PI);
// Determine the maximum component-wise value that the wind can change.
// First we determine the fraction in the X and Y component, then
// factor by the maximum wind change.
double x = fabs(current[0] - metar[0]);
double y = fabs(current[1] - metar[1]);
double dx = x / (x + y);
double dy = 1 - dx;
double maxdx = dx * MaxWindChangeKtsSec;
double maxdy = dy * MaxWindChangeKtsSec;
// Interpolate each component separately.
current[0] = interpolate_val(current[0], metar[0], maxdx);
current[1] = interpolate_val(current[1], metar[1], maxdy);
// Now convert back to polar coordinates.
if ((current[0] == 0.0) && (current[1] == 0.0)) {
// Special case where there is no wind (otherwise atan2 barfs)
speed = 0.0;
dir_from = current_heading;
} else {
// Some real wind to convert back from. Work out the speed
// and direction value in degrees.
speed = sqrt((current[0] * current[0]) + (current[1] * current[1]));
dir_from = (atan2(current[0], current[1]) * 180.0 / M_PI);
// Normalize the direction.
if (dir_from < 0.0)
dir_from += 360.0;
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Wind : " << dir_from << "@" << speed);
// Now handle the visibility. We convert both visibility values
// to X-values, then interpolate from there, then back to real values.
// The length_scale is fixed to 1000m, so the visibility changes by
// by MaxVisChangePercentSec or 1000m X MaxVisChangePercentSec,
// whichever is more.
double currentvis =
double metarvis = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/min-visibility-m");
double currentxval = log(1000.0 + currentvis);
double metarxval = log(1000.0 + metarvis);
currentxval = interpolate_val(currentxval, metarxval, MaxVisChangePercentSec);
// Now convert back from an X-value to a straightforward visibility.
vis = exp(currentxval) - 1000.0;
pressure = interpolate_prop(
dir_to = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/base-wind-range-to");
gust = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/gust-wind-speed-kt");
temp = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/temperature-degc");
dewpoint = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/dewpoint-degc");
// Set the cloud layers by interpolating over the METAR versions.
SGPropertyNode * clouds = fgGetNode("/environment/metar/clouds");
vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> layers = clouds->getChildren("layer");
vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr>::const_iterator layer;
vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr>::const_iterator layers_end = layers.end();
const char *cl = "/environment/clouds/layer[%i]";
double aircraft_alt = fgGetDouble("/position/altitude-ft");
char s[128];
int i;
for (i = 0, layer = layers.begin(); layer != layers_end; ++layer, i++) {
double currentval;
double requiredval;
// In the case of clouds, we want to avoid writing if nothing has
// changed, as these properties are tied to the renderer and will
// cause the clouds to be updated, reseting the texture locations.
// We don't interpolate the coverage values as no-matter how we
// do it, it will be quite a sudden change of texture. Better to
// have a single change than four or five.
snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
strncat(s, "/coverage", 128);
const char* coverage = (*layer)->getStringValue("coverage", "clear");
if (strncmp(fgGetString(s), coverage, 128) != 0)
fgSetString(s, coverage);
snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
strncat(s, "/elevation-ft", 128);
double current_alt = fgGetDouble(s);
double required_alt = (*layer)->getDoubleValue("elevation-ft");
if (current_alt < -9000 || required_alt < -9000
|| fabs(aircraft_alt - required_alt) > MaxCloudInterpolationHeightFt) {
// We don't interpolate any values that are too high above us,
// or too far below us to be visible. Nor do we interpolate
// values to or from -9999, which is used as a placeholder
// when there isn't actually a cloud layer present.
snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
strncat(s, "/elevation-ft", 128);
if (current_alt != required_alt)
fgSetDouble(s, required_alt);
snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
strncat(s, "/thickness-ft", 128);
if (fgGetDouble(s) != (*layer)->getDoubleValue("thickness-ft"))
fgSetDouble(s, (*layer)->getDoubleValue("thickness-ft"));
} else {
// Interpolate the other values in the usual way
if (current_alt != required_alt) {
current_alt = interpolate_val(current_alt,
fgSetDouble(s, current_alt);
snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
strncat(s, "/thickness-ft", 128);
currentval = fgGetDouble(s);
requiredval = (*layer)->getDoubleValue("thickness-ft");
if (currentval != requiredval) {
currentval = interpolate_val(currentval,
fgSetDouble(s, currentval);
} else {
// We haven't already loaded a METAR, so apply it immediately.
dir_from = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/base-wind-range-from");
dir_to = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/base-wind-range-to");
speed = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/base-wind-speed-kt");
gust = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/gust-wind-speed-kt");
vis = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/min-visibility-m");
pressure = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/pressure-inhg");
temp = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/temperature-degc");
dewpoint = fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/dewpoint-degc");
// Set the cloud layers by copying over the METAR versions.
SGPropertyNode * clouds = fgGetNode("/environment/metar/clouds");
vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> layers = clouds->getChildren("layer");
vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr>::const_iterator layer;
vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr>::const_iterator layers_end = layers.end();
const char *cl = "/environment/clouds/layer[%i]";
char s[128];
int i;
for (i = 0, layer = layers.begin(); layer != layers_end; ++layer, i++) {
snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
strncat(s, "/coverage", 128);
fgSetString(s, (*layer)->getStringValue("coverage", "clear"));
snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
strncat(s, "/elevation-ft", 128);
fgSetDouble(s, (*layer)->getDoubleValue("elevation-ft"));
snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
strncat(s, "/thickness-ft", 128);
fgSetDouble(s, (*layer)->getDoubleValue("thickness-ft"));
snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
strncat(s, "/span-m", 128);
fgSetDouble(s, 40000.0);
fgSetupWind(dir_from, dir_to, speed, gust);
fgDefaultWeatherValue("visibility-m", vis);
set_temp_at_altitude(temp, station_elevation_ft);
set_dewpoint_at_altitude(dewpoint, station_elevation_ft);
fgDefaultWeatherValue("pressure-sea-level-inhg", pressure);
// We've now successfully loaded a METAR into the configuration
metar_loaded = true;
double FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::interpolate_prop(const char * currentname,
const char * requiredname,
double dt)
double currentval = fgGetDouble(currentname);
double requiredval = fgGetDouble(requiredname);
return interpolate_val(currentval, requiredval, dt);
double FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::interpolate_val(double currentval,
double requiredval,
double dt)
double dval = EnvironmentUpdatePeriodSec * dt;
if (fabs(currentval - requiredval) < dval) return requiredval;
if (currentval < requiredval) return (currentval + dval);
if (currentval > requiredval) return (currentval - dval);
return requiredval;
@ -399,6 +631,7 @@ FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::init ()
const SGPropertyNode *latitude
= fgGetNode( "/position/latitude-deg", true );
metar_loaded = false;
bool found_metar = false;
long max_age = metar_max_age->getLongValue();
// Don't check max age during init so that we don't loop over a lot
@ -465,6 +698,7 @@ FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::update(double delta_time_sec)
= fgGetNode( "/position/latitude-deg", true );
search_elapsed += delta_time_sec;
fetch_elapsed += delta_time_sec;
interpolate_elapsed += delta_time_sec;
// if time for a new search request, push it onto the request
// queue
@ -493,6 +727,11 @@ FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::update(double delta_time_sec)
"Unable to find any airports with metar" );
} else if ( interpolate_elapsed > EnvironmentUpdatePeriodSec ) {
// Interpolate the current configuration closer to the actual METAR
interpolate_elapsed = 0.0;
#if !defined(ENABLE_THREADS)
@ -654,7 +893,7 @@ FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::update_metar_properties( const FGMetar *m )
vector<SGMetarCloud> cv = m->getClouds();
vector<SGMetarCloud>::const_iterator cloud;
const char *cl = "/environment/clouds/layer[%i]";
const char *cl = "/environment/metar/clouds/layer[%i]";
for (i = 0, cloud = cv.begin(); cloud != cv.end(); cloud++, i++) {
const char *coverage_string[5] =
{ "clear", "few", "scattered", "broken", "overcast" };
@ -173,11 +173,13 @@ private:
FGInterpolateEnvironmentCtrl *env;
string _icao;
bool metar_loaded;
float station_elevation_ft;
float search_interval_sec;
float same_station_interval_sec;
float search_elapsed;
float fetch_elapsed;
float interpolate_elapsed;
const FGAirport *last_apt;
SGPropertyNode_ptr proxy_host;
SGPropertyNode_ptr proxy_port;
@ -187,6 +189,18 @@ private:
FGMetarResult fetch_data( const string &icao );
virtual void update_metar_properties( const FGMetar *m );
void update_env_config();
double interpolate_prop(const char * currentname, const char * requiredname, double dvalue);
double interpolate_val(double currentval, double requiredval, double dvalue);
const double EnvironmentUpdatePeriodSec; // Seconds between interpolations
const double MaxWindChangeKtsSec; // Max wind change in kts/sec
const double MaxVisChangePercentSec; // Max visibility change in %/sec
const double MaxPressureChangeInHgSec; // Max pressure change in InHg/sec
const double MaxCloudAltitudeChangeFtSec; // Max cloud altitude change in ft/s
const double MaxCloudThicknessChangeFtSec; // Max cloud thickness change in ft/s
const double MaxCloudInterpolationHeightFt; // Max distance from aircraft to
// interpolate at. Any cloud
// changes above this height
// difference are not interpolated
Add table
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