Changes to support voice ATIS
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 301 additions and 258 deletions
@ -55,22 +55,23 @@ SG_USING_STD(cout);
#include "atislist.hxx"
#include "ATCdisplay.hxx"
#include "ATCutils.hxx"
#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
// Constructor
: type(0),
lon(0.0), lat(0.0),
x(0.0), y(0.0), z(0.0),
: type(0),
lon(0.0), lat(0.0),
x(0.0), y(0.0), z(0.0),
@ -80,110 +81,142 @@ FGATIS::~FGATIS() {
// Main update function - checks whether we are displaying or not the correct message.
void FGATIS::Update() {
if(display) {
if(displaying) {
// Check if we need to update the message
// - basically every hour and if the weather changes significantly at the station
if(display) {
if(displaying) {
// Check if we need to update the message
// - basically every hour and if the weather changes significantly at the station
} else {
// We need to get and display the message
//cout << "ATIS.CXX - calling ATCMgr to render transmission..." << endl;
globals->get_ATC_mgr()->Render(transmission, true);
displaying = true;
} else {
// We need to get and display the message
displaying = true;
// We shouldn't be displaying
if(displaying) {
//cout << "ATIS.CXX - calling NoRender()..." << endl;
displaying = false;
} else {
// We shouldn't be displaying
if(displaying) {
displaying = false;
// Sets the actual broadcast ATIS transmission.
void FGATIS::UpdateTransmission() {
double visibility;
char buf[10];
int phonetic_id;
string phonetic_id_string;
string time_str = fgGetString("sim/time/gmt-string");
int hours;
// int minutes;
double visibility;
char buf[10];
int phonetic_id;
string phonetic_id_string;
string time_str = fgGetString("sim/time/gmt-string");
int hours;
// int minutes;
sgVec3 position = { lat, lon, elev };
FGPhysicalProperty stationweather = WeatherDatabase->get(position);
FGEnvironment stationweather =
globals->get_environment_mgr()->getEnvironment(lat, lon, elev);
sgVec3 position = { lat, lon, elev };
FGPhysicalProperty stationweather = WeatherDatabase->get(position);
FGEnvironment stationweather =
globals->get_environment_mgr()->getEnvironment(lat, lon, elev);
transmission = "";
transmission = "";
// Start with the transmitted station name.
transmission += name;
// Add "Information"
transmission += " Information";
// UK CAA radiotelephony manual indicated ATIS transmissions start with "This is"
// Not sure about rest of the world though.
transmission += "This_is ";
// transmitted station name.
transmission += name;
// Add "Information"
transmission += " information";
//cout << "In atis.cxx, time_str = " << time_str << '\n';
// Add the recording identifier
// For now we will assume we only transmit every hour
hours = atoi((time_str.substr(1,2)).c_str()); //Warning - this is fragile if the
//time string format changes
//cout << "In atis.cxx, hours = " << hours << endl;
phonetic_id = current_atislist->GetCallSign(ident, hours, 0);
phonetic_id_string = GetPhoneticIdent(phonetic_id);
transmission += " ";
transmission += phonetic_id_string;
//cout << "In atis.cxx, time_str = " << time_str << '\n';
// Add the recording identifier
// For now we will assume we only transmit every hour
hours = atoi((time_str.substr(1,2)).c_str()); //Warning - this is fragile if the
//time string format changes
//cout << "In atis.cxx, hours = " << hours << endl;
phonetic_id = current_atislist->GetCallSign(ident, hours, 0);
phonetic_id_string = GetPhoneticIdent(phonetic_id);
transmission += " ";
transmission += phonetic_id_string;
// Output the recording time. - we'll just output the last whole hour for now.
// FIXME - this only gets GMT time but that appears to be all the clock outputs for now
//cout << "in atis.cxx, time = " << time_str << endl;
transmission = transmission + " Weather " + time_str.substr(0,3) + "00 hours Zulu";
// Output the recording time. - we'll just output the last whole hour for now.
// FIXME - this only gets GMT time but that appears to be all the clock outputs for now
//cout << "in atis.cxx, time = " << time_str << endl;
transmission = transmission + " / Weather " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits((time_str.substr(0,3) + "00")) + " hours zulu";
// Get the temperature
// (Hardwire it for now since the global property returns the temperature at the current altitude
//temperature = fgGetDouble("/environment/weather/temperature-K");
sprintf(buf, "%i", int(stationweather.Temperature - 273.15));
sprintf(buf, "%d", int(stationweather.get_temperature_degc()));
transmission += " Temperature ";
transmission += buf;
transmission += " degrees Celsius";
// Get the temperature
// (Hardwire it for now since the global property returns the temperature at the current altitude
//temperature = fgGetDouble("/environment/weather/temperature-K");
sprintf(buf, "%i", int(stationweather.Temperature - 273.15));
// HACK ALERT - at the moment the new environment subsystem returns bogus temperatures
// FIXME - take out this hack when this gets fixed upstream
int temp = (int)stationweather.get_temperature_degc();
if((temp < -50) || (temp > 60)) {
temp = 15;
// original:
//sprintf(buf, "%d", int(stationweather.get_temperature_degc()));
// hack:
sprintf(buf, "%d", temp);
transmission += " / Temperature ";
if(temp < 0) {
transmission += "minus ";
string tempstr1 = buf;
string tempstr2;
transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1);
transmission += " degrees_Celsius";
// Get the visibility
visibility = fgGetDouble("/environment/visibility-m");
visibility = stationweather.get_visibility_m();
visibility = stationweather.get_visibility_m();
sprintf(buf, "%i", int(visibility/1600));
transmission += " Visibility ";
transmission += buf;
transmission += " / Visibility ";
tempstr1 = buf;
transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1);
transmission += " miles";
// Get the cloudbase
// FIXME: kludge for now
if (strcmp(fgGetString("/environment/clouds/layer[0]/type"), "clear")) {
double cloudbase =
// For some reason the altitude returned doesn't seem to correspond to the actual cloud altitude.
char buf3[10];
// cout << "cloudbase = " << cloudbase << endl;
sprintf(buf3, "%i", int(cloudbase));
transmission = transmission + " Cloudbase " + buf3 + " feet";
double cloudbase =
// For some reason the altitude returned doesn't seem to correspond to the actual cloud altitude.
char buf3[10];
char buf4[10];
// cout << "cloudbase = " << cloudbase << endl;
sprintf(buf3, "%i", int(cloudbase)/1000);
sprintf(buf4, "%i", ((int)cloudbase % 1000)/100);
transmission += " / Cloudbase";
if(int(cloudbase)/1000) {
tempstr1 = buf3;
transmission = transmission + " " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " thousand";
if(((int)cloudbase % 1000)/100) {
tempstr1 = buf4;
transmission = transmission + " " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " hundred";
transmission += " feet";
// Get the pressure / altimeter
double altimeter = stationweather.get_pressure_sea_level_inhg();
sprintf(buf, "%.2f", altimeter);
transmission += " Altimeter ";
transmission += buf;
double altimeter = stationweather.get_pressure_sea_level_inhg();
sprintf(buf, "%.2f", altimeter);
transmission += " / Altimeter ";
tempstr1 = buf;
transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1);
// Based on the airport-id and wind get the active runway
//FGRunway *r;
@ -192,54 +225,64 @@ void FGATIS::UpdateTransmission() {
path.append( "runways.mk4" );
FGRunways runways( path.c_str() );
//Set the heading to into the wind
double wind_x = stationweather.Wind[0];
double wind_y = stationweather.Wind[1];
double wind_x = stationweather.Wind[0];
double wind_y = stationweather.Wind[1];
double speed = sqrt( wind_x*wind_x + wind_y*wind_y ) * SG_METER_TO_NM / (60.0*60.0);
double hdg;
double speed = sqrt( wind_x*wind_x + wind_y*wind_y ) * SG_METER_TO_NM / (60.0*60.0);
double hdg;
//If no wind use 270degrees
if(speed == 0) {
hdg = 270;
transmission += " Winds light and variable";
hdg = 270;
transmission += " / Winds_light_and_variable";
} else {
// //normalize the wind to get the direction
//wind_x /= speed; wind_y /= speed;
// //normalize the wind to get the direction
//wind_x /= speed; wind_y /= speed;
hdg = - atan2 ( wind_x, wind_y ) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES ;
if (hdg < 0.0)
hdg += 360.0;
hdg = - atan2 ( wind_x, wind_y ) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES ;
if (hdg < 0.0)
hdg += 360.0;
//add a description of the wind to the transmission
char buf2[72];
sprintf(buf2, "%s %i %s %i %s", " Winds ", int(speed), " knots from ", int(hdg), " degrees");
transmission += buf2;
//add a description of the wind to the transmission
char buf5[10];
char buf6[10];
sprintf(buf5, "%i", int(speed));
sprintf(buf6, "%i", int(hdg));
tempstr1 = buf5;
tempstr2 = buf6;
transmission = transmission + " / Winds " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " knots from "
+ ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr2) + " degrees";
double speed = stationweather.get_wind_speed_kt();
double hdg = stationweather.get_wind_from_heading_deg();
if (speed == 0) {
transmission += " Winds light and variable";
transmission += " / Winds_light_and_variable";
} else {
// FIXME: get gust factor in somehow
char buf2[72];
sprintf(buf2, "%s %i %s %i %s", " Winds ", int(speed),
" knots from ", int(hdg), " degrees");
transmission += buf2;
// FIXME: get gust factor in somehow
char buf5[10];
char buf6[10];
sprintf(buf5, "%i", int(speed));
sprintf(buf6, "%i", int(hdg));
tempstr1 = buf5;
tempstr2 = buf6;
transmission = transmission + " / Winds " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " knots from "
+ ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr2) + " degrees";
string rwy_no =, int(hdg));
if(rwy_no != (string)"NN") {
transmission += " Landing and departing runway ";
transmission += rwy_no;
//cout << "in atis.cxx, r.rwy_no = " << rwy_no << " = " << r->id << " r.heading = " << r->heading << endl;
transmission += " / Landing_and_departing_runway ";
transmission += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(atoi(rwy_no.c_str()));
//cout << "in atis.cxx, r.rwy_no = " << rwy_no << " = " << r->id << " r.heading = " << r->heading << endl;
// Anything else?
transmission += " Advise controller on initial contact you have ";
transmission += " / Advise_controller_on_initial_contact_you_have ";
transmission += phonetic_id_string;
transmission += " /// ";
@ -33,14 +33,14 @@
# include <istream>
#include <iomanip>
# include <iomanip>
# include <iostream.h>
#elif defined( __BORLANDC__ ) || (__APPLE__)
# include <iostream>
# include <istream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
# include <iomanip.h>
@ -58,130 +58,130 @@ SG_USING_STD(string);
class FGATIS : public FGATC {
char type;
double lon, lat;
double elev;
double x, y, z;
int freq;
int range;
bool display; // Flag to indicate whether we should be outputting to the ATC display.
bool displaying; // Flag to indicate whether we are outputting to the ATC display.
string ident; // Code of the airport its at.
string name; // Name transmitted in the broadcast.
string transmission; // The actual ATIS transmission
// This is not stored in default.atis but is generated
// from the prevailing conditions when required.
char type;
double lon, lat;
double elev;
double x, y, z;
int freq;
int range;
bool display; // Flag to indicate whether we should be outputting to the ATC display.
bool displaying; // Flag to indicate whether we are outputting to the ATC display.
string ident; // Code of the airport its at.
string name; // Name transmitted in the broadcast.
string transmission; // The actual ATIS transmission
// This is not stored in default.atis but is generated
// from the prevailing conditions when required.
// for failure modeling
string trans_ident; // transmitted ident
bool atis_failed; // atis failed?
// for failure modeling
string trans_ident; // transmitted ident
bool atis_failed; // atis failed?
// Aircraft position
// ATIS is actually a special case in that unlike other ATC eg.tower it doesn't actually know about
// or the whereabouts of the aircraft it is transmitting to. However, to ensure consistancy of
// operation with the other ATC classes the ATIS class must calculate range to the aircraft in order
// to decide whether to render the transmission - hence the users plane details must be stored.
//SGPropertyNode *airplane_lon_node;
//SGPropertyNode *airplane_lat_node;
//SGPropertyNode *airplane_elev_node;
// Aircraft position
// ATIS is actually a special case in that unlike other ATC eg.tower it doesn't actually know about
// or the whereabouts of the aircraft it is transmitting to. However, to ensure consistancy of
// operation with the other ATC classes the ATIS class must calculate range to the aircraft in order
// to decide whether to render the transmission - hence the users plane details must be stored.
//SGPropertyNode *airplane_lon_node;
//SGPropertyNode *airplane_lat_node;
//SGPropertyNode *airplane_elev_node;
//run the ATIS instance
void Update(void);
//run the ATIS instance
void Update(void);
//Indicate that this instance should be outputting to the ATC display
inline void SetDisplay(void) {display = true;}
//Indicate that this instance should be outputting to the ATC display
inline void SetDisplay(void) {display = true;}
//Indicate that this instance should not be outputting to the ATC display
inline void SetNoDisplay(void) {display = false;}
//Indicate that this instance should not be outputting to the ATC display
inline void SetNoDisplay(void) {display = false;}
inline char get_type() const { return type; }
inline double get_lon() const { return lon; }
inline double get_lat() const { return lat; }
inline double get_elev() const { return elev; }
inline double get_x() const { return x; }
inline double get_y() const { return y; }
inline double get_z() const { return z; }
inline int get_freq() const { return freq; }
inline int get_range() const { return range; }
inline const char* GetIdent() { return ident.c_str(); }
inline string get_trans_ident() { return trans_ident; }
inline atc_type GetType() { return ATIS; }
inline char get_type() const { return type; }
inline double get_lon() const { return lon; }
inline double get_lat() const { return lat; }
inline double get_elev() const { return elev; }
inline double get_x() const { return x; }
inline double get_y() const { return y; }
inline double get_z() const { return z; }
inline int get_freq() const { return freq; }
inline int get_range() const { return range; }
inline const char* GetIdent() { return ident.c_str(); }
inline string get_trans_ident() { return trans_ident; }
inline atc_type GetType() { return ATIS; }
//Update the transmission string
void UpdateTransmission(void);
//Update the transmission string
void UpdateTransmission(void);
/* inline void set_type( char t ) { type = t; }
inline void set_lon( double l ) { lon = l; }
inline void set_lat( double l ) { lat = l; }
inline void set_elev( double e ) { elev = e; }
inline void set_freq( int f ) { freq = f; }
inline void set_range( int r ) { range = r; }
inline void set_dme( bool b ) { dme = b; }
inline void set_ident( char *i ) { strncpy( ident, i, 5 ); } */
/* inline void set_type( char t ) { type = t; }
inline void set_lon( double l ) { lon = l; }
inline void set_lat( double l ) { lat = l; }
inline void set_elev( double e ) { elev = e; }
inline void set_freq( int f ) { freq = f; }
inline void set_range( int r ) { range = r; }
inline void set_dme( bool b ) { dme = b; }
inline void set_ident( char *i ) { strncpy( ident, i, 5 ); } */
friend istream& operator>> ( istream&, FGATIS& );
friend istream& operator>> ( istream&, FGATIS& );
inline istream&
operator >> ( istream& in, FGATIS& a )
double f;
char ch;
double f;
char ch;
static bool first_time = true;
static double julian_date = 0;
static const double MJD0 = 2415020.0;
if ( first_time ) {
julian_date = sgTimeCurrentMJD(0, 0) + MJD0;
first_time = false;
static bool first_time = true;
static double julian_date = 0;
static const double MJD0 = 2415020.0;
if ( first_time ) {
julian_date = sgTimeCurrentMJD(0, 0) + MJD0;
first_time = false;
in >> a.type;
in >> a.type;
if ( a.type == '[' )
return in >> skipeol;
if ( a.type == '[' )
return in >> skipeol;
in >> >> a.lon >> a.elev >> f >> a.range
>> a.ident;
in >> >> a.lon >> a.elev >> f >> a.range
>> a.ident;
|||| = "";
in >> ch;
|||| += ch;
while(1) {
//in >> noskipws
|||| = "";
in >> ch;
|||| += ch;
if((ch == '"') || (ch == 0x0A)) {
} // we shouldn't need the 0x0A but it makes a nice safely in case someone leaves off the "
//cout << " = " << << '\n';
while(1) {
//in >> noskipws
in >> ch;
|||| += ch;
if((ch == '"') || (ch == 0x0A)) {
} // we shouldn't need the 0x0A but it makes a nice safely in case someone leaves off the "
//cout << " = " << << '\n';
a.freq = (int)(f*100.0 + 0.5);
a.freq = (int)(f*100.0 + 0.5);
// cout << a.ident << endl;
// cout << a.ident << endl;
// generate cartesian coordinates
Point3D geod( a.lon * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, a.elev );
Point3D cart = sgGeodToCart( geod );
a.x = cart.x();
a.y = cart.y();
a.z = cart.z();
// generate cartesian coordinates
Point3D geod( a.lon * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, a.elev );
Point3D cart = sgGeodToCart( geod );
a.x = cart.x();
a.y = cart.y();
a.z = cart.z();
a.trans_ident = a.ident;
a.atis_failed = false;
a.trans_ident = a.ident;
a.atis_failed = false;
return in >> skipeol;
return in >> skipeol;
#endif // _FG_ATIS_HXX
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