diff --git a/src/Cockpit/hud.cxx b/src/Cockpit/hud.cxx
index 45a25f0cd..a8b7f5dd6 100644
--- a/src/Cockpit/hud.cxx
+++ b/src/Cockpit/hud.cxx
@@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ int HUD_style = 0;
 float HUD_matrix[16];
-//$$$ begin - added, Neetha, 28 Nov 2k
 static string  name;
 static int     x;
 static int     y;
@@ -105,13 +103,9 @@ static int     dp_showing = 0;
 static string  label_format;
 static string  prelabel;
 static string  postlabel;
-static int     justi;
-static int     blinking;
 static float   maxBankAngle;
 static float   maxSlipAngle;
 static UINT    gap_width;
-static bool    latitude;
-static bool    longitude;
 static bool    tick_bottom;
 static bool    tick_top;
 static bool    tick_right;
@@ -126,8 +120,6 @@ static bool    enable_pointer;
 static string  type_pointer;
 static string  type_tick;
 static string  length_tick;
-static bool    label_box;
-static int     digits;
 static float   radius;
 static int     divisions;
 static int     zoom;
@@ -136,16 +128,11 @@ static float   rad;
 static FLTFNPTR load_fn;
-static fgLabelJust justification;
-static const char *pre_label_string  = 0;
-static const char *post_label_string = 0;
 int readHud( istream &input );
 int readInstrument ( const SGPropertyNode * node);
 static instr_item * readCard ( const SGPropertyNode * node);
-static instr_item * readLabel( const SGPropertyNode * node);
 static instr_item * readTBI( const SGPropertyNode * node);
-//$$$ end   - added, Neetha, 28 Nov 2k
 static void drawHUD();
 static void fgUpdateHUDVirtual();
@@ -303,165 +290,6 @@ readCard(const SGPropertyNode * node)
     return p;
 }// end readCard
-static instr_item *
-readLabel(const SGPropertyNode * node)
-    instr_item *p;
-    int font_size = (fgGetInt("/sim/startup/xsize") > 1000) ? HUD_FONT_LARGE : HUD_FONT_SMALL;
-    name               = node->getStringValue("name");
-    x                  = node->getIntValue("x");
-    y                  = node->getIntValue("y");
-    width              = node->getIntValue("width");
-    height             = node->getIntValue("height");
-    loadfn             = node->getStringValue("data_source");
-    label_format       = node->getStringValue("label_format");
-    prelabel           = node->getStringValue("pre_label_string");
-    postlabel          = node->getStringValue("post_label_string");
-    scaling            = node->getFloatValue("scale_data");
-    options            = node->getIntValue("options");
-    justi              = node->getIntValue("justification");
-    blinking           = node->getIntValue("blinking");
-    latitude           = node->getBoolValue("latitude",false);
-    longitude          = node->getBoolValue("longitude",false);
-    label_box          = node->getBoolValue("label_box",false);
-    working            = node->getBoolValue("working");
-    digits             = node->getIntValue("digits");
-    SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Done reading instrument " << name);
-    if ( justi == 0 ) {
-        justification = LEFT_JUST;
-    } else {
-        if ( justi == 1 ) {
-            justification = CENTER_JUST;
-        } else {
-            if ( justi == 2 ) {
-                justification = RIGHT_JUST;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if ( prelabel == "NULL" ) {
-        pre_label_string = NULL;
-    } else {
-        if ( prelabel == "blank" ) {
-            pre_label_string = " ";
-        } else {
-            pre_label_string = prelabel.c_str();
-        }
-    }
-    if ( postlabel == "blank" ) {
-        post_label_string = " ";
-    } else {
-        if ( postlabel == "NULL" ) {
-            post_label_string = NULL;
-        } else {
-            if ( postlabel == "units" ) {
-                post_label_string = units;
-            } else {
-                post_label_string = postlabel.c_str();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if ( loadfn== "aux1" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux1;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux2" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux2;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux3" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux3;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux4" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux4;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux5" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux5;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux6" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux6;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux7" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux7;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux8" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux8;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux9" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux9;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux10" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux10;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux11" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux11;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux12" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux12;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux13" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux13;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux14" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux14;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux15" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux15;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux16" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux16;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux17" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux17;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aux18" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aux18;
-    } else
-    if ( loadfn == "ax" ) {
-        load_fn = get_Ax;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "speed" ) {
-        load_fn = get_speed;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "mach" ) {
-        load_fn = get_mach;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "altitude" ) {
-        load_fn = get_altitude;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "agl" ) {
-        load_fn = get_agl;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "framerate" ) {
-        load_fn = get_frame_rate;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "heading" ) {
-        load_fn = get_heading;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "fov" ) {
-        load_fn = get_fov;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "vfc_tris_culled" ) {
-        load_fn = get_vfc_tris_culled;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "vfc_tris_drawn" ) {
-        load_fn = get_vfc_tris_drawn;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "aoa" ) {
-        load_fn = get_aoa;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "latitude" ) {
-        load_fn  = get_latitude;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "anzg" ) {
-        load_fn = get_anzg;
-    } else if ( loadfn == "longitude" ) {
-        load_fn   = get_longitude;
-    } else if (loadfn=="throttleval") {
-        load_fn = get_throttleval;
-    }
-    p = (instr_item *) new instr_label ( x,
-                                         y,
-                                         width,
-                                         height,
-                                         load_fn,
-                                         label_format.c_str(),
-                                         pre_label_string,
-                                         post_label_string,
-                                         scaling,
-                                         options,
-                                         justification,
-                                         font_size,
-                                         blinking,
-                                         latitude,
-                                         longitude,
-                                         label_box,
-                                         working,
-                                         digits);
-    return p;
-} // end readLabel
 static instr_item *
 readTBI(const SGPropertyNode * node)
@@ -541,56 +369,46 @@ int readInstrument(const SGPropertyNode * node)
     if (ladder_group != 0) {
         int nLadders = ladder_group->nChildren();
         for (int j = 0; j < nLadders; j++) {
             HIptr = static_cast<instr_item *>(new HudLadder(ladder_group->getChild(j)));
-            HUD_deque.insert( HUD_deque.begin(), HIptr);
-        }// for - ladders
+            HUD_deque.insert(HUD_deque.begin(), HIptr);
+        }
     const SGPropertyNode * card_group = node->getNode("cards");
     if (card_group != 0) {
         int nCards = card_group->nChildren();
         for (int j = 0; j < nCards; j++) {
             HIptr = readCard(card_group->getChild(j));
-            HUD_deque.insert( HUD_deque.begin(), HIptr);
-        }//for - cards
+            HUD_deque.insert(HUD_deque.begin(), HIptr);
+        }
     const SGPropertyNode * label_group = node->getNode("labels");
     if (label_group != 0) {
         int nLabels = label_group->nChildren();
         for (int j = 0; j < nLabels; j++) {
-            HIptr = readLabel(label_group->getChild(j));
-            HUD_deque.insert( HUD_deque.begin(), HIptr);
-        }//for - labels
+            HIptr = static_cast<instr_item *>(new instr_label(label_group->getChild(j)));
+            HUD_deque.insert(HUD_deque.begin(), HIptr);
+        }
     const SGPropertyNode * tbi_group = node->getNode("tbis");
     if (tbi_group != 0) {
         int nTbis = tbi_group->nChildren();
         for (int j = 0; j < nTbis; j++) {
             HIptr = readTBI(tbi_group->getChild(j));
             HUD_deque.insert( HUD_deque.begin(), HIptr);
-        }//for - tbis
+        }
     const SGPropertyNode * rwy_group = node->getNode("runways");
     if (rwy_group != 0) {
         int nRwy = rwy_group->nChildren();
         for (int j = 0; j < nRwy; j++) {
-            SG_LOG( SG_COCKPIT, SG_DEBUG,
-                    "**************  Reading runway properties" );
+            SG_LOG(SG_COCKPIT, SG_DEBUG, "***  Reading runway properties ***");
             HIptr = readRunway(rwy_group->getChild(j));
             HUD_deque.insert( HUD_deque.begin(), HIptr);
-        }//for - runways
+        }
     return 0;
 }//end readinstrument
diff --git a/src/Cockpit/hud.hxx b/src/Cockpit/hud.hxx
index 1d7a333be..8591bb9b2 100644
--- a/src/Cockpit/hud.hxx
+++ b/src/Cockpit/hud.hxx
@@ -443,6 +443,7 @@ public:
     virtual ~instr_item ();
+    void    set_data_source ( FLTFNPTR fn ) { load_value_fn = fn; }
     int     get_brightness  ( void ) { return brightness;}
     RECT    get_location    ( void ) { return scrn_pos;  }
     bool    is_broken       ( void ) { return broken;    }
@@ -521,9 +522,6 @@ class HUDdraw {
-//typedef deque <  instr_item * > hud_deque_type;
-//typedef hud_deque_type::iterator hud_deque_iterator;
-//typedef hud_deque_type::const_iterator hud_deque_const_iterator;
 extern deque< instr_item *> HUD_deque;
 extern int HUD_style;
@@ -536,45 +534,25 @@ extern int HUD_style;
 class instr_label : public instr_item {
-    const char *pformat;
-    const char *pre_str;
-    const char *post_str;
+    const char  *pformat;
+    const char  *pre_str;
+    const char  *post_str;
     fgLabelJust justify;
     int         fontSize;
     int         blink;
-    char format_buffer[80];
+    char        format_buffer[80];
     bool        lat;
     bool        lon;
     bool        lbox;
-    instr_label( int          x,
-                 int          y,
-                 UINT         width,
-                 UINT         height,
-                 FLTFNPTR     data_source,
-                 const char  *label_format,
-                 const char  *pre_label_string,
-                 const char  *post_label_string,
-                 float        scale_data,
-                 UINT         options,
-                 fgLabelJust  justification,
-                 int          font_size,
-                 int          blinking,
-                 bool         latitude,
-                 bool         longitude,
-                 bool         label_box,
-                 bool         working,
-                 int          digit );
+    instr_label(const SGPropertyNode *);
-    instr_label( const instr_label & image);
-    virtual void draw( void );       // Required method in base class
+    instr_label(const instr_label& image);
+    virtual void draw(void);
-typedef instr_label * pInstlabel;
 class lat_label : public instr_item {
@@ -609,7 +587,6 @@ public:
     virtual void draw( void );       // Required method in base class
-typedef lat_label * pLatlabel;
 class lon_label : public instr_item {
@@ -645,7 +622,6 @@ public:
     virtual void draw( void );       // Required method in base class
-typedef lon_label * pLonlabel;
 // fgRunway_instr        This class is responsible for rendering the active runway
@@ -815,7 +791,6 @@ public:
     void zoomed_scale(int,int);
-typedef hud_card * pCardScale;
 class gauge_instr : public instr_scale {
@@ -839,7 +814,7 @@ public:
     virtual void draw( void );       // Required method in base class
-typedef gauge_instr * pGaugeInst;
 // dual_instr_item         This class was created to form the base class
 //                         for both panel and HUD Turn Bank Indicators.
@@ -899,8 +874,6 @@ public:
     virtual void draw( void );       // Required method in base class
-typedef fgTBI_instr * pTBI;
 class HudLadder : public dual_instr_item {
diff --git a/src/Cockpit/hud_labl.cxx b/src/Cockpit/hud_labl.cxx
index ecb693e57..70145003f 100644
--- a/src/Cockpit/hud_labl.cxx
+++ b/src/Cockpit/hud_labl.cxx
@@ -1,55 +1,154 @@
+#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
 #include "hud.hxx"
 #ifdef USE_HUD_TextList
 #define textString(x, y, text, digit)  TextString(text, x , y ,digit)
 #define textString(x, y, text, digit)  puDrawString(guiFnt, text, x, y)
-//======================= Top of instr_label class =========================
-        int           x,
-        int           y,
-        UINT          width,
-        UINT          height,
-        FLTFNPTR      data_source,
-        const char   *label_format,
-        const char   *pre_label_string,
-        const char   *post_label_string,
-        float         scale_data,
-        UINT          options,
-        fgLabelJust   justification,
-        int           font_size,
-        int           blinking,
-        bool          latitude,
-        bool          longitude,
-        bool          label_box,
-        bool          working,
-        int           digit) :
-    instr_item( x, y, width, height,
-                data_source,scale_data,options, working, digit),
-    pformat  ( label_format      ),
-    pre_str  ( pre_label_string  ),
-    post_str ( post_label_string ),
-    justify  ( justification     ),
-    fontSize ( font_size         ),
-    blink    ( blinking          ),
-    lat      ( latitude          ),
-    lon      ( longitude         ),
-    lbox     ( label_box         )
+extern float get_aux1(), get_aux2(), get_aux3(), get_aux4(), get_aux5(), get_aux6();
+extern float get_aux7(), get_aux8(), get_aux9(), get_aux10(), get_aux11(), get_aux12();
+extern float get_aux13(), get_aux14(), get_aux15(), get_aux16(), get_aux17(), get_aux18();
+extern float get_Ax(), get_speed(), get_mach(), get_altitude(), get_agl(), get_frame_rate();
+extern float get_heading(), get_fov(), get_vfc_tris_culled(), get_vfc_tris_drawn(), get_aoa();
+extern float get_latitude(), get_anzg(), get_longitude(), get_throttleval();
+instr_label::instr_label(const SGPropertyNode *node) :
+    instr_item(
+            node->getIntValue("x"),
+            node->getIntValue("y"),
+            node->getIntValue("width"),
+            node->getIntValue("height"),
+            NULL /* node->getStringValue("data_source") */,	// FIXME
+            node->getFloatValue("scale_data"),
+            node->getIntValue("options"),
+            node->getBoolValue("working"),
+            node->getIntValue("digits")),
+    pformat(node->getStringValue("label_format")),
+    pre_str(node->getStringValue("pre_label_string")),
+    post_str(node->getStringValue("post_label_string")),
+    fontSize(fgGetInt("/sim/startup/xsize") > 1000 ? HUD_FONT_LARGE : HUD_FONT_SMALL),	// FIXME
+    blink(node->getIntValue("blinking")),
+    lat(node->getBoolValue("latitude", false)),
+    lon(node->getBoolValue("longitude", false)),
+    lbox(node->getBoolValue("label_box", false))
+    SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Done reading instr_label instrument "
+            << node->getStringValue("name", "[none]"));
+    string loadfn = node->getStringValue("data_source");	// FIXME
+    float (*load_fn)(void);
+    if (loadfn == "aux1")
+        load_fn = get_aux1;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux2")
+        load_fn = get_aux2;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux3")
+        load_fn = get_aux3;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux4")
+        load_fn = get_aux4;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux5")
+        load_fn = get_aux5;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux6")
+        load_fn = get_aux6;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux7")
+        load_fn = get_aux7;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux8")
+        load_fn = get_aux8;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux9")
+        load_fn = get_aux9;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux10")
+        load_fn = get_aux10;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux11")
+        load_fn = get_aux11;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux12")
+        load_fn = get_aux12;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux13")
+        load_fn = get_aux13;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux14")
+        load_fn = get_aux14;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux15")
+        load_fn = get_aux15;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux16")
+        load_fn = get_aux16;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux17")
+        load_fn = get_aux17;
+    else if (loadfn == "aux18")
+        load_fn = get_aux18;
+    else
+    if (loadfn == "ax")
+        load_fn = get_Ax;
+    else if (loadfn == "speed")
+        load_fn = get_speed;
+    else if (loadfn == "mach")
+        load_fn = get_mach;
+    else if (loadfn == "altitude")
+        load_fn = get_altitude;
+    else if (loadfn == "agl")
+        load_fn = get_agl;
+    else if (loadfn == "framerate")
+        load_fn = get_frame_rate;
+    else if (loadfn == "heading")
+        load_fn = get_heading;
+    else if (loadfn == "fov")
+        load_fn = get_fov;
+    else if (loadfn == "vfc_tris_culled")
+        load_fn = get_vfc_tris_culled;
+    else if (loadfn == "vfc_tris_drawn")
+        load_fn = get_vfc_tris_drawn;
+    else if (loadfn == "aoa")
+        load_fn = get_aoa;
+    else if (loadfn == "latitude")
+        load_fn = get_latitude;
+    else if (loadfn == "anzg")
+        load_fn = get_anzg;
+    else if (loadfn == "longitude")
+        load_fn = get_longitude;
+    else if (loadfn =="throttleval")
+        load_fn = get_throttleval;
+    else
+        load_fn = 0;
+    set_data_source(load_fn);
+    int just = node->getIntValue("justification");
+    if (just == 0)
+        justify = LEFT_JUST;
+    else if (just == 1)
+        justify = CENTER_JUST;
+    else if (just == 2)
+        justify = RIGHT_JUST;
+    if (!strcmp(pre_str, "NULL"))
+        pre_str = NULL;
+    else if (!strcmp(pre_str, "blank"))
+        pre_str = " ";
+    const char *units = strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") ? " m" : " ft";  // FIXME
+    if (!strcmp(post_str, "blank"))
+        post_str = " ";
+    else if (!strcmp(post_str, "NULL"))
+        post_str = NULL;
+    else if (!strcmp(post_str, "units"))
+        post_str = units;
     if (pre_str != NULL) {
-        if (post_str != NULL )
-            sprintf( format_buffer, "%s%s%s", pre_str, pformat, post_str );
+        if (post_str != NULL)
+            sprintf(format_buffer, "%s%s%s", pre_str, pformat, post_str);
-            sprintf( format_buffer, "%s%s",   pre_str, pformat );
+            sprintf(format_buffer, "%s%s", pre_str, pformat);
     } else if (post_str != NULL) {
-            sprintf( format_buffer, "%s%s",   pformat, post_str );
-    } // else do nothing if both pre and post strings are nulls. Interesting.
+            sprintf(format_buffer, "%s%s", pformat, post_str);
+    } else {
+            strcpy(format_buffer, pformat);			// FIXME
+    }
@@ -58,47 +157,18 @@ instr_label::~instr_label()
-// Copy constructor
-instr_label::instr_label(const instr_label & image) :
-    instr_item((const instr_item &)image),
-    pformat    ( image.pformat  ),
-    pre_str    ( image.pre_str  ),
-    post_str   ( image.post_str ),
-    blink      ( image.blink    ),
-    lat        ( image.lat      ),
-    lon        ( image.lon      ),
-    lbox       ( image.lbox     )
-    if (pre_str != NULL) {
-        if (post_str != NULL)
-            sprintf( format_buffer, "%s%s%s", pre_str, pformat, post_str );
-        else
-            sprintf( format_buffer, "%s%s",   pre_str, pformat );
-    } else if (post_str != NULL) {
-            sprintf( format_buffer, "%s%s",   pformat, post_str );
-    } // else do nothing if both pre and post strings are nulls. Interesting.
-// draw                    Draws a label anywhere in the HUD
-void instr_label::draw( void )
+void instr_label::draw(void)
     char label_buffer[80];
     int posincr;
     int lenstr;
-    RECT  scrn_rect = get_location();
+    RECT scrn_rect = get_location();
     if (data_available()) {
         if (lat)
-            sprintf( label_buffer, format_buffer, coord_format_lat(get_value()) );
+            sprintf(label_buffer, format_buffer, coord_format_lat(get_value()));
         else if (lon)
-            sprintf( label_buffer, format_buffer, coord_format_lon(get_value()) );
+            sprintf(label_buffer, format_buffer, coord_format_lon(get_value()));
         else {
             if (lbox) {// Box for label
                 float x = scrn_rect.left;
@@ -110,59 +180,57 @@ void instr_label::draw( void )
-                glVertex2f( x - 2.0,  y - 2.0);
-                glVertex2f( x + w + 2.0, y - 2.0);
-                glVertex2f( x + w + 2.0, y + h + 2.0);
-                glVertex2f( x - 2.0,  y + h + 2.0);
+                glVertex2f(x - 2.0,  y - 2.0);
+                glVertex2f(x + w + 2.0, y - 2.0);
+                glVertex2f(x + w + 2.0, y + h + 2.0);
+                glVertex2f(x - 2.0,  y + h + 2.0);
-                glLineStipple( 1, 0xAAAA );
+                glLineStipple(1, 0xAAAA);
-                glVertex2f( x + w + 2.0, y - 2.0);
-                glVertex2f( x + w + 2.0, y + h + 2.0);
-                glVertex2f( x - 2.0,  y + h + 2.0);
-                glVertex2f( x - 2.0,  y - 2.0);
+                glVertex2f(x + w + 2.0, y - 2.0);
+                glVertex2f(x + w + 2.0, y + h + 2.0);
+                glVertex2f(x - 2.0, y + h + 2.0);
+                glVertex2f(x - 2.0, y - 2.0);
-            sprintf( label_buffer, format_buffer, get_value()*data_scaling() );
+            sprintf(label_buffer, format_buffer, get_value() * data_scaling());
     } else {
-//    sprintf( label_buffer, format_buffer );
+        sprintf(label_buffer, format_buffer);
-    lenstr = getStringWidth( label_buffer );
+    lenstr = getStringWidth(label_buffer);
 #ifdef DEBUGHUD
-    fgPrintf( SG_COCKPIT, SG_DEBUG,  format_buffer );
-    fgPrintf( SG_COCKPIT, SG_DEBUG,  "\n" );
-    fgPrintf( SG_COCKPIT, SG_DEBUG, label_buffer );
-    fgPrintf( SG_COCKPIT, SG_DEBUG, "\n" );
+    fgPrintf( SG_COCKPIT, SG_DEBUG, format_buffer);
+    fgPrintf( SG_COCKPIT, SG_DEBUG, "\n");
+    fgPrintf( SG_COCKPIT, SG_DEBUG, label_buffer);
+    fgPrintf( SG_COCKPIT, SG_DEBUG, "\n");
-    lenstr = strlen( label_buffer );
+    lenstr = strlen(label_buffer);
-    if (justify == RIGHT_JUST) {
+    if (justify == RIGHT_JUST)
         posincr = scrn_rect.right - lenstr;
-    } else if (justify == CENTER_JUST) {
-        posincr = get_span() - (lenstr/2); //  -lenstr*4;
-    } else {
-        //  justify == LEFT_JUST
-        posincr = 0;  // 0;
-    }
+    else if (justify == CENTER_JUST)
+        posincr = get_span() - (lenstr / 2); //  -lenstr*4;
+    else // justify == LEFT_JUST
+        posincr = 0;
     if (fontSize == HUD_FONT_SMALL) {
-        textString( scrn_rect.left + posincr, scrn_rect.top,
-                    label_buffer, get_digits());
+        textString(scrn_rect.left + posincr, scrn_rect.top,
+                label_buffer, get_digits());
     } else if (fontSize == HUD_FONT_LARGE) {
-        textString( scrn_rect.left + posincr, scrn_rect.top,
-                    label_buffer, get_digits());
+        textString(scrn_rect.left + posincr, scrn_rect.top,
+                label_buffer, get_digits());
diff --git a/src/Cockpit/hud_ladr.cxx b/src/Cockpit/hud_ladr.cxx
index 4b3a88172..8109429b8 100644
--- a/src/Cockpit/hud_ladr.cxx
+++ b/src/Cockpit/hud_ladr.cxx
@@ -49,9 +49,10 @@ HudLadder::HudLadder(const SGPropertyNode *node) :
     // Invert to convert the "compression" factor to a
     // pixels-per-degree number.
     if (fgGetBool("/sim/hud/enable3d", true) && HUD_style == 1)
-        factor = (640./55.);
+        factor = 640.0 / 55.0;
-    SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Done reading HudLadder instrument");	// TODO add name
+    SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Done reading HudLadder instrument"
+            << node->getStringValue("name", "[NONE]"));
     if (!width_units)
         width_units = 45;