Fork 0

Use OSG polytope intersector to fill ground cache

This gets rid of a lot of messy code. Although the performance is about
the same as the old code, there is the possibility of a big performance
boost if/when the polytope intersector is taught about KD trees.
This commit is contained in:
Tim Moore 2009-02-12 15:43:05 +01:00
parent bfc059aa03
commit d5a893589c
2 changed files with 372 additions and 429 deletions

View file

@ -26,18 +26,24 @@
#include <float.h> #include <float.h>
#include <utility>
#include <osg/CullFace> #include <osg/CullFace>
#include <osg/Drawable> #include <osg/Drawable>
#include <osg/Geode> #include <osg/Geode>
#include <osg/Geometry> #include <osg/Geometry>
#include <osg/PrimitiveSet>
#include <osg/TriangleFunctor> #include <osg/TriangleFunctor>
#include <osgUtil/PolytopeIntersector>
#include <simgear/sg_inlines.h> #include <simgear/sg_inlines.h>
#include <simgear/constants.h> #include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx> #include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx> #include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/material/mat.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/material/mat.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/material/matlib.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/material/matlib.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/util/PrimitiveUtils.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/util/SGNodeMasks.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/util/SGNodeMasks.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx> #include <Main/globals.hxx>
@ -48,6 +54,93 @@
#include "flight.hxx" #include "flight.hxx"
#include "groundcache.hxx" #include "groundcache.hxx"
using namespace osg;
using namespace osgUtil;
using namespace simgear;
void makePolytopeShaft(Polytope& polyt, const Vec3d& refPoint,
const Vec3d& direction, double radius)
// Choose best principal axis to start making orthogonal axis.
Vec3d majorAxis;
if (fabs(direction.x()) <= fabs(direction.y())) {
if (fabs(direction.z()) <= fabs(direction.x()))
majorAxis = Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
majorAxis = Vec3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
} else {
if (fabs(direction.z()) <= fabs(direction.y()))
majorAxis = Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
majorAxis = Vec3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
Vec3d axis1 = majorAxis ^ direction;
Vec3d axis2 = direction ^ axis1;
polyt.add(Plane(-axis1, refPoint + axis1 * radius));
polyt.add(Plane(axis1, refPoint - axis1 * radius));
polyt.add(Plane(-axis2, refPoint + axis2 * radius));
polyt.add(Plane(axis2 , refPoint - axis2 * radius));
void makePolytopeBox(Polytope& polyt, const Vec3d& center,
const Vec3d& direction, double radius)
makePolytopeShaft(polyt, center, direction, radius);
polyt.add(Plane(-direction, center + direction * radius));
polyt.add(Plane(direction, center - direction * radius));
// Intersector for finding catapults and wires
class WireIntersector : public PolytopeIntersector
WireIntersector(const Polytope& polytope)
: PolytopeIntersector(polytope), depth(0)
bool enter(const osg::Node& node)
if (!PolytopeIntersector::enter(node))
return false;
const Referenced* base = node.getUserData();
if (base) {
const FGAICarrierHardware *ud
= dynamic_cast<const FGAICarrierHardware*>(base);
if (ud)
return true;
void leave()
if (!carriers.empty() && depth == carriers.back())
void intersect(IntersectionVisitor& iv, Drawable* drawable)
if (carriers.empty())
PolytopeIntersector::intersect(iv, drawable);
void reset()
std::vector<int> carriers;
int depth;
/// Ok, variant that uses a infinite line istead of the ray. /// Ok, variant that uses a infinite line istead of the ray.
/// also not that this only works if the ray direction is normalized. /// also not that this only works if the ray direction is normalized.
static inline bool static inline bool
@ -59,383 +152,6 @@ intersectsInf(const SGRayd& ray, const SGSphered& sphere)
return dist < sphere.getRadius2(); return dist < sphere.getRadius2();
} }
template<typename T>
class SGExtendedTriangleFunctor : public osg::TriangleFunctor<T> {
// Ok, to be complete we should also implement the indexed variants
// For now this one appears to be enough ...
void drawArrays(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count)
if (_vertexArrayPtr==0 || count==0) return;
const osg::Vec3* vlast;
const osg::Vec3* vptr;
switch(mode) {
vlast = &_vertexArrayPtr[first+count];
vlast = &_vertexArrayPtr[first+count-1];
vlast = &_vertexArrayPtr[first+count-1];
osg::TriangleFunctor<T>::drawArrays(mode, first, count);
using osg::TriangleFunctor<T>::_vertexArrayPtr;
using osg::TriangleFunctor<T>::_treatVertexDataAsTemporary;
class GroundCacheFillVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor {
/// class to just redirect triangles to the GroundCacheFillVisitor
class GroundCacheFill {
void setGroundCacheFillVisitor(GroundCacheFillVisitor* gcfv)
{ mGroundCacheFillVisitor = gcfv; }
void operator () (const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2,
const osg::Vec3& v3, bool)
{ mGroundCacheFillVisitor->addTriangle(v1, v2, v3); }
void operator () (const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2, bool)
{ mGroundCacheFillVisitor->addLine(v1, v2); }
GroundCacheFillVisitor* mGroundCacheFillVisitor;
GroundCacheFillVisitor(FGGroundCache* groundCache,
const SGVec3d& down,
const SGVec3d& cacheReference,
double cacheRadius,
double wireCacheRadius) :
mDown = down;
mLocalDown = down;
sphIsec = true;
mBackfaceCulling = false;
mCacheReference = cacheReference;
mLocalCacheReference = cacheReference;
mCacheRadius = cacheRadius;
mWireCacheRadius = wireCacheRadius;
mGroundProperty.wire_id = -1;
mGroundProperty.vel = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0);
mGroundProperty.rot = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0);
mGroundProperty.pivot = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0);
void updateCullMode(osg::StateSet* stateSet)
if (!stateSet)
osg::StateAttribute* stateAttribute;
stateAttribute = stateSet->getAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::CULLFACE);
if (!stateAttribute)
osg::CullFace* cullFace = static_cast<osg::CullFace*>(stateAttribute);
mBackfaceCulling = cullFace->getMode() == osg::CullFace::BACK;
bool enterBoundingSphere(const osg::BoundingSphere& bs)
if (!bs.valid())
return false;
SGVec3d cntr(osg::Vec3d(bs.center())*mLocalToGlobal);
double rc = bs.radius() + mCacheRadius;
// Ok, this node might intersect the cache. Visit it in depth.
double centerDist2 = distSqr(mCacheReference, cntr);
if (centerDist2 < rc*rc) {
sphIsec = true;
} else {
// Check if the down direction touches the bounding sphere of the node
// if so, do at least croase agl computations.
// Ther other thing is that we must check if we are in range of
// cats or wires
double rw = bs.radius() + mWireCacheRadius;
if (rw*rw < centerDist2 &&
!intersectsInf(SGRayd(mCacheReference, mDown),
SGSphered(cntr, bs.radius())))
return false;
sphIsec = false;
return true;
bool enterNode(osg::Node& node)
if (!enterBoundingSphere(node.getBound()))
return false;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty& gp = mGroundProperty;
// get some material information for use in the gear model
gp.type = FGInterface::Unknown;
osg::Referenced* base = node.getUserData();
if (!base)
return true;
FGAICarrierHardware *ud =
if (!ud)
return true;
switch (ud->type) {
case FGAICarrierHardware::Wire:
gp.type = FGInterface::Wire;
gp.wire_id = ud->id;
case FGAICarrierHardware::Catapult:
gp.type = FGInterface::Catapult;
gp.type = FGInterface::Solid;
// Copy the velocity from the carrier class.
ud->carrier->getVelocityWrtEarth(gp.vel, gp.rot, gp.pivot);
return true;
void fillWith(osg::Drawable* drawable)
bool oldSphIsec = sphIsec;
if (!enterBoundingSphere(drawable->getBound()))
bool oldBackfaceCulling = mBackfaceCulling;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty& gp = mGroundProperty;
// get some material information for use in the gear model
gp.material = globals->get_matlib()->findMaterial(drawable->getStateSet());
if (gp.material)
gp.type = gp.material->get_solid() ? FGInterface::Solid : FGInterface::Water;
mBackfaceCulling = oldBackfaceCulling;
sphIsec = oldSphIsec;
virtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode)
bool oldBackfaceCulling = mBackfaceCulling;
bool oldSphIsec = sphIsec;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty oldGp = mGroundProperty;
if (!enterNode(geode))
unsigned int numDrawables = geode.getNumDrawables();
for(unsigned i = 0; i < numDrawables; ++i)
sphIsec = oldSphIsec;
mGroundProperty = oldGp;
mBackfaceCulling = oldBackfaceCulling;
virtual void apply(osg::Group& group)
bool oldBackfaceCulling = mBackfaceCulling;
bool oldSphIsec = sphIsec;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty oldGp = mGroundProperty;
if (!enterNode(group))
sphIsec = oldSphIsec;
mBackfaceCulling = oldBackfaceCulling;
mGroundProperty = oldGp;
virtual void apply(osg::Transform& transform)
if (!enterNode(transform))
bool oldBackfaceCulling = mBackfaceCulling;
bool oldSphIsec = sphIsec;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty oldGp = mGroundProperty;
/// transform the caches center to local coords
osg::Matrix oldLocalToGlobal = mLocalToGlobal;
osg::Matrix oldGlobalToLocal = mGlobalToLocal;
transform.computeLocalToWorldMatrix(mLocalToGlobal, this);
transform.computeWorldToLocalMatrix(mGlobalToLocal, this);
SGVec3d oldLocalCacheReference = mLocalCacheReference;
mLocalCacheReference.osg() = mCacheReference.osg()*mGlobalToLocal;
SGVec3d oldLocalDown = mLocalDown;
mLocalDown.osg() = osg::Matrixd::transform3x3(mDown.osg(), mGlobalToLocal);
// walk the children
// Restore that one
mLocalDown = oldLocalDown;
mLocalCacheReference = oldLocalCacheReference;
mLocalToGlobal = oldLocalToGlobal;
mGlobalToLocal = oldGlobalToLocal;
sphIsec = oldSphIsec;
mBackfaceCulling = oldBackfaceCulling;
mGroundProperty = oldGp;
void addTriangle(const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2,
const osg::Vec3& v3)
SGVec3d v[3] = {
// a bounding sphere in the node local system
SGVec3d boundCenter = (1.0/3)*(v[0] + v[1] + v[2]);
double boundRadius = std::max(distSqr(v[0], boundCenter),
distSqr(v[1], boundCenter));
boundRadius = std::max(boundRadius, distSqr(v[2], boundCenter));
boundRadius = sqrt(boundRadius);
SGRayd ray(mLocalCacheReference, mLocalDown);
// if we are not in the downward cylinder bail out
if (!intersectsInf(ray, SGSphered(boundCenter, boundRadius + mCacheRadius)))
SGTriangled triangle(v);
// The normal and plane in the node local coordinate system
SGVec3d n = cross(triangle.getEdge(0), triangle.getEdge(1));
if (0 < dot(mLocalDown, n)) {
if (mBackfaceCulling) {
// Surface points downwards, ignore for altitude computations.
} else {
// Only check if the triangle is in the cache sphere if the plane
// containing the triangle is near enough
if (sphIsec) {
double d = dot(n, v[0] - mLocalCacheReference);
if (d*d < mCacheRadius*dot(n, n)) {
// Check if the sphere around the vehicle intersects the sphere
// around that triangle. If so, put that triangle into the cache.
double r2 = boundRadius + mCacheRadius;
if (distSqr(boundCenter, mLocalCacheReference) < r2*r2) {
FGGroundCache::Triangle t;
t.triangle.setEdge(0, SGVec3d(osg::Matrixd::transform3x3(triangle.getEdge(0).osg(), mLocalToGlobal)));
t.triangle.setEdge(1, SGVec3d(osg::Matrixd::transform3x3(triangle.getEdge(1).osg(), mLocalToGlobal)));
t.velocity = mGroundProperty.vel;
t.rotation = mGroundProperty.rot;
t.rotation_pivot = mGroundProperty.pivot;
t.type = mGroundProperty.type;
t.material = mGroundProperty.material;
// In case the cache is empty, we still provide agl computations.
// But then we use the old way of having a fixed elevation value for
// the whole lifetime of this cache.
SGVec3d isectpoint;
if (intersects(isectpoint, triangle, ray, 1e-4)) {
mGroundCache->found_ground = true;
isectpoint.osg() = isectpoint.osg()*mLocalToGlobal;
double this_radius = length(isectpoint);
if (mGroundCache->ground_radius < this_radius) {
mGroundCache->ground_radius = this_radius;
mGroundCache->_type = mGroundProperty.type;
mGroundCache->_material = mGroundProperty.material;
void addLine(const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2)
SGVec3d gv1(osg::Vec3d(v1)*mLocalToGlobal);
SGVec3d gv2(osg::Vec3d(v2)*mLocalToGlobal);
SGVec3d boundCenter = 0.5*(gv1 + gv2);
double boundRadius = length(gv1 - boundCenter);
if (distSqr(boundCenter, mCacheReference)
< (boundRadius + mWireCacheRadius)*(boundRadius + mWireCacheRadius) ) {
if (mGroundProperty.type == FGInterface::Wire) {
FGGroundCache::Wire wire;
wire.ends[0] = gv1;
wire.ends[1] = gv2;
wire.velocity = mGroundProperty.vel;
wire.rotation = mGroundProperty.rot;
wire.rotation_pivot = mGroundProperty.pivot;
wire.wire_id = mGroundProperty.wire_id;
if (mGroundProperty.type == FGInterface::Catapult) {
FGGroundCache::Catapult cat;
// Trick to get the ends in the right order.
// Use the x axis in the original coordinate system. Choose the
// most negative x-axis as the one pointing forward
if (v1[0] > v2[0]) {
cat.start = gv1;
cat.end = gv2;
} else {
cat.start = gv2;
cat.end = gv1;
cat.velocity = mGroundProperty.vel;
cat.rotation = mGroundProperty.rot;
cat.rotation_pivot = mGroundProperty.pivot;
SGExtendedTriangleFunctor<GroundCacheFill> mTriangleFunctor;
FGGroundCache* mGroundCache;
SGVec3d mCacheReference;
double mCacheRadius;
double mWireCacheRadius;
osg::Matrix mLocalToGlobal;
osg::Matrix mGlobalToLocal;
SGVec3d mDown;
SGVec3d mLocalDown;
SGVec3d mLocalCacheReference;
bool sphIsec;
bool mBackfaceCulling;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty mGroundProperty;
FGGroundCache::FGGroundCache() : FGGroundCache::FGGroundCache() :
ground_radius(0.0), ground_radius(0.0),
_type(0), _type(0),
@ -461,17 +177,225 @@ FGGroundCache::velocityTransformTriangle(double dt,
dst = src.triangle; dst = src.triangle;
sdst = src.sphere; sdst = src.sphere;
if (dt*dt*dot(src.velocity, src.velocity) < SGLimitsd::epsilon()) if (dt*dt*dot(src.gp.vel, src.gp.vel) < SGLimitsd::epsilon())
return; return;
SGVec3d baseVert = dst.getBaseVertex(); SGVec3d baseVert = dst.getBaseVertex();
SGVec3d pivotoff = baseVert - src.rotation_pivot; SGVec3d pivotoff = baseVert - src.gp.pivot;
baseVert += dt*(src.velocity + cross(src.rotation, pivotoff)); baseVert += dt*(src.gp.vel + cross(src.gp.rot, pivotoff));
dst.setBaseVertex(baseVert); dst.setBaseVertex(baseVert);
dst.setEdge(0, dst.getEdge(0) + dt*cross(src.rotation, dst.getEdge(0))); dst.setEdge(0, dst.getEdge(0) + dt*cross(src.gp.rot, dst.getEdge(0)));
dst.setEdge(1, dst.getEdge(1) + dt*cross(src.rotation, dst.getEdge(1))); dst.setEdge(1, dst.getEdge(1) + dt*cross(src.gp.rot, dst.getEdge(1)));
} }
void FGGroundCache::getGroundProperty(Drawable* drawable,
const NodePath& nodePath,
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty& gp,
bool& backfaceCulling)
gp.type = FGInterface::Unknown;
gp.wire_id = 0;
gp.vel = SGVec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
gp.rot = SGVec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
gp.pivot = SGVec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
gp.material = 0;
backfaceCulling = false;
// XXX state set might be higher up in scene graph
gp.material = globals->get_matlib()->findMaterial(drawable->getStateSet());
if (gp.material)
gp.type = (gp.material->get_solid() ? FGInterface::Solid
: FGInterface::Water);
for (NodePath::const_iterator iter = nodePath.begin(), e = nodePath.end();
iter != e;
++iter) {
Node* node = *iter;
StateSet* stateSet = node->getStateSet();
StateAttribute* stateAttribute = 0;
if (stateSet && (stateAttribute
= stateSet->getAttribute(StateAttribute::CULLFACE))) {
= (static_cast<osg::CullFace*>(stateAttribute)->getMode()
== CullFace::BACK);
// get some material information for use in the gear model
Referenced* base = node->getUserData();
if (!base)
FGAICarrierHardware *ud = dynamic_cast<FGAICarrierHardware*>(base);
if (!ud)
switch (ud->type) {
case FGAICarrierHardware::Wire:
gp.type = FGInterface::Wire;
gp.wire_id = ud->id;
case FGAICarrierHardware::Catapult:
gp.type = FGInterface::Catapult;
gp.type = FGInterface::Solid;
// Copy the velocity from the carrier class.
ud->carrier->getVelocityWrtEarth(gp.vel, gp.rot, gp.pivot);
void FGGroundCache::getTriIntersectorResults(PolytopeIntersector* triInt)
const PolytopeIntersector::Intersections& intersections
= triInt->getIntersections();
Drawable* lastDrawable = 0;
RefMatrix* lastMatrix = 0;
Matrix worldToLocal;
GroundProperty gp;
bool backfaceCulling = false;
for (PolytopeIntersector::Intersections::const_iterator
itr = intersections.begin(), e = intersections.end();
itr != e;
++itr) {
const PolytopeIntersector::Intersection& intr = *itr;
if (intr.drawable.get() != lastDrawable) {
getGroundProperty(intr.drawable.get(), intr.nodePath, gp,
lastDrawable = intr.drawable.get();
Primitive triPrim = getPrimitive(intr.drawable, intr.primitiveIndex);
if (triPrim.numVerts != 3)
SGVec3d v[3] = { SGVec3d(triPrim.vertices[0]),
RefMatrix* mat = intr.matrix.get();
// If the drawable is the same then the intersection model
// matrix should be the same, because it is only set by nodes
// in the scene graph. However, do an extra test in case
// something funny is going on with the drawable.
if (mat != lastMatrix) {
lastMatrix = mat;
worldToLocal = Matrix::inverse(*mat);
SGVec3d localCacheReference;
localCacheReference.osg() = reference_wgs84_point.osg() * worldToLocal;
SGVec3d localDown;
localDown.osg() = Matrixd::transform3x3(down.osg(), worldToLocal);
// a bounding sphere in the node local system
SGVec3d boundCenter = (1.0/3)*(v[0] + v[1] + v[2]);
double boundRadius = std::max(distSqr(v[0], boundCenter),
distSqr(v[1], boundCenter));
boundRadius = std::max(boundRadius, distSqr(v[2], boundCenter));
boundRadius = sqrt(boundRadius);
SGRayd ray(localCacheReference, localDown);
SGTriangled triangle(v);
// The normal and plane in the node local coordinate system
SGVec3d n = cross(triangle.getEdge(0), triangle.getEdge(1));
if (0 < dot(localDown, n)) {
if (backfaceCulling) {
// Surface points downwards, ignore for altitude computations.
} else {
// Only check if the triangle is in the cache sphere if the plane
// containing the triangle is near enough
double d = dot(n, v[0] - localCacheReference);
if (d*d < reference_vehicle_radius*dot(n, n)) {
// Check if the sphere around the vehicle intersects the sphere
// around that triangle. If so, put that triangle into the cache.
double r2 = boundRadius + reference_vehicle_radius;
if (distSqr(boundCenter, localCacheReference) < r2*r2) {
FGGroundCache::Triangle t;
t.triangle.setBaseVertex(SGVec3d(v[0].osg() * *mat));
t.triangle.setEdge(0, SGVec3d(Matrixd::
t.triangle.setEdge(1, SGVec3d(Matrixd::
t.sphere.setCenter(SGVec3d(boundCenter.osg()* *mat));
t.gp = gp;
// In case the cache is empty, we still provide agl computations.
// But then we use the old way of having a fixed elevation value for
// the whole lifetime of this cache.
SGVec3d isectpoint;
if (intersects(isectpoint, triangle, ray, 1e-4)) {
found_ground = true;
isectpoint.osg() = isectpoint.osg() * *mat;
double this_radius = length(isectpoint);
if (ground_radius < this_radius) {
ground_radius = this_radius;
_type = gp.type;
_material = gp.material;
void FGGroundCache::getWireIntersectorResults(WireIntersector* wireInt,
double wireCacheRadius)
const WireIntersector::Intersections& intersections
= wireInt->getIntersections();
Drawable* lastDrawable = 0;
GroundProperty gp;
bool backfaceCulling = false;
for (PolytopeIntersector::Intersections::const_iterator
itr = intersections.begin(), e = intersections.end();
itr != e;
++itr) {
if (itr->drawable.get() != lastDrawable) {
getGroundProperty(itr->drawable.get(), itr->nodePath, gp,
lastDrawable = itr->drawable.get();
Primitive linePrim = getPrimitive(itr->drawable, itr->primitiveIndex);
if (linePrim.numVerts != 2)
RefMatrix* mat = itr->matrix.get();
SGVec3d gv1(osg::Vec3d(linePrim.vertices[0]) * *mat);
SGVec3d gv2(osg::Vec3d(linePrim.vertices[1]) * *mat);
SGVec3d boundCenter = 0.5*(gv1 + gv2);
double boundRadius = length(gv1 - boundCenter);
if (distSqr(boundCenter, reference_wgs84_point)
< (boundRadius + wireCacheRadius)*(boundRadius + wireCacheRadius)) {
if (gp.type == FGInterface::Wire) {
FGGroundCache::Wire wire;
wire.ends[0] = gv1;
wire.ends[1] = gv2;
wire.gp = gp;
} else if (gp.type == FGInterface::Catapult) {
FGGroundCache::Catapult cat;
// Trick to get the ends in the right order.
// Use the x axis in the original coordinate system. Choose the
// most negative x-axis as the one pointing forward
if (linePrim.vertices[1][0] > linePrim.vertices[2][0]) {
cat.start = gv1;
cat.end = gv2;
} else {
cat.start = gv2;
cat.end = gv1;
cat.gp = gp;
bool bool
FGGroundCache::prepare_ground_cache(double ref_time, const SGVec3d& pt, FGGroundCache::prepare_ground_cache(double ref_time, const SGVec3d& pt,
@ -510,10 +434,27 @@ FGGroundCache::prepare_ground_cache(double ref_time, const SGVec3d& pt,
const double max_wire_dist = 300.0; const double max_wire_dist = 300.0;
double wireCacheRadius = max_wire_dist < rad ? rad : max_wire_dist; double wireCacheRadius = max_wire_dist < rad ? rad : max_wire_dist;
// Walk the scene graph and extract solid ground triangles and carrier data. Polytope triPolytope;
GroundCacheFillVisitor gcfv(this, down, pt, cacheRadius, wireCacheRadius); makePolytopeShaft(triPolytope, pt.osg(), down.osg(), cacheRadius);
globals->get_scenery()->get_scene_graph()->accept(gcfv); ref_ptr<PolytopeIntersector> triIntersector
= new PolytopeIntersector(triPolytope);
Polytope wirePolytope;
makePolytopeBox(wirePolytope, pt.osg(), down.osg(), wireCacheRadius);
ref_ptr<WireIntersector> wireIntersector = new WireIntersector(wirePolytope);
ref_ptr<IntersectorGroup> intersectors = new IntersectorGroup;
// Walk the scene graph and extract solid ground triangles and
// carrier data.
IntersectionVisitor iv(intersectors);
getWireIntersectorResults(wireIntersector.get(), wireCacheRadius);
// some stats // some stats
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_DEBUG, "prepare_ground_cache(): ac radius = " << rad SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_DEBUG, "prepare_ground_cache(): ac radius = " << rad
<< ", # triangles = " << triangles.size() << ", # triangles = " << triangles.size()
@ -553,10 +494,10 @@ FGGroundCache::get_cat(double t, const SGVec3d& dpt,
size_t sz = catapults.size(); size_t sz = catapults.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
SGVec3d pivotoff, rvel[2]; SGVec3d pivotoff, rvel[2];
pivotoff = catapults[i].start - catapults[i].rotation_pivot; pivotoff = catapults[i].start - catapults[i].gp.pivot;
rvel[0] = catapults[i].velocity + cross(catapults[i].rotation, pivotoff); rvel[0] = catapults[i].gp.vel + cross(catapults[i].gp.rot, pivotoff);
pivotoff = catapults[i].end - catapults[i].rotation_pivot; pivotoff = catapults[i].end - catapults[i].gp.pivot;
rvel[1] = catapults[i].velocity + cross(catapults[i].rotation, pivotoff); rvel[1] = catapults[i].gp.vel + cross(catapults[i].gp.rot, pivotoff);
SGVec3d thisEnd[2]; SGVec3d thisEnd[2];
thisEnd[0] = catapults[i].start + t*rvel[0]; thisEnd[0] = catapults[i].start + t*rvel[0];
@ -630,13 +571,13 @@ FGGroundCache::get_agl(double t, const SGVec3d& dpt, double max_altoff,
// The first three values in the vector are the plane normal. // The first three values in the vector are the plane normal.
normal = triangle.getNormal(); normal = triangle.getNormal();
// The velocity wrt earth. // The velocity wrt earth.
SGVec3d pivotoff = pt - triangles[i].rotation_pivot; SGVec3d pivotoff = pt - triangles[i].gp.pivot;
vel = triangles[i].velocity + cross(triangles[i].rotation, pivotoff); vel = triangles[i].gp.vel + cross(triangles[i].gp.rot, pivotoff);
// Save the ground type. // Save the ground type.
*type = triangles[i].type; *type = triangles[i].gp.type;
*agl = dot(down, contact - dpt); *agl = dot(down, contact - dpt);
if (material) if (material)
*material = triangles[i].material; *material = triangles[i].gp.material;
} }
} }
} }
@ -684,8 +625,8 @@ bool FGGroundCache::caught_wire(double t, const SGVec3d pt[4])
SGVec3d le[2]; SGVec3d le[2];
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
le[k] = wires[i].ends[k]; le[k] = wires[i].ends[k];
SGVec3d pivotoff = le[k] - wires[i].rotation_pivot; SGVec3d pivotoff = le[k] - wires[i].gp.pivot;
SGVec3d vel = wires[i].velocity + cross(wires[i].rotation, pivotoff); SGVec3d vel = wires[i].gp.vel + cross(wires[i].gp.rot, pivotoff);
le[k] += t*vel; le[k] += t*vel;
} }
SGLineSegmentd lineSegment(le[0], le[1]); SGLineSegmentd lineSegment(le[0], le[1]);
@ -694,7 +635,7 @@ bool FGGroundCache::caught_wire(double t, const SGVec3d pt[4])
if (intersects(triangle[k], lineSegment)) { if (intersects(triangle[k], lineSegment)) {
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "Caught wire"); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "Caught wire");
// Store the wire id. // Store the wire id.
wire_id = wires[i].wire_id; wire_id = wires[i].gp.wire_id;
return true; return true;
} }
} }
@ -715,10 +656,10 @@ bool FGGroundCache::get_wire_ends(double t, SGVec3d end[2], SGVec3d vel[2])
// Search for the wire with the matching wire id. // Search for the wire with the matching wire id.
size_t sz = wires.size(); size_t sz = wires.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
if (wires[i].wire_id == wire_id) { if (wires[i].gp.wire_id == wire_id) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { for (size_t k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
SGVec3d pivotoff = wires[i].ends[k] - wires[i].rotation_pivot; SGVec3d pivotoff = wires[i].ends[k] - wires[i].gp.pivot;
vel[k] = wires[i].velocity + cross(wires[i].rotation, pivotoff); vel[k] = wires[i].gp.vel + cross(wires[i].gp.rot, pivotoff);
end[k] = wires[i].ends[k] + t*vel[k]; end[k] = wires[i].ends[k] + t*vel[k];
} }
return true; return true;

View file

@ -23,13 +23,20 @@
#include <osg/Node>
namespace osgUtil
class PolytopeIntersector;
#include <simgear/compiler.h> #include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/constants.h> #include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx> #include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGGeometry.hxx> #include <simgear/math/SGGeometry.hxx>
class SGMaterial; class SGMaterial;
class GroundCacheFillVisitor; class WireIntersector;
class FGGroundCache { class FGGroundCache {
public: public:
@ -84,33 +91,34 @@ public:
private: private:
friend class GroundCacheFillVisitor; friend class GroundCacheFillVisitor;
struct Triangle {
Triangle() : material(0) {} // Helper class to hold some properties of the ground triangle.
// The triangle we represent struct GroundProperty {
SGTriangled triangle; GroundProperty() : type(0), wire_id(0), material(0) {}
SGSphered sphere;
// The linear and angular velocity.
SGVec3d velocity;
SGVec3d rotation;
SGVec3d rotation_pivot;
// Ground type
int type; int type;
int wire_id;
// The linear and angular velocity.
SGVec3d vel;
SGVec3d rot;
SGVec3d pivot;
// the simgear material reference, contains friction coeficients ... // the simgear material reference, contains friction coeficients ...
const SGMaterial* material; const SGMaterial* material;
}; };
struct Triangle {
GroundProperty gp;
// The triangle we represent
SGTriangled triangle;
SGSphered sphere;
struct Catapult { struct Catapult {
GroundProperty gp;
SGVec3d start; SGVec3d start;
SGVec3d end; SGVec3d end;
SGVec3d velocity;
SGVec3d rotation;
SGVec3d rotation_pivot;
}; };
struct Wire { struct Wire {
GroundProperty gp;
SGVec3d ends[2]; SGVec3d ends[2];
SGVec3d velocity;
SGVec3d rotation;
SGVec3d rotation_pivot;
int wire_id;
}; };
@ -139,20 +147,14 @@ private:
SGVec3d down; SGVec3d down;
bool found_ground; bool found_ground;
void getGroundProperty(osg::Drawable* drawable,
// Helper class to hold some properties of the ground triangle. const osg::NodePath& nodePath,
struct GroundProperty { GroundProperty& gp, bool& backfaceCulling);
GroundProperty() : type(0), material(0) {}
int type;
int wire_id;
SGVec3d vel;
SGVec3d rot;
SGVec3d pivot;
const SGMaterial* material;
static void velocityTransformTriangle(double dt, SGTriangled& dst, static void velocityTransformTriangle(double dt, SGTriangled& dst,
SGSphered& sdst, const Triangle& src); SGSphered& sdst, const Triangle& src);
void getTriIntersectorResults(osgUtil::PolytopeIntersector* triInt);
void getWireIntersectorResults(WireIntersector* wireInt,
double wireCacheRadius);
}; };
#endif #endif