This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 0 additions and 1289 deletions
@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
------- Flight Gear FAQ v0.03 14/04/1999 ---------------------
Welcome to the Flight Gear FAQ. Here you find Questions/URL's/Tips about
Flight Gear mainly asked in the mailing lists.
This Document is divided into 5 sections:
1. Distribution Questions
2. Compiling Questions
3. User Questions
4. Windoze related Questions
5. ???
-------- Index -----------
Section One Distribution :
1) Where can I get the latest version of this FAQ ?
2) What else is a must read ?
3) Where is the latest distribution of Flight Gear... ?
4) Where can I find the newest snapshots ?
5) Where can I fly ?
Section Two Compiling :
1) Flight Gear doesn't smooth compile though configured succesfully
2) "gpc.c" and "gpc.h" files
3) Compiler could not find gfc/...
4) Red Had 5.1 / 5.2 related probs
Section Three User :
1) Upside down after crash?
2) Ailleron vs Rudder
3) FG is sooo slow (1 fps).
Section Four Windoze :
Section Five ??? :
SECTION ONE : Distribution Questions
1.1) Where can I get the latest version of this FAQ ?
Ans: The latest version is stored at
and it's updates are announced at flightgear mailing lists.
1.2) What else is a must read ?
Ans: Please also check out the "Getting started"-document which
provides much, much detailed information.
1.3) Where is the latest distribution of Flight Gear... ?
1.4) Where can I find the newest snapshots ?
1.5) Where can I fly ?
Ans: In front of your monitor, hehehe...
[FG until v0.58]:
Curt has a nice collection of some flight-scenarios in the U.S.
have a look at the descriptions and needed files
There are also scenarios located at:
There you find currently AZ-central, Equador, Spain, Munich (DE)
Frankfurt (DE) can be found at
Switzerland scenario at
[FG after v0.59 incl.]:
Due to changes to the scenery format, which is currently v0.2,
the old Scenery Files (see above) are not compatible to FlightGear
v0.59 and later.
The folowing Scenery Files are recommended instead:
Alaska (Prince William Sounds) Scenario located at
You also need the fgfs-base-0.59.tar.gz package with new graphics
SECTION TWO : Compiling questions
For the time beeing more Unix/Linux related.
2.1) Flight Gear doesn't smooth compile though configured succesful
Ans: The fgfs-sources contain some Scenery Tool Kits beeing yet beta,
they use libraries written by others so there is often some
code/makefile tweaking needed. But this doesn't matter since
the Flight Gear executable is then already compiled.
Just make install from toplevel Makefile directory
and up you go...
2.2) "gpc.o" and "gpc.h"
Can anyone advise me on what to do with the gpc.c and gpc.h files.
I retrieved them OK after "configure"reported that they were needed.
But, I don't know what I'm supposed to do with them.
Ans: Flight Gear's Makefile expects libgpc to be on your System.
Try this: gcc -c gpc.c
ar cru libgpc.a gpc.o
Then copy libgpc.a to some place that your compiler knows about such
as /usr/local/lib, and then try compiling again. A better idea would be
to set LIBRARY_PATH to point to the location where you installed
the libgpc.a file instead of dropping it into a system-wide library
Caveat Emptor:
One word of warning to Linux / Unix users. I recently discovered
that the gnu pascal compiler is also called "gpc" and comes with a
libgpc.a I know this has caused confusion on the part of at least one
or two people.
2.3) compiler could not find gfc/...
e.g. main.cxx:32: gfc/gshapefile.h: No such file or directory
main.cxx:30: gfc/gadt_polygon.h: No such file or directory
main.cxx:31: gfc/gdbf.h: No such file or directory
main.cxx:32: gfc/gshapefile.h: No such file or directory
there is no gadt_polygon.h on my system. What library does it belong to ?
Ans: This is part of the GFC library it is not needed to run FlightGear
as it is part of the beta Scenery Tool Kit
GFC -- Geographic Foundation Classes library
2.4) Red Had 5.1/5.2 related problems
I quickly ran into problems with the basic_string library. (see undefined ref.)
c++ -g -O2 -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o testbucket
testbucket.o../../Lib/Bucket/libBucket.a -lmtestbucket.o: In function
FGBucket::gen_base_path(void)':/usr/include/g++/std/bastring.h:75: undefined
reference to Basic_string<char,string_char_traits<char>,
__default_alloc_template<true, 0>>::Rep::clone(void)'collect2: ld returned 1
exit statusmake[2]: *** [testbucket] Error 1
Ans: I ran into the same problem on my RedHat 5.2 system (brand new).
After some searching I found out that it's got to do with a 'bug' in
the stdlibc++libraries. I picked up libstdc++-2.9.0-2.i386.rpm,
installed it and FGFS compiled just fine (after some other problems
with gfc, I had to pick up the one from the fgfs site). However, some
other packages must have the libstdc++-2.8 libraries....
Ans: I also solved it with the 2.8 libraries by including
/usr/include/g++/std/ into the example programs.
I believe this can be done since it's a template.
SECTION THREE : User Questions
3.1) Upside down after crash ?
After beeing crashed on the ground the navion continues to fly
upside-down and it stucks at almost groundlevel,
(like cruse missile ;-) flying with a reverse heading as before
and "balancing" left and right. The only solution seems to be
to give full throttle and then at +80-90 kts it can move up by
pressing one of the "elevator arrows" like a rocket doing a loop.
But hey, that's nerving bc the loop is allways to short and the
responding time of navion (correcting the "roll") is also to short,
which results in crash so you have to re-throttle again.
Ans: In his infinite wisdom the FlightGear GrandMaster decided
that planes were to valuable to allow them to be destroyed
by novice pilots who seemed to crash alot.
The result of this as you have noticed is that
with a little practice an ingenuity you can trim the ship
to fly inverted along the ground.
The trick to learn is to roll back to normal (non inverted)
do this by nursing the elevator to get to about 500 feet or so
and use the aierlons to snap roll 180*.
This is all good avionics except for the plane not destroying itself.
Remember the controls work in reverse when you are inverted
and keep that airspeed up !!!
3.2) Ailleron vs Rudder
What's the difference. Both help the plane to turn, that i did understand
Ans: There is a bit of info on aileron vs. rudder here:
3) FG is sooo slow (1 fps), though i got hardware acceleration like
Voodoo/Voodoo2 etc... What's the reason ?
Ans: Flight Gear supports hardware acceleration, but it seems not
to be activated. Even a P-400 goes berzerk using software rendering.
First check out if you have MESA with glide support.
Linux Users enter "make linux-glide" to compile Mesa
Check out your environment variables, whether you use soft or hard-ware
rendering. Here an example that should work :
You have to tell Mesa to use fullscreen
You also must set the appropriate Voodoo vars, here is for Voodoo2
the Voodoo1 vars may slightly differ.
The Voodoo vars can be obtained at:
Another good tool is glide-control to set the env. vars, go get it at:
Check also the help-startup-screen of Flight Gear:
fgfs --help
Oliver Delise Maintainer of FAQ
Please send any comments/suggestions/flames or beer to
@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
This is a short description of the things that need to be done to get
FlightGear up and running under Linux.
1. Prerequisites:
You need to understand the concepts of 3D acceleration under Linux and
the needed libraries. An excellent source of information is the "Linux
Quake-HOWTO" which can be found at
If anything seem to be wrong with your 3D setup, check there first!
You need Linux of course (any flavour) and a 3DFX-card (Voodoo1 in my
case). 3D rendering without hardware support can force even the
fastest PII to its knees. To make use of the accelerator board you
- the GLIDE library installed. Grab it at:
and install. There is even an install script contained that will do
things for you. The canonical place for GLIDE is /usr/local/glide,
if you prefer another location, you'll have to edit the Makefile for
FlightGear by hand. Be sure to read and understand the file
- the MESA library version 3.0 (or greater) installed.
Grab it at:
unpack it and run "make linux-glide" in the Mesa directory. Follow
the instructions in the README file, take a close look at
README.3DFX and play with the demo programs. Relax, rejoice :-)
- the GLUT library version 3.7 (or greater, aka GameGLUT) installed.
Grab it at:
Note: glut-3.7 is included with Mesa 3.0 so if you've already
grabbed the latest version of mesa, you should have everything you
Alternatively, you can use the 3D-stuff that came along with your
Linux distribution. At least RedHat (5.3 and later) and S.u.S.E. 6.0
(or later) contain all the things you need.
- (optional) the 3DFX kernel module.
Without this thingy installed, access to your accelerator board
needs to be SUID root, which bad practice (and a _huge_ security
hole). Get the 3DFX module from
and install it:
mkdir 3dfx
cd 3dfx
tar xvfz ../Dev3Dfx-2.7.tar.gz
cp 3dfx.o /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc
mknod /dev/3dfx c 107 0
insmod 3dfx
alternatively, you can get the RPM from there ind use rpm for
- Steve Baker's plib library.
get it from
and follow the instructions in README.plib.
- (optional) the gpc libraries.
Read the README.gpc files to understand what they are good for
and decide whether you need to download them. If you don't want to
build your own sceneries, you might not need them.
2. Build FlightGear:
You will need the following files:
FlightGear-x.xx.tar.gz (source code)
which can be found under
and the support files located at
the file is called
fgfs-base-x.xx.tar.gz (data files)
Ok, now that you got all the stuff, let's proceed towards installation.
Unpack FlightGear-x.xx.tar.gz using :
tar xvfz FlightGear-x.xx.tar.gz
and cd info FlightGear-x.xx. Run:
and wait a few minutes. configure knows about a lot of options. Have a
look at the file INSTALL in the FlightGear source directory to learn
about them. If run without options, configure assumes that you will
install the data files under /usr/local/lib/FlightGear. Assuming
configure finished successfully, simply run
and wait for the make process to finish. Now become root (for example
by using the su command) and type
make install
This will install the binaries in /usr/local/bin. Notice that the name
of the FlightGear binary is "fgfs".
Another problem with Linux/Glide is permission-related. All programs
accessing the Accelerator board need root permissions (or the kernel
module mentioned above installed). I _strongly_ recommend the latter.
3. Install the data files
Change to /usr/local/lib
tar xvfz WHERE_YOU_DOWNLOADED_THE_FILES/fgfs-base-x.xx.tar.gz
That's it...
4. Fly!
If everything went ok, simply type
at the prompt. You should see the FlightGear splash-screen and a few
seconds later you'll find youself somewhere in the desert, ready for
5. Strange things happen...
A note on the behaviour of Voodoo boards:
Your card comes packaged with a loop-through-cable. If you have only
one monitor, then the Voodoo will take it over when used. This means
that all the applications on your desktop will continue running but
you'll only see the FlightGear screen. If your window manager uses a
focus-follows-mouse policy, don't move the mouse. If you lose the
focus, there's no way to shut down FlightGear graciously! Better
solution: Use two monitors, one for your desktop, connect the other
one to your accelerator. You'll then get a window on your desktop
which manages all keyboard events and you're still able to see your
A final note: There are several types of VooDoo cards out there, so be
sure to get the correct version of Glide!
6. Conclusion
I hope this document provides some help. If it does, send virtual/real
beer to me, if not flame me!
Bernhard H. Buckel
II. RedHat Linux Notes
Summary: There are known problems with the versions of libstdc++ that
ships with both RedHat-5.1 and RedHat-5.2. You need to upgrade your
libstdc++ before attempting to build flight gear on a RedHat system.
Raymond de Vries <> writes: I ran into [this] problem on
my RedHat 5.2 system (brand new). After some searching I found out
that it's got to do with a 'bug' in the stdlibc++ libraries. I picked
up libstdc++-2.9.0-2.i386.rpm, installed it and FGFS compiled just
fine. However, some other packages must have the libstdc++-2.8
BTW I also solved it with the 2.8 libraries by including
/usr/include/g++/std/ into the example programs. I believe
this can be done since it's a template, correct me if I'm wrong.
III. Linux/AXP Notes
As of 2/19/99 I'm not aware of any glide port to Linux/AXP so it's
software rendering only for now. :-(
This following information is contributed by "Daniel J. Frasnelli"
1) Mesa was not built correctly by default. I had to add the "-mieee"
flag to the Make-config for Mesa-3.1beta1 to fix the problem. After
building and installation, all of the problems I had previously with
GL programs under AlphaLinux disappeared.
2) I also had to set the '-mieee' flag in $CFLAGS before configuring
and building FGFS. The -mieee switch fixes floating point exception
I heavily optimized both Mesa and FGFS, using the libffm "fast math
library for Alpha" in preference over the default libm, sticking all
sorts of strange flags in $CFLAGS, etc. These flags should be
adjusted for your specific architecture:
export CFLAGS="-mieee -mcpu=ev56 -Wa,-m21164a -pipe -g"
export CXXFLAGS="-mieee -mcpu=ev56 -Wa,-m21164a -pipe -g"
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
Jan 12, 1999.
Here is a quick outline of *one* way you can build FG for MacOS:
1. Install Metrowerks CodeWarrior Pro 3
2. Install the 'Mesa 3D Graphics Library' *** URL
3. Fetch the Flight Gear code. *** URL
4. Fetch the 'MWCWP3 Support' *** URL
5. Open 'MWCWP3 Support:Simulator:Simulator.mcp' and you are ready to compile.
6. I appreciate feedback. Tell me if this works for you ! If it doesn't, tell me
what went wrong. My email is *** who want do to the first-level support ?
@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
If you are reading this in hopes that you will find the answer to a
specific question, please send the question to and
suggest that I include the answer here.
I. Compilers and Portability
Flight Gear is known to build with egcs-1.1 and higher, as well as
gcc-2.8 and higher. Your mileage may vary with earlier versions of
these compilers although support for gcc-2.7.x is mostly there.
For other platforms where you may have access to native compilers,
again your mileage may vary. We would like to support as many
different compilers and platforms as possible. Please relay any
changes you make (or problems you encounter) back to
||||, so that in the future we can better support your
platform and your compiler. I have access to a few different
platforms, but I must depend on others to make sure their favorite
platform and compiler is well supported.
Flight Gear requires GLUT version 3.7 or later (aka GameGLUT._ GLUT
needs to be installed on your system before you can build Flight Gear.
GLUT can be found at:
GLUT (pronounced like the glut in gluttony) is the OpenGL Utility
Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL
programs. It implements a simple windowing application programming
interface (API) for OpenGL. GLUT makes it considerably easier to learn
about and explore OpenGL programming. GLUT provides a portable API so
you can write a single OpenGL program that works on both Win32 PCs and
X11 workstations.
III. Joystick Support
GLUT only has win32 joystick support but even at that, it is not well
implimented. So we use Steve Backer's joystick library when possible,
and fall back to GLUT for win32 until Steve's library adds win32
To make sure joystick support is included when building under Linux:
- make sure you have the proper joystick module installed.
- make sure the proper devices are created in /dev.
- /usr/include/linux/joystick.h must exist on your system.
IV. Procedure to build FGFS with Native SGI Irix Compilers from CVS Sources
(Contributed by Todd Smith <> with modifications
and updates by Curt Olson)
Download the latest version of plib (1.0.18) from:
Configure it with the default prefix of /usr/local which places
everthing in a tree rooted at /usr/local/plib:
sh$ CC="cc -Xcpluscomm" CXX=CC ./configure
*Before* running make, fix up the plib Makefiles using the script
provided with the Flight Gear distribution:
find . -name Makefile -exec .../src/FlightGear-0.7.x/ {} \;
This applies a fix in all the Makefiles to the lib creation command
(to use CC -ar rather than ar) as per a tip in the SGI pipeline
Now, make and install plib.
Download the latest fgfs source snapshot from:
Configure and build fgfs as you did plib:
sh$ CC="cc -Xcpluscomm" CXX=CC ./configure
sh$ find . -name Makefile -exec .../src/FlightGear-0.7.x/ {} \;
V. Additional Notes for Building from CVS Sources
(Contributed by Todd Smith <>)
and updates by Curt Olson)
Download the FlightGear-0.7.x via anonymous cvs as usual, then do:
> aclocal # normal
> automake -a -i # added '-i' flag to avoid dependency calc
# that only sgi cc/CC doesn't support
> autoconf # normal
Note the change in automake's command argument.
Now set env variables to use native compilers (csh syntax).
> setenv CC cc
> setenv CXX CC
> setenv CFLAGS '-Xcpluscomm -DEBUG:suppress=1001,1012,1014,
> setenv CXXFLAGS '-DEBUG:suppress=1001,1012,1014,1116,1172,
The '-DEBUG:suppress=' stuff just suppresses anonying warnings during
compile. The meaning of each one is shown later in this file.
You can use all or none of these here.
> setenv CPPFLAGS '-woff 1014'
This is required so that configure will really believe that plib
is installed. ( Otherwise a compiler warning makes configure
that plib/pu.h couldn't be found. )
> ./configure
> find . -name Makefile -exec {} \; # normal irix hack
> gmake
Runs great.
Warnings that I get. Ignore at your lesiure.
C and C++:
warning(1001): last line of file ends without a newline
warning(1012): parsing restarts here after previous syntax error
warning(1014): extra text after expected end of preprocessing directive (breaks configure)
warning(1116): non-void function "poly_index_init" should return a value
warning(1172): subscript out of range
warning(1174): variable "j" was declared but never referenced
warning(1401): qualified name is not allowed in member declaration
warning(1460): function "..." redeclared "inline" after being called
warning(1551): variable "Altitude" is used before its value is set
warning(1552): variable "last" was set but never used
C++ only:
warning(3303): type qualifier on return type is meaningless
warning(3322): omission of explicit type is nonstandard ("int" assumed)
VI. Additional Native SGI Irix Compilers Notes
Fixing all the Makefiles' with is *VERY* important for
your success):
find . -name Makefile -exec {} \;
This touches up the Makefiles to build libfoo.a with
CC -ar -o libfoo.a file1.o file2.o ...
The traditional method is to run:
ar cru libfoo.a file1.o file2.o
I wonder if this means that the native SGI "ar" is somewhat broke?
Note, you should make sure you have perl installed on your system. The
"" script assumes that perl is located in /usr/bin/perl so
if this isn't the proper location on your system, change it in the first
line of "" before running the above command. One way to see
if perl is on your system (and determine where) is to run:
which perl
Perl can be installed from "eoe.sw.gifts_perl" or can be fetched and
built from the net.
Finally you should run Gnu make. The native Irix make utility just
can't handle the makefiles generated by the automake program. Thus
you will need to use Gnu make. It's called "gmake" on my system so I
just run:
Don't worry about the make failing in the Tools directory. That's all
under construction stuff right now (10/7/99) and if you get that far,
rejoice because it means the simulator was successfully built in the
Simulator/Main subdirectory.
Special note for those Irix users using the native compilers *AND* checking
out the current source tree via CVS:
You will need to run "aclocal ; automake -a ; autoconf" as per
README.autoconf, but you need an additional flag for automake to disable
automatic dependency building (which breaks the native Irix compilers.)
You should instead run:
aclocal ; automake -a --include-deps; autoconf
Then, proceed on to the configure step.
Questions? I realize this section is a big heap of random information so
if something isn't quite working for you, please ask.
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
May 10, 1999
Here is a quick outline of *one* way you can build FG for Win32 using
a completely free development environment.
1. Install cygwin (latest is version 20.1)
Now called "full.exe"
(I believe "user.exe" is included in full.exe so you don't need to
install those separately)
2. This step may now be optional. I haven't tried without, but
cygwin is now egcs-1.1 (which should work I think.) This step
just upgrades to the latest greatest version of egcs.
Install egcs binary release for cygwin-20.x (latest egcs is version 1.1.2)
For instance, if you've downloaded egcs to /tmp:
cd //c/cygnus/cygwin-b20
tar xzvf //c/tmp/egcs-1.1.2-cygb20.tar.gz
3. Install the free win32 api library (latest version is 0.1.5) from:
(Recommend you install in /usr/local)
Run "make; make install"
4. Also download glut import libraries from extra section at:
copy these libs to /usr/local/lib/lib*.a
5. Install the Mesa-3.0 includes:
Feel free to download mesa from and grab them from
there. Line #453 of glut.h needs to be edited to look like the
GLUTAPI int APIENTRY glutCreateMenu(void (GLUTCALLBACK * func)(int));
Or you can grab just these headers from the fgfs ftp site.
Copy these includes to /usr/local/include/gl/*.h
6. Install the glut dll's somewhere in your path:
You can fetch these from the fgfs site:
7. Build and install plib (latest version is 1.0.5/6?) from:
|||| (check url)
Recommend you run configure as follows:
CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -Wall" CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --includedir=/usr/local/include/plib
make; make install
8. Fetch the Flight Gear code which can be found at:
Grab the latest "" or if you want to live on the
edge you can try one of the nightly snapshots in:
9. Unpack the FG source code. Run:
pkunzip -d
Be sure to use the -d option. This will create all the needed
subdirectories. Otherwise you will have one big mess! Trust me!
Side Note: we need to make a distinction between the "build tree" and
the "install tree." The "build tree" is what we've been talking
about up until this point. This is where the source code lives
and all the compiling takes place. Once the executables are
built, they need to be installed someplace. We shall call this
install location the "install tree". This is where the
executables, the scenery, the textures, and any other run-time
files will be located.
Open the Cygnus bash via its entry in the Start menu.
Mount the drive as follows (assuming you unpacked the code on d:):
mkdir /mnt
mount d: /mnt
You only have to do this once. The drive stays mounted (until you
umount it) even through reboots and switching off the machine.
10. Configure the make system for your environment and your "install
tree". Tell the configure script where you would like to install
the exectuables and all the scenery and textures by using the
"--prefix" option. In the following example the base of the
"install tree" is "\FlightGear". Stay within the bash shell. Run:
./configure --prefix=/mnt/FlightGear
Side Note: the make procedure is designed to link against opengl.dll,
glu.dll, and glut.dll. However, some accelerated video cards
require you to link against opengl32.exe, glu32.exe, and
glut32.exe. If this is the case for your video card, you can edit
.../Simulator/Main/Makefile and rename these three libraries to
their version "32" counterparts. There is only one place in this
make file where these files are listed.
11. Build the executable. Run:
12. Assuming you have installed the updated version of install.exe (see
earlier instructions) you can now create and populate the install
tree. Run:
make install
You can save a significant amount of space by stripping all the
debuging symbols off of the executables. To do this run:
strip file.exe
Important Note: so far you've built and installed the simulator and
related tools. Before you can actually try it out, you need to
make sure you have the appropriate scenery and texture downloaded
and unzip'ed in your "install tree".
13. Download and install the (most recent!) scenery and texture files.
14. In Windows explorer, change to /FlightGear/bin within your install tree.
Call runfg.bat which will set the environment variable FG_ROOT and
call the executable.
15. Try it out! There are several ways to run flight gear once it has
been installed. The simplest is as follows. Run:
\FlightGear\bin\runfg.bat (command shell)
16. I appreciate feedback. Tell me if it works! If it doesn't, tell me
what went wrong. My email is
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
Building cross cygwin b20 tools [Re: Linux->Win32 cross
compiler ?]
Mumit Khan (
Wed, 4 Nov 1998 09:38:23 -0600 (CST)
Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][ subject ][ author ]
Next message: Austin David France: "RE: B20 & bash 2.02.1(2) broken"
Previous message: Neil Schemenauer: "Bash exits after background command exits (B20)"
In reply to: Felix E. Klee: "Linux->Win32 cross compiler ?"
Next in thread: Peter Dalgaard BSA: "Re: Linux->Win32 cross compiler ?"
On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Felix E. Klee wrote:
> Hi,
> does anyone know if a cross compiler exists for Linux which
> creates Win32 executables just like gnuwin32 does?
============ building CROSS
You can always build one yourself. Download the CDK source, and do the
$ mkdir /cygwin-b20
$ cd /cygwin-b20
$ tar zxvf /tmp/dev-src.tar.gz
$ cd src
$ mkdir CROSS
$ cd CROSS
$ ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/cygb20 --target=i386-cygwin32 -v
$ make > make.log 2>&1
[ check for errors . If OK ]
$ make install > install.log 2>&1
After you're done, add it to path (if you're using a bourne-shell
compatible, otherwise use csh syntax).
$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cygb20/bin
$ i386-cygwin32-gcc -v
[ should report egcs-1.1 etc ]
All the binaries for i386-cygwin32 target are prefixed with i386-cygwin32-
============ building NATIVE tools using CROSS tools just built.
Now if you want to build native tools on eg., a i686-pc-linux-gnu box with
the same pathnames that wCygnus uses:
$ cd /cygwin-b20/src
$ mkdir NATIVE
$ ../configure --prefix=/Cygnus/cygwin-b20 \
--exec-prefix=/Cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32 \
--target=i386-cygwin32 --host=i386-cygwin32 \
--build=i686-pc-linux-gnu -v
$ make > make.log 2>&1
[ check for errors . If OK ]
Now of course, you want to install it to a *DIFFERENT* location than
/Cygnus/cygwin-b20 on your Unix host before creating an archive to
copy to a Cygwin box. Let's say you first install it to /tmp/cygwin.
$ make prefix=/tmp/cygwin exec_prefix=/tmp/cygwin/H-i586-cygwin32 \
install > install.log 2>&1
$ cd /tmp/cygwin
$ tar zcvf /tmp/dev-cygwin-b20.tar.gz .
Copy /tmp/dev-cygwin-b20.tar.gz to your Cygwin box and unpack:
[win32]$ cd /Cygnus/cygwin-b20
[win32]$ tar zxvf /tmp/dev-cygwin-b20.tar.gz
For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to
"" with one line of text: "help".
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
Flight Gear now has an anonymous CVS repository. Currently, it is read
only, but it will allow you to maintain your own absolutely up to date
source tree. You will also be able to do diffs, extract older versions
of files, and all the other fancy CVS stuff.
Instructions for accessing the FG cvs repository can be found by
following the "CVS Resources" link from the main FG web page:
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
Flight Gear uses the Gnu autoconf and automake tools for managing
Makefiles. It also uses libtool to manage building shared and static
libraries. Key input files for this system are:
|||| - Top level directory
|||| - One in each subdirectory
Include/ - input file for building config.h
If you need to modify any of these files, you will need to build and
install the following packages:
- GNU autoconf 2.12 (available from
- GNU automake 1.2h (available from
Libtool is not currently used:
- GNU libtool 1.2 (available from
(or maybe
- After upgrading libtool, if we were using it, you would want to run:
libtoolize --force
When making a change to any of these files you will need to run:
aclocal ; automake -a ; autoconf
Then follow the regular build procedure:
./configure; make; make install
For debuging purposes you might want to try something like:
CFLAGS=-Wall CXXFLAGS=-Wall ./configure; make; make install
For full optimization using the EGCS compiler on an Intel processor you
could try something like:
MACH="-mpentium" # -m486 -mpentiumpro etc.
export CC=egcc # for Linux
export CFLAGS="-Wall -O5 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -funroll-loops $MACH"
export CXXFLAGS="-Wall -O5 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -funroll-loops $MACH"
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
You *must* have the plib version 1.1.x or later installed on your
system to build the FGFS simulator!" Special note: Flight Gear is no
longer compatible with the 1.0.x versions of plib.
You can get the latest version of plib from:
Build notes:
You should be able to just run "./configure" to configure the package
and use all of plib's defaults. Then run "make" followed by "make
install". By default, plib installs itself into /usr so if you don't
like this, be sure to specify an alternate prefix such as --prefix=/usr/local
@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
Starting the executable
Unix: runfgfs
Windows: runfgfs.bat
"runfgfs" is a script which runs the Flight Gear executable with
(hopefully) the correct $FG_ROOT directory specified.
First Flight
By default, the plane should be looking more or less straight down a
runway, and the mouse cursor should be a regular pointer. The
following steps will help you to get into the air:
- click the right mouse button once, so that a cross cursor
appears (now, the mouse will act as a control yoke)
- while holding down the left mouse button, push the mouse cursor up
until the engine is at full power (the throttle indicator is on the
left side of the HUD), then release the left mouse button
- when the plane is moving fast enough (say, 100 knots for the default
Navion), slowly pull the mouse cursor down (with no buttons pressed)
to raise the elevators until the plane rolls off the runway and into
the air
- while holding down the left mouse button, move the mouse cursor down
slightly to ease up on the throttle, then release the left mouse
- move the mouse up, down, and sideways as necessary to establish
level flight -- small movements are best, or you may lose control of
the plane
- click the right mouse button once more, so that a double-arrow
cursor appears (now, the mouse will allow you to look around)
- move the mouse around to look out of the plane at different angles
- press the left mouse button once to return the view to front and
- click the right mouse button *twice*, so that the cross cursor
appears again (you're in yoke mode)
- now that you know how to operate the throttle, ailerons, and
elevators (as well as how to look around), try to circle around and
land back on the runway (best of luck)
Mouse controls
It is possible to manipulate the basic flight controls and the view
using only the mouse. Clicking the right mouse button toggles the
mouse among three different modes:
1. Pointer mode (the default: mouse cursor is a pointer)
2. Yoke mode (mouse cursor is a cross)
3. Look-around mode (mouse pointer is a double arrow)
In yoke mode and look-around mode, the mouse cursor will remain
trapped in the Flight Gear window.
Yoke mode
In yoke mode (mouse cursor as cross), mouse movement adjusts the main
flight controls, depending on which buttons you press.
With no button pressed:
(like a control yoke on an airplane)
- horizontal movement controls the ailerons
- vertical movement controls the elevators
With left button pressed:
- horizontal movement controls the brakes
- vertical movement controls the throttle
With middle button pressed:
- horizontal movement controls the rudder
- vertical movement controls the trim
Look-around mode
In look-around mode (mouse cursor as double arrow), mouse movement
changes the viewing direction: horizontal movement scrolls the view
horizontally, and vertical movement scrolls the view vertically in the
direction of mouse movement.
To return the view to front and center, click the left mouse button
Keyboard controls
It is also possible to fly using the numeric keypad. There is some
unresolved wierdness with the GLUT libraries and keyboard input, so
for now, the state of the "Num Lock" key is important.
Num Lock Active
Pg Up/Pg Dn Throttle
Left Arrow/Right Arrow Aileron
Up Arrow/Down Arrow Elevator
Ins/Enter Rudder
"5" Center aileron/elevator/rudder
Home/End Elevator Trim
Num Lock Inactive
Shift + <Numeric Keypad Key> Change view
where key is one of:
8 = forward
7 = left/forward
4 = left
1 = left/back
2 = back
3 = right/back
6 = right
9 = right/forward
Press the "b" key to toggle
Control + A Toggle autopilot altitude lock.
Control + H Toggle autopilot heading lock.
Control + S Toggle autopilot autothrottle.
Control + T Toggle autopilot terrain follow.
ESC Quit Flight Gear.
a Increase speedup.
b Toggle brakes.
h Dim HUD.
i Revert to full HUD.
m Increase time warp.
p Toggle pause.
t Increase time warp delta.
v Toggle external view mode.
x Zoom out (narrow field of view).
z Increase visibility.
Shift + A Decrease speedup.
Shift + H Brighten HUD
Shift + I Minimize HUD
Shift + M Decrease time warp.
Shift + P Toggle 2D panel display.
Shift + T Decrease time warp delta.
Shift + W Toggle fullscreen/window mode.
Shift + X Zoom out (widen field of view).
Shift + Z Decrease visibility.
F2 = Reload tile cache.
F6 = Toggle autopilot target location.
F8 = Toggle fog modes (off, fastest, nicest)
F9 = Toggle textures on/off
F10 = Toggle menu
F11 = Set autopilot altitude
F12 = Set autopilot heading
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
majordomo writes:
"main()" and GLUT dependent mouse/keyboard/graphics code.
Structure and code to tie together all the pieces of an aircraft such
as flight model, engine model, panel, controls, etc.
Provide a standardized interface to all aircraft controls.
Strucures and code to implement various flight models. Provides a
standardized interface to all interesting flight model variabls.
Contains miscellaneous matrix/vector routines.
Scenery parsing/generating code.
Sound management code
Code to handle time and timing of events.
Miscellaneous utility routines such as a general random number generator
Weather management and modeling code.
Win32 support stuff
Add table
Reference in a new issue