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scripts/python/video.py: new, for testing video encoding.

This commit is contained in:
Julian Smith 2021-11-22 23:23:28 +00:00
parent 5ef60c33c6
commit c73b1c237e

scripts/python/video.py Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Test script for video encoding.
Example usage:
scripts/python/video.py -f dac/run_fgfs.sh
import recordreplay
import os
import sys
import time
def main():
fgfs = f'./build-walk/fgfs.exe-run.sh'
args = iter(sys.argv[1:])
while 1:
arg = next(args)
except StopIteration:
if arg == '-f':
fgfs = next(args)
raise Exception(f'Unrecognised arg: {arg}')
fg = recordreplay.Fg(
+ f' --state=vto --airport=egtk'
+ f' --prop:/sim/replay/record-main-view=1'
+ f' --prop:bool:/sim/replay/record-main-window=0'
fg.waitfor('/sim/fdm-initialized', 1, timeout=45)
fg.fg['/sim/current-view/view-number-raw'] = 1 # helicopter
# Rotation speed.
fg.fg['/controls/auto-hover/rotation-speed-target'] = 4
fg.fg['/controls/auto-hover/rotation-mode'] = 'speed'
# These will have been set by --state=vto
# Sideways speed.
fg.fg['/controls/auto-hover/x-speed-target'] = '0'
fg.fg['/controls/auto-hover/x-mode'] = 'speed'
# Vertical speed.
fg.fg['/controls/auto-hover/y-speed-target'] = '0'
fg.fg['/controls/auto-hover/y-mode'] = 'speed'
# Forwards speed.
fg.fg['/controls/auto-hover/z-speed-target'] = '0'
fg.fg['/controls/auto-hover/z-mode'] = 'speed'
results = []
def make_recording(codec, container, quality, speed, fixed_dt=None):
Create recording using specified codec etc.
fg.fg['/sim/video/container'] = container
fdm_time_begin = fg.fg['/sim/time/simple-time/fdm']
if fixed_dt:
fg.fg['/sim/time/simple-time/enabled'] = True
fg.fg['/sim/time/fixed-dt'] = fixed_dt
name = f'video-test-c={codec}-q={quality}-s={speed}.{container}'
frames_start = fg.fg['/sim/frame-number']
fg.run_command( f'run video-start name={name} quality={quality} speed={speed} codec={codec}')
dt = 10
frames = fg.fg['/sim/frame-number'] - frames_start
fdm_time_end = fg.fg['/sim/time/simple-time/fdm']
fg.run_command( f'run video-stop')
fdm_time = fdm_time_end - fdm_time_begin
e = fg.fg['/sim/video/error']
e = f'error e={e:3}' if e else 'success'
e = f'{e:12}'
if not e:
if not os.path.isfile(name):
e = 'error no output file'
result = f'Video encoding result: {e}: codec={codec:12} container={container:6} quality={quality:6} speed={speed:6} frames={frames:6} frame_rate={frames/dt:6} fdm_time={fdm_time:6} size={os.path.getsize(name):9}: {name}'
results.append( result)
print( result)
if 1:
# Create Continuous recording, replay and create video, check video is
# new.
# Create Continuous recording.
video_suffix = 'mkv'
tstart = time.time()
fg.fg['/sim/video/container'] = video_suffix
fg.fg['/sim/video/codec'] = 'libx265'
fg.fg['/sim/video/quality'] = 0.75
fg.fg['/sim/video/speed'] = 1.0
fg.fg['/sim/replay/record-continuous-compression'] = 1
fg.fg['/sim/replay/record-continuous'] = 1
fg.fg['/sim/replay/record-main-view'] = 1
endtime = tstart + 10
while 1:
if time.time() > endtime:
fg.run_command('run view-step step=1')
fg.fg['/sim/replay/record-continuous'] = 0
# Replay to create video.
tstart = time.time()
fg.fg['sim/replay/replay-main-view'] = 1
fg.fg['sim/replay/replay-windows-position'] = 0
fg.fg['sim/replay/replay-windows-size'] = 0
fg.fg['/sim/video/container'] = 'mkv'
fg.fg['/sim/video/codec'] = 'libx265'
fg.fg['/sim/video/quality'] = 0.75
fg.fg['/sim/video/speed'] = 1.0
fg.run_command( f'run load-tape tape={fg.aircraft}-continuous create-video=1 fixed-dt=0.04')
fg.waitfor('/sim/replay/replay-state', 1) # Wait for replay to start.
fg.waitfor('/sim/replay/replay-state-eof', 1) # Wait for replay eof.
# Check video looks ok.
video_path = f'fgvideo-harrier-gr3.{video_suffix}'
video_path2 = recordreplay.readlink( video_path)
print(f'*** video_path={video_path} video_path2={video_path2}')
t = os.path.getmtime(video_path2)
assert t > tstart, f'Video file too old: {video_path2}'
elif 1:
make_recording('libtheora', 'ogv', quality=1, speed=1, fixed_dt=0.02)
make_recording('libx265', 'mkv', quality=1, speed=1, fixed_dt=0.02)
for codec in (
fg.fg['/sim/video/codec'] = codec
for container in (
# High quality can semi-freeze Flightgear.
for quality, speed in [
('0.4', '0.5'),
('0.4', '0.9'),
('0.1', '0.5'),
('0.1', '0.9'),
# This ordering should give increasing frame rate.
make_recording(codec, container, quality, speed)
for result in results:
print( f' {result}')
if __name__ == '__main__':