diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim.cxx b/src/FDM/JSBSim.cxx
index d45f0bb5c..c7dd94bb8 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim.cxx
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim.cxx
@@ -373,9 +373,9 @@ bool FGJSBsim::copy_from_JSBsim() {
                             Aircraft->GetNcg()(3) );
-    _set_Accels_Pilot_Body( Auxiliary->GetNpilot()(1),
-                            Auxiliary->GetNpilot()(2),
-                            Auxiliary->GetNpilot()(3) );
+    _set_Accels_Pilot_Body( Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel()(1),
+                            Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel()(2),
+                            Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel()(3) );
    // _set_Accels_Pilot_Body_N( Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel()(1)/32.1739,
    //                           Auxiliary->GetNpilot(2)/32.1739,
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAircraft.h b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAircraft.h
index 240d75259..b9624792d 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAircraft.h
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAircraft.h
@@ -145,7 +145,9 @@ public:
   inline double Getvbarh(void) { return vbarh; } // H. Tail Volume
   inline double Getvbarv(void) { return vbarv; } // V. Tail Volume
   inline FGColumnVector3& GetMoments(void) { return vMoments; }
+  inline double GetMoments(int idx) { return vMoments(idx); }
   inline FGColumnVector3& GetForces(void) { return vForces; }
+  inline double GetForces(int idx) { return vForces(idx); }
   inline FGColumnVector3& GetBodyAccel(void) { return vBodyAccel; }
   inline FGColumnVector3& GetNcg   (void)    { return vNcg; }
   inline FGColumnVector3& GetXYZrp(void) { return vXYZrp; }
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAuxiliary.cpp b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAuxiliary.cpp
index d744579d3..84232e89b 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAuxiliary.cpp
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAuxiliary.cpp
@@ -145,14 +145,18 @@ bool FGAuxiliary::Run()
     // mass, the acceleration vector is calculated. The term wdot is equivalent
     // to the JSBSim vPQRdot vector, and the w parameter is equivalent to vPQR.
     // The radius R is calculated below in the vector vToEyePt.
-    vToEyePt = Aircraft->GetXYZep() - MassBalance->GetXYZcg();
-    vPilotAccel = Aircraft->GetBodyAccel()
-                  + Rotation->GetPQRdot() * vToEyePt
-                  + Rotation->GetPQR() * (Rotation->GetPQR() * vToEyePt)
-                  + Inertial->GetGravity();
+    vPilotAccel.InitMatrix();   
+    if( Translation->GetVt() > 1 ) {
+      vToEyePt = Aircraft->GetXYZep() - MassBalance->GetXYZcg();
+      vPilotAccel =  Aerodynamics->GetForces() 
+                  +  Propulsion->GetForces()
+                  +  GroundReactions->GetForces();
+      vPilotAccel /= MassBalance->GetMass();
+      vPilotAccel += Rotation->GetPQRdot() * vToEyePt;
+      vPilotAccel += Rotation->GetPQR() * (Rotation->GetPQR() * vToEyePt);
+    }
     earthPosAngle += State->Getdt()*Inertial->omega();
     return false;
   } else {
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.cpp b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.cpp
index a76ef2a92..1b70824ad 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.cpp
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.cpp
@@ -671,7 +671,6 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::solve(double *y,double x)
   while ((fabs(d) > eps) && (i < 100)) {
-    cout << "f3-f1= " << f3-f1 << endl;
     x2 = x1-d*d0*f1/(f3-f1);
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGOutput.cpp b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGOutput.cpp
index 5b1d3501a..77bd0f663 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGOutput.cpp
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGOutput.cpp
@@ -69,9 +69,6 @@ FGOutput::FGOutput(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
   SubSystems = 0;
   enabled = true;
-  socket = new FGfdmSocket("localhost",1138);
@@ -302,8 +299,9 @@ void FGOutput::DelimitedOutput(string fname)
 void FGOutput::SocketOutput(void)
   string asciiData;
-  /*
   if (socket == NULL) return;
+  if (!socket->GetConnectStatus()) return;
   if (sFirstPass) {
@@ -343,10 +341,10 @@ void FGOutput::SocketOutput(void)
-    socket->Append("Throttle");
-    socket->Append("Aileron");
-    socket->Append("Elevator");
-    socket->Append("Rudder");
+    socket->Append("Throttle Position");
+    socket->Append("Aileron Position");
+    socket->Append("Elevator Position");
+    socket->Append("Rudder Position");
     sFirstPass = false;
@@ -368,30 +366,30 @@ void FGOutput::SocketOutput(void)
-  socket->Append(Translation->GetUdot());
-  socket->Append(Translation->GetVdot());
-  socket->Append(Translation->GetWdot());
-  socket->Append(Rotation->GetP());
-  socket->Append(Rotation->GetQ());
-  socket->Append(Rotation->GetR());
-  socket->Append(Rotation->GetPdot());
-  socket->Append(Rotation->GetQdot());
-  socket->Append(Rotation->GetRdot());
-  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetFx());
-  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetFy());
-  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetFz());
+  socket->Append(Translation->GetUVWdot(eU));
+  socket->Append(Translation->GetUVWdot(eV));
+  socket->Append(Translation->GetUVWdot(eW));
+  socket->Append(Rotation->GetPQR(eP));
+  socket->Append(Rotation->GetPQR(eQ));
+  socket->Append(Rotation->GetPQR(eR));
+  socket->Append(Rotation->GetPQRdot(eP));
+  socket->Append(Rotation->GetPQRdot(eQ));
+  socket->Append(Rotation->GetPQRdot(eR));
+  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetForces(eX));
+  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetForces(eY));
+  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetForces(eZ));
-  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetL());
-  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetM());
-  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetN());
-  socket->Append(FCS->GetThrottle(0));
-  socket->Append(FCS->GetDa());
-  socket->Append(FCS->GetDe());
-  socket->Append(FCS->GetDr());
-  socket->Send(); */
+  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetMoments(eL));
+  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetMoments(eM));
+  socket->Append(Aircraft->GetMoments(eN));
+  socket->Append(FCS->GetThrottlePos(0));
+  socket->Append(FCS->GetDaPos());
+  socket->Append(FCS->GetDePos());
+  socket->Append(FCS->GetDrPos());
+  socket->Send();
@@ -419,6 +417,13 @@ bool FGOutput::Load(FGConfigFile* AC_cfg)
   token = AC_cfg->GetValue("TYPE");
+#if defined( FG_WITH_JSBSIM_SOCKET ) || !defined( FGFS )
+  if (token == "SOCKET") {
+    socket = new FGfdmSocket("localhost",1138);
+  }
   while ((token = AC_cfg->GetValue()) != string("/OUTPUT")) {
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGfdmSocket.cpp b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGfdmSocket.cpp
index a20a79ad7..190d17598 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGfdmSocket.cpp
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGfdmSocket.cpp
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ CLASS IMPLEMENTATION
 FGfdmSocket::FGfdmSocket(string address, int port)
   size = 0;
+  connected = false;
 #if defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
     WSADATA wsaData;
@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ FGfdmSocket::FGfdmSocket(string address, int port)
       int len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
       if (connect(sckt, (struct sockaddr*)&scktName, len) == 0) {   // successful
         cout << "Successfully connected to socket ..." << endl;
+        connected = true;
       } else {                // unsuccessful
         cout << "Could not connect to socket ..." << endl;
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGfdmSocket.h b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGfdmSocket.h
index 0a405f32b..df9c3ec7b 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGfdmSocket.h
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGfdmSocket.h
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ public:
   void Append(double);
   void Append(long);
   void Clear(void);
+  bool GetConnectStatus(void) {return connected;}
   int sckt;
@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ private:
   struct sockaddr_in scktName;
   struct hostent *host;
   string buffer;
+  bool connected;
   void Debug(int from);
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cpp b/src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cpp
index cbe40ff0b..5dd4add9d 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cpp
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cpp
@@ -1,343 +1,343 @@
- Module:       JSBSim.cpp
- Author:       Jon S. Berndt
- Date started: 08/17/99
- Purpose:      Standalone version of JSBSim.
- Called by:    The USER.
- ------------- Copyright (C) 1999  Jon S. Berndt (jsb@hal-pc.org) -------------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
-This class Handles calling JSBSim standalone. It is set up for compilation under
-Borland C+Builder or other compiler.
-08/17/99   JSB   Created
-#include "FGFDMExec.h"
-#include "FGRotation.h"
-#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
-#include "FGState.h"
-#include "FGFCS.h"
-#include "FGAircraft.h"
-#include "FGTranslation.h"
-#include "FGPosition.h"
-#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
-#include "FGOutput.h"
-#include "FGConfigFile.h"
-#include "FGScript.h"
-#include "FGJSBBase.h"
-#ifdef FGFS
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-#include STL_IOSTREAM
-#  if defined(sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__)
-#    include <iostream.h>
-#  else
-#    include <iostream>
-#  endif
-#if __BCPLUSPLUS__ == 0x540
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include <condefs.h>
-#pragma argsused
-static const char *IdSrc = "$Id$";
-string ScriptName;
-string AircraftName;
-string ResetName;
-string LogOutputName;
-string LogDirectiveName;
-FGFDMExec* FDMExec;
-COMMENTS, REFERENCES, and NOTES [use "class documentation" below for API docs]
-void options(int, char**);
-/** Standalone JSBSim main program
-    This is the wrapper program used to instantiate the JSBSim system and control
-    it. Use this program to build a version of JSBSim that can be run from the
-    command line. To get any use out of this, you will have to create a script
-    to run a test case and specify what kind of output you would like.
-    @author Jon S. Berndt
-    @version $Id$
-    @see -
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-  ScriptName = "";
-  AircraftName = "";
-  ResetName = "";
-  LogOutputName = "";
-  LogDirectiveName = "";
-  bool result = false;
-  bool Scripted = false;
-  FGScript* Script;
-  options(argc, argv);
-  FDMExec = new FGFDMExec();
-  if (!ScriptName.empty()) { // SCRIPTED CASE
-    Script = new FGScript(FDMExec);
-    result = Script->LoadScript(ScriptName);
-    if (!result) {
-      cerr << "Script file " << ScriptName << " was not successfully loaded" << endl;
-      exit(-1);
-    }
-    Scripted = true;
-  } else if (!AircraftName.empty() || !ResetName.empty()) {        // form jsbsim <acname> <resetfile>
-    if ( ! FDMExec->LoadModel("aircraft", "engine", AircraftName)) {
-    	cerr << "  JSBSim could not be started" << endl << endl;
-      exit(-1);
-    }
-    FGInitialCondition IC(FDMExec);
-    if ( ! IC.Load("aircraft",AircraftName,ResetName)) {
-    	cerr << "Initialization unsuccessful" << endl;
-      exit(-1);
-    }
-  } else {
-    cout << "  No Aircraft, Script, or Reset information given" << endl << endl;
-    exit(-1);
-  }
-// RUN loop. MESSAGES are read inside the Run() loop and output as necessary.
-  FGJSBBase::Message* msg;
-  result = FDMExec->Run();
-  while (result) {
-    while (FDMExec->ReadMessage()) {
-      msg = FDMExec->ProcessMessage();
-      switch (msg->type) {
-      case FGJSBBase::Message::eText:
-        cout << msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text << endl;
-        break;
-      case FGJSBBase::Message::eBool:
-        cout << msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text << " " << msg->bVal << endl;
-        break;
-      case FGJSBBase::Message::eInteger:
-        cout << msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text << " " << msg->iVal << endl;
-        break;
-      case FGJSBBase::Message::eDouble:
-        cout << msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text << " " << msg->dVal << endl;
-        break;
-      default:
-        cerr << "Unrecognized message type." << endl;
-	      break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (Scripted) {
-      if (!Script->RunScript()) break;
-    }
-    result = FDMExec->Run();
-  }
-  delete FDMExec;
-  return 0;
-void options(int count, char **arg)
-  int i;
-  if (count == 1) {
-    cout << endl << "  JSBSim version " << FDMExec->GetVersion() << endl << endl;
-    cout << "  Usage: jsbsim <options>" << endl << endl;
-    cout << "  options:" << endl;
-      cout << "    --help  returns this message" << endl;
-      cout << "    --version  returns the version number" << endl;
-      cout << "    --outputlogfile=<filename>  sets the name of the data output file" << endl;
-      cout << "    --logdirectivefile=<filename>  specifies the name of the data logging directives file" << endl;
-      cout << "    --aircraft=<filename>  specifies the name of the aircraft to be modeled" << endl;
-      cout << "    --script=<filename>  specifies a script to run" << endl;
-      cout << "    --initfile=<filename>  specifies an initilization file" << endl << endl;
-    cout << "  NOTE: There can be no spaces around the = sign when" << endl;
-    cout << "        an option is followed by a filename" << endl << endl;
-  }
-  for (i=1; i<count; i++) {
-    string argument = string(arg[i]);
-    int n=0;
-    if (argument.find("--help") != string::npos) {
-      cout << endl << "  JSBSim version " << FDMExec->GetVersion() << endl << endl;
-      cout << "  Usage: jsbsim <options>" << endl << endl;
-      cout << "  options:" << endl;
-      cout << "    --help  returns this message" << endl;
-      cout << "    --version  returns the version number" << endl;
-      cout << "    --outputlogfile=<filename>  sets the name of the data output file" << endl;
-      cout << "    --logdirectivefile=<filename>  specifies the name of the data logging directives file" << endl;
-      cout << "    --aircraft=<filename>  specifies the name of the aircraft to be modeled" << endl;
-      cout << "    --script=<filename>  specifies a script to run" << endl;
-      cout << "    --initfile=<filename>  specifies an initilization file" << endl << endl;
-      cout << "  NOTE: There can be no spaces around the = sign when" << endl;
-      cout << "        an option is followed by a filename" << endl << endl;
-      exit(0);
-    } else if (argument.find("--version") != string::npos) {
-      cout << endl << "  JSBSim Version: " << FDMExec->GetVersion() << endl << endl;
-      exit (0);
-    } else if (argument.find("--outputlogfile") != string::npos) {
-      n = argument.find("=")+1;
-      if (n > 0) {
-        LogOutputName = argument.substr(argument.find("=")+1);
-      } else {
-        LogOutputName = "JSBout.csv";
-        cerr << "  Output log file name not valid or not understood. Using JSBout.csv as default";
-      }
-    } else if (argument.find("--logdirectivefile") != string::npos) {
-      n = argument.find("=")+1;
-      if (n > 0) {
-        LogDirectiveName = argument.substr(argument.find("=")+1);
-      } else {
-        cerr << "  Log directives file not valid or not understood." << endl << endl;
-        exit(1);
-      }
-    } else if (argument.find("--aircraft") != string::npos) {
-      n = argument.find("=")+1;
-      if (n > 0) {
-        AircraftName = argument.substr(argument.find("=")+1);
-      } else {
-        cerr << "  Aircraft name not valid or not understood." << endl << endl;
-        exit(1);
-      }
-    } else if (argument.find("--script") != string::npos) {
-      n = argument.find("=")+1;
-      if (n > 0) {
-        ScriptName = argument.substr(argument.find("=")+1);
-      } else {
-        cerr << "  Script name not valid or not understood." << endl << endl;
-        exit(1);
-      }
-    } else if (argument.find("--initfile") != string::npos) {
-      n = argument.find("=")+1;
-      if (n > 0) {
-        ResetName = argument.substr(argument.find("=")+1);
-      } else {
-        cerr << "  Reset name not valid or not understood." << endl << endl;
-        exit(1);
-      }
-    } else {
-      cerr << endl << "  Parameter: " << argument << " not understood" << endl;
-    }
-  }
+ Module:       JSBSim.cpp
+ Author:       Jon S. Berndt
+ Date started: 08/17/99
+ Purpose:      Standalone version of JSBSim.
+ Called by:    The USER.
+ ------------- Copyright (C) 1999  Jon S. Berndt (jsb@hal-pc.org) -------------
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
+ the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
+This class Handles calling JSBSim standalone. It is set up for compilation under
+Borland C+Builder or other compiler.
+08/17/99   JSB   Created
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
+#include "FGConfigFile.h"
+#include "FGScript.h"
+#include "FGJSBBase.h"
+#ifdef FGFS
+#include <simgear/compiler.h>
+#include STL_IOSTREAM
+#  if defined(sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__)
+#    include <iostream.h>
+#  else
+#    include <iostream>
+#  endif
+#if __BCPLUSPLUS__ == 0x540
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <condefs.h>
+#pragma argsused
+static const char *IdSrc = "$Id$";
+string ScriptName;
+string AircraftName;
+string ResetName;
+string LogOutputName;
+string LogDirectiveName;
+FGFDMExec* FDMExec;
+COMMENTS, REFERENCES, and NOTES [use "class documentation" below for API docs]
+void options(int, char**);
+/** Standalone JSBSim main program
+    This is the wrapper program used to instantiate the JSBSim system and control
+    it. Use this program to build a version of JSBSim that can be run from the
+    command line. To get any use out of this, you will have to create a script
+    to run a test case and specify what kind of output you would like.
+    @author Jon S. Berndt
+    @version $Id$
+    @see -
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+  ScriptName = "";
+  AircraftName = "";
+  ResetName = "";
+  LogOutputName = "";
+  LogDirectiveName = "";
+  bool result = false;
+  bool Scripted = false;
+  FGScript* Script;
+  options(argc, argv);
+  FDMExec = new FGFDMExec();
+  if (!ScriptName.empty()) { // SCRIPTED CASE
+    Script = new FGScript(FDMExec);
+    result = Script->LoadScript(ScriptName);
+    if (!result) {
+      cerr << "Script file " << ScriptName << " was not successfully loaded" << endl;
+      exit(-1);
+    }
+    Scripted = true;
+  } else if (!AircraftName.empty() || !ResetName.empty()) {        // form jsbsim <acname> <resetfile>
+    if ( ! FDMExec->LoadModel("aircraft", "engine", AircraftName)) {
+    	cerr << "  JSBSim could not be started" << endl << endl;
+      exit(-1);
+    }
+    FGInitialCondition IC(FDMExec);
+    if ( ! IC.Load("aircraft",AircraftName,ResetName)) {
+    	cerr << "Initialization unsuccessful" << endl;
+      exit(-1);
+    }
+  } else {
+    cout << "  No Aircraft, Script, or Reset information given" << endl << endl;
+    exit(-1);
+  }
+// RUN loop. MESSAGES are read inside the Run() loop and output as necessary.
+  FGJSBBase::Message* msg;
+  result = FDMExec->Run();
+  while (result) {
+    while (FDMExec->ReadMessage()) {
+      msg = FDMExec->ProcessMessage();
+      switch (msg->type) {
+      case FGJSBBase::Message::eText:
+        cout << msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text << endl;
+        break;
+      case FGJSBBase::Message::eBool:
+        cout << msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text << " " << msg->bVal << endl;
+        break;
+      case FGJSBBase::Message::eInteger:
+        cout << msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text << " " << msg->iVal << endl;
+        break;
+      case FGJSBBase::Message::eDouble:
+        cout << msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text << " " << msg->dVal << endl;
+        break;
+      default:
+        cerr << "Unrecognized message type." << endl;
+	      break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (Scripted) {
+      if (!Script->RunScript()) break;
+    }
+    result = FDMExec->Run();
+  }
+  delete FDMExec;
+  return 0;
+void options(int count, char **arg)
+  int i;
+  if (count == 1) {
+    cout << endl << "  JSBSim version " << FDMExec->GetVersion() << endl << endl;
+    cout << "  Usage: jsbsim <options>" << endl << endl;
+    cout << "  options:" << endl;
+      cout << "    --help  returns this message" << endl;
+      cout << "    --version  returns the version number" << endl;
+      cout << "    --outputlogfile=<filename>  sets the name of the data output file" << endl;
+      cout << "    --logdirectivefile=<filename>  specifies the name of the data logging directives file" << endl;
+      cout << "    --aircraft=<filename>  specifies the name of the aircraft to be modeled" << endl;
+      cout << "    --script=<filename>  specifies a script to run" << endl;
+      cout << "    --initfile=<filename>  specifies an initilization file" << endl << endl;
+    cout << "  NOTE: There can be no spaces around the = sign when" << endl;
+    cout << "        an option is followed by a filename" << endl << endl;
+  }
+  for (i=1; i<count; i++) {
+    string argument = string(arg[i]);
+    int n=0;
+    if (argument.find("--help") != string::npos) {
+      cout << endl << "  JSBSim version " << FDMExec->GetVersion() << endl << endl;
+      cout << "  Usage: jsbsim <options>" << endl << endl;
+      cout << "  options:" << endl;
+      cout << "    --help  returns this message" << endl;
+      cout << "    --version  returns the version number" << endl;
+      cout << "    --outputlogfile=<filename>  sets the name of the data output file" << endl;
+      cout << "    --logdirectivefile=<filename>  specifies the name of the data logging directives file" << endl;
+      cout << "    --aircraft=<filename>  specifies the name of the aircraft to be modeled" << endl;
+      cout << "    --script=<filename>  specifies a script to run" << endl;
+      cout << "    --initfile=<filename>  specifies an initilization file" << endl << endl;
+      cout << "  NOTE: There can be no spaces around the = sign when" << endl;
+      cout << "        an option is followed by a filename" << endl << endl;
+      exit(0);
+    } else if (argument.find("--version") != string::npos) {
+      cout << endl << "  JSBSim Version: " << FDMExec->GetVersion() << endl << endl;
+      exit (0);
+    } else if (argument.find("--outputlogfile") != string::npos) {
+      n = argument.find("=")+1;
+      if (n > 0) {
+        LogOutputName = argument.substr(argument.find("=")+1);
+      } else {
+        LogOutputName = "JSBout.csv";
+        cerr << "  Output log file name not valid or not understood. Using JSBout.csv as default";
+      }
+    } else if (argument.find("--logdirectivefile") != string::npos) {
+      n = argument.find("=")+1;
+      if (n > 0) {
+        LogDirectiveName = argument.substr(argument.find("=")+1);
+      } else {
+        cerr << "  Log directives file not valid or not understood." << endl << endl;
+        exit(1);
+      }
+    } else if (argument.find("--aircraft") != string::npos) {
+      n = argument.find("=")+1;
+      if (n > 0) {
+        AircraftName = argument.substr(argument.find("=")+1);
+      } else {
+        cerr << "  Aircraft name not valid or not understood." << endl << endl;
+        exit(1);
+      }
+    } else if (argument.find("--script") != string::npos) {
+      n = argument.find("=")+1;
+      if (n > 0) {
+        ScriptName = argument.substr(argument.find("=")+1);
+      } else {
+        cerr << "  Script name not valid or not understood." << endl << endl;
+        exit(1);
+      }
+    } else if (argument.find("--initfile") != string::npos) {
+      n = argument.find("=")+1;
+      if (n > 0) {
+        ResetName = argument.substr(argument.find("=")+1);
+      } else {
+        cerr << "  Reset name not valid or not understood." << endl << endl;
+        exit(1);
+      }
+    } else {
+      cerr << endl << "  Parameter: " << argument << " not understood" << endl;
+    }
+  }