C++-ified, STL-ified, and string-ified.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 204 additions and 163 deletions
@ -42,21 +42,23 @@
#include <Math/mat3.h>
#include <Math/polar3d.hxx>
int nodecount, tricount;
// int nodecount, tricount;
double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
static double nodes_orig[MAX_NODES][3];
static int tris[MAX_TRIS][3];
// static int new_tris[MAX_TRIS][3];
// static double nodes_orig[MAX_NODES][3];
// static fgPoint3d nodes_cart[MAX_NODES];
// static int tris[MAX_TRIS][3];
static fgPoint3d nodes_cart[MAX_NODES];
container_3d nodes_orig;
container_3d nodes_cart;
container_tri tri_list;
fgBUCKET ne_index, nw_index, sw_index, se_index;
fgBUCKET north_index, south_index, east_index, west_index;
// convert a geodetic point lon(arcsec), lat(arcsec), elev(meter) to a
// cartesian point
fgPoint3d geod_to_cart(double geod[3]) {
fgPoint3d geod_to_cart(fgPoint3d geod) {
fgPoint3d cp;
fgPoint3d pp;
double gc_lon, gc_lat, sl_radius;
@ -64,15 +66,15 @@ fgPoint3d geod_to_cart(double geod[3]) {
// printf("A geodetic point is (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n",
// geod[0], geod[1], geod[2]);
gc_lon = geod[0]*ARCSEC_TO_RAD;
fgGeodToGeoc(geod[1]*ARCSEC_TO_RAD, geod[2], &sl_radius, &gc_lat);
gc_lon = geod.lon * ARCSEC_TO_RAD;
fgGeodToGeoc(geod.lat * ARCSEC_TO_RAD, geod.radius, &sl_radius, &gc_lat);
// printf("A geocentric point is (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n", gc_lon,
// gc_lat, sl_radius+geod[2]);
pp.lon = gc_lon;
pp.lat = gc_lat;
pp.radius = sl_radius + geod[2];
pp.radius = sl_radius + geod.radius;
cp = fgPolarToCart3d(pp);
// printf("A cart point is (%.8f, %.8f, %.8f)\n", cp.x, cp.y, cp.z);
@ -99,34 +101,23 @@ void calc_normal(fgPoint3d p1, fgPoint3d p2,
// return the file base name ( foo/bar/file.ext = file.ext )
void extract_file(char *in, char *base) {
int len, i;
string extract_file(const string& input) {
int pos;
len = strlen(in);
pos = input.rfind("/");
i = len - 1;
while ( (i >= 0) && (in[i] != '/') ) {
in += (i + 1);
strcpy(base, in);
return input.substr(pos);
// return the file path name ( foo/bar/file.ext = foo/bar )
void extract_path(char *in, char *base) {
int len, i;
string extract_path(const string& input) {
int pos;
len = strlen(in);
strcpy(base, in);
pos = input.rfind("/");
i = len - 1;
while ( (i >= 0) && (in[i] != '/') ) {
base[i] = '\0';
return input.substr(0, pos);
@ -137,8 +128,17 @@ void find_tris(int n, int *t1, int *t2, int *t3, int *t4, int *t5) {
*t1 = *t2 = *t3 = *t4 = *t5 = 0;
i = 1;
while ( i <= tricount ) {
if ( (n == tris[i][0]) || (n == tris[i][1]) || (n == tris[i][2]) ) {
iterator_tri last = tri_list.end();
iterator_tri current = tri_list.begin();
// skip first null record
for ( ; current != last; ++current )
if ( (n == (*current).n1) || (n == (*current).n2) ||
(n == (*current).n3) )
if ( *t1 == 0 ) {
*t1 = i;
} else if ( *t2 == 0 ) {
@ -151,89 +151,86 @@ void find_tris(int n, int *t1, int *t2, int *t3, int *t4, int *t5) {
*t5 = i;
// Initialize a new mesh structure
void triload(char *basename) {
char nodename[256], elename[256];
FILE *node, *ele;
int dim, junk1, junk2;
void triload(const string& basename) {
string nodename, elename;
fgPoint3d node1, node2;
triangle tri;
FILE *node_file, *ele_file;
int nodecount, tricount, dim, junk1, junk2;
int i;
strcpy(nodename, basename);
strcat(nodename, ".node");
strcpy(elename, basename);
strcat(elename, ".ele");
nodename = basename + ".node";
elename = basename + ".ele";
printf("Loading node file: %s ...\n", nodename);
if ( (node = fopen(nodename, "r")) == NULL ) {
printf("Cannot open file '%s'\n", nodename);
cout << "Loading node file: " + nodename + " ...\n";
if ( (node_file = fopen(nodename.c_str(), "r")) == NULL ) {
cout << "Cannot open file " + nodename + "\n";
fscanf(node, "%d %d %d %d", &nodecount, &dim, &junk1, &junk2);
// the triangle program starts counting at 1 by default which is
// pretty obnoxious. Let's just push null record zero's onto our
// list to compensate
if ( nodecount > MAX_NODES - 1 ) {
printf("Error, too many nodes, need to increase array size\n");
} else {
printf(" Expecting %d nodes\n", nodecount);
fscanf(node_file, "%d %d %d %d", &nodecount, &dim, &junk1, &junk2);
cout << " Expecting " << nodecount << " nodes\n";
for ( i = 1; i <= nodecount; i++ ) {
fscanf(node, "%d %lf %lf %lf %d\n", &junk1,
&nodes_orig[i][0], &nodes_orig[i][1], &nodes_orig[i][2], &junk2);
// printf("%d %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", junk1, n[0], n[1], n[2]);
nodes_cart[i] = geod_to_cart(nodes_orig[i]);
// printf("%d %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
// junk1, nodes_cart[i].x, nodes_cart[i].y, nodes_cart[i].z);
fscanf(node_file, "%d %lf %lf %lf %d\n", &junk1,
&(node1.x), &(node1.y), &(node1.z), &junk2);
printf("%d %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", junk1, node1.x, node1.y, node1.z);
node2 = geod_to_cart(node1);
printf("%d %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", junk1, node2.x, node2.y, node2.z);
if ( i == 1 ) {
xmin = xmax = nodes_orig[i][0];
ymin = ymax = nodes_orig[i][1];
xmin = xmax = node1.x;
ymin = ymax = node1.y;
} else {
if ( nodes_orig[i][0] < xmin ) {
xmin = nodes_orig[i][0];
if ( node1.x < xmin ) {
xmin = node1.x;
if ( nodes_orig[i][0] > xmax ) {
xmax = nodes_orig[i][0];
if ( node1.x > xmax ) {
xmax = node1.x;
if ( nodes_orig[i][1] < ymin ) {
ymin = nodes_orig[i][1];
if ( node1.y < ymin ) {
ymin = node1.y;
if ( nodes_orig[i][1] > ymax ) {
ymax = nodes_orig[i][1];
if ( node1.y > ymax ) {
ymax = node1.y;
printf("Loading element file: %s ...\n", elename);
if ( (ele = fopen(elename, "r")) == NULL ) {
printf("Cannot open file '%s'\n", elename);
cout << "Loading element file: " + elename + " ...\n";
if ( (ele_file = fopen(elename.c_str(), "r")) == NULL ) {
cout << "Cannot open file " + elename + "\n";
fscanf(ele, "%d %d %d", &tricount, &junk1, &junk2);
if ( tricount > MAX_TRIS - 1 ) {
printf("Error, too many elements, need to increase array size\n");
} else {
printf(" Expecting %d elements\n", tricount);
fscanf(ele_file, "%d %d %d", &tricount, &junk1, &junk2);
cout << " Expecting " << tricount << " elements\n";
for ( i = 1; i <= tricount; i++ ) {
fscanf(ele, "%d %d %d %d\n", &junk1,
&tris[i][0], &tris[i][1], &tris[i][2]);
// printf("%d %d %d %d\n", junk1, tris[i][0], tris[i][1], tris[i][2]);
fscanf(ele_file, "%d %d %d %d\n", &junk1,
&(tri.n1), &(tri.n2), &(tri.n3));
printf("%d %d %d %d\n", junk1, tri.n1, tri.n2, tri.n3);
@ -242,28 +239,28 @@ int file_exists(char *file) {
struct stat stat_buf;
int result;
printf("checking %s ... ", file);
cout << "checking " << file << " ... ";
result = stat(file, &stat_buf);
if ( result != 0 ) {
// stat failed, no file
printf("not found.\n");
cout << "not found.\n";
return 0;
} else {
// stat succeeded, file exists
cout << "exists.\n";
return 1;
// check to see if a shared object exists
int shared_object_exists(char *basepath, char *ext) {
int shared_object_exists(const char *basepath, const string& ext) {
char file[256], scene_path[256];
long int index;
if ( strcmp(ext, ".sw") == 0 ) {
if ( ext == ".sw" ) {
fgBucketGenBasePath(&west_index, scene_path);
index = fgBucketGenIndex(&west_index);
sprintf(file, "%s/%s/%ld.1.se", basepath, scene_path, index);
@ -284,7 +281,7 @@ int shared_object_exists(char *basepath, char *ext) {
if ( strcmp(ext, ".se") == 0 ) {
if ( ext == ".se" ) {
fgBucketGenBasePath(&east_index, scene_path);
index = fgBucketGenIndex(&east_index);
sprintf(file, "%s/%s/%ld.1.sw", basepath, scene_path, index);
@ -305,7 +302,7 @@ int shared_object_exists(char *basepath, char *ext) {
if ( strcmp(ext, ".ne") == 0 ) {
if ( ext == ".ne" ) {
fgBucketGenBasePath(&east_index, scene_path);
index = fgBucketGenIndex(&east_index);
sprintf(file, "%s/%s/%ld.1.nw", basepath, scene_path, index);
@ -326,7 +323,7 @@ int shared_object_exists(char *basepath, char *ext) {
if ( strcmp(ext, ".nw") == 0 ) {
if ( ext == ".nw" ) {
fgBucketGenBasePath(&west_index, scene_path);
index = fgBucketGenIndex(&west_index);
sprintf(file, "%s/%s/%ld.1.ne", basepath, scene_path, index);
@ -347,7 +344,7 @@ int shared_object_exists(char *basepath, char *ext) {
if ( strcmp(ext, ".south") == 0 ) {
if ( ext == ".south" ) {
fgBucketGenBasePath(&south_index, scene_path);
index = fgBucketGenIndex(&south_index);
sprintf(file, "%s/%s/%ld.1.north", basepath, scene_path, index);
@ -356,7 +353,7 @@ int shared_object_exists(char *basepath, char *ext) {
if ( strcmp(ext, ".north") == 0 ) {
if ( ext == ".north" ) {
fgBucketGenBasePath(&north_index, scene_path);
index = fgBucketGenIndex(&north_index);
sprintf(file, "%s/%s/%ld.1.south", basepath, scene_path, index);
@ -365,7 +362,7 @@ int shared_object_exists(char *basepath, char *ext) {
if ( strcmp(ext, ".west") == 0 ) {
if ( ext == ".west" ) {
fgBucketGenBasePath(&west_index, scene_path);
index = fgBucketGenIndex(&west_index);
sprintf(file, "%s/%s/%ld.1.east", basepath, scene_path, index);
@ -374,7 +371,7 @@ int shared_object_exists(char *basepath, char *ext) {
if ( strcmp(ext, ".east") == 0 ) {
if ( ext == ".east" ) {
fgBucketGenBasePath(&east_index, scene_path);
index = fgBucketGenIndex(&east_index);
sprintf(file, "%s/%s/%ld.1.west", basepath, scene_path, index);
@ -389,35 +386,37 @@ int shared_object_exists(char *basepath, char *ext) {
// my custom file opening routine ... don't open if a shared edge or
// vertex alread exists
FILE *my_open(char *basename, char *basepath, char *ext) {
FILE *my_open(const string& basename, const string& basepath,
const string& ext)
FILE *fp;
char filename[256];
string filename;
// create the output file name
strcpy(filename, basename);
strcat(filename, ext);
filename = basename + ext;
// check if a shared object already exist from a different tile
if ( shared_object_exists(basepath, ext) ) {
if ( shared_object_exists(basepath.c_str(), ext) ) {
// not an actual file open error, but we've already got the
// shared edge, so we don't want to create another one
printf("not opening\n");
cout << "not opening\n";
} else {
// open the file
fp = fopen(filename, "w");
printf("Opening %s\n", filename);
fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
cout << "Opening " + filename + "\n";
// dump in WaveFront .obj format
void dump_obj(char *basename, char *basepath) {
void dump_obj(const string& basename, const string& basepath) {
fgPoint3d node;
double n1[3], n2[3], n3[3], n4[3], n5[3], norm[3], temp;
FILE *fp, *sw, *se, *ne, *nw, *north, *south, *east, *west, *body;
int i, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, count;
int i, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, count, size;
sw = my_open(basename, basepath, ".sw");
se = my_open(basename, basepath, ".se");
@ -431,45 +430,51 @@ void dump_obj(char *basename, char *basepath) {
body = my_open(basename, basepath, ".body");
printf("Dumping edges file basename: %s ...\n", basename);
cout << "Dumping edges file basename: " + basename + " ...\n";
// dump vertices
printf(" writing vertices\n");
for ( i = 1; i <= nodecount; i++ ) {
cout << " writing vertices\n";
if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymin) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmin) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
iterator_3d last = nodes_orig.end();
iterator_3d current = nodes_orig.begin();
for ( ; current != last; ++current) {
node = *current;
if ( (fabs(node.y - ymin) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(node.x - xmin) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
fp = sw;
} else if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymin) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmax) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
} else if ( (fabs(node.y - ymin) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(node.x - xmax) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
fp = se;
} else if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymax) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmax) < FG_EPSILON)) {
} else if ( (fabs(node.y - ymax) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(node.x - xmax) < FG_EPSILON)) {
fp = ne;
} else if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymax) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmin) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
} else if ( (fabs(node.y - ymax) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(node.x - xmin) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
fp = nw;
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmin) < FG_EPSILON ) {
} else if ( fabs(node.x - xmin) < FG_EPSILON ) {
fp = west;
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmax) < FG_EPSILON ) {
} else if ( fabs(node.x - xmax) < FG_EPSILON ) {
fp = east;
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymin) < FG_EPSILON ) {
} else if ( fabs(node.y - ymin) < FG_EPSILON ) {
fp = south;
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymax) < FG_EPSILON ) {
} else if ( fabs(node.y - ymax) < FG_EPSILON ) {
fp = north;
} else {
fp = body;
if ( fp != NULL ) {
fprintf(fp, "gdn %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
nodes_orig[i][0], nodes_orig[i][1], nodes_orig[i][2]);
fprintf(fp, "gdn %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", node.x, node.y, node.z);
printf(" calculating and writing normals\n");
cout << " calculating and writing normals\n";
// calculate and generate normals
for ( i = 1; i <= nodecount; i++ ) {
size = nodes_orig.size();
for ( i = 1; i < size; i++ ) {
// printf("Finding normal\n");
find_tris(i, &t1, &t2, &t3, &t4, &t5);
@ -481,30 +486,40 @@ void dump_obj(char *basename, char *basepath) {
n5[0] = n5[1] = n5[2] = 0.0;
count = 1;
calc_normal(nodes_cart[tris[t1][0]], nodes_cart[tris[t1][1]],
nodes_cart[tris[t1][2]], n1);
if ( t2 > 0 ) {
calc_normal(nodes_cart[tris[t2][0]], nodes_cart[tris[t2][1]],
nodes_cart[tris[t2][2]], n2);
count = 2;
if ( t3 > 0 ) {
calc_normal(nodes_cart[tris[t3][0]], nodes_cart[tris[t3][1]],
nodes_cart[tris[t3][2]], n3);
count = 3;
if ( t4 > 0 ) {
calc_normal(nodes_cart[tris[t4][0]], nodes_cart[tris[t4][1]],
nodes_cart[tris[t4][2]], n4);
count = 4;
if ( t5 > 0 ) {
calc_normal(nodes_cart[tris[t5][0]], nodes_cart[tris[t5][1]],
nodes_cart[tris[t5][2]], n5);
count = 5;
@ -523,25 +538,25 @@ void dump_obj(char *basename, char *basepath) {
fp = NULL;
if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymin) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmin) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i].y - ymin) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i].x - xmin) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
fp = sw;
} else if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymin) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmax) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
} else if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i].y - ymin) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i].x - xmax) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
fp = se;
} else if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymax) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmax) < FG_EPSILON)) {
} else if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i].y - ymax) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i].x - xmax) < FG_EPSILON)) {
fp = ne;
} else if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymax) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmin) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
} else if ( (fabs(nodes_orig[i].y - ymax) < FG_EPSILON) &&
(fabs(nodes_orig[i].x - xmin) < FG_EPSILON) ) {
fp = nw;
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmin) < FG_EPSILON ) {
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i].x - xmin) < FG_EPSILON ) {
fp = west;
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i][0] - xmax) < FG_EPSILON ) {
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i].x - xmax) < FG_EPSILON ) {
fp = east;
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymin) < FG_EPSILON ) {
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i].y - ymin) < FG_EPSILON ) {
fp = south;
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i][1] - ymax) < FG_EPSILON ) {
} else if ( fabs(nodes_orig[i].y - ymax) < FG_EPSILON ) {
fp = north;
if ( fp != NULL ) {
@ -564,30 +579,32 @@ void dump_obj(char *basename, char *basepath) {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char basename[256], basepath[256], temp[256];
string basename, basepath, temp;
long int index;
int len;
strcpy(basename, argv[1]);
basename = argv[1];
// find the base path of the file
extract_path(basename, basepath);
extract_path(basepath, basepath);
extract_path(basepath, basepath);
printf("%s\n", basepath);
basepath = extract_path(basename);
basepath = extract_path(basepath);
basepath = extract_path(basepath);
cout << "basepath = " + basepath + "\n";
// find the index of the current file
extract_file(basename, temp);
len = strlen(temp);
temp = extract_file(basename);
len = temp.length();
if ( len >= 2 ) {
temp[len-2] = '\0';
temp = temp.substr(0, len-2);
index = atoi(temp);
printf("%ld\n", index);
index = atoi( temp.c_str() );
cout << "index = " << index << "\n";
fgBucketParseIndex(index, &p);
printf("bucket = %d %d %d %d\n", p.lon, p.lat, p.x, p.y);
cout << "bucket = " << p.lon << " " << p.lat << " " <<
p.x << " " << p.y << "\n";
// generate the indexes of the neighbors
fgBucketOffset(&p, &ne_index, 1, 1);
fgBucketOffset(&p, &nw_index, -1, 1);
@ -616,6 +633,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// $Log$
// Revision 1.3 1998/09/22 23:49:56 curt
// C++-ified, STL-ified, and string-ified.
// Revision 1.2 1998/09/21 23:16:23 curt
// Converted to c++ style comments.
@ -30,23 +30,44 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Include/fg_stl_config.h"
using namespace std;
#include <Include/fg_types.h>
#define MAX_NODES 200000
#define MAX_TRIS 400000
// A triangle (indices of the three nodes)
typedef struct {
int n1, n2, n3;
} triangle;
extern int nodecount, tricount;
typedef vector < fgPoint3d > container_3d;
typedef container_3d::iterator iterator_3d;
typedef container_3d::const_iterator const_iterator_3d;
typedef vector < triangle > container_tri;
typedef container_tri::iterator iterator_tri;
typedef container_tri::const_iterator const_iterator_tri;
// Initialize a new mesh structure
void triload(char *basename);
void triload(const string& basename);
// $Log$
// Revision 1.3 1998/09/22 23:49:58 curt
// C++-ified, STL-ified, and string-ified.
// Revision 1.2 1998/09/21 23:16:24 curt
// Converted to c++ style comments.
Add table
Reference in a new issue