Added Nasal methods for ground intersection test and aircraft coordinate conversion
New Nasal method get_cart_ground_intersection Returns where the given position in the specified direction will intersect with the ground. Returns whether or not a certain position and direction pair intersect with the ground, and if so the intersection point. Useful for radars, terrain avoidance (GPWS), etc. Input parameters: 1. vec3d(x,y,z) position 2. vec3d(x,y,z) direction Returns nil or geod hash (lat:rad,lon:rad,elevation:Meters) intersection Example Usage: var end =; end.apply_course_distance(heading, speed_horz_fps*FT2M); end.set_alt(end.alt() - speed_down_fps*FT2M); var dir_x = end.x() - start.x(); var dir_y = end.y() - start.y(); var dir_z = end.z() - start.z(); var xyz = { "x":start.x(), "y" : start.y(), "z" : start.z() }; var dir = { "x":dir_x, "y" : dir_y, "z" : dir_z }; var geod = get_cart_ground_intersection(xyz, dir); if (geod != nil) { end.set_latlon(, geod.lon, geod.elevation); var dist = start.direct_distance_to(end)*M2FT; var time = dist / speed_fps; setprop("/sim/model/radar/time-until-impact", time); } ----------- Nasal method aircraftToCart : This allows easily computing offsets in aircraft-relative coordinates, and converting to global cartesian (ECEF) reference frame.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 126 additions and 5 deletions
@ -876,14 +876,18 @@ bool geodFromHash(naRef ref, SGGeod& result)
if (hashIsCoord(ref)) {
naRef lat = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "_lat");
naRef lon = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "_lon");
if (naIsNum(lat) && naIsNum(lon)) {
result = SGGeod::fromRad(naNumValue(lon).num, naNumValue(lat).num);
return true;
naRef alt_feet = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "_alt");
if (naIsNum(lat) && naIsNum(lon) && naIsNil(alt_feet)) {
result = SGGeod::fromRad(naNumValue(lon).num, naNumValue(lat).num);
return true;
if (naIsNum(lat) && naIsNum(lon) && naIsNum(alt_feet)) {
result = SGGeod::fromRadFt(naNumValue(lon).num, naNumValue(lat).num, naNumValue(alt_feet).num);
return true;
// check for any synonyms?
// latitude + longitude?
// latitude + longitude?
return false;
@ -941,6 +945,23 @@ static int geodFromArgs(naRef* args, int offset, int argc, SGGeod& result)
return 0;
bool vec3dFromHash(naRef ref, SGVec3d& result)
if (!naIsHash(ref)) {
return false;
// check for manual latitude / longitude names
naRef x = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "x");
naRef y = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "y");
naRef z = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "z");
if (naIsNum(x) && naIsNum(y) && naIsNum(z)) {
result = SGVec3d(naNumValue(x).num, naNumValue(y).num, naNumValue(z).num);
return true;
return false;
// Convert a cartesian point to a geodetic lat/lon/altitude.
static naRef f_carttogeod(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
@ -974,6 +995,104 @@ static naRef f_geodtocart(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return vec;
* @name f_get_cart_ground_intersection
* @brief Returns where the given position in the specified direction will intersect with the ground
* Exposes the built in function to Nasal to allow a craft to ascertain
* whether or not a certain position and direction pair intersect with
* the ground.
* Useful for radars, terrain avoidance (GPWS), etc.
* @param [in] vec3d(x,y,z) position
* @param [in] vec3d(x,y,z) direction
* @retval geod hash (lat:rad,lon:rad,elevation:Meters) intersection
* @retval nil no intersection found.
* Example Usage:
* @code
* var end =;
* end.apply_course_distance(heading, speed_horz_fps*FT2M);
* end.set_alt(end.alt() - speed_down_fps*FT2M);
* var dir_x = end.x() - start.x();
* var dir_y = end.y() - start.y();
* var dir_z = end.z() - start.z();
* var xyz = { "x":start.x(), "y" : start.y(), "z" : start.z() };
* var dir = { "x":dir_x, "y" : dir_y, "z" : dir_z };
* var geod = get_cart_ground_intersection(xyz, dir);
* if (geod != nil) {
* end.set_latlon(, geod.lon, geod.elevation);
var dist = start.direct_distance_to(end)*M2FT;
* var time = dist / speed_fps;
* setprop("/sim/model/radar/time-until-impact", time);
* }
* @endcode
static naRef f_get_cart_ground_intersection(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
SGVec3d dir;
SGVec3d pos;
if (argc != 2)
naRuntimeError(c, "geod_hash get_cart_ground_intersection(position: hash{x,y,z}, direction:hash{x,y,z}) expects 2 arguments");
if (!vec3dFromHash(args[0], pos))
naRuntimeError(c, "geod_hash get_cart_ground_intersection(position:hash{x,y,z}, direction:hash{x,y,z}) expects argument(0) to be hash of position containing x,y,z");
if (!vec3dFromHash(args[1], dir))
naRuntimeError(c, "geod_hash get_cart_ground_intersection(position: hash{x,y,z}, direction:hash{x,y,z}) expects argument(1) to be hash of direction containing x,y,z");
SGVec3d nearestHit;
if (!globals->get_scenery()->get_cart_ground_intersection(pos, dir, nearestHit))
return naNil();
const SGGeod geodHit = SGGeod::fromCart(nearestHit);
// build a hash for returned intersection
naRef intersection_h = naNewHash(c);
hashset(c, intersection_h, "lat", naNum(geodHit.getLatitudeDeg()));
hashset(c, intersection_h, "lon", naNum(geodHit.getLongitudeDeg()));
hashset(c, intersection_h, "elevation", naNum(geodHit.getElevationM()));
return intersection_h;
// convert from aircraft reference frame to global (ECEF) cartesian
static naRef f_aircraftToCart(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if (argc != 1)
naRuntimeError(c, "hash{x,y,z} aircraftToCart(position: hash{x,y,z}) expects one argument");
SGVec3d offset;
if (!vec3dFromHash(args[0], offset))
naRuntimeError(c, "aircraftToCart expects argument(0) to be a hash containing x,y,z");
double heading, pitch, roll;
globals->get_aircraft_orientation(heading, pitch, roll);
// Transform that one to the horizontal local coordinate system.
SGQuatd hlTrans = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(globals->get_aircraft_position());
// post-rotate the orientation of the aircraft wrt the horizontal local frame
hlTrans *= SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(heading, pitch, roll);
// The offset converted to the usual body fixed coordinate system
// rotated to the earth fiexed coordinates axis
offset = hlTrans.backTransform(offset);
SGVec3d v = globals->get_aircraft_position_cart() + offset;
// build a hash for returned location
naRef pos_h = naNewHash(c);
hashset(c, pos_h, "x", naNum(v.x()));
hashset(c, pos_h, "y", naNum(v.y()));
hashset(c, pos_h, "z", naNum(v.z()));
return pos_h;
// For given geodetic point return array with elevation, and a material data
// hash, or nil if there's no information available (tile not loaded). If
// information about the material isn't available, then nil is returned instead
@ -2508,6 +2627,8 @@ static struct { const char* name; naCFunction func; } funcs[] = {
{ "carttogeod", f_carttogeod },
{ "geodtocart", f_geodtocart },
{ "geodinfo", f_geodinfo },
{ "get_cart_ground_intersection", f_get_cart_ground_intersection },
{ "aircraftToCart", f_aircraftToCart },
{ "airportinfo", f_airportinfo },
{ "findAirportsWithinRange", f_findAirportsWithinRange },
{ "findAirportsByICAO", f_findAirportsByICAO },
Add table
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