From b26263c62d690fd6d52c252620c9ee7ce48f6061 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: curt <curt>
Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 23:03:54 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added an entry for AUTOPILOT.

 Debug/fg_debug.c | 34 +++++++++++++++++++---------------
 Debug/fg_debug.h | 27 ++++++++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Debug/fg_debug.c b/Debug/fg_debug.c
index f47b0251e..e8646d643 100644
--- a/Debug/fg_debug.c
+++ b/Debug/fg_debug.c
@@ -59,21 +59,22 @@ static struct {
     char *str;
     fgDebugClass dbg_class;
 } fg_DebugClasses[] = {
-    { "FG_NONE",    0x00000000 },
-    { "FG_TERRAIN", 0x00000001 },
-    { "FG_ASTRO",   0x00000002 },
-    { "FG_FLIGHT",  0x00000004 },
-    { "FG_INPUT",   0x00000008 },
-    { "FG_GL",      0x00000010 },
-    { "FG_VIEW",    0x00000020 },
-    { "FG_COCKPIT", 0x00000040 },
-    { "FG_GENERAL", 0x00000080 },
-    { "FG_MATH",    0x00000100 },
-    { "FG_EVENT",   0x00000200 },
-    { "FG_AIRCRAFT",0x00000400 },
+    { "FG_NONE",      0x00000000 },
+    { "FG_TERRAIN",   0x00000001 },
+    { "FG_ASTRO",     0x00000002 },
+    { "FG_FLIGHT",    0x00000004 },
+    { "FG_INPUT",     0x00000008 },
+    { "FG_GL",        0x00000010 },
+    { "FG_VIEW",      0x00000020 },
+    { "FG_COCKPIT",   0x00000040 },
+    { "FG_GENERAL",   0x00000080 },
+    { "FG_MATH",      0x00000100 },
+    { "FG_EVENT",     0x00000200 },
+    { "FG_AIRCRAFT",  0x00000400 },
+    { "FG_AUTOPILOT", 0x00000800 },
     /* Do not edit below here, last entry should be null */
-    { "FG_ALL",     0xFFFFFFFF },
+    { "FG_ALL",       0xFFFFFFFF },
     { NULL, 0 } 
@@ -272,9 +273,12 @@ int fgPrintf( fgDebugClass dbg_class, fgDebugPriority prio, char *fmt, ... ) {
 /* $Log$
-/* Revision 1.2  1998/04/21 17:03:45  curt
-/* Prepairing for C++ integration.
+/* Revision 1.3  1998/05/07 23:03:54  curt
+/* Added an entry for AUTOPILOT.
+ * Revision 1.2  1998/04/21 17:03:45  curt
+ * Prepairing for C++ integration.
+ *
  * Revision 1.1  1998/04/18 03:52:04  curt
  * Moved to Lib directory and created a libDebug.
diff --git a/Debug/fg_debug.h b/Debug/fg_debug.h
index 51e75b14d..b67119fd9 100644
--- a/Debug/fg_debug.h
+++ b/Debug/fg_debug.h
@@ -38,20 +38,21 @@ extern "C" {
 /* NB: To add a dbg_class, add it here, and add it to the structure in
    fg_debug.c */
 typedef enum {
-    FG_NONE    = 0x00000000,
+    FG_NONE      = 0x00000000,
-    FG_TERRAIN = 0x00000001,
-    FG_ASTRO   = 0x00000002,
-    FG_FLIGHT  = 0x00000004,
-    FG_INPUT   = 0x00000008,
-    FG_GL      = 0x00000010,
-    FG_VIEW    = 0x00000020,
-    FG_COCKPIT = 0x00000040,
-    FG_GENERAL = 0x00000080,
-    FG_MATH    = 0x00000100,
-    FG_EVENT   = 0x00000200,
-    FG_AIRCRAFT= 0x00000400,
-    FG_UNDEFD  = 0x00001000, // For range checking
+    FG_TERRAIN   = 0x00000001,
+    FG_ASTRO     = 0x00000002,
+    FG_FLIGHT    = 0x00000004,
+    FG_INPUT     = 0x00000008,
+    FG_GL        = 0x00000010,
+    FG_VIEW      = 0x00000020,
+    FG_COCKPIT   = 0x00000040,
+    FG_GENERAL   = 0x00000080,
+    FG_MATH      = 0x00000100,
+    FG_EVENT     = 0x00000200,
+    FG_AIRCRAFT  = 0x00000400,
+    FG_AUTOPILOT = 0x00000800,
+    FG_UNDEFD    = 0x00001000, // For range checking
     FG_ALL     = 0xFFFFFFFF
 } fgDebugClass;