Expose procedure routing and fixes to Nasal.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 254 additions and 56 deletions
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ void Approach::addTransition(Transition* aTrans)
bool Approach::route(WayptRef aIAF, WayptVec& aWps)
if (aIAF.valid()) {
WptTransitionMap::iterator it;
bool haveTrans = false;
for (it = _transitions.begin(); it != _transitions.end(); ++it) {
@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ bool Approach::route(WayptRef aIAF, WayptVec& aWps)
"for IAF: " << aIAF->ident());
return false;
return routeFromVectors(aWps);
@ -151,6 +151,9 @@ public:
virtual bool flag(WayptFlag aFlag) const;
virtual unsigned int flags() const
{ return _flags; }
void setFlag(WayptFlag aFlag, bool aV = true);
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include <ATC/CommStation.hxx>
#include <Navaids/route.hxx>
#include <Navaids/waypoint.hxx>
#include <Navaids/fix.hxx>
#include <Autopilot/route_mgr.hxx>
#include <Navaids/procedure.hxx>
#include <Navaids/airways.hxx>
@ -69,6 +70,9 @@ naGhostType NavaidGhostType = { positionedGhostDestroy, "navaid", navaidGhostGet
static const char* runwayGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef* out);
naGhostType RunwayGhostType = { positionedGhostDestroy, "runway", runwayGhostGetMember, 0 };
static const char* fixGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef* out);
naGhostType FixGhostType = { positionedGhostDestroy, "fix", fixGhostGetMember, 0 };
static const char* wayptGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef* out);
naGhostType WayptGhostType = { wayptGhostDestroy,
@ -76,10 +80,12 @@ naGhostType WayptGhostType = { wayptGhostDestroy,
static const char* legGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef* out);
static void legGhostSetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef value);
naGhostType FPLegGhostType = { legGhostDestroy,
static const char* flightplanGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef* out);
static void flightplanGhostSetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef value);
@ -110,11 +116,33 @@ static naRef stringToNasal(naContext c, const std::string& s)
static WayptFlag wayptFlagFromString(const char* s)
if (!strcmp(s, "sid")) return WPT_DEPARTURE;
if (!strcmp(s, "star")) return WPT_ARRIVAL;
if (!strcmp(s, "approach")) return WPT_APPROACH;
if (!strcmp(s, "missed")) return WPT_MISS;
if (!strcmp(s, "pseudo")) return WPT_PSEUDO;
return (WayptFlag) 0;
static naRef wayptFlagToNasal(naContext c, unsigned int flags)
if (flags & WPT_PSEUDO) return stringToNasal(c, "pseudo");
if (flags & WPT_DEPARTURE) return stringToNasal(c, "sid");
if (flags & WPT_ARRIVAL) return stringToNasal(c, "star");
if (flags & WPT_MISS) return stringToNasal(c, "missed");
if (flags & WPT_APPROACH) return stringToNasal(c, "approach");
return naNil();
static FGPositioned* positionedGhost(naRef r)
if ((naGhost_type(r) == &AirportGhostType) ||
(naGhost_type(r) == &NavaidGhostType) ||
(naGhost_type(r) == &RunwayGhostType))
(naGhost_type(r) == &RunwayGhostType) ||
(naGhost_type(r) == &FixGhostType))
return (FGPositioned*) naGhost_ptr(r);
@ -143,6 +171,14 @@ static FGRunway* runwayGhost(naRef r)
return 0;
static FGFix* fixGhost(naRef r)
if (naGhost_type(r) == &FixGhostType)
return (FGFix*) naGhost_ptr(r);
return 0;
static void positionedGhostDestroy(void* g)
FGPositioned* pos = (FGPositioned*)g;
@ -239,6 +275,17 @@ naRef ghostForRunway(naContext c, const FGRunway* r)
return naNewGhost2(c, &RunwayGhostType, (void*) r);
naRef ghostForFix(naContext c, const FGFix* r)
if (!r) {
return naNil();
FGPositioned::get(r); // take a ref
return naNewGhost2(c, &FixGhostType, (void*) r);
naRef ghostForWaypt(naContext c, const Waypt* wpt)
if (!wpt) {
@ -312,6 +359,7 @@ static const char* waypointCommonGetMember(naContext c, Waypt* wpt, const char*
if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_name")) *out = stringToNasal(c, wpt->ident());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_type")) *out = stringToNasal(c, wpt->type());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_role")) *out = wayptFlagToNasal(c, wpt->flags());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_lat")) *out = naNum(wpt->position().getLatitudeDeg());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_lon")) *out = naNum(wpt->position().getLongitudeDeg());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_parent_name")) {
@ -377,6 +425,8 @@ static const char* legGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef* o
if (!strcmp(fieldName, "parents")) {
*out = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(*out, fpLegPrototype);
} else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "index")) {
*out = naNum(leg->index());
} else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "alt_cstr")) {
*out = naNum(leg->altitudeFt());
} else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "alt_cstr_type")) {
@ -399,6 +449,23 @@ static const char* legGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef* o
return ""; // success
static void legGhostSetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef value)
const char* fieldName = naStr_data(field);
FlightPlan::Leg* leg = (FlightPlan::Leg*) g;
if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_role")) {
if (!naIsString(value)) naRuntimeError(c, "wp_role must be a string");
if (leg->waypoint()->owner() != NULL) naRuntimeError(c, "cannot override wp_role on waypoint with parent");
WayptFlag f = wayptFlagFromString(naStr_data(value));
if (f == 0) {
naRuntimeError(c, "unrecognized wp_role value %s", naStr_data(value));
leg->waypoint()->setFlag(f, true);
static const char* flightplanGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef* out)
const char* fieldName = naStr_data(field);
@ -657,6 +724,21 @@ static const char* navaidGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef
return "";
static const char* fixGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef* out)
const char* fieldName = naStr_data(field);
FGFix* fix = (FGFix*) g;
if (!strcmp(fieldName, "id")) *out = stringToNasal(c, fix->ident());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "lat")) *out = naNum(fix->get_lat());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "lon")) *out = naNum(fix->get_lon());
else {
return 0;
return "";
static bool hashIsCoord(naRef h)
naRef parents = naHash_cget(h, (char*) "parents");
@ -720,6 +802,11 @@ static int geodFromArgs(naRef* args, int offset, int argc, SGGeod& result)
return 1;
if (gt == &FixGhostType) {
result = fixGhost(args[offset])->geod();
return 1;
if (gt == &WayptGhostType) {
result = wayptGhost(args[offset])->position();
return 1;
@ -1391,6 +1478,29 @@ static naRef f_findNavaidsByIdent(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return r;
static naRef f_findFixesByIdent(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
int argOffset = 0;
SGGeod pos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
argOffset += geodFromArgs(args, 0, argc, pos);
if (!naIsString(args[argOffset])) {
naRuntimeError(c, "findFixesByIdent expectes ident string as arg %d", argOffset);
string ident(naStr_data(args[argOffset]));
naRef r = naNewVector(c);
FGPositioned::TypeFilter filter(FGPositioned::FIX);
FGPositioned::List fixes = FGPositioned::findAllWithIdent(ident, &filter);
FGPositioned::sortByRange(fixes, pos);
BOOST_FOREACH(FGPositionedRef f, fixes) {
naVec_append(r, ghostForFix(c, (FGFix*) f.ptr()));
return r;
// Convert a cartesian point to a geodetic lat/lon/altitude.
static naRef f_magvar(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
@ -1506,22 +1616,46 @@ static naRef f_route(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return naNil();
static WayptRef wayptFromArg(naRef arg)
WayptRef r = wayptGhost(arg);
if (r.valid()) {
return r;
FGPositioned* pos = positionedGhost(arg);
if (!pos) {
// let's check if the arg is hash, coudl extra a geod and hence build
// a simple waypoint
return WayptRef();
// special-case for runways
if (pos->type() == FGPositioned::RUNWAY) {
return new RunwayWaypt((FGRunway*) pos, NULL);
return new NavaidWaypoint(pos, NULL);
static naRef convertWayptVecToNasal(naContext c, const WayptVec& wps)
naRef result = naNewVector(c);
BOOST_FOREACH(WayptRef wpt, wps) {
naVec_append(result, ghostForWaypt(c, wpt.get()));
return result;
static naRef f_airwaySearch(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if (argc < 2) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airwaysSearch needs at least two arguments");
WayptRef start = wayptGhost(args[0]),
end = wayptGhost(args[1]);
if (!start && positionedGhost(args[0])) {
start = new NavaidWaypoint(positionedGhost(args[0]), NULL);
if (!end && positionedGhost(args[1])) {
end = new NavaidWaypoint(positionedGhost(args[1]), NULL);
WayptRef start = wayptFromArg(args[0]),
end = wayptFromArg(args[1]);
if (!start || !end) {
SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_WARN, "airwaysSearch: start or end points are invalid");
@ -1542,34 +1676,54 @@ static naRef f_airwaySearch(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
Airway::lowLevel()->route(start, end, route);
naRef result = naNewVector(c);
BOOST_FOREACH(WayptRef wpt, route) {
naVec_append(result, ghostForWaypt(c, wpt.get()));
return result;
return convertWayptVecToNasal(c, route);
static naRef f_createWP(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
SGGeod pos;
int argOffset = geodFromArgs(args, 0, argc, pos);
string ident;
// if we were created from an FGPositioned, we can use its ident
FGPositioned* positioned = positionedGhost(args[0]);
if (positioned) {
ident = positioned->ident();
if (ident.empty()) {
if (((argc - argOffset) < 1) || !naIsString(args[argOffset])) {
naRuntimeError(c, "createWP: no identifier supplied");
ident = naStr_data(args[argOffset++]);
string ident = naStr_data(args[argOffset++]);
WayptRef wpt = new BasicWaypt(pos, ident, NULL);
// set waypt flags - approach, departure, pseudo, etc
if (argc > argOffset) {
WayptFlag f = wayptFlagFromString(naStr_data(args[argOffset++]));
return ghostForWaypt(c, wpt);
static naRef f_createWPFrom(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if (argc < 1) {
naRuntimeError(c, "createWPFrom: need at least one argument");
FGPositioned* positioned = positionedGhost(args[0]);
if (!positioned) {
naRuntimeError(c, "createWPFrom: couldn;t convert arg[0] to FGPositioned");
WayptRef wpt;
if (positioned->type() == FGPositioned::RUNWAY) {
wpt = new RunwayWaypt((FGRunway*) positioned, NULL);
} else {
wpt = new NavaidWaypoint(positioned, NULL);
// set waypt flags - approach, departure, pseudo, etc
if (argc > 1) {
WayptFlag f = wayptFlagFromString(naStr_data(args[1]));
WayptRef wpt = new BasicWaypt(pos, ident, NULL);
return ghostForWaypt(c, wpt);
@ -1724,17 +1878,6 @@ static naRef f_flightplan_clearPlan(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args
return naNil();
static WayptFlag wayptFlagFromString(const char* s)
if (!strcmp(s, "sid")) return WPT_DEPARTURE;
if (!strcmp(s, "star")) return WPT_ARRIVAL;
if (!strcmp(s, "approach")) return WPT_APPROACH;
if (!strcmp(s, "missed")) return WPT_MISS;
if (!strcmp(s, "pseudo")) return WPT_PSEUDO;
return (WayptFlag) 0;
static naRef f_flightplan_clearWPType(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FlightPlan* fp = flightplanGhost(me);
@ -1869,6 +2012,55 @@ static naRef f_procedure_transition(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args
return ghostForProcedure(c, trans);
static naRef f_procedure_route(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
Procedure* proc = procedureGhost(me);
if (!proc) {
naRuntimeError(c, "procedure.route called on non-procedure object");
// wrapping up tow different routines here - approach routing from the IAF
// to the associated runway, and SID/STAR routing via an enroute transition
// and possibly a runway transition or not.
if (Approach::isApproach(proc->type())) {
WayptRef iaf;
if (argc > 0) {
iaf = wayptFromArg(args[0]);
WayptVec r;
Approach* app = (Approach*) proc;
if (!app->route(iaf, r)) {
SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_WARN, "procedure.route failed for Approach somehow");
return naNil();
return convertWayptVecToNasal(c, r);
} else if ((proc->type() != PROCEDURE_SID) && (proc->type() != PROCEDURE_STAR)) {
naRuntimeError(c, "procedure.route called on unsuitable procedure type");
int argOffset = 0;
FGRunway* rwy = runwayGhost(args[0]);
if (rwy) ++argOffset;
ArrivalDeparture* ad = (ArrivalDeparture*) proc;
Transition* trans = NULL;
if (argOffset < argc) {
trans = (Transition*) procedureGhost(args[argOffset]);
// note either runway or trans may be NULL - that's ok
WayptVec r;
if (!ad->route(rwy, trans, r)) {
SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_WARN, "prcoedure.route failed for ArrvialDeparture somehow");
return naNil();
return convertWayptVecToNasal(c, r);
// Table of extension functions. Terminate with zeros.
static struct { const char* name; naCFunction func; } funcs[] = {
{ "carttogeod", f_carttogeod },
@ -1882,8 +2074,10 @@ static struct { const char* name; naCFunction func; } funcs[] = {
{ "findNavaidByFrequency", f_findNavaidByFrequency },
{ "findNavaidsByFrequency", f_findNavaidsByFrequency },
{ "findNavaidsByID", f_findNavaidsByIdent },
{ "findFixesByID", f_findFixesByIdent },
{ "flightplan", f_route },
{ "createWP", f_createWP },
{ "createWPFrom", f_createWPFrom },
{ "airwaysRoute", f_airwaySearch },
{ "magvar", f_magvar },
{ "courseAndDistance", f_courseAndDistance },
@ -1935,9 +2129,8 @@ naRef initNasalPositioned(naRef globals, naContext c, naRef gcSave)
procedurePrototype = naNewHash(c);
hashset(c, gcSave, "procedureProto", procedurePrototype);
// hashset(c, procedurePrototype, "runwayTransition", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_procedure_runwayTransition)));
hashset(c, procedurePrototype, "transition", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_procedure_transition)));
// hashset(c, procedurePrototype, "buildPath", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_procedure_build)));
hashset(c, procedurePrototype, "route", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_procedure_route)));
fpLegPrototype = naNewHash(c);
hashset(c, gcSave, "fpLegProto", fpLegPrototype);
Add table
Reference in a new issue