Update some nasal-positioned code to use new ghost-member support
(Requires latest SimGear)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 54 additions and 71 deletions
@ -50,7 +50,13 @@
static void positionedGhostDestroy(void* g);
static void wayptGhostDestroy(void* g);
naGhostType PositionedGhostType = { positionedGhostDestroy, "positioned" };
naGhostType WayptGhostType = { wayptGhostDestroy, "waypoint" };
static const char* wayptGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef* out);
naGhostType WayptGhostType = { wayptGhostDestroy,
static void hashset(naContext c, naRef hash, const char* key, naRef val)
@ -116,7 +122,7 @@ naRef ghostForWaypt(naContext c, const flightgear::Waypt* wpt)
flightgear::Waypt::get(wpt); // take a ref
return naNewGhost(c, &WayptGhostType, (void*) wpt);
return naNewGhost2(c, &WayptGhostType, (void*) wpt);
naRef hashForAirport(naContext c, const FGAirport* apt)
@ -149,57 +155,41 @@ naRef hashForAirport(naContext c, const FGAirport* apt)
return aptdata;
naRef hashForWaypoint(naContext c, flightgear::Waypt* wpt, flightgear::Waypt* next)
static const char* wayptGhostGetMember(naContext c, void* g, naRef field, naRef* out)
SGGeod pos = wpt->position();
naRef h = naNewHash(c);
flightgear::Procedure* proc = dynamic_cast<flightgear::Procedure*>(wpt->owner());
if (proc) {
hashset(c, h, "wp_parent_name", stringToNasal(c, proc->ident()));
// set 'wp_parent' route object to query the SID / STAR / airway?
// TODO - needs some extensions to flightgear::Route
const char* fieldName = naStr_data(field);
flightgear::Waypt* wpt = (flightgear::Waypt*) g;
if (wpt->type() == "hold") {
hashset(c, h, "fly_type", stringToNasal(c, "Hold"));
} else if (wpt->flag(flightgear::WPT_OVERFLIGHT)) {
hashset(c, h, "fly_type", stringToNasal(c, "flyOver"));
if (!strcmp(fieldName, "parents")) {
*out = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(*out, waypointPrototype);
} else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_name")) *out =stringToNasal(c, wpt->ident());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_type")) *out = stringToNasal(c, wpt->type());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_lat")) *out = naNum(wpt->position().getLatitudeDeg());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_lon")) *out = naNum(wpt->position().getLongitudeDeg());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "wp_parent_name")) {
flightgear::Procedure* proc = dynamic_cast<flightgear::Procedure*>(wpt->owner());
*out = proc ? stringToNasal(c, proc->ident()) : naNil();
} else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "fly_type")) {
if (wpt->type() == "hold") {
*out = stringToNasal(c, "Hold");
} else {
*out = stringToNasal(c, wpt->flag(flightgear::WPT_OVERFLIGHT) ? "flyOver" : "flyBy");
} else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "alt_cstr")) *out = naNum(wpt->altitudeFt());
else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "speed_cstr")) {
double s = (wpt->speedRestriction() == flightgear::SPEED_RESTRICT_MACH)
? wpt->speedMach() : wpt->speedKts();
*out = naNum(s);
} else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "leg_distance")) {
return "please implement me";
} else if (!strcmp(fieldName, "leg_bearing")) {
return "please implement me";
} else {
hashset(c, h, "fly_type", stringToNasal(c, "flyBy"));
return NULL; // member not found
hashset(c, h, "wp_type", stringToNasal(c, wpt->type()));
hashset(c, h, "wp_name", stringToNasal(c, wpt->ident()));
hashset(c, h, "wp_lat", naNum(pos.getLatitudeDeg()));
hashset(c, h, "wp_lon", naNum(pos.getLongitudeDeg()));
hashset(c, h, "alt_cstr", naNum(wpt->altitudeFt()));
if (wpt->speedRestriction() == flightgear::SPEED_RESTRICT_MACH) {
hashset(c, h, "spd_cstr", naNum(wpt->speedMach()));
} else {
hashset(c, h, "spd_cstr", naNum(wpt->speedKts()));
if (next) {
std::pair<double, double> crsDist =
hashset(c, h, "leg_distance", naNum(crsDist.second * SG_METER_TO_NM));
hashset(c, h, "leg_bearing", naNum(crsDist.first));
hashset(c, h, "hdg_radial", naNum(wpt->headingRadialDeg()));
// leg bearing, distance, etc
// parents and ghost of the C++ object
hashset(c, h, "_waypt", ghostForWaypt(c, wpt));
naRef parents = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(parents, waypointPrototype);
hashset(c, h, "parents", parents);
return h;
return ""; // success
naRef hashForRunway(naContext c, FGRunway* rwy)
@ -994,21 +984,23 @@ static naRef f_route_getWP(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return naNil();
flightgear::Waypt* next = NULL;
if (index < (rm->numWaypts() - 1)) {
next = rm->wayptAtIndex(index + 1);
return hashForWaypoint(c, rm->wayptAtIndex(index), next);
return ghostForWaypt(c, rm->wayptAtIndex(index));
static naRef f_route_currentWP(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGRouteMgr* rm = static_cast<FGRouteMgr*>(globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"));
flightgear::Waypt* next = NULL;
if (rm->currentIndex() < (rm->numWaypts() - 1)) {
next = rm->wayptAtIndex(rm->currentIndex() + 1);
return ghostForWaypt(c, rm->currentWaypt());
static naRef f_route_nextWP(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGRouteMgr* rm = static_cast<FGRouteMgr*>(globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"));
flightgear::WayptRef wp = rm->nextWaypt();
if (!wp) {
return naNil();
return hashForWaypoint(c, rm->currentWaypt(), next);
return ghostForWaypt(c, wp);
static naRef f_route_currentIndex(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
@ -1023,19 +1015,9 @@ static naRef f_route_numWaypoints(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return naNum(rm->numWaypts());
static flightgear::Waypt* wayptFromMe(naRef me)
naRef ghost = naHash_cget(me, (char*) "_waypt");
if (naIsNil(ghost)) {
return NULL;
return wayptGhost(ghost);
static naRef f_waypoint_navaid(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
flightgear::Waypt* w = wayptFromMe(me);
flightgear::Waypt* w = wayptGhost(me);
if (!w) {
naRuntimeError(c, "waypoint.navaid called on non-waypoint object");
@ -1064,7 +1046,7 @@ static naRef f_waypoint_navaid(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
static naRef f_waypoint_airport(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
flightgear::Waypt* w = wayptFromMe(me);
flightgear::Waypt* w = wayptGhost(me);
if (!w) {
naRuntimeError(c, "waypoint.navaid called on non-waypoint object");
@ -1079,7 +1061,7 @@ static naRef f_waypoint_airport(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
static naRef f_waypoint_runway(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
flightgear::Waypt* w = wayptFromMe(me);
flightgear::Waypt* w = wayptGhost(me);
if (!w) {
naRuntimeError(c, "waypoint.navaid called on non-waypoint object");
@ -1131,7 +1113,8 @@ naRef initNasalPositioned(naRef globals, naContext c, naRef gcSave)
hashset(c, gcSave, "routeProto", routePrototype);
hashset(c, routePrototype, "getWP", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_route_getWP)));
hashset(c, routePrototype, "currentWP", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_route_currentWP)));
hashset(c, routePrototype, "currentWP", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_route_currentWP)));
hashset(c, routePrototype, "nextWP", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_route_nextWP)));
hashset(c, routePrototype, "currentIndex", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_route_currentIndex)));
hashset(c, routePrototype, "getPlanSize", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_route_numWaypoints)));
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