Fork 0

Sync. with JSBSim again

This commit is contained in:
Erik Hofman 2015-10-30 10:10:01 +01:00
parent e324c89171
commit a0e31b5565
65 changed files with 620 additions and 631 deletions

View file

@ -63,20 +63,17 @@ INCLUDES
#include "models/FGAuxiliary.h"
#include "models/FGInput.h"
#include "models/FGOutput.h"
#include "initialization/FGInitialCondition.h"
#include "initialization/FGTrim.h"
#include "initialization/FGSimplexTrim.h"
#include "initialization/FGLinearization.h"
#include "input_output/FGPropertyManager.h"
#include "input_output/FGScript.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLFileRead.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFDMExec.cpp,v 1.171 2015/02/15 12:03:21 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFDMExec.cpp,v 1.181 2015/10/25 21:18:29 dpculp Exp $");
@ -162,6 +159,7 @@ FGFDMExec::FGFDMExec(FGPropertyManager* root, unsigned int* fdmctr) : Root(root)
trim_status = false;
ta_mode = 99;
trim_completed = 0;
Constructing = true;
typedef int (FGFDMExec::*iPMF)(void) const;
@ -177,6 +175,7 @@ FGFDMExec::FGFDMExec(FGPropertyManager* root, unsigned int* fdmctr) : Root(root)
instance->Tie("simulation/dt", this, &FGFDMExec::GetDeltaT);
instance->Tie("simulation/jsbsim-debug", this, &FGFDMExec::GetDebugLevel, &FGFDMExec::SetDebugLevel);
instance->Tie("simulation/frame", (int *)&Frame, false);
instance->Tie("simulation/trim-completed", (int *)&trim_completed, false);
// simplex trim properties
@ -451,7 +450,6 @@ void FGFDMExec::LoadInputs(unsigned int idx)
// Dynamic inputs come into the components that FCS manages through properties
case ePropulsion:
Propulsion->in.SLPressure = Atmosphere->GetPressureSL();
Propulsion->in.Pressure = Atmosphere->GetPressure();
Propulsion->in.PressureRatio = Atmosphere->GetPressureRatio();
Propulsion->in.Temperature = Atmosphere->GetTemperature();
@ -459,7 +457,6 @@ void FGFDMExec::LoadInputs(unsigned int idx)
Propulsion->in.Density = Atmosphere->GetDensity();
Propulsion->in.Soundspeed = Atmosphere->GetSoundSpeed();
Propulsion->in.TotalPressure = Auxiliary->GetTotalPressure();
Propulsion->in.TotalTempearture = Auxiliary->GetTotalTemperature();
Propulsion->in.Vc = Auxiliary->GetVcalibratedKTS();
Propulsion->in.Vt = Auxiliary->GetVt();
Propulsion->in.qbar = Auxiliary->Getqbar();
@ -577,7 +574,6 @@ void FGFDMExec::LoadPlanetConstants(void)
Propagate->in.SemiMajor = Inertial->GetSemimajor();
Propagate->in.SemiMinor = Inertial->GetSemiminor();
Auxiliary->in.SLGravity = Inertial->SLgravity();
Auxiliary->in.ReferenceRadius = Inertial->GetRefRadius();
@ -585,7 +581,6 @@ void FGFDMExec::LoadPlanetConstants(void)
void FGFDMExec::LoadModelConstants(void)
Winds->in.wingspan = Aircraft->GetWingSpan();
FCS->in.NumGear = GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits();
Aerodynamics->in.Wingarea = Aircraft->GetWingArea();
Aerodynamics->in.Wingchord = Aircraft->Getcbar();
Aerodynamics->in.Wingincidence = Aircraft->GetWingIncidence();
@ -604,14 +599,24 @@ bool FGFDMExec::RunIC(void)
FGPropulsion* propulsion = (FGPropulsion*)Models[ePropulsion];
SuspendIntegration(); // saves the integration rate, dt, then sets it to 0.0.
SuspendIntegration(); // saves the integration rate, dt, then sets it to 0.0.
ResumeIntegration(); // Restores the integration rate to what it was.
if (debug_lvl > 0) {
cout << endl << fgblue << highint
<< "End of vehicle configuration loading." << endl
<< "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
<< reset << setprecision(6) << endl;
for (unsigned int n=0; n < propulsion->GetNumEngines(); ++n) {
if (IC->IsEngineRunning(n)) {
try {
@ -628,20 +633,12 @@ bool FGFDMExec::RunIC(void)
void FGFDMExec::Initialize(FGInitialCondition *FGIC)
void FGFDMExec::Initialize(FGInitialCondition* FGIC)
Propagate->SetInitialState( FGIC );
@ -660,9 +657,12 @@ void FGFDMExec::ResetToInitialConditions(int mode)
if (Script) Script->ResetEvents();
if (Script)
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ bool FGFDMExec::LoadModel(const string& model, bool addModelToPath)
// Process the system element[s]. This element is OPTIONAL, and there may be more than one.
element = document->FindElement("system");
while (element) {
result = ((FGFCS*)Models[eSystems])->Load(element, FGFCS::stSystem);
result = ((FGFCS*)Models[eSystems])->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft system element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ bool FGFDMExec::LoadModel(const string& model, bool addModelToPath)
// Process the autopilot element. This element is OPTIONAL.
element = document->FindElement("autopilot");
if (element) {
result = ((FGFCS*)Models[eSystems])->Load(element, FGFCS::stAutoPilot);
result = ((FGFCS*)Models[eSystems])->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft autopilot element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ bool FGFDMExec::LoadModel(const string& model, bool addModelToPath)
// Process the flight_control element. This element is OPTIONAL.
element = document->FindElement("flight_control");
if (element) {
result = ((FGFCS*)Models[eSystems])->Load(element, FGFCS::stFCS);
result = ((FGFCS*)Models[eSystems])->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft flight_control element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
@ -904,21 +904,6 @@ bool FGFDMExec::LoadModel(const string& model, bool addModelToPath)
modelLoaded = true;
if (debug_lvl > 0) {
LoadInputs(eMassBalance); // Update all input mass properties for the report.
Models[eMassBalance]->Run(false); // Update all mass properties for the report.
LoadInputs(ePropulsion); // Update propulsion properties for the report.
Models[ePropulsion]->Run(false); // Update propulsion properties for the report.
LoadInputs(eMassBalance); // Update all (one more time) input mass properties for the report.
Models[eMassBalance]->Run(false); // Update all (one more time) mass properties for the report.
cout << endl << fgblue << highint
<< "End of vehicle configuration loading." << endl
<< "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
<< reset << endl;
if (IsChild) debug_lvl = saved_debug_lvl;
} else {
@ -1188,19 +1173,18 @@ void FGFDMExec::CheckIncrementalHold(void)
void FGFDMExec::DoTrim(int mode)
double saved_time;
if (Constructing) return;
if (mode < 0 || mode > JSBSim::tNone) {
cerr << endl << "Illegal trimming mode!" << endl << endl;
saved_time = sim_time;
FGTrim trim(this, (JSBSim::TrimMode)mode);
if ( !trim.DoTrim() ) cerr << endl << "Trim Failed" << endl << endl;
trim_completed = 1;
@ -1217,6 +1201,7 @@ void FGFDMExec::DoSimplexTrim(int mode)
FGSimplexTrim trim(this, (JSBSim::TrimMode)mode);
std::cout << "dT: " << dT << std::endl;
trim_completed = 1;

View file

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_FDMEXEC "$Id: FGFDMExec.h,v 1.95 2015/02/07 17:52:36 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_FDMEXEC "$Id: FGFDMExec.h,v 1.102 2015/10/25 21:18:29 dpculp Exp $"
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
property actually maps toa function call of DoTrim().
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Revision: 1.95 $
@version $Revision: 1.102 $
@ -361,6 +361,8 @@ public:
FGAuxiliary* GetAuxiliary(void) {return (FGAuxiliary*)Models[eAuxiliary];}
/// Returns the FGInput pointer.
FGInput* GetInput(void) {return (FGInput*)Models[eInput];}
/// Returns the FGOutput pointer.
FGOutput* GetOutput(void) {return (FGOutput*)Models[eOutput];}
/** Get a pointer to the ground callback currently used. It is recommanded
to store the returned pointer in a 'smart pointer' FGGroundCallback_ptr.
@return A pointer to the current ground callback object.
@ -432,8 +434,8 @@ public:
/** Forces the specified output object to print its items once */
void ForceOutput(int idx=0) { Output->ForceOutput(idx); }
/** Sets the logging rate for all output objects (if any). */
void SetLoggingRate(double rate) { Output->SetRate(rate); }
/** Sets the logging rate in Hz for all output objects (if any). */
void SetLoggingRate(double rate) { Output->SetRateHz(rate); }
/** Sets (or overrides) the output filename
@param n index of file
@ -564,12 +566,17 @@ public:
is also incremented.
@return the new simulation time. */
double IncrTime(void) {
if (!holding) sim_time += dT;
if (!holding && !IntegrationSuspended()) {
sim_time += dT;
return sim_time;
/** Retrieves the current frame count. */
unsigned int GetFrame(void) const {return Frame;}
/** Retrieves the current debug level setting. */
int GetDebugLevel(void) const {return debug_lvl;};
@ -621,6 +628,7 @@ private:
bool trim_status;
int ta_mode;
unsigned int ResetMode;
int trim_completed;
FGScript* Script;
FGInitialCondition* IC;

View file

@ -42,9 +42,11 @@ INCLUDES
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGJSBBase.cpp,v 1.39 2014/09/03 17:35:04 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGJSBBase.cpp,v 1.40 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -108,7 +110,7 @@ const double FGJSBBase::kgtoslug = 0.06852168;
const string FGJSBBase::needed_cfg_version = "2.0";
const string FGJSBBase::JSBSim_version = "1.0 " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ;
std::queue <FGJSBBase::Message> FGJSBBase::Messages;
queue <FGJSBBase::Message> FGJSBBase::Messages;
FGJSBBase::Message FGJSBBase::localMsg;
unsigned int FGJSBBase::messageId = 0;
@ -116,10 +118,6 @@ int FGJSBBase::gaussian_random_number_phase = 0;
short FGJSBBase::debug_lvl = 1;
using std::cerr;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
void FGJSBBase::PutMessage(const Message& msg)
@ -180,19 +178,12 @@ void FGJSBBase::PutMessage(const string& text, double dVal)
int FGJSBBase::SomeMessages(void)
return !Messages.empty();
void FGJSBBase::ProcessMessage(void)
if (Messages.empty()) return;
localMsg = Messages.front();
while (Messages.size() > 0) {
while (SomeMessages()) {
switch (localMsg.type) {
case JSBSim::FGJSBBase::Message::eText:
cout << localMsg.messageId << ": " << localMsg.text << endl;
@ -211,7 +202,7 @@ void FGJSBBase::ProcessMessage(void)
if (Messages.size() > 0) localMsg = Messages.front();
if (SomeMessages()) localMsg = Messages.front();
else break;
@ -249,7 +240,7 @@ void FGJSBBase::disableHighLighting(void)
string FGJSBBase::CreateIndexedPropertyName(const string& Property, int index)
std::ostringstream buf;
ostringstream buf;
buf << Property << '[' << index << ']';
return buf.str();

View file

@ -43,9 +43,6 @@ INCLUDES
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using std::min;
using std::max;
#include "input_output/string_utilities.h"
#ifndef M_PI
@ -57,7 +54,7 @@ using std::max;
#define ID_JSBBASE "$Id: FGJSBBase.h,v 1.41 2014/09/03 17:35:04 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_JSBBASE "$Id: FGJSBBase.h,v 1.44 2015/09/17 19:44:13 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -73,7 +70,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
* This class provides universal constants, utility functions, messaging
* functions, and enumerated constants to JSBSim.
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Id: FGJSBBase.h,v 1.41 2014/09/03 17:35:04 bcoconni Exp $
@version $Id: FGJSBBase.h,v 1.44 2015/09/17 19:44:13 bcoconni Exp $
@ -175,7 +172,7 @@ public:
void PutMessage(const std::string& text, double dVal);
/** Reads the message on the queue (but does not delete it).
@return 1 if some messages */
int SomeMessages(void);
int SomeMessages(void) { return !Messages.empty(); }
/** Reads the message on the queue and removes it from the queue.
This function also prints out the message.*/
void ProcessMessage(void);
@ -293,7 +290,7 @@ public:
@return if the two values can be considered equal up to roundoff */
static bool EqualToRoundoff(double a, double b) {
double eps = 2.0*DBL_EPSILON;
return std::fabs(a - b) <= eps * max(std::fabs(a), std::fabs(b));
return std::fabs(a - b) <= eps * std::max<double>(std::fabs(a), std::fabs(b));
/** Finite precision comparison.
@ -302,7 +299,7 @@ public:
@return if the two values can be considered equal up to roundoff */
static bool EqualToRoundoff(float a, float b) {
float eps = 2.0*FLT_EPSILON;
return std::fabs(a - b) <= eps * max(std::fabs(a), std::fabs(b));
return std::fabs(a - b) <= eps * std::max<double>(std::fabs(a), std::fabs(b));
/** Finite precision comparison.

View file

@ -44,29 +44,20 @@ you have chosen your IC's wisely) even after setting it up with this class.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "FGInitialCondition.h"
#include "FGFDMExec.h"
#include "math/FGQuaternion.h"
#include "models/FGInertial.h"
#include "models/FGAtmosphere.h"
#include "models/FGPropagate.h"
#include "models/FGPropulsion.h"
#include "models/FGAccelerations.h"
#include "models/FGFCS.h"
#include "input_output/FGPropertyManager.h"
#include "input_output/string_utilities.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLFileRead.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGInitialCondition.cpp,v 1.99 2015/02/19 05:18:45 dpculp Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGInitialCondition.cpp,v 1.101 2015/09/27 15:45:31 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -919,9 +910,23 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::Load_v1(Element* document)
bool result = true;
if (document->FindElement("latitude")) {
Element* latitude_el = document->FindElement("latitude");
if (latitude_el) {
double latitude = document->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("latitude", "RAD");
string lat_type = document->FindElement("latitude")->GetAttributeValue("type");
if (fabs(latitude) > 0.5*M_PI) {
string unit_type = latitude_el->GetAttributeValue("unit");
if (unit_type.empty()) unit_type="RAD";
cerr << latitude_el->ReadFrom() << "The latitude value "
<< latitude_el->GetDataAsNumber() << " " << unit_type
<< " is outside the range [";
if (unit_type == "DEG")
cerr << "-90 DEG ; +90 DEG]" << endl;
cerr << "-PI/2 RAD; +PI/2 RAD]" << endl;
result = false;
string lat_type = latitude_el->GetAttributeValue("type");
if (lat_type == "geod" || lat_type == "geodetic")
position.SetPositionGeodetic(0.0, latitude, 0.0); // Longitude and altitude will be set later on

View file

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGTrim.cpp,v 1.24 2014/11/30 12:35:32 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGTrim.cpp,v 1.28 2015/09/28 20:50:41 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -202,8 +202,6 @@ bool FGTrim::DoTrim(void) {
@ -342,7 +340,6 @@ bool FGTrim::DoTrim(void) {
for(int i=0;i < fdmex->GetGroundReactions()->GetNumGearUnits();i++){

View file

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGTrimAxis.cpp,v 1.17 2014/01/13 10:46:00 ehofman Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGTrimAxis.cpp,v 1.19 2015/09/28 20:50:41 bcoconni Exp $");

src/FDM/JSBSim/initialization/FGTrimmer.cpp Normal file → Executable file
View file

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ INCLUDES
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGInputType.cpp,v 1.2 2015/03/28 14:49:01 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGInputType.cpp,v 1.4 2015/08/23 09:43:31 bcoconni Exp $");
using namespace std;
@ -106,9 +106,8 @@ bool FGInputType::InitModel(void)
bool FGInputType::Run(bool Holding)
if (!enabled) return true;
if (FGModel::Run(Holding)) return true;
// if (Holding) return false;
if (!enabled) return true;
@ -140,8 +139,6 @@ bool FGInputType::Run(bool Holding)
void FGInputType::Debug(int from)
string scratch="";
if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;
if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message input

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_INPUTTYPE "$Id: FGInputType.h,v 1.2 2015/03/28 14:49:01 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_INPUTTYPE "$Id: FGInputType.h,v 1.3 2015/08/23 09:37:16 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ public:
/// Destructor
virtual ~FGInputType();
/** Set the idx for this output instance
@param idx ID of the output instance that is constructed
/** Set the idx for this input instance
@param idx ID of the input instance that is constructed
void SetIdx(unsigned int idx);
@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ public:
virtual void Read(bool Holding) = 0;
/// Enables the output generation.
/// Enables the input generation.
void Enable(void) { enabled = true; }
/// Disables the output generation.
/// Disables the input generation.
void Disable(void) { enabled = false; }
/** Toggles the output generation.
@result the output generation status i.e. true if the output has been
enabled, false if the output has been disabled. */
/** Toggles the input generation.
@result the input generation status i.e. true if the input has been
enabled, false if the input has been disabled. */
bool Toggle(void) {enabled = !enabled; return enabled;}
/** Overwrites the name identifier under which the input will be read.

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ INCLUDES
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGOutputType.cpp,v 1.12 2015/03/28 14:49:01 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGOutputType.cpp,v 1.17 2015/08/23 09:43:31 bcoconni Exp $");
using namespace std;
@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ FGOutputType::~FGOutputType()
void FGOutputType::SetIdx(unsigned int idx)
typedef double (FGOutputType::*iOPMF)(void) const;
string outputProp = CreateIndexedPropertyName("simulation/output", idx) + "/log_rate_hz";
string outputProp = CreateIndexedPropertyName("simulation/output", idx);
PropertyManager->Tie(outputProp, this, (iOPMF)0, &FGOutputType::SetRate, false);
PropertyManager->Tie(outputProp + "/log_rate_hz", this, &FGOutputType::GetRateHz, &FGOutputType::SetRateHz, false);
PropertyManager->Tie(outputProp + "/enabled", &enabled);
OutputIdx = idx;
@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ bool FGOutputType::Load(Element* element)
Element *property_element = element->FindElement("property");
while (property_element) {
string caption="";
string property_str = property_element->GetDataLine();
FGPropertyNode* node = PropertyManager->GetNode(property_str);
if (!node) {
@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ bool FGOutputType::Load(Element* element)
if (!element->GetAttributeValue("rate").empty()) {
outRate = element->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("rate");
return true;
@ -170,11 +169,10 @@ bool FGOutputType::InitModel(void)
bool FGOutputType::Run(bool Holding)
bool FGOutputType::Run(void)
if (FGModel::Run(false)) return true;
if (!enabled) return true;
if (FGModel::Run(Holding)) return true;
if (Holding) return false;
@ -187,18 +185,25 @@ bool FGOutputType::Run(bool Holding)
void FGOutputType::SetRate(double rtHz)
void FGOutputType::SetRateHz(double rtHz)
rtHz = rtHz>1000?1000:(rtHz<0?0:rtHz);
if (rtHz > 0) {
FGModel::SetRate(0.5 + 1.0/(FDMExec->GetDeltaT()*rtHz));
SetRate(0.5 + 1.0/(FDMExec->GetDeltaT()*rtHz));
} else {
double FGOutputType::GetRateHz(void) const
return 1.0 / (rate * FDMExec->GetDeltaT());
// The bitmasked value choices are as follows:
// unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print
@ -220,8 +225,6 @@ void FGOutputType::SetRate(double rtHz)
void FGOutputType::Debug(int from)
string scratch="";
if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;
if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_OUTPUTTYPE "$Id: FGOutputType.h,v 1.6 2015/03/28 14:49:01 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_OUTPUTTYPE "$Id: FGOutputType.h,v 1.11 2015/08/23 09:43:31 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -110,7 +110,10 @@ public:
/** Set the output rate for this output instances.
@param rtHz new output rate in Hz */
void SetRate(double rtHz);
void SetRateHz(double rtHz);
/// Get the output rate in Hz for this output.
double GetRateHz(void) const;
/** Set the activated subsystems for this output instance.
@param subSystems bitfield that describes the activated subsystems
@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ public:
generation and finally the "post" functions.
@result false if no error.
bool Run(bool Holding);
bool Run(void);
/** Generate the output. This is a pure method so it must be implemented by
the classes that inherits from FGOutputType. The Print name may not be

src/FDM/JSBSim/input_output/FGScript.cpp Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGScript.cpp,v 1.60 2014/06/08 12:50:05 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGScript.cpp,v 1.63 2015/09/28 21:14:15 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -96,18 +96,15 @@ FGScript::~FGScript()
bool FGScript::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT, const string initfile)
bool FGScript::LoadScript(const string& script, double default_dT,
const string& initfile)
string aircraft="", initialize="", comparison = "", prop_name="";
string aircraft="", initialize="", prop_name="";
string notifyPropertyName="";
Element *element=0, *run_element=0, *event_element=0;
Element *condition_element=0, *set_element=0, *delay_element=0;
Element *set_element=0;
Element *notify_element = 0L, *notify_property_element = 0L;
Element *output_element = 0L;
Element *input_element = 0L;
bool result = false;
double dt = 0.0, value = 0.0;
struct event *newEvent;
FGCondition *newCondition;
FGXMLFileRead XMLFileRead;
@ -118,11 +115,6 @@ bool FGScript::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT, const string initfile)
return false;
// Set up input and output files if specified
output_element = document->FindElement("output");
input_element = document->FindElement("input");
if (document->GetName() != string("runscript")) {
cerr << "File: " << script << " is not a script file" << endl;
return false;
@ -141,7 +133,10 @@ bool FGScript::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT, const string initfile)
// Set sim timing
if (run_element->HasAttribute("start")) StartTime = run_element->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("start");
if (run_element->HasAttribute("start"))
StartTime = run_element->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("start");
StartTime = 0.0;
if (run_element->HasAttribute("end")) {
EndTime = run_element->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("end");
@ -153,12 +148,12 @@ bool FGScript::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT, const string initfile)
// Make sure that the desired time is reached and executed.
EndTime += 0.99*FDMExec->GetDeltaT();
if (deltaT == 0.0)
if (default_dT == 0.0)
dt = run_element->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("dt");
else {
dt = deltaT;
dt = default_dT;
cout << endl << "Overriding simulation step size from the command line. New step size is: "
<< deltaT << " seconds (" << 1/deltaT << " Hz)" << endl << endl;
<< default_dT << " seconds (" << 1/default_dT << " Hz)" << endl << endl;
@ -169,8 +164,8 @@ bool FGScript::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT, const string initfile)
if (element) {
aircraft = element->GetAttributeValue("aircraft");
if (!aircraft.empty()) {
result = FDMExec->LoadModel(aircraft);
if (!result) return false;
if (!FDMExec->LoadModel(aircraft))
return false;
} else {
cerr << "Aircraft must be specified in use element." << endl;
return false;
@ -196,22 +191,25 @@ bool FGScript::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT, const string initfile)
FGInitialCondition *IC=FDMExec->GetIC();
if ( ! IC->Load( initialize )) {
cerr << "Initialization unsuccessful" << endl;
return false;
// Now, read input spec if given.
if (input_element > 0) {
element = document->FindElement("input");
while (element) {
if (!FDMExec->GetInput()->Load(element))
return false;
element = document->FindNextElement("input");
// Now, read output spec if given.
if (output_element > 0) {
string output_file = output_element->GetAttributeValue("file");
if (output_file.empty()) {
cerr << "No logging directives file was specified." << endl;
} else {
if (!FDMExec->SetOutputDirectives(output_file)) return false;
element = document->FindElement("output");
while (element) {
if (!FDMExec->GetOutput()->Load(element))
return false;
element = document->FindNextElement("output");
// Read local property/value declarations
@ -226,7 +224,7 @@ bool FGScript::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT, const string initfile)
while (event_element) { // event processing
// Create the event structure
newEvent = new struct event();
struct event *newEvent = new struct event();
// Retrieve the event name if given
newEvent->Name = event_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
@ -243,11 +241,11 @@ bool FGScript::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT, const string initfile)
// Process the conditions
condition_element = event_element->FindElement("condition");
Element* condition_element = event_element->FindElement("condition");
if (condition_element != 0) {
try {
newCondition = new FGCondition(condition_element, PropertyManager);
} catch(string str) {
} catch(string& str) {
cout << endl << fgred << str << reset << endl << endl;
delete newEvent;
return false;
@ -262,9 +260,11 @@ bool FGScript::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT, const string initfile)
// Is there a delay between the time this event is triggered, and when the event
// actions are executed?
delay_element = event_element->FindElement("delay");
if (delay_element) newEvent->Delay = event_element->FindElementValueAsNumber("delay");
else newEvent->Delay = 0.0;
Element* delay_element = event_element->FindElement("delay");
if (delay_element)
newEvent->Delay = event_element->FindElementValueAsNumber("delay");
newEvent->Delay = 0.0;
// Notify about when this event is triggered?
if ((notify_element = event_element->FindElement("notify")) != 0) {
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ bool FGScript::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT, const string initfile)
while (set_element) {
prop_name = set_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
if (PropertyManager->HasNode(prop_name)) {
newEvent->SetParam.push_back( PropertyManager->GetNode(prop_name) );
newEvent->SetParam.push_back( PropertyManager->GetNode(prop_name) );
} else {
newEvent->SetParam.push_back( 0L );
@ -354,6 +354,7 @@ bool FGScript::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT, const string initfile)
void FGScript::ResetEvents(void)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<Events.size(); i++)
@ -397,7 +398,7 @@ bool FGScript::RunScript(void)
if (thisEvent.Functions[i] != 0) { // Parameter should be set to a function value
try {
thisEvent.SetValue[i] = thisEvent.Functions[i]->GetValue();
} catch (string msg) {
} catch (string& msg) {
std::cerr << std::endl << "A problem occurred in the execution of the script. " << msg << endl;

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_FGSCRIPT "$Id: FGScript.h,v 1.29 2014/05/29 18:46:44 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_FGSCRIPT "$Id: FGScript.h,v 1.30 2015/09/20 16:32:11 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
comes the &quot;run&quot; section, where the conditions are
described in &quot;event&quot; clauses.</p>
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version "$Id: FGScript.h,v 1.29 2014/05/29 18:46:44 bcoconni Exp $"
@version "$Id: FGScript.h,v 1.30 2015/09/20 16:32:11 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -178,16 +178,18 @@ public:
/** Loads a script to drive JSBSim (usually in standalone mode).
The language is the Script Directives for JSBSim. If a simulation step size
has been supplied on the command line, it will be override the script-
The language is the Script Directives for JSBSim. If a simulation step
size has been supplied on the command line, it will override the script
specified simulation step size.
@param script the filename (including path name, if any) for the script.
@param deltaT a simulation step size.
@param default_dT the default simulation step size if no value is specified
in the script
@param initfile An optional initialization file name passed in, empty by
default. If a file name is passed in, it will override the
one present in the script.
@return true if successful */
bool LoadScript(std::string script, double deltaT, const std::string initfile);
bool LoadScript(const std::string& script, double default_dT,
const std::string& initfile);
/** This function is called each pass through the executive Run() method IF
scripting is enabled.

View file

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ bool FGUDPInputSocket::Load(Element* el)
return false;
rate = atoi(el->GetAttributeValue("rate").c_str());
FGModel::SetRate(0.5 + 1.0/(FDMExec->GetDeltaT()*rate));
SetRate(0.5 + 1.0/(FDMExec->GetDeltaT()*rate));
SockPort = atoi(el->GetAttributeValue("port").c_str());
if (SockPort == 0) {

View file

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGUDPOutputSocket.cpp,v 1.1 2015/04/02 02:23:33 dpculp Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGUDPOutputSocket.cpp,v 1.2 2015/08/16 13:19:52 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ bool FGUDPOutputSocket::Load(Element* el)
Element *property_element = el->FindElement("property");
while (property_element) {
string caption="";
string property_str = property_element->GetDataLine();
FGPropertyNode* node = PropertyManager->GetNode(property_str);
if (!node) {
@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ bool FGUDPOutputSocket::Load(Element* el)
if (!el->GetAttributeValue("rate").empty()) {
outRate = el->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("rate");
SockPort = atoi(el->GetAttributeValue("port").c_str());
if (SockPort == 0) {

src/FDM/JSBSim/input_output/FGXMLElement.cpp Normal file → Executable file
View file

namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGXMLElement.cpp,v 1.52 2014/06/29 10:13:18 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGXMLElement.cpp,v 1.54 2015/09/27 15:39:45 bcoconni Exp $");
bool Element::converterIsInitialized = false;
@ -464,10 +464,31 @@ double Element::FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo(const string& el, const string
double value = element->GetDataAsNumber();
// Sanity check for angular values
if ((supplied_units == "RAD") && (fabs(value) > 2 * M_PI)) {
cerr << element->ReadFrom() << "The value " << value
<< " RAD is outside the range [ -2*M_PI RAD ; +2*M_PI RAD ]" << endl;
if ((supplied_units == "DEG") && (fabs(value) > 360.0)) {
cerr << element->ReadFrom() << "The value " << value
<< " DEG is outside the range [ -360 DEG ; +360 DEG ]" << endl;
if (!supplied_units.empty()) {
value *= convert[supplied_units][target_units];
if ((target_units == "RAD") && (fabs(value) > 2 * M_PI)) {
cerr << element->ReadFrom() << "The value " << value
<< " RAD is outside the range [ -2*M_PI RAD ; +2*M_PI RAD ]" << endl;
if ((target_units == "DEG") && (fabs(value) > 360.0)) {
cerr << element->ReadFrom() << "The value " << value
<< " DEG is outside the range [ -360 DEG ; +360 DEG ]" << endl;
value = DisperseValue(element, value, supplied_units, target_units);
return value;
@ -569,10 +590,10 @@ FGColumnVector3 Element::FindElementTripletConvertTo( const string& target_units
double Element::DisperseValue(Element *e, double val, const std::string supplied_units, const std::string target_units)
double Element::DisperseValue(Element *e, double val, const std::string& supplied_units,
const std::string& target_units)
double value=val;
double disp=0.0;
bool disperse = false;
try {
@ -586,7 +607,7 @@ double Element::DisperseValue(Element *e, double val, const std::string supplied
if (e->HasAttribute("dispersion") && disperse) {
disp = e->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("dispersion");
double disp = e->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("dispersion");
if (!supplied_units.empty()) disp *= convert[supplied_units][target_units];
string attType = e->GetAttributeValue("type");
if (attType == "gaussian" || attType == "gaussiansigned") {

src/FDM/JSBSim/input_output/FGXMLElement.h Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_XMLELEMENT "$Id: FGXMLElement.h,v 1.24 2014/06/29 10:13:18 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_XMLELEMENT "$Id: FGXMLElement.h,v 1.25 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
- GAL = gallon (U.S. liquid)
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Id: FGXMLElement.h,v 1.24 2014/06/29 10:13:18 bcoconni Exp $
@version $Id: FGXMLElement.h,v 1.25 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $
class Element;
@ -328,7 +328,8 @@ public:
@return a column vector object built from the LOCATION or ORIENT components. */
FGColumnVector3 FindElementTripletConvertTo( const std::string& target_units);
double DisperseValue(Element *e, double val, const std::string supplied_units="", const std::string target_units="");
double DisperseValue(Element *e, double val, const std::string& supplied_units="",
const std::string& target_units="");
/** This function sets the value of the parent class attribute to the supplied
Element pointer.

View file

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_STRINGUTILS "$Id: string_utilities.h,v 1.22 2015/03/28 14:49:01 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_STRINGUTILS "$Id: string_utilities.h,v 1.24 2015/08/16 16:06:28 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -88,32 +88,30 @@ CLASS DECLARATION
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
string& trim_left(string& str)
std::string& trim_left(std::string& str)
while (str.size() && isspace((unsigned char)str[0])) {
while (!str.empty() && isspace((unsigned char)str[0])) {
str = str.erase(0,1);
return str;
string& trim_right(string& str)
std::string& trim_right(std::string& str)
while (str.size() && isspace((unsigned char)str[str.size()-1])) {
while (!str.empty() && isspace((unsigned char)str[str.size()-1])) {
str = str.erase(str.size()-1,1);
return str;
string& trim(string& str)
std::string& trim(std::string& str)
if (str.size() == 0) return str;
string temp_str = trim_right(str);
if (str.empty()) return str;
std::string temp_str = trim_right(str);
return str = trim_left(temp_str);
string& trim_all_space(string& str)
std::string& trim_all_space(std::string& str)
for (size_t i=0; i<str.size(); i++) {
if (isspace((unsigned char)str[i])) {
@ -124,44 +122,44 @@ CLASS DECLARATION
return str;
string& to_upper(string& str)
std::string& to_upper(std::string& str)
for (size_t i=0; i<str.size(); i++) str[i] = toupper(str[i]);
return str;
string& to_lower(string& str)
std::string& to_lower(std::string& str)
for (size_t i=0; i<str.size(); i++) str[i] = tolower(str[i]);
return str;
bool is_number(const string& str)
bool is_number(const std::string& str)
if (str.size())
return (str.find_first_not_of("+-.0123456789Ee") == string::npos);
if (str.empty())
return false;
return (str.find_first_not_of("+-.0123456789Ee") == std::string::npos);
vector <string> split(string str, char d)
std::vector <std::string> split(std::string str, char d)
vector <string> str_array;
std::vector <std::string> str_array;
size_t index=0;
string temp = "";
std::string temp = "";
index = str.find(d);
while (index != string::npos) {
while (index != std::string::npos) {
temp = str.substr(0,index);
if (temp.size() > 0) str_array.push_back(temp);
if (!temp.empty()) str_array.push_back(temp);
str = str.erase(0,index+1);
index = str.find(d);
if (str.size() > 0) {
if (!str.empty()) {
temp = trim(str);
if (temp.size() > 0) str_array.push_back(temp);
if (!temp.empty()) str_array.push_back(temp);
return str_array;
@ -172,33 +170,33 @@ CLASS DECLARATION
// * libc++ for all C++ language versions
// * Visual Studio for versions greater than 2010 (1700 -> MSVC++ 11.0 and VS 2012)
#if !defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && _MSC_VER < 1700 && __cplusplus < 201103L
string to_string(int i)
std::string to_string(int i)
char buffer[32];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", i);
return string(buffer);
return std::string(buffer);
string to_string(float x)
std::string to_string(float x)
std::ostringstream o;
if (!(o << x)) cerr << "Bad float to string conversion" << endl;
if (!(o << x)) std::cerr << "Bad float to string conversion" << std::endl;
return o.str();
string to_string(double x)
std::string to_string(double x)
std::ostringstream o;
if (!(o << x)) cerr << "Bad double to string conversion" << endl;
if (!(o << x)) std::cerr << "Bad double to string conversion" << std::endl;
return o.str();
string replace(string str, const string& oldstr, const string& newstr)
std::string replace(std::string str, const std::string& oldstr, const std::string& newstr)
string temp;
std::string temp = str;
size_t old_idx = str.find(oldstr);
if (old_idx != string::npos) {
if (old_idx != std::string::npos) {
temp = str.replace(old_idx, 1, newstr);
return temp;

src/FDM/JSBSim/math/FGFunction.cpp Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -32,18 +32,18 @@ INCLUDES
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include "FGFunction.h"
#include "FGTable.h"
#include "FGPropertyValue.h"
#include "FGRealValue.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
#include "input_output/FGPropertyManager.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFunction.cpp,v 1.57 2015/03/28 14:49:01 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFunction.cpp,v 1.58 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -254,9 +254,8 @@ FGFunction::FGFunction(FGPropertyManager* propMan, Element* el, const string& pr
property_name = replace(property_name,"#",Prefix);
FGPropertyNode* newNode = 0L;
if (PropertyManager->HasNode(property_name)) {
newNode = PropertyManager->GetNode(property_name);
FGPropertyNode* newNode = PropertyManager->GetNode(property_name);
Parameters.push_back(new FGPropertyValue( newNode ));
} else {
// cerr << fgcyan << "Warning: The property " + property_name + " is initially undefined."

src/FDM/JSBSim/math/FGFunction.h Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_FUNCTION "$Id: FGFunction.h,v 1.31 2013/06/20 04:37:27 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_FUNCTION "$Id: FGFunction.h,v 1.32 2015/07/12 13:03:23 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ A function definition consists of an operation, a value, a table, or a property
- log2 (takes 1 arg)
- ln (takes 1 arg)
- log10 (takes 1 arg)
- abs (takes n args)
- abs (takes 1 arg)
- sin (takes 1 arg)
- cos (takes 1 arg)
- tan (takes 1 arg)

View file

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ INCLUDES
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGLocation.cpp,v 1.33 2014/08/28 11:46:11 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGLocation.cpp,v 1.34 2015/09/20 20:53:13 bcoconni Exp $");
// Set up the default ground callback object.
@ -397,6 +397,68 @@ void FGLocation::ComputeDerivedUnconditional(void) const
mCacheValid = true;
// The calculations, below, implement the Haversine formulas to calculate
// heading and distance to a set of lat/long coordinates from the current
// position.
// The basic equations are (lat1, long1 are source positions; lat2
// long2 are target positions):
// R = earths radius
// Δlat = lat2 lat1
// Δlong = long2 long1
// For the waypoint distance calculation:
// a = sin²(Δlat/2) + cos(lat1)∙cos(lat2)∙sin²(Δlong/2)
// c = 2∙atan2(√a, √(1a))
// d = R∙c
double FGLocation::GetDistanceTo(double target_longitude,
double target_latitude) const
double delta_lat_rad = target_latitude - GetLatitude();
double delta_lon_rad = target_longitude - GetLongitude();
double distance_a = pow(sin(0.5*delta_lat_rad), 2.0)
+ (GetCosLatitude() * cos(target_latitude)
* (pow(sin(0.5*delta_lon_rad), 2.0)));
return 2.0 * GetRadius() * atan2(sqrt(distance_a), sqrt(1.0 - distance_a));
// The calculations, below, implement the Haversine formulas to calculate
// heading and distance to a set of lat/long coordinates from the current
// position.
// The basic equations are (lat1, long1 are source positions; lat2
// long2 are target positions):
// R = earths radius
// Δlat = lat2 lat1
// Δlong = long2 long1
// For the heading angle calculation:
// θ = atan2(sin(Δlong)∙cos(lat2), cos(lat1)∙sin(lat2) sin(lat1)∙cos(lat2)∙cos(Δlong))
double FGLocation::GetHeadingTo(double target_longitude,
double target_latitude) const
double delta_lon_rad = target_longitude - GetLongitude();
double Y = sin(delta_lon_rad) * cos(target_latitude);
double X = GetCosLatitude() * sin(target_latitude)
- GetSinLatitude() * cos(target_latitude) * cos(delta_lon_rad);
double heading_to_waypoint_rad = atan2(Y, X);
if (heading_to_waypoint_rad < 0) heading_to_waypoint_rad += 2.0*M_PI;
return heading_to_waypoint_rad;
} // namespace JSBSim

View file

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_LOCATION "$Id: FGLocation.h,v 1.34 2014/11/30 12:35:32 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_LOCATION "$Id: FGLocation.h,v 1.35 2015/09/20 20:53:13 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
@see W. C. Durham "Aircraft Dynamics & Control", section 2.2
@author Mathias Froehlich
@version $Id: FGLocation.h,v 1.34 2014/11/30 12:35:32 bcoconni Exp $
@version $Id: FGLocation.h,v 1.35 2015/09/20 20:53:13 bcoconni Exp $
@ -441,6 +441,23 @@ public:
@see IncrementEarthPositionAngle */
const FGMatrix33& GetTl2i(void) const {ComputeDerived(); return mTl2i;}
/** Get the geodetic distance between the current location and a given
location. This corresponds to the shortest distance between the two
locations. Earth curvature is taken into account.
@param target_longitude the target longitude
@param target_latitude the target latitude
@return The geodetic distance between the two locations */
double GetDistanceTo(double target_longitude, double target_latitude) const;
/** Get the heading that should be followed from the current location to
a given location along the shortest path. Earth curvature is
taken into account.
@param target_longitude the target longitude
@param target_latitude the target latitude
@return The heading that should be followed to reach the targeted
location along the shortest path */
double GetHeadingTo(double target_longitude, double target_latitude) const;
/** Conversion from Local frame coordinates to a location in the
earth centered and fixed frame.
This function calculates the FGLocation of an object which position

src/FDM/JSBSim/math/FGStateSpace.h Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public:
void run() {
// initialize
for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_fdm->GetPropulsion()->GetNumEngines(); i++) {

View file

@ -39,17 +39,15 @@ INCLUDES
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "FGModel.h"
#include "math/FGColumnVector3.h"
#include "math/FGMatrix33.h"
#define ID_AIRCRAFT "$Id: FGAircraft.h,v 1.24 2015/01/31 14:56:21 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_AIRCRAFT "$Id: FGAircraft.h,v 1.25 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -91,7 +89,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Id: FGAircraft.h,v 1.24 2015/01/31 14:56:21 bcoconni Exp $
@version $Id: FGAircraft.h,v 1.25 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $
@see Cooke, Zyda, Pratt, and McGhee, "NPSNET: Flight Simulation Dynamic Modeling
Using Quaternions", Presence, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 404-420 Naval Postgraduate
School, January 1994

src/FDM/JSBSim/models/FGAuxiliary.cpp Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGAuxiliary.cpp,v 1.68 2014/12/27 05:41:11 dpculp Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGAuxiliary.cpp,v 1.70 2015/09/20 20:53:13 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ FGAuxiliary::FGAuxiliary(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
hoverbmac = hoverbcg = 0.0;
Re = 0.0;
Nz = Ny = 0.0;
lon_relative_position = lat_relative_position = relative_position = 0.0;
@ -117,7 +116,6 @@ bool FGAuxiliary::InitModel(void)
hoverbmac = hoverbcg = 0.0;
Re = 0.0;
Nz = Ny = 0.0;
lon_relative_position = lat_relative_position = relative_position = 0.0;
@ -259,9 +257,6 @@ bool FGAuxiliary::Run(bool Holding)
FGColumnVector3 vMac = in.Tb2l * in.RPBody;
hoverbmac = (in.DistanceAGL + vMac(3)) / in.Wingspan;
// When all models are executed calculate the distance from the initial point.
return false;
@ -344,13 +339,6 @@ double FGAuxiliary::GetCrossWind(void) const
double FGAuxiliary::GethVRP(void) const
return vLocationVRP.GetRadius() - in.ReferenceRadius;
double FGAuxiliary::GetNlf(void) const
if (in.Mass != 0)
@ -361,13 +349,36 @@ double FGAuxiliary::GetNlf(void) const
void FGAuxiliary::CalculateRelativePosition(void) //ToDo: This belongs elsewhere - perhaps in FGPropagate or Exec
double FGAuxiliary::GetLongitudeRelativePosition(void) const
const double earth_radius_mt = in.ReferenceRadius*fttom;
lat_relative_position=(in.vLocation.GetLatitude() - FDMExec->GetIC()->GetLatitudeDegIC() *degtorad)*earth_radius_mt;
lon_relative_position=(in.vLocation.GetLongitude() - FDMExec->GetIC()->GetLongitudeDegIC()*degtorad)*earth_radius_mt;
relative_position = sqrt(lat_relative_position*lat_relative_position + lon_relative_position*lon_relative_position);
FGLocation source(FDMExec->GetIC()->GetLongitudeRadIC(),
return source.GetDistanceTo(in.vLocation.GetLongitude(),
FDMExec->GetIC()->GetLatitudeRadIC()) * fttom;
double FGAuxiliary::GetLatitudeRelativePosition(void) const
FGLocation source(FDMExec->GetIC()->GetLongitudeRadIC(),
return source.GetDistanceTo(FDMExec->GetIC()->GetLongitudeRadIC(),
in.vLocation.GetLatitude()) * fttom;
double FGAuxiliary::GetDistanceRelativePosition(void) const
FGLocation source(FDMExec->GetIC()->GetLongitudeRadIC(),
return source.GetDistanceTo(in.vLocation.GetLongitude(),
in.vLocation.GetLatitude()) * fttom;

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_AUXILIARY "$Id: FGAuxiliary.h,v 1.29 2014/12/27 05:41:11 dpculp Exp $"
#define ID_AUXILIARY "$Id: FGAuxiliary.h,v 1.31 2015/09/20 20:53:13 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
to the JSBSim vPQRdot vector, and the w parameter is equivalent to vPQR.
@author Tony Peden, Jon Berndt
@version $Id: FGAuxiliary.h,v 1.29 2014/12/27 05:41:11 dpculp Exp $
@version $Id: FGAuxiliary.h,v 1.31 2015/09/20 20:53:13 bcoconni Exp $
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public:
const FGColumnVector3& GetAeroUVW (void) const { return vAeroUVW; }
const FGLocation& GetLocationVRP(void) const { return vLocationVRP; }
double GethVRP(void) const;
double GethVRP(void) const { return vLocationVRP.GetAltitudeASL(); }
double GetAeroUVW (int idx) const { return vAeroUVW(idx); }
double Getalpha (void) const { return alpha; }
double Getbeta (void) const { return beta; }
@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ public:
int GetDayOfYear (void) const { return day_of_year; }
double GetSecondsInDay (void) const { return seconds_in_day; }
double GetLongitudeRelativePosition (void) const { return lon_relative_position; }
double GetLatitudeRelativePosition (void) const { return lat_relative_position; }
double GetDistanceRelativePosition (void) const { return relative_position; }
double GetLongitudeRelativePosition (void) const;
double GetLatitudeRelativePosition (void) const;
double GetDistanceRelativePosition (void) const;
void SetAeroPQR(const FGColumnVector3& tt) { vAeroPQR = tt; }
@ -280,7 +280,6 @@ public:
FGColumnVector3 VRPBody;
FGColumnVector3 vFw;
FGLocation vLocation;
double ReferenceRadius;
double CosTht;
double SinTht;
double CosPhi;
@ -327,12 +326,6 @@ private:
double hoverbcg, hoverbmac;
// helper data, calculation of distance from initial position
double lon_relative_position;
double lat_relative_position;
double relative_position;
void UpdateWindMatrices(void);
void CalculateRelativePosition(void);

View file

@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ INCLUDES
#include "FGFCS.h"
#include "FGFDMExec.h"
#include "FGGroundReactions.h"
#include "input_output/FGPropertyManager.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
#include "input_output/FGModelLoader.h"
@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFCS.cpp,v 1.90 2014/06/09 11:52:07 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFCS.cpp,v 1.92 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -82,6 +81,7 @@ FGFCS::FGFCS(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
int i;
Name = "FGFCS";
systype = stFCS;
DaCmd = DeCmd = DrCmd = DsCmd = DfCmd = DsbCmd = DspCmd = 0;
PTrimCmd = YTrimCmd = RTrimCmd = 0.0;
@ -326,11 +326,10 @@ void FGFCS::SetDspPos( int form , double pos )
void FGFCS::SetThrottleCmd(int engineNum, double setting)
unsigned int ctr;
if (engineNum < (int)ThrottlePos.size()) {
if (engineNum < 0) {
for (ctr=0;ctr<ThrottleCmd.size();ctr++) ThrottleCmd[ctr] = setting;
for (unsigned int ctr=0; ctr<ThrottleCmd.size(); ctr++)
ThrottleCmd[ctr] = setting;
} else {
ThrottleCmd[engineNum] = setting;
@ -345,11 +344,10 @@ void FGFCS::SetThrottleCmd(int engineNum, double setting)
void FGFCS::SetThrottlePos(int engineNum, double setting)
unsigned int ctr;
if (engineNum < (int)ThrottlePos.size()) {
if (engineNum < 0) {
for (ctr=0;ctr<ThrottlePos.size();ctr++) ThrottlePos[ctr] = setting;
for (unsigned int ctr=0; ctr<ThrottlePos.size(); ctr++)
ThrottlePos[ctr] = setting;
} else {
ThrottlePos[engineNum] = setting;
@ -400,11 +398,10 @@ double FGFCS::GetThrottlePos(int engineNum) const
void FGFCS::SetMixtureCmd(int engineNum, double setting)
unsigned int ctr;
if (engineNum < (int)ThrottlePos.size()) {
if (engineNum < 0) {
for (ctr=0;ctr<MixtureCmd.size();ctr++) MixtureCmd[ctr] = setting;
for (unsigned int ctr=0; ctr<MixtureCmd.size(); ctr++)
MixtureCmd[ctr] = setting;
} else {
MixtureCmd[engineNum] = setting;
@ -415,11 +412,10 @@ void FGFCS::SetMixtureCmd(int engineNum, double setting)
void FGFCS::SetMixturePos(int engineNum, double setting)
unsigned int ctr;
if (engineNum < (int)ThrottlePos.size()) {
if (engineNum < 0) {
for (ctr=0;ctr<MixtureCmd.size();ctr++) MixturePos[ctr] = MixtureCmd[ctr];
for (unsigned int ctr=0; ctr<MixtureCmd.size(); ctr++)
MixturePos[ctr] = MixtureCmd[ctr];
} else {
MixturePos[engineNum] = setting;
@ -430,11 +426,10 @@ void FGFCS::SetMixturePos(int engineNum, double setting)
void FGFCS::SetPropAdvanceCmd(int engineNum, double setting)
unsigned int ctr;
if (engineNum < (int)ThrottlePos.size()) {
if (engineNum < 0) {
for (ctr=0;ctr<PropAdvanceCmd.size();ctr++) PropAdvanceCmd[ctr] = setting;
for (unsigned int ctr=0; ctr<PropAdvanceCmd.size(); ctr++)
PropAdvanceCmd[ctr] = setting;
} else {
PropAdvanceCmd[engineNum] = setting;
@ -445,11 +440,10 @@ void FGFCS::SetPropAdvanceCmd(int engineNum, double setting)
void FGFCS::SetPropAdvance(int engineNum, double setting)
unsigned int ctr;
if (engineNum < (int)ThrottlePos.size()) {
if (engineNum < 0) {
for (ctr=0;ctr<PropAdvanceCmd.size();ctr++) PropAdvance[ctr] = PropAdvanceCmd[ctr];
for (unsigned int ctr=0; ctr<PropAdvanceCmd.size(); ctr++)
PropAdvance[ctr] = PropAdvanceCmd[ctr];
} else {
PropAdvance[engineNum] = setting;
@ -460,11 +454,10 @@ void FGFCS::SetPropAdvance(int engineNum, double setting)
void FGFCS::SetFeatherCmd(int engineNum, bool setting)
unsigned int ctr;
if (engineNum < (int)ThrottlePos.size()) {
if (engineNum < 0) {
for (ctr=0;ctr<PropFeatherCmd.size();ctr++) PropFeatherCmd[ctr] = setting;
for (unsigned int ctr=0; ctr<PropFeatherCmd.size(); ctr++)
PropFeatherCmd[ctr] = setting;
} else {
PropFeatherCmd[engineNum] = setting;
@ -475,11 +468,10 @@ void FGFCS::SetFeatherCmd(int engineNum, bool setting)
void FGFCS::SetPropFeather(int engineNum, bool setting)
unsigned int ctr;
if (engineNum < (int)ThrottlePos.size()) {
if (engineNum < 0) {
for (ctr=0;ctr<PropFeatherCmd.size();ctr++) PropFeather[ctr] = PropFeatherCmd[ctr];
for (unsigned int ctr=0; ctr<PropFeatherCmd.size(); ctr++)
PropFeather[ctr] = PropFeatherCmd[ctr];
} else {
PropFeather[engineNum] = setting;
@ -488,34 +480,30 @@ void FGFCS::SetPropFeather(int engineNum, bool setting)
bool FGFCS::Load(Element* document, SystemType type)
bool FGFCS::Load(Element* document)
string name, parent_name;
Element *component_element;
Element *channel_element;
systype = type;
if (document->GetName() == "autopilot") {
Name = "Autopilot: ";
systype = stAutoPilot;
} else if (document->GetName() == "flight_control") {
Name = "FCS: ";
systype = stFCS;
} else if (document->GetName() == "system") {
Name = "System: ";
systype = stSystem;
// Load interface properties from document
if (!FGModel::Load(document))
return false;
name = document->GetAttributeValue("name");
Name += document->GetAttributeValue("name");
Name = "Flight Control Systems Model: " + document->GetAttributeValue("name");
if (document->GetName() == "autopilot") {
Name = "Autopilot: " + document->GetAttributeValue("name");
} else if (document->GetName() == "flight_control") {
Name = "FCS: " + document->GetAttributeValue("name");
} else if (document->GetName() == "system") {
Name = "System: " + document->GetAttributeValue("name");
if (document->GetName() == "flight_control") bindModel();
if (systype == stFCS) bindModel();
channel_element = document->FindElement("channel");
Element* channel_element = document->FindElement("channel");
while (channel_element) {
@ -523,9 +511,8 @@ bool FGFCS::Load(Element* document, SystemType type)
string sOnOffProperty = channel_element->GetAttributeValue("execute");
string sChannelName = channel_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
FGPropertyNode* OnOffPropertyNode = 0;
if (sOnOffProperty.length() > 0) {
OnOffPropertyNode = PropertyManager->GetNode(sOnOffProperty);
FGPropertyNode* OnOffPropertyNode = PropertyManager->GetNode(sOnOffProperty);
if (OnOffPropertyNode == 0) {
cerr << highint << fgred
<< "The On/Off property, " << sOnOffProperty << " specified for channel "
@ -545,7 +532,7 @@ bool FGFCS::Load(Element* document, SystemType type)
cout << endl << highint << fgblue << " Channel "
<< normint << channel_element->GetAttributeValue("name") << reset << endl;
component_element = channel_element->GetElement();
Element* component_element = channel_element->GetElement();
while (component_element) {
try {
if ((component_element->GetName() == string("lag_filter")) ||
@ -593,7 +580,7 @@ bool FGFCS::Load(Element* document, SystemType type)
} else {
cerr << "Unknown FCS component: " << component_element->GetName() << endl;
} catch(string s) {
} catch(string& s) {
cerr << highint << fgred << endl << " " << s << endl;
cerr << reset << endl;
return false;

View file

@ -40,9 +40,8 @@ INCLUDES
#include <iosfwd>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "models/flight_control/FGFCSComponent.h"
#include "models/FGModel.h"
#include "models/FGLGear.h"
@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_FCS "$Id: FGFCS.h,v 1.47 2015/02/27 20:36:47 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_FCS "$Id: FGFCS.h,v 1.49 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
@property gear/tailhook-pos-norm
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Revision: 1.47 $
@version $Revision: 1.49 $
@see FGActuator
@see FGDeadBand
@see FGFCSFunction
@ -551,9 +550,8 @@ public:
/** Loads the Flight Control System.
Load() is called from FGFDMExec.
@param el pointer to the Element instance
@param systype type of system (FCS, Autopilot, System)
@return true if succesful */
bool Load(Element* el, SystemType systype);
bool Load(Element* el);
std::string FindFullPathName(const std::string& system_filename) const;
@ -565,10 +563,6 @@ public:
bool GetTrimStatus(void) const { return FDMExec->GetTrimStatus(); }
struct Inputs {
unsigned int NumGear;
} in;
double DaCmd, DeCmd, DrCmd, DsCmd, DfCmd, DsbCmd, DspCmd;
double DePos[NForms], DaLPos[NForms], DaRPos[NForms], DrPos[NForms];

src/FDM/JSBSim/models/FGFCSChannel.h Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ typedef std::vector <FGFCSComponent*> FCSCompVec;
class FGFCSChannel {
/// Constructor
FGFCSChannel(string name, FGPropertyNode* node=0) :
FGFCSChannel(std::string name, FGPropertyNode* node=0) :
OnOffNode(node), Name(name)
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public:
/// Retrieves the name of the channel
string GetName() {return Name;}
std::string GetName() {return Name;}
/// Adds a component to a channel
void Add(FGFCSComponent* comp) {FCSComponents.push_back(comp);}
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public:
FCSCompVec FCSComponents;
FGConstPropertyNode_ptr OnOffNode;
string Name;
std::string Name;

src/FDM/JSBSim/models/FGInput.cpp Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGInput.cpp,v 1.33 2015/04/08 19:35:00 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGInput.cpp,v 1.34 2015/08/23 09:43:31 bcoconni Exp $");
FGInput::FGInput(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
Name = "FGInput";
enabled = true;
@ -139,7 +140,9 @@ bool FGInput::InitModel(void)
bool FGInput::Run(bool Holding)
if (FDMExec->GetTrimStatus()) return true;
if (FGModel::Run(Holding)) return true;
if (!enabled) return true;
vector<FGInputType*>::iterator it;
for (it = InputTypes.begin(); it != InputTypes.end(); ++it)
@ -164,24 +167,6 @@ bool FGInput::SetDirectivesFile(const std::string& fname)
void FGInput::Enable(void)
vector<FGInputType*>::iterator it;
for (it = InputTypes.begin(); it != InputTypes.end(); ++it)
void FGInput::Disable(void)
vector<FGInputType*>::iterator it;
for (it = InputTypes.begin(); it != InputTypes.end(); ++it)
bool FGInput::Toggle(int idx)
if (idx >= (int)0 && idx < (int)InputTypes.size())

src/FDM/JSBSim/models/FGInput.h Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_INPUT "$Id: FGInput.h,v 1.11 2015/02/15 12:03:21 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_INPUT "$Id: FGInput.h,v 1.13 2015/08/23 09:43:31 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
The class FGInput is the manager of the inputs requested by the user. It
manages a list of instances derived from the abstract class FGInputType.
@version $Id: FGInput.h,v 1.11 2015/02/15 12:03:21 bcoconni Exp $
@version $Id: FGInput.h,v 1.13 2015/08/23 09:43:31 bcoconni Exp $
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ public:
bool SetDirectivesFile(const std::string& fname);
/// Enables the input generation for all input instances.
void Enable(void);
void Enable(void) { enabled = true; }
/// Disables the input generation for all input instances.
void Disable(void);
/** Toggles the input generation for an ouput instances.
void Disable(void) { enabled = false; }
/** Toggles the input generation of each input instance.
@param idx ID of the input instance which input generation will be
@result false if the instance does not exist otherwise returns the status
@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ public:
std::vector<FGInputType*> InputTypes;
bool enabled;
void Debug(int from);

View file

@ -42,11 +42,9 @@ INCLUDES
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include "math/FGFunction.h"
#include "FGLGear.h"
#include "input_output/FGPropertyManager.h"
#include "models/FGGroundReactions.h"
#include "math/FGTable.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ DEFINITIONS
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGLGear.cpp,v 1.118 2014/11/30 12:35:32 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGLGear.cpp,v 1.120 2015/08/16 16:13:31 bcoconni Exp $");
// Body To Structural (body frame is rotated 180 deg about Y and lengths are given in
@ -166,6 +164,23 @@ FGLGear::FGLGear(Element* el, FGFDMExec* fdmex, int number, const struct Inputs&
eSteerType = stSteer;
Element* castering = el->FindElement("castered");
if (castering) {
if (castering->GetDataAsNumber() != 0.0) {
eSteerType = stCaster;
Castered = true;
else {
if (maxSteerAngle == 0.0) {
eSteerType = stFixed;
else {
eSteerType = stSteer;
Castered = false;
GroundReactions = fdmex->GetGroundReactions();
ForceY_Table = 0;
@ -262,7 +277,13 @@ void FGLGear::ResetToIC(void)
WheelSlip = 0.0;
// Initialize Lagrange multipliers
memset(LMultiplier, 0, sizeof(LMultiplier));
for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
LMultiplier[i].Min = 0.0;
LMultiplier[i].Max = 0.0;
LMultiplier[i].value = 0.0;

View file

@ -48,14 +48,12 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_MASSBALANCE "$Id: FGMassBalance.h,v 1.35 2015/03/28 14:49:02 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_MASSBALANCE "$Id: FGMassBalance.h,v 1.36 2015/08/22 18:09:00 bcoconni Exp $"
using std::string;
namespace JSBSim {
@ -248,7 +246,7 @@ private:
double Weight; /// Weight in pounds.
double Radius; /// Radius in feet.
double Length; /// Length in feet.
string Name;
std::string Name;
FGMatrix33 mPMInertia;
double GetPointMassLocation(int axis) const {return Location(axis);}
@ -256,7 +254,7 @@ private:
esShape GetShapeType(void) {return eShapeType;}
const FGColumnVector3& GetLocation(void) {return Location;}
const FGMatrix33& GetPointMassInertia(void) {return mPMInertia;}
const string& GetName(void) {return Name;}
const std::string& GetName(void) {return Name;}
void SetPointMassLocation(int axis, double value) {Location(axis) = value;}
void SetPointMassWeight(double wt) {
@ -266,7 +264,7 @@ private:
void SetPointMassShapeType(esShape st) {eShapeType = st;}
void SetRadius(double r) {Radius = r;}
void SetLength(double l) {Length = l;}
void SetName(string name) {Name = name;}
void SetName(const std::string& name) {Name = name;}
void SetPointMassMoI(const FGMatrix33& MoI) { mPMInertia = MoI; }
double GetPointMassMoI(int r, int c) {return mPMInertia(r,c);}

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGModel.cpp,v 1.25 2014/06/09 11:52:07 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGModel.cpp,v 1.26 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -142,8 +142,6 @@ bool FGModel::Load(Element* el)
element = document->FindNextElement();
document = el;
return result;

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_MODEL "$Id: FGModel.h,v 1.22 2014/06/09 11:52:07 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_MODEL "$Id: FGModel.h,v 1.25 2015/08/16 13:19:52 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -93,16 +93,18 @@ public:
virtual bool Run(bool Holding);
virtual bool InitModel(void);
virtual void SetRate(int tt) {rate = tt;}
virtual int GetRate(void) {return rate;}
/// Set the ouput rate for the model in frames
void SetRate(unsigned int tt) {rate = tt;}
/// Get the output rate for the model in frames
unsigned int GetRate(void) {return rate;}
FGFDMExec* GetExec(void) {return FDMExec;}
void SetPropertyManager(FGPropertyManager *fgpm) { PropertyManager=fgpm;}
virtual std::string FindFullPathName(const std::string& filename) const;
int exe_ctr;
int rate;
unsigned int exe_ctr;
unsigned int rate;
/** Loads this model.
@param el a pointer to the element

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGOutput.cpp,v 1.82 2015/04/02 02:20:50 dpculp Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGOutput.cpp,v 1.86 2015/08/23 09:43:31 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ FGOutput::FGOutput(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
typedef int (FGOutput::*iOPV)(void) const;
Name = "FGOutput";
enabled = true;
PropertyManager->Tie("simulation/force-output", this, (iOPV)0, &FGOutput::ForceOutput, false);
@ -101,11 +102,14 @@ bool FGOutput::InitModel(void)
bool FGOutput::Run(bool Holding)
if (FDMExec->GetTrimStatus()) return true;
if (FGModel::Run(Holding)) return true;
if (Holding) return false;
if (!enabled) return true;
vector<FGOutputType*>::iterator it;
for (it = OutputTypes.begin(); it != OutputTypes.end(); ++it)
return false;
@ -130,24 +134,6 @@ void FGOutput::SetStartNewOutput(void)
void FGOutput::Enable(void)
vector<FGOutputType*>::iterator it;
for (it = OutputTypes.begin(); it != OutputTypes.end(); ++it)
void FGOutput::Disable(void)
vector<FGOutputType*>::iterator it;
for (it = OutputTypes.begin(); it != OutputTypes.end(); ++it)
bool FGOutput::Toggle(int idx)
if (idx >= (int)0 && idx < (int)OutputTypes.size())
@ -158,11 +144,11 @@ bool FGOutput::Toggle(int idx)
void FGOutput::SetRate(double rate)
void FGOutput::SetRateHz(double rate)
vector<FGOutputType*>::iterator it;
for (it = OutputTypes.begin(); it != OutputTypes.end(); ++it)
@ -248,7 +234,7 @@ bool FGOutput::Load(int subSystems, std::string protocol, std::string type,

View file

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_OUTPUT "$Id: FGOutput.h,v 1.29 2013/11/24 11:40:56 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_OUTPUT "$Id: FGOutput.h,v 1.33 2015/08/23 09:43:31 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
The class FGOutput is the manager of the outputs requested by the user. It
manages a list of instances derived from the abstract class FGOutputType.
@version $Id: FGOutput.h,v 1.29 2013/11/24 11:40:56 bcoconni Exp $
@version $Id: FGOutput.h,v 1.33 2015/08/23 09:43:31 bcoconni Exp $
@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ public:
@return true if the execution succeeded. */
bool SetDirectivesFile(const std::string& fname);
/// Enables the output generation for all output instances.
void Enable(void);
void Enable(void) { enabled = true; }
/// Disables the output generation for all output instances.
void Disable(void);
/** Toggles the output generation for an ouput instances.
void Disable(void) { enabled = false; }
/** Toggles the output generation of each ouput instance.
@param idx ID of the output instance which output generation will be
@result false if the instance does not exist otherwise returns the status
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ public:
bool Toggle(int idx);
/** Modifies the output rate for all output instances.
@param rate new output rate in Hz */
void SetRate(double rate);
void SetRateHz(double rate);
/** Load the output directives and adds a new output instance to the Output
Manager list.
@param el XMLElement that is pointing to the output directives
@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ public:
std::vector<FGOutputType*> OutputTypes;
bool enabled;
void Debug(int from);

View file

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGPropagate.cpp,v 1.126 2014/11/30 12:35:32 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGPropagate.cpp,v 1.127 2015/08/22 18:09:00 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -188,12 +188,10 @@ void FGPropagate::SetInitialState(const FGInitialCondition *FGIC)
void FGPropagate::InitializeDerivatives()
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
VState.dqPQRidot[i] = in.vPQRidot;
VState.dqUVWidot[i] = in.vUVWidot;
VState.dqInertialVelocity[i] = VState.vInertialVelocity;
VState.dqQtrndot[i] = in.vQtrndot;
VState.dqPQRidot.assign(5, in.vPQRidot);
VState.dqUVWidot.assign(5, in.vUVWidot);
VState.dqInertialVelocity.assign(5, VState.vInertialVelocity);
VState.dqQtrndot.assign(5, in.vQtrndot);
@ -636,7 +634,6 @@ void FGPropagate::WriteStateFile(int num)
string filename = FDMExec->GetFullAircraftPath();
string sim_time = to_string((double)FDMExec->GetSimTime());
if (filename.empty()) filename = "initfile.";
else filename.append("/initfile.");

View file

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_PROPAGATE "$Id: FGPropagate.h,v 1.81 2014/05/17 15:15:53 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_PROPAGATE "$Id: FGPropagate.h,v 1.82 2015/08/22 18:09:00 bcoconni Exp $"
namespace JSBSim {
using std::deque;
class FGInitialCondition;
@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
@author Jon S. Berndt, Mathias Froehlich, Bertrand Coconnier
@version $Id: FGPropagate.h,v 1.81 2014/05/17 15:15:53 jberndt Exp $
@version $Id: FGPropagate.h,v 1.82 2015/08/22 18:09:00 bcoconni Exp $
@ -138,10 +137,10 @@ public:
FGColumnVector3 vInertialPosition;
deque <FGColumnVector3> dqPQRidot;
deque <FGColumnVector3> dqUVWidot;
deque <FGColumnVector3> dqInertialVelocity;
deque <FGQuaternion> dqQtrndot;
std::deque <FGColumnVector3> dqPQRidot;
std::deque <FGColumnVector3> dqUVWidot;
std::deque <FGColumnVector3> dqInertialVelocity;
std::deque <FGQuaternion> dqQtrndot;
/** Constructor.
@ -567,7 +566,7 @@ public:
void SetDistanceAGL(double tt);
void SetDistanceAGLKm(double tt);
void SetInitialState(const FGInitialCondition *);
void SetInitialState(const FGInitialCondition*);
void SetLocation(const FGLocation& l);
void SetLocation(const FGColumnVector3& lv)
@ -632,13 +631,13 @@ private:
void Integrate( FGColumnVector3& Integrand,
FGColumnVector3& Val,
deque <FGColumnVector3>& ValDot,
std::deque <FGColumnVector3>& ValDot,
double dt,
eIntegrateType integration_type);
void Integrate( FGQuaternion& Integrand,
FGQuaternion& Val,
deque <FGQuaternion>& ValDot,
std::deque <FGQuaternion>& ValDot,
double dt,
eIntegrateType integration_type);

View file

@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ INCLUDES
#include "models/FGPropagate.h"
#include "models/FGAccelerations.h"
#include "models/FGMassBalance.h"
#include "models/FGInertial.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
#include "models/FGFCS.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGAccelerometer.cpp,v 1.15 2014/01/13 10:46:07 ehofman Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGAccelerometer.cpp,v 1.17 2015/08/09 17:29:48 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ bool FGAccelerometer::Run(void )
//aircraft forces
vAccel = (Accelerations->GetBodyAccel()
+ Accelerations->GetPQRidot() * vRadius
+ Propagate->GetPQRi() * (Propagate->GetPQRi() * vRadius));
+ Accelerations->GetPQRidot() * vRadius
+ Propagate->GetPQRi() * (Propagate->GetPQRi() * vRadius));
// transform to the specified orientation
vAccel = mT * vAccel;

View file

@ -42,12 +42,13 @@ INCLUDES
#include "FGActuator.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
#include "math/FGRealValue.h"
#include "models/FGFCS.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGActuator.cpp,v 1.37 2014/08/28 13:44:28 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGActuator.cpp,v 1.38 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $");
FGActuator::FGActuator(FGFCS* fcs, Element* element) : FGFCSComponent(fcs, element)
double denom;
// inputs are read from the base class constructor
PreviousOutput = 0.0;
@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ FGActuator::FGActuator(FGFCS* fcs, Element* element) : FGFCSComponent(fcs, eleme
if ( element->FindElement("lag") ) {
lag = element->FindElementValueAsNumber("lag");
denom = 2.00 + dt*lag;
double denom = 2.00 + dt*lag;
ca = dt*lag / denom;
cb = (2.00 - dt*lag) / denom;

View file

@ -37,18 +37,19 @@ COMMENTS, REFERENCES, and NOTES
#include "FGFCSComponent.h"
#include "input_output/FGPropertyManager.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
#include "math/FGPropertyValue.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "FGFCSComponent.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
#include "math/FGPropertyValue.h"
#include "models/FGFCS.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFCSComponent.cpp,v 1.40 2014/01/13 10:46:08 ehofman Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFCSComponent.cpp,v 1.41 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -129,9 +130,9 @@ FGFCSComponent::FGFCSComponent(FGFCS* _fcs, Element* element) : fcs(_fcs)
} else {
InitSigns.push_back( 1.0);
FGPropertyNode* node = 0L;
if (PropertyManager->HasNode(init)) {
node = PropertyManager->GetNode(init);
FGPropertyNode* node = PropertyManager->GetNode(init);
InitNodes.push_back(new FGPropertyValue( node ));
} else {
InitNodes.push_back(new FGPropertyValue( init,
@ -151,9 +152,9 @@ FGFCSComponent::FGFCSComponent(FGFCS* _fcs, Element* element) : fcs(_fcs)
} else {
InputSigns.push_back( 1.0);
FGPropertyNode* node = 0L;
if (PropertyManager->HasNode(input)) {
node = PropertyManager->GetNode(input);
FGPropertyNode* node = PropertyManager->GetNode(input);
InputNodes.push_back(new FGPropertyValue( node ));
} else {
InputNodes.push_back(new FGPropertyValue( input,
@ -319,8 +320,6 @@ void FGFCSComponent::bind(void)
void FGFCSComponent::Debug(int from)
string propsign="";
if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;
if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output
@ -329,17 +328,20 @@ void FGFCSComponent::Debug(int from)
<< "\" of type: " << Type << endl;
if (clip) {
string propsign;
if (ClipMinPropertyNode != 0L) {
if (clipMinSign < 0.0) propsign="-";
cout << " Minimum limit: " << propsign << ClipMinPropertyNode->GetName() << endl;
} else {
cout << " Minimum limit: " << clipmin << endl;
if (ClipMaxPropertyNode != 0L) {
if (clipMaxSign < 0.0) propsign="-";
cout << " Maximum limit: " << propsign << ClipMaxPropertyNode->GetName() << endl;
} else {
cout << " Maximum limit: " << clipmax << endl;

View file

@ -37,16 +37,17 @@ SENTRY
#include "FGJSBBase.h"
#include "math/FGPropertyValue.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "FGJSBBase.h"
#include "math/FGPropertyValue.h"
#define ID_FCSCOMPONENT "$Id: FGFCSComponent.h,v 1.26 2014/02/17 05:33:25 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_FCSCOMPONENT "$Id: FGFCSComponent.h,v 1.27 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
- FGAngle
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Id: FGFCSComponent.h,v 1.26 2014/02/17 05:33:25 jberndt Exp $
@version $Id: FGFCSComponent.h,v 1.27 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $
@see Documentation for the FGFCS class, and for the configuration file class
@ -141,7 +142,4 @@ protected:
} //namespace JSBSim
#include "../FGFCS.h"

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFilter.cpp,v 1.20 2014/01/13 10:46:09 ehofman Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFilter.cpp,v 1.21 2015/09/27 20:26:23 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -188,11 +188,9 @@ void FGFilter::CalculateDynamicFilters(void)
bool FGFilter::Run(void)
double test = 0.0;
if (Initialize) {
PreviousOutput1 = PreviousInput1 = Output = Input;
PreviousOutput2 = PreviousInput2 = PreviousOutput1 = PreviousInput1 = Output = Input;
Initialize = false;
} else {
@ -217,7 +215,7 @@ bool FGFilter::Run(void)
case eIntegrator:
if (Trigger != 0) {
test = Trigger->getDoubleValue();
double test = Trigger->getDoubleValue();
if (fabs(test) > 0.000001) {
Input = PreviousInput1 = PreviousInput2 = 0.0;

src/FDM/JSBSim/models/flight_control/FGGyro.cpp Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -42,12 +42,13 @@ INCLUDES
#include "FGGyro.h"
#include "models/FGAccelerations.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
#include "models/FGFCS.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGGyro.cpp,v 1.10 2014/01/13 10:46:09 ehofman Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGGyro.cpp,v 1.11 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $");

View file

@ -44,12 +44,13 @@ INCLUDES
#include "FGMagnetometer.h"
#include "simgear/magvar/coremag.hxx"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
#include "models/FGFCS.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGMagnetometer.cpp,v 1.9 2014/01/13 10:46:09 ehofman Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGMagnetometer.cpp,v 1.10 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $");

src/FDM/JSBSim/models/flight_control/FGSensor.cpp Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -37,16 +37,17 @@ COMMENTS, REFERENCES, and NOTES
#include "FGSensor.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "FGSensor.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGSensor.cpp,v 1.27 2014/01/13 10:46:10 ehofman Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGSensor.cpp,v 1.28 2015/07/12 19:34:08 bcoconni Exp $");
FGSensor::FGSensor(FGFCS* fcs, Element* element) : FGFCSComponent(fcs, element)
double denom;
// inputs are read from the base class constructor
bits = quantized = divisions = 0;
@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ FGSensor::FGSensor(FGFCS* fcs, Element* element) : FGFCSComponent(fcs, element)
if ( element->FindElement("lag") ) {
lag = element->FindElementValueAsNumber("lag");
denom = 2.00 + dt*lag;
double denom = 2.00 + dt*lag;
ca = dt*lag / denom;
cb = (2.00 - dt*lag) / denom;

src/FDM/JSBSim/models/flight_control/FGWaypoint.cpp Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -40,12 +40,13 @@ INCLUDES
#include "FGWaypoint.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
#include "input_output/FGPropertyManager.h"
#include "math/FGLocation.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGWaypoint.cpp,v 1.5 2014/01/13 10:46:10 ehofman Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGWaypoint.cpp,v 1.6 2015/09/20 20:53:13 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -71,9 +72,8 @@ FGWaypoint::FGWaypoint(FGFCS* fcs, Element* element) : FGFCSComponent(fcs, eleme
target_latitude_unit = 0.017453293;
} else {
} else
throw("Target latitude is required for waypoint component: "+Name);
if (element->FindElement("target_longitude") ) {
target_longitude_pNode = PropertyManager->GetNode(element->FindElementValue("target_longitude"));
@ -82,9 +82,8 @@ FGWaypoint::FGWaypoint(FGFCS* fcs, Element* element) : FGFCSComponent(fcs, eleme
target_longitude_unit = 0.017453293;
} else {
} else
throw("Target longitude is required for waypoint component: "+Name);
if (element->FindElement("source_latitude") ) {
source_latitude_pNode = PropertyManager->GetNode(element->FindElementValue("source_latitude"));
@ -93,9 +92,8 @@ FGWaypoint::FGWaypoint(FGFCS* fcs, Element* element) : FGFCSComponent(fcs, eleme
source_latitude_unit = 0.017453293;
} else {
} else
throw("Source latitude is required for waypoint component: "+Name);
if (element->FindElement("source_longitude") ) {
source_longitude_pNode = PropertyManager->GetNode(element->FindElementValue("source_longitude"));
@ -104,30 +102,28 @@ FGWaypoint::FGWaypoint(FGFCS* fcs, Element* element) : FGFCSComponent(fcs, eleme
source_longitude_unit = 0.017453293;
} else {
} else
throw("Source longitude is required for waypoint component: "+Name);
if (element->FindElement("radius")) {
if (element->FindElement("radius"))
radius = element->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("radius", "FT");
} else {
radius = 21144000; // Radius of Earth in feet.
unit = element->GetAttributeValue("unit");
if (WaypointType == eHeading) {
if (!unit.empty()) {
if (unit == "DEG") eUnit = eDeg;
else if (unit == "RAD") eUnit = eRad;
else throw("Unknown unit "+unit+" in HEADING waypoint component, "+Name);
} else {
if (unit == "DEG") eUnit = eDeg;
else if (unit == "RAD") eUnit = eRad;
else throw("Unknown unit "+unit+" in HEADING waypoint component, "+Name);
} else {
eUnit = eRad; // Default is radians if unspecified
} else {
if (!unit.empty()) {
if (unit == "FT") eUnit = eFeet;
else if (unit == "M") eUnit = eMeters;
else throw("Unknown unit "+unit+" in DISTANCE waypoint component, "+Name);
if (unit == "FT") eUnit = eFeet;
else if (unit == "M") eUnit = eMeters;
else throw("Unknown unit "+unit+" in DISTANCE waypoint component, "+Name);
} else {
eUnit = eFeet; // Default is feet if unspecified
@ -145,47 +141,18 @@ FGWaypoint::~FGWaypoint()
// The calculations, below, implement the Haversine formulas to calculate
// heading and distance to a set of lat/long coordinates from the current
// position. The latitude and longitude are expected to be in radian units
// and are measured from the 0 meridian and the equator, with positive
// longitude being east from there, and positive latitude being north.
// The basic equations are (lat1, long1 are source positions; lat2
// long2 are target positions):
// R = earths radius
// Δlat = lat2 lat1
// Δlong = long2 long1
// For the heading angle calculation:
// θ = atan2(sin(Δlong)∙cos(lat2), cos(lat1)∙sin(lat2) sin(lat1) ∙cos(lat2)∙cos(Δlong) )
// For the waypoint distance calculation:
// a = sin²(Δlat/2) + cos(lat1)∙cos(lat2)∙sin²(Δlong/2)
// c = 2∙atan2(√a, √(1a))
// d = R∙c
bool FGWaypoint::Run(void )
target_latitude = target_latitude_pNode->getDoubleValue() * target_latitude_unit;
target_longitude = target_longitude_pNode->getDoubleValue() * target_longitude_unit;
source_latitude = source_latitude_pNode->getDoubleValue() * source_latitude_unit;
source_longitude = source_longitude_pNode->getDoubleValue() * source_longitude_unit;
double delta_lat_rad = target_latitude - source_latitude;
double delta_lon_rad = target_longitude - source_longitude;
double target_latitude = target_latitude_pNode->getDoubleValue() * target_latitude_unit;
double target_longitude = target_longitude_pNode->getDoubleValue() * target_longitude_unit;
double source_latitude = source_latitude_pNode->getDoubleValue() * source_latitude_unit;
double source_longitude = source_longitude_pNode->getDoubleValue() * source_longitude_unit;
FGLocation source(source_longitude, source_latitude, radius);
if (WaypointType == eHeading) { // Calculate Heading
double Y = sin(delta_lon_rad) * cos(target_latitude);
double X = (cos(source_latitude) * sin(target_latitude))
- (sin(source_latitude) * cos(target_latitude) * cos(delta_lon_rad));
double heading_to_waypoint_rad = atan2(Y, X);
if (heading_to_waypoint_rad < 0) heading_to_waypoint_rad += 2.0*M_PI;
double heading_to_waypoint_rad = source.GetHeadingTo(target_longitude,
double heading_to_waypoint = 0;
if (eUnit == eDeg) heading_to_waypoint = heading_to_waypoint_rad * radtodeg;
@ -194,12 +161,7 @@ bool FGWaypoint::Run(void )
Output = heading_to_waypoint;
} else { // Calculate Distance
double distance_a = pow(sin(delta_lat_rad/2.0), 2.0)
+ (cos(source_latitude) * cos(target_latitude)
* (pow(sin(delta_lon_rad/2.0), 2.0)));
double wp_distance = 2.0 * radius * atan2(pow(distance_a, 0.5), pow((1.0 - distance_a), 0.5));
double wp_distance = source.GetDistanceTo(target_longitude, target_latitude);
if (eUnit == eMeters) {
Output = FeetToMeters(wp_distance);

src/FDM/JSBSim/models/flight_control/FGWaypoint.h Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_WAYPOINT "$Id: FGWaypoint.h,v 1.1 2013/06/20 04:37:28 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_WAYPOINT "$Id: FGWaypoint.h,v 1.3 2015/09/20 20:53:13 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Id: FGWaypoint.h,v 1.1 2013/06/20 04:37:28 jberndt Exp $
@version $Id: FGWaypoint.h,v 1.3 2015/09/20 20:53:13 bcoconni Exp $
@ -112,10 +112,6 @@ private:
FGPropertyNode_ptr target_longitude_pNode;
FGPropertyNode_ptr source_latitude_pNode;
FGPropertyNode_ptr source_longitude_pNode;
double target_latitude;
double target_longitude;
double source_latitude;
double source_longitude;
double target_latitude_unit;
double target_longitude_unit;
double source_latitude_unit;

View file

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGElectric.cpp,v 1.18 2014/06/08 12:00:35 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGElectric.cpp,v 1.20 2015/09/27 09:54:21 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -58,10 +58,8 @@ CLASS IMPLEMENTATION
FGElectric::FGElectric(FGFDMExec* exec, Element *el, int engine_number, struct FGEngine::Inputs& input)
: FGEngine(exec, engine_number, input)
: FGEngine(engine_number, input)
string token;
Type = etElectric;
@ -71,10 +69,9 @@ FGElectric::FGElectric(FGFDMExec* exec, Element *el, int engine_number, struct F
if (el->FindElement("power"))
PowerWatts = el->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("power","WATTS");
string property_name, base_property_name;
base_property_name = CreateIndexedPropertyName("propulsion/engine", EngineNumber);
property_name = base_property_name + "/power-hp";
PropertyManager->Tie(property_name, &HP);
string base_property_name = CreateIndexedPropertyName("propulsion/engine",
exec->GetPropertyManager()->Tie(base_property_name + "/power-hp", &HP);
Debug(0); // Call Debug() routine from constructor if needed

View file

@ -53,17 +53,16 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGEngine.cpp,v 1.62 2015/02/27 20:42:55 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGEngine.cpp,v 1.67 2015/09/27 09:54:21 bcoconni Exp $");
FGEngine::FGEngine(FGFDMExec* exec, int engine_number, struct Inputs& input)
FGEngine::FGEngine(int engine_number, struct Inputs& input)
: in(input), EngineNumber(engine_number)
Name = "";
Type = etUnknown;
X = Y = Z = 0.0;
EnginePitch = EngineYaw = 0.0;
@ -172,27 +171,25 @@ void FGEngine::LoadThrusterInputs()
void FGEngine::LoadThruster(Element *thruster_element)
void FGEngine::LoadThruster(FGFDMExec* exec, Element *thruster_element)
if (thruster_element->FindElement("propeller")) {
Element *document = thruster_element->FindElement("propeller");
Thruster = new FGPropeller(FDMExec, document, EngineNumber);
Thruster = new FGPropeller(exec, document, EngineNumber);
} else if (thruster_element->FindElement("nozzle")) {
Element *document = thruster_element->FindElement("nozzle");
Thruster = new FGNozzle(FDMExec, document, EngineNumber);
Thruster = new FGNozzle(exec, document, EngineNumber);
} else if (thruster_element->FindElement("rotor")) {
Element *document = thruster_element->FindElement("rotor");
Thruster = new FGRotor(FDMExec, document, EngineNumber);
Thruster = new FGRotor(exec, document, EngineNumber);
} else if (thruster_element->FindElement("direct")) {
Element *document = thruster_element->FindElement("direct");
Thruster = new FGThruster( FDMExec, document, EngineNumber);
Thruster = new FGThruster(exec, document, EngineNumber);
} else {
cerr << thruster_element->ReadFrom() << " Unknown thruster type" << endl;
throw("Failed to load the thruster");
@ -204,9 +201,7 @@ bool FGEngine::Load(FGFDMExec *exec, Element *engine_element)
Element* local_element;
FGColumnVector3 location, orientation;
FDMExec = exec;
PropertyManager = FDMExec->GetPropertyManager();
FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager = exec->GetPropertyManager();
Name = engine_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
@ -230,8 +225,8 @@ bool FGEngine::Load(FGFDMExec *exec, Element *engine_element)
local_element = parent_element->FindElement("thruster");
if (local_element) {
try {
} catch (std::string str) {
LoadThruster(exec, local_element);
} catch (std::string& str) {
throw("Error loading engine " + Name + ". " + str);
} else {

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_ENGINE "$Id: FGEngine.h,v 1.44 2015/03/28 14:49:02 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_ENGINE "$Id: FGEngine.h,v 1.47 2015/09/27 10:16:57 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
documentation for engine and thruster classes.
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Id: FGEngine.h,v 1.44 2015/03/28 14:49:02 bcoconni Exp $
@version $Id: FGEngine.h,v 1.47 2015/09/27 10:16:57 bcoconni Exp $
@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ class FGEngine : public FGModelFunctions
struct Inputs {
double SLPressure;
double Pressure;
double PressureRatio;
double Temperature;
@ -130,7 +129,6 @@ public:
double DensityRatio;
double Soundspeed;
double TotalPressure;
double TotalTempearture;
double TAT_c;
double Vt;
double Vc;
@ -150,7 +148,7 @@ public:
double TotalDeltaT;
FGEngine(FGFDMExec* exec, int engine_number, struct Inputs& input);
FGEngine(int engine_number, struct Inputs& input);
virtual ~FGEngine();
enum EngineType {etUnknown, etRocket, etPiston, etTurbine, etTurboprop, etElectric};
@ -208,7 +206,7 @@ public:
virtual const FGColumnVector3& GetBodyForces(void);
virtual const FGColumnVector3& GetMoments(void);
void LoadThruster(Element *el);
void LoadThruster(FGFDMExec* exec, Element *el);
FGThruster* GetThruster(void) const {return Thruster;}
unsigned int GetSourceTank(unsigned int i) const;
@ -221,14 +219,7 @@ public:
void LoadThrusterInputs();
/** Reduces the fuel in the active tanks by the amount required.
This function should be called from within the
derived class' Calculate() function before any other calculations are
done. This base class method removes fuel from the fuel tanks as
appropriate, and sets the starved flag if necessary. * /
virtual void ConsumeFuel(void); */
FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager;
std::string Name;
const int EngineNumber;
EngineType Type;
@ -253,8 +244,7 @@ protected:
double FuelUsedLbs;
double FuelDensity;
FGThruster* Thruster;
FGThruster* Thruster;
std::vector <int> SourceTanks;

View file

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGPiston.cpp,v 1.79 2015/02/27 20:36:47 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGPiston.cpp,v 1.81 2015/09/27 09:54:21 bcoconni Exp $");
FGPiston::FGPiston(FGFDMExec* exec, Element* el, int engine_number, struct Inputs& input)
: FGEngine(exec, engine_number, input),
: FGEngine(engine_number, input),
R_air(287.3), // Gas constant for air J/Kg/K
calorific_value_fuel(47.3e6), // J/Kg
Cp_air(1005), // Specific heat (constant pressure) J/Kg/K
@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ FGPiston::FGPiston(FGFDMExec* exec, Element* el, int engine_number, struct Input
Load(exec, el);
Element *table_element;
string token;
string name="";
FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager = exec->GetPropertyManager();
// Defaults and initializations
@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ FGPiston::FGPiston(FGFDMExec* exec, Element* el, int engine_number, struct Input
while((table_element = el->FindNextElement("table")) != 0) {
name = table_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
string name = table_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
try {
if (name == "COMBUSTION") {
Lookup_Combustion_Efficiency = new FGTable(PropertyManager, table_element);
@ -245,7 +244,7 @@ FGPiston::FGPiston(FGFDMExec* exec, Element* el, int engine_number, struct Input
} else {
cerr << "Unknown table type: " << name << " in piston engine definition." << endl;
} catch (std::string str) {
} catch (std::string& str) {
// Make sure allocated resources are freed before rethrowing.
// (C++ standard guarantees that a null pointer deletion is no-op).
delete Lookup_Combustion_Efficiency;

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGPropeller.cpp,v 1.51 2015/04/20 12:12:49 ehofman Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGPropeller.cpp,v 1.54 2015/09/27 09:29:41 bcoconni Exp $");
FGPropeller::FGPropeller(FGFDMExec* exec, Element* prop_element, int num)
: FGThruster(exec, prop_element, num)
string token;
Element *table_element, *local_element;
string name="";
FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager = exec->GetPropertyManager();
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ FGPropeller::FGPropeller(FGFDMExec* exec, Element* prop_element, int num)
Vinduced = 0.0;
if (prop_element->FindElement("ixx"))
Ixx = prop_element->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("ixx", "SLUG*FT2");
Ixx = max(prop_element->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("ixx", "SLUG*FT2"), 0.001);
Sense_multiplier = 1.0;
if (prop_element->HasAttribute("version"))
@ -86,11 +85,11 @@ FGPropeller::FGPropeller(FGFDMExec* exec, Element* prop_element, int num)
Sense_multiplier = -1.0;
if (prop_element->FindElement("diameter"))
Diameter = prop_element->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("diameter", "FT");
Diameter = max(prop_element->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("diameter", "FT"), 0.001);
if (prop_element->FindElement("numblades"))
numBlades = (int)prop_element->FindElementValueAsNumber("numblades");
if (prop_element->FindElement("gearratio"))
GearRatio = prop_element->FindElementValueAsNumber("gearratio");
GearRatio = max(prop_element->FindElementValueAsNumber("gearratio"), 0.001);
if (prop_element->FindElement("minpitch"))
MinPitch = prop_element->FindElementValueAsNumber("minpitch");
if (prop_element->FindElement("maxpitch"))
@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ FGPropeller::FGPropeller(FGFDMExec* exec, Element* prop_element, int num)
} else {
cerr << "Unknown table type: " << name << " in propeller definition." << endl;
} catch (std::string str) {
} catch (std::string& str) {
throw("Error loading propeller table:" + name + ". " + str);
@ -203,7 +202,7 @@ double FGPropeller::Calculate(double EnginePower)
FGColumnVector3 localAeroVel = Transform().Transposed() * in.AeroUVW;
double omega, PowerAvailable;
double Vel = localAeroVel(eU);
double Vel = localAeroVel(eU) + Vinduced;
double rho = in.Density;
double RPS = RPM/60.0;
@ -286,7 +285,7 @@ double FGPropeller::Calculate(double EnginePower)
if (omega > 0.0) ExcessTorque = PowerAvailable / omega;
else ExcessTorque = PowerAvailable / 1.0;
RPM = (RPS + ((ExcessTorque / Ixx) / (2.0 * M_PI)) * deltaT) * 60.0;
RPM = (RPS + ((ExcessTorque / Ixx) / (2.0 * M_PI)) * in.TotalDeltaT) * 60.0;
if (RPM < 0.0) RPM = 0.0; // Engine won't turn backwards
@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ double FGPropeller::GetPowerRequired(void)
double cPReq, J;
double rho = in.Density;
double Vel = in.AeroUVW(eU);
double Vel = in.AeroUVW(eU) + Vinduced;
double RPS = RPM / 60.0;
if (RPS != 0.0) J = Vel / (Diameter * RPS);
@ -327,7 +326,7 @@ double FGPropeller::GetPowerRequired(void)
double dRPM = rpmReq - RPM;
// The pitch of a variable propeller cannot be changed when the RPMs are
// too low - the oil pump does not work.
if (RPM > 200) Pitch -= dRPM * deltaT;
if (RPM > 200) Pitch -= dRPM * in.TotalDeltaT;
if (Pitch < MinPitch) Pitch = MinPitch;
else if (Pitch > MaxPitch) Pitch = MaxPitch;

View file

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGRocket.cpp,v 1.37 2014/06/08 12:00:35 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGRocket.cpp,v 1.39 2015/09/27 09:54:21 bcoconni Exp $");
FGRocket::FGRocket(FGFDMExec* exec, Element *el, int engine_number, struct Inputs& input)
: FGEngine(exec, engine_number, input), isp_function(0L)
: FGEngine(engine_number, input), isp_function(0L), FDMExec(exec)
Load(exec, el);
@ -84,19 +84,17 @@ FGRocket::FGRocket(FGFDMExec* exec, Element *el, int engine_number, struct Input
MinThrottle = 0.0;
MaxThrottle = 1.0;
string base_property_name = CreateIndexedPropertyName("propulsion/engine", EngineNumber);
std::stringstream strEngineNumber;
strEngineNumber << EngineNumber;
Element* isp_el = el->FindElement("isp");
Element* isp_func_el=0;
FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager = exec->GetPropertyManager();
bindmodel(PropertyManager); // Bind model properties first, since they might be needed in functions.
bindmodel(); // Bind model properties first, since they might be needed in functions.
Element* isp_el = el->FindElement("isp");
// Specific impulse may be specified as a constant value or as a function - perhaps as a function of mixture ratio.
if (isp_el) {
isp_func_el = isp_el->FindElement("function");
Element* isp_func_el = isp_el->FindElement("function");
if (isp_func_el) {
isp_function = new FGFunction(exec->GetPropertyManager(),isp_func_el, strEngineNumber.str());
} else {
@ -286,7 +284,7 @@ string FGRocket::GetEngineValues(const string& delimiter)
// This function should tie properties to rocket engine specific properties
// that are not bound in the base class (FGEngine) code.
void FGRocket::bindmodel()
void FGRocket::bindmodel(FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager)
string property_name, base_property_name;
base_property_name = CreateIndexedPropertyName("propulsion/engine", EngineNumber);

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_ROCKET "$Id: FGRocket.h,v 1.20 2013/11/24 11:40:57 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_ROCKET "$Id: FGRocket.h,v 1.22 2015/09/27 09:54:21 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ for the rocket engine to be throttle up to 1. At that time, the solid rocket
fuel begins burning and thrust is provided.
@author Jon S. Berndt
$Id: FGRocket.h,v 1.20 2013/11/24 11:40:57 bcoconni Exp $
$Id: FGRocket.h,v 1.22 2015/09/27 09:54:21 bcoconni Exp $
@see FGNozzle,
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ private:
@return The vacuum thrust in lbs. */
double GetVacThrust(void) const {return VacThrust;}
void bindmodel(void);
void bindmodel(FGPropertyManager* pm);
double Isp; // Vacuum Isp
double It; // Total actual Isp
@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ private:
double BuildupTime;
FGTable* ThrustTable;
FGFunction* isp_function;
void Debug(int from);

View file

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ HISTORY
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "FGRotor.h"
@ -53,11 +54,12 @@ INCLUDES
using std::cerr;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::ostringstream;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGRotor.cpp,v 1.23 2014/01/13 10:46:10 ehofman Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGRotor.cpp,v 1.24 2015/09/27 10:03:53 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -101,7 +103,6 @@ FGRotor::FGRotor(FGFDMExec *exec, Element* rotor_element, int num)
// initialise/set remaining variables
PropertyManager = exec->GetPropertyManager();
Type = ttRotor;
GearRatio = 1.0;
@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ FGRotor::FGRotor(FGFDMExec *exec, Element* rotor_element, int num)
damp_hagl = Filter(1.0, dt);
// enable import-export
@ -693,7 +694,7 @@ double FGRotor::Calculate(double EnginePower)
bool FGRotor::BindModel(void)
bool FGRotor::bindmodel(FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager)
string property_name, base_property_name;
base_property_name = CreateIndexedPropertyName("propulsion/engine", EngineNum);

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_ROTOR "$Id: FGRotor.h,v 1.15 2013/01/26 17:06:50 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_ROTOR "$Id: FGRotor.h,v 1.17 2015/09/27 10:03:53 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
@author Thomas Kreitler
@version $Id: FGRotor.h,v 1.15 2013/01/26 17:06:50 bcoconni Exp $
@version $Id: FGRotor.h,v 1.17 2015/09/27 10:03:53 bcoconni Exp $
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ private:
FGColumnVector3 body_moments(double a_ic = 0.0 , double b_ic = 0.0 );
// interface
bool BindModel(void);
bool bindmodel(FGPropertyManager* pm);
void Debug(int from);
// environment

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGThruster.cpp,v 1.21 2014/01/13 10:46:10 ehofman Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGThruster.cpp,v 1.22 2015/09/27 10:03:53 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ FGThruster::FGThruster(FGFDMExec *FDMExec, Element *el, int num ): FGForce(FDMEx
GearRatio = 1.0;
EngineNum = num;
PropertyManager = FDMExec->GetPropertyManager();
FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager = FDMExec->GetPropertyManager();
// Determine the initial location and orientation of this thruster and load the
// thruster with this information.

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_THRUSTER "$Id: FGThruster.h,v 1.22 2013/12/22 17:14:37 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_THRUSTER "$Id: FGThruster.h,v 1.26 2015/09/27 10:03:53 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
1.57 (pi/2) results in no thrust at all.
@author Jon Berndt
@version $Id: FGThruster.h,v 1.22 2013/12/22 17:14:37 bcoconni Exp $
@version $Id: FGThruster.h,v 1.26 2015/09/27 10:03:53 bcoconni Exp $
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ public:
virtual void SetRPM(double rpm) {};
virtual void SetEngineRPM(double rpm) {};
virtual double GetPowerRequired(void) {return 0.0;}
virtual void SetdeltaT(double dt) {deltaT = dt;}
double GetThrust(void) const {return Thrust;}
eType GetType(void) {return Type;}
std::string GetName(void) {return Name;}
@ -133,12 +132,10 @@ protected:
std::string Name;
double Thrust;
double PowerRequired;
double deltaT;
double GearRatio;
double ThrustCoeff;
double ReverserAngle;
int EngineNum;
FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager;
virtual void Debug(int from);

View file

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGTurbine.cpp,v 1.44 2014/12/12 01:21:17 dpculp Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGTurbine.cpp,v 1.47 2015/09/27 10:07:53 bcoconni Exp $");
FGTurbine::FGTurbine(FGFDMExec* exec, Element *el, int engine_number, struct Inputs& input)
: FGEngine(exec, engine_number, input)
: FGEngine(engine_number, input), FDMExec(exec)
Type = etTurbine;
@ -104,9 +104,8 @@ void FGTurbine::ResetToIC(void)
Stalled = Seized = Overtemp = Fire = Augmentation = Injection = Reversed = false;
Cutoff = true;
phase = tpOff;
TAT = (in.TotalTempearture - 491.69) * 0.5555556;
EGT_degC = TAT;
OilTemp_degK = TAT + 273.0;
EGT_degC = in.TAT_c;
OilTemp_degK = in.TAT_c + 273.0;
@ -121,7 +120,6 @@ void FGTurbine::Calculate(void)
ThrottlePos = in.ThrottlePos[EngineNumber];
TAT = (in.TotalTempearture - 491.69) * 0.5555556;
if (ThrottlePos > 1.0) {
AugmentCmd = ThrottlePos - 1.0;
ThrottlePos -= AugmentCmd;
@ -142,7 +140,7 @@ void FGTurbine::Calculate(void)
} else {
phase = tpOff;
Cutoff = true;
EGT_degC = TAT;
EGT_degC = in.TAT_c;
@ -185,8 +183,8 @@ double FGTurbine::Off(void)
FuelFlow_pph = Seek(&FuelFlow_pph, 0, 1000.0, 10000.0);
N1 = Seek(&N1, in.qbar/10.0, N1/2.0, N1/2.0);
N2 = Seek(&N2, in.qbar/15.0, N2/2.0, N2/2.0);
EGT_degC = Seek(&EGT_degC, TAT, 11.7, 7.3);
OilTemp_degK = Seek(&OilTemp_degK, TAT + 273.0, 0.2, 0.2);
EGT_degC = Seek(&EGT_degC, in.TAT_c, 11.7, 7.3);
OilTemp_degK = Seek(&OilTemp_degK, in.TAT_c + 273.0, 0.2, 0.2);
OilPressure_psi = N2 * 0.62;
NozzlePosition = Seek(&NozzlePosition, 1.0, 0.8, 0.8);
EPR = Seek(&EPR, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2);
@ -223,7 +221,7 @@ double FGTurbine::Run()
N1 = Seek(&N1, IdleN1 + ThrottlePos * N1_factor, spoolup, spoolup * 2.4);
N2norm = (N2 - IdleN2) / N2_factor;
thrust = idlethrust + (milthrust * N2norm * N2norm);
EGT_degC = TAT + 363.1 + ThrottlePos * 357.1;
EGT_degC = in.TAT_c + 363.1 + ThrottlePos * 357.1;
OilPressure_psi = N2 * 0.62;
OilTemp_degK = Seek(&OilTemp_degK, 366.0, 1.2, 0.1);
@ -284,9 +282,9 @@ double FGTurbine::SpinUp(void)
FuelFlow_pph = 0.0;
N2 = Seek(&N2, 25.18, N2_spinup, N2/2.0);
N1 = Seek(&N1, 5.21, N1_spinup, N1/2.0);
EGT_degC = Seek(&EGT_degC, TAT, 11.7, 7.3);
EGT_degC = Seek(&EGT_degC, in.TAT_c, 11.7, 7.3);
OilPressure_psi = N2 * 0.62;
OilTemp_degK = Seek(&OilTemp_degK, TAT + 273.0, 0.2, 0.2);
OilTemp_degK = Seek(&OilTemp_degK, in.TAT_c + 273.0, 0.2, 0.2);
EPR = 1.0;
NozzlePosition = 1.0;
if (Starter == false) phase = tpOff;
@ -302,7 +300,7 @@ double FGTurbine::Start(void)
if (N2 < IdleN2) {
N2 = Seek(&N2, IdleN2, 2.0, N2/2.0);
N1 = Seek(&N1, IdleN1, 1.4, N1/2.0);
EGT_degC = Seek(&EGT_degC, TAT + 363.1, 21.3, 7.3);
EGT_degC = Seek(&EGT_degC, in.TAT_c + 363.1, 21.3, 7.3);
FuelFlow_pph = IdleFF * N2 / IdleN2;
OilPressure_psi = N2 * 0.62;
if ((Starter == false) && (in.qbar < 30.0)) phase = tpOff; // aborted start
@ -326,7 +324,7 @@ double FGTurbine::Start(void)
double FGTurbine::Stall(void)
EGT_degC = TAT + 903.14;
EGT_degC = in.TAT_c + 903.14;
FuelFlow_pph = IdleFF;
N1 = Seek(&N1, in.qbar/10.0, 0, N1/10.0);
N2 = Seek(&N2, in.qbar/15.0, 0, N2/10.0);
@ -345,7 +343,7 @@ double FGTurbine::Seize(void)
N1 = Seek(&N1, in.qbar/20.0, 0, N1/15.0);
FuelFlow_pph = Cutoff ? 0.0 : IdleFF;
OilPressure_psi = 0.0;
OilTemp_degK = Seek(&OilTemp_degK, TAT + 273.0, 0, 0.2);
OilTemp_degK = Seek(&OilTemp_degK, in.TAT_c + 273.0, 0, 0.2);
Running = false;
return 0.0;
@ -354,12 +352,11 @@ double FGTurbine::Seize(void)
double FGTurbine::Trim()
double idlethrust, milthrust, thrust, tdiff, N2, N2norm;
idlethrust = MilThrust * IdleThrustLookup->GetValue();
milthrust = (MilThrust - idlethrust) * MilThrustLookup->GetValue();
N2 = IdleN2 + ThrottlePos * N2_factor;
N2norm = (N2 - IdleN2) / N2_factor;
thrust = (idlethrust + (milthrust * N2norm * N2norm))
double idlethrust = MilThrust * IdleThrustLookup->GetValue();
double milthrust = (MilThrust - idlethrust) * MilThrustLookup->GetValue();
double N2 = IdleN2 + ThrottlePos * N2_factor;
double N2norm = (N2 - IdleN2) / N2_factor;
double thrust = (idlethrust + (milthrust * N2norm * N2norm))
* (1.0 - BleedDemand);
if (AugMethod == 1) {
@ -373,7 +370,7 @@ double FGTurbine::Trim()
if (AugMethod == 2) {
if (AugmentCmd > 0.0) {
tdiff = (MaxThrust * MaxThrustLookup->GetValue()) - thrust;
double tdiff = (MaxThrust * MaxThrustLookup->GetValue()) - thrust;
thrust += (tdiff * AugmentCmd);
@ -487,10 +484,10 @@ bool FGTurbine::Load(FGFDMExec* exec, Element *el)
delay = 90.0 / (BypassRatio + 3.0);
N1_factor = MaxN1 - IdleN1;
N2_factor = MaxN2 - IdleN2;
OilTemp_degK = (in.TotalTempearture - 491.69) * 0.5555556 + 273.0;
OilTemp_degK = in.TAT_c + 273.0;
IdleFF = pow(MilThrust, 0.2) * 107.0; // just an estimate
return true;
@ -522,7 +519,7 @@ string FGTurbine::GetEngineValues(const string& delimiter)
void FGTurbine::bindmodel()
void FGTurbine::bindmodel(FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager)
string property_name, base_property_name;
base_property_name = CreateIndexedPropertyName("propulsion/engine", EngineNumber);

View file

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ INCLUDES
#include "FGEngine.h"
#define ID_TURBINE "$Id: FGTurbine.h,v 1.23 2014/12/12 01:21:17 dpculp Exp $"
#define ID_TURBINE "$Id: FGTurbine.h,v 1.26 2015/09/27 10:07:53 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
@author David P. Culp
@version "$Id: FGTurbine.h,v 1.23 2014/12/12 01:21:17 dpculp Exp $"
@version "$Id: FGTurbine.h,v 1.26 2015/09/27 10:07:53 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -252,7 +252,6 @@ private:
double N2_factor; ///< factor to tie N2 and throttle
double ThrottlePos; ///< FCS-supplied throttle position - modified for local use!
double AugmentCmd; ///< modulated afterburner command (0.0 to 1.0)
double TAT; ///< total air temperature (deg C)
double N1_spinup; ///< N1 spin up rate from starter (per second)
double N2_spinup; ///< N2 spin up rate from starter (per second)
bool Stalled; ///< true if engine is compressor-stalled
@ -295,9 +294,10 @@ private:
FGFunction *MilThrustLookup;
FGFunction *MaxThrustLookup;
FGFunction *InjectionLookup;
bool Load(FGFDMExec *exec, Element *el);
void bindmodel(void);
void bindmodel(FGPropertyManager* pm);
void Debug(int from);

src/FDM/JSBSim/models/propulsion/FGTurboProp.cpp Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGTurboProp.cpp,v 1.30 2014/06/08 12:00:35 bcoconni Exp $");
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGTurboProp.cpp,v 1.32 2015/09/27 09:54:21 bcoconni Exp $");
@ -62,15 +62,16 @@ CLASS IMPLEMENTATION
FGTurboProp::FGTurboProp(FGFDMExec* exec, Element *el, int engine_number, struct Inputs& input)
: FGEngine(exec, engine_number, input),
ITT_N1(NULL), EnginePowerRPM_N1(NULL), EnginePowerVC(NULL), CombustionEfficiency_N1(NULL)
: FGEngine(engine_number, input),
ITT_N1(NULL), EnginePowerRPM_N1(NULL), EnginePowerVC(NULL), CombustionEfficiency_N1(NULL),
FGEngine::Load(exec, el);
thrusterType = Thruster->GetType();
Load(exec, el);
@ -541,7 +542,7 @@ int FGTurboProp::InitRunning(void)
void FGTurboProp::bindmodel()
void FGTurboProp::bindmodel(FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager)
string property_name, base_property_name;
base_property_name = CreateIndexedPropertyName("propulsion/engine", EngineNumber);

src/FDM/JSBSim/models/propulsion/FGTurboProp.h Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ INCLUDES
#include "FGEngine.h"
#include "math/FGTable.h"
#define ID_TURBOPROP "$Id: FGTurboProp.h,v 1.19 2015/02/27 20:36:48 bcoconni Exp $"
#define ID_TURBOPROP "$Id: FGTurboProp.h,v 1.21 2015/09/27 09:54:21 bcoconni Exp $"
@ -215,13 +215,14 @@ private:
void SetDefaults(void);
bool Load(FGFDMExec *exec, Element *el);
void bindmodel(void);
void bindmodel(FGPropertyManager* pm);
void Debug(int from);
FGTable* ITT_N1; // ITT temperature depending on throttle command
FGTable* EnginePowerRPM_N1;
FGTable* EnginePowerVC;
FGTable* CombustionEfficiency_N1;