From 9a987a3709271eceb56bdd3c92e62750ed58a4a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dave Luff <>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 13:27:57 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ATIS fixes/refactoring from John Denker

Some fixes, and refactoring of the lexicon and abbreviation remapping
into headers where it can be picked up by the scripts that generate
the voice files.
 src/ATCDCL/atis.cxx         | 116 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 src/ATCDCL/atis.hxx         |   2 +
 src/ATCDCL/atis_lexicon.hxx |  59 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/ATCDCL/atis_remap.hxx   |  15 +++++
 4 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/ATCDCL/atis_lexicon.hxx
 create mode 100644 src/ATCDCL/atis_remap.hxx

diff --git a/src/ATCDCL/atis.cxx b/src/ATCDCL/atis.cxx
index e5bda8b3d..357ff18a2 100644
--- a/src/ATCDCL/atis.cxx
+++ b/src/ATCDCL/atis.cxx
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include "atis.hxx"
+#include "atis_lexicon.hxx"
 #include <simgear/compiler.h>
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
 #include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
@@ -77,6 +79,23 @@ FGATIS::FGATIS() :
        SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - _type not ATIS or AWOS in atis.cxx");
   fgTie("/environment/attention", this, (int_getter)0, &FGATIS::attend);
+// FIXME:  This would be more flexible and more extensible
+// if the mappings were taken from an XML file, not hard-coded ...
+// ... although having it in a .hxx file is better than nothing.
+// Load the remap list from the .hxx file:
+  using namespace lex;
+# define NIL ""
+# define REMAP(from,to) _remap[#from] = to;
+# include <atis_remap.hxx>
+# undef REMAP
+# undef NIL
+#ifdef ATIS_TEST
+  SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ATIS initialized");
 // Hint:
@@ -192,6 +211,7 @@ const int minute(60);		// measured in seconds
 // Returns 1 if we actually generated something.
 int FGATIS::GenTransmission(const int regen, const int special) {
   using namespace atmodel;
+  using namespace lex;
   string BRK = ".\n";
@@ -216,7 +236,7 @@ int FGATIS::GenTransmission(const int regen, const int special) {
   if (ident.substr(0,2) == "EG") {
 // UK CAA radiotelephony manual indicates ATIS transmissions start
 // with "This is ..." 
-    transmission += "This_is + ";
+    transmission += This_is + " ";
   } else {
     // In the US they just start with the airport name.
@@ -225,34 +245,29 @@ int FGATIS::GenTransmission(const int regen, const int special) {
 // Note that at this point, multi-word facility names
 // will sometimes contain hyphens, not spaces.
-// Force the issue, just to be safe:
-  string name2 = name;
-  for(string::iterator p = name2.begin(); p != name2.end(); p++){
-    if (*p == ' ') *p = '-';
-  }
-// FIXME:  This would be more flexible and more extensible
-// if the mappings were taken from an XML file, not hard-coded.
+  vector<string> name_words;
+  boost::split(name_words, name, boost::is_any_of(" -"));
+  for (vector<string>::const_iterator wordp = name_words.begin();
+                wordp != name_words.end(); wordp++) {
+    string word(*wordp);
 // Remap some abbreviations that occur in apt.dat, to
 // make things nicer for the text-to-speech system:
-  name2 = replace_word(name2, "Intl",  "International");
-  name2 = replace_word(name2, "Rgnl",  "Regional");
-  name2 = replace_word(name2, "Co",    "County");
-  name2 = replace_word(name2, "Muni",  "Municipal");
-  name2 = replace_word(name2, "Mem",   "Memorial");
-  name2 = replace_word(name2, "Fld",   "Field");
-  name2 = replace_word(name2, "AFB",   "Air-Force-Base");
-  name2 = replace_word(name2, "AAF",   "Army-Air-Field");
-  name2 = replace_word(name2, "MCAS",  "Marine-Corps-Air-Station");
-  transmission += name2 + " ";
+    for (MSS::const_iterator replace = _remap.begin();
+          replace != _remap.end(); replace++) {
+      if (word == replace->first) {
+        word = replace->second;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    transmission += word + " ";
+  }
   if (_type == ATIS /* as opposed to AWOS */) {
-    transmission += "airport_information ";
+    transmission += airport_information + " ";
   } else {
-    transmission += "Automated_weather_observation ";
+    transmission += Automated_weather_observation + " ";
   phonetic_seq_string = GetPhoneticLetter(sequence);  // Add the sequence letter
@@ -263,9 +278,9 @@ int FGATIS::GenTransmission(const int regen, const int special) {
   mins  = time_str.substr(3,2).c_str();
 // speak each digit separately:
   transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(hours + mins);
-  transmission += " zulu weather" + BRK;
+  transmission += " " + zulu_weather + BRK;
-  transmission += "Wind: ";
+  transmission += wind + ": ";
   double wind_speed = fgGetDouble("/environment/config/boundary/entry[0]/wind-speed-kt");
   double wind_dir = fgGetDouble("/environment/config/boundary/entry[0]/wind-from-heading-deg");
@@ -288,14 +303,14 @@ int FGATIS::GenTransmission(const int regen, const int special) {
 // Force west-facing rwys to be used in no-wind situations
 // which is consistent with Flightgear's initial setup:
       wind_dir = 270;
-      transmission += " light_and_variable";
+      transmission += " " + light_and_variable;
   } else {
       // FIXME: get gust factor in somehow
       snprintf(buf, bs, "%03.0f", 5*SGMiscd::round(wind_dir/5));
       transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf);
       snprintf(buf, bs, "%1.0f", wind_speed);
-      transmission += " at " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf) + BRK;
+      transmission += " " + at + " " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf) + BRK;
   int did_some(0);
@@ -304,17 +319,17 @@ int FGATIS::GenTransmission(const int regen, const int special) {
   for (int layer = 0; layer <= 4; layer++) {
     snprintf(buf, bs, "/environment/clouds/layer[%i]/coverage", layer);
     string coverage = fgGetString(buf);
-    if (coverage == "clear") continue;
+    if (coverage == clear) continue;
     snprintf(buf, bs, "/environment/clouds/layer[%i]/thickness-ft", layer);
     if (fgGetDouble(buf) == 0) continue;
     snprintf(buf, bs, "/environment/clouds/layer[%i]/elevation-ft", layer);
     double ceiling = int(fgGetDouble(buf) - _geod.getElevationFt());
     if (ceiling > 12000) continue;
-    if (coverage == "scattered") {
-      if (!did_some) transmission += "   Sky_condition: ";
+    if (coverage == scattered) {
+      if (!did_some) transmission += "   " + Sky_condition + ": ";
     } else /* must be a ceiling */  if (!did_ceiling) {
-      transmission += "   Ceiling: ";
+      transmission += "   " + Ceiling + ": ";
     } else {
@@ -327,51 +342,52 @@ int FGATIS::GenTransmission(const int regen, const int special) {
       if (cig000) {
     snprintf(buf, bs, "%i", cig000);
     transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf);
-    transmission += " thousand ";
+    transmission += " " + thousand + " ";
       if (cig00) {
     snprintf(buf, bs, "%i", cig00);
     transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf);
-    transmission += " hundred ";
+    transmission += " " + hundred + " ";
     } else {
       // Should this be "sky obscured?"
-      transmission += " zero ";     // not "zero hundred"
+      transmission += " " + zero + " ";     // not "zero hundred"
     transmission += coverage + BRK;
-  transmission += "Temperature: ";
+  transmission += Temperature + ": ";
   double Tsl = fgGetDouble("/environment/temperature-sea-level-degc");
   int temp = int(SGMiscd::round(FGAtmo().fake_T_vs_a_us(_geod.getElevationFt(), Tsl)));
   if(temp < 0) {
-      transmission += "minus ";
+      transmission += lex::minus + " ";
   snprintf(buf, bs, "%i", abs(temp));
   transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf);
-  transmission += " dewpoint ";
+  transmission += " " + Celsius;
+  transmission += " " + dewpoint + " ";
   double dpsl = fgGetDouble("/environment/dewpoint-sea-level-degc");
   temp = int(SGMiscd::round(FGAtmo().fake_dp_vs_a_us(dpsl, _geod.getElevationFt())));
   if(temp < 0) {
-      transmission += "minus ";
+      transmission += lex::minus + " ";
   snprintf(buf, bs, "%i", abs(temp));
-  transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf) + BRK;
+  transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf);
+  transmission += " " + Celsius + BRK;
-  transmission += "Visibility: ";
+  transmission += Visibility + ": ";
   double visibility = fgGetDouble("/environment/config/boundary/entry[0]/visibility-m");
   visibility /= atmodel::sm;    // convert to statute miles
   if (visibility < 0.25) {
-    transmission += "less than one quarter";
+    transmission += less_than_one_quarter;
   } else if (visibility < 0.5) {
-    transmission += "one quarter";
+    transmission += one_quarter;
   } else if (visibility < 0.75) {
-    transmission += "one half";
+    transmission += one_half;
   } else if (visibility < 1.0) {
-    transmission += "three quarters";
+    transmission += three_quarters;
   } else if (visibility >= 1.5 && visibility < 2.0) {
-    transmission += "one and one half";
+    transmission += one_and_one_half;
   } else {
     // integer miles
     if (visibility > 10) visibility = 10;
@@ -380,7 +396,7 @@ int FGATIS::GenTransmission(const int regen, const int special) {
   transmission += BRK;
-  transmission += "Altimeter: ";
+  transmission += Altimeter + ": ";
   double myQNH;
   double Psl = fgGetDouble("/environment/pressure-sea-level-inhg");
@@ -412,7 +428,7 @@ int FGATIS::GenTransmission(const int regen, const int special) {
         string rwy_no = apt->getActiveRunwayForUsage()->ident();
       if(rwy_no != "NN") {
-        transmission += "Landing_and_departing_runway ";
+        transmission += Landing_and_departing_runway + " ";
         transmission += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(rwy_no) + BRK;
         if (msg_OK) {
           msg_time = cur_time;
@@ -420,7 +436,7 @@ int FGATIS::GenTransmission(const int regen, const int special) {
           //   << " wind_dir: " << wind_dir << endl;
-    transmission += "On_initial_contact_advise_you_have_information ";
+    transmission += On_initial_contact_advise_you_have_information + " ";
     transmission += phonetic_seq_string;
     transmission += "... " + BRK;
diff --git a/src/ATCDCL/atis.hxx b/src/ATCDCL/atis.hxx
index aeafe33fb..cd35ea476 100644
--- a/src/ATCDCL/atis.hxx
+++ b/src/ATCDCL/atis.hxx
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 //DCL - a complete guess for now.
+typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> MSS;
 class FGATIS : public FGATC {
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ class FGATIS : public FGATC {
 	int attention;
 	bool _prev_display;		// Previous value of _display flag
+	MSS _remap;                     // abbreviations to be expanded
 	// Aircraft position
 	// ATIS is actually a special case in that unlike other ATC eg.tower it doesn't actually know about
diff --git a/src/ATCDCL/atis_lexicon.hxx b/src/ATCDCL/atis_lexicon.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d4300d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ATCDCL/atis_lexicon.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#include <string>
+#define Q(word) const std::string word(#word);
+namespace lex {
+#undef Q
diff --git a/src/ATCDCL/atis_remap.hxx b/src/ATCDCL/atis_remap.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f679b70b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ATCDCL/atis_remap.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+REMAP(Intl,  International)
+REMAP(Rgnl,  Regional)
+REMAP(Co,    County)
+REMAP(Muni,  Municipal)
+REMAP(Mem,   Memorial)
+REMAP(Apt,   Airport)
+REMAP(Arpt,  Airport)
+REMAP(Fld,   Field)
+REMAP(AFLD,  Airfield)
+REMAP(AFB,   Air_Force_Base)
+REMAP(AB,    Airbase)
+REMAP(AAF,   Army_Air_Field)
+REMAP(MCAS,  Marine_Corps_Air_Station)
+REMAP(JR,    Junior)