From 7cc98ad15f7295cc3665abe6a0d419bf84ada3ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: curt <curt>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 00:34:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] I tested: LaRCsim c172 on-ground and in-air starts, reset:
 all work UIUC Cessna172 on-ground and in-air starts work as expected, reset
 results in an aircraft that is upside down but does not crash FG.   I don't
 know what it was like before, so it may well be no change. JSBSim c172 and
 X15 in-air starts work fine, resets now work (and are trimmed), on-ground
 starts do not -- the c172 ends up on its back.  I suspect this is no worse
 than before.

I did not test:
Balloon (the weather code returns nan's for the atmosphere data --this
is in the weather module and apparently is a linux only bug)
ADA (don't know how)
MagicCarpet  (needs work yet)
External (don't know how)

known to be broken:
LaRCsim c172 on-ground starts with a negative terrain altitude (this
happens at KPAO when the scenery is not present).   The FDM inits to
about 50 feet AGL and the model falls to the ground.  It does stay
upright, however, and seems to be fine once it settles out, FWIW.

To do:
--implement set_Model on the bus
--bring Christian's weather data into JSBSim
-- add default method to bus for updating things like the sin and cos of
latitude (for Balloon, MagicCarpet)
-- lots of cleanup

The files:
-- all data members now declared protected instead of private.
-- eliminated all but a small set of 'setters', no change to getters.
-- that small set is declared virtual, the default implementation
provided preserves the old behavior
-- all of the vector data members are now initialized.
-- added busdump() method -- FG_LOG's  all the bus data when called,
useful for diagnostics.

-- bus data members now directly assigned to

-- bus data members now directly assigned to
-- changed V_equiv_kts to V_calibrated_kts

-- bus data members now directly assigned to
-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with JSBSim specific
-- changed the static FDMExec to a dynamic fdmex (needed so that the
JSBSim object can be deleted when a model change is called for)
-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
formerly in init() to constructor
-- added logic to bring up FGEngInterface objects and set the RPM and
throttle values.

-- bus data members now directly assigned to
-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with LaRCsim specific
logic, uses LaRCsimIC
-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
formerly in init() to constructor
-- moved default inertias to here from fg_init.cxx
-- eliminated the climb rate calculation.  The equivalent, climb_rate =
-1*vdown, is now in copy_from_LaRCsim().

-- similar to FGInitialCondition, this class has all the logic needed to
turn data like Vc and Mach into the more fundamental quantities LaRCsim
needs to initialize.
-- put it in src/FDM since it is a class

 -- bus data members now directly assigned to

-- adds LaRCsimIC.hxx and cxx

-- changes to accomodate the new bus

-- surrounded prototypes with #ifdef __cplusplus ... #endif , functions
here are needed in LaRCsimIC

-- changed PI to LS_PI, eliminates preprocessor naming conflict with
weather module

-- added function ls_set_model_dt()

-- eliminated calls that set the NED speeds to body components.  They
are no longer needed and confuse the new bus.

-- eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
set_sin_cos_latitude). or set default values.   The bus now handles the
defaults and updates itself when the setters are called (for LaRCsim and
JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs to be added to the bus.
-- added fgVelocityInit() to set the speed the user asked for.  Both
JSBSim and LaRCsim can now be initialized using any of:
vc,mach, NED components, UVW components.

--eliminated call to fgFDMSetGroundElevation, this data is now 'pulled'
onto the bus every update()

-- added enum to keep track of the speed requested by the user
-- eliminated calls to set NED velocity properties to body speeds, they
are no longer needed.
-- added options for the NED components.

--eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
set_sin_cos_latitude).  The bus now updates itself when the setters are
called (for LaRCsim and JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs
to be added to the bus.
-- changed set_V_equiv_kts to set_V_calibrated_kts.  set_V_equiv_kts no
longer exists ( get_V_equiv_kts still does, though)

-- commented out the code to put the weather data on the bus, a
different scheme for this is needed.
 src/FDM/ADA.cxx                          |  43 +-
 src/FDM/Balloon.cxx                      |  33 +-
 src/FDM/JSBSim.cxx                       | 710 ++++++++++++++---------
 src/FDM/JSBSim.hxx                       |  40 +-
 src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAtmosphere.h            |   1 +
 src/FDM/JSBSim/FGDefs.h                  |   1 -
 src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.cpp    |  49 +-
 src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.h      |  26 +-
 src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cpp                |  31 +-
 src/FDM/LaRCsim.cxx                      | 358 +++++++++---
 src/FDM/LaRCsim.hxx                      |  40 +-
 src/FDM/LaRCsim/atmos_62.h               |   7 +
 src/FDM/LaRCsim/c172_main.c              |   2 +-
 src/FDM/LaRCsim/cherokee_aero.c          |   2 +-
 src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_aux.c                 | 154 ++++-
 src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_constants.h           |   5 +-
 src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.c             | 154 ++++-
 src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.h             |   6 +
 src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.c           | 151 +++++
 src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h           | 155 ++++-
 src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_step.c                | 150 ++++-
 src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.cxx                    | 411 +++++++++++++
 src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.hxx                    | 203 +++++++
 src/FDM/MagicCarpet.cxx                  |  36 +-
 src/FDM/                      |   1 +
 src/FDM/UIUCModel/uiuc_betaprobe.cpp     |  24 +-
 src/FDM/flight.cxx                       | 306 +++++++++-
 src/FDM/flight.hxx                       | 373 +++++++-----
 src/Main/bfi.cxx                         |   3 -
 src/Main/fg_init.cxx                     |  93 ++-
 src/Main/main.cxx                        |   4 +-
 src/Main/options.cxx                     |  45 +-
 src/Main/options.hxx                     |  15 +
 src/Network/garmin.cxx                   |   6 +-
 src/Network/nmea.cxx                     |   6 +-
 src/WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.cpp |   5 +-
 36 files changed, 2941 insertions(+), 708 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.cxx
 create mode 100644 src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.hxx

diff --git a/src/FDM/ADA.cxx b/src/FDM/ADA.cxx
index 35612a185..d2e1963a9 100644
--- a/src/FDM/ADA.cxx
+++ b/src/FDM/ADA.cxx
@@ -213,12 +213,12 @@ bool FGADA::copy_to_FGADA () {
 bool FGADA::copy_from_FGADA() {
     // Velocities
-    set_Velocities_Local( V_north, V_east, V_down );
-    set_V_calibrated_kts( V_calibrated_kts );
+    _set_Velocities_Local( V_north, V_east, V_down );
+    _set_V_calibrated_kts( V_calibrated_kts );
     // Angular rates 
-    set_Omega_Body( P_body, Q_body, R_body );
-    set_Geocentric_Rates( Latitude_dot, Longitude_dot, Radius_dot );
+    _set_Omega_Body( P_body, Q_body, R_body );
+    _set_Geocentric_Rates( Latitude_dot, Longitude_dot, Radius_dot );
     //    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_DEBUG, "lon = " << Longitude 
     //	    << " lat_geoc = " << Lat_geocentric << " lat_geod = " << Latitude 
@@ -226,25 +226,26 @@ bool FGADA::copy_from_FGADA() {
     //	    << " radius_to_vehicle = " << Radius_to_vehicle );
     // Positions
-    set_Geocentric_Position( Lat_geocentric, Lon_geocentric,Radius_to_vehicle );
-    set_Geodetic_Position( Latitude, Longitude, Altitude );
-    set_Euler_Angles( Phi, Theta, Psi );
+    _set_Geocentric_Position( Lat_geocentric, Lon_geocentric,
+			      Radius_to_vehicle );
+    _set_Geodetic_Position( Latitude, Longitude, Altitude );
+    _set_Euler_Angles( Phi, Theta, Psi );
     // Miscellaneous quantities
-    set_Alpha( Alpha );
-    set_Beta( Beta );
-    set_Gamma_vert_rad( Gamma_vert_rad );
-    set_Sea_level_radius( Sea_level_radius );
-    set_Earth_position_angle( Earth_position_angle );
-    set_Runway_altitude( Runway_altitude );
-    set_sin_lat_geocentric(Lat_geocentric);
-    set_cos_lat_geocentric(Lat_geocentric);
-    set_sin_cos_longitude(Longitude);
-    set_sin_cos_latitude(Latitude);
-    set_Accels_Local( U_dot_local, V_dot_local, W_dot_local );
-    set_Velocities_Ground( U_local, V_local, W_local );
-    set_Accels_CG_Body_N( anxg,anyg,anzg);
-    set_Mach_number( Machno);
+    _set_Alpha( Alpha );
+    _set_Beta( Beta );
+    _set_Gamma_vert_rad( Gamma_vert_rad );
+    _set_Sea_level_radius( Sea_level_radius );
+    _set_Earth_position_angle( Earth_position_angle );
+    _set_Runway_altitude( Runway_altitude );
+    _set_sin_lat_geocentric(Lat_geocentric);
+    _set_cos_lat_geocentric(Lat_geocentric);
+    _set_sin_cos_longitude(Longitude);
+    _set_sin_cos_latitude(Latitude);
+    _set_Accels_Local( U_dot_local, V_dot_local, W_dot_local );
+    _set_Velocities_Ground( U_local, V_local, W_local );
+    _set_Accels_CG_Body_N( anxg,anyg,anzg);
+    _set_Mach_number( Machno);
     //    printf("sr=%f\n",Sea_level_radius);
     //    printf("psi = %f %f\n",Psi,Psi*RAD_TO_DEG);    
diff --git a/src/FDM/Balloon.cxx b/src/FDM/Balloon.cxx
index 581bce04e..7ea20dd59 100644
--- a/src/FDM/Balloon.cxx
+++ b/src/FDM/Balloon.cxx
@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@ bool FGBalloonSim::copy_from_BalloonSim() {
     // Velocities
     current_balloon.getVelocity( temp );
-    set_Velocities_Local( temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] );
+    _set_Velocities_Local( temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] );
-    /* ***FIXME*** */ set_V_equiv_kts( sgLengthVec3 ( temp ) );
+    /* ***FIXME*** */ _set_V_equiv_kts( sgLengthVec3 ( temp ) );
-    set_Omega_Body( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+    _set_Omega_Body( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
     // Positions
     current_balloon.getPosition( temp );
@@ -192,27 +192,22 @@ bool FGBalloonSim::copy_from_BalloonSim() {
 	    << " sl_radius2 = " << sl_radius2 * METER_TO_FEET
 	    << " Equator = " << EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_FT );
-    set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, lon, 
+    _set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, lon, 
 			       sl_radius2 * METER_TO_FEET + alt );
-    set_Geodetic_Position( lat_geod, lon, alt );
+    _set_Geodetic_Position( lat_geod, lon, alt );
     current_balloon.getHPR( temp );
-    set_Euler_Angles( temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] );
-    set_Euler_Rates(0,0,0);
+    /* **FIXME*** */ _set_Sea_level_radius( sl_radius2 * METER_TO_FEET );
+    /* **FIXME*** */ _set_Earth_position_angle( 0.0 );
-    set_Alpha( 0.0/*FDMExec.GetTranslation()->Getalpha()*/ );
-    set_Beta( 0.0/*FDMExec.GetTranslation()->Getbeta()*/ );
-    /* **FIXME*** */ set_Sea_level_radius( sl_radius2 * METER_TO_FEET );
-    /* **FIXME*** */ set_Earth_position_angle( 0.0 );
-    /* ***FIXME*** */ set_Runway_altitude( 0.0 );
-    set_sin_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc );
-    set_cos_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc );
-    set_sin_cos_longitude( lon );
-    set_sin_cos_latitude( lat_geod );
+    /* ***FIXME*** */ _set_Runway_altitude( 0.0 );
+    _set_sin_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc );
+    _set_cos_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc );
+    _set_sin_cos_longitude( lon );
+    _set_sin_cos_latitude( lat_geod );
     return true;
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim.cxx b/src/FDM/JSBSim.cxx
index 88aa60670..9285fb35f 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim.cxx
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim.cxx
@@ -57,140 +57,140 @@
+FGJSBsim::FGJSBsim(void) {
+    bool result;
+    fdmex=new FGFDMExec;
+    fgic=new FGInitialCondition(fdmex);
+    needTrim=true;
+    FGPath aircraft_path( globals->get_options()->get_fg_root() );
+    aircraft_path.append( "Aircraft" );
+    FGPath engine_path( globals->get_options()->get_fg_root() );
+    engine_path.append( "Engine" );
+    float dt = 1.0 / globals->get_options()->get_model_hz();
+    fdmex->GetState()->Setdt( dt );
+    result = fdmex->LoadModel( aircraft_path.str(),
+			       engine_path.str(),
+			       globals->get_options()->get_aircraft() );
+    int Neng=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetNumEngines();
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "Neng: " << Neng );
+    for(int i=0;i<Neng;i++) {
+	add_engine( FGEngInterface() );
+    }  
+FGJSBsim::~FGJSBsim(void) {
+    if(fdmex != NULL) {
+	delete fdmex;
+	delete fgic;
+    }  
 // Initialize the JSBsim flight model, dt is the time increment for
 // each subsequent iteration through the EOM
 bool FGJSBsim::init( double dt ) {
-  bool result;
+    bool result;
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "Starting and initializing JSBsim" );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  created FDMExec" );
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "Starting and initializing JSBsim" );
-  FGPath aircraft_path( globals->get_options()->get_fg_root() );
-  aircraft_path.append( "Aircraft" );
+#if 0
+    FGPath aircraft_path( globals->get_options()->get_fg_root() );
+    aircraft_path.append( "Aircraft" );
-  FGPath engine_path( globals->get_options()->get_fg_root() );
-  engine_path.append( "Engine" );
+    FGPath engine_path( globals->get_options()->get_fg_root() );
+    engine_path.append( "Engine" );
-  //FDMExec.GetState()->Setdt( dt );
+    fdmex->GetState()->Setdt( dt );
-  result = FDMExec.LoadModel( aircraft_path.str(),
-                                       engine_path.str(),
-                                       globals->get_options()->get_aircraft() );
-  FDMExec.GetState()->Setdt( dt );
+    result = fdmex->LoadModel( aircraft_path.str(),
+			       engine_path.str(),
+			       globals->get_options()->get_aircraft() );
+    if (result) {
+	FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  loaded aircraft" << globals->get_options()->get_aircraft() );
+    } else {
+	FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  aircraft "
+		<< globals->get_options()->get_aircraft()
+		<< " does not exist" );
+	return false;
+    }
+    fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->UseInternal();
-  if (result) {
-    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  loaded aircraft "
-	    << globals->get_options()->get_aircraft() );
-  } else {
-    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  aircraft "
-	    << globals->get_options()->get_aircraft()
-	    << " does not exist" );
-    return false;
-  }
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Initializing JSBSim with:" );
+    switch(fgic->GetSpeedSet()) {
+    case setned:
+	       << fdmex->GetPosition()->GetVn()
+	       << ", " << fdmex->GetPosition()->GetVe()
+	       << ", " << fdmex->GetPosition()->GetVd()
+	       << " ft/s");
+	break;       
+    case setuvw:
+	       << fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVW()(1)
+	       << ", " << fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVW()(2)
+	       << ", " << fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVW()(3)
+	       << " ft/s");
+	break;       
+    case setmach:
+	       << fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetMach() );
+	break;
+    case setvc:
+    default:
+	FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "  Indicated Airspeed: " 
+	       << fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetVcalibratedKTS() << " knots" );
+    }
-  FDMExec.GetAtmosphere()->SetExTemperature(get_Static_temperature());
-  FDMExec.GetAtmosphere()->SetExPressure(get_Static_pressure());
-  FDMExec.GetAtmosphere()->SetExDensity(get_Density());
-  FDMExec.GetAtmosphere()->SetWindNED(get_V_north_airmass(),
-                                      get_V_east_airmass(),
-                                      get_V_down_airmass());
-  FDMExec.GetAtmosphere()->UseInternal();
+    //FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  gamma: " <<  globals->get_options()->get_Gamma());
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Bank Angle: " 
+	    <<  fdmex->GetRotation()->Getphi()*RADTODEG << " deg");
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Pitch Angle: " 
+	    << fdmex->GetRotation()->Gettht()*RADTODEG << " deg"  );
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  True Heading: " 
+	    << fdmex->GetRotation()->Getpsi()*RADTODEG << " deg"  );
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Latitude: " 
+	    <<  fdmex->GetPosition()->GetLatitude() << " deg" );
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Longitude: " 
+	    <<  fdmex->GetPosition()->GetLongitude() << " deg"  );
-  FDMExec.GetPosition()->SetRunwayRadius(scenery.cur_radius*METER_TO_FEET);
-  FDMExec.GetPosition()->SetSeaLevelRadius(get_Sea_level_radius());
+    // for debug only
+    /* FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_DEBUG, "  FGJSBSim::get_Altitude(): " <<  get_Altitude() );
+       FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_DEBUG, "  FGJSBSim::get_Sea_level_radius(): " << get_Sea_level_radius()  );
+       FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_DEBUG, "  scenery.cur_radius*METER_TO_FEET: "
+       <<  scenery.cur_radius*METER_TO_FEET );
+       FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_DEBUG, "  Calculated Terrain ASL: " << endl 
+       << "    " << "scenery.cur_radius*METER_TO_FEET -get_Sea_level_radius()= " 
+       <<  scenery.cur_radius*METER_TO_FEET - get_Sea_level_radius()  );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Initializing JSBSim with:" );
-  FGInitialCondition *fgic = new FGInitialCondition(&FDMExec);
-  fgic->SetAltitudeFtIC(get_Altitude());
-  if ( (globals->get_options()->get_mach() < 0) && 
-      (globals->get_options()->get_vc() < 0 ) )
-  {
-    fgic->SetUBodyFpsIC(globals->get_options()->get_uBody());
-    fgic->SetVBodyFpsIC(globals->get_options()->get_vBody());
-    fgic->SetWBodyFpsIC(globals->get_options()->get_wBody());
-    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "  u,v,w= " << globals->get_options()->get_uBody()
-           << ", " << globals->get_options()->get_vBody()
-           << ", " << globals->get_options()->get_wBody());
-  } else if (globals->get_options()->get_vc() < 0) {
-    fgic->SetMachIC(globals->get_options()->get_mach());
-    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "  mach: "
-	    << globals->get_options()->get_mach() );
-  } else {
-    fgic->SetVcalibratedKtsIC(globals->get_options()->get_vc());
-    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "  vc: " << globals->get_options()->get_vc() );
-    //this should cover the case in which no speed switches are used
-    //globals->get_options()->get_vc() will return zero by default
-  }
-  //fgic->SetFlightPathAngleDegIC(globals->get_options()->get_Gamma());
-  fgic->SetRollAngleRadIC(get_Phi());
-  fgic->SetPitchAngleRadIC(get_Theta());
-  fgic->SetHeadingRadIC(get_Psi());
-  fgic->SetLatitudeRadIC(get_Lat_geocentric());
-  fgic->SetLongitudeRadIC(get_Longitude());
-  // FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  gamma: "
-  //         << globals->get_options()->get_Gamma());
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  phi: " <<  get_Phi());
-  //FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  theta: " <<  get_Theta() );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  psi: " <<  get_Psi() );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  lat: " <<  get_Latitude() );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  lon: " <<  get_Longitude() );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Pressure Altiude: " <<  get_Altitude() );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Terrain Altitude: " 
-          <<  scenery.cur_radius*METER_TO_FEET );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "      AGL Altitude: " 
-          <<  get_Altitude() + get_Sea_level_radius()
-                - scenery.cur_radius*METER_TO_FEET );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "      globals->get_options()->get_altitude(): " 
-          <<  globals->get_options()->get_altitude() );
-  //must check > 0, != 0 will give bad result if --notrim set
-  if(globals->get_options()->get_trim_mode() > 0) {
-    if(fgic->GetVcalibratedKtsIC() > 50) {
-      FDMExec.RunIC(fgic);
-      FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Starting trim..." );
-      FGTrim *fgtrim=new FGTrim(&FDMExec,fgic,tLongitudinal);
-      fgtrim->DoTrim();
-      fgtrim->Report();
-      fgtrim->TrimStats();
-      fgtrim->ReportState();
+       FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_DEBUG, "  Calculated Aircraft AGL: " << endl 
+       << "    " << "get_Altitude() + get_Sea_level_radius() - scenery.cur_radius*METER_TO_FEET= " 
+       <<  get_Altitude() + get_Sea_level_radius()- scenery.cur_radius*METER_TO_FEET );
+       FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_DEBUG, "  globals->get_options()->get_altitude(): " 
+       <<  globals->get_options()->get_altitude() );
+       FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_DEBUG, "  FGBFI::getAltitude(): " 
+       <<  FGBFI::getAltitude() );    */
-      controls.set_elevator_trim(FDMExec.GetFCS()->GetPitchTrimCmd());
-      controls.set_throttle( FGControls::ALL_ENGINES,
-			     FDMExec.GetFCS()->GetThrottleCmd(0)/100 );
-      trimmed=true;
-      trim_elev=FDMExec.GetFCS()->GetPitchTrimCmd();
-      trim_throttle=FDMExec.GetFCS()->GetThrottleCmd(0)/100;
-      //the trimming routine only knows how to get 1 value for throttle
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  loaded initial conditions" );
-      delete fgtrim;
-    }  
-    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Trim complete." );
-  } else {
-    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Initializing without trim" );
-    FDMExec.GetState()->Initialize(fgic);
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  set dt" );
-  }
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "Finished initializing JSBSim" );
-  delete fgic;
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  loaded initial conditions" );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  set dt" );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "Finished initializing JSBSim" );
-  copy_from_JSBsim();
-  return true;
+    return true;
@@ -198,52 +198,67 @@ bool FGJSBsim::init( double dt ) {
 // Run an iteration of the EOM (equations of motion)
 bool FGJSBsim::update( int multiloop ) {
-  double save_alt = 0.0;
-  double time_step = (1.0 / globals->get_options()->get_model_hz()) * multiloop;
-  double start_elev = get_Altitude();
+    int i;
+    double save_alt = 0.0;
-  // lets try to avoid really screwing up the JSBsim model
-  if ( get_Altitude() < -9000 ) {
-    save_alt = get_Altitude();
-    set_Altitude( 0.0 );
-  }
+    // lets try to avoid really screwing up the JSBsim model
+    if ( get_Altitude() < -9000 ) {
+	save_alt = get_Altitude();
+	set_Altitude( 0.0 );
+    }
-  if(trimmed) {
-    controls.set_elevator_trim(trim_elev);
-    controls.set_throttle(FGControls::ALL_ENGINES,trim_throttle);
-    controls.set_elevator(0.0);
-    controls.set_aileron(0.0);
-    controls.set_rudder(0.0);
-    trimmed=false;
-  } 
-  copy_to_JSBsim();
+    if(needTrim) {
+	FGTrim *fgtrim=new FGTrim(fdmex,fgic,tLongitudinal);
+	if(!fgtrim->DoTrim()) {
+	    fgtrim->Report();
+	    fgtrim->TrimStats();
+	}  
+	fgtrim->ReportState();
+	delete fgtrim;
+	needTrim=false;
+	controls.set_elevator_trim(fdmex->GetFCS()->GetPitchTrimCmd());
+	controls.set_elevator(fdmex->GetFCS()->GetDeCmd());
+	controls.set_throttle(FGControls::ALL_ENGINES,
+			      fdmex->GetFCS()->GetThrottleCmd(0)/100.0);
+	controls.set_aileron(fdmex->GetFCS()->GetDaCmd());
+	controls.set_rudder(fdmex->GetFCS()->GetDrCmd());
+	FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  Trim complete" );
+    }  
+    for( i=0; i<get_num_engines(); i++ ) {
+	get_engine(i)->set_RPM( controls.get_throttle(i)*2700 );
+	get_engine(i)->set_Throttle( controls.get_throttle(i) );
+    }
+    copy_to_JSBsim();
+    for ( int i = 0; i < multiloop; i++ ) {
+	fdmex->Run();
+    }
-  for ( int i = 0; i < multiloop; i++ ) {
-    FDMExec.Run();
-  }
+    // printf("%d FG_Altitude = %.2f\n", i, FG_Altitude * 0.3048);
+    // printf("%d Altitude = %.2f\n", i, Altitude * 0.3048);
-  // printf("%d FG_Altitude = %.2f\n", i, FG_Altitude * 0.3048);
-  // printf("%d Altitude = %.2f\n", i, Altitude * 0.3048);
+    // translate JSBsim back to FG structure so that the
+    // autopilot (and the rest of the sim can use the updated values
-  // translate JSBsim back to FG structure so that the
-  // autopilot (and the rest of the sim can use the updated values
+    copy_from_JSBsim();
-  copy_from_JSBsim();
+    // but lets restore our original bogus altitude when we are done
-  // but lets restore our original bogus altitude when we are done
-  if ( save_alt < -9000.0 ) {
-    set_Altitude( save_alt );
-  }
-  double end_elev = get_Altitude();
-  return true;
+    if ( save_alt < -9000.0 ) {
+	set_Altitude( save_alt );
+    }
+    //climb rate now set from FDM in copy_from_x()
+    return true;
@@ -251,35 +266,33 @@ bool FGJSBsim::update( int multiloop ) {
 // Convert from the FGInterface struct to the JSBsim generic_ struct
 bool FGJSBsim::copy_to_JSBsim() {
-  // copy control positions into the JSBsim structure
+    // copy control positions into the JSBsim structure
-  FDMExec.GetFCS()->SetDaCmd( controls.get_aileron());
-  FDMExec.GetFCS()->SetDeCmd( controls.get_elevator());
-  FDMExec.GetFCS()->SetPitchTrimCmd(controls.get_elevator_trim());
-  FDMExec.GetFCS()->SetDrCmd( -1*controls.get_rudder());
-  FDMExec.GetFCS()->SetDfCmd( controls.get_flaps() );
-  FDMExec.GetFCS()->SetDsbCmd( 0.0 ); //speedbrakes
-  FDMExec.GetFCS()->SetDspCmd( 0.0 ); //spoilers
-  FDMExec.GetFCS()->SetThrottleCmd( FGControls::ALL_ENGINES,
-                                    controls.get_throttle( 0 ) * 100.0 );
+    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDaCmd( controls.get_aileron());
+    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDeCmd( controls.get_elevator());
+    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetPitchTrimCmd(controls.get_elevator_trim());
+    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDrCmd( -1*controls.get_rudder());
+    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDfCmd( controls.get_flaps() );
+    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDsbCmd( 0.0 ); //speedbrakes
+    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDspCmd( 0.0 ); //spoilers
+    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetThrottleCmd( FGControls::ALL_ENGINES,
+				     controls.get_throttle( 0 ) * 100.0 );
-  FDMExec.GetFCS()->SetLBrake( controls.get_brake( 0 ) );
-  FDMExec.GetFCS()->SetRBrake( controls.get_brake( 1 ) );
-  FDMExec.GetFCS()->SetCBrake( controls.get_brake( 2 ) );
+    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetLBrake( controls.get_brake( 0 ) );
+    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetRBrake( controls.get_brake( 1 ) );
+    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetCBrake( controls.get_brake( 2 ) );
-  // Inform JSBsim of the local terrain altitude; uncommented 5/3/00
-  // FDMExec.GetPosition()->SetRunwayElevation(get_Runway_altitude()); // seems to work
-  FDMExec.GetPosition()->SetRunwayRadius(scenery.cur_radius*METER_TO_FEET);
-  FDMExec.GetPosition()->SetSeaLevelRadius(get_Sea_level_radius());
+    fdmex->GetPosition()->SetRunwayRadius(scenery.cur_radius*METER_TO_FEET);
+    fdmex->GetPosition()->SetSeaLevelRadius(get_Sea_level_radius());
-  FDMExec.GetAtmosphere()->SetExTemperature(get_Static_temperature());
-  FDMExec.GetAtmosphere()->SetExPressure(get_Static_pressure());
-  FDMExec.GetAtmosphere()->SetExDensity(get_Density());
-  FDMExec.GetAtmosphere()->SetWindNED(get_V_north_airmass(),
-                                      get_V_east_airmass(),
-                                      get_V_down_airmass());
+    fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->SetExTemperature(get_Static_temperature());
+    fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->SetExPressure(get_Static_pressure());
+    fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->SetExDensity(get_Density());
+    fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->SetWindNED(get_V_north_airmass(),
+				       get_V_east_airmass(),
+				       get_V_down_airmass());
-  return true;
+    return true;
@@ -287,116 +300,271 @@ bool FGJSBsim::copy_to_JSBsim() {
 // Convert from the JSBsim generic_ struct to the FGInterface struct
 bool FGJSBsim::copy_from_JSBsim() {
-  set_Inertias( FDMExec.GetAircraft()->GetMass(),
-                FDMExec.GetAircraft()->GetIxx(),
-                FDMExec.GetAircraft()->GetIyy(),
-                FDMExec.GetAircraft()->GetIzz(),
-                FDMExec.GetAircraft()->GetIxz() );
+    unsigned i, j;
-  set_CG_Position ( FDMExec.GetAircraft()->GetXYZcg()(1),
-                    FDMExec.GetAircraft()->GetXYZcg()(2),
-                    FDMExec.GetAircraft()->GetXYZcg()(3) );
+    _set_Inertias( fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetMass(),
+		   fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetIxx(),
+		   fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetIyy(),
+		   fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetIzz(),
+		   fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetIxz() );
-  set_Accels_Body ( FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(1),
-                    FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(2),
-                    FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(3) );
+    _set_CG_Position( fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetXYZcg()(1),
+		      fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetXYZcg()(2),
+		      fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetXYZcg()(3) );
-  set_Accels_CG_Body ( FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(1),
-                       FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(2),
-                       FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(3) );
+    _set_Accels_Body( fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(1),
+		      fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(2),
+		      fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(3) );
-  //set_Accels_CG_Body_N ( FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetNcg()(1),
-  //                       FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetNcg()(2),
-  //                       FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetNcg()(3) );
-  //
-  set_Accels_Pilot_Body( FDMExec.GetAuxiliary()->GetPilotAccel()(1),
-                         FDMExec.GetAuxiliary()->GetPilotAccel()(2),
-                         FDMExec.GetAuxiliary()->GetPilotAccel()(3) );
+    _set_Accels_CG_Body( fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(1),
+			 fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(2),
+			 fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot()(3) );
-  //set_Accels_Pilot_Body_N( FDMExec.GetAuxiliary()->GetNpilot()(1),
-  //                         FDMExec.GetAuxiliary()->GetNpilot()(2),
-  //                         FDMExec.GetAuxiliary()->GetNpilot()(3) );
+    //_set_Accels_CG_Body_N ( fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetNcg()(1),
+    //                       fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetNcg()(2),
+    //                       fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetNcg()(3) );
+    //
+    _set_Accels_Pilot_Body( fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetPilotAccel()(1),
+			    fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetPilotAccel()(2),
+			    fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetPilotAccel()(3) );
+    //_set_Accels_Pilot_Body_N( fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetNpilot()(1),
+    //                         fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetNpilot()(2),
+    //                         fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetNpilot()(3) );
-  set_Nlf( FDMExec.GetAircraft()->GetNlf());                       
+    _set_Nlf( fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetNlf() );
+    // Velocities
+    _set_Velocities_Local( fdmex->GetPosition()->GetVn(),
+			   fdmex->GetPosition()->GetVe(),
+			   fdmex->GetPosition()->GetVd() );
+    _set_Velocities_Wind_Body( fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVW()(1),
+			       fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVW()(2),
+			       fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVW()(3) );
-  // Velocities
+    _set_V_equiv_kts( fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetVequivalentKTS() );
-  set_Velocities_Local( FDMExec.GetPosition()->GetVn(),
-                        FDMExec.GetPosition()->GetVe(),
-                        FDMExec.GetPosition()->GetVd() );
+    // _set_V_calibrated( fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetVcalibratedFPS() );
-  set_Velocities_Wind_Body( FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetUVW()(1),
-                            FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetUVW()(2),
-                            FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetUVW()(3)  );
+    _set_V_calibrated_kts( fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetVcalibratedKTS() );
-  set_V_equiv_kts( FDMExec.GetAuxiliary()->GetVequivalentKTS() );
+    _set_V_ground_speed( fdmex->GetPosition()->GetVground() );
-  //set_V_calibrated( FDMExec.GetAuxiliary()->GetVcalibratedFPS() );
+    _set_Omega_Body( fdmex->GetRotation()->GetPQR()(1),
+		     fdmex->GetRotation()->GetPQR()(2),
+		     fdmex->GetRotation()->GetPQR()(3) );
-  set_V_calibrated_kts( FDMExec.GetAuxiliary()->GetVcalibratedKTS() );
+    _set_Euler_Rates( fdmex->GetRotation()->GetEulerRates()(1),
+		      fdmex->GetRotation()->GetEulerRates()(2),
+		      fdmex->GetRotation()->GetEulerRates()(3) );
+    _set_Geocentric_Rates(fdmex->GetPosition()->GetLatitudeDot(),
+			  fdmex->GetPosition()->GetLongitudeDot(),
+			  fdmex->GetPosition()->Gethdot() );
+    _set_Mach_number( fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetMach() );
+    // Positions
+    double lat_geoc = fdmex->GetPosition()->GetLatitude();
+    double lon = fdmex->GetPosition()->GetLongitude();
+    double alt = fdmex->GetPosition()->Geth();
+    double lat_geod, tmp_alt, sl_radius1, sl_radius2, tmp_lat_geoc;
+    sgGeocToGeod( lat_geoc, EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_M + alt * FEET_TO_METER,
+		  &lat_geod, &tmp_alt, &sl_radius1 );
+    sgGeodToGeoc( lat_geod, alt * FEET_TO_METER, &sl_radius2, &tmp_lat_geoc );
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_DEBUG, "lon = " << lon << " lat_geod = " << lat_geod
+	    << " lat_geoc = " << lat_geoc
+	    << " alt = " << alt << " tmp_alt = " << tmp_alt * METER_TO_FEET
+	    << " sl_radius1 = " << sl_radius1 * METER_TO_FEET
+	    << " sl_radius2 = " << sl_radius2 * METER_TO_FEET
+	    << " Equator = " << EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_FT );
+    _set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, lon, sl_radius2 * METER_TO_FEET + alt );
-  set_V_ground_speed ( FDMExec.GetPosition()->GetVground() );
-  set_Omega_Body( FDMExec.GetState()->GetParameter(FG_ROLLRATE),
-                  FDMExec.GetState()->GetParameter(FG_PITCHRATE),
-                  FDMExec.GetState()->GetParameter(FG_YAWRATE) );
-  set_Euler_Rates( FDMExec.GetRotation()->GetEulerRates()(2),
-                   FDMExec.GetRotation()->GetEulerRates()(1),
-                   FDMExec.GetRotation()->GetEulerRates()(3));
-  // ***FIXME*** set_Geocentric_Rates( Latitude_dot, Longitude_dot,
-  //                                   Radius_dot );
-  set_Mach_number( FDMExec.GetTranslation()->GetMach());
-  // Positions
-  double lat_geoc = FDMExec.GetPosition()->GetLatitude();
-  double lon = FDMExec.GetPosition()->GetLongitude();
-  double alt = FDMExec.GetPosition()->Geth();
-  double lat_geod, tmp_alt, sl_radius1, sl_radius2, tmp_lat_geoc;
-  sgGeocToGeod( lat_geoc, EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_M + alt * FEET_TO_METER,
-                &lat_geod, &tmp_alt, &sl_radius1 );
-  sgGeodToGeoc( lat_geod, alt * FEET_TO_METER, &sl_radius2, &tmp_lat_geoc );
-  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_DEBUG, "lon = " << lon << " lat_geod = " << lat_geod
-          << " lat_geoc = " << lat_geoc
-          << " alt = " << alt << " tmp_alt = " << tmp_alt * METER_TO_FEET
-          << " sl_radius1 = " << sl_radius1 * METER_TO_FEET
-          << " sl_radius2 = " << sl_radius2 * METER_TO_FEET
-          << " Equator = " << EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_FT );
-  set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, lon,
-                           sl_radius2 * METER_TO_FEET + alt );
-  set_Geodetic_Position( lat_geod, lon, alt );
-  set_Euler_Angles( FDMExec.GetRotation()->Getphi(),
-                    FDMExec.GetRotation()->Gettht(),
-                    FDMExec.GetRotation()->Getpsi() );
-  set_Alpha( FDMExec.GetTranslation()->Getalpha() );
-  set_Beta( FDMExec.GetTranslation()->Getbeta() );
-  set_Gamma_vert_rad( FDMExec.GetPosition()->GetGamma() );
-  // set_Gamma_horiz_rad( Gamma_horiz_rad );
-  /* **FIXME*** */ set_Sea_level_radius( sl_radius2 * METER_TO_FEET );
-  /* **FIXME*** */ set_Earth_position_angle( 0.0 );
-  // /* ***FIXME*** */ set_Runway_altitude( 0.0 );
-  set_sin_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc );
-  set_cos_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc );
-  set_sin_cos_longitude( lon );
-  set_sin_cos_latitude( lat_geod );
+    _set_Geodetic_Position( lat_geod, lon, alt );
-  set_Climb_Rate(FDMExec.GetPosition()->Gethdot());
+    _set_Euler_Angles( fdmex->GetRotation()->Getphi(),
+		       fdmex->GetRotation()->Gettht(),
+		       fdmex->GetRotation()->Getpsi() );
-  return true;
+    _set_Alpha( fdmex->GetTranslation()->Getalpha() );
+    _set_Beta( fdmex->GetTranslation()->Getbeta() );
+    _set_Gamma_vert_rad( fdmex->GetPosition()->GetGamma() );
+    // set_Gamma_horiz_rad( Gamma_horiz_rad );
+    /* **FIXME*** */ _set_Sea_level_radius( sl_radius2 * METER_TO_FEET );
+    /* **FIXME*** */ _set_Earth_position_angle( fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->
+						GetEarthPositionAngle() );
+    /* ***FIXME*** */ _set_Runway_altitude( scenery.cur_radius * METERS_TO_FEET -
+					    get_Sea_level_radius() );
+    _set_sin_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc );
+    _set_cos_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc );
+    _set_sin_cos_longitude( lon );
+    _set_sin_cos_latitude( lat_geod );
+    _set_Climb_Rate( fdmex->GetPosition()->Gethdot() );
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+	for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+	    _set_T_Local_to_Body( i, j, fdmex->GetState()->GetTl2b()(i,j) );
+	}
+    }
+    return true;
+void FGJSBsim::set_Latitude(double lat) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"FGJSBsim::set_Latitude: " << lat);
+    fgic->SetLatitudeRadIC(lat);
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus
+    needTrim=true;
+void FGJSBsim::set_Longitude(double lon) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"FGJSBsim::set_Longitude: " << lon);
+    fgic->SetLongitudeRadIC(lon);
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus
+    needTrim=true;
+void FGJSBsim::set_Altitude(double alt) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Altitude: " << alt );
+    fgic->SetAltitudeFtIC(alt);
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus
+    needTrim=true;
+void FGJSBsim::set_V_calibrated_kts(double vc) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_V_calibrated_kts: " <<  vc );
+    fgic->SetVcalibratedKtsIC(vc);
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus
+    needTrim=true;
+void FGJSBsim::set_Mach_number(double mach) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Mach_number: " <<  mach );
+    fgic->SetMachIC(mach);
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus
+    needTrim=true;
+void FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Local( double north, double east, double down ){
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Local: " 
+	   << north << ", " <<  east << ", " << down ); 
+    fgic->SetVnorthFpsIC(north);
+    fgic->SetVeastFpsIC(east);
+    fgic->SetVdownFpsIC(down);
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    cout << "fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetVt(): " << fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetVt() << endl;
+    cout << "fdmex->GetPosition()->GetVn(): " << fdmex->GetPosition()->GetVn() << endl;
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus
+    busdump();
+    needTrim=true;
+void FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w){
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Wind_Body: " 
+	   << u << ", " <<  v << ", " <<  w );
+    fgic->SetUBodyFpsIC(u);
+    fgic->SetVBodyFpsIC(v);
+    fgic->SetWBodyFpsIC(w);
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus
+    needTrim=true;
+//Euler angles 
+void FGJSBsim::set_Euler_Angles( double phi, double theta, double psi ) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Euler_Angles: " 
+	   << phi << ", " << theta << ", " << psi );
+    fgic->SetPitchAngleRadIC(theta);
+    fgic->SetRollAngleRadIC(phi);
+    fgic->SetTrueHeadingRadIC(psi);
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus 
+    needTrim=true;                                        
+//Flight Path
+void FGJSBsim::set_Climb_Rate( double roc) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Climb_Rate: " << roc );
+    fgic->SetClimbRateFpsIC(roc);
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus 
+    needTrim=true;                                        
+void FGJSBsim::set_Gamma_vert_rad( double gamma) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Gamma_vert_rad: " << gamma );
+    fgic->SetFlightPathAngleRadIC(gamma);
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus  
+    needTrim=true;                                       
+void FGJSBsim::set_Sea_level_radius(double slr) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Sea_level_radius: " << slr );
+    fgic->SetSeaLevelRadiusFtIC(slr);
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus 
+    needTrim=true;  
+void FGJSBsim::set_Runway_altitude(double ralt) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Runway_altitude: " << ralt );
+    _set_Runway_altitude( ralt );
+    fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once
+    copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus 
+    needTrim=true;  
+void FGJSBsim::set_Static_pressure(double p) { 
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Static_pressure: " << p );
+    fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->SetExPressure(p);
+    if(fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->External() == true)
+	needTrim=true;
+void FGJSBsim::set_Static_temperature(double T) { 
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Static_temperature: " << T );
+    fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->SetExTemperature(T);
+    if(fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->External() == true)
+	needTrim=true;
+void FGJSBsim::set_Density(double rho) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Density: " << rho );
+    fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->SetExDensity(rho);
+    if(fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->External() == true)
+	needTrim=true;
+void FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Local_Airmass (double wnorth, 
+					     double weast, 
+					     double wdown ) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Local_Airmass: " 
+	   << wnorth << ", " << weast << ", " << wdown );
+    fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->SetWindNED(wnorth, weast, wdown );
+    if(fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->External() == true)
+        needTrim=true;
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim.hxx b/src/FDM/JSBSim.hxx
index 0091e4623..66ca44dc4 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim.hxx
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim.hxx
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #define _JSBSIM_HXX
 #include <FDM/JSBSim/FGFDMExec.h>
+#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.h>
 #include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
@@ -34,13 +35,19 @@
 class FGJSBsim: public FGInterface {
     // The aircraft for this instance
-    FGFDMExec FDMExec;
+    FGFDMExec *fdmex;
+    FGInitialCondition *fgic;
+    bool needTrim;
     bool trimmed;
     float trim_elev;
     float trim_throttle;
+    FGJSBsim::FGJSBsim(void);
+    FGJSBsim::~FGJSBsim();
     // copy FDM state to LaRCsim structures
     bool copy_to_JSBsim();
@@ -49,6 +56,37 @@ public:
     // reset flight params to a specific position 
     bool init( double dt );
+    // Positions
+    void set_Latitude(double lat);  // geocentric
+    void set_Longitude(double lon);    
+    void set_Altitude(double alt);        // triggers re-calc of AGL altitude
+    //void set_AltitudeAGL(double altagl); // and vice-versa
+    // Speeds -- setting any of these will trigger a re-calc of the rest
+    void set_V_calibrated_kts(double vc);
+    void set_Mach_number(double mach);
+    void set_Velocities_Local( double north, double east, double down );
+    void set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w);
+    // Euler angles 
+    void set_Euler_Angles( double phi, double theta, double psi );
+    // Flight Path
+    void set_Climb_Rate( double roc);
+    void set_Gamma_vert_rad( double gamma);
+    // Earth
+    void set_Sea_level_radius(double slr);
+    void set_Runway_altitude(double ralt);
+    // Atmosphere
+    void set_Static_pressure(double p);
+    void set_Static_temperature(double T);
+    void set_Density(double rho);
+    void set_Velocities_Local_Airmass (double wnorth, 
+				       double weast, 
+				       double wdown );
     // update position based on inputs, positions, velocities, etc.
     bool update( int multiloop );
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAtmosphere.h b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAtmosphere.h
index 678c1761e..964c0a5dd 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAtmosphere.h
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAtmosphere.h
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ public:
   inline void UseExternal(void)          { useExternal=true;  }
   inline void UseInternal(void)          { useExternal=false; } //this is the default
+  bool External(void) { return useExternal; }
   inline void SetExTemperature(float t)  { exTemperature=t; }
   inline void SetExDensity(float d)      { exDensity=d; }
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGDefs.h b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGDefs.h
index 56ca313bf..5379593af 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGDefs.h
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGDefs.h
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ SENTRY
 #define ECCENTSQRD      0.99330561
 #define INVECCENTSQRD   1.0067395
 #define INVECCENTSQRDM1 0.0067395
-#define EPS             0.081819221
 #define Reng            1716             //Specific Gas Constant,ft^2/(sec^2*R)
 #define SHRATIO         1.4              //Specific Heat Ratio
 #define RADTODEG        57.29578
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.cpp b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.cpp
index a792b4c60..284cddb23 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.cpp
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.cpp
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ INCLUDES
 static const char *IdSrc = "$Header$";
 static const char *IdHdr = ID_INITIALCONDITION;
 FGInitialCondition::FGInitialCondition(FGFDMExec *FDMExec) {
@@ -68,6 +69,9 @@ FGInitialCondition::FGInitialCondition(FGFDMExec *FDMExec) {
+  sea_level_radius = EARTHRAD;
+  radius_to_vehicle = EARTHRAD;
+  terrain_altitude = 0;
   if(FDMExec != NULL ) {
@@ -84,13 +88,13 @@ FGInitialCondition::~FGInitialCondition(void) {}
 void FGInitialCondition::SetVcalibratedKtsIC(float tt) {
-  if(getMachFromVcas(&mach,tt*KTSTOFPS)) {
+  if(getMachFromVcas(&mach,tt*jsbKTSTOFPS)) {
     //cout << "Mach: " << mach << endl;
-    vc=tt*KTSTOFPS;
+    vc=tt*jsbKTSTOFPS;
-    //cout << "Vt: " << vt*FPSTOKTS << " Vc: " << vc*FPSTOKTS << endl;
+    //cout << "Vt: " << vt*jsbFPSTOKTS << " Vc: " << vc*jsbFPSTOKTS << endl;
   else {
     cout << "Failed to get Mach number for given Vc and altitude, Vc unchanged." << endl;
@@ -99,7 +103,7 @@ void FGInitialCondition::SetVcalibratedKtsIC(float tt) {
 void FGInitialCondition::SetVequivalentKtsIC(float tt) {
-  ve=tt*KTSTOFPS;
+  ve=tt*jsbKTSTOFPS;
@@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ void FGInitialCondition::SetVequivalentKtsIC(float tt) {
 void FGInitialCondition::SetVtrueKtsIC(float tt) {
-  vt=tt*KTSTOFPS;
+  vt=tt*jsbKTSTOFPS;
@@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ void FGInitialCondition::SetMachIC(float tt) {
-  //cout << "Vt: " << vt*FPSTOKTS << " Vc: " << vc*FPSTOKTS << endl;
+  //cout << "Vt: " << vt*jsbFPSTOKTS << " Vc: " << vc*jsbFPSTOKTS << endl;
 void FGInitialCondition::SetClimbRateFpmIC(float tt) {
@@ -145,20 +149,20 @@ void FGInitialCondition::SetFlightPathAngleRadIC(float tt) {
 void FGInitialCondition::SetUBodyFpsIC(float tt) {
-  lastSpeedSet=setvt;
+  lastSpeedSet=setuvw;
 void FGInitialCondition::SetVBodyFpsIC(float tt) {
-  lastSpeedSet=setvt;
+  lastSpeedSet=setuvw;
 void FGInitialCondition::SetWBodyFpsIC(float tt) {
-  lastSpeedSet=setvt;
+  lastSpeedSet=setuvw;
@@ -170,14 +174,16 @@ void FGInitialCondition::SetAltitudeFtIC(float tt) {
   //lets try to make sure the user gets what they intended
   switch(lastSpeedSet) {
+  case setned:
+  case setuvw:
   case setvt:
-    SetVtrueKtsIC(vt*FPSTOKTS);
+    SetVtrueKtsIC(vt*jsbFPSTOKTS);
   case setvc:
-    SetVcalibratedKtsIC(vc*FPSTOKTS);
+    SetVcalibratedKtsIC(vc*jsbFPSTOKTS);
   case setve:
-    SetVequivalentKtsIC(ve*FPSTOKTS);
+    SetVequivalentKtsIC(ve*jsbFPSTOKTS);
   case setmach:
@@ -190,6 +196,15 @@ void FGInitialCondition::SetAltitudeAGLFtIC(float tt) {
+void FGInitialCondition::SetSeaLevelRadiusFtIC(double tt) {
+  sea_level_radius = tt;
+void FGInitialCondition::SetTerrainAltitudeFtIC(double tt) {
+  terrain_altitude=tt;
+  fdmex->GetPosition()->SetDistanceAGL(altitude-terrain_altitude);
+  fdmex->GetPosition()->SetRunwayRadius(sea_level_radius + terrain_altitude);
 void FGInitialCondition::calcUVWfromNED(void) {
   u=vnorth*cos(theta)*cos(psi) + 
@@ -207,14 +222,14 @@ void FGInitialCondition::SetVnorthFpsIC(float tt) {
   vt=sqrt(u*u + v*v + w*w);
-  lastSpeedSet=setvt;
+  lastSpeedSet=setned;
 void FGInitialCondition::SetVeastFpsIC(float tt) {
   vt=sqrt(u*u + v*v + w*w);
-  lastSpeedSet=setvt;
+  lastSpeedSet=setned;
 void FGInitialCondition::SetVdownFpsIC(float tt) {
@@ -222,7 +237,7 @@ void FGInitialCondition::SetVdownFpsIC(float tt) {
   vt=sqrt(u*u + v*v + w*w);
-  lastSpeedSet=setvt;
+  lastSpeedSet=setned;
 bool FGInitialCondition::getMachFromVcas(float *Mach,float vcas) {
@@ -324,7 +339,7 @@ float FGInitialCondition::calcVcas(float Mach) {
   A = pow(((pt-p)/psl+1),0.28571);
   vcas = sqrt(7*psl/rhosl*(A-1));
-  //cout << "calcVcas: vcas= " << vcas*FPSTOKTS << " mach= " << Mach << " pressure: " << pt << endl;
+  //cout << "calcVcas: vcas= " << vcas*jsbFPSTOKTS << " mach= " << Mach << " pressure: " << pt << endl;
   return vcas;
@@ -412,6 +427,6 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::solve(float *y,float x) {
-  //cout << "Success= " << success << " Vcas: " << vcas*FPSTOKTS << " Mach: " << x2 << endl;
+  //cout << "Success= " << success << " Vcas: " << vcas*jsbFPSTOKTS << " Mach: " << x2 << endl;
   return success;
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.h b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.h
index 00f195c5b..7303bbad1 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.h
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.h
@@ -59,7 +59,10 @@ INCLUDES
-typedef enum { setvt, setvc, setve, setmach } speedset;
+typedef enum { setvt, setvc, setve, setmach, setuvw, setned } speedset;
+#define jsbFPSTOKTS 0.5924838
+#define jsbKTSTOFPS 1.6878099
@@ -105,12 +108,13 @@ typedef enum { setvt, setvc, setve, setmach } speedset;
 	 considered equivalent to setting gamma.
 class FGInitialCondition {
   FGInitialCondition(FGFDMExec *fdmex);
+  inline speedset GetSpeedSet(void) { return lastSpeedSet; }
   void SetVcalibratedKtsIC(float tt);
   void SetVequivalentKtsIC(float tt);
@@ -127,7 +131,10 @@ public:
   void SetAltitudeFtIC(float tt);
   void SetAltitudeAGLFtIC(float tt);
+  void SetSeaLevelRadiusFtIC(double tt);
+  void SetTerrainAltitudeFtIC(double tt);
   //"vertical" flight path, recalculate theta
   inline void SetFlightPathAngleDegIC(float tt) { SetFlightPathAngleRadIC(tt*DEGTORAD); }
   void SetFlightPathAngleRadIC(float tt);
@@ -147,8 +154,8 @@ public:
   inline void SetRollAngleDegIC(float tt) { phi=tt*DEGTORAD; getTheta(); }
   inline void SetRollAngleRadIC(float tt) { phi=tt; getTheta(); }
-  inline void SetHeadingDegIC(float tt)   { psi=tt*DEGTORAD; }
-  inline void SetHeadingRadIC(float tt)   { psi=tt; }
+  inline void SetTrueHeadingDegIC(float tt)   { psi=tt*DEGTORAD; }
+  inline void SetTrueHeadingRadIC(float tt)   { psi=tt; }
   inline void SetLatitudeDegIC(float tt)  { latitude=tt*DEGTORAD; }
   inline void SetLatitudeRadIC(float tt)  { latitude=tt; }
@@ -156,9 +163,9 @@ public:
   inline void SetLongitudeDegIC(float tt) { longitude=tt*DEGTORAD; }
   inline void SetLongitudeRadIC(float tt) { longitude=tt; }
-  inline float GetVcalibratedKtsIC(void) { return vc*FPSTOKTS; }
-  inline float GetVequivalentKtsIC(void) { return ve*FPSTOKTS; }
-  inline float GetVtrueKtsIC(void) { return vt*FPSTOKTS; }
+  inline float GetVcalibratedKtsIC(void) { return vc*jsbFPSTOKTS; }
+  inline float GetVequivalentKtsIC(void) { return ve*jsbFPSTOKTS; }
+  inline float GetVtrueKtsIC(void) { return vt*jsbFPSTOKTS; }
   inline float GetVtrueFpsIC(void) { return vt; }
   inline float GetMachIC(void) { return mach; }
@@ -210,6 +217,9 @@ private:
   float latitude,longitude;
   float u,v,w;
   float vnorth,veast,vdown;
+  double sea_level_radius;
+  double terrain_altitude;
+  double radius_to_vehicle;
   float xlo, xhi,xmin,xmax;
diff --git a/src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cpp b/src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cpp
index 43850a69c..a41a51e27 100644
--- a/src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cpp
+++ b/src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cpp
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ USEUNIT("FGAerodynamics.cpp");
 #include "FGPosition.h"
 #include "FGAuxiliary.h"
 #include "FGOutput.h"
+#include "FGInitialCondition.h"
 #ifdef FGFS
 #include <simgear/compiler.h>
@@ -131,17 +132,38 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
   FDMExec = new FGFDMExec();
-  result = FDMExec->LoadModel("aircraft", "engine", string(argv[1]));
+  result = FDMExec->LoadModel("/home/tony/FlightGear/Aircraft", 
+                                "/home/tony/FlightGear/Engine", 
+                                  string(argv[1]));
   if (!result) {
   	cerr << "Aircraft file " << argv[1] << " was not found" << endl;
-  if ( ! FDMExec->GetState()->Reset("aircraft", string(argv[1]), string(argv[2])))
+  if ( ! FDMExec->GetState()->Reset("/home/tony/FlightGear/Aircraft", 
+                                       string(argv[1]), string(argv[2])))
-  float cmd = 0.0;
+  FGInitialCondition *fgic= new FGInitialCondition(FDMExec);
+  fgic->SetUBodyFpsIC(170);
+  fgic->SetTrueHeadingDegIC(275);
+  FDMExec->RunIC(fgic);
+  cout << "FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetVt(): " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetVt() << endl;
+  cout << "FDMExec->GetPosition()->GetVn(): " << FDMExec->GetPosition()->GetVn() << endl;
+  cout << "FDMExec->GetPosition()->GetVe(): " << FDMExec->GetPosition()->GetVe() << endl;
+  cout << "FDMExec->GetAuxiliary()->GetVcalibratedKTS(): " << FDMExec->GetAuxiliary()->GetVcalibratedKTS() << endl; 
+  fgic->SetVnorthFpsIC(170);
+  cout << "fgic->GetUBodyFpsIC(): " << fgic->GetUBodyFpsIC() << endl;
+  cout << "fgic->GetVBodyFpsIC(): " << fgic->GetVBodyFpsIC() << endl;
+  cout << "fgic->GetWBodyFpsIC(): " << fgic->GetWBodyFpsIC() << endl;
+  FDMExec->RunIC(fgic);
+  cout << "FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetVt(): " << FDMExec->GetTranslation()->GetVt() << endl;
+  cout << "FDMExec->GetPosition()->GetVn(): " << FDMExec->GetPosition()->GetVn() << endl;
+  cout << "FDMExec->GetPosition()->GetVe(): " << FDMExec->GetPosition()->GetVe() << endl;
+  cout << "FDMExec->GetAuxiliary()->GetVcalibratedKTS(): " << FDMExec->GetAuxiliary()->GetVcalibratedKTS() << endl; 
+  /* float cmd = 0.0;
   while (FDMExec->GetState()->Getsim_time() <= 10.0)
@@ -166,6 +188,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ */
   delete FDMExec;
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim.cxx b/src/FDM/LaRCsim.cxx
index 86c17b6c8..e3134d337 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim.cxx
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim.cxx
@@ -24,33 +24,56 @@
 #include <simgear/constants.h>
 #include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
+#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
 #include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
 #include <Controls/controls.hxx>
 #include <FDM/flight.hxx>
 #include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_cockpit.h>
 #include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_generic.h>
 #include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h>
+#include <FDM/LaRCsimIC.hxx>
 #include "IO360.hxx"
 #include "LaRCsim.hxx"
+FGLaRCsim::FGLaRCsim(void) {
+   ls_toplevel_init( 0.0, (char *)globals->get_options()->get_aircraft().c_str() );
+   lsic=new LaRCsimIC; //this needs to be brought up after LaRCsim is
+   copy_to_LaRCsim(); // initialize all of LaRCsim's vars
+   //this should go away someday -- formerly done in fg_init.cxx
+   Mass = 8.547270E+01;
+   I_xx = 1.048000E+03;
+	 I_yy = 3.000000E+03;
+   I_zz = 3.530000E+03;
+   I_xz = 0.000000E+00;
+FGLaRCsim::~FGLaRCsim(void) {
+   if(lsic != NULL) {
+    delete lsic;
+   }
 // Initialize the LaRCsim flight model, dt is the time increment for
 // each subsequent iteration through the EOM
 bool FGLaRCsim::init( double dt ) {
+    ls_set_model_dt(dt);
+    // Initialize our little engine that hopefully might
+    eng.init(dt);
+    // dcl - in passing dt to init rather than update I am assuming
+    // that the LaRCsim dt is fixed at one value (yes it is 120hz CLO)
-    if ( globals->get_options()->get_aircraft() == "c172" ) {
-	// Initialize our little engine that hopefully might
-	eng.init(dt);
-	// dcl - in passing dt to init rather than update I am assuming
-	// that the LaRCsim dt is fixed at one value (yes it is 120hz CLO)
+    // update the engines interface
+    FGEngInterface e;
+    add_engine( e );
-	// update the engines interface
-	FGEngInterface e;
-	add_engine( e );
-    }
-    // cout << "FGLaRCsim::init()" << endl;
+    // FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::init()"  );
     double save_alt = 0.0;
@@ -63,7 +86,8 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::init( double dt ) {
     // actual LaRCsim top level init
-    ls_toplevel_init( dt, (char *)globals->get_options()->get_aircraft().c_str() );
+    // ls_toplevel_init( dt, (char *)globals->get_options()->get_aircraft().c_str() );
     FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FG pos = " << 
 	    get_Latitude() );
@@ -85,7 +109,6 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::init( double dt ) {
 // Run an iteration of the EOM (equations of motion)
 bool FGLaRCsim::update( int multiloop ) {
-    // cout << "FGLaRCsim::update()" << endl;
     if ( globals->get_options()->get_aircraft() == "c172" ) {
 	// set control inputs
@@ -114,24 +137,20 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::update( int multiloop ) {
 	e->set_prop_thrust( eng.get_prop_thrust_SI() );
 #if 0
-	cout << "Throttle = " << controls.get_throttle( 0 ) * 100.0;
-	cout << " Mixture = " << controls.get_mixture( 0 ) * 100.0;
-	cout << " RPM = " << eng.get_RPM();
-	cout << " MP = " << eng.get_Manifold_Pressure();
-	cout << " HP = " << ( eng.get_MaxHP() * eng.get_Percentage_Power()
-			  / 100.0 );
-	cout << " EGT = " << eng.get_EGT();
-	cout << " Thrust (N) " << eng.get_prop_thrust_SI(); // Thrust in Newtons
-	cout << '\n';
+	FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "Throttle = " << controls.get_throttle( 0 ) * 100.0);
+	FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, " Mixture = " << 80);
+	FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, " RPM = " << eng.get_RPM());
+	FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, " MP = " << eng.get_Manifold_Pressure());
+	FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, " HP = " << ( eng.get_MaxHP() * eng.get_Percentage_Power()/ 100.0) );
+	FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, " EGT = " << eng.get_EGT());
+	FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, " Thrust (N) " << eng.get_prop_thrust_SI());	// Thrust in Newtons
+	// Hmm .. Newtons to lbs is 0.2248 ...    
 	F_X_engine = eng.get_prop_thrust_SI() * 0.07;
     double save_alt = 0.0;
-    double time_step = (1.0 / globals->get_options()->get_model_hz())
-	* multiloop;
-    double start_elev = get_Altitude();
     // lets try to avoid really screwing up the LaRCsim model
     if ( get_Altitude() < -9000.0 ) {
@@ -155,16 +174,19 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::update( int multiloop ) {
     Throttle_pct = controls.get_throttle( 0 ) * 1.0;
     Brake_pct[0] = controls.get_brake( 1 );
     Brake_pct[1] = controls.get_brake( 0 );
     // Inform LaRCsim of the local terrain altitude
-    Runway_altitude = get_Runway_altitude();
+    // Runway_altitude = get_Runway_altitude();
+    Runway_altitude = scenery.cur_elev * METER_TO_FEET;
     // Weather
-    V_north_airmass = get_V_north_airmass();
+    /* V_north_airmass = get_V_north_airmass();
     V_east_airmass =  get_V_east_airmass();
-    V_down_airmass =  get_V_down_airmass();
+    V_down_airmass =  get_V_down_airmass(); */
     // old -- FGInterface_2_LaRCsim() not needed except for Init()
     // translate FG to LaRCsim structure
@@ -175,6 +197,11 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::update( int multiloop ) {
+    if(isnan(Phi)) {
+	busdump();
+	exit(1);
+    } 
     // printf("%d FG_Altitude = %.2f\n", i, FG_Altitude * 0.3048);
     // printf("%d Altitude = %.2f\n", i, Altitude * 0.3048);
@@ -188,12 +215,6 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::update( int multiloop ) {
 	set_Altitude( save_alt );
-    double end_elev = get_Altitude();
-    if ( time_step > 0.0 ) {
-	// feet per second
-	set_Climb_Rate( (end_elev - start_elev) / time_step );
-    }
     return true;
@@ -262,9 +283,9 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::copy_to_LaRCsim () {
     // P_dot_body =        get_P_dot_body();
     // Q_dot_body =        get_Q_dot_body();
     // R_dot_body =        get_R_dot_body();
-    V_north =   get_V_north();
-    V_east =    get_V_east();
-    V_down =    get_V_down();
+    // V_north =   get_V_north();
+    // V_east =    get_V_east();
+    // V_down =    get_V_down();
     // V_north_rel_ground =        get_V_north_rel_ground();
     // V_east_rel_ground = get_V_east_rel_ground();
     // V_down_rel_ground = get_V_down_rel_ground();
@@ -289,9 +310,9 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::copy_to_LaRCsim () {
     // V_equiv_kts =       get_V_equiv_kts();
     // V_calibrated =      get_V_calibrated();
     // V_calibrated_kts =  get_V_calibrated_kts();
-    P_body =    get_P_body();
-    Q_body =    get_Q_body();
-    R_body =    get_R_body();
+    // P_body =    get_P_body();
+    // Q_body =    get_Q_body();
+    // R_body =    get_R_body();
     // P_local =   get_P_local();
     // Q_local =   get_Q_local();
     // R_local =   get_R_local();
@@ -304,15 +325,15 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::copy_to_LaRCsim () {
     // Latitude_dot =      get_Latitude_dot();
     // Longitude_dot =     get_Longitude_dot();
     // Radius_dot =        get_Radius_dot();
-    Lat_geocentric =    get_Lat_geocentric();
-    Lon_geocentric =    get_Lon_geocentric();
-    Radius_to_vehicle = get_Radius_to_vehicle();
-    Latitude =  get_Latitude();
-    Longitude = get_Longitude();
-    Altitude =  get_Altitude();
-    Phi =       get_Phi();
-    Theta =     get_Theta();
-    Psi =       get_Psi();
+    // Lat_geocentric =    get_Lat_geocentric();
+    // Lon_geocentric =    get_Lon_geocentric();
+    // Radius_to_vehicle = get_Radius_to_vehicle();
+    // Latitude =  get_Latitude();
+    // Longitude = get_Longitude();
+    // Altitude =  get_Altitude();
+    // Phi =       get_Phi();
+    // Theta =     get_Theta();
+    // Psi =       get_Psi();
     // T_local_to_body_11 =        get_T_local_to_body_11();
     // T_local_to_body_12 =        get_T_local_to_body_12();
     // T_local_to_body_13 =        get_T_local_to_body_13();
@@ -350,9 +371,9 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::copy_to_LaRCsim () {
     // Dynamic_pressure =  get_Dynamic_pressure();
     // Static_temperature =        get_Static_temperature();
     // Total_temperature = get_Total_temperature();
-    Sea_level_radius =  get_Sea_level_radius();
-    Earth_position_angle =      get_Earth_position_angle();
-    Runway_altitude =   get_Runway_altitude();
+    // Sea_level_radius =  get_Sea_level_radius();
+    // Earth_position_angle =      get_Earth_position_angle();
+    // Runway_altitude =   get_Runway_altitude();
     // Runway_latitude =   get_Runway_latitude();
     // Runway_longitude =  get_Runway_longitude();
     // Runway_heading =    get_Runway_heading();
@@ -378,9 +399,9 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::copy_to_LaRCsim () {
 bool FGLaRCsim::copy_from_LaRCsim() {
     // Mass properties and geometry values
-    set_Inertias( Mass, I_xx, I_yy, I_zz, I_xz );
+    _set_Inertias( Mass, I_xx, I_yy, I_zz, I_xz );
     // set_Pilot_Location( Dx_pilot, Dy_pilot, Dz_pilot );
-    set_CG_Position( Dx_cg, Dy_cg, Dz_cg );
+    _set_CG_Position( Dx_cg, Dy_cg, Dz_cg );
     // Forces
     // set_Forces_Body_Total( F_X, F_Y, F_Z );
@@ -397,16 +418,16 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::copy_from_LaRCsim() {
     // set_Moments_Gear( M_l_gear, M_m_gear, M_n_gear );
     // Accelerations
-    set_Accels_Local( V_dot_north, V_dot_east, V_dot_down );
-    set_Accels_Body( U_dot_body, V_dot_body, W_dot_body );
-    set_Accels_CG_Body( A_X_cg, A_Y_cg, A_Z_cg );
-    set_Accels_Pilot_Body( A_X_pilot, A_Y_pilot, A_Z_pilot );
+    _set_Accels_Local( V_dot_north, V_dot_east, V_dot_down );
+    _set_Accels_Body( U_dot_body, V_dot_body, W_dot_body );
+    _set_Accels_CG_Body( A_X_cg, A_Y_cg, A_Z_cg );
+    _set_Accels_Pilot_Body( A_X_pilot, A_Y_pilot, A_Z_pilot );
     // set_Accels_CG_Body_N( N_X_cg, N_Y_cg, N_Z_cg );
     // set_Accels_Pilot_Body_N( N_X_pilot, N_Y_pilot, N_Z_pilot );
     // set_Accels_Omega( P_dot_body, Q_dot_body, R_dot_body );
     // Velocities
-    set_Velocities_Local( V_north, V_east, V_down );
+    _set_Velocities_Local( V_north, V_east, V_down );
     // set_Velocities_Ground( V_north_rel_ground, V_east_rel_ground, 
     // 		     V_down_rel_ground );
     // set_Velocities_Local_Airmass( V_north_airmass, V_east_airmass,
@@ -414,26 +435,26 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::copy_from_LaRCsim() {
     // set_Velocities_Local_Rel_Airmass( V_north_rel_airmass, 
     //                          V_east_rel_airmass, V_down_rel_airmass );
     // set_Velocities_Gust( U_gust, V_gust, W_gust );
-    set_Velocities_Wind_Body( U_body, V_body, W_body );
+    _set_Velocities_Wind_Body( U_body, V_body, W_body );
     // set_V_rel_wind( V_rel_wind );
     // set_V_true_kts( V_true_kts );
     // set_V_rel_ground( V_rel_ground );
     // set_V_inertial( V_inertial );
-    set_V_ground_speed( V_ground_speed );
+    _set_V_ground_speed( V_ground_speed );
     // set_V_equiv( V_equiv );
-    set_V_equiv_kts( V_equiv_kts );
+    _set_V_equiv_kts( V_equiv_kts );
     // set_V_calibrated( V_calibrated );
-    set_V_calibrated_kts( V_calibrated_kts );
+    _set_V_calibrated_kts( V_calibrated_kts );
-    set_Omega_Body( P_body, Q_body, R_body );
+    _set_Omega_Body( P_body, Q_body, R_body );
     // set_Omega_Local( P_local, Q_local, R_local );
     // set_Omega_Total( P_total, Q_total, R_total );
-    set_Euler_Rates( Phi_dot, Theta_dot, Psi_dot );
-    set_Geocentric_Rates( Latitude_dot, Longitude_dot, Radius_dot );
+    _set_Euler_Rates( Phi_dot, Theta_dot, Psi_dot );
+    _set_Geocentric_Rates( Latitude_dot, Longitude_dot, Radius_dot );
-    set_Mach_number( Mach_number );
+    _set_Mach_number( Mach_number );
     FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_DEBUG, "lon = " << Longitude 
 	    << " lat_geoc = " << Lat_geocentric << " lat_geod = " << Latitude 
@@ -449,18 +470,20 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::copy_from_LaRCsim() {
     while ( tmp_lon > FG_PI ) { tmp_lon -= FG_2PI; }
     // Positions
-    set_Geocentric_Position( Lat_geocentric, tmp_lon_geoc, 
+    _set_Geocentric_Position( Lat_geocentric, tmp_lon_geoc, 
                                Radius_to_vehicle );
-    set_Geodetic_Position( Latitude, tmp_lon, Altitude );
-    set_Euler_Angles( Phi, Theta, Psi );
+    _set_Geodetic_Position( Latitude, tmp_lon, Altitude );
+    _set_Euler_Angles( Phi, Theta, Psi );
+    _set_Altitude_AGL( Altitude-Runway_altitude );
     // Miscellaneous quantities
-    set_T_Local_to_Body(T_local_to_body_m);
+    _set_T_Local_to_Body(T_local_to_body_m);
     // set_Gravity( Gravity );
     // set_Centrifugal_relief( Centrifugal_relief );
-    set_Alpha( Alpha );
-    set_Beta( Beta );
+    _set_Alpha( Alpha );
+    _set_Beta( Beta );
     // set_Alpha_dot( Alpha_dot );
     // set_Beta_dot( Beta_dot );
@@ -469,33 +492,33 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::copy_from_LaRCsim() {
     // set_Cos_beta( Cos_beta );
     // set_Sin_beta( Sin_beta );
-    set_Cos_phi( Cos_phi );
+    _set_Cos_phi( Cos_phi );
     // set_Sin_phi( Sin_phi );
-    set_Cos_theta( Cos_theta );
+    _set_Cos_theta( Cos_theta );
     // set_Sin_theta( Sin_theta );
     // set_Cos_psi( Cos_psi );
     // set_Sin_psi( Sin_psi );
-    set_Gamma_vert_rad( Gamma_vert_rad );
+    _set_Gamma_vert_rad( Gamma_vert_rad );
     // set_Gamma_horiz_rad( Gamma_horiz_rad );
     // set_Sigma( Sigma );
-    set_Density( Density );
+    _set_Density( Density );
     // set_V_sound( V_sound );
     // set_Mach_number( Mach_number );
-    set_Static_pressure( Static_pressure );
+    _set_Static_pressure( Static_pressure );
     // set_Total_pressure( Total_pressure );
     // set_Impact_pressure( Impact_pressure );
     // set_Dynamic_pressure( Dynamic_pressure );
-    set_Static_temperature( Static_temperature );
+    _set_Static_temperature( Static_temperature );
     // set_Total_temperature( Total_temperature );
-    set_Sea_level_radius( Sea_level_radius );
-    set_Earth_position_angle( Earth_position_angle );
+    _set_Sea_level_radius( Sea_level_radius );
+    _set_Earth_position_angle( Earth_position_angle );
-    set_Runway_altitude( Runway_altitude );
+    _set_Runway_altitude( Runway_altitude );
     // set_Runway_latitude( Runway_latitude );
     // set_Runway_longitude( Runway_longitude );
     // set_Runway_heading( Runway_heading );
@@ -507,10 +530,10 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::copy_from_LaRCsim() {
     //                        D_pilot_above_rwy );
     // set_Pilot_Rwy_Rwy( X_pilot_rwy, Y_pilot_rwy, H_pilot_rwy );
-    set_sin_lat_geocentric(Lat_geocentric);
-    set_cos_lat_geocentric(Lat_geocentric);
-    set_sin_cos_longitude(Longitude);
-    set_sin_cos_latitude(Latitude);
+    _set_sin_lat_geocentric(Lat_geocentric);
+    _set_cos_lat_geocentric(Lat_geocentric);
+    _set_sin_cos_longitude(Longitude);
+    _set_sin_cos_latitude(Latitude);
     // printf("sin_lat_geo %f  cos_lat_geo %f\n", sin_Lat_geoc, cos_Lat_geoc);
     // printf("sin_lat     %f  cos_lat     %f\n", 
@@ -518,5 +541,166 @@ bool FGLaRCsim::copy_from_LaRCsim() {
     // printf("sin_lon     %f  cos_lon     %f\n",
     //        get_sin_longitude(), get_cos_longitude());
+    _set_Climb_Rate( -1 * V_down );
     return true;
+void FGLaRCsim::set_ls(void) {
+   Phi=lsic->GetRollAngleRadIC();
+   Theta=lsic->GetPitchAngleRadIC();
+   Psi=lsic->GetHeadingRadIC();
+   V_north=lsic->GetVnorthFpsIC();
+   V_east=lsic->GetVeastFpsIC();
+   V_down=lsic->GetVdownFpsIC();
+   Altitude=lsic->GetAltitudeFtIC();
+   Latitude=lsic->GetLatitudeGDRadIC();
+   Longitude=lsic->GetLongitudeRadIC();
+   Runway_altitude=lsic->GetRunwayAltitudeFtIC();
+   V_north_airmass = lsic->GetVnorthAirmassFpsIC();
+   V_east_airmass = lsic->GetVeastAirmassFpsIC();
+   V_down_airmass = lsic->GetVdownAirmassFpsIC();
+   ls_loop(0.0,-1);
+   copy_from_LaRCsim();
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "  FGLaRCsim::set_ls(): "  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     Phi: " <<  Phi  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     Theta: " <<  Theta  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     Psi: " <<  Psi  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     V_north: " <<  V_north  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     V_east: " <<  V_east  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     V_down: " <<  V_down  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     Altitude: " <<  Altitude  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     Latitude: " <<  Latitude  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     Longitude: " <<  Longitude  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     Runway_altitude: " <<  Runway_altitude  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     V_north_airmass: " <<  V_north_airmass  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     V_east_airmass: " <<  V_east_airmass  );
+   FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "     V_down_airmass: " <<  V_down_airmass  );
+    //Positions
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Latitude(double lat) {
+  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Latitude: " << lat  );
+  lsic->SetLatitudeGDRadIC(lat);
+  set_ls();
+  copy_from_LaRCsim(); //update the bus
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Longitude(double lon) {
+  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Longitude: " << lon  );
+  lsic->SetLongitudeRadIC(lon);
+  set_ls();
+  copy_from_LaRCsim(); //update the bus
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Altitude(double alt) {
+  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Altitude: " << alt  );
+  lsic->SetAltitudeFtIC(alt);
+  set_ls();
+  copy_from_LaRCsim(); //update the bus
+void FGLaRCsim::set_V_calibrated_kts(double vc) {
+  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_V_calibrated_kts: " << vc  );
+  lsic->SetVcalibratedKtsIC(vc);
+  set_ls();
+  copy_from_LaRCsim(); //update the bus
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Mach_number(double mach) {
+  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Mach_number: " << mach  );
+  lsic->SetMachIC(mach);
+  set_ls();
+  copy_from_LaRCsim(); //update the bus
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Velocities_Local( double north, double east, double down ){
+ FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Velocities_local: " 
+                     << north << "  " << east << "  " << down   );
+ lsic->SetVnorthFpsIC(north);
+ lsic->SetVeastFpsIC(east);
+ lsic->SetVdownFpsIC(down);
+ set_ls();
+ copy_from_LaRCsim(); //update the bus
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w){
+  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Velocities_Wind_Body: " 
+                     << u << "  " << v << "  " << w   );
+ lsic->SetUBodyFpsIC(u);
+ lsic->SetVBodyFpsIC(v);
+ lsic->SetWBodyFpsIC(w);
+ set_ls();
+ copy_from_LaRCsim(); //update the bus
+//Euler angles 
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Euler_Angles( double phi, double theta, double psi ) {
+  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Euler_angles: " 
+                     << phi << "  " << theta << "  " << psi   );
+ lsic->SetPitchAngleRadIC(theta);
+ lsic->SetRollAngleRadIC(phi);
+ lsic->SetHeadingRadIC(psi);
+ set_ls();
+ copy_from_LaRCsim(); //update the bus 
+//Flight Path
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Climb_Rate( double roc) {
+  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Climb_rate: " << roc  );
+  lsic->SetClimbRateFpsIC(roc);
+  set_ls();
+  copy_from_LaRCsim(); //update the bus 
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Gamma_vert_rad( double gamma) {
+  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Gamma_vert_rad: " << gamma  );
+  lsic->SetFlightPathAngleRadIC(gamma);
+  set_ls();
+  copy_from_LaRCsim(); //update the bus  
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Runway_altitude(double ralt) {
+  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Runway_altitude: " << ralt  );
+  lsic->SetRunwayAltitudeFtIC(ralt);
+  set_ls();
+  copy_from_LaRCsim(); //update the bus 
+void FGLaRCsim::set_AltitudeAGL(double altagl) {
+  FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_AltitudeAGL: " << altagl  );
+  lsic->SetAltitudeAGLFtIC(altagl);
+  set_ls();
+  copy_from_LaRCsim();
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Velocities_Local_Airmass (double wnorth, 
+                                      double weast, 
+                                       double wdown ) {
+     FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Velocities_Local_Airmass: " 
+                     << wnorth << "  " << weast << "  " << wdown   );
+     _set_Velocities_Local_Airmass( wnorth, weast, wdown );
+     set_ls();
+     copy_from_LaRCsim();
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Static_pressure(double p) { 
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Static_pressure: " << p  );
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "LaRCsim does not support externally supplied atmospheric data" );
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Static_temperature(double T) { 
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Static_temperature: " << T  );
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "LaRCsim does not support externally supplied atmospheric data" );
+void FGLaRCsim::set_Density(double rho) { 
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "FGLaRCsim::set_Density: " << rho  );
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, "LaRCsim does not support externally supplied atmospheric data" );
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim.hxx b/src/FDM/LaRCsim.hxx
index 0be365291..837eaba00 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim.hxx
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim.hxx
@@ -29,14 +29,19 @@
 #include "IO360.hxx"
 #include "flight.hxx"
+#include <FDM/LaRCsimIC.hxx>
 class FGLaRCsim: public FGInterface {
     FGNewEngine eng;
+    LaRCsimIC* lsic;
+    void set_ls(void);
+    double time_step;
+    FGLaRCsim(void);
+    ~FGLaRCsim(void);
     // copy FDM state to LaRCsim structures
     bool copy_to_LaRCsim();
@@ -48,6 +53,35 @@ public:
     // update position based on inputs, positions, velocities, etc.
     bool update( int multiloop );
+    // Positions
+    void set_Latitude(double lat);  //geocentric
+    void set_Longitude(double lon);    
+    void set_Altitude(double alt);        // triggers re-calc of AGL altitude
+    void set_AltitudeAGL(double altagl); // and vice-versa
+    // Speeds -- setting any of these will trigger a re-calc of the rest
+    void set_V_calibrated_kts(double vc);
+    void set_Mach_number(double mach);
+    void set_Velocities_Local( double north, double east, double down );
+    void set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w);
+    // Euler angles 
+    void set_Euler_Angles( double phi, double theta, double psi );
+    // Flight Path
+    void set_Climb_Rate( double roc);
+    void set_Gamma_vert_rad( double gamma);
+    // Earth
+    void set_Runway_altitude(double ralt);
+    void set_Static_pressure(double p);
+    void set_Static_temperature(double T); 
+    void set_Density(double rho); 
+    void set_Velocities_Local_Airmass (double wnorth, 
+				       double weast, 
+				       double wdown );
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/atmos_62.h b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/atmos_62.h
index f192cac11..9752b131d 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/atmos_62.h
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/atmos_62.h
@@ -4,9 +4,16 @@
 #ifndef _ATMOS_62_H
 #define _ATMOS_62_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
 void ls_atmos( SCALAR altitude, SCALAR * sigma, SCALAR * v_sound, 
 		SCALAR * t_amb, SCALAR * p_amb );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
 #endif /* _ATMOS_62_H */
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/c172_main.c b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/c172_main.c
index 67e3944b5..1305f2eea 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/c172_main.c
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/c172_main.c
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ int wave_stats(float *var,float *var_rate,int N,FILE *out)
 	if(Nmaxima > 2)
 	  ld=log(varmaxima[1]/varmaxima[2]);   //logarithmic decrement
-	  zeta=ld/sqrt(4*PI*PI +ld*ld);        //damping ratio
+	  zeta=ld/sqrt(4*LS_PI*LS_PI +ld*ld);        //damping ratio
 	  omegad=1/(vm_times[2]-vm_times[1]);  //damped natural frequency Hz
 	  if(zeta < 1)
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/cherokee_aero.c b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/cherokee_aero.c
index 8c72ac2ba..e74f2e5dc 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/cherokee_aero.c
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/cherokee_aero.c
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ void cherokee_aero()
 		Cz = Cz0 + Cza*Alpha + Czat*(Alpha_dot*c/2.0/V) + Czq*(q*c/2.0/V) + Czde * elevator;
 		Cm = Cm0 + Cma*Alpha + Cmat*(Alpha_dot*c/2.0/V) + Cmq*(q*c/2.0/V) + Cmde * elevator; 
-		Cx = Cx0 - (Cza*Alpha)*(Cza*Alpha)/(PI*5.71*0.6);
+		Cx = Cx0 - (Cza*Alpha)*(Cza*Alpha)/(LS_PI*5.71*0.6);
 		Cl = Clb*Beta + Clp*(p*b/2.0/V) + Clr*(r*b/2.0/V) + Clda * aileron;
 		Cy = Cyb*Beta + Cyr*(r*b/2.0/V); 
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_aux.c b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_aux.c
index 9d4e2ddd7..226eea64f 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_aux.c
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_aux.c
@@ -47,8 +47,156 @@
-Revision 1.1  1999/06/17 18:07:33  curt
-Initial revision
+Revision 1.2  2000/10/23 22:34:54  curt
+I tested:
+LaRCsim c172 on-ground and in-air starts, reset: all work
+UIUC Cessna172 on-ground and in-air starts work as expected, reset
+results in an aircraft that is upside down but does not crash FG.   I
+don't know what it was like before, so it may well be no change.
+JSBSim c172 and X15 in-air starts work fine, resets now work (and are
+trimmed), on-ground starts do not -- the c172 ends up on its back.  I
+suspect this is no worse than before.
+I did not test:
+Balloon (the weather code returns nan's for the atmosphere data --this
+is in the weather module and apparently is a linux only bug)
+ADA (don't know how)
+MagicCarpet  (needs work yet)
+External (don't know how)
+known to be broken:
+LaRCsim c172 on-ground starts with a negative terrain altitude (this
+happens at KPAO when the scenery is not present).   The FDM inits to
+about 50 feet AGL and the model falls to the ground.  It does stay
+upright, however, and seems to be fine once it settles out, FWIW.
+To do:
+--implement set_Model on the bus
+--bring Christian's weather data into JSBSim
+-- add default method to bus for updating things like the sin and cos of
+latitude (for Balloon, MagicCarpet)
+-- lots of cleanup
+The files:
+-- all data members now declared protected instead of private.
+-- eliminated all but a small set of 'setters', no change to getters.
+-- that small set is declared virtual, the default implementation
+provided preserves the old behavior
+-- all of the vector data members are now initialized.
+-- added busdump() method -- FG_LOG's  all the bus data when called,
+useful for diagnostics.
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- changed V_equiv_kts to V_calibrated_kts
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with JSBSim specific
+-- changed the static FDMExec to a dynamic fdmex (needed so that the
+JSBSim object can be deleted when a model change is called for)
+-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
+formerly in init() to constructor
+-- added logic to bring up FGEngInterface objects and set the RPM and
+throttle values.
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with LaRCsim specific
+logic, uses LaRCsimIC
+-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
+formerly in init() to constructor
+-- moved default inertias to here from fg_init.cxx
+-- eliminated the climb rate calculation.  The equivalent, climb_rate =
+-1*vdown, is now in copy_from_LaRCsim().
+-- similar to FGInitialCondition, this class has all the logic needed to
+turn data like Vc and Mach into the more fundamental quantities LaRCsim
+needs to initialize.
+-- put it in src/FDM since it is a class
+ -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- adds LaRCsimIC.hxx and cxx
+-- changes to accomodate the new bus
+-- surrounded prototypes with #ifdef __cplusplus ... #endif , functions
+here are needed in LaRCsimIC
+-- changed PI to LS_PI, eliminates preprocessor naming conflict with
+weather module
+-- added function ls_set_model_dt()
+-- eliminated calls that set the NED speeds to body components.  They
+are no longer needed and confuse the new bus.
+-- eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
+set_sin_cos_latitude). or set default values.   The bus now handles the
+defaults and updates itself when the setters are called (for LaRCsim and
+JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs to be added to the bus.
+-- added fgVelocityInit() to set the speed the user asked for.  Both
+JSBSim and LaRCsim can now be initialized using any of:
+vc,mach, NED components, UVW components.
+--eliminated call to fgFDMSetGroundElevation, this data is now 'pulled'
+onto the bus every update()
+-- added enum to keep track of the speed requested by the user
+-- eliminated calls to set NED velocity properties to body speeds, they
+are no longer needed.
+-- added options for the NED components.
+--eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
+set_sin_cos_latitude).  The bus now updates itself when the setters are
+called (for LaRCsim and JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs
+to be added to the bus.
+-- changed set_V_equiv_kts to set_V_calibrated_kts.  set_V_equiv_kts no
+longer exists ( get_V_equiv_kts still does, though)
+-- commented out the code to put the weather data on the bus, a
+different scheme for this is needed.
+Revision  1999/06/17 18:07:33  curt
+Start of 0.7.x branch
 Revision  1999/04/05 21:32:45  curt
 Start of 0.6.x branch.
@@ -247,7 +395,7 @@ void ls_aux( void ) {
 	  Gamma_horiz_rad = atan2( V_east_rel_ground, V_north_rel_ground );
 	if (Gamma_horiz_rad < 0) 
-	  Gamma_horiz_rad = Gamma_horiz_rad + 2*PI;
+	  Gamma_horiz_rad = Gamma_horiz_rad + 2*LS_PI;
     /* Calculate local gravity	*/
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_constants.h b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_constants.h
index 2393f4c5d..ef2da935d 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_constants.h
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_constants.h
@@ -84,10 +84,7 @@
 	systems of measure)	*/
 /* Value of Pi from ref [3] */
-#ifdef PI
-#  undef PI /* avoid a harmless compiler warning */
-#define	PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939967511
+#define	LS_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939967511
 /* Value of earth radius from [8], ft */
 #define	EQUATORIAL_RADIUS 20925650.
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.c b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.c
index 918e2f00e..4d8fde96c 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.c
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.c
@@ -40,8 +40,156 @@
-Revision 1.1  1999/06/17 18:07:34  curt
-Initial revision
+Revision 1.2  2000/10/23 22:34:54  curt
+I tested:
+LaRCsim c172 on-ground and in-air starts, reset: all work
+UIUC Cessna172 on-ground and in-air starts work as expected, reset
+results in an aircraft that is upside down but does not crash FG.   I
+don't know what it was like before, so it may well be no change.
+JSBSim c172 and X15 in-air starts work fine, resets now work (and are
+trimmed), on-ground starts do not -- the c172 ends up on its back.  I
+suspect this is no worse than before.
+I did not test:
+Balloon (the weather code returns nan's for the atmosphere data --this
+is in the weather module and apparently is a linux only bug)
+ADA (don't know how)
+MagicCarpet  (needs work yet)
+External (don't know how)
+known to be broken:
+LaRCsim c172 on-ground starts with a negative terrain altitude (this
+happens at KPAO when the scenery is not present).   The FDM inits to
+about 50 feet AGL and the model falls to the ground.  It does stay
+upright, however, and seems to be fine once it settles out, FWIW.
+To do:
+--implement set_Model on the bus
+--bring Christian's weather data into JSBSim
+-- add default method to bus for updating things like the sin and cos of
+latitude (for Balloon, MagicCarpet)
+-- lots of cleanup
+The files:
+-- all data members now declared protected instead of private.
+-- eliminated all but a small set of 'setters', no change to getters.
+-- that small set is declared virtual, the default implementation
+provided preserves the old behavior
+-- all of the vector data members are now initialized.
+-- added busdump() method -- FG_LOG's  all the bus data when called,
+useful for diagnostics.
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- changed V_equiv_kts to V_calibrated_kts
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with JSBSim specific
+-- changed the static FDMExec to a dynamic fdmex (needed so that the
+JSBSim object can be deleted when a model change is called for)
+-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
+formerly in init() to constructor
+-- added logic to bring up FGEngInterface objects and set the RPM and
+throttle values.
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with LaRCsim specific
+logic, uses LaRCsimIC
+-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
+formerly in init() to constructor
+-- moved default inertias to here from fg_init.cxx
+-- eliminated the climb rate calculation.  The equivalent, climb_rate =
+-1*vdown, is now in copy_from_LaRCsim().
+-- similar to FGInitialCondition, this class has all the logic needed to
+turn data like Vc and Mach into the more fundamental quantities LaRCsim
+needs to initialize.
+-- put it in src/FDM since it is a class
+ -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- adds LaRCsimIC.hxx and cxx
+-- changes to accomodate the new bus
+-- surrounded prototypes with #ifdef __cplusplus ... #endif , functions
+here are needed in LaRCsimIC
+-- changed PI to LS_PI, eliminates preprocessor naming conflict with
+weather module
+-- added function ls_set_model_dt()
+-- eliminated calls that set the NED speeds to body components.  They
+are no longer needed and confuse the new bus.
+-- eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
+set_sin_cos_latitude). or set default values.   The bus now handles the
+defaults and updates itself when the setters are called (for LaRCsim and
+JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs to be added to the bus.
+-- added fgVelocityInit() to set the speed the user asked for.  Both
+JSBSim and LaRCsim can now be initialized using any of:
+vc,mach, NED components, UVW components.
+--eliminated call to fgFDMSetGroundElevation, this data is now 'pulled'
+onto the bus every update()
+-- added enum to keep track of the speed requested by the user
+-- eliminated calls to set NED velocity properties to body speeds, they
+are no longer needed.
+-- added options for the NED components.
+--eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
+set_sin_cos_latitude).  The bus now updates itself when the setters are
+called (for LaRCsim and JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs
+to be added to the bus.
+-- changed set_V_equiv_kts to set_V_calibrated_kts.  set_V_equiv_kts no
+longer exists ( get_V_equiv_kts still does, though)
+-- commented out the code to put the weather data on the bus, a
+different scheme for this is needed.
+Revision  1999/06/17 18:07:34  curt
+Start of 0.7.x branch
 Revision  1999/04/05 21:32:45  curt
 Start of 0.6.x branch.
@@ -108,7 +256,7 @@ Initial Flight Gear revision.
 /* ONE_SECOND is pi/180/60/60, or about 100 feet at earths' equator */
 #define ONE_SECOND 4.848136811E-6
-#define HALF_PI 0.5*PI
+#define HALF_PI 0.5*LS_PI
 void ls_geoc_to_geod( SCALAR lat_geoc, SCALAR radius, SCALAR *lat_geod, 
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.h b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.h
index 5443c0484..5cb2675b6 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.h
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.h
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
 #ifndef _LS_GEODESY_H
 #define _LS_GEODESY_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
 void ls_geoc_to_geod( SCALAR lat_geoc, SCALAR radius, 
 		      SCALAR *lat_geod, SCALAR *alt, SCALAR *sea_level_r );
@@ -11,5 +14,8 @@ void ls_geoc_to_geod( SCALAR lat_geoc, SCALAR radius,
 void ls_geod_to_geoc( SCALAR lat_geod, SCALAR alt, SCALAR *sl_radius, 
 		      SCALAR *lat_geoc );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
 #endif /* _LS_GEODESY_H */
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.c b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.c
index f95ff9b4a..4f735a77d 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.c
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.c
@@ -486,6 +486,9 @@ int ls_checkopts(argc, argv)	/* check and set options flags */
+void ls_set_model_dt(double dt) {
+  model_dt = dt;
 void ls_loop( SCALAR dt, int initialize ) {
     /* printf ("  In ls_loop()\n"); */
@@ -575,6 +578,154 @@ int ls_ForceAltitude(double alt_feet) {
 /* Flight Gear Modification Log
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.3  2000/10/23 22:34:54  curt
+ * I tested:
+ * LaRCsim c172 on-ground and in-air starts, reset: all work
+ * UIUC Cessna172 on-ground and in-air starts work as expected, reset
+ * results in an aircraft that is upside down but does not crash FG.   I
+ * don't know what it was like before, so it may well be no change.
+ * JSBSim c172 and X15 in-air starts work fine, resets now work (and are
+ * trimmed), on-ground starts do not -- the c172 ends up on its back.  I
+ * suspect this is no worse than before.
+ *
+ * I did not test:
+ * Balloon (the weather code returns nan's for the atmosphere data --this
+ * is in the weather module and apparently is a linux only bug)
+ * ADA (don't know how)
+ * MagicCarpet  (needs work yet)
+ * External (don't know how)
+ *
+ * known to be broken:
+ * LaRCsim c172 on-ground starts with a negative terrain altitude (this
+ * happens at KPAO when the scenery is not present).   The FDM inits to
+ * about 50 feet AGL and the model falls to the ground.  It does stay
+ * upright, however, and seems to be fine once it settles out, FWIW.
+ *
+ * To do:
+ * --implement set_Model on the bus
+ * --bring Christian's weather data into JSBSim
+ * -- add default method to bus for updating things like the sin and cos of
+ * latitude (for Balloon, MagicCarpet)
+ * -- lots of cleanup
+ *
+ * The files:
+ * src/FDM/flight.cxx
+ * src/FDM/flight.hxx
+ * -- all data members now declared protected instead of private.
+ * -- eliminated all but a small set of 'setters', no change to getters.
+ * -- that small set is declared virtual, the default implementation
+ * provided preserves the old behavior
+ * -- all of the vector data members are now initialized.
+ * -- added busdump() method -- FG_LOG's  all the bus data when called,
+ * useful for diagnostics.
+ *
+ * src/FDM/ADA.cxx
+ * -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+ *
+ * src/FDM/Balloon.cxx
+ * -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+ * -- changed V_equiv_kts to V_calibrated_kts
+ *
+ * src/FDM/JSBSim.cxx
+ * src/FDM/JSBSim.hxx
+ * -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+ * -- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with JSBSim specific
+ * logic
+ * -- changed the static FDMExec to a dynamic fdmex (needed so that the
+ * JSBSim object can be deleted when a model change is called for)
+ * -- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
+ * formerly in init() to constructor
+ * -- added logic to bring up FGEngInterface objects and set the RPM and
+ * throttle values.
+ *
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim.cxx
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim.hxx
+ * -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+ * -- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with LaRCsim specific
+ * logic, uses LaRCsimIC
+ * -- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
+ * formerly in init() to constructor
+ * -- moved default inertias to here from fg_init.cxx
+ * -- eliminated the climb rate calculation.  The equivalent, climb_rate =
+ * -1*vdown, is now in copy_from_LaRCsim().
+ *
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.cxx
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.hxx
+ * -- similar to FGInitialCondition, this class has all the logic needed to
+ * turn data like Vc and Mach into the more fundamental quantities LaRCsim
+ * needs to initialize.
+ * -- put it in src/FDM since it is a class
+ *
+ * src/FDM/MagicCarpet.cxx
+ *  -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+ *
+ * src/FDM/
+ * -- adds LaRCsimIC.hxx and cxx
+ *
+ * src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAtmosphere.h
+ * src/FDM/JSBSim/FGDefs.h
+ * src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.cpp
+ * src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.h
+ * src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cpp
+ * -- changes to accomodate the new bus
+ *
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim/atmos_62.h
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.h
+ * -- surrounded prototypes with #ifdef __cplusplus ... #endif , functions
+ * here are needed in LaRCsimIC
+ *
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim/c172_main.c
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim/cherokee_aero.c
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_aux.c
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_constants.h
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.c
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.h
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_step.c
+ * src/FDM/UIUCModel/uiuc_betaprobe.cpp
+ * -- changed PI to LS_PI, eliminates preprocessor naming conflict with
+ * weather module
+ *
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.c
+ * src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h
+ * -- added function ls_set_model_dt()
+ *
+ * src/Main/bfi.cxx
+ * -- eliminated calls that set the NED speeds to body components.  They
+ * are no longer needed and confuse the new bus.
+ *
+ * src/Main/fg_init.cxx
+ * -- eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
+ * set_sin_cos_latitude). or set default values.   The bus now handles the
+ * defaults and updates itself when the setters are called (for LaRCsim and
+ * JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs to be added to the bus.
+ * -- added fgVelocityInit() to set the speed the user asked for.  Both
+ * JSBSim and LaRCsim can now be initialized using any of:
+ * vc,mach, NED components, UVW components.
+ *
+ * src/Main/main.cxx
+ * --eliminated call to fgFDMSetGroundElevation, this data is now 'pulled'
+ * onto the bus every update()
+ *
+ * src/Main/options.cxx
+ * src/Main/options.hxx
+ * -- added enum to keep track of the speed requested by the user
+ * -- eliminated calls to set NED velocity properties to body speeds, they
+ * are no longer needed.
+ * -- added options for the NED components.
+ *
+ * src/Network/garmin.cxx
+ * src/Network/nmea.cxx
+ * --eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
+ * set_sin_cos_latitude).  The bus now updates itself when the setters are
+ * called (for LaRCsim and JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs
+ * to be added to the bus.
+ * -- changed set_V_equiv_kts to set_V_calibrated_kts.  set_V_equiv_kts no
+ * longer exists ( get_V_equiv_kts still does, though)
+ *
+ * src/WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.cpp
+ * -- commented out the code to put the weather data on the bus, a
+ * different scheme for this is needed.
+ *
  * Revision 1.2  2000/04/10 18:09:41  curt
  * David Megginson made a few (mostly minor) mods to the LaRCsim files, and
  * it's now possible to choose the LaRCsim model at runtime, as in
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h
index 533d13281..4bb496e88 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ int ls_toplevel_init(double dt, char * aircraft);
 /* update position based on inputs, positions, velocities, etc. */
 int ls_update(int multiloop);
+void ls_set_model_dt(double dt);
 #if 0
 /* Convert from the fgFLIGHT struct to the LaRCsim generic_ struct */
 int fgFlight_2_LaRCsim (fgFLIGHT *f);
@@ -56,15 +58,162 @@ void ls_loop( SCALAR dt, int initialize );
 int ls_ForceAltitude(double alt_feet);
-#endif /* _LS_INTERFACE_H */
 #ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _LS_INTERFACE_H */
 // $Log$
+// Revision 1.4  2000/10/23 22:34:54  curt
+// I tested:
+// LaRCsim c172 on-ground and in-air starts, reset: all work
+// UIUC Cessna172 on-ground and in-air starts work as expected, reset
+// results in an aircraft that is upside down but does not crash FG.   I
+// don't know what it was like before, so it may well be no change.
+// JSBSim c172 and X15 in-air starts work fine, resets now work (and are
+// trimmed), on-ground starts do not -- the c172 ends up on its back.  I
+// suspect this is no worse than before.
+// I did not test:
+// Balloon (the weather code returns nan's for the atmosphere data --this
+// is in the weather module and apparently is a linux only bug)
+// ADA (don't know how)
+// MagicCarpet  (needs work yet)
+// External (don't know how)
+// known to be broken:
+// LaRCsim c172 on-ground starts with a negative terrain altitude (this
+// happens at KPAO when the scenery is not present).   The FDM inits to
+// about 50 feet AGL and the model falls to the ground.  It does stay
+// upright, however, and seems to be fine once it settles out, FWIW.
+// To do:
+// --implement set_Model on the bus
+// --bring Christian's weather data into JSBSim
+// -- add default method to bus for updating things like the sin and cos of
+// latitude (for Balloon, MagicCarpet)
+// -- lots of cleanup
+// The files:
+// src/FDM/flight.cxx
+// src/FDM/flight.hxx
+// -- all data members now declared protected instead of private.
+// -- eliminated all but a small set of 'setters', no change to getters.
+// -- that small set is declared virtual, the default implementation
+// provided preserves the old behavior
+// -- all of the vector data members are now initialized.
+// -- added busdump() method -- FG_LOG's  all the bus data when called,
+// useful for diagnostics.
+// src/FDM/ADA.cxx
+// -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+// src/FDM/Balloon.cxx
+// -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+// -- changed V_equiv_kts to V_calibrated_kts
+// src/FDM/JSBSim.cxx
+// src/FDM/JSBSim.hxx
+// -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+// -- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with JSBSim specific
+// logic
+// -- changed the static FDMExec to a dynamic fdmex (needed so that the
+// JSBSim object can be deleted when a model change is called for)
+// -- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
+// formerly in init() to constructor
+// -- added logic to bring up FGEngInterface objects and set the RPM and
+// throttle values.
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim.cxx
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim.hxx
+// -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+// -- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with LaRCsim specific
+// logic, uses LaRCsimIC
+// -- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
+// formerly in init() to constructor
+// -- moved default inertias to here from fg_init.cxx
+// -- eliminated the climb rate calculation.  The equivalent, climb_rate =
+// -1*vdown, is now in copy_from_LaRCsim().
+// src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.cxx
+// src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.hxx
+// -- similar to FGInitialCondition, this class has all the logic needed to
+// turn data like Vc and Mach into the more fundamental quantities LaRCsim
+// needs to initialize.
+// -- put it in src/FDM since it is a class
+// src/FDM/MagicCarpet.cxx
+//  -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+// src/FDM/
+// -- adds LaRCsimIC.hxx and cxx
+// src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAtmosphere.h
+// src/FDM/JSBSim/FGDefs.h
+// src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.cpp
+// src/FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.h
+// src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cpp
+// -- changes to accomodate the new bus
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim/atmos_62.h
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.h
+// -- surrounded prototypes with #ifdef __cplusplus ... #endif , functions
+// here are needed in LaRCsimIC
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim/c172_main.c
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim/cherokee_aero.c
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_aux.c
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_constants.h
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.c
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.h
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_step.c
+// src/FDM/UIUCModel/uiuc_betaprobe.cpp
+// -- changed PI to LS_PI, eliminates preprocessor naming conflict with
+// weather module
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.c
+// src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h
+// -- added function ls_set_model_dt()
+// src/Main/bfi.cxx
+// -- eliminated calls that set the NED speeds to body components.  They
+// are no longer needed and confuse the new bus.
+// src/Main/fg_init.cxx
+// -- eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
+// set_sin_cos_latitude). or set default values.   The bus now handles the
+// defaults and updates itself when the setters are called (for LaRCsim and
+// JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs to be added to the bus.
+// -- added fgVelocityInit() to set the speed the user asked for.  Both
+// JSBSim and LaRCsim can now be initialized using any of:
+// vc,mach, NED components, UVW components.
+// src/Main/main.cxx
+// --eliminated call to fgFDMSetGroundElevation, this data is now 'pulled'
+// onto the bus every update()
+// src/Main/options.cxx
+// src/Main/options.hxx
+// -- added enum to keep track of the speed requested by the user
+// -- eliminated calls to set NED velocity properties to body speeds, they
+// are no longer needed.
+// -- added options for the NED components.
+// src/Network/garmin.cxx
+// src/Network/nmea.cxx
+// --eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
+// set_sin_cos_latitude).  The bus now updates itself when the setters are
+// called (for LaRCsim and JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs
+// to be added to the bus.
+// -- changed set_V_equiv_kts to set_V_calibrated_kts.  set_V_equiv_kts no
+// longer exists ( get_V_equiv_kts still does, though)
+// src/WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.cpp
+// -- commented out the code to put the weather data on the bus, a
+// different scheme for this is needed.
 // Revision 1.3  2000/04/27 19:57:08  curt
 // MacOS build updates.
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_step.c b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_step.c
index 9531521da..79502fe02 100644
--- a/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_step.c
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsim/ls_step.c
@@ -50,6 +50,154 @@
+Revision 1.3  2000/10/23 22:34:55  curt
+I tested:
+LaRCsim c172 on-ground and in-air starts, reset: all work
+UIUC Cessna172 on-ground and in-air starts work as expected, reset
+results in an aircraft that is upside down but does not crash FG.   I
+don't know what it was like before, so it may well be no change.
+JSBSim c172 and X15 in-air starts work fine, resets now work (and are
+trimmed), on-ground starts do not -- the c172 ends up on its back.  I
+suspect this is no worse than before.
+I did not test:
+Balloon (the weather code returns nan's for the atmosphere data --this
+is in the weather module and apparently is a linux only bug)
+ADA (don't know how)
+MagicCarpet  (needs work yet)
+External (don't know how)
+known to be broken:
+LaRCsim c172 on-ground starts with a negative terrain altitude (this
+happens at KPAO when the scenery is not present).   The FDM inits to
+about 50 feet AGL and the model falls to the ground.  It does stay
+upright, however, and seems to be fine once it settles out, FWIW.
+To do:
+--implement set_Model on the bus
+--bring Christian's weather data into JSBSim
+-- add default method to bus for updating things like the sin and cos of
+latitude (for Balloon, MagicCarpet)
+-- lots of cleanup
+The files:
+-- all data members now declared protected instead of private.
+-- eliminated all but a small set of 'setters', no change to getters.
+-- that small set is declared virtual, the default implementation
+provided preserves the old behavior
+-- all of the vector data members are now initialized.
+-- added busdump() method -- FG_LOG's  all the bus data when called,
+useful for diagnostics.
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- changed V_equiv_kts to V_calibrated_kts
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with JSBSim specific
+-- changed the static FDMExec to a dynamic fdmex (needed so that the
+JSBSim object can be deleted when a model change is called for)
+-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
+formerly in init() to constructor
+-- added logic to bring up FGEngInterface objects and set the RPM and
+throttle values.
+-- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with LaRCsim specific
+logic, uses LaRCsimIC
+-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
+formerly in init() to constructor
+-- moved default inertias to here from fg_init.cxx
+-- eliminated the climb rate calculation.  The equivalent, climb_rate =
+-1*vdown, is now in copy_from_LaRCsim().
+-- similar to FGInitialCondition, this class has all the logic needed to
+turn data like Vc and Mach into the more fundamental quantities LaRCsim
+needs to initialize.
+-- put it in src/FDM since it is a class
+ -- bus data members now directly assigned to
+-- adds LaRCsimIC.hxx and cxx
+-- changes to accomodate the new bus
+-- surrounded prototypes with #ifdef __cplusplus ... #endif , functions
+here are needed in LaRCsimIC
+-- changed PI to LS_PI, eliminates preprocessor naming conflict with
+weather module
+-- added function ls_set_model_dt()
+-- eliminated calls that set the NED speeds to body components.  They
+are no longer needed and confuse the new bus.
+-- eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
+set_sin_cos_latitude). or set default values.   The bus now handles the
+defaults and updates itself when the setters are called (for LaRCsim and
+JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs to be added to the bus.
+-- added fgVelocityInit() to set the speed the user asked for.  Both
+JSBSim and LaRCsim can now be initialized using any of:
+vc,mach, NED components, UVW components.
+--eliminated call to fgFDMSetGroundElevation, this data is now 'pulled'
+onto the bus every update()
+-- added enum to keep track of the speed requested by the user
+-- eliminated calls to set NED velocity properties to body speeds, they
+are no longer needed.
+-- added options for the NED components.
+--eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
+set_sin_cos_latitude).  The bus now updates itself when the setters are
+called (for LaRCsim and JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs
+to be added to the bus.
+-- changed set_V_equiv_kts to set_V_calibrated_kts.  set_V_equiv_kts no
+longer exists ( get_V_equiv_kts still does, though)
+-- commented out the code to put the weather data on the bus, a
+different scheme for this is needed.
 Revision 1.2  1999/10/29 16:08:33  curt
 Added flaps support to c172 model.
@@ -347,7 +495,7 @@ void ls_step( SCALAR dt, int Initialize ) {
 /* Resolve Psi to 0 - 359.9999 */
-	if (Psi < 0 ) Psi = Psi + 2*PI;
+	if (Psi < 0 ) Psi = Psi + 2*LS_PI;
 /*  L I N E A R   P O S I T I O N S   */
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.cxx b/src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b00c3b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+ Header:       LaRCsimIC.cxx
+ Author:       Tony Peden
+ Date started: 10/9/99
+ ------------- Copyright (C) 1999  Anthony K. Peden ( -------------
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
+ the world wide web at
+#include "FDM/LaRCsimIC.hxx"
+#include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_cockpit.h>
+#include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_generic.h>
+#include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h>
+#include <FDM/LaRCsim/atmos_62.h>
+#include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_constants.h>
+#include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_geodesy.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <iostream>
+LaRCsimIC::LaRCsimIC(void) {
+  vt=vtg=vw=vc=ve=0;
+  mach=0;
+  alpha=beta=gamma=0;
+  theta=phi=psi=0;
+  altitude=runway_altitude=hdot=alt_agl=0;
+  latitude_gd=latitude_gc=longitude=0;
+  u=v=w=0;  
+  vnorth=veast=vdown=0;
+  vnorthwind=veastwind=vdownwind=0;
+  lastSpeedSet=lssetvt;
+  lastAltSet=lssetasl;
+  get_atmosphere();
+  ls_geod_to_geoc( latitude_gd,altitude,&sea_level_radius,&latitude_gc); 
+LaRCsimIC::~LaRCsimIC(void) {}
+void LaRCsimIC::get_atmosphere(void) {
+  Altitude=altitude; //set LaRCsim variable
+  ls_atmos(Altitude, &density_ratio, &soundspeed, &T, &p);
+  rho=density_ratio*SEA_LEVEL_DENSITY;
+void LaRCsimIC::SetVcalibratedKtsIC( SCALAR tt) {
+    vc=tt*KTS_TO_FPS;
+    lastSpeedSet=lssetvc;
+    vt=sqrt(1/density_ratio*vc*vc);
+void LaRCsimIC::SetVtrueFpsIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  vt=tt;
+  lastSpeedSet=lssetvt;
+void LaRCsimIC::SetMachIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  mach=tt;
+  vt=mach*soundspeed;
+  lastSpeedSet=lssetmach;
+void LaRCsimIC::SetVequivalentKtsIC(SCALAR tt) {
+  ve=tt*KTS_TO_FPS;
+  lastSpeedSet=lssetve;
+  vt=sqrt(SEA_LEVEL_DENSITY/rho)*ve;
+void LaRCsimIC::SetClimbRateFpmIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  SetClimbRateFpsIC(tt/60.0);
+void LaRCsimIC::SetClimbRateFpsIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  vtg=vt+vw;
+  cout << "vtg: " << vtg << endl;
+  if(vtg > 0.1) {
+    hdot = tt - vdownwind;
+    gamma=asin(hdot/vtg);
+    getTheta();
+    vdown=-1*hdot;
+    cout << "hdot: " << hdot << endl;
+    cout << "gamma: " << gamma*RAD_TO_DEG << endl;
+    cout << "vdown: " << vdown << endl;
+  }
+void LaRCsimIC::SetFlightPathAngleRadIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  gamma=tt;
+  getTheta();
+  vtg=vt+vw;
+  hdot=vtg*sin(tt);
+  cout << "hdot: " << hdot << endl;
+  vdown=-1*hdot;
+void LaRCsimIC::SetPitchAngleRadIC(SCALAR tt) { 
+  if(alt_agl < (DEFAULT_AGL_ALT + 0.1) || vt < 10 ) 
+  else
+    theta=tt;  
+  getAlpha();
+void LaRCsimIC::SetUBodyFpsIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  u=tt;
+  vt=sqrt(u*u+v*v+w*w);
+  lastSpeedSet=lssetuvw;
+void LaRCsimIC::SetVBodyFpsIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  v=tt;
+  vt=sqrt(u*u+v*v+w*w);
+  lastSpeedSet=lssetuvw;
+void LaRCsimIC::SetWBodyFpsIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  w=tt;
+  vt=sqrt(u*u+v*v+w*w);
+  lastSpeedSet=lssetuvw;
+void LaRCsimIC::SetVNorthAirmassFpsIC(SCALAR tt) {
+  vnorthwind=tt;
+  vw=sqrt(vnorthwind*vnorthwind + veastwind*veastwind + vdownwind*vdownwind);
+void LaRCsimIC::SetVEastAirmassFpsIC(SCALAR tt) {
+  veastwind=tt;
+  vw=sqrt(vnorthwind*vnorthwind + veastwind*veastwind + vdownwind*vdownwind);
+void LaRCsimIC::SetVDownAirmassFpsIC(SCALAR tt){
+  vdownwind=tt;
+  vw=sqrt(vnorthwind*vnorthwind + veastwind*veastwind + vdownwind*vdownwind);
+  vtg=vt+vw;
+  hdot=-vtg*sin(gamma);
+void LaRCsimIC::SetAltitudeFtIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  if(tt > (runway_altitude + DEFAULT_AGL_ALT)) {
+    altitude=tt;
+  } else {
+    altitude=runway_altitude + DEFAULT_AGL_ALT;
+    alt_agl=DEFAULT_AGL_ALT;
+  }  
+  lastAltSet=lssetasl;
+  get_atmosphere();
+  //lets try to make sure the user gets what they intended
+  switch(lastSpeedSet) {
+  case lssetned:
+    calcVtfromNED();
+    break;  
+  case lssetuvw:
+  case lssetvt:
+    SetVtrueFpsIC(vt);
+    break;
+  case lssetvc:
+    SetVcalibratedKtsIC(vc*V_TO_KNOTS);
+    break;
+  case lssetve:
+    SetVequivalentKtsIC(ve*V_TO_KNOTS);
+    break;
+  case lssetmach:
+    SetMachIC(mach);
+    break;
+  }
+void LaRCsimIC::SetAltitudeAGLFtIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  alt_agl=tt;
+  lastAltSet=lssetagl;
+  altitude=runway_altitude + alt_agl;
+void LaRCsimIC::SetRunwayAltitudeFtIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  runway_altitude=tt;
+  if(lastAltSet == lssetagl) 
+      altitude = runway_altitude + alt_agl;
+void LaRCsimIC::calcVtfromNED(void) {
+  //take the earth's rotation out of veast first
+  //float veastner = veast- OMEGA_EARTH*sea_level_radius*cos( latitude_gd );
+  float veastner=veast;
+  u = (vnorth - vnorthwind)*cos(theta)*cos(psi) + 
+      (veastner - veastwind)*cos(theta)*sin(psi) - 
+      (vdown - vdownwind)*sin(theta);
+  v = (vnorth - vnorthwind)*(sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi) - cos(phi)*sin(psi)) +
+      (veastner - veastwind)*(sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi) + cos(phi)*cos(psi)) +
+      (vdown - vdownwind)*sin(phi)*cos(theta);
+  w = (vnorth - vnorthwind)*(cos(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi) + sin(phi)*sin(psi)) +
+      (veastner - veastwind)*(cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi) - sin(phi)*cos(psi)) +
+      (vdown - vdownwind)*cos(phi)*cos(theta);
+  vt = sqrt(u*u + v*v + w*w);
+void LaRCsimIC::calcNEDfromVt(void) {
+  float veastner;
+  //get the body components of vt
+  u = GetUBodyFpsIC();
+  v = GetVBodyFpsIC();   
+  w = GetWBodyFpsIC();
+  //transform them to local axes and add on the wind components
+  vnorth = u*cos(theta)*cos(psi) +
+           v*(sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi) - cos(phi)*sin(psi)) +
+           w*(cos(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi) + sin(phi)*sin(psi)) +
+           vnorthwind;
+  //need to account for the earth's rotation here
+  veastner = u*cos(theta)*sin(psi) +
+             v*(sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi) + cos(phi)*cos(psi)) +
+             w*(cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi) - sin(phi)*cos(psi)) +
+             veastwind;
+  veast = veastner;
+  //veast = veastner + OMEGA_EARTH*sea_level_radius*cos( latitude_gd );  
+  vdown =  u*sin(theta) +
+           v*sin(phi)*cos(theta) +
+           w*cos(phi)*cos(theta) +
+           vdownwind;
+void LaRCsimIC::SetVnorthFpsIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  vnorth=tt;
+  lastSpeedSet=lssetned;
+  calcVtfromNED();
+void LaRCsimIC::SetVeastFpsIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  veast=tt;
+  lastSpeedSet=lssetned;
+  calcVtfromNED();
+void LaRCsimIC::SetVdownFpsIC( SCALAR tt) {
+  vdown=tt;
+  calcVtfromNED();
+  SetClimbRateFpsIC(-1*vdown);
+  lastSpeedSet=lssetned;
+void LaRCsimIC::SetLatitudeGDRadIC(SCALAR tt) {
+  latitude_gd=tt;
+  ls_geod_to_geoc(latitude_gd,altitude,&sea_level_radius, &latitude_gc);
+bool LaRCsimIC::getAlpha(void) {
+  bool result=false;
+  float guess=theta-gamma;
+  xlo=xhi=0;
+  xmin=-89;
+  xmax=89;
+  sfunc=&LaRCsimIC::GammaEqOfAlpha;
+  if(findInterval(0,guess)){
+    if(solve(&alpha,0)){
+      result=true;
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+bool LaRCsimIC::getTheta(void) {
+  bool result=false;
+  float guess=alpha+gamma;
+  xlo=xhi=0;
+  xmin=-89;xmax=89;
+  sfunc=&LaRCsimIC::GammaEqOfTheta;
+  if(findInterval(0,guess)){
+    if(solve(&theta,0)){
+      result=true;
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+SCALAR LaRCsimIC::GammaEqOfTheta( SCALAR theta_arg) {
+  SCALAR a,b,c;
+  a=cos(alpha)*cos(beta)*sin(theta_arg);
+  b=sin(beta)*sin(phi);
+  c=sin(alpha)*cos(beta)*cos(phi);
+  return sin(gamma)-a+(b+c)*cos(theta_arg);
+SCALAR LaRCsimIC::GammaEqOfAlpha( SCALAR alpha_arg) {
+  float a,b,c;
+  a=cos(alpha_arg)*cos(beta)*sin(theta);
+  b=sin(beta)*sin(phi);
+  c=sin(alpha_arg)*cos(beta)*cos(phi);
+  return sin(gamma)-a+(b+c)*cos(theta);
+bool LaRCsimIC::findInterval( SCALAR x,SCALAR guess) {
+  //void find_interval(inter_params &ip,eqfunc f,float y,float constant, int &flag){
+  int i=0;
+  bool found=false;
+  float flo,fhi,fguess;
+  float lo,hi,step;
+  step=0.1;
+  fguess=(this->*sfunc)(guess)-x;
+  lo=hi=guess;
+  do {
+    step=2*step;
+    lo-=step;
+    hi+=step;
+    if(lo < xmin) lo=xmin;
+    if(hi > xmax) hi=xmax;
+    i++;
+    flo=(this->*sfunc)(lo)-x;
+    fhi=(this->*sfunc)(hi)-x;
+    if(flo*fhi <=0) {  //found interval with root
+      found=true;
+      if(flo*fguess <= 0) {  //narrow interval down a bit
+        hi=lo+step;    //to pass solver interval that is as
+        //small as possible
+      }
+      else if(fhi*fguess <= 0) {
+        lo=hi-step;
+      }
+    }
+    //cout << "findInterval: i=" << i << " Lo= " << lo << " Hi= " << hi << endl;
+  }
+  while((found == 0) && (i <= 100));
+  xlo=lo;
+  xhi=hi;
+  return found;
+bool LaRCsimIC::solve( SCALAR *y,SCALAR x) {  
+  float x1,x2,x3,f1,f2,f3,d,d0;
+  float eps=1E-5;
+  float const relax =0.9;
+  int i;
+  bool success=false;
+   //initializations
+  d=1;
+    x1=xlo;x3=xhi;
+    f1=(this->*sfunc)(x1)-x;
+    f3=(this->*sfunc)(x3)-x;
+    d0=fabs(x3-x1);
+    //iterations
+    i=0;
+    while ((fabs(d) > eps) && (i < 100)) {
+      d=(x3-x1)/d0;
+      x2=x1-d*d0*f1/(f3-f1);
+      f2=(this->*sfunc)(x2)-x;
+      //cout << "solve x1,x2,x3: " << x1 << "," << x2 << "," << x3 << endl;
+      //cout << "                " << f1 << "," << f2 << "," << f3 << endl;
+      if(fabs(f2) <= 0.001) {
+        x1=x3=x2;
+      } else if(f1*f2 <= 0.0) {
+        x3=x2;
+        f3=f2;
+        f1=relax*f1;
+      } else if(f2*f3 <= 0) {
+        x1=x2;
+        f1=f2;
+        f3=relax*f3;
+      }
+      //cout << i << endl;
+      i++;
+    }//end while
+    if(i < 100) {
+      success=true;
+      *y=x2;
+    }
+  //cout << "Success= " << success << " Vcas: " << vcas*V_TO_KNOTS << " Mach: " << x2 << endl;
+  return success;
diff --git a/src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.hxx b/src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..366f6bb07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/LaRCsimIC.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ Header:       LaRCsimIC.hxx
+ Author:       Tony Peden
+ Date started: 10/9/00
+ ------------- Copyright (C) 2000 Anthony K. Peden ( -------------
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
+ the world wide web at
+#include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_constants.h>
+#include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_types.h>
+#define KTS_TO_FPS 1.6889
+#define M_TO_FT 3.2808399
+#define DEFAULT_AGL_ALT 3.758099
+#define DEFAULT_PITCH_ON_GROUND 0.0074002
+typedef enum lsspeedset { lssetvt, lssetvc, lssetve, lssetmach, lssetuvw, lssetned };
+typedef enum lsaltset { lssetasl, lssetagl };
+class LaRCsimIC {
+  LaRCsimIC(void);
+  ~LaRCsimIC(void);
+  void SetVcalibratedKtsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetMachIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetVtrueFpsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetVequivalentKtsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetUBodyFpsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetVBodyFpsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetWBodyFpsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetVnorthFpsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetVeastFpsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetVdownFpsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetVNorthAirmassFpsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetVEastAirmassFpsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetVDownAirmassFpsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetAltitudeFtIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetAltitudeAGLFtIC(SCALAR tt);
+  //"vertical" flight path, recalculate theta
+  inline void SetFlightPathAngleDegIC(SCALAR tt) { SetFlightPathAngleRadIC(tt*DEG_TO_RAD); }
+  void SetFlightPathAngleRadIC(SCALAR tt);
+  //set speed first
+  void SetClimbRateFpmIC(SCALAR tt);
+  void SetClimbRateFpsIC(SCALAR tt);
+  //use currently stored gamma, recalcualte theta
+  inline void SetAlphaDegIC(SCALAR tt)      { alpha=tt*DEG_TO_RAD; getTheta(); }
+  inline void SetAlphaRadIC(SCALAR tt)      { alpha=tt; getTheta(); }
+  //use currently stored gamma, recalcualte alpha
+  inline void SetPitchAngleDegIC(SCALAR tt) { SetPitchAngleRadIC(tt*DEG_TO_RAD); }
+         void SetPitchAngleRadIC(SCALAR tt);
+  inline void SetBetaDegIC(SCALAR tt)       { beta=tt*DEG_TO_RAD; getTheta();}
+  inline void SetBetaRadIC(SCALAR tt)       { beta=tt; getTheta(); }
+  inline void SetRollAngleDegIC(SCALAR tt) { phi=tt*DEG_TO_RAD; getTheta(); }
+  inline void SetRollAngleRadIC(SCALAR tt) { phi=tt; getTheta(); }
+  inline void SetHeadingDegIC(SCALAR tt)   { psi=tt*DEG_TO_RAD; }
+  inline void SetHeadingRadIC(SCALAR tt)   { psi=tt; }
+  inline void SetLatitudeGDDegIC(SCALAR tt)  { SetLatitudeGDRadIC(tt*DEG_TO_RAD); }
+         void SetLatitudeGDRadIC(SCALAR tt);
+  inline void SetLongitudeDegIC(SCALAR tt) { longitude=tt*DEG_TO_RAD; }
+  inline void SetLongitudeRadIC(SCALAR tt) { longitude=tt; }
+  void SetRunwayAltitudeFtIC(SCALAR tt);
+  inline SCALAR GetVcalibratedKtsIC(void) { return sqrt(density_ratio*vt*vt)*V_TO_KNOTS; }
+  inline SCALAR GetVequivalentKtsIC(void) { return sqrt(density_ratio)*vt*V_TO_KNOTS; }
+  inline SCALAR GetVtrueKtsIC(void) { return vt*V_TO_KNOTS; }
+  inline SCALAR GetVtrueFpsIC(void) { return vt; }
+  inline SCALAR GetMachIC(void) { return vt/soundspeed; }
+  inline SCALAR GetAltitudeFtIC(void)    { return altitude; }
+  inline SCALAR GetAltitudeAGLFtIC(void) { return alt_agl; }
+  inline SCALAR GetRunwayAltitudeFtIC(void) { return runway_altitude; }
+  inline SCALAR GetFlightPathAngleDegIC(void) { return gamma*RAD_TO_DEG; }
+  inline SCALAR GetFlightPathAngleRadIC(void) { return gamma; }
+  inline SCALAR GetClimbRateFpmIC(void) { return hdot*60; }
+  inline SCALAR GetClimbRateFpsIC(void) { return hdot; }
+  inline SCALAR GetAlphaDegIC(void)      { return alpha*RAD_TO_DEG; }
+  inline SCALAR GetAlphaRadIC(void)      { return alpha; }
+  inline SCALAR GetPitchAngleDegIC(void) { return theta*RAD_TO_DEG; }
+  inline SCALAR GetPitchAngleRadIC(void) { return theta; }
+  inline SCALAR GetBetaDegIC(void)       { return beta*RAD_TO_DEG; }
+  inline SCALAR GetBetaRadIC(void)       { return beta*RAD_TO_DEG; }
+  inline SCALAR GetRollAngleDegIC(void) { return phi*RAD_TO_DEG; }
+  inline SCALAR GetRollAngleRadIC(void) { return phi; }
+  inline SCALAR GetHeadingDegIC(void)   { return psi*RAD_TO_DEG; }
+  inline SCALAR GetHeadingRadIC(void)   { return psi; }
+  inline SCALAR GetLatitudeGDDegIC(void)  { return latitude_gd*RAD_TO_DEG; }
+  inline SCALAR GetLatitudeGDRadIC(void) { return latitude_gd; }
+  inline SCALAR GetLongitudeDegIC(void) { return longitude*RAD_TO_DEG; }
+  inline SCALAR GetLongitudeRadIC(void) { return longitude; }
+  inline SCALAR GetUBodyFpsIC(void) { return vt*cos(alpha)*cos(beta); }
+  inline SCALAR GetVBodyFpsIC(void) { return vt*sin(beta); }
+  inline SCALAR GetWBodyFpsIC(void) { return vt*sin(alpha)*cos(beta); }
+  inline SCALAR GetVnorthFpsIC(void) { calcNEDfromVt();return vnorth; }
+  inline SCALAR GetVeastFpsIC(void)  { calcNEDfromVt();return veast; }
+  inline SCALAR GetVdownFpsIC(void)  { calcNEDfromVt();return vdown; }
+  inline SCALAR GetVnorthAirmassFpsIC(void) { return vnorthwind; }
+  inline SCALAR GetVeastAirmassFpsIC(void)  { return veastwind; }
+  inline SCALAR GetVdownAirmassFpsIC(void)  { return vdownwind; }
+  inline SCALAR GetThetaRadIC(void) { return theta; }
+  inline SCALAR GetPhiRadIC(void)   { return phi; }
+  inline SCALAR GetPsiRadIC(void)   { return psi; }
+  SCALAR vt,vtg,vw,vc,ve;
+  SCALAR alpha,beta,gamma,theta,phi,psi;
+  SCALAR mach;
+  SCALAR altitude,runway_altitude,hdot,alt_agl,sea_level_radius;
+  SCALAR latitude_gd,latitude_gc,longitude;
+  SCALAR u,v,w;
+  SCALAR vnorth,veast,vdown;
+  SCALAR vnorthwind, veastwind, vdownwind;
+  SCALAR p,T,soundspeed,density_ratio,rho;
+  SCALAR xlo, xhi,xmin,xmax;
+  typedef SCALAR (LaRCsimIC::*fp)(SCALAR x);
+  fp sfunc;
+  lsspeedset lastSpeedSet;
+  lsaltset lastAltSet;
+  void calcVtfromNED(void);
+  void calcNEDfromVt(void);
+  void calcSpeeds(void);
+  bool getAlpha(void);
+  bool getTheta(void);
+  SCALAR GammaEqOfTheta(SCALAR tt);
+  SCALAR GammaEqOfAlpha(SCALAR tt);
+  void get_atmosphere(void);
+  bool findInterval(SCALAR x,SCALAR guess);
+  bool solve(SCALAR *y, SCALAR x);
diff --git a/src/FDM/MagicCarpet.cxx b/src/FDM/MagicCarpet.cxx
index 034b79259..ca4af1096 100644
--- a/src/FDM/MagicCarpet.cxx
+++ b/src/FDM/MagicCarpet.cxx
@@ -52,28 +52,30 @@ bool FGMagicCarpet::update( int multiloop ) {
     double speed = controls.get_throttle( 0 ) * 2000; // meters/sec
     double dist = speed * time_step;
     double kts = speed * METER_TO_NM * 3600.0;
-    set_V_equiv_kts( kts );
-    set_V_calibrated_kts( kts );
-    set_V_ground_speed( kts );
-    set_Mach_number(0);
+    _set_V_equiv_kts( kts );
+    _set_V_calibrated_kts( kts );
+    _set_V_ground_speed( kts );
     // angle of turn
     double turn_rate = controls.get_aileron() * FG_PI_4; // radians/sec
     double turn = turn_rate * time_step;
     // update euler angles
-    set_Euler_Angles( get_Phi(), get_Theta(), fmod(get_Psi() + turn, FG_2PI) );
-    set_Euler_Rates(0,0,0);
+    _set_Euler_Angles( get_Phi(), get_Theta(), fmod(get_Psi() + turn, FG_2PI) );
+    _set_Euler_Rates(0,0,0);
     // update (lon/lat) position
     double lat2, lon2, az2;
-    geo_direct_wgs_84 ( get_Altitude(),
-			get_Latitude() * RAD_TO_DEG,
-			get_Longitude() * RAD_TO_DEG,
-			get_Psi() * RAD_TO_DEG,
-			dist, &lat2, &lon2, &az2 );
-    set_Longitude( lon2 * DEG_TO_RAD );
-    set_Latitude( lat2 * DEG_TO_RAD );
+    if ( speed > FG_EPSILON ) {
+	geo_direct_wgs_84 ( get_Altitude(),
+			    get_Latitude() * RAD_TO_DEG,
+			    get_Longitude() * RAD_TO_DEG,
+			    get_Psi() * RAD_TO_DEG,
+			    dist, &lat2, &lon2, &az2 );
+	_set_Longitude( lon2 * DEG_TO_RAD );
+	_set_Latitude( lat2 * DEG_TO_RAD );
+    }
     // cout << "lon error = " << fabs(end.x()*RAD_TO_DEG - lon2)
     //      << "  lat error = " << fabs(end.y()*RAD_TO_DEG - lat2)
@@ -84,15 +86,15 @@ bool FGMagicCarpet::update( int multiloop ) {
     // update altitude
     double real_climb_rate = -controls.get_elevator() * 5000; // feet/sec
-    set_Climb_Rate( real_climb_rate / 500.0 );
+    _set_Climb_Rate( real_climb_rate / 500.0 );
     double climb = real_climb_rate * time_step;
-    set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, get_Longitude(), 
+    _set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, get_Longitude(), 
 			     sl_radius + get_Altitude() + climb );
     // cout << "sea level radius (ft) = " << sl_radius << endl;
     // cout << "(setto) sea level radius (ft) = " << get_Sea_level_radius() << endl;
-    set_Sea_level_radius( sl_radius * METER_TO_FEET);
-    set_Altitude( get_Altitude() + climb );
+    _set_Sea_level_radius( sl_radius * METER_TO_FEET);
+    _set_Altitude( get_Altitude() + climb );
     return true;
diff --git a/src/FDM/ b/src/FDM/
index c52f3a7d7..6e4aca857 100644
--- a/src/FDM/
+++ b/src/FDM/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ libFlight_a_SOURCES = \
 	IO360.cxx IO360.hxx \
 	JSBSim.cxx JSBSim.hxx \
 	LaRCsim.cxx LaRCsim.hxx \
+	LaRCsimIC.cxx LaRCsimIC.hxx \
 	MagicCarpet.cxx MagicCarpet.hxx
 bin_PROGRAMS = engine pstest
diff --git a/src/FDM/UIUCModel/uiuc_betaprobe.cpp b/src/FDM/UIUCModel/uiuc_betaprobe.cpp
index 5e2afb075..c2b3fcae4 100644
--- a/src/FDM/UIUCModel/uiuc_betaprobe.cpp
+++ b/src/FDM/UIUCModel/uiuc_betaprobe.cpp
@@ -91,36 +91,36 @@ void uiuc_betaprobe()
   Gamma_clean_tail = Lift_clean_tail / (Density * V_rel_wind);
   Gamma_iced_tail = Lift_iced_tail / (Density * V_rel_wind);
-  w_clean_wing = Gamma_clean_wing / (2 * PI * x_probe_wing);
-  w_iced_wing = Gamma_iced_wing / (2 * PI * x_probe_wing);
-  w_clean_tail = Gamma_clean_tail / (2 * PI * x_probe_tail);
-  w_iced_tail = Gamma_iced_tail / (2 * PI * x_probe_tail);
+  w_clean_wing = Gamma_clean_wing / (2 * LS_PI * x_probe_wing);
+  w_iced_wing = Gamma_iced_wing / (2 * LS_PI * x_probe_wing);
+  w_clean_tail = Gamma_clean_tail / (2 * LS_PI * x_probe_tail);
+  w_iced_tail = Gamma_iced_tail / (2 * LS_PI * x_probe_tail);
   V_total_clean_wing = sqrt(w_clean_wing*w_clean_wing + 
 			    V_rel_wind*V_rel_wind - 
 			    2*w_clean_wing*V_rel_wind * 
-			    cos(PI/2 + Alpha));
+			    cos(LS_PI/2 + Alpha));
   V_total_iced_wing = sqrt(w_iced_wing*w_iced_wing + 
 			   V_rel_wind*V_rel_wind - 
 			   2*w_iced_wing*V_rel_wind * 
-			   cos(PI/2 + Alpha));
+			   cos(LS_PI/2 + Alpha));
   V_total_clean_tail = sqrt(w_clean_tail*w_clean_tail + 
 			    V_rel_wind*V_rel_wind - 
 			    2*w_clean_tail*V_rel_wind * 
-			    cos(PI/2 + Alpha));
+			    cos(LS_PI/2 + Alpha));
   V_total_iced_tail = sqrt(w_iced_tail*w_iced_tail + 
 			   V_rel_wind*V_rel_wind - 
 			   2*w_iced_tail*V_rel_wind * 
-			   cos(PI/2 + Alpha));
+			   cos(LS_PI/2 + Alpha));
   beta_flow_clean_wing = asin((w_clean_wing / V_total_clean_wing) * 
-			      sin (PI/2 + Alpha));
+			      sin (LS_PI/2 + Alpha));
   beta_flow_iced_wing = asin((w_iced_wing / V_total_iced_wing) * 
-			     sin (PI/2 + Alpha));
+			     sin (LS_PI/2 + Alpha));
   beta_flow_clean_tail = asin((w_clean_tail / V_total_clean_tail) * 
-			      sin (PI/2 + Alpha));
+			      sin (LS_PI/2 + Alpha));
   beta_flow_iced_tail = asin((w_iced_tail / V_total_iced_tail) * 
-			     sin (PI/2 + Alpha));
+			     sin (LS_PI/2 + Alpha));
   Dbeta_flow_wing = fabs(beta_flow_clean_wing - beta_flow_iced_wing);
   Dbeta_flow_tail = fabs(beta_flow_clean_tail - beta_flow_iced_tail);
diff --git a/src/FDM/flight.cxx b/src/FDM/flight.cxx
index 544f9b672..cbdd1f7bd 100644
--- a/src/FDM/flight.cxx
+++ b/src/FDM/flight.cxx
@@ -46,31 +46,99 @@
 FGInterface *cur_fdm_state;
 FGInterface base_fdm_state;
+inline void init_vec(FG_VECTOR_3 vec) {
+    vec[0] = 0.0; vec[1] = 0.0; vec[2] = 0.0;
+FGEngInterface::FGEngInterface(void) {
+    // inputs
+    Throttle=0;
+    Mixture=0;
+    Prop_Advance=0;
+    // outputs
+    RPM=0;
+    Manifold_Pressure=0;
+    MaxHP=0;
+    Percentage_Power=0;
+    EGT=0;
+    prop_thrust=0;
+FGEngInterface::~FGEngInterface(void) {
 // Constructor
 FGInterface::FGInterface(void) {
-   mass=i_xx=i_yy=i_zz=i_xz=0;
-   nlf=0;  
-   v_rel_wind=v_true_kts=v_rel_ground=v_inertial=0;
-   v_ground_speed=v_equiv=v_equiv_kts=0;
-   v_calibrated=v_calibrated_kts=0;
-   gravity=0;            
-   centrifugal_relief=0; 
-   alpha=beta=alpha_dot=beta_dot=0;   
-   cos_alpha=sin_alpha=cos_beta=sin_beta=0;
-   cos_phi=sin_phi=cos_theta=sin_theta=cos_psi=sin_psi=0;
-   gamma_vert_rad=gamma_horiz_rad=0;    
-   sigma=density=v_sound=mach_number=0;
-   static_pressure=total_pressure=impact_pressure=0;
-   dynamic_pressure=0;
-   static_temperature=total_temperature=0;
-   sea_level_radius=earth_position_angle=0;
-   runway_altitude=runway_latitude=runway_longitude=0;
-   runway_heading=0;
-   radius_to_rwy=0;
-   climb_rate=0;           
-   sin_lat_geocentric=cos_lat_geocentric=0;
-   sin_longitude=cos_longitude=0;
+    init_vec( d_pilot_rp_body_v );
+    init_vec( d_cg_rp_body_v );
+    init_vec( f_body_total_v );
+    init_vec( f_local_total_v );
+    init_vec( f_aero_v );
+    init_vec( f_engine_v );
+    init_vec( f_gear_v );
+    init_vec( m_total_rp_v );
+    init_vec( m_total_cg_v );
+    init_vec( m_aero_v );
+    init_vec( m_engine_v );
+    init_vec( m_gear_v );
+    init_vec( v_dot_local_v );
+    init_vec( v_dot_body_v );
+    init_vec( a_cg_body_v );
+    init_vec( a_pilot_body_v );
+    init_vec( n_cg_body_v );
+    init_vec( n_pilot_body_v );
+    init_vec( omega_dot_body_v );
+    init_vec( v_local_v );
+    init_vec( v_local_rel_ground_v ); 
+    init_vec( v_local_airmass_v );    
+    init_vec( v_local_rel_airmass_v );  
+    init_vec( v_local_gust_v ); 
+    init_vec( v_wind_body_v );     
+    init_vec( omega_body_v );         
+    init_vec( omega_local_v );        
+    init_vec( omega_total_v );       
+    init_vec( euler_rates_v );
+    init_vec( geocentric_rates_v );   
+    init_vec( geocentric_position_v );
+    init_vec( geodetic_position_v );
+    init_vec( euler_angles_v );
+    init_vec( d_cg_rwy_local_v );     
+    init_vec( d_cg_rwy_rwy_v );       
+    init_vec( d_pilot_rwy_local_v );  
+    init_vec( d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v );    
+    init_vec( t_local_to_body_m[0] );
+    init_vec( t_local_to_body_m[1] );
+    init_vec( t_local_to_body_m[2] );
+    mass=i_xx=i_yy=i_zz=i_xz=0;
+    nlf=0;  
+    v_rel_wind=v_true_kts=v_rel_ground=v_inertial=0;
+    v_ground_speed=v_equiv=v_equiv_kts=0;
+    v_calibrated=v_calibrated_kts=0;
+    gravity=0;            
+    centrifugal_relief=0; 
+    alpha=beta=alpha_dot=beta_dot=0;   
+    cos_alpha=sin_alpha=cos_beta=sin_beta=0;
+    cos_phi=sin_phi=cos_theta=sin_theta=cos_psi=sin_psi=0;
+    gamma_vert_rad=gamma_horiz_rad=0;    
+    sigma=density=v_sound=mach_number=0;
+    static_pressure=total_pressure=impact_pressure=0;
+    dynamic_pressure=0;
+    static_temperature=total_temperature=0;
+    sea_level_radius=earth_position_angle=0;
+    runway_altitude=runway_latitude=runway_longitude=0;
+    runway_heading=0;
+    radius_to_rwy=0;
+    climb_rate=0;           
+    sin_lat_geocentric=cos_lat_geocentric=0;
+    sin_latitude=cos_latitude=0;
+    sin_longitude=cos_longitude=0;
+    altitude_agl=0;
+    resetNeeded=false;
@@ -131,9 +199,9 @@ void fgFDMForceAltitude(int model, double alt_meters) {
 		  &sea_level_radius_meters, &lat_geoc);
     base_fdm_state.set_Altitude( alt_meters * METER_TO_FEET );
-    base_fdm_state.set_Radius_to_vehicle( base_fdm_state.get_Altitude() + 
-					  (sea_level_radius_meters * 
-					   METER_TO_FEET) );
+    base_fdm_state.set_Sea_level_radius( sea_level_radius_meters *
+					 METER_TO_FEET ); 
     // additional work needed for some flight models
     if ( model == FGInterface::FG_LARCSIM ) {
@@ -144,8 +212,196 @@ void fgFDMForceAltitude(int model, double alt_meters) {
 // Set the local ground elevation
 void fgFDMSetGroundElevation(int model, double ground_meters) {
+    FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO, "fgFDMSetGroundElevation: "
+	    << ground_meters*METER_TO_FEET ); 
     base_fdm_state.set_Runway_altitude( ground_meters * METER_TO_FEET );
     cur_fdm_state->set_Runway_altitude( ground_meters * METER_TO_FEET );
+// Positions
+void FGInterface::set_Latitude(double lat) { 
+    geodetic_position_v[0] = lat;
+void FGInterface::set_Longitude(double lon) {
+    geodetic_position_v[1] = lon;
+void FGInterface::set_Altitude(double alt) {
+    geodetic_position_v[2] = alt;
+void FGInterface::set_AltitudeAGL(double altagl) {
+    altitude_agl=altagl;
+// Velocities
+void FGInterface::set_V_calibrated_kts(double vc) {
+    v_calibrated_kts = vc;
+void FGInterface::set_Mach_number(double mach) {
+    mach_number = mach;
+void FGInterface::set_Velocities_Local( double north, 
+					double east, 
+					double down ){
+    v_local_v[0] = north;
+    v_local_v[1] = east;
+    v_local_v[2] = down;                                                 
+void FGInterface::set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, 
+					    double v, 
+					    double w){
+    v_wind_body_v[0] = u;
+    v_wind_body_v[1] = v;
+    v_wind_body_v[2] = w;
+// Euler angles 
+void FGInterface::set_Euler_Angles( double phi, 
+				    double theta, 
+				    double psi ) {
+    euler_angles_v[0] = phi;
+    euler_angles_v[1] = theta;
+    euler_angles_v[2] = psi;                                            
+// Flight Path
+void FGInterface::set_Climb_Rate( double roc) {
+    climb_rate = roc;
+void FGInterface::set_Gamma_vert_rad( double gamma) {
+    gamma_vert_rad = gamma;
+// Earth
+void FGInterface::set_Sea_level_radius(double slr) {
+    sea_level_radius = slr;
+void FGInterface::set_Runway_altitude(double ralt) {
+    runway_altitude = ralt;
+void FGInterface::set_Static_pressure(double p) { static_pressure = p; }
+void FGInterface::set_Static_temperature(double T) { static_temperature = T; }
+void FGInterface::set_Density(double rho) { density = rho; }
+void FGInterface::set_Velocities_Local_Airmass (double wnorth, 
+						double weast, 
+						double wdown ) {
+    v_local_airmass_v[0] = wnorth;
+    v_local_airmass_v[1] = weast;
+    v_local_airmass_v[2] = wdown;
+void FGInterface::busdump(void) {
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"d_pilot_rp_body_v[3]: " << d_pilot_rp_body_v[0] << ", " << d_pilot_rp_body_v[1] << ", " << d_pilot_rp_body_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"d_cg_rp_body_v[3]: " << d_cg_rp_body_v[0] << ", " << d_cg_rp_body_v[1] << ", " << d_cg_rp_body_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"f_body_total_v[3]: " << f_body_total_v[0] << ", " << f_body_total_v[1] << ", " << f_body_total_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"f_local_total_v[3]: " << f_local_total_v[0] << ", " << f_local_total_v[1] << ", " << f_local_total_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"f_aero_v[3]: " << f_aero_v[0] << ", " << f_aero_v[1] << ", " << f_aero_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"f_engine_v[3]: " << f_engine_v[0] << ", " << f_engine_v[1] << ", " << f_engine_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"f_gear_v[3]: " << f_gear_v[0] << ", " << f_gear_v[1] << ", " << f_gear_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"m_total_rp_v[3]: " << m_total_rp_v[0] << ", " << m_total_rp_v[1] << ", " << m_total_rp_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"m_total_cg_v[3]: " << m_total_cg_v[0] << ", " << m_total_cg_v[1] << ", " << m_total_cg_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"m_aero_v[3]: " << m_aero_v[0] << ", " << m_aero_v[1] << ", " << m_aero_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"m_engine_v[3]: " << m_engine_v[0] << ", " << m_engine_v[1] << ", " << m_engine_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"m_gear_v[3]: " << m_gear_v[0] << ", " << m_gear_v[1] << ", " << m_gear_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_dot_local_v[3]: " << v_dot_local_v[0] << ", " << v_dot_local_v[1] << ", " << v_dot_local_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_dot_body_v[3]: " << v_dot_body_v[0] << ", " << v_dot_body_v[1] << ", " << v_dot_body_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"a_cg_body_v[3]: " << a_cg_body_v[0] << ", " << a_cg_body_v[1] << ", " << a_cg_body_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"a_pilot_body_v[3]: " << a_pilot_body_v[0] << ", " << a_pilot_body_v[1] << ", " << a_pilot_body_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"n_cg_body_v[3]: " << n_cg_body_v[0] << ", " << n_cg_body_v[1] << ", " << n_cg_body_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"n_pilot_body_v[3]: " << n_pilot_body_v[0] << ", " << n_pilot_body_v[1] << ", " << n_pilot_body_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"omega_dot_body_v[3]: " << omega_dot_body_v[0] << ", " << omega_dot_body_v[1] << ", " << omega_dot_body_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_local_v[3]: " << v_local_v[0] << ", " << v_local_v[1] << ", " << v_local_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_local_rel_ground_v[3]: " << v_local_rel_ground_v[0] << ", " << v_local_rel_ground_v[1] << ", " << v_local_rel_ground_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_local_airmass_v[3]: " << v_local_airmass_v[0] << ", " << v_local_airmass_v[1] << ", " << v_local_airmass_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_local_rel_airmass_v[3]: " << v_local_rel_airmass_v[0] << ", " << v_local_rel_airmass_v[1] << ", " << v_local_rel_airmass_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_local_gust_v[3]: " << v_local_gust_v[0] << ", " << v_local_gust_v[1] << ", " << v_local_gust_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_wind_body_v[3]: " << v_wind_body_v[0] << ", " << v_wind_body_v[1] << ", " << v_wind_body_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"omega_body_v[3]: " << omega_body_v[0] << ", " << omega_body_v[1] << ", " << omega_body_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"omega_local_v[3]: " << omega_local_v[0] << ", " << omega_local_v[1] << ", " << omega_local_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"omega_total_v[3]: " << omega_total_v[0] << ", " << omega_total_v[1] << ", " << omega_total_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"euler_rates_v[3]: " << euler_rates_v[0] << ", " << euler_rates_v[1] << ", " << euler_rates_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"geocentric_rates_v[3]: " << geocentric_rates_v[0] << ", " << geocentric_rates_v[1] << ", " << geocentric_rates_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"geocentric_position_v[3]: " << geocentric_position_v[0] << ", " << geocentric_position_v[1] << ", " << geocentric_position_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"geodetic_position_v[3]: " << geodetic_position_v[0] << ", " << geodetic_position_v[1] << ", " << geodetic_position_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"euler_angles_v[3]: " << euler_angles_v[0] << ", " << euler_angles_v[1] << ", " << euler_angles_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"d_cg_rwy_local_v[3]: " << d_cg_rwy_local_v[0] << ", " << d_cg_rwy_local_v[1] << ", " << d_cg_rwy_local_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"d_cg_rwy_rwy_v[3]: " << d_cg_rwy_rwy_v[0] << ", " << d_cg_rwy_rwy_v[1] << ", " << d_cg_rwy_rwy_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"d_pilot_rwy_local_v[3]: " << d_pilot_rwy_local_v[0] << ", " << d_pilot_rwy_local_v[1] << ", " << d_pilot_rwy_local_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v[3]: " << d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v[0] << ", " << d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v[1] << ", " << d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v[2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"t_local_to_body_m[0][3]: " << t_local_to_body_m[0][0] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[0][1] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[0][2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"t_local_to_body_m[1][3]: " << t_local_to_body_m[1][0] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[1][1] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[1][2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"t_local_to_body_m[2][3]: " << t_local_to_body_m[2][0] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[2][1] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[2][2]);
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"mass: " << mass );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"i_xx: " << i_xx );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"i_yy: " << i_yy );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"i_zz: " << i_zz );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"i_xz: " << i_xz );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"nlf: " << nlf );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_rel_wind: " << v_rel_wind );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_true_kts: " << v_true_kts );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_rel_ground: " << v_rel_ground );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_inertial: " << v_inertial );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_ground_speed: " << v_ground_speed );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_equiv: " << v_equiv );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_equiv_kts: " << v_equiv_kts );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_calibrated: " << v_calibrated );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_calibrated_kts: " << v_calibrated_kts );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"gravity: " << gravity );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"centrifugal_relief: " << centrifugal_relief );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"alpha: " << alpha );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"beta: " << beta );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"alpha_dot: " << alpha_dot );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"beta_dot: " << beta_dot );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"cos_alpha: " << cos_alpha );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"sin_alpha: " << sin_alpha );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"cos_beta: " << cos_beta );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"sin_beta: " << sin_beta );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"cos_phi: " << cos_phi );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"sin_phi: " << sin_phi );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"cos_theta: " << cos_theta );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"sin_theta: " << sin_theta );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"cos_psi: " << cos_psi );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"sin_psi: " << sin_psi );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"gamma_vert_rad: " << gamma_vert_rad );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"gamma_horiz_rad: " << gamma_horiz_rad );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"sigma: " << sigma );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"density: " << density );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"v_sound: " << v_sound );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"mach_number: " << mach_number );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"static_pressure: " << static_pressure );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"total_pressure: " << total_pressure );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"impact_pressure: " << impact_pressure );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"dynamic_pressure: " << dynamic_pressure );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"static_temperature: " << static_temperature );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"total_temperature: " << total_temperature );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"sea_level_radius: " << sea_level_radius );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"earth_position_angle: " << earth_position_angle );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"runway_altitude: " << runway_altitude );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"runway_latitude: " << runway_latitude );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"runway_longitude: " << runway_longitude );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"runway_heading: " << runway_heading );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"radius_to_rwy: " << radius_to_rwy );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"climb_rate: " << climb_rate );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"sin_lat_geocentric: " << sin_lat_geocentric );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"cos_lat_geocentric: " << cos_lat_geocentric );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"sin_longitude: " << sin_longitude );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"cos_longitude: " << cos_longitude );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"sin_latitude: " << sin_latitude );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"cos_latitude: " << cos_latitude );
+    FG_LOG(FG_FLIGHT,FG_INFO,"altitude_agl: " << altitude_agl );
diff --git a/src/FDM/flight.hxx b/src/FDM/flight.hxx
index 81a15cabb..0e333d2af 100644
--- a/src/FDM/flight.hxx
+++ b/src/FDM/flight.hxx
@@ -113,9 +113,22 @@ private:
     double Percentage_Power;
     double EGT;
     double prop_thrust;
+    /* others...
+    double PercentN1,N1;  //GE,CFM
+    double PercentN2,N2;
+    double EPR;  //P&W, RR?
+    double FuelFlow;
+    bool AfterBurner;
+    double InletAngles[3];
+    double InletPosition[3];
+    double ThrustVector[3];
+    */
+    FGEngInterface(void);
+    ~FGEngInterface(void);
     inline double get_Throttle() const { return Throttle; }
     inline double get_Mixture() const { return Mixture; }
     inline double get_Prop_Advance() const { return Prop_Advance; }
@@ -144,6 +157,10 @@ typedef vector < FGEngInterface > engine_list;
 // This is based heavily on LaRCsim/ls_generic.h
 class FGInterface {
+    void busdump(void);
     // Pilot location rel to ref pt
@@ -231,6 +248,10 @@ private:
     double sin_lat_geocentric, cos_lat_geocentric;
     double sin_longitude, cos_longitude;
     double sin_latitude, cos_latitude;
+    double altitude_agl;
+    //change flag
+    bool resetNeeded;
     // Engine list
     engine_list engines;
@@ -238,6 +259,157 @@ private:
     FGTimeStamp valid_stamp;          // time this record is valid
     FGTimeStamp next_stamp;           // time this record is valid
+    inline void _set_Inertias( double m, double xx, double yy, 
+			      double zz, double xz)
+    {
+	mass = m;
+	i_xx = xx;
+	i_yy = yy;
+	i_zz = zz;
+	i_xz = xz;
+    }
+    inline void _set_CG_Position( double dx, double dy, double dz ) {
+	d_cg_rp_body_v[0] = dx;
+	d_cg_rp_body_v[1] = dy;
+	d_cg_rp_body_v[2] = dz;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Accels_Local( double north, double east, double down ) {
+	v_dot_local_v[0] = north;
+	v_dot_local_v[1] = east;
+	v_dot_local_v[2] = down;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Accels_Body( double u, double v, double w ) {
+	v_dot_body_v[0] = u;
+	v_dot_body_v[1] = v;
+	v_dot_body_v[2] = w;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Accels_CG_Body( double x, double y, double z ) {
+	a_cg_body_v[0] = x;
+	a_cg_body_v[1] = y;
+	a_cg_body_v[2] = z;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Accels_Pilot_Body( double x, double y, double z ) {
+	a_pilot_body_v[0] = x;
+	a_pilot_body_v[1] = y;
+	a_pilot_body_v[2] = z;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Accels_CG_Body_N( double x, double y, double z ) {
+	n_cg_body_v[0] = x;
+	n_cg_body_v[1] = y;
+	n_cg_body_v[2] = z;
+    }
+    void _set_Nlf(double n) { nlf=n;  }
+    inline void _set_Velocities_Local( double north, double east, double down ){
+	v_local_v[0] = north;
+	v_local_v[1] = east;
+	v_local_v[2] = down;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Velocities_Ground(double north, double east, double down) {
+	v_local_rel_ground_v[0] = north;
+	v_local_rel_ground_v[1] = east;
+	v_local_rel_ground_v[2] = down;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Velocities_Local_Airmass( double north, double east, 
+					      double down)
+    {
+	v_local_airmass_v[0] = north;
+	v_local_airmass_v[1] = east;
+	v_local_airmass_v[2] = down;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w) {
+	v_wind_body_v[0] = u;
+	v_wind_body_v[1] = v;
+	v_wind_body_v[2] = w;
+    }
+    inline void _set_V_ground_speed( double v) { v_ground_speed = v; }
+    inline void _set_V_equiv_kts( double kts ) { v_equiv_kts = kts; }
+    inline void _set_V_calibrated_kts( double kts ) { v_calibrated_kts = kts; }
+    inline void _set_Omega_Body( double p, double q, double r ) {
+	omega_body_v[0] = p;
+	omega_body_v[1] = q;
+	omega_body_v[2] = r;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Euler_Rates( double phi, double theta, double psi ) {
+	euler_rates_v[0] = phi;
+	euler_rates_v[1] = theta;
+	euler_rates_v[2] = psi;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Geocentric_Rates( double lat, double lon, double rad ) {
+	geocentric_rates_v[0] = lat;
+	geocentric_rates_v[1] = lon;
+	geocentric_rates_v[2] = rad;
+    }
+#if 0
+    inline void _set_Radius_to_vehicle(double radius) {
+	geocentric_position_v[2] = radius;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Geocentric_Position( double lat, double lon, double rad ) {
+	geocentric_position_v[0] = lat;
+	geocentric_position_v[1] = lon;
+	geocentric_position_v[2] = rad;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Latitude(double lat) { geodetic_position_v[0] = lat; }
+    inline void _set_Longitude(double lon) { geodetic_position_v[1] = lon; }
+    inline void _set_Altitude(double altitude) {
+	geodetic_position_v[2] = altitude;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Altitude_AGL(double agl) {
+	altitude_agl = agl;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Geodetic_Position( double lat, double lon, double alt ) {
+	geodetic_position_v[0] = lat;
+	geodetic_position_v[1] = lon;
+	geodetic_position_v[2] = alt;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Euler_Angles( double phi, double theta, double psi ) {
+	euler_angles_v[0] = phi;
+	euler_angles_v[1] = theta;
+	euler_angles_v[2] = psi;
+    }
+    inline void _set_T_Local_to_Body( int i, int j, double value) {
+	t_local_to_body_m[i-1][j-1] = value;
+    }
+    inline void _set_T_Local_to_Body( double m[3][3] ) {
+	int i, j;
+	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+	    for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+		t_local_to_body_m[i][j] = m[i][j];
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    inline void _set_Alpha( double a ) { alpha = a; }
+    inline void _set_Beta( double b ) { beta = b; }
+    inline void _set_Cos_phi( double cp ) { cos_phi = cp; }
+    inline void _set_Cos_theta( double ct ) { cos_theta = ct; }
+    inline void _set_Gamma_vert_rad( double gv ) { gamma_vert_rad = gv; }
+    inline void _set_Density( double d ) { density = d; }
+    inline void _set_Mach_number( double m ) { mach_number = m; }
+    inline void _set_Static_pressure( double sp ) { static_pressure = sp; }
+    inline void _set_Static_temperature( double t ) { static_temperature = t; }
+    inline void _set_Sea_level_radius( double r ) { sea_level_radius = r; }
+    inline void _set_Earth_position_angle(double a) {
+	earth_position_angle = a;
+    }
+    inline void _set_Runway_altitude( double alt ) { runway_altitude = alt; }
+    inline void _set_Climb_Rate(double rate) { climb_rate = rate; }
+    inline void _set_sin_lat_geocentric(double parm) {
+	sin_lat_geocentric = sin(parm);
+    }
+    inline void _set_cos_lat_geocentric(double parm) {
+	cos_lat_geocentric = cos(parm);
+    }
+    inline void _set_sin_cos_longitude(double parm) {
+	sin_longitude = sin(parm);
+	cos_longitude = cos(parm);
+    }
+    inline void _set_sin_cos_latitude(double parm) {
+	sin_latitude = sin(parm);
+	cos_latitude = cos(parm);
+    }
@@ -260,7 +432,7 @@ public:
 	// Christian's hot air balloon simulation
-	// AEronautical DEvelopment AGEncy, Bangalore India
+	// Aeronautical DEvelopment AGEncy, Bangalore India
 	FG_ADA = 4,
 	// The following aren't implemented but are here to spark
@@ -275,6 +447,38 @@ public:
+    // Positions
+    virtual void set_Latitude(double lat);       // geocentric
+    virtual void set_Longitude(double lon);    
+    virtual void set_Altitude(double alt);  // triggers re-calc of AGL altitude
+    virtual void set_AltitudeAGL(double altagl); // and vice-versa
+    // Speeds -- setting any of these will trigger a re-calc of the rest
+    virtual void set_V_calibrated_kts(double vc);
+    virtual void set_Mach_number(double mach);
+    virtual void set_Velocities_Local( double north, double east, double down );
+    virtual void set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w);
+    // Euler angles 
+    virtual void set_Euler_Angles( double phi, double theta, double psi );
+    // Flight Path
+    virtual void set_Climb_Rate( double roc);
+    virtual void set_Gamma_vert_rad( double gamma);
+    // Earth
+    virtual void set_Sea_level_radius(double slr);
+    virtual void set_Runway_altitude(double ralt);
+    virtual void set_Static_pressure(double p);
+    virtual void set_Static_temperature(double T);
+    virtual void set_Density(double rho);
+    virtual void set_Velocities_Local_Airmass (double wnorth, 
+					       double weast, 
+					       double wdown );
     // ========== Mass properties and geometry values ==========
     // Inertias
@@ -283,15 +487,6 @@ public:
     inline double get_I_yy() const { return i_yy; }
     inline double get_I_zz() const { return i_zz; }
     inline double get_I_xz() const { return i_xz; }
-    inline void set_Inertias( double m, double xx, double yy, 
-			      double zz, double xz)
-    {
-	mass = m;
-	i_xx = xx;
-	i_yy = yy;
-	i_zz = zz;
-	i_xz = xz;
-    }
     // Pilot location rel to ref pt
     // inline double * get_D_pilot_rp_body_v() {
@@ -311,11 +506,6 @@ public:
     inline double get_Dx_cg() const { return d_cg_rp_body_v[0]; }
     inline double get_Dy_cg() const { return d_cg_rp_body_v[1]; }
     inline double get_Dz_cg() const { return d_cg_rp_body_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_CG_Position( double dx, double dy, double dz ) {
-	d_cg_rp_body_v[0] = dx;
-	d_cg_rp_body_v[1] = dy;
-	d_cg_rp_body_v[2] = dz;
-    }
     // ========== Forces ==========
@@ -427,51 +617,26 @@ public:
     inline double get_V_dot_north() const { return v_dot_local_v[0]; }
     inline double get_V_dot_east() const { return v_dot_local_v[1]; }
     inline double get_V_dot_down() const { return v_dot_local_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Accels_Local( double north, double east, double down ) {
-	v_dot_local_v[0] = north;
-	v_dot_local_v[1] = east;
-	v_dot_local_v[2] = down;
-    }
     // inline double * get_V_dot_body_v() { return v_dot_body_v; }
     inline double get_U_dot_body() const { return v_dot_body_v[0]; }
     inline double get_V_dot_body() const { return v_dot_body_v[1]; }
     inline double get_W_dot_body() const { return v_dot_body_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Accels_Body( double u, double v, double w ) {
-	v_dot_body_v[0] = u;
-	v_dot_body_v[1] = v;
-	v_dot_body_v[2] = w;
-    }
     // inline double * get_A_cg_body_v() { return a_cg_body_v; }
     inline double get_A_X_cg() const { return a_cg_body_v[0]; }
     inline double get_A_Y_cg() const { return a_cg_body_v[1]; }
     inline double get_A_Z_cg() const { return a_cg_body_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Accels_CG_Body( double x, double y, double z ) {
-	a_cg_body_v[0] = x;
-	a_cg_body_v[1] = y;
-	a_cg_body_v[2] = z;
-    }
     // inline double * get_A_pilot_body_v() { return a_pilot_body_v; }
     inline double get_A_X_pilot() const { return a_pilot_body_v[0]; }
     inline double get_A_Y_pilot() const { return a_pilot_body_v[1]; }
     inline double get_A_Z_pilot() const { return a_pilot_body_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Accels_Pilot_Body( double x, double y, double z ) {
-	a_pilot_body_v[0] = x;
-	a_pilot_body_v[1] = y;
-	a_pilot_body_v[2] = z;
-    }
     // inline double * get_N_cg_body_v() { return n_cg_body_v; }
     inline double get_N_X_cg() const { return n_cg_body_v[0]; }
     inline double get_N_Y_cg() const { return n_cg_body_v[1]; }
     inline double get_N_Z_cg() const { return n_cg_body_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Accels_CG_Body_N( double x, double y, double z ) {
-	n_cg_body_v[0] = x;
-	n_cg_body_v[1] = y;
-	n_cg_body_v[2] = z;
-    }
     // inline double * get_N_pilot_body_v() { return n_pilot_body_v; }
     // inline double get_N_X_pilot() const { return n_pilot_body_v[0]; }
@@ -483,8 +648,7 @@ public:
     //    n_pilot_body_v[2] = z;
     // }
-    double get_Nlf(void) { return nlf; }
-    void set_Nlf(double n) { nlf=n;  }
+    inline double get_Nlf(void) { return nlf; }
     // inline double * get_Omega_dot_body_v() { return omega_dot_body_v; }
     // inline double get_P_dot_body() const { return omega_dot_body_v[0]; }
@@ -503,41 +667,24 @@ public:
     inline double get_V_north() const { return v_local_v[0]; }
     inline double get_V_east() const { return v_local_v[1]; }
     inline double get_V_down() const { return v_local_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Velocities_Local( double north, double east, double down ) {
-	v_local_v[0] = north;
-	v_local_v[1] = east;
-	v_local_v[2] = down;
-    }
     // inline double * get_V_local_rel_ground_v() {
     //     return v_local_rel_ground_v;
     // }
-    inline double get_V_north_rel_ground() const {
-        return v_local_rel_ground_v[0];
-    }
-    inline double get_V_east_rel_ground() const {
-	return v_local_rel_ground_v[1];
-    }
-    inline double get_V_down_rel_ground() const {
-        return v_local_rel_ground_v[2];
-    }
-    inline void set_Velocities_Ground(double north, double east, double down) {
-	v_local_rel_ground_v[0] = north;
-	v_local_rel_ground_v[1] = east;
-	v_local_rel_ground_v[2] = down;
-    }
+    // inline double get_V_north_rel_ground() const {
+    //     return v_local_rel_ground_v[0];
+    // }
+    // inline double get_V_east_rel_ground() const {
+    //     return v_local_rel_ground_v[1];
+    // }
+    // inline double get_V_down_rel_ground() const {
+    //    return v_local_rel_ground_v[2];
+    // }
     // inline double * get_V_local_airmass_v() { return v_local_airmass_v; }
     inline double get_V_north_airmass() const { return v_local_airmass_v[0]; }
     inline double get_V_east_airmass() const { return v_local_airmass_v[1]; }
     inline double get_V_down_airmass() const { return v_local_airmass_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Velocities_Local_Airmass( double north, double east, 
-					      double down)
-    {
-	v_local_airmass_v[0] = north;
-	v_local_airmass_v[1] = east;
-	v_local_airmass_v[2] = down;
-    }
     // airmass
     // inline double * get_V_local_rel_airmass_v() {
@@ -575,11 +722,6 @@ public:
     inline double get_U_body() const { return v_wind_body_v[0]; }
     inline double get_V_body() const { return v_wind_body_v[1]; }
     inline double get_W_body() const { return v_wind_body_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w) {
-	v_wind_body_v[0] = u;
-	v_wind_body_v[1] = v;
-	v_wind_body_v[2] = w;
-    }
     // inline double get_V_rel_wind() const { return v_rel_wind; }
     // inline void set_V_rel_wind(double wind) { v_rel_wind = wind; }
@@ -594,29 +736,21 @@ public:
     // inline void set_V_inertial(double v) { v_inertial = v; }
     inline double get_V_ground_speed() const { return v_ground_speed; }
-    inline void set_V_ground_speed( double v) { v_ground_speed = v; }
     // inline double get_V_equiv() const { return v_equiv; }
     // inline void set_V_equiv( double v ) { v_equiv = v; }
     inline double get_V_equiv_kts() const { return v_equiv_kts; }
-    inline void set_V_equiv_kts( double kts ) { v_equiv_kts = kts; }
     //inline double get_V_calibrated() const { return v_calibrated; }
     //inline void set_V_calibrated( double v ) { v_calibrated = v; }
     inline double get_V_calibrated_kts() const { return v_calibrated_kts; }
-    inline void set_V_calibrated_kts( double kts ) { v_calibrated_kts = kts; }
     // inline double * get_Omega_body_v() { return omega_body_v; }
     inline double get_P_body() const { return omega_body_v[0]; }
     inline double get_Q_body() const { return omega_body_v[1]; }
     inline double get_R_body() const { return omega_body_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Omega_Body( double p, double q, double r ) {
-	omega_body_v[0] = p;
-	omega_body_v[1] = q;
-	omega_body_v[2] = r;
-    }
     // inline double * get_Omega_local_v() { return omega_local_v; }
     // inline double get_P_local() const { return omega_local_v[0]; }
@@ -642,21 +776,11 @@ public:
     inline double get_Phi_dot() const { return euler_rates_v[0]; }
     inline double get_Theta_dot() const { return euler_rates_v[1]; }
     inline double get_Psi_dot() const { return euler_rates_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Euler_Rates( double phi, double theta, double psi ) {
-	euler_rates_v[0] = phi;
-	euler_rates_v[1] = theta;
-	euler_rates_v[2] = psi;
-    }
     // inline double * get_Geocentric_rates_v() { return geocentric_rates_v; }
     inline double get_Latitude_dot() const { return geocentric_rates_v[0]; }
     inline double get_Longitude_dot() const { return geocentric_rates_v[1]; }
     inline double get_Radius_dot() const { return geocentric_rates_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Geocentric_Rates( double lat, double lon, double rad ) {
-	geocentric_rates_v[0] = lat;
-	geocentric_rates_v[1] = lon;
-	geocentric_rates_v[2] = rad;
-    }
     // ========== Positions ==========
@@ -672,40 +796,17 @@ public:
     inline double get_Radius_to_vehicle() const {
 	return geocentric_position_v[2];
-    inline void set_Radius_to_vehicle(double radius) {
-	geocentric_position_v[2] = radius;
-    }
-    inline void set_Geocentric_Position( double lat, double lon, double rad ) {
-	geocentric_position_v[0] = lat;
-	geocentric_position_v[1] = lon;
-	geocentric_position_v[2] = rad;
-    }
     // inline double * get_Geodetic_position_v() { return geodetic_position_v; }
     inline double get_Latitude() const { return geodetic_position_v[0]; }
-    inline void set_Latitude(double lat) { geodetic_position_v[0] = lat; }
     inline double get_Longitude() const { return geodetic_position_v[1]; }
-    inline void set_Longitude(double lon) { geodetic_position_v[1] = lon; }
     inline double get_Altitude() const { return geodetic_position_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Altitude(double altitude) {
-	geodetic_position_v[2] = altitude;
-    }
-    inline void set_Geodetic_Position( double lat, double lon, double alt ) {
-	geodetic_position_v[0] = lat;
-	geodetic_position_v[1] = lon;
-	geodetic_position_v[2] = alt;
-    }
+    inline double get_Altitude_AGL(void) { return altitude_agl; }
     // inline double * get_Euler_angles_v() { return euler_angles_v; }
     inline double get_Phi() const { return euler_angles_v[0]; }
     inline double get_Theta() const { return euler_angles_v[1]; }
     inline double get_Psi() const { return euler_angles_v[2]; }
-    inline void set_Euler_Angles( double phi, double theta, double psi ) {
-	euler_angles_v[0] = phi;
-	euler_angles_v[1] = theta;
-	euler_angles_v[2] = psi;
-    }
     // ========== Miscellaneous quantities ==========
@@ -738,17 +839,6 @@ public:
     inline double get_T_local_to_body_33() const {
 	return t_local_to_body_m[2][2];
-    inline void set_T_Local_to_Body( int i, int j, double value) {
-	t_local_to_body_m[i-1][j-1] = value;
-    }
-    inline void set_T_Local_to_Body( double m[3][3] ) {
-	int i, j;
-	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
-	    for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
-		t_local_to_body_m[i][j] = m[i][j];
-	    }
-	}
-    }
     // inline double get_Gravity() const { return gravity; }
     // inline void set_Gravity(double g) { gravity = g; }
@@ -761,9 +851,7 @@ public:
     // }
     inline double get_Alpha() const { return alpha; }
-    inline void set_Alpha( double a ) { alpha = a; }
     inline double get_Beta() const { return beta; }
-    inline void set_Beta( double b ) { beta = b; }
     // inline double get_Alpha_dot() const { return alpha_dot; }
     // inline void set_Alpha_dot( double ad ) { alpha_dot = ad; }
     // inline double get_Beta_dot() const { return beta_dot; }
@@ -779,11 +867,9 @@ public:
     // inline void set_Sin_beta( double sb ) { sin_beta = sb; }
     inline double get_Cos_phi() const { return cos_phi; }
-    inline void set_Cos_phi( double cp ) { cos_phi = cp; }
     // inline double get_Sin_phi() const { return sin_phi; }
     // inline void set_Sin_phi( double sp ) { sin_phi = sp; }
     inline double get_Cos_theta() const { return cos_theta; }
-    inline void set_Cos_theta( double ct ) { cos_theta = ct; }
     // inline double get_Sin_theta() const { return sin_theta; }
     // inline void set_Sin_theta( double st ) { sin_theta = st; }
     // inline double get_Cos_psi() const { return cos_psi; }
@@ -792,21 +878,17 @@ public:
     // inline void set_Sin_psi( double sp ) { sin_psi = sp; }
     inline double get_Gamma_vert_rad() const { return gamma_vert_rad; }
-    inline void set_Gamma_vert_rad( double gv ) { gamma_vert_rad = gv; }
     // inline double get_Gamma_horiz_rad() const { return gamma_horiz_rad; }
     // inline void set_Gamma_horiz_rad( double gh ) { gamma_horiz_rad = gh; }
     // inline double get_Sigma() const { return sigma; }
     // inline void set_Sigma( double s ) { sigma = s; }
     inline double get_Density() const { return density; }
-    inline void set_Density( double d ) { density = d; }
     // inline double get_V_sound() const { return v_sound; }
     // inline void set_V_sound( double v ) { v_sound = v; }
     inline double get_Mach_number() const { return mach_number; }
-    inline void set_Mach_number( double m ) { mach_number = m; }
     inline double get_Static_pressure() const { return static_pressure; }
-    inline void set_Static_pressure( double sp ) { static_pressure = sp; }
     // inline double get_Total_pressure() const { return total_pressure; }
     // inline void set_Total_pressure( double tp ) { total_pressure = tp; }
     // inline double get_Impact_pressure() const { return impact_pressure; }
@@ -815,21 +897,15 @@ public:
     // inline void set_Dynamic_pressure( double dp ) { dynamic_pressure = dp; }
     inline double get_Static_temperature() const { return static_temperature; }
-    inline void set_Static_temperature( double t ) { static_temperature = t; }
     // inline double get_Total_temperature() const { return total_temperature; }
     // inline void set_Total_temperature( double t ) { total_temperature = t; }
     inline double get_Sea_level_radius() const { return sea_level_radius; }
-    inline void set_Sea_level_radius( double r ) { sea_level_radius = r; }
     inline double get_Earth_position_angle() const {
 	return earth_position_angle;
-    inline void set_Earth_position_angle(double a) {
-	earth_position_angle = a;
-    }
     inline double get_Runway_altitude() const { return runway_altitude; }
-    inline void set_Runway_altitude( double alt ) { runway_altitude = alt; }
     // inline double get_Runway_latitude() const { return runway_latitude; }
     // inline void set_Runway_latitude( double lat ) { runway_latitude = lat; }
     // inline double get_Runway_longitude() const { return runway_longitude; }
@@ -897,7 +973,6 @@ public:
     } */
     inline double get_Climb_Rate() const { return climb_rate; }
-    inline void set_Climb_Rate(double rate) { climb_rate = rate; }
     inline FGTimeStamp get_time_stamp() const { return valid_stamp; }
     inline void stamp_time() { valid_stamp = next_stamp; next_stamp.stamp(); }
@@ -906,12 +981,6 @@ public:
     void extrapolate( int time_offset );
     // sin/cos lat_geocentric
-    inline void set_sin_lat_geocentric(double parm) {
-	sin_lat_geocentric = sin(parm);
-    }
-    inline void set_cos_lat_geocentric(double parm) {
-	cos_lat_geocentric = cos(parm);
-    }
     inline double get_sin_lat_geocentric(void) const {
 	return sin_lat_geocentric;
@@ -919,10 +988,6 @@ public:
 	return cos_lat_geocentric;
-    inline void set_sin_cos_longitude(double parm) {
-	sin_longitude = sin(parm);
-	cos_longitude = cos(parm);
-    }
     inline double get_sin_longitude(void) const {
 	return sin_longitude;
@@ -930,10 +995,6 @@ public:
 	return cos_longitude;
-    inline void set_sin_cos_latitude(double parm) {
-	sin_latitude = sin(parm);
-	cos_latitude = cos(parm);
-    }
     inline double get_sin_latitude(void) const {
 	return sin_latitude;
diff --git a/src/Main/bfi.cxx b/src/Main/bfi.cxx
index 00e13c061..e4fb0fb5e 100644
--- a/src/Main/bfi.cxx
+++ b/src/Main/bfi.cxx
@@ -768,7 +768,6 @@ void
 FGBFI::setSpeedNorth (double speed)
   if (getSpeedNorth() != speed) {
-    globals->get_options()->set_uBody(speed);
@@ -794,7 +793,6 @@ void
 FGBFI::setSpeedEast (double speed)
   if (getSpeedEast() != speed) {
-    globals->get_options()->set_vBody(speed);
@@ -820,7 +818,6 @@ void
 FGBFI::setSpeedDown (double speed)
   if (getSpeedDown() != speed) {
-    globals->get_options()->set_wBody(speed);
diff --git a/src/Main/fg_init.cxx b/src/Main/fg_init.cxx
index 2d2fa302f..47d91e8ba 100644
--- a/src/Main/fg_init.cxx
+++ b/src/Main/fg_init.cxx
@@ -342,8 +342,8 @@ bool fgInitPosition( void ) {
 	    "starting altitude is = " << globals->get_options()->get_altitude() );
     f->set_Altitude( globals->get_options()->get_altitude() * METER_TO_FEET );
-    fgFDMSetGroundElevation( globals->get_options()->get_flight_model(),
-			     f->get_Altitude() * FEET_TO_METER );
+    // fgFDMSetGroundElevation( globals->get_options()->get_flight_model(),
+    //	                        f->get_Altitude() * FEET_TO_METER );
 #if 0
@@ -404,6 +404,36 @@ bool fgInitGeneral( void ) {
+// set initial aircraft speed
+bool fgVelocityInit( void ) {
+  switch(globals->get_options()->get_speedset()) {
+    case 1: //FG_VC
+      current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_V_calibrated_kts( 
+                                    globals->get_options()->get_vc() );
+      break;
+    case 2: //FG_MACH
+      current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_Mach_number(
+                                    globals->get_options()->get_mach() );
+      break;
+    case 3: //FG_VTUVW
+      current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_Velocities_Wind_Body(
+                                    globals->get_options()->get_uBody(),
+                                    globals->get_options()->get_vBody(),
+                                    globals->get_options()->get_wBody() );
+      break;
+    case 4: //FG_VTNED
+      current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_Velocities_Local(
+                                    globals->get_options()->get_vNorth(),
+                                    globals->get_options()->get_vEast(),
+                                    globals->get_options()->get_vDown() );
+      break;
+    default:
+      current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_V_calibrated_kts( 0.0 );
+    }
+    return true;  
 // This is the top level init routine which calls all the other
 // initialization routines.  If you are adding a subsystem to flight
 // gear, its initialization call should located in this routine.
@@ -469,6 +499,9 @@ bool fgInitSubsystems( void ) {
     // model or control parameters are set
     fgAircraftInit();   // In the future this might not be the case.
+    fgFDMSetGroundElevation( globals->get_options()->get_flight_model(),
+			     scenery.cur_elev );
     // set the initial position
@@ -495,9 +528,6 @@ bool fgInitSubsystems( void ) {
 	    "Altitude after update " << scenery.cur_elev );
-    fgFDMSetGroundElevation( globals->get_options()->get_flight_model(),
-			     scenery.cur_elev );
     // Reset our altitude if we are below ground
     FG_LOG( FG_GENERAL, FG_DEBUG, "Current altitude = " << cur_fdm_state->get_Altitude() );
     FG_LOG( FG_GENERAL, FG_DEBUG, "Current runway altitude = " <<
@@ -522,24 +552,27 @@ bool fgInitSubsystems( void ) {
     // Set the FG variables first
     sgGeodToGeoc( cur_fdm_state->get_Latitude(), cur_fdm_state->get_Altitude(),
 		  &sea_level_radius_meters, &lat_geoc);
-    cur_fdm_state->set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, cur_fdm_state->get_Longitude(),
+    /* cur_fdm_state->set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, cur_fdm_state->get_Longitude(),
 				cur_fdm_state->get_Altitude() +
 				(sea_level_radius_meters * METER_TO_FEET) );
+     */
     cur_fdm_state->set_Sea_level_radius( sea_level_radius_meters * METER_TO_FEET );
-    cur_fdm_state->set_sin_cos_longitude(cur_fdm_state->get_Longitude());
+    /* cur_fdm_state->set_sin_cos_longitude(cur_fdm_state->get_Longitude());
-    cur_fdm_state->set_cos_lat_geocentric(cos(lat_geoc));
+    cur_fdm_state->set_cos_lat_geocentric(cos(lat_geoc)); */
     // The following section sets up the flight model EOM parameters
     // and should really be read in from one or more files.
     // Initial Velocity
-    cur_fdm_state->set_Velocities_Local( globals->get_options()->get_uBody(),
-                             globals->get_options()->get_vBody(),
-                             globals->get_options()->get_wBody());
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_Velocities_Local( globals->get_options()->get_uBody(),
+    //                         globals->get_options()->get_vBody(),
+    //                         globals->get_options()->get_wBody());
+    fgVelocityInit();
     // Initial Orientation
     cur_fdm_state->set_Euler_Angles( globals->get_options()->get_roll() * DEG_TO_RAD,
@@ -547,16 +580,16 @@ bool fgInitSubsystems( void ) {
 			 globals->get_options()->get_heading() * DEG_TO_RAD );
     // Initial Angular Body rates
-    cur_fdm_state->set_Omega_Body( 7.206685E-05, 0.0, 9.492658E-05 );
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_Omega_Body( 7.206685E-05, 0.0, 9.492658E-05 );
-    cur_fdm_state->set_Earth_position_angle( 0.0 );
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_Earth_position_angle( 0.0 );
     // Mass properties and geometry values
-    cur_fdm_state->set_Inertias( 8.547270E+01,
-		     1.048000E+03, 3.000000E+03, 3.530000E+03, 0.000000E+00 );
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_Inertias( 8.547270E+01,
+	  //    1.048000E+03, 3.000000E+03, 3.530000E+03, 0.000000E+00 );
     // CG position w.r.t. ref. point
-    cur_fdm_state->set_CG_Position( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_CG_Position( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
     // Initialize the event manager
@@ -805,24 +838,26 @@ void fgReInitSubsystems( void )
     // Set the FG variables first
     sgGeodToGeoc( cur_fdm_state->get_Latitude(), cur_fdm_state->get_Altitude(), 
 		  &sea_level_radius_meters, &lat_geoc);
-    cur_fdm_state->set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, cur_fdm_state->get_Longitude(), 
+   /*  cur_fdm_state->set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, cur_fdm_state->get_Longitude(), 
 				cur_fdm_state->get_Altitude() + 
 				(sea_level_radius_meters * METER_TO_FEET) );
+     */
     cur_fdm_state->set_Sea_level_radius( sea_level_radius_meters * METER_TO_FEET );
-    cur_fdm_state->set_sin_cos_longitude(cur_fdm_state->get_Longitude());
-    cur_fdm_state->set_sin_cos_latitude(cur_fdm_state->get_Latitude());
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_sin_cos_longitude(cur_fdm_state->get_Longitude());
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_sin_cos_latitude(cur_fdm_state->get_Latitude());
-    cur_fdm_state->set_sin_lat_geocentric(sin(lat_geoc));
-    cur_fdm_state->set_cos_lat_geocentric(cos(lat_geoc));
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_sin_lat_geocentric(sin(lat_geoc));
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_cos_lat_geocentric(cos(lat_geoc));
     // The following section sets up the flight model EOM parameters
     // and should really be read in from one or more files.
     // Initial Velocity
-    cur_fdm_state->set_Velocities_Local( globals->get_options()->get_uBody(),
-                             globals->get_options()->get_vBody(),
-                             globals->get_options()->get_wBody());
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_Velocities_Local( globals->get_options()->get_uBody(),
+    //                         globals->get_options()->get_vBody(),
+    //                         globals->get_options()->get_wBody());
+    fgVelocityInit();
     // Initial Orientation
     cur_fdm_state->set_Euler_Angles( globals->get_options()->get_roll() * DEG_TO_RAD,
@@ -830,16 +865,16 @@ void fgReInitSubsystems( void )
 			 globals->get_options()->get_heading() * DEG_TO_RAD );
     // Initial Angular Body rates
-    cur_fdm_state->set_Omega_Body( 7.206685E-05, 0.0, 9.492658E-05 );
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_Omega_Body( 7.206685E-05, 0.0, 9.492658E-05 );
-    cur_fdm_state->set_Earth_position_angle( 0.0 );
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_Earth_position_angle( 0.0 );
     // Mass properties and geometry values
-    cur_fdm_state->set_Inertias( 8.547270E+01, 
-		     1.048000E+03, 3.000000E+03, 3.530000E+03, 0.000000E+00 );
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_Inertias( 8.547270E+01, 
+		//    1.048000E+03, 3.000000E+03, 3.530000E+03, 0.000000E+00 );
     // CG position w.r.t. ref. point
-    cur_fdm_state->set_CG_Position( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+    //cur_fdm_state->set_CG_Position( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
     // Initialize view parameters
     globals->get_current_view()->set_view_offset( 0.0 );
diff --git a/src/Main/main.cxx b/src/Main/main.cxx
index 3dbf405dc..d9ec19b72 100644
--- a/src/Main/main.cxx
+++ b/src/Main/main.cxx
@@ -829,8 +829,8 @@ static void fgMainLoop( void ) {
 		    << cur_fdm_state->get_Altitude() * FEET_TO_METER
 		    << " meters" );
-	fgFDMSetGroundElevation( globals->get_options()->get_flight_model(),
-				 scenery.cur_elev );  // meters
+	//fgFDMSetGroundElevation( globals->get_options()->get_flight_model(),
+	//			 scenery.cur_elev );  // meters
     /* printf("Adjustment - ground = %.2f  runway = %.2f  alt = %.2f\n",
diff --git a/src/Main/options.cxx b/src/Main/options.cxx
index 89acfb168..2f1f01691 100644
--- a/src/Main/options.cxx
+++ b/src/Main/options.cxx
@@ -150,7 +150,10 @@ FGOptions::FGOptions() :
     pitch(0.424),        // pitch angle in degrees (Theta)
     // Initialize current options velocities to 0.0
-    uBody(0.0), vBody(0.0), wBody(0.0), vkcas(0.0), mach(0.0),
+    speedset(FG_VC),
+    uBody(0.0), vBody(0.0), wBody(0.0), 
+    vNorth(0.0),vEast(0.0), vDown(0.0),
+    vkcas(0.0), mach(0.0),
     // Miscellaneous
@@ -696,35 +699,58 @@ int FGOptions::parse_option( const string& arg ) {
 	current_properties.setDoubleValue("/position/altitude", altitude);
     } else if ( arg.find( "--uBody=" ) != string::npos ) {
-	vkcas=mach=-1;
+	speedset = FG_VTUVW;
 	if ( units == FG_UNITS_FEET ) {
 	    uBody = atof( arg.substr(8) );
 	} else {
 	    uBody = atof( arg.substr(8) ) * FEET_TO_METER;
-	current_properties.setDoubleValue("/velocities/speed-north", uBody);
+	//current_properties.setDoubleValue("/velocities/speed-north", uBody);
     } else if ( arg.find( "--vBody=" ) != string::npos ) {
-	vkcas=mach=-1;
+	speedset = FG_VTUVW;
 	if ( units == FG_UNITS_FEET ) {
 	    vBody = atof( arg.substr(8) );
 	} else {
 	    vBody = atof( arg.substr(8) ) * FEET_TO_METER;
-	current_properties.setDoubleValue("/velocities/speed-east", vBody);
+	//current_properties.setDoubleValue("/velocities/speed-east", vBody);
     } else if ( arg.find( "--wBody=" ) != string::npos ) {
-	vkcas=mach=-1;
+	speedset = FG_VTUVW;
 	if ( units == FG_UNITS_FEET ) {
 	    wBody = atof( arg.substr(8) );
 	} else {
 	    wBody = atof( arg.substr(8) ) * FEET_TO_METER;
-	current_properties.setDoubleValue("/velocities/speed-down", wBody);
+    } else if ( arg.find( "--vNorth=" ) != string::npos ) {
+	speedset = FG_VTNED;
+	if ( units == FG_UNITS_FEET ) {
+	    vNorth = atof( arg.substr(9) );
+	} else {
+	    vNorth = atof( arg.substr(9) ) * FEET_TO_METER;
+	}
+	current_properties.setDoubleValue("/velocities/speed-north", vNorth);
+    } else if ( arg.find( "--vEast=" ) != string::npos ) {
+	speedset = FG_VTNED;
+	if ( units == FG_UNITS_FEET ) {
+	    vEast = atof( arg.substr(8) );
+	} else {
+	    vEast = atof( arg.substr(8) ) * FEET_TO_METER;
+	}
+	current_properties.setDoubleValue("/velocities/speed-east", vEast);
+    } else if ( arg.find( "--vDown=" ) != string::npos ) {
+	speedset = FG_VTNED;
+	if ( units == FG_UNITS_FEET ) {
+	    vDown = atof( arg.substr(8) );
+	} else {
+	    vDown = atof( arg.substr(8) ) * FEET_TO_METER;
+	}
+	current_properties.setDoubleValue("/velocities/speed-down", vDown);
     } else if ( arg.find( "--vc=" ) != string::npos) {
-	mach=-1;
+	speedset = FG_VC;
 	vkcas=atof( arg.substr(5) );
 	cout << "Got vc: " << vkcas << endl;
     } else if ( arg.find( "--mach=" ) != string::npos) {
-	vkcas=-1;
+	speedset = FG_MACH;
 	mach=atof( arg.substr(7) );
     } else if ( arg.find( "--heading=" ) != string::npos ) {
 	heading = atof( arg.substr(10) );
@@ -926,7 +952,6 @@ int FGOptions::parse_option( const string& arg ) {
 // just that.
 int FGOptions::scan_command_line_for_root( int argc, char **argv ) {
     int i = 1;
-    int result;
     FG_LOG(FG_GENERAL, FG_INFO, "Processing command line arguments");
diff --git a/src/Main/options.hxx b/src/Main/options.hxx
index 9f9833c5a..7418211d3 100644
--- a/src/Main/options.hxx
+++ b/src/Main/options.hxx
@@ -122,6 +122,13 @@ public:
+    enum fgSpeedSet {
+	FG_VC    = 1,
+	FG_MACH  = 2,
+	FG_VTUVW  = 3,
+	FG_VTNED = 4
+    };
@@ -139,9 +146,13 @@ private:
     double heading;     // heading (yaw) angle in degress (Psi)
     double roll;        // roll angle in degrees (Phi)
     double pitch;       // pitch angle in degrees (Theta)
+    fgSpeedSet speedset; // which speed does the user want
     double uBody;       // Body axis X velocity (U)
     double vBody;       // Body axis Y velocity (V)
     double wBody;       // Body axis Z velocity (W)
+    double vNorth;      // North component of vt
+    double vEast;       // East component of vt
+    double vDown;       // Down component of vt
     double vkcas;       // Calibrated airspeed, knots
     double mach;        // Mach number
@@ -245,9 +256,13 @@ public:
     inline double get_heading() const { return heading; }
     inline double get_roll() const { return roll; }
     inline double get_pitch() const { return pitch; }
+    inline fgSpeedSet get_speedset() const { return speedset; }
     inline double get_uBody() const {return uBody;}
     inline double get_vBody() const {return vBody;}
     inline double get_wBody() const {return wBody;}
+    inline double get_vNorth() const {return vNorth;}
+    inline double get_vEast() const {return vEast;}
+    inline double get_vDown() const {return vDown;}
     inline double get_vc() const {return vkcas;}
     inline double get_mach() const {return mach;}
diff --git a/src/Network/garmin.cxx b/src/Network/garmin.cxx
index ca00dd414..8c4a3d3da 100644
--- a/src/Network/garmin.cxx
+++ b/src/Network/garmin.cxx
@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ bool FGGarmin::parse_message() {
 	    cur_fdm_state->set_Longitude( lon * DEG_TO_RAD );
 	    FG_LOG( FG_IO, FG_INFO, "  lon = " << lon );
+#if 0
 	    double sl_radius, lat_geoc;
 	    sgGeodToGeoc( cur_fdm_state->get_Latitude(), 
@@ -275,6 +276,7 @@ bool FGGarmin::parse_message() {
 	    cur_fdm_state->set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, 
 	     	           sl_radius + cur_fdm_state->get_Altitude() );
 	    // speed
 	    end = msg.find(",", begin);
@@ -285,8 +287,8 @@ bool FGGarmin::parse_message() {
 	    string speed_str = msg.substr(begin, end - begin);
 	    begin = end + 1;
 	    speed = atof( speed_str.c_str() );
-	    cur_fdm_state->set_V_equiv_kts( speed );
-	    cur_fdm_state->set_V_ground_speed( speed );
+	    cur_fdm_state->set_V_calibrated_kts( speed );
+	    // cur_fdm_state->set_V_ground_speed( speed );
 	    FG_LOG( FG_IO, FG_INFO, "  speed = " << speed );
 	    // heading
diff --git a/src/Network/nmea.cxx b/src/Network/nmea.cxx
index 6467c2854..486dc1551 100644
--- a/src/Network/nmea.cxx
+++ b/src/Network/nmea.cxx
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ bool FGNMEA::parse_message() {
 	    cur_fdm_state->set_Longitude( lon * DEG_TO_RAD );
 	    FG_LOG( FG_IO, FG_INFO, "  lon = " << lon );
+#if 0
 	    double sl_radius, lat_geoc;
 	    sgGeodToGeoc( cur_fdm_state->get_Latitude(), 
@@ -280,6 +281,7 @@ bool FGNMEA::parse_message() {
 	    cur_fdm_state->set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, 
 	     	           sl_radius + cur_fdm_state->get_Altitude() );
 	    // speed
 	    end = msg.find(",", begin);
@@ -290,8 +292,8 @@ bool FGNMEA::parse_message() {
 	    string speed_str = msg.substr(begin, end - begin);
 	    begin = end + 1;
 	    speed = atof( speed_str.c_str() );
-	    cur_fdm_state->set_V_equiv_kts( speed );
-	    cur_fdm_state->set_V_ground_speed( speed );
+	    cur_fdm_state->set_V_calibrated_kts( speed );
+	    // cur_fdm_state->set_V_ground_speed( speed );
 	    FG_LOG( FG_IO, FG_INFO, "  speed = " << speed );
 	    // heading
diff --git a/src/WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.cpp b/src/WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.cpp
index cc4a2a15a..dc9f55212 100644
--- a/src/WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.cpp
+++ b/src/WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.cpp
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ void fgUpdateWeatherDatabase(void)
     // get the data on 'the bus' for the FDM
-    FGPhysicalProperty porperty = WeatherDatabase->get(position);
+   /*  FGPhysicalProperty porperty = WeatherDatabase->get(position);
     current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_Static_temperature( Kelvin2Rankine(porperty.Temperature) );
     current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_Static_pressure( Pascal2psf(porperty.AirPressure) );
@@ -275,7 +275,8 @@ void fgUpdateWeatherDatabase(void)
 #define MSTOFPS  3.2808 //m/s to ft/s
-        porperty.Wind[2]*MSTOFPS);
+        porperty.Wind[2]*MSTOFPS); */