Fork 0

Route-manager distance helpers for Hyde and others working on VNAV support.

This commit is contained in:
James Turner 2012-04-09 14:06:44 +01:00
parent 2408be0abb
commit 76efc104c0
2 changed files with 42 additions and 11 deletions

View file

@ -341,6 +341,8 @@ void FGRouteMgr::init() {
totalDistance = fgGetNode(RM "total-distance", true);
distanceToGo = fgGetNode(RM "distance-remaining-nm", true);
ete = fgGetNode(RM "ete", true);
@ -456,34 +458,44 @@ void FGRouteMgr::update( double dt )
double distanceM;
boost::tie(courseDeg, distanceM) = curWpt->courseAndDistanceFrom(currentPos);
// update wp0 / wp1 / wp-last for legacy users
// update wp0 / wp1 / wp-last
wp0->setDoubleValue("dist", distanceM * SG_METER_TO_NM);
wp0->setDoubleValue("true-bearing-deg", courseDeg);
courseDeg -= magvar->getDoubleValue(); // expose magnetic bearing
wp0->setDoubleValue("bearing-deg", courseDeg);
setETAPropertyFromDistance(wp0->getChild("eta"), distanceM);
double totalPathDistance = totalDistance->getDoubleValue() * SG_NM_TO_METER;
double totalDistanceRemaining = distanceM; // distance to current waypoint
double pathDistance = cachedWaypointPathTotalDistance(_currentIndex);
// total distance to go, is direct distance to wp0, plus the remaining
// path distance from wp0
totalDistanceRemaining += (totalPathDistance - pathDistance);
pathDistance * SG_METER_TO_NM);
(totalPathDistance - pathDistance) * SG_METER_TO_NM);
Waypt* nextWpt = nextWaypt();
if (nextWpt) {
boost::tie(courseDeg, distanceM) = nextWpt->courseAndDistanceFrom(currentPos);
wp1->setDoubleValue("dist", distanceM * SG_METER_TO_NM);
wp1->setDoubleValue("true-bearing-deg", courseDeg);
courseDeg -= magvar->getDoubleValue(); // expose magnetic bearing
wp1->setDoubleValue("bearing-deg", courseDeg);
setETAPropertyFromDistance(wp1->getChild("eta"), distanceM);
double pathDistance = cachedWaypointPathTotalDistance(_currentIndex + 1);
pathDistance * SG_METER_TO_NM);
(totalPathDistance - pathDistance) * SG_METER_TO_NM);
Waypt* prev = curWpt;
for (unsigned int i=_currentIndex + 1; i<_route.size(); ++i) {
Waypt* w = _route[i];
if (w->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) continue;
totalDistanceRemaining += SGGeodesy::distanceM(prev->position(), w->position());
prev = w;
distanceToGo->setDoubleValue(totalDistanceRemaining * SG_METER_TO_NM);
wpn->setDoubleValue("dist", totalDistanceRemaining * SG_METER_TO_NM);
ete->setDoubleValue(totalDistanceRemaining * SG_METER_TO_NM / groundSpeed * 3600.0);
setETAPropertyFromDistance(wpn->getChild("eta"), totalDistanceRemaining);
@ -1065,6 +1077,18 @@ void FGRouteMgr::update_mirror()
double FGRouteMgr::cachedLegPathDistanceM(int index) const
SGPropertyNode *prop = mirror->getChild("wp", index, 1);
return prop->getDoubleValue("leg-distance-nm") * SG_NM_TO_METER;
double FGRouteMgr::cachedWaypointPathTotalDistance(int index) const
SGPropertyNode *prop = mirror->getChild("wp", index, 1);
return prop->getDoubleValue("distance-along-route-nm") * SG_NM_TO_METER;
// command interface /autopilot/route-manager/input:
// @CLEAR ... clear route

View file

@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ private:
SGPropertyNode_ptr cruise; ///< cruise information
SGPropertyNode_ptr totalDistance;
SGPropertyNode_ptr distanceToGo;
SGPropertyNode_ptr ete;
SGPropertyNode_ptr elapsedFlightTime;
@ -195,6 +196,12 @@ private:
void setETAPropertyFromDistance(SGPropertyNode_ptr aProp, double aDistance);
* retrieve the cached path distance along a leg
double cachedLegPathDistanceM(int index) const;
double cachedWaypointPathTotalDistance(int index) const;
class InputListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener {
InputListener(FGRouteMgr *m) : mgr(m) {}