Fork 0

Fix route-path bugs:

- accurate fly-over / fly-by computations
 - parse additional LevelD XML elements
 - path vector contains curves for turns

Remove dead code.
This commit is contained in:
James Turner 2014-12-17 08:57:28 +00:00
parent df61dfe1b3
commit 7317aff22d
9 changed files with 644 additions and 297 deletions

View file

@ -481,8 +481,8 @@ void WaypointList::drawRow(int dx, int dy, int rowIndex, int y,
buffer[0] = 0;
} else if (rowIndex > 0) {
double courseDeg = path.computeTrackForIndex(rowIndex);
double distanceM = path.computeDistanceForIndex(rowIndex);
double courseDeg = path.trackForIndex(rowIndex);
double distanceM = path.distanceForIndex(rowIndex);
::snprintf(buffer, 128 - count, "%03.0f %5.1fnm",
courseDeg, distanceM * SG_METER_TO_NM);
@ -491,11 +491,18 @@ void WaypointList::drawRow(int dx, int dy, int rowIndex, int y,
x += 100 + PUSTR_LGAP;
if (wp->altitudeRestriction() != RESTRICT_NONE) {
char aboveAtBelow = ' ';
if (wp->altitudeRestriction() == RESTRICT_ABOVE) {
aboveAtBelow = 'A';
} else if (wp->altitudeRestriction() == RESTRICT_BELOW) {
aboveAtBelow = 'B';
int altHundredFt = (wp->altitudeFt() + 50) / 100; // round to nearest 100ft
if (altHundredFt < 100) {
count = ::snprintf(buffer, 128, "%d'", altHundredFt * 100);
count = ::snprintf(buffer, 128, "%d'%c", altHundredFt * 100, aboveAtBelow);
} else { // display as a flight-level
count = ::snprintf(buffer, 128, "FL%d", altHundredFt);
count = ::snprintf(buffer, 128, "FL%d%c", altHundredFt, aboveAtBelow);
f->drawString(buffer, x, yy);

View file

@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ void GPS::computeTurnData()
_turnStartBearing = _desiredCourse;
// compute next leg course
RoutePath path(_route);
double crs = path.computeTrackForIndex(_route->currentIndex() + 1);
double crs = path.trackForIndex(_route->currentIndex() + 1);
// compute offset bearing
_turnAngle = crs - _turnStartBearing;
@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ void GPS::updateRouteData()
if (leg->waypoint()->flag(WPT_MISS))
totalDistance += leg->distanceAlongRoute();
totalDistance += leg->distanceNm();
_routeDistanceNm->setDoubleValue(totalDistance * SG_METER_TO_NM);

View file

@ -82,8 +82,9 @@ bool geocRadialIntersection(const SGGeoc& a, double r1, const SGGeoc& b, double
double ang1 = SGMiscd::normalizeAngle2(crs13-crs12);
double ang2 = SGMiscd::normalizeAngle2(crs21-crs23);
// normalise to -pi .. pi range
double ang1 = SGMiscd::normalizeAngle(crs13-crs12);
double ang2 = SGMiscd::normalizeAngle(crs21-crs23);
if ((sin(ang1) == 0.0) && (sin(ang2) == 0.0)) {
SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "geocRadialIntersection: infinity of intersections");
@ -91,7 +92,14 @@ bool geocRadialIntersection(const SGGeoc& a, double r1, const SGGeoc& b, double
if ((sin(ang1)*sin(ang2))<0.0) {
SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "geocRadialIntersection: intersection ambiguous");
SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "deg crs12:" << crs12 * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "deg crs21:" << crs21 * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "crs13 - crs12 in deg:" << (crs13 - crs12) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "crs21 - crs23 in deg:" << (crs21 - crs23) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "geocRadialIntersection: intersection ambiguous:"
<< ang1 << " " << ang2 << " sin1 " << sin(ang1) << " sin2 " << sin(ang2));
return false;

View file

@ -1190,10 +1190,9 @@ void FlightPlan::rebuildLegData()
double totalDistanceIncludingMissed = 0.0;
RoutePath path(this);
int lastLeg = static_cast<int>(_legs.size()) - 1;
for (int l=0; l<lastLeg; ++l) {
_legs[l]->_courseDeg = path.computeTrackForIndex(l);
_legs[l]->_pathDistance = path.computeDistanceForIndex(l) * SG_METER_TO_NM;
for (unsigned int l=0; l<_legs.size(); ++l) {
_legs[l]->_courseDeg = path.trackForIndex(l);
_legs[l]->_pathDistance = path.distanceForIndex(l) * SG_METER_TO_NM;
_legs[l]->_distanceAlongPath = totalDistanceIncludingMissed;
// omit misseed-approach waypoints from total distance calculation
@ -1204,14 +1203,6 @@ void FlightPlan::rebuildLegData()
totalDistanceIncludingMissed += _legs[l]->_pathDistance;
} // of legs iteration
// set some data on the final leg
if (lastLeg > 0) {
// keep the same course as the final leg, when passing the final
// waypoint
_legs[lastLeg]->_courseDeg = _legs[lastLeg - 1]->_courseDeg;
_legs[lastLeg]->_pathDistance = 0.0;
_legs[lastLeg]->_distanceAlongPath = totalDistanceIncludingMissed;
SGGeod FlightPlan::pointAlongRoute(int aIndex, double aOffsetNm) const

View file

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ void NavdataVisitor::startElement(const char* name, const XMLAttributes &atts)
_altRestrict = RESTRICT_NONE;
_altitude = 0.0;
_overflightWaypt = false; // default to Fly-by
_courseFlag = false; // default to heading
} else if (tag == "Approach") {
_ident = atts.getValue("Name");
@ -194,8 +195,10 @@ void NavdataVisitor::endElement(const char* name)
_holdRighthanded = (_text == "Right");
} else if (tag == "Hld_td_value") {
_holdTD = atof(_text.c_str());
} else if (tag == "Hdg_Crs") {
_courseFlag = atoi(_text.c_str());
} else if (tag == "Hdg_Crs_value") {
_course = atof(_text.c_str());
_courseOrHeading = atof(_text.c_str());
} else if (tag == "DMEtoIntercept") {
_dmeDistance = atof(_text.c_str());
} else if (tag == "RadialtoIntercept") {
@ -203,6 +206,11 @@ void NavdataVisitor::endElement(const char* name)
} else if (tag == "Flytype") {
// values are 'Fly-by' and 'Fly-over'
_overflightWaypt = (_text == "Fly-over");
} else if ((tag == "AltitudeCons") ||
(tag == "BankLimit") ||
(tag == "Sp_Turn"))
// ignored but don't warn
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_INFO, "unrecognized Level-D XML element:" << tag);
@ -242,16 +250,16 @@ Waypt* NavdataVisitor::buildWaypoint(RouteBase* owner)
wp = new ATCVectors(owner, _airport);
} else if ((_wayptType == "Intc") || (_wayptType == "VorRadialIntc")) {
SGGeod pos(SGGeod::fromDeg(_longitude, _latitude));
wp = new RadialIntercept(owner, _wayptName, pos, _course, _radial);
wp = new RadialIntercept(owner, _wayptName, pos, _courseOrHeading, _radial);
} else if (_wayptType == "DmeIntc") {
SGGeod pos(SGGeod::fromDeg(_longitude, _latitude));
wp = new DMEIntercept(owner, _wayptName, pos, _course, _dmeDistance);
wp = new DMEIntercept(owner, _wayptName, pos, _courseOrHeading, _dmeDistance);
} else if (_wayptType == "ConstHdgtoAlt") {
wp = new HeadingToAltitude(owner, _wayptName, _course);
wp = new HeadingToAltitude(owner, _wayptName, _courseOrHeading);
} else if (_wayptType == "PBD") {
SGGeod pos(SGGeod::fromDeg(_longitude, _latitude)), pos2;
double az2;
SGGeodesy::direct(pos, _course, _dmeDistance, pos2, az2);
SGGeodesy::direct(pos, _courseOrHeading, _dmeDistance, pos2, az2);
wp = new BasicWaypt(pos2, _wayptName, owner);
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_ALERT, "implement waypoint type:" << _wayptType);

View file

@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ private:
bool _holdRighthanded;
bool _holdDistance; // true, TD is distance in nm; false, TD is time in seconds
double _course, _radial, _dmeDistance;
double _courseOrHeading, _radial, _dmeDistance;
bool _courseFlag;

View file

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ static double sqr(const double x)
return x * x;
// http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#POINTDME
double pointsKnownDistanceFromGC(const SGGeoc& a, const SGGeoc&b, const SGGeoc& d, double dist)
double A = SGGeodesy::courseRad(a, d) - SGGeodesy::courseRad(a, b);
@ -71,26 +72,559 @@ lat=atan((sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*sin(lon-lon2)
return lat;
RoutePath::RoutePath(const flightgear::WayptVec& wpts) :
static double magVarFor(const SGGeod& geod)
double jd = globals->get_time_params()->getJD();
return sgGetMagVar(geod, jd) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
class WayptData
explicit WayptData(WayptRef w) :
void initPass0()
const std::string& ty(wpt->type());
if (wpt->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) {
if ((ty == "hdgToAlt") || (ty == "radialIntercept") || (ty == "dmeIntercept")) {
legCourse = wpt->headingRadialDeg();
legCourseValid = true;
// presumtpion is that we always overfly such a waypoint
if (ty == "hdgToAlt") {
flyOver = true;
} else {
pos = wpt->position();
posValid = true;
if ((ty == "runway") || (ty == "hold")) {
legCourse = wpt->headingRadialDeg();
legCourseValid = true;
if (ty == "runway") {
FGRunway* rwy = static_cast<RunwayWaypt*>(wpt.get())->runway();
turnExitPos = rwy->end();
} // of static waypt
// compute leg courses for all static legs (both ends are fixed)
void initPass1(const WayptData& previous, WayptData* next)
if (wpt->type() == "vectors") {
// relying on the fact vectors will be followed by a static fix/wpt
if (next && next->posValid) {
posValid = true;
pos = next->pos;
if (posValid && !legCourseValid && previous.posValid) {
// we can compute leg course now
legCourse = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(previous.pos, pos);
legCourseValid = true;
void computeTurn(double radiusM, const WayptData& previous, const WayptData& next)
assert(legCourseValid && next.legCourseValid);
turnAngle = next.legCourse - legCourse;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(turnAngle, -180.0, 180.0);
turnRadius = radiusM;
double p = copysign(90.0, turnAngle);
if (flyOver) {
turnEntryPos = pos;
turnCenter = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourse + p, turnRadius);
// use the leg course
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, next.legCourse - p, turnRadius);
if (!next.wpt->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) {
// distance perpendicular to next leg course, after turning
// through turnAngle
double xtk = turnRadius * (1 - cos(turnAngle * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS));
// compensation angle to turn back on course
double theta = acos((turnRadius - (xtk * 0.5)) / turnRadius) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
theta = copysign(theta, turnAngle);
turnAngle += theta;
// move by the distance to compensate
double d = turnRadius * 2.0 * sin(theta * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(turnExitPos, next.legCourse, d);
overflightCompensationAngle = -theta;
} else {
hasEntry = true;
double halfAngle = turnAngle * 0.5;
double turnCenterOffset = turnRadius / cos(halfAngle * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
turnCenter = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourse + halfAngle + p, turnCenterOffset);
double entryExitDistanceAlongPath = turnRadius * tan(fabs(halfAngle) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
turnEntryPos = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, legCourse, -entryExitDistanceAlongPath);
turnExitPos = SGGeodesy::direct(pos, next.legCourse, entryExitDistanceAlongPath);
double turnDistanceM() const
return (fabs(turnAngle * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) / SG_PI * 2.0) * turnRadius;
void turnEntryPath(SGGeodVec& path) const
if (fabs(turnAngle) < 0.5 ) {
double halfAngle = turnAngle * 0.5;
int steps = std::max(SGMiscd::roundToInt(fabs(halfAngle) / 3.0), 1);
double stepIncrement = halfAngle / steps;
double h = legCourse;
SGGeod p = turnEntryPos;
double stepDist = (fabs(stepIncrement) / 360.0) * SGMiscd::twopi() * turnRadius;
for (int s=0; s<steps; ++s) {
p = SGGeodesy::direct(p, h, stepDist);
h += stepIncrement;
void turnExitPath(SGGeodVec& path) const
if (fabs(turnAngle) < 0.5) {
double t = flyOver ? turnAngle : turnAngle * 0.5;
int steps = std::max(SGMiscd::roundToInt(fabs(t) / 3.0), 1);
double stepIncrement = t / steps;
// initial exit heading
double h = legCourse + (flyOver ? 0.0 : (turnAngle * 0.5));
double turnDirOffset = copysign(90.0, turnAngle);
// compute the first point on the exit path. Depends on fly-over vs fly-by
SGGeod p = flyOver ? pos : SGGeodesy::direct(turnCenter, h + turnDirOffset, -turnRadius);
double stepDist = (fabs(stepIncrement) / 360.0) * SGMiscd::twopi() * turnRadius;
for (int s=0; s<steps; ++s) {
p = SGGeodesy::direct(p, h, stepDist);
h += stepIncrement;
if (flyOver) {
// skew by compensation angle back
steps = std::max(SGMiscd::roundToInt(fabs(overflightCompensationAngle) / 3.0), 1);
// step in opposite direction to the turn angle to swing back onto
// the next leg course
stepIncrement = overflightCompensationAngle / steps;
for (int s=0; s<steps; ++s) {
p = SGGeodesy::direct(p, h, stepDist);
h += stepIncrement;
WayptRef wpt;
bool hasEntry, posValid, legCourseValid;
SGGeod pos, turnEntryPos, turnExitPos, turnCenter;
double turnAngle, turnRadius, legCourse;
double pathDistanceM;
double overflightCompensationAngle;
bool flyOver;
typedef std::vector<WayptData> WayptDataVec;
class PerformanceBracket
PerformanceBracket(double atOrBelow, double climb, double descent, double speed, bool isMach = false) :
{ }
double atOrBelowAltitudeFt;
double climbRateFPM;
double descentRateFPM;
double speedIASOrMach;
bool speedIsMach;
typedef std::vector<PerformanceBracket> PerformanceBracketVec;
bool isDescentWaypoint(const WayptRef& wpt)
return (wpt->flag(WPT_APPROACH) && !wpt->flag(WPT_MISS)) || wpt->flag(WPT_ARRIVAL);
class RoutePath::RoutePathPrivate
WayptDataVec waypoints;
PerformanceBracketVec perf;
findPerformanceBracket(double altFt) const
PerformanceBracketVec::const_iterator r;
PerformanceBracketVec::const_iterator result = perf.begin();
for (r = perf.begin(); r != perf.end(); ++r) {
if (r->atOrBelowAltitudeFt > altFt) {
result = r;
} // of brackets iteration
return result;
void computeDynamicPosition(int index)
const WayptData& previous(waypoints[index-1]);
WayptRef wpt = waypoints[index].wpt;
const std::string& ty(wpt->type());
if (ty == "hdgToAlt") {
HeadingToAltitude* h = (HeadingToAltitude*) wpt.get();
double altFt = computeVNAVAltitudeFt(index - 1);
double altChange = h->altitudeFt() - altFt;
PerformanceBracketVec::const_iterator it = findPerformanceBracket(altFt);
double speedMSec = groundSpeedForAltitude(altFt) * SG_KT_TO_MPS;
double timeToChangeSec;
if (isDescentWaypoint(wpt)) {
timeToChangeSec = (altChange / it->descentRateFPM) * 60.0;
} else {
timeToChangeSec = (altChange / it->climbRateFPM) * 60.0;
double distanceM = timeToChangeSec * speedMSec;
double hdg = h->headingDegMagnetic() + magVarFor(previous.pos);
waypoints[index].pos = SGGeodesy::direct(previous.turnExitPos, hdg, distanceM);
waypoints[index].posValid = true;
} else if (ty == "radialIntercept") {
// start from previous.turnExit
RadialIntercept* i = (RadialIntercept*) wpt.get();
SGGeoc prevGc = SGGeoc::fromGeod(previous.turnExitPos);
SGGeoc navid = SGGeoc::fromGeod(wpt->position());
SGGeoc rGc;
double magVar = magVarFor(previous.pos);
double radial = i->radialDegMagnetic() + magVar;
double track = i->courseDegMagnetic() + magVar;
bool ok = geocRadialIntersection(prevGc, track, navid, radial, rGc);
if (!ok) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "couldn't compute interception for radial:"
<< previous.turnExitPos << " / " << track << "/" << wpt->position()
<< "/" << radial);
waypoints[index].pos = wpt->position(); // horrible fallback
} else {
waypoints[index].pos = SGGeod::fromGeoc(rGc);
waypoints[index].posValid = true;
} else if (ty == "dmeIntercept") {
DMEIntercept* di = (DMEIntercept*) wpt.get();
SGGeoc prevGc = SGGeoc::fromGeod(previous.turnExitPos);
SGGeoc navid = SGGeoc::fromGeod(wpt->position());
double distRad = di->dmeDistanceNm() * SG_NM_TO_RAD;
SGGeoc rGc;
SGGeoc bPt;
double crs = di->courseDegMagnetic() + magVarFor(wpt->position());
SGGeodesy::advanceRadM(prevGc, crs, 100 * SG_NM_TO_RAD, bPt);
double dNm = pointsKnownDistanceFromGC(prevGc, bPt, navid, distRad);
if (dNm < 0.0) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "dmeIntercept failed");
waypoints[index].pos = wpt->position(); // horrible fallback
} else {
waypoints[index].pos = SGGeodesy::direct(previous.turnExitPos, crs, dNm * SG_NM_TO_METER);
waypoints[index].posValid = true;
} else if (ty == "vectors") {
waypoints[index].legCourse = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(previous.turnExitPos, waypoints[index].pos);
waypoints[index].legCourseValid = true;
// no turn data
double computeVNAVAltitudeFt(int index)
WayptRef w = waypoints[index].wpt;
if ((w->flag(WPT_APPROACH) && !w->flag(WPT_MISS)) || w->flag(WPT_ARRIVAL)) {
// descent
int next = findNextKnownAltitude(index);
if (next < 0) {
return 0.0;
double fixedAlt = altitudeForIndex(next);
double distanceM = distanceBetweenIndices(index, next);
double speedMSec = groundSpeedForAltitude(fixedAlt) * SG_KT_TO_MPS;
double minutes = (distanceM / speedMSec) / 60.0;
PerformanceBracketVec::const_iterator it = findPerformanceBracket(fixedAlt);
return fixedAlt + (it->descentRateFPM * minutes);
} else {
// climb
int prev = findPreceedingKnownAltitude(index);
if (prev < 0) {
return 0.0;
double fixedAlt = altitudeForIndex(prev);
double distanceM = distanceBetweenIndices(prev, index);
double speedMSec = groundSpeedForAltitude(fixedAlt) * SG_KT_TO_MPS;
double minutes = (distanceM / speedMSec) / 60.0;
PerformanceBracketVec::const_iterator it = findPerformanceBracket(fixedAlt);
return fixedAlt + (it->climbRateFPM * minutes);
int findPreceedingKnownAltitude(int index) const
const WayptData& w(waypoints[index]);
if (w.wpt->altitudeRestriction() == RESTRICT_AT) {
return index;
// principal base case is runways.
const std::string& ty(w.wpt->type());
if (ty == "runway") {
return index; // runway always has a known elevation
if (index == 0) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "findPreceedingKnownAltitude: no preceeding altitude value found");
return -1;
// recurse earlier in the route
return findPreceedingKnownAltitude(index - 1);
int findNextKnownAltitude(int index) const
if (index >= waypoints.size()) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "findNextKnownAltitude: no next altitude value found");
return -1;
const WayptData& w(waypoints[index]);
if (w.wpt->altitudeRestriction() == RESTRICT_AT) {
return index;
// principal base case is runways.
const std::string& ty(w.wpt->type());
if (ty == "runway") {
return index; // runway always has a known elevation
if (index == waypoints.size() - 1) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "findNextKnownAltitude: no next altitude value found");
return -1;
return findNextKnownAltitude(index + 1);
double altitudeForIndex(int index) const
const WayptData& w(waypoints[index]);
if (w.wpt->altitudeRestriction() != RESTRICT_NONE) {
return w.wpt->altitudeFt();
const std::string& ty(w.wpt->type());
if (ty == "runway") {
FGRunway* rwy = static_cast<RunwayWaypt*>(w.wpt.get())->runway();
return rwy->threshold().getElevationFt();
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "altitudeForIndex: waypoint has no explicit altitude");
return 0.0;
double groundSpeedForAltitude(double altitude) const
#if 0
if (0) {
PerformanceBracketVec::const_iterator it = findPerformanceBracket(altitude);
double mach;
if (it->speedIsMach) {
mach = it->speedIASOrMach; // easy
} else {
const double Cs_0 = 661.4786; // speed of sound at sea level, knots
const double P_0 = 29.92126;
const double P = P_0 * pow(, );
// convert IAS (which we will treat as CAS) to Mach based on altitude
double oatK;
double Cs = sqrt(SG_gamma * SG_R_m2_p_s2_p_K * oatK);
double tas = mach * Cs;
#if 0
P_0= 29.92126 "Hg = 1013.25 mB = 2116.2166 lbs/ft^2
P= P_0*(1-6.8755856*10^-6*PA)^5.2558797, pressure altitude, PA<36,089.24ft
CS= 38.967854*sqrt(T+273.15) where T is the (static/true) OAT in Celsius.
DP=P_0*((1 + 0.2*(IAS/CS_0)^2)^3.5 -1)
M=(5*( (DP/P + 1)^(2/7) -1) )^0.5 (*)
return 250.0;
double distanceBetweenIndices(int from, int to) const
double total = 0.0;
for (int i=from+1; i<= to; ++i) {
total += waypoints[i].pathDistanceM;
return total;
void initPerfData()
// assume category C/D aircraft for now
perf.push_back(PerformanceBracket(4000, 1800, 1800, 180));
perf.push_back(PerformanceBracket(10000, 1800, 1800, 230));
perf.push_back(PerformanceBracket(18000, 1200, 1800, 270));
perf.push_back(PerformanceBracket(60000, 800, 1200, 0.85, true /* is Mach */));
}; // of RoutePathPrivate class
RoutePath::RoutePath(const flightgear::WayptVec& wpts) :
d(new RoutePathPrivate)
WayptVec::const_iterator it;
for (it = wpts.begin(); it != wpts.end(); ++it) {
RoutePath::RoutePath(const flightgear::FlightPlan* fp)
RoutePath::RoutePath(const flightgear::FlightPlan* fp) :
d(new RoutePathPrivate)
for (int l=0; l<fp->numLegs(); ++l) {
void RoutePath::commonInit()
_pathClimbFPM = 1200;
_pathDescentFPM = 800;
_pathIAS = 190;
_pathTurnRate = 3.0; // 3 deg/sec = 180def/min = standard rate turn
_pathTurnRate = 3.0; // 3 deg/sec = 180deg/min = standard rate turn
WayptDataVec::iterator it;
for (it = d->waypoints.begin(); it != d->waypoints.end(); ++it) {
for (unsigned int i=1; i<d->waypoints.size(); ++i) {
WayptData* nextPtr = ((i + 1) < d->waypoints.size()) ? &d->waypoints[i+1] : 0;
d->waypoints[i].initPass1(d->waypoints[i-1], nextPtr);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<d->waypoints.size(); ++i) {
const WayptData& prev(d->waypoints[i-1]);
double alt = 0.0; // FIXME
double gs = d->groundSpeedForAltitude(alt);
double radiusM = ((360.0 / _pathTurnRate) * gs * SG_KT_TO_MPS) / SGMiscd::twopi();
if (i < (d->waypoints.size() - 1)) {
WayptData& next(d->waypoints[i+1]);
if (!next.legCourseValid && next.posValid) {
// compute leg course now our own position is valid
next.legCourse = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(d->waypoints[i].pos, next.pos);
next.legCourseValid = true;
if (next.legCourseValid) {
d->waypoints[i].computeTurn(radiusM, prev, next);
} else {
// next waypoint has indeterminate course. Let's create a sharp turn
// this can happen when the following point is ATC vectors, for example.
d->waypoints[i].turnEntryPos = d->waypoints[i].pos;
d->waypoints[i].turnExitPos = d->waypoints[i].pos;
} else {
// final waypt, fix up some data
d->waypoints[i].turnEntryPos = d->waypoints[i].pos;
d->waypoints[i].turnExitPos = d->waypoints[i].pos;
// now turn is computed, can resolve distances
d->waypoints[i].pathDistanceM = computeDistanceForIndex(i);
SGGeodVec RoutePath::pathForIndex(int index) const
@ -99,24 +633,21 @@ SGGeodVec RoutePath::pathForIndex(int index) const
return SGGeodVec(); // no path for first waypoint
if (_waypts[index]->type() == "vectors") {
const WayptData& w(d->waypoints[index]);
const std::string& ty(w.wpt->type());
if (ty == "vectors") {
return SGGeodVec(); // empty
if (_waypts[index]->type() == "hold") {
return pathForHold((Hold*) _waypts[index].get());
if (ty== "hold") {
return pathForHold((Hold*) d->waypoints[index].wpt.get());
SGGeodVec r;
SGGeod from, to;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index-1, from)) {
return SGGeodVec();
d->waypoints[index - 1].turnExitPath(r);
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index, to)) {
return SGGeodVec();
SGGeod from = d->waypoints[index - 1].turnExitPos,
to = w.turnEntryPos;
// compute rounding offset, we want to round towards the direction of travel
// which depends on the east/west sign of the longitude change
@ -125,12 +656,17 @@ SGGeodVec RoutePath::pathForIndex(int index) const
interpolateGreatCircle(from, to, r);
if (w.flyOver) {
} else {
// flyBy
if (_waypts[index]->type() == "runway") {
if (ty == "runway") {
// runways get an extra point, at the end. this is particularly
// important so missed approach segments draw correctly
FGRunway* rwy = static_cast<RunwayWaypt*>(_waypts[index].get())->runway();
FGRunway* rwy = static_cast<RunwayWaypt*>(w.wpt.get())->runway();
@ -163,13 +699,7 @@ void RoutePath::interpolateGreatCircle(const SGGeod& aFrom, const SGGeod& aTo, S
SGGeod RoutePath::positionForIndex(int index) const
SGGeod r;
bool ok = computedPositionForIndex(index, r);
if (!ok) {
return SGGeod();
return r;
return d->waypoints[index].pos;
SGGeodVec RoutePath::pathForHold(Hold* hold) const
@ -177,14 +707,16 @@ SGGeodVec RoutePath::pathForHold(Hold* hold) const
int turnSteps = 16;
double hdg = hold->inboundRadial();
double turnDelta = 180.0 / turnSteps;
double altFt = 0.0; // FIXME
double gsKts = d->groundSpeedForAltitude(altFt);
SGGeodVec r;
double az2;
double stepTime = turnDelta / _pathTurnRate; // in seconds
double stepDist = _pathIAS * (stepTime / 3600.0) * SG_NM_TO_METER;
double stepDist = gsKts * (stepTime / 3600.0) * SG_NM_TO_METER;
double legDist = hold->isDistance() ?
: _pathIAS * (hold->timeOrDistance() / 3600.0);
: gsKts * (hold->timeOrDistance() / 3600.0);
legDist *= SG_NM_TO_METER;
if (hold->isLeftHanded()) {
@ -210,244 +742,48 @@ SGGeodVec RoutePath::pathForHold(Hold* hold) const
return r;
bool RoutePath::computedPositionForIndex(int index, SGGeod& r) const
if ((index < 0) || (index >= (int) _waypts.size())) {
throw sg_range_exception("waypt index out of range",
WayptRef w = _waypts[index];
if (!w->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) {
r = w->position();
return true;
if (w->type() == "radialIntercept") {
// radial intersection along track
SGGeod prev;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index - 1, prev)) {
return false;
SGGeoc prevGc = SGGeoc::fromGeod(prev);
SGGeoc navid = SGGeoc::fromGeod(w->position());
SGGeoc rGc;
double magVar = magVarFor(prev);
RadialIntercept* i = (RadialIntercept*) w.get();
double radial = i->radialDegMagnetic() + magVar;
double track = i->courseDegMagnetic() + magVar;
bool ok = geocRadialIntersection(prevGc, track, navid, radial, rGc);
if (!ok) {
return false;
r = SGGeod::fromGeoc(rGc);
return true;
} else if (w->type() == "dmeIntercept") {
// find the point along the DME track, from prev, that is the correct distance
// from the DME
SGGeod prev;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index - 1, prev)) {
return false;
DMEIntercept* di = (DMEIntercept*) w.get();
SGGeoc prevGc = SGGeoc::fromGeod(prev);
SGGeoc navid = SGGeoc::fromGeod(w->position());
double distRad = di->dmeDistanceNm() * SG_NM_TO_RAD;
SGGeoc rGc;
SGGeoc bPt;
double crs = di->courseDegMagnetic() + magVarFor(prev);
SGGeodesy::advanceRadM(prevGc, crs, 100 * SG_NM_TO_RAD, bPt);
double dNm = pointsKnownDistanceFromGC(prevGc, bPt, navid, distRad);
if (dNm < 0.0) {
return false;
double az2;
SGGeodesy::direct(prev, crs, dNm * SG_NM_TO_METER, r, az2);
return true;
} else if (w->type() == "hdgToAlt") {
HeadingToAltitude* h = (HeadingToAltitude*) w.get();
double climb = h->altitudeFt() - computeAltitudeForIndex(index - 1);
double d = distanceForClimb(climb);
SGGeod prevPos;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index - 1, prevPos)) {
return false;
double hdg = h->headingDegMagnetic() + magVarFor(prevPos);
double az2;
SGGeodesy::direct(prevPos, hdg, d * SG_NM_TO_METER, r, az2);
return true;
} else if (w->type() == "vectors"){
// return position of next point (which is presumably static fix/wpt)
// however, a missed approach might end with VECTORS, so tolerate that case
if (index + 1 >= _waypts.size()) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_INFO, "route ends with VECTORS, no position");
return false;
WayptRef nextWp = _waypts[index+1];
if (nextWp->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_INFO, "dynamic WP following VECTORS, no position");
return false;
r = nextWp->position();
return true;
} else if (w->type() == "hold") {
r = w->position();
return true;
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_INFO, "RoutePath::computedPositionForIndex: unhandled type:" << w->type());
return false;
double RoutePath::computeDistanceForIndex(int index) const
if ((index < 0) || (index >= (int) _waypts.size())) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= (int) d->waypoints.size())) {
throw sg_range_exception("waypt index out of range",
if (index + 1 >= (int) _waypts.size()) {
// final waypoint, distance is 0
if (index == 0) {
// first waypoint, distance is 0
return 0.0;
WayptRef w = _waypts[index],
nextWp = _waypts[index+1];
// common case, both waypoints are static
if (!w->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC) && !nextWp->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) {
return SGGeodesy::distanceM(w->position(), nextWp->position());
SGGeod wPos, nextPos;
bool ok = computedPositionForIndex(index, wPos),
nextOk = computedPositionForIndex(index + 1, nextPos);
if (ok && nextOk) {
return SGGeodesy::distanceM(wPos, nextPos);
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_INFO, "RoutePath::computeDistanceForIndex: unhandled arrangement:"
<< w->type() << " followed by " << nextWp->type());
return 0.0;
double RoutePath::computeAltitudeForIndex(int index) const
if ((index < 0) || (index >= (int) _waypts.size())) {
throw sg_range_exception("waypt index out of range",
WayptRef w = _waypts[index];
if (w->altitudeRestriction() != RESTRICT_NONE) {
return w->altitudeFt(); // easy!
if (w->type() == "runway") {
FGRunway* rwy = static_cast<RunwayWaypt*>(w.get())->runway();
return rwy->threshold().getElevationFt();
} else if ((w->type() == "hold") || (w->type() == "vectors")) {
// pretend we don't change altitude in holds/vectoring
return computeAltitudeForIndex(index - 1);
double prevAlt = computeAltitudeForIndex(index - 1);
// find distance to previous, and hence climb/descent
SGGeod pos, prevPos;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index, pos) ||
!computedPositionForIndex(index - 1, prevPos))
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "unable to compute position for waypoints");
throw sg_range_exception("unable to compute position for waypoints");
double d = SGGeodesy::distanceNm(prevPos, pos);
double tMinutes = (d / _pathIAS) * 60.0; // (nm / knots) * 60 = time in minutes
double deltaFt; // change in altitude in feet
if (w->flag(WPT_ARRIVAL) && !w->flag(WPT_MISS)) {
deltaFt = -_pathDescentFPM * tMinutes;
double dist = SGGeodesy::distanceM(d->waypoints[index-1].turnExitPos,
if (d->waypoints[index-1].flyOver) {
// all the turn distance counts towards this leg
dist += d->waypoints[index-1].turnDistanceM();
} else {
deltaFt = _pathClimbFPM * tMinutes;
// add half of turn distance
dist += d->waypoints[index-1].turnDistanceM() * 0.5;
return prevAlt + deltaFt;
if (!d->waypoints[index].flyOver) {
// add half turn distance
dist += d->waypoints[index].turnDistanceM() * 0.5;
double RoutePath::computeTrackForIndex(int index) const
return dist;
double RoutePath::trackForIndex(int index) const
if ((index < 0) || (index >= (int) _waypts.size())) {
throw sg_range_exception("waypt index out of range",
return d->waypoints[index].legCourse;
WayptRef w = _waypts[index];
if (w->type() == "radialIntercept") {
RadialIntercept* r = (RadialIntercept*) w.get();
return r->courseDegMagnetic();
} else if (w->type() == "dmeIntercept") {
DMEIntercept* d = (DMEIntercept*) w.get();
return d->courseDegMagnetic();
} else if (w->type() == "hdgToAlt") {
HeadingToAltitude* h = (HeadingToAltitude*) w.get();
return h->headingDegMagnetic();
} else if (w->type() == "hold") {
Hold* h = (Hold*) w.get();
return h->inboundRadial();
} else if (w->type() == "vectors") {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "asked for track from VECTORS");
throw sg_range_exception("asked for track from vectors waypt");
} else if (w->type() == "runway") {
FGRunway* rwy = static_cast<RunwayWaypt*>(w.get())->runway();
return rwy->headingDeg();
// final waypoint, use inbound course
if (index + 1 >= _waypts.size()) {
return computeTrackForIndex(index - 1);
// course based upon current and next pos
SGGeod pos, nextPos;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index, pos) ||
!computedPositionForIndex(index + 1, nextPos))
double RoutePath::distanceForIndex(int index) const
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "unable to compute position for waypoints");
throw sg_range_exception("unable to compute position for waypoints");
return d->waypoints[index].pathDistanceM;
return SGGeodesy::courseDeg(pos, nextPos);
double RoutePath::distanceForClimb(double climbFt) const
double RoutePath::distanceBetweenIndices(int from, int to) const
double t = 0.0; // in seconds
if (climbFt > 0.0) {
t = (climbFt / _pathClimbFPM) * 60.0;
} else if (climbFt < 0.0) {
t = (climbFt / _pathDescentFPM) * 60.0;
return d->distanceBetweenIndices(from, to);
return _pathIAS * (t / 3600.0);
double RoutePath::magVarFor(const SGGeod& geod) const
double jd = globals->get_time_params()->getJD();
return sgGetMagVar(geod, jd) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;

View file

@ -44,33 +44,27 @@ public:
SGGeod positionForIndex(int index) const;
double computeDistanceForIndex(int index) const;
double computeTrackForIndex(int index) const;
double trackForIndex(int index) const;
double distanceForIndex(int index) const;
double distanceBetweenIndices(int from, int to) const;
class RoutePathPrivate;
void commonInit();
class PathCtx;
double computeDistanceForIndex(int index) const;
SGGeodVec pathForHold(flightgear::Hold* hold) const;
bool computedPositionForIndex(int index, SGGeod& pos) const;
double computeAltitudeForIndex(int index) const;
void interpolateGreatCircle(const SGGeod& aFrom, const SGGeod& aTo, SGGeodVec& r) const;
* Find the distance (in Nm) to climb/descend a height in feet
double distanceForClimb(double climbFt) const;
double magVarFor(const SGGeod& gd) const;
RoutePathPrivate* d;
flightgear::WayptVec _waypts;
int _pathClimbFPM; ///< climb-rate to use for pathing
int _pathDescentFPM; ///< descent rate to use (feet-per-minute)
int _pathIAS; ///< IAS (knots) to use for pathing
double _pathTurnRate; ///< degrees-per-second, defaults to 3, i.e 180 in a minute

View file

@ -273,6 +273,8 @@ public:
double radialDegMagnetic() const
{ return _radial; }
virtual double headingRadialDeg() const
{ return courseDegMagnetic(); }
std::string _ident;
SGGeod _pos;